MPE report


RF Exposure Info

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Related Submittal(s) / Grant (s)
           This submittal(s) (test report) is intended to comply with § 2.1091 Radiofrequency radiation
           exposure evaluation: mobile devices of the FCC CFR 47 Rules, CFR 1.1310 (b) Radio fre-
           quency Radiation Exposure Requirement.

Special Accessories
           Not available for this EUT intended for grant

Equipment Modifications
             Not available for this EUT intended for grant.

                   Frequency                        Electric Field    Magnetic Field     Power Density                                                     Averaging Time
                  Range (MHz)                       Strength (V/m) Strength (A/m)           (mW/cm2)                                                          (minute)
                                                      Limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure
                       0.3-1.34                               614                             1.63                            *(100)                                    30
                        1.34-30                              824/f                           2.19/f                         *(180/f2 )                                  3
                        30-300                               27.5                            0.073                               0.2                                    30
                      300-1500                                   /                                /                          F/1500                                     30
                    1500-15000                                   /                               /                               1.0                                    30
                F = frequency in MHz
                * = Plane-wave equipment power density

Exposure (MPE) Evaluation
           The evaluation and calculation as deduces below presents only worst-case that produces
           highest value of the result:
           Where: S = Power density
                  P = Power input to antenna
                  G = Power gain of the antenna in the direction of interest relative to an isotropic radiator
                           R = Distance to the center of radiation of the antenna

Unless otherwise stated the results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested and such sample(s) are retained for 90 days only.
This document is issued by the Company subject to its General Conditions of Service printed overleaf, available on request or accessible at and, for electronic
format documents, subject to Terms and Conditions for Electronic Documents at Attention is drawn to the limitation of liability, indemnification and jurisdiction
issues defined therein. Any holder of this document is advised that information contained hereon reflects the Company’s findings at the time of its intervention only and within the limits of Client’s
instructions, if any. The Company’s sole responsibility is to its Client and this document does not exonerate parties to a transaction from exercising all their rights and obligations under the transaction
documents. This document cannot be reproduced except in full, without prior written approval of the Company. Any unauthorized alteration, forgery or falsification of the content or appearance of this
document is unlawful and offenders may be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
                                          SGS Taiwan Ltd.       No.134,WuKungRoad,NewTaipeiIndustrialPark,WukuDistrict,NewTaipeiCity,Taiwan24803/新北市五股區新北產業園區五工路 134 號
                           台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司                        t (886-2) 2299-3279                      f (886-2) 2298-0488           
                                                                                                                                                      Member of SGS Group

  Worst case Max Power of each band

                                                                                    Max Con-                                                   FCC Power
                                                                                                              Max                                                         FCC MPE
                                                              Frequency              ducted                                   Duty               Density
                         Technology                                                                          Gain                                                           Limit
                                                                (MHz)                Power                                    Cycle              @20cm
                                                                                                             (dBi)                                                       (mW/cm^2)
                                                                                     (dBm)                                                     (mW/cm^2)
                      BT                                           2441               11.50                  -2.73              100              0.00150                      1.000
           WLAN Main Ant. Worst case                               5520               20.00                  0.48               100              0.02223                      1.000
           WLAN Aux Ant. Worst case                                5520               20.00                   0.81              100              0.02399                      1.000
            LTE B41 (Worst case at
                                                                 2640.3                 25.00                2.65               100               0.11586                      1.000
            Freq. Above 1500MHz)
            LTE B12 (Worst case at
                                                                   699.7                24.00                -2.96              100               0.02529                      0.466
            Freq. Below 1500MHz)

The predicted power density level of all scenarios are below the uncontrolled exposurelimit.

Unless otherwise stated the results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested and such sample(s) are retained for 90 days only.
This document is issued by the Company subject to its General Conditions of Service printed overleaf, available on request or accessible at and, for electronic
format documents, subject to Terms and Conditions for Electronic Documents at Attention is drawn to the limitation of liability, indemnification and jurisdiction
issues defined therein. Any holder of this document is advised that information contained hereon reflects the Company’s findings at the time of its intervention only and within the limits of Client’s
instructions, if any. The Company’s sole responsibility is to its Client and this document does not exonerate parties to a transaction from exercising all their rights and obligations under the transaction
documents. This document cannot be reproduced except in full, without prior written approval of the Company. Any unauthorized alteration, forgery or falsification of the content or appearance of this
document is unlawful and offenders may be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
                                          SGS Taiwan Ltd.       No.134,WuKungRoad,NewTaipeiIndustrialPark,WukuDistrict,NewTaipeiCity,Taiwan24803/新北市五股區新北產業園區五工路 134 號
                           台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司                        t (886-2) 2299-3279                      f (886-2) 2298-0488           
                                                                                                                                                      Member of SGS Group

