SAR Report Appendix A

FCC ID: AZ492FT7118

RF Exposure Info

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This appendix provides additional details on simulations and the computational code. Most of the
information regarding the code employed to perform the numerical computations has been
adapted from the standard IEC/IEEE 62704-2:2017 and from the XFDTD™ User Manuals.
Remcom Inc., owner of XFDTD™, is kindly acknowledged for the help provided.

1) Computational resources

a) A multiprocessor system equipped with two Intel Xeon E5-2697 v3 14-core CPUs and four
NVIDIA Tesla K40 GPUs was employed for all simulations.

b) The memory requirement was from 7 GB to 20 GB. Using the above-mentioned system with
28-cores operating concurrently, the typical simulation would run for 6-10 hours and with all
four GPUs activated by the XFDTD version 7.6 this time would be from 60-180 min.

2) FDTD algorithm implementation and validation

a) We employed a commercial code (XFDTD™ v7.6, by Remcom Inc.) that implements the
Yee’s FDTD formulation [1]. The solution domain was discretized according to a rectangular
grid with an adaptive 3-8 mm step in all directions. Sub-gridding was not used. Seven-layer PML
absorbing boundary conditions are set at the domain boundary to simulate free space radiation
processes. The excitation is a lumped voltage generator with 50-ohm source impedance. The
code allows selecting wire objects without specifying their radius. We used a wire to represent
the antenna. The car body is modeled by solid metal. We did not employ the “thin wire”
algorithm since within the adaptive grid the minimum resolution of 3 mm was specified and used
to model the antenna and the antenna wire radius was never smaller than one-fifth of the voxel
dimension. In fact, the XFDTD™ manual specifies that “In most cases, standard PEC material
will serve well as a wire. However, in cases where the wire radius is important to the calculation
and is less than 1/4 the length of the average cell edge, the thin wire material may be used to
accurately simulate the correct wire diameter.” The maximum voxel dimension in the plane
normal to the antenna in all our simulations was 3 mm, and the antenna radius is always at least 1
mm (1 mm for the short quarter-wave antennas and 1.5 mm for the long gain antennas), so there
was no need to specify a “thin wire” material.

Because the field impinges on the bystander or passenger model at a distance of several tens of
voxels from the antenna, the details of antenna wire modeling are not expected to have
significant impact on the exposure level.

b) XFDTD™ is one of the most widely employed commercial codes for electromagnetic
simulations. It has gone through extensive validation and has proven its accuracy over time in
many different applications. Most importantly and as required by the standard IEC/IEEE-62704-
2:2017, this code has been thoroughly validated according to the standard IEC/IEEE-62704-
1:2017 as described and detailed in the XFDTD™ Validation for IEC/IEEE P62704-1 report
accompanying this document.


3) Computational parameters

a) The following table reports the main parameters of the FDTD model employed to perform our
computational analysis:

                     PARAMETER                               X                  Y              Z
Voxel size                                                3-8 mm             3-8 mm         1-8 mm
Maximum domain dimensions employed for passenger
                                                             479              1069            671
computations (cells)
Maximum domain dimensions employed for bystander
                                                             936               992            780
computations (cells)
Time step                                              About 0.7 of the Courant limit (typically 5 ps)
Objects separation from FDTD boundary (mm)                 >200              >200             >200
Number of time steps                                      Defined to reach -60 dB convergence
Excitation                                                Sinusoidal (not less than 10 periods)

4) Phantom model implementation and validation

a) The human body models (bystander and/or passenger) employed in our simulations are those
defined in the IEC/IEEE 62704-2-2017 standard. They are originally derived from data of the
visible human project sponsored by the National Library of Medicine (NLM)
( The original male data set
consists of MRI, CT and anatomical images. Axial MRI images of the head and neck and
longitudinal sections of the rest of the body are available at 4 mm intervals. The MRI images
have 256 pixel by 256 pixel resolution. Each pixel has 12 bits of gray tone resolution. The CT
data consists of axial CT scans of the entire body taken at 1 mm intervals at a resolution of 512
pixels by 512 pixels where each pixel is made up of 12 bits of gray tone. The axial anatomical
images are 2048 pixels by 1216 pixels where each pixel is defined by 24 bits of color. The
anatomical cross sections are also at 1 mm intervals and coincide with the CT axial images.
There are 1871 cross sections. Dr. Michael Smith and Dr. Chris Collins of the Milton S. Hershey
Medical Center, Hershey, Pa, created the High Fidelity Body mesh. Details of body model
creation are given in the methods section in [5].

