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Users Manual

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Introduction: 802.11b/g/n WLAN Module, SDGOB-1091
User's Guide

Before you begin
Things you should know
SDGOB-1091 network

Before you begin

Obtain the following information from your network administrator (if you are a home user, obtain this information from the person that
installed your wireless access point):

      ●   Network names (SSID) of the specific wireless networks that you want to connect to.
      ●   WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) key information (if any) for the networks you want to connect to.
      ●   For Microsoft® Windows® networking, your customer name and workgroup name.
      ●   For your network account, your user name and password.
      ●   Your IP address (if not using a DHCP server)

Things you should know

When you start your computer, your SDGOB-1091 card detects certain wireless networks that are within range.
Before you can connect to these and other wireless networks, you must configure a profile for each network using the
information you obtained from your network administrator.

WEP is a security protocol for wireless local area networks (defined in the IEEE 802.11g standard) that encrypts data sent over radio
waves. The use of the WEP key is optional and can be enabled or disabled. If the network you are connecting to has enabled WEP, you
must also enable WEP in the network profile and set the WEP key to match the WEP key used by the network. Otherwise, you cannot
connect to the network.

Broadcom SDGOB-1091 network

The SDGOB-1091 card solution allows you to make a wireless connection to a network, as illustrated below.

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Using the Broadcom Wireless Utility: Broadcom AirForce™ 54g™ and Intensi-fi™ Wireless Network Adapter User Guide

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   Using the Broadcom Wireless Utility: Broadcom
   AirForce™ 54g™ and Intensi-fi™ Wireless Network
   Adapter User Guide


        Utility Components

   The Broadcom Wireless Utility enables you to do the following network tasks:

          ●    Manage your wireless networks and create network connection profiles (Wireless Networks tab)
          ●    Connect to available networks (utility icon in notification area)
          ●    Get information about the network status and signal and noise of your network connection (Link
               Status tab)
          ●    View current and accumulated statistics (Statistics tab)
          ●    Find out which broadcasting networks are in range and search for nonbroadcasting networks (Site
               Monitor tab)
          ●    Run tests on the wireless network adapter (Diagnostics tab)
          ●    Get date and version information about the utility, and software, hardware, and location details
               about your wireless network adapter (Information tab)
          ●    Manually add or delete trusted servers and enable the manual acceptance or rejection of auto-
               provisioning and A-ID group changes (Wireless Networks tab)
          ●    Manually import EAP-FAST PACs (Wireless Networks tab)

   In the utility, you can open Wireless Network Wizard to connect to a basic network or create an ad hoc
   network, or you can open the Wireless Network Connection Settings tool to connect to an advanced
   network. To do any of the other tasks, click the tab that is associated with the described task.

   To start using the utility, right-click the utility icon in the notification area, and then click Open Utility.
   If the icon is not available, open Broadcom Wireless Utility in Control Panel.

              NOTE: The utility icon may not appear exactly as shown here. See "Table 1. Signal
              Strength Indicated by the Broadcom Wireless Utility Icon."

   Utility Components
   Utility components include the utility icon in the notification area, the six utility tabs, and Wireless Network
   Connection Settings.

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Using the Broadcom Wireless Utility: Broadcom AirForce™ 54g™ and Intensi-fi™ Wireless Network Adapter User Guide

   Utility Icon

   To do any of the following tasks or operations, right-click the utility icon, and then click the appropriate

          ●   Open the on-line Broadcom AirForce™ 54g™ and Intensi-fi™ Wireless Network Adapter User Guide
              (Help Files)
          ●   Open About WLAN Card Utility to view links to Broadcom and Broadcom Customer Support websites
              and to view the version and date of the utility (About)
          ●   Hide the utility icon (Hide Tray Icon)
          ●   Disable or enable the radio (Disable/Enable Radio)
          ●   Connect to any of the networks for which you have created a connection profile and are within
              range (Connect To)
          ●   Open the utility to the Wireless Networks tab (Open Utility)
          ●   Open the utility to the Link Status tab to view information about the connection (Status)
          ●   Display a log of your wireless network events (Display Log)

