Users Manual 2


Users Manual

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                        Thank you for purchasing a Futaba 2PL.
      Before using your 2PL, read this manual carefully and use your R/C set safely.
                    After reading this manual, store it in a safe place.
 Application, Export, and Modification
 1. This product may be used for models only. It is not intended for use in any application other than the
 control of models for hobby and recreational purposes. The product is subject to regulations of the
 Ministry of Radio/Telecommunications and is restricted under Japanese law to such purposes.
 2. Exportation precautions:
 (a) When this product is exported from the country of manufacture, its use is to be approved by the
 laws governing the country of destination which govern devices that emit radio frequencies. If this
 product is then re-exported to other countries, it may be subject to restrictions on such export. Prior
 approval of the appropriate goverment authorities may be required. If you have purchased this product
 from an exporter outside your country, and not the authorized Futaba distributor in your country,
 please contact the seller immediately to determine if such export regulations have been met.
 (b) Use of this product with other than models may be restricted by Export and Trade Control Regula-
 tions, and an application for export approval must be submitted. In the US, use of 72MHz (aircraft
 only), 75MHz (ground models only) and 27MHz (both) frequency bands are strictly regulated by the
 FCC. This equipment must not be utilized to operate equipment other than radio controlled models.
 Similarly, other frequencies (except 50MHz, for HAM operators) must not be used to operate models.
 3. Modification, adjustment, and replacement of parts: Futaba is not responsible for unauthorized
 modification, adjustment, and replacement of parts on this product. Any such changes may void the
 Compliance Information Statement (for U.S.A.)
 This device, trade name Futaba Corporation of America, model number R142JE comply with part 15
 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
 (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and
 (2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired
 The responsible party of this device compliance is;
 Futaba Corporation of America
 2865 Wall Triana Highway, Huntsville, Alabama 35824, U.S.A.
 TEL (256) 461 - 7348
 Battery Recycling (for U.S.A.)
              The RBRCTM SEAL on the (easily removable) nickel-cadmium battery contained in
              Futaba products indicates that Futaba Corporation of America is voluntarily participating
              in an industry program to collect and recycle these batteries at the end of their useful
              lives, when taken out of service within the United States. The RBRCTM program provides
              a convenient alternative to placing used nickel-cadmium batteries into the trash or mu-
              nicipal waste system, which is illegal in some areas.
 You may contact your local recycling center for information on where to return the spent battery.
 Please call 1-800-8-BATTERY for information on Ni-Cd battery recycling in your area. Futaba Cor-
 poration of America's involvement in this program is part of its commitment to protecting our environ-
 ment and conserving natural resources.
 NOTE: Our instruction manuals encourage our customers to return spent batteries to a local recycling
 center in order to keep a healthy environment.
 RBRCTM is a trademark of the Rechargeable Battery Recycling Corporation.

 Warning: This product contains a chemical known to cause cancer and birth defects (or other
 reproductive harm).

•No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form without prior permission.
•The contents of this m anual are subject to change without prior notice.
•This manual has been carefully written. Please write to Futaba if you feel that any corrections or clarifications should
 be made.
•Futaba is not responsible for the use of this product.

                                                    Table of Contens

Safety Precautions ...................................................................... 2
      Definition of Symbols ............................................................................................................ 2
      Running Preparations Safety Precautions .......................................................................... 2
      Running Safety Precautions ................................................................................................. 3
      Storage and Disposal Safety Precautions ........................................................................... 4
      Other Safety Precautions ..................................................................................................... 5

Before Operation ........................................................................ 6
      System Contents ................................................................................................................... 6
      Nomenclature / Handling ..................................................................................................... 7

Assembly / Adjustment .............................................................. 9
      Receiver and Servo Connection .......................................................................................... 9
      Assembly Precautions ........................................................................................................... 9
      Digital Proportional Adjustment ....................................................................................... 11

Flow Chart of 2PL Functions ................................................... 12
      *Each function is easily selected with the SELECT key and set with the digital
       trim DT1/DT2.

Description of 2PL Functions .................................................. 14
      Steering Trim (TRM-CH1) ................................................................................................. 14
      Throttle Trim (TRM-CH2) ................................................................................................. 14
      Steering Dual Rates (D/R-CH1) ......................................................................................... 15
      Model Selection/Model Reset (MDL) ................................................................................ 15
      Steering Servo Reversing (REV-CH1) ............................................................................... 15
      Throttle Servo Reversing (REV-CH2) ............................................................................... 15
      Steering End Point Adjustment (EPA-CH1) .................................................................... 16
      Throttle End Point Adjustment (EPA-CH2) .................................................................... 16
      ABS function (ABS-CH2) ................................................................................................... 17
      Model Name (NAME) ......................................................................................................... 17
      MC230CR/MC330CR........................................................................................................... 18

Reference ................................................................................... 19
      Ratings .................................................................................................................................. 19
      Troubleshooting .................................................................................................................. 20


                                                       Safety Precautions
                     For your safety as well as that of others. Please read this manual thoroughly prior to instal-
                     lation and operation of your digital proportional R/C system.

