part 4

FCC ID: B5KCKRC1311005-2

Users Manual

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                                                                  EN/LZT 720 0320 Uen R3A

                                                                RBS 2206
                                        Antenna Configurations

This document describes the alternative antenna configurations for the RBS

                             Cell                       Cell
                  Optional    A     Optional Optional    B Optional

                    TMA              TMA     TMA            TMA

                      DX1 RXB                    DX1     RXB


E                                                                                   1 (24)

Antenna Configurations                                                               RBS 2206

                         1     Introduction                                                 3

                         2     Antenna Connection Field                                     3

                         3     CDU-F Antenna Connections                                    5

                         4     CDU-F Configurations                                         6
                         4.1   3x4 CDU-F Configuration                                      6
                         4.2   1x8 CDU-F Configuration                                      7
                         4.3   1x12 CDU-F Configuration                                     8
                         4.4   2x6 CDU-F Configuration                                      9
                         4.5   1x4 + 1x8 CDU-F Configuration                               10
                         4.6   1x8 + 1x4 CDU-F Configuration                               11
                         4.7   3x8 CDU-F Configuration                                     12

                         5     CDU-G Antenna Connections                                   13

                         6     CDU-G Configurations                                        14
                         6.1   3x2 CDU-G and 3x4 CDU-G Configuration                       14
                         6.2   2x1 CDU-G Configuration                                     15
                         6.3   2x3 CDU-G Configuration                                     16
                         6.4   1x4 CDU-G without HCU and 1x8 CDU-G with HCU
                               Configuration                                               17
                         6.5   1x6 CDU-G without HCU and 1x12 CDU-G with HCU
                               Configuration                                               18
                         6.6   1x8 CDU-G with HCU Configuration                            19
                         6.7   1x12 CDU-G with HCU Configuration                           20
                         6.8   2x6 CDU-G Configuration                                     21
                         6.9   3x8 CDU-G with HCU Configuration                            22

2 (24)                                                                 EN/LZT 720 0320 Uen R3A

RBS 2206                                                                         Antenna Configurations

1                  Introduction
                   The various configurations available for the RBS 2206 are described according
                   to the following example:

                                                 3 x 2 CDU-F
                                   Number                               Type of CDU
                                   of cells
                                   of TRX/cell


                   Figure 1   CDU Configuration Key

                   In the example above, the cabinet is configured for three cells, each using two
                   Transceivers (TRX). The total number of TRXs is thus six in this case. The
                   Combining and Distribution Unit (CDU) is of the type CDU-F.

                   Note:   If a Tower Mounted Amplifier (TMA) is used, then the bias injectors
                           must be installed.

2                  Antenna Connection Field
                   This section describes the antenna connection fields in the RBS 2206.

                   Antenna jumpers are connected at the connection field shown in the figure
                   below. The example shown, in this case, is for CDU-G.

                                                              CDU-G   CDU-G    CDU-G


                   Figure 2   Antenna Connection Field (CDU-G)

EN/LZT 720 0320 Uen R3A                                                                           3 (24)

Antenna Configurations                                                                                          RBS 2206

                         The RF cables between each CDU and its associated TRansceiver Units (TRU)
                         are standardised and do not normally change.

                         Certain configurations require the use of an Antenna Sharing Unit (ASU). In
                         these cases, the signal is shared between RBSs through the antenna sharing
                         connection fields

                         The figure below provides an overview of the antenna sharing connectors and
                         the cabling from the ASU.

                                    1                                                            6



                                                     Ant. S1     Ant. S3     Ant. S5       Ant. S6

                                                               Ant. S2     Ant. S4


                         Figure 3   Cabling between ASU and Antenna Sharing Connectors

4 (24)                                                                                           EN/LZT 720 0320 Uen R3A

RBS 2206                                                                      Antenna Configurations

3                  CDU-F Antenna Connections
                   The antenna connectors are located on the top of the CDU, see the figures

                              Antenna connectors



                   Figure 4   CDU-F Layout

                   Figure 5   CDU-F Antenna Feeder Connectors

EN/LZT 720 0320 Uen R3A                                                                       5 (24)

Antenna Configurations                                                                                  RBS 2206

4                        CDU-F Configurations
                         Note:     In the figures and tables that follow, only cabinets that are fully-equipped
                                   are shown. Configurations consisting of part of the fully-equipped
                                   cabinet can also be extracted from the following figures and tables.