   Wireless Networks Tab

   The Wireless Networks tab has tools that enable you to do the following:

          ●   Use the utility to manage your wireless networks
          ●   Add a network connection profile
          ●   Edit or remove a network connection profile
          ●   Change the order in which profiles are listed under Preferred network connections
          ●   Connect to any listed network without changing its order in the list
          ●   Disable or enable the radio (Disable/Enable Radio)
          ●   Show or hide the utility icon in the notification area
          ●   Choose which type of network to access
          ●   Lock or unlock a preferred network connection profile
          ●   Save your wireless network connection profiles as a WPN file
          ●   Import a WPN file
          ●   Manually add or delete trusted servers and enable the manual acceptance or rejection of auto-
              provisioning and A-ID group changes
          ●   Manually import EAP-FAST PACS

   On the Add menu, you can use either the wireless network wizard that is available from Broadcom
   Wireless Utility (see Connecting to a Basic Network or Creating an Ad Hoc Network Using the Wireless
   Network Wizard") or the utility (see "Connecting to an Advanced Network Using the Broadcom Wireless
   Utility") to add a network connection profile.

   To use the utility to manage your wireless networks, select the Let this tool manage your wireless
   networks check box.

   To add a network connection profile, click the Add arrow, and then click either Use Wizard (basic
   network) or Use Utility (advanced network).

   To edit or remove a network connection profile, right-click the network name, and then click either Edit or

   To change the order in which profiles are listed under Preferred network connections, click the network
   name, and then click either the up arrow or down arrow.

   To connect to any listed network without changing its order in the list, right-click the network name, and
   then click Connect.

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Using the Broadcom Wireless Utility: Broadcom AirForce™ 54g™ and Intensi-fi™ Wireless Network Adapter User Guide

   To disable the radio, clear the Enable radio check box. To enable the radio, select the Enable radio
   check box.

   To hide the utility icon              , clear the Show utility icon check box. To show the icon, select the Show
   utility icon check box.

   To choose the type of network to access, click the Options arrow, and then click Advanced.

   To lock or unlock a preferred network connection profile, right-click anywhere in the row that lists the
   network name, and then click Lock or Unlock, as appropriate.

           NOTE: You must have system or administrator rights to be able to lock or unlock a

   To save your wireless network connection profiles to a WPN file, click the Options arrow, and then click
   Export (see "Saving Preferred Network Connection Settings to a File" in "Connecting to an Advanced
   Network Using the Broadcom Wireless Utility."

   To import a WPN file, click the Options arrow, and then click Import (see "Importing a Preferred Network
   Connection Profiles File" in "Connecting to an Advanced Network Using the Broadcom Wireless Utility."

   Click Apply or OK after you change any of the settings for the change to take effect.

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Using the Broadcom Wireless Utility: Broadcom AirForce™ 54g™ and Intensi-fi™ Wireless Network Adapter User Guide

   For networks that use the EAP-FAST authentication method, the Wireless WLAN Card Utility automatically
   adds trusted servers to the trust list and accepts auto-provisioning and AID (A-ID) group changes by
   default. The utility also enables you to import a Protected Access Credential (PAC). From the utility, you
   can also manually add or delete trusted servers, enable the manual acceptance or rejection of auto-
   provisioning and A-ID group changes, or import or delete PACS, as described in the following instructions.
   In general, you should use the default settings. Therefore, check with the network administrator before you
   make any changes.

   To manually add a trusted server to the trust list

         1. Open Broadcom Wireless Utility.
         2. From the Wireless Networks tab, click Options, point to Cisco Compatible Extensions, and
            then click Administrator Settings.
         3. Click Add.
         4. Type the A-ID friendly name of the trusted server in the space provided, and then click OK.

