Users Manual

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                                       S SERIES USER MANUAL

                               RELM Communications, Inc.
                               S SERIES RF TRANSCEIVER

                              USER MANUAL

RELM Communications, Inc
7505 Technology Drive
W. Melbourne, Florida 32904
Voice:   407— 984—1414
Fax:     407—984—0434

Manual Revision 1.0 January 1998

Applicable reference:

                                   ©RELM Communications Inc. Revision 1.0   29

                                             S SERIES USER MANUAL

         Micro—controller Board Rev C
         S Series Utility Software ver 1.0

To continually improve our products, RELM Communications, Inc. reserves the right to alter, without
notice and at any time, the equipment and specifications described in this document.

All quoted performance figures are typical and are subject to normal manufacturing and service

The purchaser is warned that statements made in this document may be inaccurate due to typographical or
other errors, or subsequent modifications of the product. Although every care was taken in the creation of
this document, no warranty of accuracy or reliability is given in any advice or information contained in
this document. The responsibility for any loss or damage whatsoever arising in any way or any
representation, act, or omission whether express or implied (including responsibility to any person by
reasonof negligence) is not accepted by RELM Communications, Inc. or any officer, agent, or employee
of RELM Communications, Inc.

Copyright © RELM Communications, Inc.

30                                ©RELM Communications inc. Revision 1.0

                                                          S SERIES USER MANUAL

CONTENTS 22022200000000000000000svaveesns ovsvencone veveovsvevevevevervencnreerevnevennnenernenesanvnavsvesvenssnsscsesrsnenescerecersersersserviee 33

INTRODUCTION ..2,.22200002020200 00 0 0 0 0 0 0                                                   vev eveve e nenenevev evenevenerencencrnen e ven   .                      35
GENERAL DESCRIPTION ... ..........2.0.0ce0ee enc en en enc rvenenenveveeeeveve en en en rnevenennenenneenenncnenenenevenenvevnenenenenenvnnenerenenne 35
  Exciter Module Description .....                                                                                                                                     «.235
  Receiver Module Description ...
  Power Amplifier Module Description.
     Standard Version Front Panel ..
    Rear Panel Connectors ...
Rear view S SERtes ..
Smz view S SErtEs....

TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION...........vevnseesermseenereceersnnmserecnes                                        rvmess.                                    «.                    40
INTERNAL CONNECTIONS ............c.cccccccele
    Description of Micro—Controller Jumper Functions ........
TESTING                                                                                                                                                                    44
TEsT SETUP ........
S SERIES BASE STATION UTILATY.........cc.ccccceseemc.e.... eeveernesserecnsvereceseererererverseceeavvevervevseresesescerenmsnenne 45
INITIAL SETUP AND DESCRIPTION ..........                                                                                                                               «... 45
   Main Display Tool Bar Description.                                                                                                                                   ... 45
    Initial Settings ............                                                                                                                                          45
    Initial Static Settings...
    Channel Programming and Description .
FULL CALIBRATION ........................                                                                                                                                  46
DEsCRIPTION OF PROGRAM FUNCTIONS..                                                                                                                                      «.47
    Synthesizer Control....                                                                                                                                             «.47
    Modulation Control ...                                                                                                                                                 47
    Transmit RF Power Output
    CTCSS Control....
    Channel Selection
TROUBLESHOOTING...............evvevermeenensensererereceerenernenvcceseevermeeseeservrerversrerrennrernververes ermeeseserscerverenerncrens 48

GLOSSARY .......seveeerererermenecrers anenenesconsasscaseveveevereereereververenserersesvencevereessenverevenerenceevveservererennennnevererensrerccnse 49

APPENDIX A SPECIFICATIONS .2 0.                                                    0000+0r0rervererecvevseversnevevrrersarrereranerersennnerecsecoesnenecesencevecscerece ... 50

                                                ©RELM Communications Inc. Revision 1.0                                                                           33