                         See Figure 3 on page 4 and Figure 5 on page 5 for an illustration of each of the
                         column headers in the tables below.

4.1                      3x4 CDU-F Configuration

                         The figure below shows the 3x4 CDU-F configuration.

                         Figure 6      3x4 CDU-F Configuration

                         Table 1       3x4 CDU-F Configuration
                                   CDU        Feeder          CDU                             ASU
                          Cell     No.        Label           Connector          Signal       Connector
                          A        1          CellA: DX1      TX/RX              TX/RX A      1
                                              CellA: RXB      RX                 RX B         2
                          B        2          CellB: DX1      TX/RX              TX/RX A      3
                                              CellB: RXB      RX                 RX B         4
                          C        3          CellC: DX1      TX/RX              TX/RX A      5
                                              CellC: RXB      RX                 RX B         6

6 (24)                                                                                    EN/LZT 720 0320 Uen R3A

RBS 2206                                                                                 Antenna Configurations

4.2                1x8 CDU-F Configuration

                   The figure below shows the 1x8 CDU-F configuration.

                                                  Optional          Optional
                                                   TMA               TMA

                                            DX1        DX2


                   Figure 7       1x8 CDU-F Configuration

                   Table 2        1x8 CDU-F Configuration
                              CDU        Feeder        CDU                                ASU
                     Cell     No.        Label         Connector               Signal     Connector
                     A        1          CellA: DX1    TX/RX                   TX/RX A    1
                              2          CellA: DX2    TX/RX                   TX/RX B    3

EN/LZT 720 0320 Uen R3A                                                                                  7 (24)

Antenna Configurations                                                                                        RBS 2206

4.3                      1x12 CDU-F Configuration

                         The figure below shows the 1x12 CDU-F configuration.

                                                          Optional          Optional
                                                            TMA              TMA

                                                    DX1                      DX2


                         Figure 8       1x12 CDU-F Configuration

                         Table 3        1x12 CDU-F Configuration
                                    CDU        Feeder         CDU                                  ASU
                          Cell      No.        Label          Connector                Signal      Connector
                          A         1          CellA: DX1     TX/RX                    TX/RX A     1
                                    3          CellA: DX2     TX/RX                    TX/RX B     5

8 (24)                                                                                          EN/LZT 720 0320 Uen R3A

RBS 2206                                                                                     Antenna Configurations

4.4                2x6 CDU-F Configuration

                   The figure below shows the 2x6 CDU-F configuration.

                                                    Cell                       Cell
                                         Optional    A     Optional Optional    B Optional

                                           TMA              TMA     TMA            TMA

                                             DX1 RXB                    DX1     RXB


                   Figure 9       2x6 CDU-F Configuration

                   Table 4        2x6 CDU-F Configuration
                              CDU        Feeder             CDU                              ASU
                     Cell     No.        Label              Connector           Signal       Connector
                     A        1          CellA: DX1         TX/RX               TX/RX A      1
                                         CellA: RXB         RX                  RX B         2
                     B        3          CellB: DX1         TX/RX               TX/RX A      5
                                         CellB: RXB         RX                  RX B         6

EN/LZT 720 0320 Uen R3A                                                                                       9 (24)

Antenna Configurations                                                                                           RBS 2206

4.5                      1x4 + 1x8 CDU-F Configuration

                         The figure below shows the 1x4 + 1x8 CDU-F configuration.