                                                 Definition of Symbols
                     The following defines the symbols used in this manual.
Safety Precautions

                     Explanation of Symbols
                                              Procedures which may lead to a dangerous condition and cause
                           Danger             death or serious injury to the user if not carried out properly.

                                              Procedures which may lead to a dangerous condition or cause
                                              death or serious injury to the user if not carried out properly, or
                           Warning            procedures where the probability of superficial injury or physical
                                              damage is high.
                                              Procedures where the possibility of serious injury to the user is
                           Caution            small, but there is a danger of injury, or physical damage, if not
                                              carried out properly.

                     Explanation of Graphic Symbols
                                 Indicates an operation that prompts a warning (including Caution).

                                 Indicates an operation that must not be performed.

                                 Indicates an operation that always must be performed.

                         Running (Sailing) Preparations Safety Precautions
                     (When using a Ni-cad battery to power your system)
                              When using a Ni-cad battery to power your system, always charge and check the
                              battery voltage prior to operation.
                              Should the battery discharge below the minimum voltage level, control will be lost.

                     (When using a Ni-cad battery to power your system)
                              When the charger is not in use, disconnect from the outlet.
                              To prevent accidents, overheating and short circuits.


             Running (Sailing) Safety Precautions
Conduct Tests
       Prior to operation always preform a range test.
       Even one abnormality in the R/C system may cause loss of control.
       [Range Test Procedure]
       Have a friend hold the model, or place on a stand where the wheels or prop can not

                                                                                                 Safety Precautions
       come in contact with any object. Collapse the transmitter antenna and operate from a
       distance of about 10 yards. Be sure to check the movement of each servo to make
       sure they follow the movement of the steering wheel and throttle trigger. If the servos
       do not follow the commands from the transmitter or any type of interference is de-
       tected, Do Not operate the model.

       Fully extend the transmitter antenna.
       If the transmitter antenna is not fully extended range will be reduced and control may
       be lost.

       Do not operate two or more models on the same frequency at the same time.
       Operation of two or more models on the same frequency at the same time will cause
       interference and loss of control of both models.
       AM, FM and PCM are different methods of modulation. Nonetheless the same fre-
       quency can not be used at the same point in time, regardless of the signal format.

Do not operate outdoors on rainy days
       Never operate in the rain or run through puddles.
       The transmitter, receiver, batteries and most servos, and speed controls are not wa-
       terproof. Contact with any type of moisture or immersion in water or snow will cause
       damage along with possible loss of control. Should any type of moisture enter any
       component of the system immediately stop using the R/C system and return to our
       service center for inspection.

       Do not operate when visibility is limited.
       Should you loss sight of the model a collision or other dangerous situation may occur.

       Do not operate near people or roads.
       Do not operate near high tension power lines or communication broadcasting anten-
       Prior to the operation of any model be sure the area you plan to use is safe. Be aware
       of all object that may be in the path of your model. Do not operate the model where
       people or any type of moveable object could stray in the path of your model. Control
       loss due to interference, component failure, loss of sight or low battery voltage could
       result in serious injury to yourself and others as well as damage to your model.

       Do not operate your R/C system within 1 mile of another site where radio control activ-
       ity may occur.
       Interference from other R/C systems will cause loss of control.


                            Do not operate when you are tired, not feeling well or under the influence of alcohol or
                            Your judgement is impaired and could result in a dangerous situation that may cause
                            serious injury to yourself and others.

                            Before you turn on the power switch on the transmitter, always check to see that the
                            trigger is at the neutral position. Always turn the transmitter on first, then the receiver.
                            When you turn the system off, always turn the receiver off first then the transmitter.
Safety Precautions

                            This step is very important always follow this procedure.
                            If this procedure is not followed, injury to yourself and others as well as loss of control
                            could occur.

                     Adjustment Note
                            Make all adjustments to the radio control system with engine not running, or the elec-
                            tric motor disconnected.
                            If the engine is running or the motor is connected while adjustments are made the
                            model may run out of control.

                            Remove the main battery source from electric powered models when they are not
                            being used.
                            Should you accidently leave the receiver switch on the model could run out of control.

                     Do not touch
                            Do not touch the engine, motor, speed control or any part of the model that will gener-
                            ate heat while running.
                            Touching hot parts will result in serious burns.

                            Storage and Disposal Safety Precautions
                     (When using a Ni-cad battery to power your system)
                            At the end of a days operation store the system with Ni-cad battery discharged. Be
                            sure to recharge the system before it is used again.
                            You should fully discharge your systems batteries periodicity to prevent a condition
                            called "memory". For example if you only make two run in a day or you regularly use a
                            small amount of the batteries capacity, the memory effect can reduce the actual ca-
                            pacity even if the battery is charged for the recommended amount of time.

