Test Report EME

FCC ID: AZ489FT5875

Test Report

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FCC ID: AZ489FT5875 / IC: 109U-89FT5875                                                                   Report ID: P13084-EME-00002

                                                                                                       SAMM No. 0826


                      Motorola Solutions, Inc.                              Date of Report: 7/27/2018
                       EME Test Laboratory                                  Report Revision:    B
             Motorola Solutions Malaysia Sdn Bhd (Innoplex)
                   Plot 2A, Medan Bayan Lepas,
           Mukim 12 SWD 11900 Bayan Lepas Penang, Malaysia.

  Responsible Engineer:                                           Tiong Nguk Ing
  Report Author:                                                  Tiong Nguk Ing
  Assessment Date(s)                                              7/6/2018
  Manufacturer:                                                   Alert Technologies
  DUT Description:                                                CB300-D 1W 900MHz DLR Call Box
  Test TX mode(s):                                                Paging
  Max. Power output:                                               1W
  Tx Frequency Bands:                                              902-928 MHz
  Model(s) Tested:                                                CB300-D
  Model(s) Certified:                                             CB300-D
  Classification:                                                 General Population/ Uncontrolled Environment
  FCC ID:                                                         AZ489FT5875
  IC:                                                             109U-89FT5875
  ISED Test Site Registration:                                    109AK
  FCC Test Firm Registration Number:                               823256

 Based on the information and the testing results provided herein, the undersigned certifies that when used as stated in the operating instructions
 supplied, said product complies with the national and international reference standards and guidelines listed in section 4.0 of this report. This
 report shall not be reproduced without written approval from an officially designated representative of the Motorola Solutions EME Laboratory.
 I attest to the accuracy of the data and assume full responsibility for the completeness of these measurements.
 This reporting format is consistent with the suggested guidelines of the TIA TSB-159 April 2006
 The results and statements contained in this report pertain only to the device(s) evaluated herein.

                                                               signed by
                                                               Tiong Nguk
                       Tiong Nguk Ing
                   Deputy Technical Manager
                                           Nguk                Ing
                   Approval Date: 7/27/2018Ing                 17:02:53

Form-MPE Calc. rpt. Rev 3.9                                                                                                        Page 1 of 6

FCC ID: AZ489FT5875 / IC: 109U-89FT5875                                                                          Report ID: P13084-EME-00002
                                                               Table of Contents

1.0      Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 3
2.0      MPE Summary .................................................................................................................................. 3
3.0      Abbreviations / Definitions ............................................................................................................... 3
4.0      Referenced Standards and Guidelines .............................................................................................. 3
5.0      Power Density Limits ....................................................................................................................... 4
6.0      Product and System Description ....................................................................................................... 6
7.0      MPE Assessment .............................................................................................................................. 6

                                                          Report Revision History

      Date           Revision                                                           Comments
7/6/2018                  A                                                            Initial release
7/27/2018                  B                                                 Update section 6.0 and 7.0

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FCC ID: AZ489FT5875 / IC: 109U-89FT5875                                    Report ID: P13084-EME-00002

 1.0 Introduction
        This report contains calculated Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) results for product model

 2.0 MPE Summary
                                               Table 1

                              Frequency   Power Density        FCC Limit
                                (MHz)      (mW/cm^2)          (mW/cm^2)
                                 902         0.173               0.60
                                 928         0.173               0.62

 3.0 Abbreviations / Definitions
        DUT: Device Under Test
        EME: Electromagnetic Energy
        MPE: Maximum Permissible Exposure

 4.0 Referenced Standards and Guidelines
        This product is designed to comply with the following applicable national and international
        standards and guidelines.
        • United States Federal Communications Commission, Code of Federal Regulations; Rule Part
            47CFR § 1.1310, § 2.1091 (d) and § 2.1093 for RF Exposure, where applicable.
        • Federal Communications Commission, “Evaluating Compliance with FCC Guidelines for
            Human Exposure to Radio frequency Electromagnetic Fields”, OET Bulletin 65 (Edition 97-
            01), FCC, Washington, D.C.: August 1997.
        • American National Standards Institute (ANSI) / Institute of Electrical and Electronics
            Engineers (IEEE) C95. 1-1999
        • American National Standards Institute (ANSI) / Institute of Electrical and Electronics
            Engineers (IEEE) C95. 1-1992. Specific to FCC rules and regulations.
        • Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) C95.3-2002
        • International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) 1998
        • Ministry of Health (Canada) Safety Code 6 (2015), Limits of Human Exposure to Radio
            frequency Electromagnetic Fields in the Frequency Range from 3 kHz to 300 GHz
        • RSS-102 (Issue 5) – Radio Frequency (RF) Exposure Compliance of Radio communication
            Apparatus (All Frequency Bands)
        • FCC KDB – 447498 D01 General RF Exposure Guidance v06
        • FCC KDB – 865664 D02 RF Exposure Reporting v01r02