                                                          Cell                       Cell
                                                           A                          B
                                               Optional          Optional Optional          Optional

                                                 TMA               TMA     TMA              TMA

                                                  DX1 RXB DX1                  DX2


                         Figure 10      1x4 + 1x8 CDU-F Configuration

                         Table 5       1x4+1x8 CDU-F Configuration
                                   CDU        Feeder              CDU                                  ASU
                          Cell     No.        Label               Connector            Signal          Connector
                          A        1          CellA: DX1          TX/RX                TX/RX A         1
                                              CellA: RXB          RX                   RX B            2
                          B        2          CellB: DX1          TX/RX                TX/RX B         3
                                   3          CellB: DX2          TX/RX                TX/RX B         5

10 (24)                                                                                            EN/LZT 720 0320 Uen R3A

RBS 2206                                                                                 Antenna Configurations

4.6                1x8 + 1x4 CDU-F Configuration

                   The figure below shows the 1x8 + 1x4 CDU-F configuration.

                                                Cell                       Cell
                                        Optional A     Optional Optional    B Optional

                                          TMA           TMA      TMA           TMA

                                            DX1          DX2         DX1    RXB


                   Figure 11       1x8 + 1x4 Configuration

                   Table 6       1x8 + 1x4 CDU-F Configuration
                             CDU         Feeder          CDU                              ASU
                     Cell    No.         Label           Connector           Signal       Connector
                     A       1           CellA: DX1      TX/RX               TX/RX A      1
                             2           CellA: DX2      TX/RX               TX/RX B      3
                     B       3           CellB: DX1      TX/RX               TX/RX A      5
                                         CellB: RXB      RX                  RX B         6

EN/LZT 720 0320 Uen R3A                                                                                 11 (24)

Antenna Configurations                                                                                          RBS 2206

4.7                      3x8 CDU-F Configuration

                         The figure below shows the 3x8 CDU-F configuration.

                                                           Optional           Optional
                                         Cell                          Cell                       Cell
                                          A                             B                          C
                                                           TMA                TMA

                                   DX1      DX2      DX1       RXB              DX2       DX1            DX2

                                                                 S5     S1

                                                     CDU-F                       CDU-F

                         Figure 12       3x8 CDU-F Configuration

                         Table 7     3x8 CDU-F Configuration, Mid-sector

                                     CDU          Feeder         Connector                                 ASU
                          Cell       No.          Label          CDU                     Signal            Connector
                          A          1            CellA: DX1     TX/RX                   TX/RX A           1
                          Cab. 1     2            CellA: DX2     TX/RX                   TX/RX B           3
                          B          3            CellB: DX1     TX/RX                   TX/RX A           5
                                     Cab. 1       CellB: RXB     RX                      RX B              –
                                     1            CellB: DX2     TX/RX                   TX/RX B           1
                                     Cab. 2       CellB: RXA     RX                      RX A              –
                          C          2            CellC: DX1     TX/RX                   TX/RX A           3
                          Cab. 2     3            CellC: DX2     TX/RX                   TX/RX B           5

12 (24)                                                                                           EN/LZT 720 0320 Uen R3A

RBS 2206                                                                       Antenna Configurations

5                  CDU-G Antenna Connections
                   The antenna connectors are located on the top of the CDU, see the figures

                            Antenna connectors






                                                                     CDU bus

                                                                      DC in



                   Figure 13   CDU-G Layout

                   Figure 14   CDU-G Antenna Feeder Connectors

EN/LZT 720 0320 Uen R3A                                                                       13 (24)

Antenna Configurations                                                                                           RBS 2206

6                        CDU-G Configurations
                         Note:     In the figures and tables that follow, only cabinets that are fully-equipped
                                   are shown. Configurations consisting of part of the fully-equipped
                                   cabinet can also be extracted from the following figures and tables.

                         See Figure 3 on page 4 and Figure 14 on page 13 for an illustration of each of
                         the column headers in the tables below.

6.1                      3x2 CDU-G and 3x4 CDU-G Configuration

                         The figure below shows the 3x2 CDU-G and 3x4 CDU-G configuration.