                            Do not throw a Ni-cad battery into a fire. Do not disassemble or attempt to repair a Ni-
                            cad battery pack.
                            Overheating, damage and acid leakage may lead to burns, loss of eye sight as well as
                            numerous other types of injuries. The electrolyte in Ni-cad batteries is a strong alkali.
                            Should you get even the smallest amount of the electrolyte in your eyes, Do Not rub,
                            wash immediately with water, seek medical attention at once. The electrolyte can
                            cause blindness. If electrolyte comes in contact with your skin or clothes, wash with
                            water immediately.


       Do not store your R/C system where it will be exposed to the following conditions.
       • Extreme heat or coldness
       • Exposed to direct sunlight
       • Where humidity is high
       • Where vibration is prevalent
       • Where dust is prevalent

                                                                                                   Safety Precautions
       • Where there is steam and condensation
       • Where the system would be exposed to engine exhaust
       Storing your R/C system under adverse conditions could cause deformation and nu-
       merous other problems with operation.

(When using a Ni-cad battery to power your system)
       When disposing Ni-cad batteries, cover any exposed contacts with some type of insu-
       lation to prevent short circuit.
       Improper disposal could cause fire.

            Other Safety Precautions
       When operating two or more models at the same time, have a third person act as a
       spotter. They will be in charge of safety and you should follow their instructions.

       Beginners should receive instructions regarding safety and operation from an experi-
       enced modeler.

Use genuine Futaba parts only.
       Always use only genuine Futaba receiver, servos, electronic speed controls along with
       other optional parts and components.
       Futaba will not be held responsible for damages caused by other than genuine Futaba
       parts and components. Use only genuine Futaba parts and components listed in the
       instruction manual and catalog.

(When using a Ni-cad battery to power your system)
       Do not short circuit the Ni-cad battery terminals.
       Short circuiting the terminals will lead to sparks and overheating and could cause a fire
       and burns as well.

Any adjustment or modification to the device not expressly authorized
by the party responsible for compliance could result in a violation of
the FCC Rules and void the user's authority to operate the equipment.

                                                      Before Operation
                                                  System Contents
                   After opening the container, check the contents for the following items. the contents will
                   vary with the system purchased.

                                                                                             System with
                                                System with              System with          E.S.C. and
                                                  2 Servos                 1 Servo              Servo

                            Transmitter                                  T2PL (x1)

                             Receiver                                    R142JE (x1)

                              Servo             S3003 (x2)                        S3003 (x1)
Before Operation

                                                                                            MC230CR (x1)
                              E.S.C.                                                       or MC330CR (x1)

                              Switch                      SSW-GS (x1)

                          Battery Holder                 R2-BSS-B (x1)

                          Miscellaneous                Servo mounting hardware and servo horns

                                                                                           Mini Screwdriver

                   Should any item be missing or you are uncertain of the contents of the system, please
                   contact the dealer where the unit was purchased.

                     Receiver R142JE                                              Servo S3003

                                                                                              Mounting Flange
                                                                              Servo Horn

                                                  Output Connector
                                                  "1" : Steering Servo
                                                  "2" : Throttle Servo
                                                                            To Receiver
                                        Power Supply Connector (B)


                                    Nomenclature / Handling

Transmitter T2PL
                                            (*1)                                                                                           (*1)
 Throttle Trim Lever (DT2)                                                                    Steering Trim Lever (DT1)
  Adjusts the throttle in small increments so the                                              Adjusts the steering in small increments so
  model will not move at neutral.                                                              the model will run straight.

                                                                                                                      Select Button (SELECT)
                                                                                                                        Press the Select button to select the
 Power Switch                                                                                                           desired function screen.
  When slid upward,
  the power is turned on.

                                                                                                                    Steering Wheel
 LCD screen                                                                                                           Turn model to left or right.

  Power switch turned on: Beep confirmation

                                                                                                                                                                Before Operation
  sound is generated and the model name is
  displayed for about two seconds and then
  the initial screen appears.                                                                     Throttle Trigger
     (Initial screen)                                                                              Control the speed of the model and movement
     •Model memory number display                                                                  forward and backward.
     •Battery voltage display
                                                                                    Steering Dual Rate Lever (D/R)
                            Grip Handle                                               Adjusts the vihicle's steering sensitivity across
                                                                                      the entire range.

                                        Digital trim DT1, DT2, and D/R operation
                                        Push the lever to the left or right (up or down).
                                        The current position is displayed on the LCD screen for about two seconds.
                                        Each step is indicated by a tone. When the trim exceeds the maximum trim
                                        adjustment range, the beep will change the servo will not move any farther.
                                        Remember, the trims are digital so the position of each trim is remembered
                                        for each model separately.