                                                  S SERIES USER MANUAL

GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS ........................
ANCILLARIES ..........0eceemnemmmeremces
APPENDIX B INTERFACE CONNECTIONS,...,.,.2.000000 eecesveee2eeesreesetereeavrneverbervencerereserceronsvnererneveserecsese 83
S SERIES REAR CHASSIS CONNECTOR DESCRIPTION ,.......... ... .cs ce sceeev enc rvenennerenenreeannerenvenrnerernerensenenrece 53
   Universal DB15 Analog VO.                                                                                             ..
     DB25 Digital 1/O Connector
APPENDIX C DIP SWITCH SETTINGS............anvereeversscccnecrncces                        ..                                57
DIP Switck 2 Use® Funcrion SELECT.

APPENDIX D MODEL NUMBER CONFIGURATION GUIDE ...                                                                    revervsee. 64

34                                     ©RELM Communications inc. Revision 1.0

                                           S SERIES USER MANUAL

The S Scries of radio systems uses statc—of—the—art design and construction methods to deliver a range of
high—performance, ultra—reliable radio devices. These radio systems are ideally suited for use in VHF or
UHF two—way voice radio systems; however, the S Series can perform any number of applications where
the added advantage of linear frequency and phase response from DC to 5KHz can be used. The S Series,
unlike conventional PLL radio systems, uses a two—point modulation method synthesizer for extended low—
end VF transmit frequency response.

The flexibility of the S Series allowsit to be configured for a wide range of applications:
     *   Standard or wideband voice, full duplex radio
     e   Cellular or trunking systems
     *   POCSAG paging transmitter
     *   Direct FSK modulation
     *   Two— or four—level FSK transmissions
     e       Other paging formats
*    Cross band link or repeater

General Description
The S Series of radio systems features a high degree of RFI (Radio Frequency Interference) and EMI
(Electro—Magnetic Interference) screening throughovut its design and construction. The receiver and
exciter (low—power transmitter) modules are contained in a solid machined aluminum enclosure, and for
additional screening, each interface pin is individually filtered. The PA (Power Amplifier) module is
contained in a special compact extrusion for minimum harmonic radiation. In addition, the RF (Radio
Frequency) modules and the micro—controller are also contained in the main screened 2RU (Rack Unit)
case for low conducted and radiated emissions and minimal susceptibility to RFI and EML

The S Series consists of four main sub assemblies: an exciter module, a receiver module, a power
amplifier module, and a micro—controller board. For further information on these sub assemblies, refer to
the Technical Description section later in this manual.

Exciter Module Description
The exciter module features a modulation bandwidth to DC (Direct Current) with an ultra—wide RF
bandwidth 20MHz—1000MHz at an output power of 300mW. To change from one band to another, all you
need to do is change the plug in the VCO board; no other manual adjustment or change is required. If a
high stability reference is required, the RF modules can be fitted with connectors for an external reference
oscillator input. On—board memory stores calibration, personality information, and program data.
Alternatively, the exciter module can be set up as a conventional PLL (Phase Locked Loop) if simplicity
and minimum cost are required. The fractional N synthesizer provides ultra low spurious while still
maintaining fast lock times, even at 6.25KHz step size or less. An optional built turn—around mixer
(TRM) provides advanced diagnostics such as receiver sensitivity tests.

                                   @RELM Communications inc. Revision 1.0                               35

                                           S SERIES USER MANUAL

Receiver Module Description
The receiver module features the same advanced synthesizer and wide bandwidth as the exciter. Only the
front end bandpass filter and VCO (Voltage Controlled Oscillator) need to be changed to support different
frequency bands, resulting in significant flexibility and end—user cost savings. The custom—built front end
bandpassfilter has a wide no—adjust bandwidth equal to the band allocation. The receiver has extremely
high sensitivity while maintaining excellent intermodulation immunity and adjacent channel rejection. A
double first IF (Intermediate Frequency) provides excellent rejection to commonly known spurious
responses. High blocking of over 120dB typical ensures that strong interfering signals do not desensitize
the receiver when receiving weak signals.

