Test Report PCB LTE B30


Test Report

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            FCC RADIO TEST REPORT                                                   Report No. : FG912412D

               FCC RADIO TEST REPORT
          FCC ID                           : B94HNI29CPD
          Equipment                        : Notebook Computer
          Brand Name                       : HP
          Model Name                       : HSN-I29C
          Applicant                        : HP Inc.
                                             1501 Page Mill Road, Palo Alto CA 94304 USA
          Standard                         : FCC 47 CFR Part 2, Part 27(D)

The product was received on Jan. 24, 2019 and testing was started from Mar. 28, 2019 and completed
on Apr. 14, 2019. We, SPORTON INTERNATIONAL INC. EMC & Wireless Communications Laboratory,
would like to declare that the tested sample has been evaluated in accordance with the test
procedures given in ANSI / TIA-603-E and has been in compliance with the applicable technical

The report must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by
TAF or any agency of government.

The test results in this partial report apply exclusively to the tested model / sample. Without written
approval of SPORTON INTERNATIONAL INC. EMC & Wireless Communications Laboratory, the test
report shall not be reproduced except in full.

          Approved by: Jones Tsai
    SPORTON INTERNATIONAL INC. EMC & Wireless Communications Laboratory
                      No. 52, Huaya 1st Rd., Guishan Dist., Taoyuan City, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

TEL : 886-3-327-3456                                                        Page Number      : 1 of 14
FAX : 886-3-328-4978                                                        Issued Date      : Apr. 25, 2019
Report Template No.: BU5-FGLTE27D Version 2.4                               Report Version   : 01

               FCC RADIO TEST REPORT                                                                                          Report No. : FG912412D

                                                             Table of Contents
History of this test report ................................................................................................................................. 3
Summary of Test Result................................................................................................................................... 4
1 General Description ................................................................................................................................... 5
    1.1 Product Feature of Equipment Under Test ........................................................................................ 5
      1.2      Modification of EUT ........................................................................................................................... 5
      1.3      Testing Site ........................................................................................................................................ 5
     1.4 Applied Standards ............................................................................................................................. 6
2    Test Configuration of Equipment Under Test ......................................................................................... 7
     2.1 Test Mode .......................................................................................................................................... 7
      2.2      Connection Diagram of Test System ................................................................................................. 7
      2.3      Support Unit used in test configuration and system .......................................................................... 8
     2.4 Frequency List of Low/Middle/High Channels ................................................................................... 8
3    Conducted Test Items ................................................................................................................................ 9
     3.1 Measuring Instruments ...................................................................................................................... 9
     3.2 Conducted Output Power Measurement and EIRP Measurement ................................................. 10
4    Radiated Test Items ................................................................................................................................. 11
     4.1 Measuring Instruments .................................................................................................................... 11
   4.2 Radiated Spurious Emission Measurement .................................................................................... 12
5 List of Measuring Equipment .................................................................................................................. 13
6 Uncertainty of Evaluation ........................................................................................................................ 14
Appendix A. Test Results of Conducted Test
Appendix B. Test Results of Radiated Test
Appendix C. Test Setup Photographs

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Report Template No.: BU5-FGLTE27D Version 2.4                                                                     Report Version             : 01

            FCC RADIO TEST REPORT                                                 Report No. : FG912412D

                                    History of this test report

    Report No.          Version                             Description                    Issued Date

    FG912412D               01        Initial issue of report                              Apr. 25, 2019

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              FCC RADIO TEST REPORT                                                    Report No. : FG912412D

                                        Summary of Test Result

      Report      Ref Std.                                                    Result
                                                Test Items                                      Remark
      Clause      Clause                                                   (PASS/FAIL)

                                        Conducted Output Power
        3.2       §2.1046                                                  Reporting only         -
                                  and Effective Isotropic Radiated Power
                                                                                              Under limit
        4.2                            Radiated Spurious Emission              Pass           1.38 dB at
                §27.53 (a)(4)
                                                                                            11551.500 MHz

     Declaration of Conformity:
     The test results with all measurement uncertainty excluded are presented in accordance with the
     regulation limits or requirements declared by manufacturers.
     Comments and Explanations:
     The declared of product specification for EUT presented in the report are provided by the
     manufacturer, and the manufacturer takes all the responsibilities for the accuracy of product

     Reviewed by: Wii Chang
     Report Producer: Yimin Ho

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FAX : 886-3-328-4978                                                           Issued Date       : Apr. 25, 2019
Report Template No.: BU5-FGLTE27D Version 2.4                                  Report Version    : 01