                                                            Applicable motors (Number of turns is criteria.)
E.S.C. MC230CR                                              •Use the MC230CR with a motor with 20T or more turns.
                                                            •Use the MC330CR with a motor with 13T or more turns.
       / MC330CR                                            *If a motor with a number of turns smaller than the above is used, the heat
                                                            protector and overcurrent protection circuit may operate. The number of turns
                                                            of the motor is a criteria only. Depending on the running conditions, the
                                                            protection circuit may operate even if the condition above is satisfied.

 Checker LED                                                       (Orange)
                                                                                                            Motor connector
                                                                     (Blue)                                 Connects to the motor.
Pushbutton                                                                                                  (Orange) is plus. (Blue) is minus.
    switch                                                                                                  If the motor rotates in the wrong
                                                                                                            direction, interchange the connections of
                                                                                                            this connector.

                                                                                                         Nicd battery connector
                                                                                                         Connects to the running Nicd battery.
                                                                                                         (Red) is plus. (Black) is minus.
                                                                                                     Nicd battery 6~7 cells (7.2~8.4V)

                                                                                            Receiver connector
                                                                                            Connects to the receiver throttle channel.

                                                                                                          Miniature screwdriver
                                                                                                          Accessory. Use to press the
                            Power switch                                                                  pushbutton switch.


                   Handling Procedure for Bat-
                   teries (8 AA Size Batteries)
                                                                       Always be sure you reinsert the bat-
                   (Battery Replacement Method)                        teries in the correct polarity order.
                                                               If the batteries are loaded incorrectly , the
                   1 Remove the battery cover from the         transmitter may be damaged.
                     transmitter by sliding it in the direc-            When the transmitter will not be
                     tion of the arrow in the figure.                   used for any short or long period of
                                                                        time, always remove the batteries.
                   2 Remove the used batteries.                If the batteries do happen to leak , clean the
                                                               battery case and contacts thoroughly. Make
                   3 Load the new AA size batteries . Pay      sure the contacts are free of corrosion.
                     very close attention to the polarity
                     markings and reinsert accordingly.
                   4 Slide the battery cover back onto the      Check:
Before Operation

                                                                Turn the power switch on the trans-
                                                                mitter to the ON position. Check to
                                                                the battery voltage display on the
                                                                LCD screen.
                                                                If the voltage is low, check the batter-
                                                                ies for insufficient contact in the case
                                                                or incorrect battery polarity.

                                                                Low Battery Alarm:
                                                                If the transmitter battery voltage
                                                                drops below 8.5V an alarm will sound
                                                                and "LOW" will be displayed on the
                                                                LCD screen.

                                                                The low battery alarm is meant to be a
                                                                safety feature only. Do NOT operate
                                                                your radio below 9V. Always shut
                                                                your radio off as soon as possible af-
                                                                ter the low battery warning tone to
                                                                avoid loss of control.


                                 Assembly / Adjustment

                         Receiver and Servo Connection
As you connect the receiver, servos and other components, do so in accordance with the
"Assembly Precautions".
        Connections when a E.S.C. MC230CR or MC330CR are used.

                                                                 Connects to Motor

                                                                 Connects to Battery

                                 Power Switch

                                                         Steering Servo

                                                                                                  Assembly / Adjustment

        Gas Powered Model
                     Power Switch
           To Receiver

                                                                Steering Servo

                                                                Throttle Servo

                            Assembly Precautions
        Check the receiver, servos, and battery connectors, to be sure they are firmly con-
        If a connector is not fully inserted, vibration may cause the connector to work loose
        while the model is operating. This will result in loss of control.
        Operate each servo horn over its full stroke and check to see that the linkage does not
        bind or is not too loose.
        Excessive force applied to the servo horn by binding or poor installation may lead to
        servo problems and cause result in loss of control.

                        The receiver antenna may seem long. Do not cut or alter from the original length.
                        If the receiver antenna length is altered, the receiver will be adversely effected. The
                        receiver will become considerably more susceptible to interference and high fre-
                        quency noise which will result in loss of range and control.
                        Installation Note
                        (Electric Car's and Boat's)
                        Isolate the receiver from vibration by attaching to the chassis or mounting plate with
                        thick double sided tape.
                        (Gas Powered Car's and Boat's)
                        Isolate the receiver from vibration by wrapping it in foam rubber or similar type cush-
                        ioning material. Protect the unit from water damage by placing it in a plastic bag or
                        waterproof radio box.
                        The receiver contains precision electronic parts. These parts are vulnerable to vibra-
                        tion and shock. Any contact with moisture (water or condensation) may cause receiver
                        malfunction and loss of control.
                        Installation Note
                        Keep all devises that may omit high frequency noise, such as motor's, batteries, and
                        wiring that handle heavy current loads, at least 1/2 inch away from the receiver and
                        receiver antenna.
                        High frequency noise will cause a decrease in operating range and could cause loss of
                        Use genuine Futaba parts only.
                        Use only genuine Futaba crystal set's as specified in this instruction manual.
Assembly / Adjustment