The final bystander and passenger model was generated for the IEC/IEEE 62704-2-2017
standard from the above dataset using the Varipose software, Remcom Inc., The body mesh
contains 39 tissues materials. Measured values for the tissue parameters for a broad frequency
range are included with the mesh data. The correct values are interpolated from the table
of measured data and entered into the appropriate mesh variables.

5) Tissue dielectric parameters

a) The tissue conductivity and permittivity variation vs. frequency is included in the XFDTD™
calculation by a multiple-pole approximation to the Cole-Cole approximated tissue parameters
reported in [11]. These parameters along with the tissue mass density values are standardized in
the IEC/IEEE-62704-2:2017 standard.


6) Transmitter model implementation and validation

a) The essential features that must be modeled correctly for the particular test device model to be
valid are:

   •   Car body. The standard car model developed and defined in the SAR computational
       standard IEC/IEEE 62704-2-2017 has been employed in simulations.
   •   Antenna. We used a straight wire, even when the gain antenna has a base coil for tuning.
       All the coil does is compensating for excess capacitance due to the antenna being slightly
       longer than half a wavelength. We do not need to do that in the model, as we used
       normalization with respect to the net radiated power, which is determined by the input
       resistance only. In this way, we neglect mismatch losses and artificially produce an
       overestimation of the SAR, thereby introducing a conservative bias in the model. This
       simulation model was also validated by comparing the computed and measured near-field
       distributions in the condition with antenna mounted on the reference ground plane
       defined in the IEC/IEEE 62704-2-2017 standard.
   •   Antenna location. We used the same location, relative to the edge of the car trunk, the
       backseat, or the roof, used in the MPE measurements. The following pictures show a
       lateral and a perspective view of the bystander and passenger model.



The car model is constituted by perfect electric conductor and does not include wheels in order to
reduce its complexity. The passenger model is surrounded by air, as the seat, which is made out
of poorly conductive fabrics, is not included in the computational model. The pavement has not
been included in the model. The passenger and bystander models were validated for similar
antenna and frequency conditions by comparing the MPE measurements at two VHF frequencies
(146 MHz and 164 MHz) for antennas used for a VHF mobile radio. The comparison results are
presented below, according to following definitions for the equivalent power densities (based on
E or H-field):

                                    E              η
                              =             , S=          η 377 Ω
                                                       H ,=

Passenger with 43 cm monopole antenna (HAD4009A, 164 MHz)

The following figures of the test model show the empty car model, where the red dotted line
represents the location of the passenger in the back seat, as it can be observed from the complete
model picture above. The comparison has been performed by taking the computed steady-state
field values at the red dots locations corresponding to the head, chest, and lower trunk area and
comparing them with the corresponding measurements. Such a comparison is carried out at the
same average power level (56.5 W) used in the measurements. Steady-state E-field and H-field
distributions at a vertical crossing the passenger’s head are displayed as well. Finally, a picture
of the antenna is shown.



                                        43 cm (actual length)

The highest exposure occurs in the middle of the backseat, which is also the case in the
measurements. Therefore, the field values were determined on the yellow line centered at the
middle of the backseat, approximately at the three locations that are shown by white dots. In
actuality, the line is inclined so as to follow the inclination of the passenger’s back, as shown

Because the peak exposure occurs in the center of the back seat, that was where we placed the
passenger model to perform the SAR evaluations presented in the report. However, it can be
observed that the H-field distribution features peaks near the lateral edges of the rear window.
That is the reason why we also carried out one SAR computation by placing the passenger
laterally in the back seat, in order to determine whether the SAR would be higher in this case.