            FCC RADIO TEST REPORT                                                     Report No. : FG912412D

1      General Description
1.1 Product Feature of Equipment Under Test
                                    Product Specification subjective to this standard
                                                 Brand Name: Fibocom
       Integrated WWAN Module
                                                 Model Name: L850-GL
       Antenna Type                              <Ant 1.>: PIFA Antenna
                                                 <Ant 2.>: PIFA Antenna

1.2 Modification of EUT
      No modifications are made to the EUT during all test items.

1.3 Testing Site
       Test Site                   SPORTON INTERNATIONAL INC.
                                   No.52, Huaya 1st Rd., Guishan Dist.,
                                   Taoyuan City, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
       Test Site Location
                                   TEL: +886-3-327-3456
                                   FAX: +886-3-328-4978
                                                                Sporton Site No.
       Test Site No.
       Test Engineer                                              George Chen
       Temperature                                                  24~25°C
       Relative Humidity                                            50~52%
      Note: The test site complies with ANSI C63.4 2014 requirement.

       Test Site                   SPORTON INTERNATIONAL INC.
                                   No.58, Aly. 75, Ln. 564, Wenhua 3rd, Rd., Guishan Dist.,
                                   Taoyuan City, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
       Test Site Location
                                   TEL: +886-3-327-0868
                                   FAX: +886-3-327-0855
                                                                Sporton Site No.
       Test Site No.
       Test Engineer                                    Hao Hsu, Fu Chen, and Ken Wu
       Temperature                                                  21~25°C
       Relative Humidity                                            51~58%
      Note: The test site complies with ANSI C63.4 2014 requirement.
      FCC Designation No. TW1190 and TW0007

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Report Template No.: BU5-FGLTE27D Version 2.4                                 Report Version   : 01

            FCC RADIO TEST REPORT                                                 Report No. : FG912412D

1.4 Applied Standards
      According to the specifications of the manufacturer, the EUT must comply with the requirements of the
      following standards:
       ANSI C63.26-2015
       47 CFR Part 2, Part 27(D)
       ANSI / TIA-603-E
       FCC KDB 971168 Power Meas License Digital Systems D01 v03r01
       FCC KDB 412172 D01 Determining ERP and EIRP v01r01
      Remark: All test items were verified and recorded according to the standards and without any deviation
      during the test.

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Report Template No.: BU5-FGLTE27D Version 2.4                             Report Version    : 01

              FCC RADIO TEST REPORT                                                                       Report No. : FG912412D

2        Test Configuration of Equipment Under Test
2.1 Test Mode
        Antenna port conducted and radiated test items listed below are performed according to KDB 971168
        D01 Power Meas. License Digital Systems v03r01 with maximum output power.
        For radiated measurement, pre-scanned in Notebook type and three orthogonal panels, X, Y, Z. The
        worst cases (Notebook type) were recorded in this report.
                                        Bandwidth (MHz)                       Modulation                  RB #              Test Channel
Test Items      Band
                            1.4     3       5    10     15     20       QPSK             16QAM        1   Half    Full      L      M       H
Max. Output
                    30       -      -       v    v        -     -         v                v          v     v      v        v      v       v

    E.I.R.P         30       -      -       v    v        -     -         v                v          v     v      v        v      v       v

 Spurious           30                                              Worst Case                                              v      v       v
               1.    The mark “v “ means that this configuration is chosen for testing
               2.    The mark “-“ means that this bandwidth is not supported.
  Remark       3.    The device is investigated from 30MHz to 10 times of fundamental signal for radiated spurious emission test under
                     different RB size/offset and modulations in exploratory test. Subsequently, only the worst case emissions are

2.2 Connection Diagram of Test System

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Report Template No.: BU5-FGLTE27D Version 2.4                                                    Report Version          : 01

             FCC RADIO TEST REPORT                                                      Report No. : FG912412D

2.3 Support Unit used in test configuration and system
       Item Equipment               Trade Name   Model No.       FCC ID   Data Cable          Power Cord

        1.    System Simulator      Anritsu      MT8821C         N/A      N/A                 Unshielded, 1.8 m

        2.    Earphone              aibo         IP-E1           N/A      Unshielded, 1.1 m N/A

2.4 Frequency List of Low/Middle/High Channels
                                    LTE Band 30 Channel and Frequency List
   BW [MHz]           Channel/Frequency(MHz)             Lowest              Middle                Highest
                                 Channel                     -                  27710                  -
                               Frequency                     -                  2310                   -
                                 Channel                   27685                27710               27735
                               Frequency                   2307.5               2310               2312.5