                        The use of other than Futaba crystal set's will result in decrease of range as well as
                        loss of control. There are separate crystal's for the Transmitter and Receiver, there are
                        also crystal set's for AM, FM and Dual Conversion FM. Use only single conversion AM
                        crystal set's with this system.
                        Changing crystals in 72-75 MHz transmitter is illegal, however 27 MHz is allowable.
                        (For U.S.A.)
                        Install electronic speed control heat sinks as well as other components that conduct
                        electricity so they can not come in contact with aluminum, carbon fiber or other mate-
                        rials that conduct electricity.
                        If for example the speed control came loose while the model was running and touched
                        an aluminum chassis a short circuit may occur that would cause irreparable damage to
                        the system as well as loss of control.
                        Installation Note
                        Noise suppression capacitors should be installed on almost all motors.
                        If the proper capacitors are not installed, high frequency noise will reduce range and
                        cause loss of control along with various other problems.
                        Installation Note
                        Inspect all linkage installations and any point where metal could come in contact with
                        other metal parts. Make sure these parts do not touch other metal parts under vibra-
                        Should a linkage or other metal parts come in contact with other metal parts under
                        vibration the high frequency noise generated by this contact will cause interference
                        and possible loss of control.

                        Disassembly Prohibited
                        Do Not disassemble any part of this system that is not specified in the instruction
                        Futaba will not be responsible for any damage due to improper disassembly of any
                        part of the radio control system.

                                           Digital Proportional Adjustment
         *When making these settings adjustments , do so with the motor disconnected
         or the engine not running.
Select the model memory that is not used and reset it to the initial values with the model selection and
model reset functions.            Model Selection                 Model Reset
                                                                                                                         Push the DT2 lever to the up or
                                                                                                                         down for about one second.
                                                                                     Model number                        All data stored in the current
                                                                                     (1 - 0)                             selected model memory is
                                                                                                      (Selection key)
                                                                                     Model name

Servo Horn Installation Instructions.

   1 Connect the receiver, servos, and other components and
         then turn on the power switches to transmitter and receiver.
         *Both servos will move to the neutral position.

   2 At this time install the servo horn in the manner described in
         the instruction manual provided with the model this system
         will be used in.
                                                                                                                                           Steering Servo Reverse

Reversing The Servo Operation Direction

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Assembly / Adjustment
                                                                                                                                                                 NOR: Normal
                                                                                                                                                                 REV: Reverse

   Should the servo operate in the opposite direction re-                                                                                                                       (Selection key)

   quired for your application, reverse the direction with the                                                                             Throttle Servo Reverse

   servo reversing.                                                                                                                                              NOR: Normal
                                                                                                                                                                 REV: Reverse
                                                                                                                                                                                (Selection key)

E.S.C. MC230CR / MC330CR


              Set the steering angle adjustment function (ATV) to                                *When using the ABS function, after setting up
              100% and the ABS function and acceleration function                                the MC230CR / MC330CR, stop the reverse
              to OFF using the transmitter throttle channel function.                            function, then turn on the ABS function. If the
                                                                                                 ABS function is on, the MC230CR / MC330CR
              If the steering angle is too large or the ABS and acceleration                     cannot be set up correctly.
              functions are on, erroneous operation may occur.

   Before setting each point, set the transmitter throttle channel trim to neutral.

    1    Turn on the power in transmitter -> amp order.
                               Transmitter throttle operation                       MC230CR /MC330CR
                                                                      (Pushbutton switch operation)          (Checker LED)

      Neutral                                                                                            ・Continuous single blink
    point setting                                                    ・Press the pushbutton switch.
                                                  ・Neutral state
                                                                          (0.5 secs or longer)
                                           N                          (Confirmation beep sounds)

      High point                                                                                        ・Continuous double blink
       setting                                                       ・Press the pushbutton switch.
                                               ・Full high state
                                                                     (Confirmation beep sounds)
                         Full High         N
                                                                                                                                           If the LED does not go off
    4                                                                                                                                      but blinks rapidly, setting
                                                                                                                                           was not performed
    Brake MAX                                                                                                                              normally. Repeat setting
                                                                                                          ・If the LED goes out,            from "Neutral point
    point setting                               ・Full brake state    ・Press the pushbutton switch.         setting is complete.            setting".
                                                                     (Confirmation beep sounds.)
                                       N       Full brake
   * Since the data is read at the end of setting of all points, the points cannot be set independently.                                    ・Continuous rapid blink
   * If the amp power was turned off during setting, the setting points cannot be memorized. (The previous settings are retained.)
   * The confirmation beep sounds only when the motor was connected.