                                               Cell                     Cell                   Cell
                                       Optional A     Optional Optional B Optional Optional           Optional

                                         TMA            TMA       TMA         TMA     TMA             TMA

                                                      DX1         DX1
                                                            DX2         DX2         DX2


                         Figure 15       3x2 CDU-G and 3x4 CDU-G Configuration

                         Table 8       3x2 CDU-G and 3x4 CDU-G Configuration
                                   CDU          Feeder             CDU                                ASU
                          Cell     No.          Label              Connector          Signal          Connector
                          A        1            CellA: DX1         TX/RX1             TX/RX A         1
                                                CellA: DX2         TX/RX2             TX/RX B         2
                          B        2            CellB: DX1         TX/RX1             TX/RX A         3
                                                CellB: DX2         TX/RX2             TX/RX B         4
                          C        3            CellC: DX1         TX/RX1             TX/RX A         5
                                                CellC: DX2         TX/RX2             TX/RX B         6

14 (24)                                                                                        EN/LZT 720 0320 Uen R3A

RBS 2206                                                                                  Antenna Configurations

6.2                2x1 CDU-G Configuration

                   The figure below shows the 2x1 CDU-G configuration.

                                           A                       Cell
                               Optional           Optional Optional B Optional

                                  TMA              TMA     TMA         TMA

                                                 DX1 DX1
                                                            RXB RXB


                   Figure 16      2x1 CDU-G Configuration

                   Table 9       2x1 CDU-G Configuration
                                                         Feeder       CDU Con-                ASU
                     Cell    CDU No.                     Label        nector     Signal       Connector
                     A       1                           CellA:       TX/RX1     TX/RX        1
                                                         DX1                     A
                             2                           CellA:       TX/RX1     RX B         3
                     B       1                           CellB:       TX/RX2     TX/RX        2
                                                         DX1                     A
                             2                           CellB:       TX/RX2     RX B         4

                   For the configuration for cell C, see Section 6.1 3x2 CDU-G and 3x4 CDU-G
                   Configuration on page 14

EN/LZT 720 0320 Uen R3A                                                                                  15 (24)

Antenna Configurations                                                                                 RBS 2206

6.3                      2x3 CDU-G Configuration

                         The figure below shows the 2x3 CDU-G configuration.

                                      Optional Cell       Optional    Cell   Optional
                                       TMA             TMA      TMA          TMA

                                                      DX1 DX1
                                                                DX2 DX2


                         Figure 17   2x3 CDU-G Configuration

                         Table 10    2x3 CDU-G Configuration

                                 CDU     Feeder           Connector                             ASU
                          Cell   No.     Label            CDU                  Signal           Connector
                          A      1       CellA: DX1       TX/RX1               TX/RX A          1
                                 2       CellA: DX2       TX/RX1               TX/RX B          3
                          B      1       CellB: DX1       TX/RX2               TX/RX A          2
                                 2       CellB: DX2       TX/RX2               TX/RX B          4

16 (24)                                                                                  EN/LZT 720 0320 Uen R3A

RBS 2206                                                                        Antenna Configurations

6.4                1x4 CDU-G without HCU and 1x8 CDU-G with HCU Configuration

                   The figure below shows the 1x4 CDU-G without Hybrid Combiner Unit (HCU)
                   and 1x8 CDU-G with HCU configuration.


                                            Optional       Optional

                                              TMA           TMA

                                              DX1 TX1   DX2 TX2


                   Figure 18      1x4 CDU-G without HCU and 1x8 CGU-G with HCU Configuration

                   Table 11       1x4 CDU-G without HCU and 1x8 CDU-G with HCU Configuration
                              CDU       Feeder         CDU                        ASU
                     Cell     No.       Label          Connector      Signal      Connector
                     A        1         CellA: DX1     TX/RX1         TX/RX A     1
                                        CellA: TX1     TX/RX2         TX          –
                              2         CellA: DX2     TX/RX1         TX/RX B     3
                                        CellA: TX2     TX/RX2         TX          –

EN/LZT 720 0320 Uen R3A                                                                        17 (24)

Antenna Configurations                                                                                    RBS 2206

6.5                      1x6 CDU-G without HCU and 1x12 CDU-G with HCU Configuration

                         The figure below shows the 1x6 CGU-G without HCU and 1x12 CDU-G with
                         HCU configuration.