Power Amplifier Module Description
The PA is very compact and efficient for high reliability and low cost. The heatsink has minimal
temperature rise even under continuous operation. This also ensures the best MTBF (Mean Time Between
Failure) obtainable for a practical design. A low—loss 13—clement elliptical low—pass filter ensures that any
harmonics remain below ~100dBc.

Key Features and Advantages
*    Exceptional system performance
*    Modular internal construction
*    Software or hardware configurable
&    50 Watt continuous transmitter (30 Watt above 800 MHz)
e    Programming via RS232
*    256 channel capacity
*    Optional CTCSS (Continuous Tone Coded Squeich System)
&    Paging capability
*    VF filters and processing can be bypassed
e    Fast mute
e    20mS Rx (Receiver) and TX (Transmitter), 4m8 selectable
&    Front panel display
&    Digital squelch compatible
e    Wide band Rx and TX
*    Isolated PTT (Push To Talk) input
e    Digitally controlled and corrected TX deviation
*    Programmable TX power
*    Direct FSK (Frequency Shift Keying) or paging compatible
e    VSWR (Voltage Standing Wave Ratio) and Temp protection
e    Compact 2RU case
e    13.8 Volt operation
*    Available in continuous coverage from 66 to 88MHz, 135 to 520MHz, and 805 to I60MHz
*    Surface mount technology used throughout
*    Rear analog and digital interfaces

     Other options and variations are available. Please consult RELM Communications for further details.

36                                 ©RELM Communications Inc. Revision 1.0

                                              $ SERIES USER MANUAL

Indicators and Connectors
The $ Series can be supplied with custom front panels. The standard version is shown below.
The following tables explain the functions of the front panel LED‘s. Each LED indicates the status of the
S Series Base Station in real time.

Standard Version Front Panel

                  The power supply voltage is within software selectable limits.
                  A signal is being received by the receiver or the receiver squeich is open.
                  The transmitter is transmitting RF power.
                  A valid Continuous Tone Coded Squelch Signal has been detected.
                  The aux function is selected, or the PLL is unlocked.

                          LEDS:                 POWER


                                      @©RELM Communications Inc. Revision 1.0                         37

                                 5 SERIES USER MANUAL

 Rear Panel Connectors

; DC POWER INPUT           13.8 Volt DC power input. Also +28 Volt input on spare pin.
i SIMPLEX RELAY OUT OR     Location for internal simplex relay. The antenna for RX/TX          i
| N—TYPE RX INPUT          connects to this point. Or an N—type connector can be used for the ;
                           input to the receiver for full duplex operation.                    i
i BNC RX INPUT             Standard BNC connector for the input to the receiver for full
                           duplex operation.
 N TYPE TX OUTPUT          The RF power output from the transmitter for fult duplex
i SPARE RJ11               Provision for internal expansion.
 DB25—F PARALLEL 1O        Provides two 8—bit input ports, where one is used as the parallel
                           BCD channel select. Also one spare 8—bit input port.
; DB15 UNIVERSAL           Provides the necessary analog receiver and transmitter interface
| ANALOG 1O                for system expansion.
  RS—232 SERIAL PORT       9600 baud serial port for frequency programming, channel
                           selection, and alarm and status monitoring,

 Rear View S Series


                         N—TYPE TX OUTPUT                      THERMALLY CONTROLLED

 RJ11                              TRANSMITTER HEATSINK
                                   SPARE                                 4 OFF SCREWS FOR
   DB25—F                          DB15                                  EASY PA MODULE
PARALLEL 1/O                       HOLE                                  REMOVAL

DB15 UNIVERSAL            RS—232
ANALOG 1/O                SERIAL PORT

38                        ©RELM Communications Inc. Revision 1.0

                                          S SERIES USER MANUAL

Side View S Series



WARNING:            Observe all safety precautions when working with electrical and
                    electronic equipment. Contact Spectra Engineering if you are in any
                    doubt about the suitability of your test environment.