Collocated MPE Analysis
         The device may transmit simultaneously with other collocated radio transmitters within a host
         device, provided the following conditions are met:

         • Each collocated radio transmitter has been certified by FCC for mobile application (that will
         be met since module will have its own FCC ID and host device will have its own FCC ID)

         • At least 20 cm separation distance between the antennas of the collocated transmitters and
         the user’s body must be maintained at all times (host installation should taking care of that)

         The output power and antenna gain in a collocated configuration must not exceed the limits
         and configurations stipulated in the following table 1. The power density calculations for the
         individual transmitters per wireless technology at an exposure minimum separation distance of

         Exclusion of test condition:
         Simultaneous transmission MPE test exclusion applies when the sum of the MPE ratios for all
         simultaneous transmitting antennas incorporated in a host device, based on calculated or
         measured field strengths or power density, is ≤ 1.0.

         ΣMPE ratio1 + MPE ratio2+MPE ration <=1.0
           The spreadsheet as FCC deduces, and releases is employed to conduct the measurement:

Unless otherwise stated the results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested and such sample(s) are retained for 90 days only.
This document is issued by the Company subject to its General Conditions of Service printed overleaf, available on request or accessible at and, for electronic
format documents, subject to Terms and Conditions for Electronic Documents at Attention is drawn to the limitation of liability, indemnification and jurisdiction
issues defined therein. Any holder of this document is advised that information contained hereon reflects the Company’s findings at the time of its intervention only and within the limits of Client’s
instructions, if any. The Company’s sole responsibility is to its Client and this document does not exonerate parties to a transaction from exercising all their rights and obligations under the transaction
documents. This document cannot be reproduced except in full, without prior written approval of the Company. Any unauthorized alteration, forgery or falsification of the content or appearance of this
document is unlawful and offenders may be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
                                          SGS Taiwan Ltd.       No.134,WuKungRoad,NewTaipeiIndustrialPark,WukuDistrict,NewTaipeiCity,Taiwan24803/新北市五股區新北產業園區五工路 134 號
                           台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司                        t (886-2) 2299-3279                      f (886-2) 2298-0488           
                                                                                                                                                      Member of SGS Group

           Worst case Max Power of each band

                                                                                                                                       FCC Power
                                                                  Max Con-                                 Max                                                    FCC MPE
                                                      Frequency                                                         Duty             Density
                         Technology                             ducted Power                              Gain                                                      Limit
                                                        (MHz)                                                           Cycle            @20cm
                                                                   (dBm)                                  (dBi)                                                  (mW/cm^2)
                            BT                             2441                    11.50                  -2.73           100            0.00150                      1.000
                     WLAN Main Ant.
                                                           5520                    20.00                  0.48            100              0.02223                    1.000
                         Worst case
                      WLAN Aux Ant.
                                                           5520                    20.00                  0.81            100              0.02399                    1.000
                         Worst case
                      LTE B41 (Worst
                       case at Freq.                      2640.3                   25.00                  2.65            100              0.11586                    1.000
                     Above 1500MHz)
                      LTE B12 (Worst
                     case at Freq. Be-                     699.7                   24.00                  -2.96           100              0.02529                    0.466
                       low 1500MHz)

Evaluation is based on below combination that the device capable of transmitting simultaneously.

                                                                               Scenario                                   1            2

                                                                         BT                                              V             V
                                                                   WLAN Main Ant.
                                                                      Worst case
                                                                                                                         V             V
                                                               WLAN Aux Ant. Worst case                                  V             V
                                                             LTE B41 (Worst case at Freq.
                                                                   Above 1500MHz)
                                                              LTE B12 (Worst case at Freq.
                                                                   Below 1500MHz)

