SAR Test Setup Photos

FCC ID: AZ489FT4955

Test Setup Photos

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     FCC ID: AZ489FT4955 / IC: 109U-89FT4955                                                 Report ID: P18691-EME-00001

                                                                              SAMM No.0826               CERTIFICATE 2518.05

                                       Exhibit 7B: SAR Test Report Photographs

                                                    Motorola Solutions Inc
                                                       EME Test Laboratory
                                           Motorola Solutions Malaysia Sdn Bhd (Innoplex)
                                                    Plot 2A, Medan Bayan Lepas
                                         Mukim 12 SWD 11900 Bayan Lepas Penang, Malaysia.

                                                                                      Digitally signed
                                                                          Tiong    by Tiong Nguk
                                                                          Nguk Ing Date: 2019.08.19
                                                      Tiong Nguk Ing           12:28:25 +08'00'
                                       Deputy Technical Manager (Approved Signatory)
                                                 Approval Date: 8/19/2019

Motorola Solutions Inc. EME Form-SAR-Rpt-Ex7B-Rev. 13.17                                                              Page 1 of 6

     FCC ID: AZ489FT4955 / IC: 109U-89FT4955                                      Report ID: P18691-EME-00001

                                                   Report Revision History
           Date             Revision                                     Comments
       08/05/2019               A                                     Initial release

Motorola Solutions Inc. EME Form-SAR-Rpt-Ex7B-Rev. 13.17                                            Page 2 of 6

      FCC ID: AZ489FT4955 / IC: 109U-89FT4955                                         Report ID: P18691-EME-00001

1.0      Highest SAR Test Position per body location

         1.1       Body
                   DUT w/ antenna PMAE4104A with offered battery PMNN4075A and body worn kit RLN5644A against
                   the phantom audio accessory PMLN6531A attached. Same position is used for the other offered antenna.

                                                                     Separation Distances (mm)
                        Antenna kit #          @ bottom surface of the DUT      @ antenna’s base   @ antenna’s tip
                        PMAE4020A                           5                          30                46
                        PMAE4104A                           5                          30                61

         1.2       Face
                   Back of DUT w/ antenna PMAE4104A with offered battery PMNN4075A separated 2.5cm from the
                   phantom without an audio accessory attached. Same position is used for the other offered antenna.

                                                                     Separation Distances (mm)
                        Antenna kit #
                                               @ bottom surface of the DUT     @ antenna’s base     @ antenna’s tip
                         PMAE4020A                         30                         34                  35
                         PMAE4104A                         30                         34                  41

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      FCC ID: AZ489FT4955 / IC: 109U-89FT4955                                           Report ID: P18691-EME-00001

2.0      DUT and Accessory Photos

         The purpose of these photos is to illustrate the tested accessories. Refer to Part 1 of 2, section 7.0 for additional
         details on the offered accessories.

         2.1       Antenna dimension and photo(s):

                                                           Physical Length
                                Antenna Kit #                                   Electrical Length
                                 PMAE4020A                       90                  ¼ wave
                                 PMAE4104A                       164                 ¼ wave

                                                   PMAE4104A (left) & PMAE4020A (right)

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     FCC ID: AZ489FT4955 / IC: 109U-89FT4955                                         Report ID: P18691-EME-00001

         2.2       Body worn accessories

                                   DUT with belt clip RLN5644A - Side view (left) & back view (right)

         2.3       Battery accessories:

                                Battery PMNN4075A – Front view (left), side view (middle) & back view (right)

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     FCC ID: AZ489FT4955 / IC: 109U-89FT4955                                                      Report ID: P18691-EME-00001

         2.4       Audio accessories:


         2.5       DUT Dimensions

                                                                                       Height              Width   Depth
                                                                                       (mm)                (mm)    (mm)
                                   Radio only (w/o battery)                             108                 61      24
                                Radio with battery PMNN4075A                            108                 61      39

                   For illustration purposes only - the following figure reflects the location of the device’s

                                                           Note:     H = Height; W = Width; D = Depth

                                                                    W1 = (Width @ Top) / (Width @ PTT)

                                                                   D2 = (Depth @ Bottom) / (Depth @ PTT)

Motorola Solutions Inc. EME Form-SAR-Rpt-Ex7B-Rev. 13.17                                                            Page 6 of 6

Document Created: 2019-08-19 12:28:25
Document Modified: 2019-08-19 12:28:25

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