S Series radio systems are securely packed for transport in polystyrene foam peanuts inside a pasteboard
container. Before unpacking the S Series radio, please inspect the packaging for signs of damage, and
report any damage to your S Series distributor.

As you unpack the S Series radio, make sure you received all items shipped. Report any missing items to
your S Series distributor. All ports on the rear of the radio should be carefully examined to ensure that
packaging has not become wedged inside them. It is very important to examine the fan because operation
of the radio will be affected if any packaging causes the fan to stop working.

If you intend to install the radio in an equipment rack, consult the installation manual for your system.
Spectra Engineering recommends that the radio be secured into the rack system using four screws through
the mounting holes in the front panel, near the handles.

If the radio is to be used in a stand—alone configuration, be sure the radio is in a
secure, dry location with sufficient air space to allow for adequate ventilation.

                                   ©RELM Communications Inc. Revision 1.0                            39

                                        $ SERIES USER MANUAL

Technical Description

Internal Connections
The internal design of the $ Series is of a modular nature, allowing for simple configuration and
maintenance while ensuring minimal downtime. For reference purposes, an image of a typical S Series
system is shown below.

                                           WELDED SEALED CHASSIS CONSTRUCTION

                PA MODULE                           MICRO—CONTROLLER


40                               @RELM Communications Inc. Revision 1.0

                                            S SERIES USER MANUAL

Exciter Module Technical Description
RF from the VCO, at a nominal level of +3dBm, is applied to the fractional—N synthesizer IC (Integrated
Circuit) main divider input. A second, separate RF output of the same level from the VCO is used as the
main transmit RF amplifier signal source. The main signal is first buffered by a very high isolation circuit
consisting of a 10dB pad and a MMIC (microwave Monolithic Integrated Circuit) amplifier. The signal is
further amplified by a variable—gain wide—band amplifier with a 40dB control range and a power output of
300mW. The drive power of this stage is used to set the output power of the main power amplifier. The
output of the charge pump of the synthesizeris filtered, then amplified by the noninverting low—noise op
amp. The op amp uses a 25—volt power supply to provide a wide tuning range voltage to the frequency
control varicaps located on the VCO board.

The VCO boards and synthesizer circuits are the same for the exciter and receiver modules. The VCO
consists of a 10mm ceramic coaxial resonator with a common base oscillator for low—phase noise for
bands 805—960 MHz. Frequencies below 520 MHz use an LC tank circuit. The power supply to the VCO
consists of a its own 8—volt regulator and active filter for maximum noise rejection. For standard
modulation, transmit audio is fed to the conventional point of the VCO varactor, For two—point
modulation, audio is also fed to the voltage control pin of the VC—TXCO (Voltage—Controlled
Temperature—Compensated Crystal Oscillator). This in effect cancels out the PLL error that would
otherwise have occurred for low audio frequencies, resulting in a flat VF (Voice Frequency) response.

Receiver Module Technical Description
The receive signal from the antenna enters a three—section band passfilter (BPF) that provides the initial
filtering for the front end amplifier. The front end amplifier is a broad—band high—performance MMIC
with a gain of 20dB, NF (Noise Filter) of 44B, and 3rd OIP (Third Order Intercept Point) of +36dB. This
is then followed by the second three—section BPF, then a high—level double—balanced mixer. RF from the
VCO is buffered and amplified to +17dBm and injected in the high—level mixer, which down converts the
signal to the IF frequency of 90 MHz. The IF signal of 90 MHz from the mixer is terminated by a bi—
directional constant—impedance diplexer network and is then amplified by a bipolar amplifier with a gain
of 15dB and 3rd OIP of +35dB. This provides a high degree of intermodulation rejection for the receiver.
This stage is followed by a four—pole 90 MHz crystal filter with its associated matching networks. The
signal is further amplified and filtered by a transistor and its associated two—pole crystal filter before being
fed into the main IF demodulator chip with a second IF frequency of 455 KHz. The resulting audio is
passed out to the micro—controller board.

