Circuit description

FCC ID: B5KDKRC1311004-1

Operational Description

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                                                                                EXHIBIT 12                                                       1 (6)
Prepared (also subject responsible if other)                                    No.

EAB/RBI/R Per Helmersson                                                        B5KDKRC1311004-1 Uen
Approved                                                     Checked            Date                  Rev          Reference

KI/EAB/RBI/R (P Helmersson)                                                     2004-04-30           A

                                               Exhibit 12 – Cover Sheet

                                               1      2.1033(c) Circuit Description ...............................................................2
                                               1.1    (2) FCC Identifier: B5KDKRC1311004-1.............................................2
                                               1.2    (4) Type of Emission: ..........................................................................2
                                               1.3    (5) Frequency range: 1930.4 to 1989.6 MHz.......................................2
                                               1.4    (6) Range of Operating Power: ...........................................................2
                                               1.5    (7) Maximum Power Rating: ................................................................2
                                               1.6    (8) Final Amplifier Voltage and Current in normal operation ...............3
                                               1.7    (10) Frequency Stabilizing Circuit Description.....................................3
                                               1.8    (10) Spurious and Harmonic Suppression...........................................3
                                               1.9    (10) Limiting Power .............................................................................3
                                               1.10   (10) Digital Modulation ........................................................................4

                                                                          EXHIBIT 12                                     2 (6)
Prepared (also subject responsible if other)                              No.

EAB/RBI/R Per Helmersson                                                  B5KDKRC1311004-1 Uen
Approved                                                     Checked      Date            Rev       Reference

KI/EAB/RBI/R (P Helmersson)                                               2004-04-30      A

                      1                        2.1033(c) Circuit Description
                      1.1                      (2) FCC Identifier:        B5KDKRC1311004-1

                                               This dTRU (double Tranceiver Radio Unit) consist of two synthesized
                                               transmitters (TRX) operating in the frequency band of 1930.4 to 1989.6 MHz.
                                               There are 297 Channels available with a channel spacing of 200 KHz. The
                                               transmitter is capable of operation in a TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access)
                                               system. For each channel there are 8 time slots available, each containing
                                               digital speech or data for GMSK and data for 8-PSK.
                                               The dTRU has a hybrid combiner included which can be used to increase the
                                               number of TRX:s per antenna. The combiner can alternatively be used to
                                               increase the output power (TCC = Transmitter Coherent Combining) by using
                                               the same transmit frequency channel in both TRX:s. This combiner is
                                               connected before the cavity band pass filter in the combining system.

                      1.2                      (4) Type of Emission:

                                               GMSK:        240KGXW

                      1.3                      (5) Frequency range:       1930.4 to 1989.6 MHz

                      1.4                      (6) Range of Operating Power:

                                               This transmitter is designed to supply a nominal power level of 45 dBm at the
                                               antenna connector. The power level can be set at 16 power levels, each with
                                               a 2 dB increment. The power levels are labeled P(0) to P(15) where P(0) is
                                               the highest power level.
                                               In TCC mode with both TRX:s combined will the combination supply a
                                               nominal power level of 47 dBm at the antenna connector. The power level can
                                               be set at 16 power levels, each with a 2 dB increment. The power levels are
                                               labeled P(0) to P(15) where P(0) is the highest power level.

                      1.5                      (7) Maximum Power Rating:

                                               The maximum power rating with one TRX under environmental and supply
                                               voltage variations is equal to 45 dBm plus a power level tolerance of + 1.3 dB.
                                               Therefore the maximum output power is 46.3 dBm equal to 43 W at the
                                               antenna connector of the radio base station.
                                               The maximum power rating with two TRX.s combined (TCC) under
                                               environmental and supply voltage variations is equal to 47x dBm plus a power
                                               level tolerance of + 1.3 dB. Therefore the maximum output power with TCC is
                                               48.3 dBm equal to 68 W at the antenna connector of the radio base station.

                                                                            EXHIBIT 12                                        3 (6)
Prepared (also subject responsible if other)                                No.

EAB/RBI/R Per Helmersson                                                    B5KDKRC1311004-1 Uen
Approved                                                     Checked        Date             Rev        Reference

KI/EAB/RBI/R (P Helmersson)                                                 2004-04-30       A

                      1.6                      (8) Final Amplifier Voltage and Current in normal operation

                                                                          P (0)                    P (15)

                                                Drain Voltage          30 Volt DC                30 Volt DC

                                                Drain Current          4.5 Amps DC           0.6 Amps DC

                      1.7                      (10) Frequency Stabilizing Circuit Description

                                               The transmitter in each TRX contains three synthesized oscillators. One PLL
                                               gives a 160 MHz signal to the I/Q modulator. The two other generate a 1770
                                               to 1830 MHz signal to the mixer where the modulated signal is converted to
                                               the transmit frequency. Two oscillators are needed in frequency hopping
                                               mode, one is retuning while the other is active. All three synthesized
                                               oscillators have a reference of 13 MHz, which is downmixed by 2, generated
                                               in a central synthesized oscillator (PLL) of 26 MHz in the LTU part of the
                                               dTRU. This PLL frequency reference is extracted from the 13 MHz signal on
                                               the Y-link, which is generated and distributed, by the DXU (Distribution Switch
                                               Unit), to all dTRU:s in the basestation.