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Report Template No.: BU5-FGLTE27D Version 2.4                                Report Version      : 01

            FCC RADIO TEST REPORT                                       Report No. : FG912412D

3      Conducted Test Items
3.1 Measuring Instruments
       See list of measuring instruments of this test report.

3.1.1 Test Setup

3.1.2 Conducted Output Power

3.1.3 Test Result of Conducted Test
       Please refer to Appendix A.

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              FCC RADIO TEST REPORT                                                  Report No. : FG912412D

3.2 Conducted Output Power Measurement and EIRP Measurement
3.2.1 Description of the Conducted Output Power Measurement and EIRP
       A base station simulator was used to establish communication with the EUT. Its parameters were set to
       transmit the maximum power on the EUT. The measured power in the radio frequency on the
       transmitter output terminals shall be reported.
       The EIRP of mobile transmitters must not exceed 0.25 Watts for LTE Band 30.
       According to KDB 412172 D01 Power Approach,
       EIRP = PT + GT – LC, where
       PT = transmitter output power in dBm
       GT = gain of the transmitting antenna in dBi
       LC = signal attenuation in the connecting cable between the transmitter and antenna in dB

3.2.2 Test Procedures
         1.     The transmitter output port was connected to the system simulator.
         2.     Set EUT at maximum power through the system simulator.
         3.     Select lowest, middle, and highest channels for each band and different modulation.
         4.     Measure and record the power level from the system simulator.

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Report Template No.: BU5-FGLTE27D Version 2.4                               Report Version    : 01

            FCC RADIO TEST REPORT                                       Report No. : FG912412D

4      Radiated Test Items
4.1 Measuring Instruments
       See list of measuring instruments of this test report.

4.1.1 Test Setup
       For radiated test from 30MHz to 1GHz

       For radiated test above 1GHz

4.1.2 Test Result of Radiated Test
       Please refer to Appendix B.

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Report Template No.: BU5-FGLTE27D Version 2.4                   Report Version   : 01

              FCC RADIO TEST REPORT                                                    Report No. : FG912412D

4.2 Radiated Spurious Emission Measurement
4.2.1 Description of Radiated Spurious Emission Measurement
       The radiated spurious emission was measured by substitution method according to ANSI / TIA-603-E
       The power of any emission outside of the authorized operating frequency ranges must be attenuated
       below the transmitter power (P) by a factor of at least 70 + 10 log (P) dB.
       The spectrum is scanned from 30 MHz up to a frequency including its 10th harmonic.

4.2.2 Test Procedures
       The testing follows FCC KDB 971168 D01 v03r01 Section 5.8 and ANSI / TIA-603-E Section 2.2.12.
         1.     The EUT was placed on a turntable with 0.8 meter height for frequency below 1GHz and 1.5
                meter height for frequency above 1GHz respectively above ground.
         2.     The EUT was set 3 meters from the receiving antenna mounted on the antenna tower.
         3.     The table was rotated 360 degrees to determine the position of the highest spurious emission.
         4.     The height of the receiving antenna is varied between 1m to 4m to search the maximum
                spurious emission for both horizontal and vertical polarizations.
         5.     During the measurement, the system simulator parameters were set to force the EUT
                transmitting at maximum output power.
         6.     Make the measurement with the spectrum analyzer's RBW = 1MHz, VBW = 3MHz, taking the
                record of maximum spurious emission.
         7.     A horn antenna was substituted in place of the EUT and was driven by a signal generator.
         8.     Tune the output power of signal generator to the same emission level with EUT maximum
                spurious emission.
                EIRP (dBm) = S.G. Power – Tx Cable Loss + Tx Antenna Gain
                ERP (dBm) = EIRP - 2.15
         1.     The RF fundamental frequency should be excluded against the limit line in the operating
                frequency band.
                The limit line is derived from 70 + 10log(P)dB below the transmitter power P(Watts)
                = P(W)- [70 + 10log(P)] (dB)
                = [30 + 10log(P)] (dBm) - [70 + 10log(P)] (dB)
                = -40dBm.