PA Module Technical Description
RF from the exciter is first attenuated by a 50—ohm pad that provides a good 50—ohm source impedance for
the high—power hybrid amplifier. The RF is amplified to 5—13 watts at its 50—ohm output. The signal from
the hybrid is then matched by a broad—band network to drive the low—input impedance associated with the
final transmit power amplifier transistor. The low collector impedance of the transistor is then also
matched back to 50 ohms with a broad—band matching network. Several trimmer capacitors allow you to
adjust the power amplifier over a wide bandwidth to maintain good conversion efficiency.

The dual—directional coupler consists of coupled microstrip transmission lines fabricated on the PCB
(printed Circuit Board) artwork. The sampled RF energy is rectified to provide a proportional DC voltage
output. Prior to transmission, a low—loss 13—elementelliptical low—pass filter filters out the unwanted
harmonics to less than —100dBc.

                                    @RELM Communications Inc. Revision 1.0                                  41

                                                                    S SERIES USER MANUAL

Micro—Controller Configuration
The view below is an image of the micro—controller layout and the position of the jumpers and DIP
switches (highlighted) that are used for setting the general configuration of the audio filters, PTT
functions, and other various facilities.

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NOTE: Not all components shown are fitted.

                                                  @RELM Communications Inc. Revision 1.0

                                        S SERIES USER MANUAL

 Description of Micro—Controller Jumper Functions

| JMP 1      Selects cither default RUN or EMULATE mode for the micro—processor
i JMP 2      Enables the WATCHDOG auto reset function in the micro—processor
i JMP 3      Enables or disables the PRE—EMPHASIS for the TX audio
; JMP 4      Enables or disables the COMPRESSOR for the TX audio
| JMP 5      Enables or disables the HIGH PASS FILTER for the Rx audio
| JMP 6      Enables or disables the LOW PASS FILTER for the Rx audio
i JMP 7      Enables or disables the DE—EMPHASIS processing for the Rx audio
 JMP 8       Selects a common earth or floating PTT input (See Appendix B)
: JMP 9      Selects the PTT mode (See Appendix B)
| JMP 10     Controls the direction of the RS—232 TX and Rx data (See the next section and Appendix B)
i JMP 11     Controls the direction of the RS—232 TX and Rx data (See the next section and Appendix B)
| JMP 12     Enables a direct connection to the TX modulation, not normally used (See Appendix B)
; JMP 13     Enables or disables the HIGH PASS FILTER for the TX audio                                   i
{ JMP 14 _ Enables a direct connection to the TX modulation viathe limiter andpostLPF (SeeAppendix B)_|

                                 ©RELM Communications Inc. Revision 1.0                            43

                                           S SERIES USER MANUAL

The following equipment is required to test S Series radios:
 *   A radio communications test set with 600 O interfaces
*    A digital multimeter
e    An oscilloscope
e    13.8V power supply
*    A PC with at least 8Mb of RAM, a serial port, and the S Series Base Station Utility software installed.
*    A suitable cable to connect the serial port of the PC to the S Series radio RS—232 port (see Appendix
*    A suitable power lead as supplied with the radio
*    Suitable low—loss RF cables and connectors.

CAUTION:            Attempting to operate the transmitter without an appropriate load
                    connected to the RF output could cause physical damage to the unit
                    and void the warranty. Contact Spectra Engineering if you are in
                    any doubt about the suitability of your test environment.

Connecting a Computer to the S Series Radio
The standard cable used to connect the computer to the S Series is a serial lap—link—type cable. This cable
usually consists of a lead with a DB9 and DB25 female connector at each end. The Rx and TX data
signals are cross connected in lap—link—type cables. Two jumperlinks are on the micro—controller circuit
board inside the S Series designated JMP10 and JMP11. Their default position is pin 2&3 or "SWAP."
This indicates that a lead that swaps Rx and TX data is in use.