                                                Optional     Optional

                                                 TMA         TMA

                                                   DX1 TX1   TX2 TX3           DX2 TX4


                         Figure 19      1x6 CDU-G without HCU and 1x12 with HCU Configuration

                         Table 12       1x6 CDU-G without HCU and 1x12 CDU-G with HCU Configuration
                                    CDU       Feeder         CDU                                ASU
                          Cell      No.       Label          Connector             Signal       Connector
                          A         1         CellA: DX1     TX/RX1                TX/RX A      1
                                              CellA: TX1     TX/RX2                TX           –
                                    2         CellA: TX2     TX/RX1                TX           –
                                              CellA: TX3     TX/RX2                TX           –
                                    3         CellA: DX2     TX/RX1                TX/RX B      5
                                              CellA: TX4     TX/RX2                TX           –

18 (24)                                                                                     EN/LZT 720 0320 Uen R3A

RBS 2206                                                                       Antenna Configurations

6.6                1x8 CDU-G with HCU Configuration

                   The figure below shows the 1x8 CDU-G with HCU configuration.


                                         Optional         Optional

                                           TMA             TMA

                                          DX1       DX2


                   Figure 20   1x8 CDU-G with HCU Configuration

                   Table 13    1x8 CDU-G with HCU Configuration
                                CDU                                             ASU
                     Cell       CDU       Feeder     Connector                  Connector
                                No.       Label
                                                     CDU             Signal
                     A          1         CellA:     TX/RX1          TX/RX A    1
                                2         CellA:     TX/RX1          TX/RX A    3

EN/LZT 720 0320 Uen R3A                                                                       19 (24)

Antenna Configurations                                                                                    RBS 2206

6.7                      1x12 CDU-G with HCU Configuration

                         The figure below shows the 1x12 CDU-G with HCU configuration.


                                             Optional     Optional

                                              TMA             TMA

                                                 DX1       TX2              DX2


                         Figure 21   1x12 CDU-G with HCU Configuration

                         Table 14    1x12 CDU-G with HCU Configuration

                                 CDU    Feeder          Connector                                ASU
                          Cell   No.    Label           CDU                       Signal         Connector
                          A      1      CellA: DX1      TX/RX 1                   TX/RX A        1
                                 2      CellA: TX1      TX/RX 1                   TX             –
                                 3      CellA: DX2      TX/RX 1                   TX/RX B        5

20 (24)                                                                                     EN/LZT 720 0320 Uen R3A

RBS 2206                                                                               Antenna Configurations

6.8                2x6 CDU-G Configuration

                   The figure below shows the 2x6 CDU-G configuration.

                                                    Cell                  Cell
                                                     A                     B

                                    Optional     Optional              Optional     Optional

                                        TMA        TMA                   TMA        TMA

                                               DX1 DX2      TX1 TX1    DX1 DX2


                   Figure 22      2x6 CDU-G Configuration

                   Table 15       2x6 CDU-G Configuration
                              CDU       Feeder             CDU                            ASU
                     Cell     No.       Label              Connector       Signal         Connector
                     A        1         CellA: DX1         TX/RX1          TX/RX A        1
                                        CellA: DX2         TX/RX2          TX/RX B        2
                              2         CellA: TX1         TX/RX1          TX             –
                     B                  CellB: TX1         TX/RX2          TX             –
                              3         CellB: DX1         TX/RX1          TX/RX A        5
                                        CellB: DX2         TX/RX2          TX/RX B        6

EN/LZT 720 0320 Uen R3A                                                                               21 (24)

Antenna Configurations                                                                                           RBS 2206

6.9                      3x8 CDU-G with HCU Configuration

                         The figure below shows the 3x8 CDU-G with HCU configuration.

