Test Report DTS_BLE Original 2


Test Report

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Test Report N° 181210-02.TR04                                                                                   Rev. 00

   CH7, 802.11ax20, HE0, MIMO A, Range 30MHz to 9GHz -           CH7, 802.11ax20, HE0, MIMO A, Range 9GHz to 18GHz -
                Delta Marker Measurement                                      Delta Marker Measurement

  CH7, 802.11ax20, HE0, MIMO A, Range 18GHz to 26.5GHz           CH7, 802.11ax20, HE0, MIMO B, Range 30MHz to 9GHz -
               - Delta Marker Measurement                                     Delta Marker Measurement

   CH7, 802.11ax20, HE0, MIMO B, Range 9GHz to 18GHz -           CH7, 802.11ax20, HE0, MIMO B, Range 18GHz to 26.5GHz
                Delta Marker Measurement                                      - Delta Marker Measurement

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Test Report N° 181210-02.TR04                                                                                    Rev. 00

   CH7, 802.11ax40, HE0, SISO A, Range 30MHz to 9GHz -            CH7, 802.11ax40, HE0, SISO A, Range 9GHz to 18GHz -
                Delta Marker Measurement                                       Delta Marker Measurement

  CH7, 802.11ax40, HE0, SISO A, Range 18GHz to 26.5GHz -          CH7, 802.11ax40, HE0, SISO B, Range 30MHz to 9GHz -
                Delta Marker Measurement                                       Delta Marker Measurement

   CH7, 802.11ax40, HE0, SISO B, Range 9GHz to 18GHz -          CH7, 802.11ax40, HE0, SISO B, Range 18GHz to 26.5GHz -
                Delta Marker Measurement                                      Delta Marker Measurement

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Test Report N° 181210-02.TR04                                                                                   Rev. 00

   CH7, 802.11ax40, HE0, MIMO A, Range 30MHz to 9GHz -           CH7, 802.11ax40, HE0, MIMO A, Range 9GHz to 18GHz -
                Delta Marker Measurement                                      Delta Marker Measurement

  CH7, 802.11ax40, HE0, MIMO A, Range 18GHz to 26.5GHz           CH7, 802.11ax40, HE0, MIMO B, Range 30MHz to 9GHz -
               - Delta Marker Measurement                                     Delta Marker Measurement

   CH7, 802.11ax40, HE0, MIMO B, Range 9GHz to 18GHz -           CH7, 802.11ax40, HE0, MIMO B, Range 18GHz to 26.5GHz
                Delta Marker Measurement                                      - Delta Marker Measurement

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Test Report N° 181210-02.TR04                                                                                  Rev. 00

Annex C. Test Results BLE
C.1       Test Results BLE

          6dB & 99% Bandwidth

Test limits

      FCC part           RSS part                                                Limits
                                          Systems using digital modulation techniques may operate in the 902-928 MHz,
   15.247 (a) (2)                         2400-2483.5 MHz, and 5725-5850 MHz bands. The minimum 6 dB bandwidth
                      Clause 5.2 (a)
                                          shall be at least 500 kHz.

Test procedure

The conducted setup shown in section Test & System Description was used to measure the 6dB & 99% Bandwidth.
The antenna terminal of the EUT is connected to the spectrum through an attenuator, and the spectrum analyzer reading
is compensated to include the RF path loss.

Results tables

                                                         Frequency                  6dB BW            99% BW
              Mode              Channel
                                                           [MHz]                     [MHz]             [MHz]

                                    37                     2402                         0.69            1.17
              BLE                   17                     2440                         0.68            1.16
                                    39                     2480                         0.68            1.15

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Test Report N° 181210-02.TR04                                                                                     Rev. 00

 Results screenshot

              CH 37, 6dB Occupied Bandwidth                                   CH 37, 99% Occupied Bandwidth

              CH 17, 6dB Occupied Bandwidth                                   CH 17, 99% Occupied Bandwidth

              CH 39, 6dB Occupied Bandwidth                                   CH 39, 99% Occupied Bandwidth

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Test Report N° 181210-02.TR04                                                                                       Rev. 00

          Maximum Output Power and antenna gain

Test limits


                         (b) The maximum peak conducted output power of the intentional radiator shall not exceed
                         the following:

                             (3) For systems using digital modulation in the 902-928 MHz, 2400-2483.5 MHz, and
                             5725-5850 MHz bands: 1 Watt. As an alternative to a peak power measurement,
                             compliance with the one Watt limit can be based on a measurement of the maximum
                             conducted output power. Maximum Conducted Output Power is defined as the total
   FCC Part 15.247
                             transmit power delivered to all antennas and antenna elements averaged across all
       (b) (3)
                             symbols in the signaling alphabet when the transmitter is operating at its maximum power
                             control level. Power must be summed across all antennas and antenna elements. The
                             average must not include any time intervals during which the transmitter is off or is
                             transmitting at a reduced power level.
                             (4) The conducted output power limit specified in paragraph (b) of this section is based on
                             the use of antennas with directional gains that do not exceed 6 dBi.