                                                     Flow Chart of 2PL Functions

                              Power switch turned on

                                                         Digital trim DT1, DT2, and D/R display
                                                         The current position is displayed on the LCD screen for about two seconds
                                                         when each digital trim is operated.
                                                           Steering Trim              Throttle Trim               Steering D/R
                                The current model name
                                is displayed for about
                                two seconds.

                                                            (L25 - 0 - R25)             (B25 - 0 - F25)               (30 - 100%)
                                (Initial Screen)

                                                •Press the select button to select the desired function screen.
                                                •Press it for about two seconds to return to the initial screen.

                                  Model Selection                                        Model Reset
                                                                                          Push the DT2 lever to the up or
Flow Chart of 2PL Functions

                                                                                          down for about one second.
                                                     Model number                         All data stored in the current
                                                        (1 - 0)                           selected model memory is
                                                                    (Selection key)
                                                     Model name

                                  Steering Servo Reverse

                                                     NOR: Normal
                                                     REV: Reverse

                                                                              (Selection key)
                                                                                                      •DT1 and DT2 operate only
                                                                                                      as the data input keys in
                                                                                                      the programming mode.
                                  Throttle Servo Reverse                                              These do not operate as
                                                                                                      the trim levers.
                                                     NOR: Normal
                                                     REV: Reverse
                                                                              (Selection key)


      Steering EPA

                             Range: 0 - 120%

(Left side)                                                           (Right side)
                        Adjust the travel of the servo
                        while operating the steering
                        wheel to each way.

      Throttle EPA

                             Range: 0 - 120%

                        Adjust the travel of the servo
                                                                   (Brake side)
(Forward side)          while operating the throttle
                        trigger to each way.

      ABS function

                                                                                     Flow Chart of 2PL Functions
                            ABS Cycle Speed
                            OFF: Inhibited
                            FST: Active (fast)
                            MID: Active (middle)
                                                         (Selection key)
                            SLW: Active (slow)

      Model Name
                            Model number
                               (1 - 0)

                            Model name              (Selection key)

                     (Selection key)

To Initial Screen
         •Always return to the initial screen after the setting.


                                                       Description of 2PL Functions
                                                      Steering Trim (TRM-CH1)
                               Steering neutral adjustments can be made by moving the Steer-                       Steering Trim
                               ing trim knob to the left or right.
                                 Racers Tip
                                 When you install a servo always check to be sure the servo                        (L25 - 0 - R25)
                                 is at its neutral position. Adjust the servo horn hole posi-
                                 tion and linkage so both are parallel. When a servo saver is
                                 used place it as close to center position as possible. Be
                                 sure the steering trim on the transmitter is at the neutral
                                 position.                                                                     Servo Saver

                                 Trim Operation And Maximum Travel                                                            Direct Servo Saver Horn

                                 Changing the trim can effect the overall settings, when            Parallel
                                                                                                                        90°                        90°

                                 adjustments are made with the trims recheck your installa-
                                 tion for maximum servo travel. (Steering EPA right side
                                 and left side).
                                 When Trim usage is extreme
                                 If it takes most of your trim movement to get a servo to the
                                 neutral position, reposition the servo horn or servo saver on
                                 the servo and inspect your linkage installation.

                                                     Throttle Trim (TRM-CH2)
                               Throttle neutral adjustments can be made moving the throttle                        Throttle Trim
                               trim to the left or right.
                                 Racers Tip
Description of 2PL Functions

                                 When using a electronic speed control set the throttle trim                       (B25 - 0 - F25)
                                 to neutral and make adjustments to the speed control. On
                                 a gas powered model set the trim to neutral and adjust the
                                 linkage to the point where the carburetor is fully closed in
                                 accordance with the engine instruction manual.
                                 Trim Operation and Travel                                                       Carburetor Fully Closed
                                 Trim adjustments will effect the overall servo travel,
                                 check the brake side (backward) movement when changes
                                 are made.                                                                               (Drum Type)

                                 When trim movement is extreme
                                 If you use most of the trim movement to get the servo to the                            (Slide Type)
                                 neutral position , recenter the servo horn closer to the neutral
                                 position and inspect your throttle linkage.


                  Steering Dual Rates (D/R-CH1)
Use this function to adjust the steering travel of your model.                                        Steering D/R
If the model understeers (push) while cornering, add steering
by pressing the upper side of the D/R button. When the
model oversteers (loose), take away steering by pressing the                                               (30 - 100%)
lower side of the D/R button.

