01 Change of our capital structure and company name


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PRESS RELEASE                                                             DENSO TEN
                                                                                       November 1, 2017

           Change of our capital structure and company name
  FUJITSU TEN LIMITED (Head Office: Kobe City, Hyogo; President & Representative Director: Akira
  Yamanaka) has changed its captal structure and company name today (on November 1).
  This change is implemented based on "Regarding the basic agreement concerning consideration for
  the change of the capital structure of FUJITSU TEN LIMITED" anounced by DENSO
  of FUJITSU TEN on September 9, 2016.

  New company name (trade name): "DENSO TEN Limited"

  New logo: PENSO TEN
  The origin of FUJITSU TEN was from the establishment of Kawanishi Machine Works back in 1920.
  The company was evolved into Kobe Industries Corporation, the predecessor of FUJITSU TEN,
  which was established in 1949. After Kobe Industries Corporation merged with FUJITSU LIMITED in
  1968, the radio department was separated from FUJITSU LIMITED;, and established as FUJITSU
  TEN LIMITED in 1972.
  Since then, we have provided various products and services as a car electronics manufacturer.
  Recently, we aim to change from "a supplier of stand—alone units" to "a system supplier that provides
  and proposes connected in—vehicle information equipment and services", and strengthen
  Vehicle—ICT business that creates new values.
  In the future, as a company of DENSO Group, we will further strengthen development of in—vehicle
  ECU (Electronic Control Unit), Millimeter wave radar, Advanced driving assistance / Automated
  driving technology, Electronic basis technology and others.

  "Company outline
                                        ,                            —
    Head office
    address          2—28, Gosho—dori 1—chome, Hyogo—ku, Kobe City, Japan
    date             October 25, 1972
    Capital                 sn
    stock            ¥5.3 billion
    year—end         March 31, annually
    Number      of                  ,       .
    employee         2,943 (consolidated: 10,238) KAs of end of March 2017
    Business         Development, manufacturing and sales of infotainment equipment and automotive
    description      electronics equipment
    arCSn,           ¥248.8 billion (consolidated: ¥383.6 billion) %The fiscal year ending March 31, 2017
   Change of the capital structure (investment ratio)
                                   Before change                                  After change
     DENSO CORPORATION                            10%                                 51%
       FUJITSU LIMITED                            55%                                 14%
           CORPORATION                            35%                                 35%
                                                                               «€Continued on page 2 >

~Origin of TEN
    The first president of Kawanishi Machine Works, Mr. Ryuzo Kawanishi who later became
    chairman, filed "TEN" as the company trademark in 1946.
    The "TEN" means "heavenly", in the sense of ultimate and supreme. The word comes from the
    passage "Sincerity is the way of heaven. To be sincerity is the way for the human", as
    stated in the classic Confucian text "Zhongyong", which represents our passion for "sincere
    business" and "creating and manufacturing of best possible products".
    Our corporate philosophy is to work with the utmost "sincerity" in order to contribute to our
    customers and society.

DENSO TEN Limited, established in 1972 with investment from Fujitsu Limited and with additional
investment from Toyota Motor Corporation and DENSO Corporation in 1973, is a leading manufacturer of
automotive electronics Industry. It is a globally—recognized manufacturer of car navigation and audio
systems, ECU for engine and airbag control, millimeter wave radar, mobile communication equipment and
so on. It is expanding its business globally by fulfilling orders for genuine products for Toyota and other
automobile manufactures both domestically and overseas. Consolidated sales totaled 383.6billion yen for
the fiscal year ending March 31, 2017.

For more information about the Group and its businesses, please visit website at

[Inquiries from the press]
Corporate Communications Dept.
URL : https://www.denso—ten.com/jp/support/formwm.html

Document Created: 2018-04-16 13:56:44
Document Modified: 2018-04-16 13:56:44

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