Other special serial leads can also be used. To allow for more combinations, you can set JMP1O0 and
JMP11 to position 1&2 or "NORM," which has the effect of swapping over pins 2 and 3 on the DB9 rear

Test Setup
Make all connections at the rear of the S Series radio.

Connect the transmitter RF output located on the heat sink module to the dummy load/TX test input of the
Radio Communications Test Set using a short length of low—loss RG 213 or equivalent coaxial cable.

Connect the receiver RF input to the signal generator output of the Radio Communications Test Set using
moderate— to low—loss coaxial cable.

Connect all VF interfaces and control lines to the appropriate points.

Connect the S Series Radio to a suitable 13.8 volt DC power supply while observing the correct polarity.

Test Procedure
Refer to Calibration Procedure in this manual.

44                                 ©RELM Communications Inc. Revision 1.0

                                           S SERIES USER MANUAL

S Series Base Station Utility

Initial Setup and Description

Main Display Tool Bar Description
The CHANNEL INFO button is used to view and set up the frequency information in the S Series.

The ANALYZE button reads the internal status of the S Series and displays as such.

The UPDATE button is used only when SETUP—DYNAMIC is selected. Pressing UPDATE sends the
dynamic settings to the S Series for quick initial testing. The values are not saved in the S Series. The
UPDATE button is also used to set up the default values used in the channel programming.

The other buttons duplicate SAVE, OPEN FILE, SEND DATA TO RADIO, and LOAD DATA FROM RADIO as
seen on the Channel Info screen, respectively.

Initial Settings
To read or send data to the S Series, you must first create or open file.

Initial Static Settings
Go to Setup Static, and set the appropriate values and conditions for the S Series. Press SEND to send and
store the values inside the S Series.

Note: Reference, IF frequencies, and injection are not stored in the S Series, so this must reflect the actual
physical conditions of the S Series.

The standard reference oscillator is 14.4MHz. The standard IF is IOMHz with high—side injection bands A
to I and low side J to X. The PLL correction factor value is usually around 120. The fan—on temperature is
normally set to 40°C with the over—temperature cutout at 70°C.

Channel Programming and Description
At the Channel Info screen, click on the channel you want to set up. You can view all the settings and
calibration data; however, you will need to enter the password by clicking the ADVANCED button to
proceed. This level of protection is provided to advise that changes could allow the transmitter to
potentially cause interference to vital radio communications services. See also the Quick Frequency
Programming and Full Calibration sections of this manual.

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                                                S SERIES USER MANUAL

If a calibrate has already been performed, go to the Channel Information screen. Click the channel
number you want to change or create. Go into advanced mode with the correct password. Enter the
frequencies of the channel. Inject an audio signal with sufficient level (~OdBm) to ensure compressor
operation, and check that the deviation is 3KHz for 25KHz channel spacing or 1.5KHz for 12.5KHz
spacing. Adjust the VCO deviation for the correct level. Most of the other settings will not change. If in
doubt, see the Full Calibration section of this manual.