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Report Template No.: BU5-FGLTE27D Version 2.4                                  Report Version   : 01

                  FCC RADIO TEST REPORT                                                                   Report No. : FG912412D

   5            List of Measuring Equipment
   Instrument       Manufacturer    Model No.     Serial No. Characteristics                      Test Date       Due Date         Remark
                                   TTA1840-35-                                                  Apr. 08, 2019~                    Radiation
    Amplifier         MITEQ                       1871923      VSWR : 2.5:1     Jul. 16, 2018                  Jul. 15, 2019
                                       HG                                                       Apr. 14, 2019                    (03CH11-HY)
                                                                                                Apr. 08, 2019~                 Radiation
    Amplifier        SONOMA           310N        187312       9kHz~1GHz       Dec. 04, 2018                   Dec. 03, 2019
                                                                                                Apr. 14, 2019                (03CH11-HY)
                                               35414&AT-                                        Apr. 08, 2019~                    Radiation
  Bilog Antenna       TESEQ        6111D&N-6-0           30MHz~1GHz            Oct. 13, 2018                   Oct. 12, 2019
                                                 N0602                                          Apr. 14, 2019                    (03CH11-HY)
                    SCHWARZBE             9120D-132                                             Apr. 08, 2019~                    Radiation
  Horn Antenna                BBHA 9120 D           1GHz ~ 18GHz               Oct. 15, 2018                   Oct. 14, 2019
                       CK                     6                                                 Apr. 14, 2019                    (03CH11-HY)
                    SCHWARZBE                     9120D-132                                     Apr. 08, 2019~                    Radiation
  Horn Antenna                     BBHA 9120D                 1GHz ~ 18GHz Nov. 09, 2018                         Nov. 08, 2019
                        CK                            8                                         Apr. 14, 2019                    (03CH11-HY)
                      Rohde &                                                                   Apr. 08, 2019~                    Radiation
  Loop Antenna                       HFH2-Z2       100488     9 kHz~30 MHz     Nov. 23, 2017                   Nov. 22, 2019
                      Schwarz                                                                   Apr. 14, 2019                    (03CH11-HY)
                                                  MY532701                            Apr. 08, 2019~                              Radiation
  Preamplifier        Keysight       83017A                1GHz~26.5GHz Nov. 14, 2018                Nov. 13, 2019
                                                     48                               Apr. 14, 2019                              (03CH11-HY)
   Spectrum                                       MY542004                                      Apr. 08, 2019~                    Radiation
                      Keysight       N9010A                10Hz ~ 44GHz        Oct. 18, 2018                   Oct. 17, 2019
   Analyzer                                          86                                         Apr. 14, 2019                    (03CH11-HY)
                                                                                                Apr. 08, 2019~                 Radiation
       Filter        Wainwright    0-1200-1500-     SN2       1.2G High Pass Sep. 17, 2018                     Sep. 16, 2019
                                                                                                Apr. 14, 2019                (03CH11-HY)
                                                                                                Apr. 08, 2019~                 Radiation
       Filter        Wainwright    0-3000-18000     SN3       2.7G High Pass Sep. 17, 2018                     Sep. 16, 2019
                                                                                                Apr. 14, 2019                (03CH11-HY)
                                   AM-BS-4500-                                                  Apr. 08, 2019~                    Radiation
  Antenna Mast         EMEC                          N/A          1~4m              N/A                              N/A
                                       B                                                        Apr. 14, 2019                    (03CH11-HY)
                                                                                                Apr. 08, 2019~                    Radiation
   Turn Table          EMEC          TT 2000         N/A      0~360 Degree          N/A                              N/A
                                                                                                Apr. 14, 2019                    (03CH11-HY)
                                     N9038A       MY532900                            Apr. 08, 2019~                              Radiation
EMI Test Receiver     Keysight                             20MHz~8.4GHz Jan. 19, 2019                Jan. 18, 2020
                                      (MXE)          45                               Apr. 14, 2019                              (03CH11-HY)
                      Rohde &                                                                   Apr. 08, 2019~                    Radiation
Signal Generator                    SMF100A        101107     100kHz~40GHz May 22, 2018                        May 21, 2019
                      Schwarz                                                                   Apr. 14, 2019                    (03CH11-HY)
 SHF-EHF Horn       SCHWARZBE                     BBHA9170                           Apr. 08, 2019~                               Radiation
                                    BBHA 9170              18GHz- 40GHz May 08, 2018                May 07, 2019
   Antenna             CK                           576                              Apr. 14, 2019                               (03CH11-HY)
                                       E3         RK-00104                                      Apr. 08, 2019~                    Radiation
    Software           Audix                                       N/A              N/A                              N/A
                                   6.2009-8-24       2                                          Apr. 14, 2019                    (03CH11-HY)
                                                  620110750                                                                       Conducted
  Base Station         Anritsu      MT8820C                         -          Mar. 02, 2018 Mar. 28, 2019 Mar. 01, 2020
                                                      9                                                                           (TH05-HY)