                         For DTSs employing digital modulation techniques operating in the bands 902-928 MHz and
                         2400-2483.5 MHz, the maximum peak conducted output power shall not exceed 1W. The
                         e.i.r.p. shall not exceed 4 W, except as provided in section 5.4(e).
                         As an alternative to a peak power measurement, compliance can be based on a measurement
                         of the maximum conducted output power. The maximum conducted output power is the total
   RSS-247 Clause
                         transmit power delivered to all antennas and antenna elements, averaged across all symbols
       5.4 (d)
                         in the signalling alphabet when the transmitter is operating at its maximum power control level.
                         Power must be summed across all antennas and antenna elements. The average must not
                         include any time intervals during which the transmitter is off or transmitting at a reduced power
                         level. If multiple modes of operation are implemented, the maximum conducted output power
                         is the highest total transmit power occurring in any mode

Test procedure:

The Maximum peak conducted output power was measured using the RBW ≥ DTS bandwidth method defined in
paragraph 9.1.1 of FCC KDB 558074 D01 - Guidance for Performing Compliance Measurements on Digital
Transmission Systems (DTS) Operating Under §15.247.

The Maximum conducted average output power was measured using the channel integration method according to
Method AVGSA-2, defined in paragraph of FCC KDB 558074 D01 - Guidance for Performing Compliance
Measurements on Digital Transmission Systems (DTS) Operating Under §15.247.

The EIRP power (dBm) is calculated by adding the declared maximum antenna gain to the measured conducted
power. The declared maximum antenna gain is +3.24dBi.

The conducted setup shown in section Test & System Description was used to measure the maximum conducted output
power. The antenna terminal of the EUT is connected to the spectrum through an attenuator, and the spectrum analyzer
reading is compensated to include the RF path loss.

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Test Report N° 181210-02.TR04                                                                                      Rev. 00

Results tables

                                                                                   Peak Power [dBm]

                       Meas. Duty                        Frequency                                         Peak Output
      Mode                               CH                                Conducted Output       EIRP
                        Cycle [%]                          [MHz]                                           Power [mW]

                                          37                2402                  8.53            11.77        7.13

         BLE              61              17                2440                  8.72            11.96        7.45

                                          39                2480                  8.91            12.15        7.78
Max Value
Min Value

                                                                   Average Output Power* [dBm]
               Meas.                                                           Maximum
               Duty                 Frequency                               Conducted Output              Average Output
  Mode                   CH                          Conducted Output                             EIRP
               Cycle                  [MHz]                                 Power Duty cycle               Power [mW]
                [%]                                                          Compensated
                          37          2402                  6.20                   8.34           11.58        6.83

   BLE           61       17          2440                  6.45                   8.59           11.83        7.23

                          39          2480                  6.66                   8.80           12.04        7.59
* Output Power RMS values are shown for indicative purpose only

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Test Report N° 181210-02.TR04                                                                                  Rev. 00

 Results screenshot

                  CH 37, Max Power RMS                                             CH 37, Max Power Peak

                  CH 17, Max Power RMS                                             CH 17, Max Power Peak

                  CH 39, Max Power RMS                                             CH 39, Max Power Peak

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Test Report N° 181210-02.TR04                                                                                      Rev. 00

          Power Spectral Density

Test limits

     FCC part            RSS part                                               Limits

                                        For digitally modulated systems, the power spectral density conducted from
                                        the intentional radiator to the antenna shall not be greater than 8 dBm in any
                        RSS-247         3 kHz band during any time interval of continuous transmission. This power
     15.247 (e)
                      Clause 5.2 (b)    spectral density shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of
                                        paragraph (b) of this section. The same method of determining the conducted
                                        output power shall be used to determine the power spectral density.

Test procedure

The maximum peak power spectral density level of the fundamental emission was measured using the method PKPSD,
defined in paragraph 10.2 of FCC KDB 558074 D01 - Guidance for Performing Compliance Measurements on Digital
Transmission Systems (DTS) Operating Under §15.247.