TX .modulation is the recommended full—calibration procedure with DC—FM installed. You can carry out
the alignment in the Setup Dynamic mode for a quicker result. Calibration is performed on the center RF
1.   Set the reference level to 0 and the reference bias to 127.
2.   On the S Series micro—controller board, set pre—emphasis, TX HPF, and the TX VF compressor to
     OFF. Turn the TX compress level RV2 fully clockwise to maximum to allow the hard limiter to
3.   Inject a 1KHz audio signal into the TX VF input at a level of +10dBm. Check with an oscilloscope
     that the audio signal is clipped at the TX limiter test point.
4.   Set the VCO level to achieve a 4.8KHz deviation (clipped waveform) for 25KHz channel spacing and
     2.3KHz deviation for 12.5KHz channel spacing. If CTCSS is used, subtract further the nominal CTCSS
     system deviation level.
5.   Reduce the level from the audio oscillator to obtain a sinewave modulation, and then vary the
     modulation frequency around 50—500Hz and adjust the bin accel factor for an approximately flat
Note:      Do not enter too low a value or the lock time and stability will be affected.
6.   Return the audio level to +10dBm.
7.   Set the modulation frequency to about 300Hz. Observe the demodulated clipped sinewave with drooping positive
     and negative deviation peaks. Increase the "ref level" to reduce the degree of drooping. Adjust so that a flat top is
     observed on the demodulation waveform. Check that ifyou vary the modulation frequency across a range of 50Hz—
     1KHz, the frequency response is flat. The peak deviation should still be the same as in step 4 above. If not, repeat
     steps 4 and 6.

Note:      The modulation flatness will rise around 2KHz if the S Series is fitted with Butterworth— or
           Chebychev—type filters for the main limiter post LPF as used in the EIA—603 Build because of
           the group delay distortion of the filters. For a flatter response, ensure the standard Bessel filter
           is fitted.
8.   Set the transmitter carrier center frequency by adjusting the Ref Bias level if necessary. Repeat step 6
     because there is some interaction from the reference oscillator due to nonlinearity. Repeat as
9.   Save as defaults.
10. Return the jumpers as before in step 2. Adjust the TX compress level RV2 for the standard system
    deviation level—usually 3KHz for 25KHz channel spacing and 1.5KHz for 12.5KHz spacing.
11. Set the VF level to the standard input level (—10dBm), and adjust the compress TX VF gain to just
12. Go to the Channel Info screen and click on the channel number to be allocated to the calibration
    results. Click on Get Defaults, then OK.

46                                     @RELM Communications Inc. Revision 1.0

                                            S SERIES USER MANUAL

 13. Go to the next channel and load defaults. Key in the appropriate RF frequencies, and set the VCO
     level for the same deviation as in step 9. Repeat this step for all the channels required.
Note:     A small error will result in the calibration of the tef level as in step 6 if the next channel
          frequency varies greatly from the original cal frequency. Recalibrate the ref level if necessary.

Caution: Duc the high degree of adjustment available in the S Series, check the PLL stability by
         monitoring the PLL ture voltage with a CRO (Cathode Ray Oscilloscope) at the onset of PTT
          for minimal ringing.

Description of Program Functions

Synthesizer Control
The $ Series Base Station has the facility for precise software control of the PLL characteristics, This
provides the user with additional fiexibility and capability for specialized or precise settings. The
following program functions allow for control of the fractional—N synthesizer and are described as such:

PLL Correction Factor: Controls the relative amount of charge current into the PLL charge—pump
circuit. The value for the PLL correction factor is loaded into the receiver and exciter synthesizer during
normal operation. It is primarily used to control the dynamic PLL settling characteristics. A value of 0
will provide a minimum current and hence a slow and under—damped loop response. A value of 255 will
provide the maximum current and hence a fast and over—damped loop response.

Bin Accel Main: Same as PLL correction factor except that the value for the bin accel main is only
loaded into the exciter synthesizer during the transmitter modulation period. It is primarily used to control
the static PLL characteristics. This will allow adjustment for a maximally flat modulation response near
the cutoff frequency of the PLL. A value of 0 will provide a minimum current and hence an under—damped
response. A value of 255 will provide the maximum current and hence an over—damped response.

Modalo: A modulo value of cight sets the synthesizer comparison frequency to eight times that of the
channel spacing (synthesizer step size). A value of five is five times, respectively.

Channel Spacing: (Also referred to as the synthesizer step) As a rule, the oscillator frequency must be
integer divisible by the modulo value and then the step size. The step size is usually set to half that of the
channel spacing.

Acce! Proportion: Controls the degree of speed up at the onset of PTT.