   To delete a trusted server from the trust list

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Using the Broadcom Wireless Utility: Broadcom AirForce™ 54g™ and Intensi-fi™ Wireless Network Adapter User Guide

         1. Open Broadcom Wireless Utility.
         2. From the Wireless Networks tab, click Options, point to Cisco Compatible Extensions, and
            then click Administrator Settings.
         3. In the Trust list (A-ID), click the name of the trusted server you want to delete, and then click

   To change the default settings for administering Cisco Compatible Extensions

         1. Open Broadcom Wireless Utility.
         2. From the Wireless Networks tab, click Options, point to Cisco Compatible Extensions, and
            then click Administrator Settings.
         3. Clear the Disable auto-provision prompt check box to enable manual acceptance or rejection.
         4. Clear the Disable A-ID group change prompt check box to enable manual acceptance or
         5. Select the Auto-provision PAC only once check box to auto-provision a Protected Access
            Credential (PAC) only once.

   To import or remove an EAP-FAST PAC

         1. Open Broadcom Wireless Utility.
         2. From the Wireless Networks tab, click Options, point to Cisco Compatible Extensions, and
            then click Manage PACs.
         3. To import a PAC: in Protected Access Credentials, click Add, and then follow the on-screen

            NOTE: The PAC is password protected, so you must know the password to be able to import the


           To remove a PAC: click anywhere in the row that lists the PAC, and then click Remove.

   Link Status

   Network status and signal and noise information about your network connection is displayed on the Link
   Status tab.


                  ●   For IEEE 802.11n connections, speed is indicated by an MCS value.
                  ●   Radio Stream information is provided only for IEEE 802.11n connections.
                  ●   Click anywhere in the Signal & noise history box to change the type of history
                      being displayed. Successive clicks change the type from both signal and noise,
                      to noise only, to signal only, and back to both signal and noise.

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Using the Broadcom Wireless Utility: Broadcom AirForce™ 54g™ and Intensi-fi™ Wireless Network Adapter User Guide

   The status of your network connection is also indicated by the appearance of the utility icon  . The
   number and color of the radio waves indicates the strength or weakness of the signal (see Table 1. Signal
   Strength Indicated by the Broadcom Wireless Utility Icon for details).

   To view the network name (SSID), speed, signal strength rating, connection status, and the client IP
   address of the network connection, move your mouse pointer over the utility icon.

           NOTE: On computers running Windows XP, you also can view the SSID, speed, signal
           strength rating, and connection status by moving your mouse pointer over the

           Windows Wireless Network Connection icon                                   in the notification area.

     Table 1. Signal Strength Indicated by the Broadcom Wireless Utility Icon

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Using the Broadcom Wireless Utility: Broadcom AirForce™ 54g™ and Intensi-fi™ Wireless Network Adapter User Guide

                            Indicated Received Signal Strength

                            The signal strength is very good or excellent.

                            The signal strength is weak. See Troubleshooting for suggested action.

                            No signal is being received. See Troubleshooting for probable causes and suggested

                            The radio is disabled or switched off. See Troubleshooting for suggested action.


   On the Statistics tab under Current, the following current statistics are shown:

          ●   Network name (SSID)
          ●   Connection time
          ●   Packets sent
          ●   Packets received
          ●   Sent packets lost
          ●   Received packets lost
          ●   Total packets lost (%)

   Under Accumulated, the following accumulated statistics are shown:

          ●   Packets sent
          ●   Packets received
          ●   Sent packets lost
          ●   Received packets lost

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Using the Broadcom Wireless Utility: Broadcom AirForce™ 54g™ and Intensi-fi™ Wireless Network Adapter User Guide

   Site Monitor

   Basic Site Monitor

   On the Site Monitor tab, the basic Site Monitor displays information about wireless routers/APs and ad hoc
   networks that are within range. To sort the list, click the column heading that shows the characteristic you
   want to sort by. For example, to sort by signal strength, click Signal .