                                               The frequency reference 13 MHz in the DXU is generated in a voltage
                                               controlled oscillator placed in an oven together with and phase-locked to a
                                               long term stable oven heated oscillator. As an option can the oscillator be
                                               phase-locked to the incoming PCM-link frequency or an incoming GPS-link

                      1.8                      (10) Spurious and Harmonic Suppression

                                               Spurious and harmonic suppression is achieved by using two separate
                                               bandpass filters of ceramic type in the exciter. A filter module at the output
                                               works like a bandpass filter around the carrier. In addition to these filters, the
                                               output signal passes a cavity band pass filter in the combining system.

                      1.9                      (10) Limiting Power

                                               The TRU measures the output power at its output connector via a RF-detector
                                               and the detected value is used by the power loop control block to control two
                                               variable gain amplifiers between the modulator and the power amplifier.

                                               In TCC (Transmitter Coherent Combining) mode is the output power also
                                               measured with a RF detector in the non-output branch of the hybrid combiner
                                               in the dTRU. This output power is kept as low as possible, by keeping the
                                               TRX:s output power in phase with each other, to get maximum output power
                                               at the output branch of the hybrid combiner.

                                                                             EXHIBIT 12                                       4 (6)
Prepared (also subject responsible if other)                                 No.

EAB/RBI/R Per Helmersson                                                     B5KDKRC1311004-1 Uen
Approved                                                     Checked         Date            Rev       Reference

KI/EAB/RBI/R (P Helmersson)                                                  2004-04-30      A

                      1.10                     (10) Digital Modulation

                      1.10.1                   Modulation format for GMSK

                             Modulating symbol rate

                                               The modulating symbol rate is 1/T = 1 625/6 ksymb/s (i.e. approximately
                                               270.833 ksymb/s), which corresponds to 1 625/6 kbit/s (i.e. 270.833 kbit/s). T
                                               is the symbol period.

                             Start and stop of the burst

                                               Before the first bit of the bursts as defined in GSM 05.02 [3] enters the
                                               modulator, the modulator has an internal state as if a modulating bit stream
                                               consisting of consecutive ones (di = 1) had entered the differential encoder.
                                               Also after the last bit of the time slot, the modulator has an internal state as if
                                               a modulating bit stream consisting of consecutive ones (di = 1) had continued
                                               to enter the differential encoder. These bits are called dummy bits and define
                                               the start and the stop of the active and the useful part of the burst as
                                               illustrated in figure 1. Nothing is specified about the actual phase of the
                                               modulator output signal outside the useful part of the burst.

           dummy bits                 3 tail bits                                      3 tail bits    dummy bits
           .......111111              000.......                                           .......000 111111.......

                                                                  Output phase

                                                                  The useful part
                  1/2 bit                                                                             1/2 bit
                                                                  The active part

                                               Figure 1: Relation between active part of burst, tail bits and dummy bits. For the
                                               normal burst the useful part lasts for 147 modulating bits

                                                                                      EXHIBIT 12                          5 (6)
Prepared (also subject responsible if other)                                          No.

EAB/RBI/R Per Helmersson                                                              B5KDKRC1311004-1 Uen
Approved                                                         Checked              Date             Rev   Reference

KI/EAB/RBI/R (P Helmersson)                                                           2004-04-30       A

                             Differential encoding

                                               Each data value di = [0,1] is differentially encoded. The output of the
                                               differential encoder is:
                                                       d∃i = di ⊕ di −1           (di ∈ {0,1})

                                               where ⊕ denotes modulo 2 addition.
                                               The modulating data value αi input to the modulator is:
                                                    αi = 1 − 2d∃i           (αi ∈ {−1, + 1})


                                               The modulating data values αi as represented by Dirac pulses excite a linear
                                               filter with impulse response defined by:
                                                              g (t ) = h(t ) * rect  

                                               where the function rect(x) is defined by:
                                                                t 1                        T
                                                           rect   =             for t <
                                                                T T                        2

                                                           rect   = 0           otherwise

                                               and * means convolution. h(t) is defined by:
                                                                              − t2 
                                                                         exp 2 2 
                                                                              2δ T 
                                                              h( t ) =
                                                                           (2π ) . δT

                                               where            δ=                      and BT = 0.3

                                               where B is the 3 dB bandwidth of the filter with impulse response h(t). This
                                               theoretical filter is associated with tolerances defined in GSM 05.05 [4].

                                                                                        EXHIBIT 12                               6 (6)
Prepared (also subject responsible if other)                                            No.

EAB/RBI/R Per Helmersson                                                                B5KDKRC1311004-1 Uen
Approved                                                         Checked                Date          Rev      Reference

KI/EAB/RBI/R (P Helmersson)                                                             2004-04-30    A

                             Output phase

                             The phase of the modulated signal is:
                                                                               t '−iT
                                                          ϕ(t ') =   ∑αiπh ∫ g(u)du
                                                                     i          −∞

                                               where the modulating index h is 1/2 (maximum phase change in radians is π/2
                                               per data interval).
                                               The time reference t' = 0 is the start of the active part of the burst as shown in
                                               figure 1. This is also the start of the bit period of bit number 0 (the first tail bit)
                                               as defined in GSM 05.02 [2].


                                               The modulated RF carrier, except for start and stop of the TDMA burst may
                                               therefore be expressed as:
                                                              2 Ec
                                                  x (t ') =        . cos(2π f 0 t '+ϕ (t ') + ϕ 0 )

                                               where Ec is the energy per modulating bit, f0 is the centre frequency and ϕ0
                                               is a random phase and is constant during one burst.

Document Created: 2004-04-30 16:27:36
Document Modified: 2004-04-30 16:27:36

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