The conducted setup shown in section Test & System Description was used to measure the power spectral density.
The antenna terminal of the EUT is connected to the spectrum through an attenuator, and the spectrum analyzer reading
is compensated to include the RF path loss.

The declared maximum antenna gain is +3.24dBi.

Results tables

                                              Frequency                   PSD Peak                   PSD Peak*
         Mode                 CH                                                                   [dBm/100kHz]
                                                [MHz]                    [dBm/3kHz]
                              37                 2402                       -6.69                       8.27
         BLE                  17                 2440                       -6.64                       8.48
                              39                 2480                       -6.71                       8.74
*Note: these PSDPeak values are shown just as a reference for the compliance of the Out-of-band Measurements. Thus the RBW
used for these measurements was 100kHz.

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Test Report N° 181210-02.TR04                                                                                Rev. 00

 Results screenshot

                      CH 37, PSD Peak                                                  CH 17, PSD Peak

                      CH 39, PSD Peak

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Test Report N° 181210-02.TR04                                                                                           Rev. 00

         Out-of-band emission (Conducted)
Test Limits

     FCC part            RSS part                                               Limits
                                        In any 100 kHz bandwidth outside the frequency band in which the spread
                                        spectrum or digitally modulated intentional radiator is operating, the radio
                                        frequency power that is produced by the intentional radiator shall be at least
    15.247 (d)                          20 dB below that in the 100 kHz bandwidth within the band that contains the
                        Clause 5.5
                                        highest level of the desired power, based on either an RF conducted or a
                                        radiated measurement, provided the transmitter demonstrates compliance
                                        with the peak conducted power limits.
                                        Radiated emissions which fall in the restricted bands, as defined in §15.205(a),
                                        must also comply with the radiated emission limits specified in §15.209(a):

                                                 Freq Range         Field Stregth      Field Stregth   Meas. Distance
                                                    (MHz)              (μV/m)            (dBμV/m)           (m)
                                                    30-88                100                40               3
                                                   88-216                150               43.5              3
                                                   216-960               200                46               3
                        RSS-Gen                  Above 960               500                54               3
                        Clause 8.9
                                        The emission limits shown in the above table are based on measurements
                                        employing CISPR quasi-peak detector except for the frequency bands 9-90
                                        kHz, 110-490 kHz and above 1000 MHz. Radiated emission limits in these
                                        three bands are based on measurements employing an average detector.
                                        For average radiated emission measurements above 1000 MHz, there is also
                                        a limit specified when measuring with peak detector function, corresponding
                                        to 20 dB above the indicated values in the table.

Test procedure

In case of Band Edge measurements falling in restricted bands, the declared Antenna Gain is also compensated in the
graph. The declared maximum antenna gain is +3.24dBi.

For Band Edge measurements falling in restricted bands, the following limits in dBm were applied for the average
detector after the conversion from the limits detailed above in dBμV/m, according to FCC 47 CFR part 15 - Subpart C –
§15.209(a). The limits in dBm for peak detector are 20dB above the indicated values in the table.

                           §15.209(a)                                                      Converted values
                           Distance           Field strength                 Field strength                   Power
   Freq Range (MHz)
                              (m)           (microvolts/meter)           (dB microvolts/meter)                (dBm)
       Above 960               3                    500                             54.0                      -41.2

The conducted setup shown in section Test & System Description was used to measure the out-of-band emissions. The
antenna terminal of the EUT is connected to the spectrum through an attenuator, and the spectrum analyzer reading is
compensated to include the RF path loss.

Note: For the compliance of the Out-of-band Measurements, PSDPeak were measured with 100kHz RBW and values
are shown just as a reference in section C.1.3.

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Test Report N° 181210-02.TR04                                                                                     Rev. 00

BE Results screenshot

                       CH 37, BE Low                                           CH 37, BE Low Non Restricted

                 CH 39, BE High Restricted

 Spurious Results screenshot

  CH 37, Conducted Spurious Range 30MHz to 9GHz - Delta         CH 37, Conducted Spurious Range 9GHz to 18GHz - Delta
                  Marker Measurement                                            Marker Measurement

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Test Report N° 181210-02.TR04                                                                                    Rev. 00

   CH 37, Conducted Spurious Range 18GHz to 26.5GHz -           CH 17, Conducted Spurious Range 30MHz to 9GHz - Delta
               Delta Marker Measurement                                         Marker Measurement