   To view information about a particular wireless router/AP or ad hoc network, click anywhere in the row that
   lists the wireless router/AP or ad hoc network. The network information is shown under Selected Network.
   To view or change the network connection settings for a particular wireless router/AP or ad hoc network,
   right-click anywhere in the row that lists the wireless router/AP or ad hoc network, and then click Edit—if
   you have not yet created a network connection profile for that particular wireless router/AP or ad hoc
   network and want to do so, click Add .

   To see the information elements for a listed AP or ad hoc network, right-click anywhere in the row that lists
   the AP or ad hoc network, and then click Show Information Elements.

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Using the Broadcom Wireless Utility: Broadcom AirForce™ 54g™ and Intensi-fi™ Wireless Network Adapter User Guide


                  ●   Nonbroadcasting networks are labeled (nonbroadcasting) under Network Name.
                  ●   The network performance may be degraded while Site Monitor is displaying
                      nonbroadcasting APs to which you are not currently connected.
                  ●   The symbols under AP Band indicate IEEE 802.11b, IEEE
                      802.11g, or IEEE 802.11n operation.

   To see more detailed information about a particular wireless router/AP or ad hoc network, click anywhere
   in the row that lists the wireless router/AP or ad hoc network, and then click Advanced.

   Advanced Site Monitor

   To save the activity log to a file, click the Options arrow, and then click Start Log.

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Using the Broadcom Wireless Utility: Broadcom AirForce™ 54g™ and Intensi-fi™ Wireless Network Adapter User Guide

   You can adjust the time interval between scans by clicking the Options arrow, and then clicking either one
   of the preset values or clicking Customize to specify a different time interval.

           NOTE: The network performance may be degraded while Site Monitor is displaying
           nonbroadcasting networks to which you are not currently connected.

   To view detailed network information for a single nonbroadcasting network, type the network name in the
   Look for box, and then click Find.

   To reset the site monitor to the broadcasting networks, click Clear.


   On the Diagnostics tab, you can run a number of tests to determine if your wireless network adapter is
   functioning properly. Select the tests you want to run, and then click Run. For information about an
   individual test, look under Information before you click Run. To see the test results, look under
   Information after you click Run.

           NOTE: The network connection is lost when you run the tests. When the test run is
           over, your network connection is automatically reestablished.

   Also, you can view a log of your wireless network events. To do so, click Log.

   Examples of wireless network events that are logged include:

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Using the Broadcom Wireless Utility: Broadcom AirForce™ 54g™ and Intensi-fi™ Wireless Network Adapter User Guide

          ●   Initiation of user session
          ●   Connecting to a network
          ●   Disconnecting from current network
          ●   Authentication mode being used
          ●   Driver status
          ●   Supplicant status
          ●   New wireless device available
          ●   Initializing wireless state machine
          ●   Wireless utility is managing this adapter
          ●   Wireless utility is not managing this adapter

   If your Broadcom 802.11 Network Adapter fails any of the diagnostics tests, go to http://www.broadcom.
   com/ for technical support.


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Using the Broadcom Wireless Utility: Broadcom AirForce™ 54g™ and Intensi-fi™ Wireless Network Adapter User Guide

   The following information is displayed on the Information tab:

          ●   Software details
          ●   Hardware details
          ●   Location details (shows the country for which the driver is installed and the channels supported for
              that location)

   Wireless Network Connection Settings

   The Wireless Network Connection Settings component is intended for use by advanced users or network
   administrators. You can use Wireless Network Connection Settings to create a connection profile for an
   advanced infrastructure network, a basic infrastructure network, or an ad hoc network (see " Connecting to
   an Advanced Network Using the Broadcom Wireless Utility").