                                                             Optional           Optional
                                           Cell                         Cell                       Cell
                                            A                            B                          C
                                                             TMA                    TMA

                                     DX1     DX2       DX1      RXB                  DX2     DX1     DX2

                                                                   S5          S1

                                                       CDU-G                         CDU-G

                                           Cabinet 1                                         Cabinet 2

                         Figure 23    3x8 CDU-G with HCU Configuration

22 (24)                                                                                            EN/LZT 720 0320 Uen R3A

RBS 2206                                                               Antenna Configurations

Table 16      3x8 CDU-G with HCU Configuration

                      Feeder   Connector                   ASU
 Cell      CDU No.    Label    CDU               Signal    Connector         Cabinet
 A         1 Cab. 1   CellA:   TX/RX1            TX/RX A   1                 1
           2 Cab. 1   CellA:   TX/RX2            TX/RX B   3
 B         3 Cab. 1   CellB:   TX/RX1            TX/RX A   5
                      DX 1
                      CellB:   TX/RX2            RX B      –
                      RX B
           1 Cab. 2   CellB:   TX/RX1            TX/RX B   1                 2
                      DX 2
                      CellB:   TX/RX2            RX A      –
                      RX A
 C         2 Cab. 2   CellC:   TX/RX1            TX/RX A   3
           3 Cab. 2   CellC:   TX/RX1            TX/RX B   5

EN/LZT 720 0320 Uen R3A                                                               23 (24)

Antenna Configurations                                                          RBS 2206

Ericsson AB              No part of this document may be reproduced in any form without
SE-164 80 Stockholm        the written permission of the copyright owner. The contents of
Sweden                         this document are subject to revision without notice due to       continued progress in methodology, design and manufacturing.
                            Ericsson shall have no liability for any error or damage of any
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                                                 © Ericsson 2004 — All Rights Reserved

24 (24)                                                       EN/LZT 720 0320 Uen R3A

                                                         EN/LZT 720 0136 Uen R2A

                                                      RBS 2207
                                   Antenna Configurations

This document describes the possible antenna configurations for the RBS 2207.

                       Cell                   Cell
                        A         Cell         C

                     DX1 RXB    DX1 RXB    DX1 DX2


E                                                                           1 (10)

Antenna Configurations                                                   RBS 2207

                         1     Introduction                                     3

                         2     CDU-J Antenna Connections                        3

                         3     CDU-J Configurations                             4
                         3.1   3x2 CDU-J                                        5
                         3.2   1+1+2 CDU-J uncombined                           8

2 (10)                                                     EN/LZT 720 0136 Uen R2A

RBS 2207                                                                         Antenna Configurations

1                  Introduction
                   The various configurations available for cabinets are described according to
                   the following example:

                   Figure 1   CDU configuration key

                   In the example above, the cabinet is configured for three cells, each using two
                   TRXs. The total number of TRXs is thus six in this case. The CDU is type

                   Note:   If a tower mounted amplifier (TMA) is used the bias injectors must
                           be installed.

2                  CDU-J Antenna Connections
                   The antenna connectors are located on the top of the CDU, see figures below.

EN/LZT 720 0136 Uen R2A                                                                          3 (10)

Antenna Configurations                                                                               RBS 2207

                         Figure 2   CDU-J layout

                         Figure 3   CDU antenna feeder connectors

3                        CDU-J Configurations
                         This section shows different configurations for CDU-J. It can exist CDU-G in the
                         RBS 2207 but it is configured the same way as CDU-J.

                         Note:   In the figures and tables that follow, only cabinets that are fully-equipped
                                 are shown. Configurations consisting of part of the fully-equipped
                                 cabinet can also be extracted from the following figures and tables.

                         See Figure 1 on page 3 for a description of the column headers in the tables

4 (10)                                                                                 EN/LZT 720 0136 Uen R2A

RBS 2207                                                                                     Antenna Configurations

3.1                3x2 CDU-J

                   This section describes the 3x2 combined and uncombined CDU-J

                   3x2 Uncombined CDU-J Configurations

                                            Cell                             Cell
                                             A           Cell                 C

                                           DX1 DX2     DX1 DX2         DX1 DX2


                   Figure 4   Uncombined configuration without TMA

                                    Cell                        Cell                      Cell
                                     A                           B                         C

