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HP Vancouver V. Miller Rey 1, 04/02/04                                                                         Copies to Partici                                    and HP Legal

                                                            CONFIDENTIAL DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT
In order to define obligations and waivers related to certain disclosed information, HP        Information from the time of disclosure until the earlier ofthe time when an
and the Participant identified below agree to the following:                                   Exception is satisfied or the Protection Period ends.
1. Agreement Coordinator. Each party designates the following person, if any, as its           (d) Non—Confidential Information is all Disclosed Information that is not
Agreement Coordinator for coordinating the disclosure or receipt of Disclosed                  Confidential Information. If specific Confidential Information satisfies an Exception,
Information:                                                                                   the specific Confidential Information becomes Non—Confidential Information from
HP {name, phone, e—mail): Lay—Eng Tay, (858) 655—3029, lay— _                    that time forward.
Participant {name, phone, e—mail): Anna Smith (858) 204—1843,               (e) An Exception is satisfied if the specific information: (i) was rightfully in
                                                                                               Recipient‘s possession prior to receipt from Discloser (ii) is publicly known or
2. HP Confidential Information.                                                                readily ascertainable by proper means, (ii) is rightfully received by Recipient from a
  (a) Confidential Information, ifany, disclosed by HP is described as.                        third party without a duty of confidentiality, (iv) is disclosed by Discloser to a third
  2017—2018 Ink Digital ASIC Portfolio specifications, includes but not limited to             party without a duty of confidentiality on the third party, {v) is independently
  clock system, dithering logic, design methodology, marketing information, build              developed or learned by Recipient, or {vi) is disclosed by Recipient with Discloser‘s
  schedules, timelines, volume. and other business and technical information relating          prior written approval.
  to the project.
  2017—2018 Ink Digital ASIC: Portfolio design data and code including. but not              6. Obligations,
  limited to, RTL code. compiling constraints. netlist. HP Imaging and Printing                (a) During the Protection Period only, Recipient will protect and ensure its
  Technology, HP Scanning and PrintingInterface. Thermal Inkjet Datapath. other VO             participating Associates will protect the Confidential Information by using the same
  specifications including but not limited to USB High Speed Host & Device.                    degree of care, but no less than a reasonable degree of care, to prevent the
  {b) Confidential Information disclosed by HP may be used by the Participant and its          unauthorized use, dissemination or publication of the Confidential Information as
  Associates, if any, only for the following purpose and subject to the Section 6              Recipient uses to protect its own confidential information of a like nature. Recipient
  obligations: For providing HP with design input, manufacturing information, pricing,         may reassign its employees. Recipient will provide reasonable prior notice to
   and other data related to production of the 2017—2018 Ink Digital ASIC Portfolio .          Discloser and will request a protective order if Recipient is required to revealthe
   Can use this information to design. developand manufacture the 2017—2018 Ink                Confidential Information under a subpoena, court order or other operation of law.
   Digital ASIC Portfolio for the sole purpose of selling 2016 Ink Digital ASIC                (b) Recipient will comply with all applicable export laws.,
   Portfolio to HP.                                                                            (c) At the end of the Protection Period, Recipient‘s obligations end.