   Back to Contents Page

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                     Regulatory Statements for SDGOB-1091

USA-Federal Communications Commission (FCC)

This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital
device, pursuant to Part 15 of FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable
protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment
generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy. If not installed and used in
accordance with the instructions, it may cause harmful interference to radio
communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a
particular installation.

If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which
can be determined by tuning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try and
correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:

-Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna
-Increase the distance between the equipment and the receiver.
-Connect the equipment to outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is
-Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for
compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.

Caution: Exposure to Radio Frequency Radiation.
To comply with FCC RF exposure compliance requirements, for mobile configurations, a
separation distance of at least 20 cm must be maintained between the antenna of this device and
all persons.

This device must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or

Canada – Industry Canada (IC)
This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.
Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.

Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause
interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that
may cause undesired operation of this device.”
L ‘ utilisation de ce dispositif est autorisée seulement aux conditions suivantes : (1) il ne
doit pas produire de brouillage et (2) l’ utilisateur du dispositif doit étre prêt à accepter
tout brouillage radioélectrique reçu, même si ce brouillage est susceptible de
compromettre le fonctionnement du dispositif.

To reduce potential radio interference to other users, the antenna type and its gain should
be so chosen that the equivalent isotropically radiated power (EIRP) is not more than that
required for successful communication.

Caution: Exposure to Radio Frequency Radiation.
To comply with RSS 102 RF exposure compliance requirements, for mobile
configurations, a separation distance of at least 20 cm must be maintained between the
antenna of this device and all persons. This device must not be co-located or operating in
conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.

This device has been designed to operate with the antennas listed below, and having a
maximum gain of 2.4 dBi @ 2.4GHz. Antennas not included in this list or having a gain
greater than 2.4 dBi @ 2.4GHz are strictly prohibited for use with this device.
The required antenna impedance is 50 ohms.

Europe—EU Declaration of Conformity and Restrictions
Hereby, Broadcom Corp, declares that this equipment complies with the essential requirements and
other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC.

This equipment is marked with the       0984             symbol and can be used throughout the
European community.

This indicates compliance with the R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC and meets the relevant parts of
following technical specifications:

EN 300 328 – Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM); Wideband
Transmission Systems; Data transmission equipment operating in the 2,4GHz ISM band and using
spread spectrum modulation techniques; Harmonized EN covering essential requirements under
article 3.2 of the R&TTE directive.

EN 301 893 - Broadband Radio Access Networks (BRAN); 5 GHz high performance RLAN;
Harmonized EN covering essential requirements of article 3.2 of the R&TTE Directive

EN 301 489-17 - Electromagnetic Compatibility and Radio Spectrum Matters (ERM); Electromagnetic
Compatibility (EMC) standard for radio equipment and services; Part 17 Specific Conditions for
Wideband Data and HIPERLAN Equipment.

EN 60950 - Safety of Information Technology Equipment.

EN 62311 – Assessment of electronic and electrical equipment related to human exposure restrictions
for electromagnetic fields (0Hz - 300 GHz).

Marking by the symbol        indicates that usage restrictions apply.

France - 2.4GHz for Metropolitan France :

In all Metropolitan départements, wireless LAN frequencies can be used under the following
conditions, either for public or private use:

· Indoor use: maximum power (EIRP*) of 100 mW for the entire 2400-2483.5 MHz frequency band

· Outdoor use: maximum power (EIRP*) of 100 mW for the 2400-2454 MHz band and with maximum
power (EIRP*) of 10 mW for the 2454-2483 MHz band

Caution: Exposure to Radio Frequency Radiation.

To comply with RF exposure compliance requirements, for mobile configurations, a separation distance

of at least 20 cm must be maintained between the antenna of this device and all persons.

Taiwan NCC warning statement




模組認證合格標簽 (ID):
“      CCXXxxLPyyyZz"


“內含射頻模          CCXXxxLPyyyZz” .

Document Created: 2010-10-15 11:06:47
Document Modified: 2010-10-15 11:06:47

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