             Model Selection/Model Reset (MDL)
The model selection selects the desired model memory from the 10 model memories
stored within the transmitter and the model reset erases all data stored in a specific model

         Model Selection                                  Model Reset
                                                          Push the DT2 lever to the up or
                                                          down for about one second.
                           Model number                   All data stored in the current
                           (1 - 0)                        selected model memory is
                                        (Selection key)
                           Model name

            Steering Servo Reversing (REV-CH1)
This function reverses the rotation direction of                     Steering Servo Reverse
the Steering servo.
                                                                                            NOR: Normal
                                                                                            REV: Reverse

   When the trim position deviates from                                                                          (Selection key)

                                                                                                                                   Description of 2PL Functions
   the center, the deviation will be on the
   opposite side when the servo is re-

            Throttle Servo Reversing (REV-CH2)
This function reverses the rotation direction of                     Throttle Servo Reverse
the throttle servo.
                                                                                            NOR: Normal
                                                                                            REV: Reverse

   When the trim position deviates from                                                                          (Selection key)

   the center, the deviation will be on the
   opposite side when the servo is re-


                                      Steering End Point Adjustment (EPA-CH1)
                               Use this function to limit the servo           Steering EPA
                               movement to the left or right. The
                               servo travel to each side can be in-
                               dependently adjusted. This feature                                 Range: 0 - 120%

                               will compensate for any difference       (Left side)                                            (Right side)
                                                                                             Adjust the travel of the servo
                               in right or left turning angles or ra-                        while operating the steering
                               dius due to the characteristics of                            wheel to each way.

                               your model.

                                                  Be sure that the steering linkage does not bind or come in
                                                  contact with any suspension parts or arms.
                                           If unreasonable force is applied to the servo, the servo may be dam-
                                           aged and result in loss of control.

                                      Throttle End Point Adjustment (EPA-CH2)
                               This function is used to adjust the            Throttle EPA
                               forward and brake side servo
                               travel. Each direction can be
                                                                                                  Range: 0 - 120%
                               adjusted independent of each
                               other. Use this feature to set the
Description of 2PL Functions

                                                                                             Adjust the travel of the servo
                                                                                                                              (Brake side)
                               throttle servo travel.                   (Forward side)       while operating the throttle
                                                                                             trigger to each way.

                                                  Be sure that your throttle linkage does not apply excessive force
                                                  to the servo.
                                           If your linkage installation causes an unreasonable amount of force to
                                           be applied to the servo, the servo may be damaged and result in loss of


                       ABS function (ABS-CH2)
This function simulates a full size   ABS function
car's antilock braking by pulsing                       ABS Cycle Speed
                                                        OFF: Inhibited
the brake on and off rapidly.                           FST: Active (fast)
                                                        MID: Active (middle)
Model stops as rapidly as possible                      SLW: Active (slow)
                                                                                 (Selection key)

without skidding.

•The cycle speed can be selected

                          Model Name (NAME)
This function provides a 3-charac-    Model Name
ter name for each of the model                          Model number
                                                        (1 - 0)
memories in the transmitter to
                                                        Model name             (Selection key)
easily select the correct setup for
the model currently in use.

•Clearly label each model for easy
                                                 (Selection key)

                                                                                                   Description of 2PL Functions


                                                                          MC230CR / MC330CR
                               CANCELLING THE REVERSE FUNCTION
                               The amp reverse function can be cancelled by the following method so that the model can be used even in races
                               that prohibit reverse running. (Brake operation only)
                                                                  MC230CR / MC330CR
                                                    (Pushbutton switch operation)         (Power switch)

                                1                                                                                      * When desired, you can enable the cancelled reverse
                                  Reverse                                                                              function by repeating the operation shown at the left.
                                  function                 While pressing
                                                                                                                       (The reverse function is switched alternately.)
                                cancellation           the pushbutton switch,       set the power switch to ON.

                               BRAKE/REVERSE OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS
                               Operation can be switched to reverse operation by returning the throttle trigger (or throttle stick) from the brake
                               position to the neutral position.
                               PROTECTION CIRCUIT OPERATION
                               The following protection circuits are built into the MC230CR / MC330CR. When a protection circuit operates,
                               remove the cause before operating the model again.
                                                                    When an overcurrent flows due to an output short circuit, etc., the overcurrent protection circuit automatically
                                       Overcurrent                  limits the current to protects the FET.
                                        protection                          Remove the cause of the short circuit, etc. before operating the model again.

                                                                    When abnormal heating of the FET due to an overload, etc. is detected, the heat protector operates so that
                                                                    the speed is gradually reduced.
                                     Heat protector                        When the FET temperature drops, the heat protector automatically resets. However, remove the cause
                                                                              of the overheating before operating the model again.

                                                                    When the Nicd battery voltage drops, this function limits the motor output current and ensures steering operation.
                                        Low voltage
                                         operation                          After the speed drops, immediately recover the vehicle.

                               CHECKER LED DISPLAY
                               The amp operates linearly in proportion to the amount of forward, reverse, and brake operation. The amp operating
                               state can be checked with the checker LED as shown below.
                                                     Operation                                                 Checker LED display
                                                                                          (Reverse operation set)
                                                                                               Single blink
                                                                                               (Single confirmation beep)
                                                 Amp power ON
                                                                                          (Only brake operation set)
                                                                                               Double blink
                                                                                               (Two confirmation beeps)
Description of 2PL Functions

                                                              High point                            Off
                                                                                                                       *Becomes brighter nearer the high
                                                                      Forward                       On

                                                            Neutral point                           Off

                                                                       Reverse                      On                 *Becomes brighter nearer the
                                                                       /brake                                          brake MAX point.