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   Report Template No.: BU5-FGLTE27D Version 2.4                                                 Report Version        : 01

            FCC RADIO TEST REPORT                                         Report No. : FG912412D

6      Uncertainty of Evaluation
      Uncertainty of Radiated Emission Measurement (30 MHz ~ 1000 MHz)
              Measuring Uncertainty for a Level of
                Confidence of 95% (U = 2Uc(y))

      Uncertainty of Radiated Emission Measurement (1 GHz ~ 18 GHz)
              Measuring Uncertainty for a Level of
                Confidence of 95% (U = 2Uc(y))

      Uncertainty of Radiated Emission Measurement (18 GHz ~ 40 GHz)
              Measuring Uncertainty for a Level of
                Confidence of 95% (U = 2Uc(y))

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Report Template No.: BU5-FGLTE27D Version 2.4                     Report Version   : 01

i’ FCC RADIO TEST REPORT                                                                    Report No. : FG912412D

Appendix A. Test Results of Conducted Test

Conducted Output Power(Average power) |

                                                LTE Band 30 Maximum Average Power [dBm]
BW [MHz]                       RB Size   RB Offset     Mod         Lowest          Middle              Highest

   10                             1         0
   10                             1         25                                     22.32
   10                             1         49                                     22.36
   10                            25         0                                      21.45
   10                            25         12                                     21.36
   10                            25         25                                     21.32
   10                            50         0                                      21.49
   10                             1         0                                      21.63
   10                             1         25                                     21.64
   10                             1         49                                     21.64
   10                            25         0                                      20.44
   10                            25         12                                     20.37
   10                            25         25                                     20.52
   10                            50         0                                      20.52
                                  1         0                                      22.32

                                  1         12                                     22.38

                                  1         24                                     22. 42
                                 12         0                                      21.41
                                 12         7                                      21.25
                                 12         13                                     21.31
                                 25         0                                      21.33
                                  1         0                                      21.67
                                  1         12                                     21.63
                                  1         24                                     21.51
                                 12         0                                      20.43
                                 12         7                                      20.31
                                 12         13                                     20.45
                                 25         0                                      20.45

                                                                                                                 Al—1 of 1

gma FCC RADIO TEST REPORT                                                  Report No. : FG212412D

Appendix B. Test Results of EIRP and Radiated Test

<Reporting Only>
                     LTE Band 30 / SMHz (Average) (GT — LC =—4.11 dB)
  Channel          Mode               RB             Conducted                       EIRP
                               Size    Offset |Power (dBm)|Power (Waits]   EIRP(dBm)        EIRP(W)
  Lowest                         1       12      22.47       0.1766          18.36          0.0685
  Middle       QPSK             1          12    22.38        0.1730         18.27          0.0671
  Highest                       1          12    22.46        0.1762         18.35          0.0684
  Lowest                        1          0     21.66         0.1466        17.55          0.0569
  Middle       16QAM            1          0     21.67         0.1469        17.56          0.0570
  Highest                       1          0     21.54         0.1426        17.43          0.0553
   Limit             EIRP < 0.25W                        Result                      PASS

                    LTE Band 30 / 10MHz (Average) (GT — LC = —4.11 dB)
  Channel          Mode               RB             Conducted                       EIRP
                               Size    Offset |Power (dBm)|Power (Waits]   EIRP(dBm)        EIRP(W)
  Lowest                        —          —       —             —              —              —
  Middle       QPSK             1          0     22.52        0.1786         18.41          0.0693
  Highest                       —          —       —             —              —              —
  Lowest                      —             —      —              —            —               —
  Middle       16QAM          1            25    21.64         0.1459        17.53          0.0566
  Highest                     —             —      —              —            —               —
   Limit           EIRP < 0.25W                          Result                      PASS

                                                                                                 B1—1 of 1

   serovc«s. FCC RADIO TEST REPORT                                                           Report No. : FG912412D