  CH 17, Conducted Spurious Range 9GHz to 18GHz - Delta             CH 17, Conducted Spurious Range 18GHz to - Delta
                  Marker Measurement                                         Marker Measurement 26.5GHz

  CH 39, Conducted Spurious Range 30MHz to 9GHz - Delta         CH 39, Conducted Spurious Range 9GHz to 18GHz - Delta
                  Marker Measurement                                            Marker Measurement

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Test Report N° 181210-02.TR04                                                              Rev. 00

   CH 39, Conducted Spurious Range 18GHz to 26.5GHz -
               Delta Marker Measurement

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Test Report N° 181210-02.TR04                                                                                           Rev. 00

         Radiated spurious emission
Standards references

     FCC part            RSS part                                               Limits
                                        Radiated emissions which fall in the restricted bands, as defined in §15.205(a),
                                        must also comply with the radiated emission limits specified in §15.209(a):

                                                 Freq Range         Field Stregth      Field Stregth   Meas. Distance
                                                    (MHz)              (μV/m)            (dBμV/m)           (m)
                                                     30-88              100                 40               3
                                                    88-216              150                43.5              3
                         RSS-247                   216-960              200                 46               3
    15.247 (d)          Clause 5.5                Above 960             500                 54               3
     15.209             RSS-Gen
                        Clause 8.9
                                        The emission limits shown in the above table are based on measurements
                                        employing CISPR quasi-peak detector except for the frequency bands 9-90
                                        kHz, 110-490 kHz and above 1000 MHz. Radiated emission limits in these
                                        three bands are based on measurements employing an average detector.
                                        For average radiated emission measurements above 1000 MHz, there is also
                                        a limit specified when measuring with peak detector function, corresponding
                                        to 20 dB above the indicated values in the table.

Test procedure

The radiated setups shown in section Test & System Description were used to measure the radiated spurious emissions.
were used to measure the radiated spurious emissions.
Depending of the frequency range and bands being tested, different antennas and filters were used.
The final measurement is done by varying the antenna height, the EUT azimuth over 360º and for both Vertical and
Horizontal polarizations.
The radiated spurious emissions were measured on the lowest, middle and highest channels.

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Test Report N° 181210-02.TR04                                                                                Rev. 00

Test Results

                                          30 MHz – 26.5 GHz, BLE

                                           Radiated Spurious – CH37

               Frequency                   MaxPeak                    Avg               Limit   Margin

                 MHz                        dBµV/m                 dBµV/m              dBµV/m    dB
                 408.0                        31.8                     ---              46.0     14.2
                 576.0                        31.2                     ---              46.0     14.8
                6320.5                        57.2                     ---              74.0     16.8
                6321.5                         ---                   44.6               54.0     9.4
                7001.8                        47.3                     ---              74.0     26.7
                7052.0                         ---                   35.9               54.0     18.1
                17132.4                       51.4                     ---              74.0     22.6
                17142.1                        ---                   40.1               54.0     13.9
                21999.7                       47.4                     ---              74.0     26.6
                22000.1                        ---                   40.6               54.0     13.4

                                           Radiated Spurious – CH17

               Frequency                   MaxPeak                    Avg               Limit   Margin

                 MHz                        dBµV/m                 dBµV/m              dBµV/m    dB
                 407.7                        31.2                     ---              46.0     14.8
                 576.0                        30.3                     ---              46.0     15.7
                6321.0                         ---                   44.9               54.0     9.1
                6322.5                        56.8                     ---              74.0     17.2
                6992.6                        48.0                     ---              74.0     26.0
                7001.3                         ---                   36.0               54.0     18.0
                22000.1                        ---                   39.4               54.0     14.6
                22018.8                       47.0                     ---              74.0     27.0

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Test Report N° 181210-02.TR04                                                                                Rev. 00

                                           Radiated Spurious – CH39

              Frequency                    MaxPeak                    Avg               Limit   Margin

                 MHz                        dBµV/m                 dBµV/m              dBµV/m    dB
                 407.7                        31.9                     ---              46.0     14.1
                 576.0                        29.7                     ---              46.0     16.3
                6353.5                        56.1                     ---              74.0     17.9
                6355.5                         ---                   43.9               54.0     10.1
                10129.4                        ---                   36.3               54.0     17.7
                17814.4                        ---                   39.1               54.0     14.9
                17827.9                       50.1                     ---              74.0     23.9
                22000.1                       47.1                     ---              74.0     26.9
                22000.1                        ---                   40.6               54.0     13.4

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Document Created: 2019-02-13 16:43:35
Document Modified: 2019-02-13 16:43:35

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