                   E field


                   H field

As done in the measurements, the equivalent power density (S) is computed from the E-field, the
H-field being much lower. The following table reports the E-field values computed by
XFDTD™ at the three locations, and the corresponding power density.

        Location               E-field magnitude (V/m)                S (W/m2)
          Head                             1.27                       2.14E-03
          Chest                            0.70                       6.55E-04
     Lower Trunk area                      0.20                       7.70E-05
                                                  Average S           9.57E-04

The input impedance is 24.8-j11.9 ohm, therefore the radiated power (considering the mismatch
to the 50 ohm unitary voltage source) is 2.16E-3 W. The scaled-up power density for 56.5 W
radiated power is 25.0 W/m2, corresponding to 2.50 mW/cm2. Measurements gave an average of
1.29 mW/cm2, which is a reasonable overestimation considering conservativeness of simulations
model. The following table and the graph show a comparison between the simulated power
density and the measured one, normalized to 56.5 W radiated.

                                             SE (meas)    SE (FDTD)
                                              mW/cm2       mW/cm2
                                Head              2.98        5.59
                               Chest              0.74        1.71
                             Lower Trunk          0.14        0.2


                                   Comparision FDTD-Measurements


              S (mW/cm 2 )

                                                                       SE (meas) mW/cm2
                                                                       SE (FDTD) mW/cm2

                                 Head      Chest         Lower Trunk


Bystander with 48 cm monopole antenna (HAD4007A 146 MHz)

The following figures show the E-field and H-field distributions across a vertical plane passing
for the antenna and cutting the car in half. As done in the measurements, the MPE is computed
from both E-field and H-field distributions, along the yellow dotted line at 10 points spaced 20
cm apart from each other up to 2 m in height. These lines and the field evaluation points are
approximately indicated in the figures. The E-field and H-field distributions in the vertical plane
placed at 60 cm from the antenna, are shown as well. The points where the fields are sampled to
determine the equivalent power density (S) are approximately indicated by the white dots. A
picture of the antenna is not reported because it is identical to the HAD4009A except for the

  E field

                                                                            60 cm


H field

              60 cm

E filed


        HH filed

The following table reports the field values computed by XFDTD™ and the corresponding
power density values. The average exposure levels are computed as well.

 Height (cm)         E (V/m)          SE (W/m2)          H (A/m)          SH (W/m2)
      20             1.84E-01          4.50E-05          5.10E-04          4.89E-05
      40             2.71E-01          9.71E-05          6.38E-04          7.68E-05
      60             3.58E-01          1.70E-04          1.08E-03          2.20E-04
      80             4.42E-01          2.59E-04          1.54E-03          2.20E-04
     100             5.85E-01          4.55E-04          1.82E-03          4.48E-04
     120             6.86E-01          6.24E-04          1.85E-03          6.23E-04
     140             6.82E-01          6.17E-04          1.58E-03          6.42E-04
     160             5.93E-01          4.67E-04          1.16E-03          4.72E-04
     180             4.63E-01          2.84E-04          7.67E-04          2.52E-04
     200             3.41E-01          1.55E-04          4.94E-04          1.11E-04
                      Average SE       3.17E-04          Average SH        3.11E-04

The input impedance is 33.7-j3.0 ohm, therefore the radiated power (considering the mismatch to
the 50 ohm unitary voltage source) is 2.40E-3 W. The scaled-up power density values for 53.2 W
radiated power are 7.03 W/m2 (E), and 6.90 W/m2 (H), that correspond to 0.70 mW/cm2 (E), and
0.69 mW/cm2 (H). Measurements yielded average power density of 0.664 mW/cm2 (E), and
0.471 mW/cm2 (H), i.e., which are in good agreement with the simulations. The following table
and graph show a comparison between the simulated power density and the measured one, based
on E or H fields, normalized to 53.2 W radiated.


