User Manual

FCC ID: AZ489FT7120

Users Manual

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Quick Start Operation
Charge camera
                                                                              Camera Status LED ON           Power
IMPORTANT: Fully charge your camera before first operation                    and GREEN                      Button
           with the provided wall charger.

Lift up the USB cover and plug the wall charger or the optional
vehicular charger into the camera's USB Type-C jack.
                                                                          Power off - Long press power button for 3 seconds to turn off the
                                                                                      camera. Camera vibrates, emits a tone and the Camera
                                                                                      Status LED turns Off.

                                                                         Default Button Settings

      Camera status LED shows solid RED while charging and               Button                      Short Press                     Long Press
      changes to solid GREEN when fully charged.
                                                                         Power Button                Sign of Life                    Camera on/off
                                                                         Record Button               Start recording                 Stop recording
                                                                         Programmable Button*        Mute activation/ Deactivation

                                                                         *Depending on camera configurations, the Programmable Button may
Camera automatically powers on when charger is attached. If not          be programmed differently.
using the camera after disconnecting the charger, turn the camera off.

Power On/Off
Power on - Long press power button for 1.5 seconds to
           turn the camera on.
           Camera vibrates, emits a tone and the Camera Status
            LED remains on GREEN for 12 seconds.



Record Video
Start Recording                                                      If covert mode is activated during the configuration mode, the
1 Camera must be On to start recording.                              camera enters the covert mode and cancels the configuration process.
2 Short press the Record button for 350ms to start recording.
                                                                     IMPORTANT: If Covert Mode is enabled and the camera is turned Off
  Camera vibrates and emits a tone.
                                                                                Covert Mode is still enabled when the camera is turned
3 While the device is recording, Camera Record LED slow flashes                 back on. User can use the sign of life to confirm camera
  RED.                                                                          power status. User can use the sign of life to confirm
                                                                                camera power status.
                               Record Button
                                                                     Turn Covert Mode Off
                                                                     Long press the Power button and the Programmable button
                                                                     simultaneously, camera vibrates and emits a tone.
Stop Recording
1 While the camera is recording, long press the Record Button for
  1 second. The camera stops recording, vibrates and emits a tone.   Sign of Life
2 Camera Record LED goes OFF (unless Covert Mode is enabled).        Camera Status LED is Off when the camera is idle (unless it is On to
                                                                     indicate an error).
                                                                     If user would like to check whether the camera is On, they should short
Covert Mode                                                          press the Power Button. The Camera Status LED then fast flashes
When covert mode is enabled, all LEDs and tones are turned Off.      GREEN twice, vibrates and emits a tone to indicate the camera is On
Vibration is the only source of notification.                        and pre-buffering (if configured). If Covert Mode is enabled the camera
                                                                     only vibrates to indicate Sign of Life.
Turn Covert Mode On
                                                                                                   Camera Status LED fast flashes
Long press power button and programmable button simultaneously for
                                                                                                   GREEN twice
3s, camera vibrates.
                             Power Button




Mute Mode                                                               End of Shift (EOS)
If the Programmable button is assigned to Mute and it is pressed
                                                                        Perform the End of Shift process to upload videos to CommandCentral
during recording the camera mutes the microphone while it continues
                                                                        Vault by using the following options:
to record video.
                                                                        1 EOS using camera button press combination:
Turn Mute On                                                              Long press the Power button and Record button
1 To mute the microphone during recording, long press the programm-       simultaneously for 3 seconds to enter EOS mode.        Power Button
  able button for 1 second.                                               Camera WiFi turns on automatically
                                      Camera Status LED is RED            to connect to a preprogrammed access
                                                                          point within range and starts      Record Button
                                                                          uploading videos to
    Programmable                                                          CommandCentral Vault.
    (Mute/ Unmute)                                                        NOTE: If the camera is turned off or loses
                                                                          WiFi connectivity during the upload
                                                                          process any videos that were not
2 Camera emits a tone, vibrates and the Camera Status LED turns on
                                                                          uploaded remain on the camera until EOS starts again.
  and is solid RED.
  In Covert Mode, camera vibrates only and the Camera Status LED
  remains OFF.                                                          2 EOS through smartphone app:
                                                                          When the camera is connected to the Review for Si200 application,
3 A reminder tone emits every 2 minutes until microphone is turned        EOS can be accessed through the Settings screen. When EOS is
  back on. In Covert Mode, camera vibrates every 2 minutes until          selected, the camera WiFi turns on automatically to connect to a
  microphone is turned back on.                                           preprogrammed access point within range and starts uploading
                                                                          videos to CommandCentral Vault.

Turn Mute Off
1 To turn the microphone back on during recording, long press the
  Programmable button.                                                     NOTE: Individual videos can be
  Camera Status LED turns Off, camera vibrates and emits a tone.           uploaded from the Review for
  In Covert Mode, LED remains Off and camera vibrates.                     Si200 application via    under the
                                                                           thumbnail if the camera is within
NOTE: Mute is a manually activated function per recording session. It
                                                                           range of a preprogrammed access point but the videos remain
ends when the recording ends.
                                                                           on the camera and viewable in the application until End of Shift is



End of Shift (EOS), Continued

Successful End-Of-Shift:                                                     Unsuccessful Video Upload:

1. The camera must be within range of a preprogrammed WiFi access            The Camera Status LED fast flashes BLUE and the camera emits a tone
point. When the camera successfully connects to the WiFi access point        if there is an error during video upload to CommandCentral
the Status LED remains solid BLUE for 6 seconds.                             Vault.