3. Participant Confidential Information.                                                     7. Non—Confidential Information:; Waivers.
   (a) Confidential Information, if any, disclosed by Participant is described as               (a) Non—Confidential Information is not subject to confidentiality or trade secret
   Design. schedule. pricing and manufacturing information of the 2017—2018 Ink                 obtigations, and may be published, disclosed or used for any purpose, except that no
   Digifal ASIC Portfolio. Relevant CMOS technology tibrary including but not                   license under any patent, trademark, mask work or copyright is granted.
   limited to pads. standard cells library. all relevant Intellectual Properties either         (b) Discloser waives all claims or portions of claims that assert the confidentiality of,
   owned or licensed.                                                                           limitation of use of, breach of duty of care with respect to, or breach of this
   (b) Confidential Information disclosed by Participant may be used by HP and its              Agreement with respect to, Non—Confidential Information arising at any time or with
   Associates, if any, only for the following purpose and subject to the Section 6              respect to Confidential Information arising or continuing respectively after the end of
   obligations: HP can use this information to assist in developing products using the          the Protection Period.
   2017—2018 Ink Digital ASIC Portfolio.                                                       (c)} Any cause of action, whether in contract, tort or other, either arising under this
                                                                                               agreement or alleging the confidentiality of Disclosed Information, if litigated, will
4. Disclosure and Protection Periods.                                                          be litigated to the court; the parties will not request a jury trial; and the parties
   (a) The Begin Disclosure Date is: July 7. 2016.                                             irrevocably waive any right to a jury trial.
   (b) The Disclosure Period ends on the following date or at the end ofthe following
   time period: July 7. 2019.                                                                8. Choice of Law. Without regard to conflict of lawprovisions, this Agreementis
   (c) The Protection Period ends on the following date or at the end of the following       governed by and will be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of
   time period for all Confidential Information: July 7. 2020.                               Delaware and the USA unltess, if filled in here, then the laws of         N/A

5. Definitions.                                                                              9. Warranty. Each Discloser warrants that it has the right to make the disclosures
   {a) A Discloser is a party disclosing information. A Recipient is a party receiving
                                                                                             under this Agreement. Each Recipient warrants that its participating Associates will
   disclosed information. An Associate is a parent, a subsidiary or corporate affiliate of   protect Confidential Information in accordance with the terms of this Agreement,
   Recipient whether directly or indirectly owned, or a third party approved by discloser
                                                                                             THE PARTIES MAKE NO OTHER WARRANTIES. ANY DISCLOSED
   in writing and contractually bound to Recipient in accord with this Agreement.            INFORMATION IS PROVIDED "AS IS."
   (b) Disclosed Information is all information disclosed by the Discloser to the
   Recipient during the Disclosure Period.
   (c) Confidential Information is only Disclosed Information thatis:                        10. Miscellaneous. Neither party acquires any patent, copyright, mask work or
      (i) itemized in Section 2(a) or 3{a), or                                               trademark rights under this Agreement, including under Sections 2 or 3. This
      (ii) both described generally in Section 2(a) or 3(a) and                              Agreement imposes no obligation on either party to purchase, self, license, transfer or
         1) marked at the time of disclosure to show its confidential nature, or             otherwise dispose of any technology, services or products; does not create any agency
         2) unmarked (for example, oraily or visually disclosed) but treated as              or partnership relationship; may be added to or modified only in a writing signed by
         confidential at the time of disclosure, and described in detail and designated to   both parties; is the parties‘ complete and final agreement; supersedes all oral or implied
         show its confidential nature in a written message sent to Recipient‘s Agreement     agreements concerning the Disclosed Information; and may be signed in duplicate
         Coordinator within thirty days after disclosure;                                    originals, or in separate counterparts, which are effective as if the parties signed a
   except that Confidential Information does not include information that satisfies an       single original. A facsimile of an original signature transmitted to the other party is
   Exception before disclosure. Confidential Information is only Confidential                effective as if the original was sent to the other party.

Revised 2224/2000                                                                                                 Copies to Participant, Functional Manager,
                                                                                                         Agreement Coordinator and the HP Legal Department


Hewlett—Packard Company                                             Marvell Semiconductor. Inc
(Company Name)                                                       (Company Name)

Columbia Tech Center
1115 SE 164th Ave Columbia Center, Suite 210
Vancouver, Washington 98683                                        5488 Marvell Lane
{Address)                                                          Santa Clara CA 95054

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                                                                   By        y   rrtes
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(Functional Manager‘s Signature)                     (Date)
Vince Miller
 Custom Silicon Procurement Manager                   CDPS
(Title}                                               {Entity)

Document Created: 2016-10-20 15:33:13
Document Modified: 2016-10-20 15:33:13

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