Unless otherwise stated the results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested and such sample(s) are retained for 90 days only.
This document is issued by the Company subject to its General Conditions of Service printed overleaf, available on request or accessible at and, for electronic
format documents, subject to Terms and Conditions for Electronic Documents at Attention is drawn to the limitation of liability, indemnification and jurisdiction
issues defined therein. Any holder of this document is advised that information contained hereon reflects the Company’s findings at the time of its intervention only and within the limits of Client’s
instructions, if any. The Company’s sole responsibility is to its Client and this document does not exonerate parties to a transaction from exercising all their rights and obligations under the transaction
documents. This document cannot be reproduced except in full, without prior written approval of the Company. Any unauthorized alteration, forgery or falsification of the content or appearance of this
document is unlawful and offenders may be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
                                          SGS Taiwan Ltd.       No.134,WuKungRoad,NewTaipeiIndustrialPark,WukuDistrict,NewTaipeiCity,Taiwan24803/新北市五股區新北產業園區五工路 134 號
                           台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司                        t (886-2) 2299-3279                      f (886-2) 2298-0488           
                                                                                                                                                      Member of SGS Group

Scenario 1:
BT + WLAN Main Ant. Worst case + WLAN Aux Ant. Worst case + LTE B41 (Worst case at Freq. Above 1500MHz)
                                                                                                                                             LTE B41                 LTE B41
                                                                                                                                              (Worst                  (Worst
                                             WLAN                     WLAN       WLAN                WLAN
              FCC MPE                                        FCC MPE                       FCC MPE                                             case         FCC MPE    case
   BT                             BT        Main Ant.                Main Ant. Aux Ant.             Aux Ant.                                                                                Total       FCC Limit
                limit                                          limit                         limit                                           at Freq.         limit  at Freq.
                                            Worst case               Worst case Worst case         Worst case
                                                                                                                                              Above                   Above
                                                                                                                                            1500MHz)                1500MHz)
                                                                                                                                                                              / MPE
(mW/cm^2) (mW/cm^2) / MPE limit             (mW/cm^2)        (mW/cm^2)       / MPE limit    (mW/cm^2) (mW/cm^2)              / MPE limit (mW/cm^2) (mW/cm^2)                            (mW/cm^2) (mW/cm^2)

 0.0015        1.0000         0.0015          0.0222          1.0000          0.0222          0.0240         1.0000          0.0240          0.1159          1.0000        0.1159         0.1636             1

Scenario 2:
BT + WLAN Main Ant. Worst case + WLAN Aux Ant. Worst case + LTE B12 (Worst case at Freq. Below 1500MHz)
                                                                                                                                 LTE B12     LTE B12
                                                                                                                                  (Worst      (Worst
                                            WLAN Main           WLAN      WLAN Aux          WLAN Aux
              FCC MPE                                  FCC MPE                      FCC MPE                            FCC MPE case at        case at
   BT                             BT        Ant. Worst         Main Ant. Ant. Worst         Ant. Worst                                      Total    FCC Limit
                limit                                    limit                        limit                              limit     Freq.    Freq. Be-
                                              case             Worst case   case              case
                                                                                                                                  Below         low
                                                                                                                                1500MHz)    1500MHz)
                                / MPE                                                                                              / MPE
(mW/cm^2) (mW/cm^2)                         (mW/cm^2) (mW/cm^2) / MPE limit (mW/cm^2) (mW/cm^2) / MPE limit (mW/cm^2) (mW/cm^2)           (mW/cm^2) (mW/cm^2)
                                 limit                                                                                              limit
 0.0015        1.0000         0.0015          0.0222          1.0000          0.0222          0.0240         1.0000          0.0240          0.0253          0.4665        0.0542         0.1019             1

    Unless otherwise stated the results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested and such sample(s) are retained for 90 days only.
    This document is issued by the Company subject to its General Conditions of Service printed overleaf, available on request or accessible at and, for electronic
    format documents, subject to Terms and Conditions for Electronic Documents at Attention is drawn to the limitation of liability, indemnification and jurisdiction
    issues defined therein. Any holder of this document is advised that information contained hereon reflects the Company’s findings at the time of its intervention only and within the limits of Client’s
    instructions, if any. The Company’s sole responsibility is to its Client and this document does not exonerate parties to a transaction from exercising all their rights and obligations under the transaction
    documents. This document cannot be reproduced except in full, without prior written approval of the Company. Any unauthorized alteration, forgery or falsification of the content or appearance of this
    document is unlawful and offenders may be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
                                              SGS Taiwan Ltd.       No.134,WuKungRoad,NewTaipeiIndustrialPark,WukuDistrict,NewTaipeiCity,Taiwan24803/新北市五股區新北產業園區五工路 134 號
                               台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司                        t (886-2) 2299-3279                      f (886-2) 2298-0488           
                                                                                                                                                          Member of SGS Group

Document Created: 2018-04-03 17:22:42
Document Modified: 2018-04-03 17:22:42

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