                              TMA             TMA      TMA             TMA          TMA          TMA

                                           DX1         DX1
                                                 DX2         DX2             DX2


                   Figure 5   Uncombined configuration with TMA

EN/LZT 720 0136 Uen R2A                                                                                       5 (10)

Antenna Configurations                                                                             RBS 2207

                         Table 1      3x2 CDU-J uncombined
                             Cell     CDU No.    Feeder label        CDU connector          Signal
                             A        1          CellA: DX1          TX/RX1                 TX/RX A
                                                 CellA: DX2          TX/RX2                 TX/RX B
                             B        2          CellB: DX1          TX/RX1                 TX/RX A
                                                 CellB: DX2          TX/RX2                 TX/RX B
                             C        3          CellC: DX1          TX/RX1                 TX/RX A
                                                 CellC: DX2          TX/RX2                 TX/RX B

                         From the configuration in the figure and table above, the following configurations
                         can be derived:

                         •       1x2 CDU-J uncombined

                         •       2x2 CDU-J uncombined

                         3x2 Combined CDU-J Configurations

                                                 Cell                     Cell
                                                  A           Cell         C

                                                DX1 RXB DX1 RXB       DX1 RXB


                         Figure 6     Combined configuration without TMA

6 (10)                                                                               EN/LZT 720 0136 Uen R2A

RBS 2207                                                                                        Antenna Configurations

                                       Cell                                              Cell
                                        A                          Cell                   C
                                 TMA           TMA        TMA              TMA     TMA          TMA

                                              DX1          DX1
                                                    RXB          RXB             RXB


                   Figure 7     Combined configuration with TMA

                   Table 2      3x2 CDU-J combined
                       Cell     CDU No.        Feeder label               CDU connector             Signal
                       A        1              CellA: DX1                 TX/RX1                    TX/RX A
                                               CellA: RXB                 TX/RX2                    RX B
                       B        2              CellB: DX1                 TX/RX1                    TX/RX A
                                               CellB: RXB                 TX/RX2                    RX B
                       C        3              CellC: DX1                 TX/RX1                    TX/RX A
                                               CellC: RXB                 TX/RX2                    RX B

                   From the configuration in the figure and table above, the following configurations
                   can be derived:

                   •       1x2 CDU-J combined

                   •       2x2 CDU-J combined

EN/LZT 720 0136 Uen R2A                                                                                          7 (10)

Antenna Configurations                                                                                      RBS 2207

3.2                      1+1+2 CDU-J uncombined

                                                  Cell                               Cell
                                                   A             Cell                 C

                                                 DX1 RXB    DX1 RXB            DX1 DX2


                         Figure 8   Configuration without TMA

                                          Cell                                                Cell
                                           A                            Cell                   C
                                    TMA           TMA      TMA                 TMA      TMA          TMA

                                                 DX1 DX1
                                                           RXB RXB                   DX2


                         Figure 9   Configuration with TMA

8 (10)                                                                                        EN/LZT 720 0136 Uen R2A

RBS 2207                                                                          Antenna Configurations

                   Table 3      1+1+2 CDU-J
                                                       Feeder         CDU
                       Cell     CDU No.                label          connector        Signal
                       A        1                      CellA: DX1     TX/RX1           TX/RX A
                                2                      CellA: RXB     TX/RX1           RX B
                       B        1                      CellB: DX1     TX/RX2           TX/RX A
                                2                      CellB: RXB     TX/RX2           RX B
                       C        3                      CellC: DX1     TX/RX1           TX/RX A
                                3                      CellC: DX2     TX/RX2           TX/RX B

                   From the configuration in the figure and table above, the following configuration
                   can be derived:

                   •       2x1 CDU-J uncombined

EN/LZT 720 0136 Uen R2A                                                                           9 (10)

Antenna Configurations                                                          RBS 2207

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                                              © Ericsson AB 2004 — All Rights Reserved

10 (10)                                                       EN/LZT 720 0136 Uen R2A

Document Created: 2004-09-07 17:19:22
Document Modified: 2004-09-07 17:19:22

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