                                                         Brake MAX point                            Off

                                                                                               Blinks. (Confirmation
                                            (Amp power left on alarm)                          beep also sounds.)
                                         When the transmitter power                                       *Not used with PCM receivers.
                                            was turned off first.                                         *When the transmitter if OFF, this function is
                                                                                                          not performed in environments such that the
                                                                                                          servo operates erroneously.

                               * Confirmation beep only sounds when the motor was connected.


                                      *Specifications and ratings are subject to change without prior notice.

Transmitter T2PL                                Servo      S3003
(2 channels, AM transmitter)                    (standard servo)
Transmitting frequency:                         Power requirement:
      27, 29, 40, 41, 72 or 75 MHz                     4.8V or 6V (common with receiver)
Modulation method: AM                           Current drain: 8mA (at 6V / Idle)
Power requirement:                              Output torque: 3.2kg-cm (at 4.8V)
      12V (penlight battery X 8)                Operating speed: 0.23sec/60 digree (at 4.8V)
Current drain: 250mA                            Size: 40.4x19.8x36mm
                                                Weight: 37.2g

Receiver   R142JE                               E.S.C.     MC230CR / MC330CR
(2 channels, AM receiver)                       (Electronic speed control)
Receiving frequency:                            Operating system: Forward, reverse, and brake
       27, 29, 40, 41, 72 or 75 MHz                    operations are all linear.
Intermediate frequency: 455kHz                  Power requirement: Nicd battery 6-7 cells
Power requirement: 4.8 - 6V                            7.2 to 8.4V
Current drain: 12mA (at No signal)              PWM frequency: 1.5kHz (fixed)
Size: 41.9X28X16.9mm                            Setting: One-touch input by pushbutton switch.
Weight: 16.7g                                          Set data is saved to built-in EEPROM.
                                                Current capacity (FET rating):
                                                       Forward=90A/200A, reverse=45A/100A
                                                Case size: 27.1x33.3x12.8mm
                                                       (excluding protruding parts)

                                                Silicon cord gauge size:
                                                       AWG16/AWG14 equivalent
                                                Weight: 44/45g
                                                       (including connectors and switches)
                                                BEC voltage: 6.0V

                   Frequencies (for U.S.A.)
                   The following frequencies and channel numbers may
                   be used for surface use in the United States:
                         75 MHz Band: (car/boat only)
                         75.410 61 75.610 71 75.810                  81
                         75.430 62 75.630 72 75.830                  82
                         75.450 63 75.650 73 75.850                  83
                         75.470 64 75.670 74 75.870                  84
                         75.490 65 75.690 75 75.890                  85
                         75.510 66 75.710 76 75.910                  86
                         75.530 67 75.730 77 75.930                  87
                         75.550 68 75.750 78 75.950                  88
                         75.570 69 75.770 79 75.970                  89
                         75.590 70 75.790 80 75.990                  90


            If your digital proportional R/C set does not operate, its range is short, it intermit-
            tently stops operating, or it operates erroneously, take the action shown in the table
            below. If this does not correct the trouble, please contact a Futaba dealer.

            Check point                  Check item                    Action
            Transmitter/receiver         Dead battery.                 Replace the battery. / Charge the nicd
            battery                                                    battery.
                                         Incorrect loading.            Reload the batteries in the correct
                                         Faulty contact con-           If the contact spring is deformed,
                                         nection.                      correct it.
                                         Dirty contacts.               Wipe with a dry cloth.

            Transmitter antenna          Loose.                        Screw in.
                                         Not extended to full          Extend fully.

            Crystal                      Disconnected.                 Push in.
                                         Wrong band.                   Match transmitter/receiver band.
                                         Different from specifi-       Replace with specified crystal.

            Connector connection         Incorrect wiring.             Reinsert.
                                         Disconnection.                Push in.

            Receiver antenna             Close to other wiring.        Separate from other wiring.
                                         Not cut?                      Request repair.
                                         Not bundled?                  Install in accordance with instruction

            Servo linkage                Binding or looseness          Adjust at the model side.

            Motor                        Noise countermea-             Install a noise absorbing capacitor.

                                                 FUTABA CORPORATION
                            Makuhari Techno Garden Bldg., B6F 1-3 Nakase, Mihama-ku, Chiba 261-8555, Japan
                                           Phone: (043) 296-5119 Facsimile: (043) 296-5124
                                                                                    ©FUTABA CORPORATION      2003, 06

Document Created: 2003-06-18 16:22:22
Document Modified: 2003-06-18 16:22:22

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