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FCC ID: AZ489FT5875 / IC: 109U-89FT5875                                     Report ID: P13084-EME-00002

 5.0 Power Density Limits

                              Table 2 – Occupational / Controlled Exposure Limits

                                FCC OET                    IEEE C95.1     C95.1        RSS-102
          Frequency             Bulletin 65    ICNIRP       1992/1999      2005      Issue 5 2015
        Range (MHz)             mW/cm^2        W/m^2        mW/cm^2       W/m^2         W/m^2
             10 – 20                                                                     10.0
             20 – 48                                                                  44.72 / f 0.5
            30 – 300                1.0
            48 – 100                                                                     6.455
            10 – 400                             10.0
           100 – 300                                           1.0         10.0
          100 – 6,000                                                                 0.6455 f 0.5
          300 – 1,500              f/300
          300 – 3,000                                         f/300        f/30
          400 – 2,000                             f/40
        1,500 – 15,000
       1,500 – 100,000              5.0
       2,000 – 300,000                           50.0
       3,000 – 300,000                                        10.0         100.0
        6,000 – 15,000                                                                   50.0
      15000 – 150,000                                                                    50.0
      150000 –300,000                                                                 3.33×10-4 f

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FCC ID: AZ489FT5875 / IC: 109U-89FT5875                               Report ID: P13084-EME-00002

                 Table 3 – General Population / Uncontrolled Exposure Limits

                              FCC OET                IEEE C95.1     C95.1        RSS-102
       Frequency Range        Bulletin 65   ICNIRP    1992/1999      2005      Issue 5 2015
              (MHz)           mW/cm^2       W/m^2     mW/cm^2       W/m^2         W/m^2
              10 – 20                                                               2.0
              20 – 48                                                           8.944 / f 0.5
             30 – 300             0.2
             48 – 300                                                              1.291
             10 – 400                         2.0
            100 – 300                                    0.2
            100 – 400                                                 2.0
           300 – 1,500          f/1,500
           300 – 6000                                                          0.02619 f 0.6834
           400 – 2,000                       f/200                   f/200
          300 – 15,000                                  f/1,500
         1,500 – 15,000
        1,500 – 100,000           1.0
        2,000 – 100,000                                               10.0
        2,000 – 300,000                      10.0
         6,000 – 15,000                                                            10.0
       15,000 – 150,000                                                            10.0
      150,000 – 300,000                                                         6.67×10-5 f

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FCC ID: AZ489FT5875 / IC: 109U-89FT5875                                        Report ID: P13084-EME-00002

 6.0 Product and System Description
        CB300-D call box is a battery operated call box typically installed mounted to a wall using 3M
        DuoLock strips or by using optional wall mounting bracket and also use on a counter top. The
        message will be prerecorded in call box; recorded message length cannot more than 10 seconds.
        When the button on the LCD display is pressed and released, the prerecorded local audio message
        will send over the air. The call cycles to repeat the message can be set from 1 to 30 cycles. Call
        delay between repeating message can be set from 10 to 180 seconds.
        Transmission time will be up to 10 seconds long maximum, the shortest delay is 10 seconds
        before 2nd transmission of the repeating message. The conservative duty cycle will be 50% with
        10 seconds transmission with 20 seconds period.

     7.0 MPE Assessment
        MPE calculations were used to determine the RF exposure for this device. According to FCC’s
        OET Bulletin 65 Edition 97-01 Section 2, calculations can be made to predict RF field strength
        and power density levels around typical RF sources.

              4𝜋𝑅 2

        Where:          S = power density (mW/cm2)
                        P = power input to the antenna (mW)
                        G = power gain of the antenna in the direction of interest relative to an isotropic
                             radiator (dBi)
                        R = distance to center of radiation of the antenna (cm)

        P = 1 W*50% duty cycle = 500 mW;
        G= 2.4 dBi; Linear Gain = 10^ (2.4 dBi/10) = 1.74;
        R= 20 cm

        𝑆=                    = 0.173𝑚𝑊/𝑐𝑚2
                 4∗ 𝜋∗202

    Frequency           Distance           Power Density             FCC Limit           ISED Limit
      (MHz)              (cm)               (mW/cm^2)               (mW/cm^2)            (mW/cm^2)
       902                 20                 0.173                    0.60                 0.27
       928                 20                 0.173                    0.62                 0.28

        The MPE assessment presented in this report concludes that model CB300-D is compliant to FCC
        and ISED General Population /Uncontrolled RF exposure limits.

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Document Created: 2018-07-27 17:02:53
Document Modified: 2018-07-27 17:02:53

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