2. When the camera starts uploading videos to CommandCentral Vault the       Unsuccessful Configuration Download:
Camera Status LED slow flashes BLUE to indicate uploading in progress.
                                                                             Camera Status LED will turns on and fast flashes RED if there is an error
Upload progress can be seen on the smartphone screen if using the
                                                                             during configuration download.
Review for Si200 application.
                                                                             Unsuccessful Firmware Update:
3. After video upload is completed and the confirmation is received from
CommandCentral Vault, the videos are deleted from the camera.                Camera Status LED turns on and fast flashes BLUE-GREEN to indicate
4. The camera checks for a new configuration from CommandCentral             there is an error during the firmware update.
Vault and downloads it to the camera. If no new configuration is available
the camera turns off.

5 If CommandCentral Vault indicates that the smartphone pairing with
Si200 has expired or if the camera is shared between users, the Bluetooth
pairing between the camera and the smartphone is removed.

6. If new camera firmware is available and Si200 has been configured for
automatic firmware update, camera firmware is automatically updated.
The firmware download occurs only if the camera is connected to an
external power source and the internal battery level is more than 20%.

7. The Camera Status LED slow flashes BLUE-GREEN to indicate the
firmware update is in progress. The firmware update progress can be seen
on the smartphone screen if using the Review for Si200 application.

8. After firmware update is finished, camera restarts and powers off.



Si200 Body-Worn Camera: Camera Record LED & Status LED
                                                 Si200 Status LED                      Description                                     When

                                                 Slow / Fast flashes RED               Low/ critical Battery Level                     Battery level falls under the defined threshold.

                                                 Solid RED                             Charging                                        Si200 is connected to a power supply.

                                                 Solid GREEN                           Charging Complete                               Si200 is connected to a power supply.

                                                 Fast flashes BLUE                     Charging Error                                  Si200 is connected to a power supply.

                                                 Slow/ Fast flashes BLUE               Low / critical Memory level                     Si200 is idle and NOT connected to a power supply.

                                                 Solid RED                             Recording with Microphone Muted                 Si200 is recording video with the microphone muted.

                                                 Two fast flashes GREEN                Sign of life: Si200 is On and Pre-buffering     User short presses On/Off button.
                                                                                       (if applicable)

                                                 Solid BLUE for 6 seconds              Bluetooth, Wi-Fi connected                      Camera successfully paired with smartphone or camera
                                                                                                                                       connects to Wi-fi for video upload.
                                                                                                                                       An individual file has been selected for upload or End of
                                                 Slow flashes BLUE                     Files uploading                                 Shift has been initiated and files are being uploaded to
                                                                                                                                       CommandCentral Vault
                                                                                                                                       An individual file has been selected for upload or End of
                                                 Fast flsahes BLUE                     Error in file upload                            Shift has been initiated and the files cannot be uploaded
                                                                                                                                       to CommandCentral Vault.
                                                                                                                                       As part of the End of Shift process. Once files have been
                                                 Slow flashes BLUE-GREEN               Update in progress                              successfully uploaded and deleted from Si200 the camera
                                                                                                                                       will check for configuration changes and new firmware,
                                                                                                                                       if available, the update will begin.

                                                 Fast flashes BLUE-GREEN               Error in update                                 An error has occurred during the update process.

                                                 Si200 Camera Record LED               Description                                     When

                                                 Solid RED                             Ready to scan QR code                           Long press of the power button and the Camera Status
                                                                                                                                       LED is flashing GREEN.

                                                 Slow flashes RED                      Recording                                       Si200 is recording.

                                                 Fast flashes RED                      Recording error                                 Record button was pressed but Si200 cannot read.

Note: When camera is not functioning properly with error LEDs on, please long press power button for 13 seconds to reset the device.


Ways to Wear Si200 Body-Worn Camera
There are uniform mount accessories available to accommodate wearing the Si200 Body-Worn Camera on numerous uniform types.

                                                                            Magnetic Uniform Mount
    Belt/ strap swivel clip
                                                  • Slide the clip down                                                • Slide the mount down
                                                  into the sliding track                                               into the sliding track
                                                  at the back of camera                                                at the back of camera
                                                  with click.                                                          with click.

Best Positions to Wear Si200 Body-Worn Camera
Worn on center or side of the chest by using the magnetic uniform mount or belt/strap swivel clip.

                              Using Belt/Strap Swivel Clip                                  Using Magnetic Uniform Mount



Product Warranty - Si200 Camera
The Si200 is covered by a standard one year warranty. Contact Motorola Solutions Customer Care at 1-800-323-9949 for warranty service.

Service and Support - Si200 Camera

For technical troubleshooting support contact Motorola Solutions Customer Care at 1-800-323-9949 and follow the prompts for Software
products and Public Safety Applications; Records and Evidence. To purchase accessories call Motorola Solutions at 1-800-422-4210.


Document Created: 2019-04-11 16:51:52
Document Modified: 2019-04-11 16:51:52

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