                          SE        SE        SH         SH          Avg SE   Avg SE   Avg SH   Avg SH
                        (meas)    (FDTD)    (meas)     (FDTD)         meas     FDTD     meas     FDTD
                        mW/cm2    mW/cm2    mW/cm2     mW/cm2        mW/cm2   mW/cm2   mW/cm2   mW/cm2

   20                    0.19      0.10      0.2         0.11
   40                    0.37      0.22      0.23        0.17
   60                    0.55      0.38      0.3         0.49
   80                    0.68      0.57      0.56        0.49
  100                    1.02      1.01      1.07        0.99
                                                                     0.664    0.703    0.471     0.690
  120                    1.15      1.38      1.1         1.38
  140                    1.04      1.37      0.56        1.42
  160                    0.79      1.03      0.24        1.05
  180                    0.5       0.63      0.23        0.56
  200                    0.35      0.34      0.22        0.25

                                   Comparison FDTD-Measurement
                                                                                           SE (FDTD)
                                                                                           SH (FDTD)
  S (mW/cm 2 )

                                                                                           SE meas
                                                                                           SH meas
                                                                                           Avg SE FDTD
                                                                                           Avg SH FDTD
                 0.00                                                                      Avg SE meas

                         0   20   40   60   80   100 120 140 160 180 200 220               Avg SH meas

                                                 Height (cm)

Passenger with 17.5 cm monopole antenna (HAE4002A 421.5 MHz)

The following figure of the test model shows the car model, where the red dots individuate the
back seat, as it can be observed from the other figure showing the cross section of the passenger.
The comparison has been performed by taking the average of the computed steady-state field
values at the six dotted locations, corresponding to the head, chest, and legs along the red dots
line, and comparing them with the average of the MPE measurements performed at the head,
chest and legs locations. Such a comparison is carried out at the same average power level (22
W, including the 50% duty factor) used in the MPE measurements.




The equivalent power density (S) is computed from the E-field and the H-field separately. The
following table reports the E-field values computed by XFDTD™ at the six locations, and the
corresponding power density.


                 Location    E-field, V/m    Eq. Power         Scaled
                 Number                      Density 1.0    Power Dens.
                                              V source      22 W output,
                       1      3.11E-01     1.28E-04             1.56E-01
                       2      4.16E-01     2.29E-04             2.79E-01
                       3      5.25E-01     3.65E-04             4.45E-01
                       4      3.86E-01     1.98E-04             2.41E-01
                       5      3.84E-01     1.96E-04             2.39E-01
                       6      6.01E-01     4.80E-04             5.85E-01
                Equivalent average Power Density                3.24E-01

                 Location      H-field,      Eq. Power         Scaled
                 Number       Weber/m2       Density 1.0    Power Dens.
                                              V source      22 W output,
                       1      1.34E-03     3.37E-04             4.11E-01
                       2      1.08E-03     2.21E-04             2.70E-01
                       3      5.59E-04     5.89E-05             7.18E-02
                       4      5.45E-04     5.60E-05             6.82E-02
                       5      5.45E-04     5.59E-05             6.82E-02
                       6      5.23E-04     5.16E-05             6.29E-02
                Equivalent average Power Density                1.59E-01

The radiated power (considering the mismatch to the 50 ohm unitary voltage source) is 1.81E-3
W, therefore a factor equal to 12188 is required to scale up to 22 W radiated. The corresponding
scaled-up power densities are reported in the tables above, which show that the simulation
overestimates the average power density from the MPE measurements (0.297 mW/cm2), as
derived from the measured E-field reported in the following table:

                                            SE (meas), 22 W output
                            Head                     0.38
                        Chest                        0.33
                     Lower Trunk                     0.16

The simulations tend to overestimate the average power density levels, which is understandable
since there are no ohmic losses and perfect impedance matching is enforced in the computational
models. Based on these results, we conclude that the simulation will produce slight exposure
overestimates (about 9%).

b) Descriptions and illustrations showing the correspondence between the modeled test device
and the actual device, with respect to shape, size, dimensions and near-field radiating
characteristics, are found in the main report.


c) Verification that the test device model is equivalent to the actual device for predicting the
SAR distributions descends from the fact that the car and antenna size and location in the
numerical model correspond to those used in the measurements.

d) The peak SAR is in the neck region for the passenger, which is in line with MPE
measurements and predictions.