   Radiated Spurious Emission

                                                   LTE Band 30

                                                 LTE Band 30 / SMHz / OPSK
Channel F’(emgz")cy      (E'E?:)   (';iE',"':)       flfl       R:a?i\ng   Pifér          TXIS:: * |"* 2’;‘;""3 POl?II:'ilzva)tion
                                                     (4B)      (dBm)     (dBm)            (dB)       (dBi)
             4614        —60.82       —40           —20.82     —58.93     —722            0.82       12.20            H
             6924        —61.93       —40           —21.93     —59.56     —724            0.99       11.47            H
             9231        —54.92       —40           414.92     —59.34     —65.5           1.38       11.95            H
             11541       —48.69       —40            —8.69     A47.31     —544            1.52       11.93            H
             4614        —58.92       —40           18.92      —5266         —70.3        0.82          12.20           v
             6924        —56.03       ~40           —16.03     —54.18        —66.5        0.99          11.47           V
             9231        —54.02       —40           14.02      —58.2         —64.6        1.38          11.95           v
             11541       ~43.89       ~40           —3.89      ~47.89        —54.3        1.52          11.93           V
             4620        —58.69       —40           418.69     —51.72        —704         0.79          12.20           H
             6930        —61.65       —40           165        —5947         —721         1.01          11.45           H
            92415        —53.66       —40           18.66      —58.49        —64.2        1.38          11.93           H
            11551.5      —41.38       —40            41.38     —45.48        —51.8        1.52          11.94           H
             4620        —57.19       —40           1719       —50.89        —68.6        0.79          12.20           v
             6930        —58.15       —40           41815      —56.344       —68.6        1.01          11.45           v
            92M1.5       —52.56       —40           41256      —5618         —6341        1.38          11.93           v
            11551.5      —41.48       —40            41.48     —45.850       —51.9        1.52          11.94           v

  TEL : 886—3—327—3456                                                               Page Number        : B2—1 of 3
  FAX : 886—3—328—4978

   serovc«s. FCC RADIO TEST REPORT                                                Report No. : FG912412D

             4626        —59.07    ~40       —19.07     —52.47     —70.5        0.77      12.20             H
             6936        —62.08    ~40       —22.08     —60.29     —72.5        1.02      11.44             H
             9252        —51.79    ~40       —11.79     —56.03     —62.3        1.39      11.89             H
             11562       ~43.17    ~40       —3.17      ~47.35     —53.6        1.52      11.95             H

Highest      4626        —55.67    ~40       —15.67     ~49.85     —67.1        0.77      12.20             V
             6936        —57.98    ~40       —17.98     —56.4      —68.4        1.02      11.44             V
             9252        —49.99    ~40       —9.99      —54.1      —60.5        1.39      11.89             V
             11562       ~41.77    ~40       1.77       ~46.12     —52.2        1.52      11.95             V

   Remark: Spurious emissions within 30—1000MHz were found more than 20dB below limit line.

  TEL : 886—3—327—3456                                                     Page Number        : B2—2 of 3
  FAX : 886—3—328—4978

   serovc«s. FCC RADIO TEST REPORT                                                     Report No. : FG912412D

                                           LTE Band 30 / 10MHz / QPSK

          Frequency       EIRP     Limit       C).ve.r     SP‘.\         SG.       TX Cable   |TX Ant.enna Polarization
Channel     (MHz )       (dBm)    (dBm )       Limit     Reading        Power        loss         Galp        (Hiv)
                                               (dB )     (dBm)      (dBm)           ( dB )       (dBi)

             4620        —64.70    ~40        —24.70     —57.97     —76.11           0.79        12.20          H
             6930        —65.04    ~40        —25.04     —63.36     —75.49           1.01        11.45          H
             9240        —59.14    ~40        —19.14      —63.6     —69.69           1.38        11.93          H
             11550       —56.37    ~40        —16.37     —60.35     —66.79           1.52        11.94          H
             4620        —62.75    ~40        —22.75     —57.04     —74.16           0.79        12.20          V
             6930        —64.68    ~40        —24.68     —63.38     —75.18           1.01        11.45          V
             9240        —57.71    ~40        —17.71     —61.92     —68.26           1.38        11.93          V
             11550       —54.18    ~40        —14.13      —58.5     —64.55           1.52        11.94          V

   Remark: Spurious emissions within 30—1000MHz were found more than 20dB below limit line.

  TEL : 886—3—327—3456                                                          Page Number      : B2—3 of 3
  FAX : 886—3—328—4978

Document Created: 2019-06-07 06:08:35
Document Modified: 2019-06-07 06:08:35

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