Passenger with 63.5 cm monopole antenna (HAE6010A 425 MHz)

The following figures show the car model with the field distribution in the horizontal planes
where the MPE measurements have been performed. The comparison has been performed by
taking the average of the computed steady-state field values at the three locations, corresponding
to the head, chest, and lower trunk, and comparing them with the average of the MPE
measurements performed at the head, chest and lower trunk locations. Such a comparison is
carried out at the same average power level (61.5 W, including the 50% duty factor) used in the
MPE measurements.


The equivalent power density (S) is computed from the E-field. The following table reports the
E-field values computed by XFDTD™ at the three locations, and the corresponding power

                                          Eq. Power     Power Dens.
                           E-field, V/m   Density 1.0     61.5 W
                                           V source       output,
                   1          2.26E-01      6.76E-05       0.74
                   2          3.60E-01      1.72E-04       1.89
                   3          1.40E-01      2.59E-05       0.28
                  Equivalent average Power Density         0.97


The corresponding scaled-up power densities are reported in the tables above, which show that
the simulation overestimates the average power density from the MPE measurements (0.52
mW/cm2), as derived from the measured E-field reported in the following table:

                                        SE (meas), 60 W output
                         Head                     0.72
                         Chest                    0.64
                      Lower Trunk                 0.19

The simulations tend to overestimate the average power density levels, which is understandable
since there are no ohmic losses and perfect impedance matching is enforced in the computational
models. Based on these results, we conclude that the simulation will produce exposure
overestimates (about 88%).

Bystander with 29 cm monopole antenna (HAE6013A 425 MHz)

The following figures show the E-field and H-field distributions across a vertical plane passing
for the antenna and cutting the car in half. As done in the measurements, the MPE is computed
from both E-field and H-field distributions, along the yellow dotted line at 10 points spaced 20
cm apart from each other up to 2 m in height. These lines and the field evaluation points are
approximately indicated in the figures. The E-field and H-field distributions in the vertical plane
placed at 90 cm from the antenna, behind the case, are shown as well. The points where the
fields are sampled to determine the equivalent power density (S) are approximately indicated by
the white dots. A picture of the antenna is not reported because it is identical to the HAE6013A.



   H filed

The following table reports the field values computed by XFDTD™ for the 1.0 V source and the
corresponding power density values. The average exposure levels are computed as well.

 Height (cm)         E (V/m)         SE (W/m2)          H (A/m)         SH (W/m2)
      0              5.67E-02         4.27E-06          3.11E-04         1.83E-05
     20              1.40E-01         2.59E-05          1.78E-04         5.96E-06


                  40               1.24E-01             2.03E-05     4.29E-04             3.47E-05
                  60               1.69E-01             3.79E-05     3.88E-04             2.84E-05
                  80               1.52E-01             3.08E-05     4.74E-04             4.24E-05
                 100               1.87E-01             4.65E-05     3.71E-04             2.59E-05
                 120               2.56E-01             8.67E-05     6.23E-04             7.31E-05
                 140               2.71E-01             9.73E-05     7.50E-04             1.06E-04
                 160               2.60E-01             8.94E-05     7.33E-04             1.01E-04
                 180               2.00E-01             5.31E-05     5.40E-04             5.50E-05
                        Average SE                      4.92E-05   Average SH             4.91E-05

Since the conducted power during the MPE measurement was 123 W the calculated power
density was then scaled for 61.5 W radiated power (taking into account 50% talk time). This
model does not include the mismatch loss, loss in the cable and finite conductivity of the car
surface and as represents a conservative model for exposure assessment. The scaled-up power
density values for 61.5 W radiated power are 6.03 W/m2 (E), and 6.02 W/m2 (H), that correspond
to 0.603 mW/cm2 (E), and 0.602 mW/cm2 (H). Measurements yielded average power density of
0.309 mW/cm2 (E), which shows that the calculated power density is overestimated. The
following graph shows a comparison between the measured power density and the simulated
one, based on E or H fields, normalized to 61.5 W radiated power.

                                 Comparison FDTD-Measurement
                                                                                SE (FDTD)
  S (mW/cm 2 )

                                                                                SH (FDTD)
                 0.60                                                           SE meas

                 0.40                                                           Avg SE FDTD
                 0.20                                                           Avg SH FDTD
                 0.00                                                           Avg SE meas
                        0   20    40   60   80   100 120 140 160 180 200

                                              Height (cm)

Bystander with 63.5 cm monopole antenna (HAE6010A 425 MHz)

The following figures show the E-field and H-field distributions across a vertical plane passing
for the antenna and cutting the car in half. As done in the measurements, the MPE is computed
from both E-field and H-field distributions, along the yellow dotted line at 10 points spaced 20
cm apart from each other up to 2 m in height. These lines and the field evaluation points are
approximately indicated in the figures. The E-field and H-field distributions in the vertical plane
placed at 90 cm from the antenna, behind the case, are shown as well. The points where the
fields are sampled to determine the equivalent power density (S) are approximately indicated by


the white dots. A picture of the antenna is not reported because it is identical to the HAE6010A.

  E field

                                                                          90 cm

  H field
                                                                          90 cm

    E field


       H field

 The following table reports the field values computed by XFDTD™ and the corresponding
power density values. The average exposure levels are computed as well.

 Height (cm)       E (V/m)            SE (W/m2)         H (A/m)          SH (W/m2)
       0           7.55E-02            7.56E-06          4.13E-04         3.21E-05
      20           1.79E-01            4.27E-05          2.37E-04         1.06E-05
      40           1.56E-01            3.21E-05          5.49E-04         5.69E-05
      60           2.12E-01            5.96E-05          4.84E-04         5.69E-05
      80           1.78E-01            4.22E-05          5.65E-04         4.42E-05
     100           2.07E-01            5.66E-05          3.43E-04         6.03E-05
     120           1.99E-01            5.25E-05          5.34E-04         2.21E-05
     140           1.70E-01            3.85E-05          4.20E-04         5.37E-05
     160           2.18E-01            6.32E-05          5.10E-04         3.33E-05
     180           1.80E-01            4.30E-05          8.15E-04         4.90E-05
          Average SE                   4.38E-05        Average SH         4.19E-05

Since the conducted power during the MPE measurement was 123 W the calculated power
density was then scaled up for 61.5 W radiated power (taking into account 50% talk time). This
model does not include the mismatch loss, loss in the cable and finite conductivity of the car
surface and as represents a conservative model for exposure assessment. The scaled-up power
density values for 61.5 W radiated power are 4.26 W/m2 (E), and 4.07 W/m2 (H), that correspond
to 0.426 mW/cm2 (E), and 0.407 mW/cm2 (H). Measurements yielded average power density of
0.204 mW/cm2 (E), which shows that the calculated power density is overestimated. The
following graph shows a comparison between the measured power density and the simulated
one, based on E or H fields, normalized to 61.5 W radiated power.


                               Comparison FDTD-Measurement


                                                                                   SE (FDTD)
S (mW/cm 2 )

               0.40                                                                SH (FDTD)
               0.30                                                                SE meas
               0.20                                                                Avg SE FDTD
               0.10                                                                Avg SH FDTD

               0.00                                                                Avg SE meas
                      0   20   40   60   80   100   120    140   160   180   200

                                          Height (cm)


7) Test device positioning

a) A description of the device test positions used in the SAR computations is provided in the
SAR report.

b) Illustrations showing the separation distances between the test device and the phantom for the
tested configurations are provided in the SAR report.

8) Steady state termination procedures

a) The criteria used to determine that sinusoidal steady-state conditions have been reached
throughout the computational domain for terminating the computations are based on the
monitoring of field points to make sure they converge. The simulation projects were set to
automatically track the field values throughout computational domain by means of XFDTD
simulation control feature which ensures that “convergence is reached when near-zone data
shows a constant amplitude sine wave – when all transients have died down and the only
variation left is sinusoidal. In this case “convergence” is tested on the average electric field in
the space for its deviation from a pure sine wave. XFDTD automatically places points
throughout the space for this purpose.” [XFDTD Reference Manual, version 7.6]. This
convergence threshold was set to -60 dB.
In addition for at least one passenger and one bystander exposure condition, we placed one “field
sensor” near the antenna, others between the body and the domain boundary at different
locations, and one inside the head of the model. In all simulations, isotropic E-field sensors were
placed at opposite sides of the computational domain. We used isotropic E and H field “sensors”,
meaning that all three components of the fields are monitored at these points. The following
figures show an example of the time waveforms at the field point sensors in two points of the
computational domain. We selected points close to antenna as well as furthest one. The highest
field levels are observed for the higher index point, as it is closer to the antenna. In all cases, the
field reaches the steady-state condition.

c) The XFDTD™ algorithm determines the field phasors by using the so-called “two-equations
two-unknowns” method. Details of the algorithm are explained in [7].


9) Computing peak SAR from field components

a) The SAR for an individual voxel is computed according to the FDIS IEC/IEEE 62704-1
standard. In particular, the three components of the electric field are computed in the center of
each voxel and then the SAR is computed as below:

                                                | E x |2 + | E y |2 + | E z |2
                                SAR = σ voxel                                    ,
                                                           2 ρ voxel

where σ voxel and ρ voxel are the conductivity and the mass density of the voxel.

10) One-gram and ten-gram averaged SAR procedures

a) XFDTD™ computes the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) in each complete cell containing
lossy dielectric material and with a non-zero material density. Using the SAR values computed
for each voxel of the model the averaging calculation employs the method and specifications
defined in the FDIS IEC/IEEE 62704-1 standard to generate one-gram and ten-gram average

11) Total computational uncertainty – We derived an estimate for the uncertainty of FDTD
methods using the uncertainly budget defined in IEC/IEEE 62704-2-2017 standard. The details
of uncertainty evaluation are provided in the Annex B.

In addition as discussed in 6(a), a conservative bias has been introduced in the evaluations so as
to reduce concerns regarding the computational uncertainty related to the car modeling, antenna
modeling, and phantom modeling. The results of the comparison between measurements and
simulations presented in 6(a) suggest that the present model produces an overestimate of the
exposure between 4% and 36%.

12) Test results for determining SAR compliance

a) Illustrations showing the SAR distribution of dominant peak locations produced by the test
transmitter, with respect to the phantom and test device, are provided in the SAR report.

b) The input impedance and the total power radiated under the impedance match conditions that
occur at the test frequency are provided by XFDTD™. XFDTD™ computes the input
impedance by following the method outlined in [8], which consists in performing the integration
of the steady-state magnetic field around the feed point edge to compute the steady-state feed
point current (I), which is then used to divide the feed-gap steady-state voltage (V). The net
average radiated power is computed as

                                                         Re {VI *}
                                         PXFDTD =

Both the input impedance and the net average radiated power are provided by XFDTD™ at the


end of each individual simulation.

We normalize the SAR to such a power, thereby obtaining SAR per radiated Watt (normalized
SAR) values for the whole body and the 1-g SAR. Finally, we multiply such normalized SAR
values times the max power rating of the device under test. In this way, we obtain the exposure
metrics for 100% talk-time, i.e., without applying source-based time averaging.

c) For mobile radios, 50% source-based time averaging is applied by multiplying the SAR values
determined at point 12(b) times a 0.5 factor.

d) The final SAR values used for compliance evaluation for each simulated configuration are
obtained by applying the IEC/IEEE 62704-2-2017 standard adjustment factors to account for
exposure variation in population.


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Document Modified: 2018-02-10 01:26:08

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