Accel Integral: Controls the multiplication factor of the accel proportion.

For further information, refer to the Philips Semiconductor Data Book for the SA7O25DK chip.

Modulation Control
DC—FM uses two—point modulation, and its parameters can be set by the following:

VCO Deviation: The digital pot value sets the modulation level fed to the VCO modulation input. A
value of 0 sets the minimum deviation level. A value of 255 sets the maximum deviation level.

Reference Bias: The digital pot value sets the center carrier frequency of the transmitter frequency. A
value of 0 sets the highest carrier frequency. A value of 255 sets the lowest carrier frequency. A value

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       around 128 is normally used. If the value is too high or too low, unsymmetrical modulation distortion
       could result due to the limited range of the master reference oscillator.

      Reference Level: The digital pot value sets the modulation level fed to the master reference oscillator. A
      value of 0 sets the minimum deviation level. A value of 255 sets the maximum deviation level. It
      primarily is used to set the modulation balance at low frequencies.

      Transmit RF Power Output
      Transmit Power: The digital pot value sets the RF drive level to the power amplifier. A value of 0 sets
      the transmitter power to minimum. A value of 255 sets the transmitter power to maximum.

      CTCSS Control
      TX Subtone: Directly enters the frequency of the transmitter modulation encoder.
     Rx Subtone: Directly enters the frequency for the receiver decoder to operate.
     TX Subtone Level: Controls the level of the transmitter modulation encoder. Steps are 0.85dB.

     Channel Selection
     Three methods are available for channel selection:
      1.    Software Channel Select via Utility Program: Ensure that channel 0 is selected on the DIP switch
            DIP1 located on the micro—controller board (all eight switches in the OFF position). Enter the channel
            number in the software select channel window on the Channel Info screen, and press SELECT.
     2.     Software Channel Select via Serial Command: Ensure that channel 0 is selected on the DIP switch
            DIP1 located on the micro—controller board (all eight switches in the OFF position), Send the string
            "chansXXX" where XXX = a three—digit number for the channel number. For example, to select
            channel 5, send the string "chans005." Baud rate is 9600 BPS.
     3.     Hardware Channel Select: Select the fixed channel for the S Series by using the DIP switch DIP1
            located on the micro—controller board. Channel 1—255 is available in binary selection. Switch position
            1 is channel 1, position 2 is channel 2, position 3 is channel 4, position 4 is channel 8, position 5 is
            channel 16, position 6 is channel 32, position 7 is channel 64, and position 8 is channel 128. For
            further details of all possible channels, see Appendix C.

    The most common causes of problems are listed below:

    Incorrect parameters set in the S Series utility program such as
     1.     wrong reference frequency oscillator value,
            PLL correction factor or bin accel value too low,
wo@& swop

            accel values extreme,
            channel spacing value not correct, or
            frequency value not a multiple of the channel spacing / step size.

    Other problems may include fumpers or DIP switches in wrong positions.

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                                   5 SERIES USER MANUAL

3RD OIP           Third Order Intercept Point
AUX               Auxiliary
BPF               Band Pass Filter
BW                Bandwidth
CMOS              Complementary Metal Oxide Silicon
CRO               Cathode Ray Oscilloscope
CTCSS             Continuous Tone Coded Squelch System
DC                Direct Current
DIP               Dual Inline Package
EMI               Electro Magnetic Interference
FSK               Frequency Shift Keying
HPF               High Pass Filter
IC                Integrated Circuit
IF                Intermediate Frequency
1O                Input / Output
JMP               Jumper
LC tank circuit   Resonant circuit consisting of an Inductor and Capacitor network
LED               Light Emitting Diode
LPF               Low Pass Filter
MMIC              Microwave Monolithic Integrated Circuit
Mobitex           Radio messaging system
MTBF              Mcan Time Between Failure
NF                Noise Figure
PA                Power Amplifier
Pad               Circuit board land
PCB               Printed Circuit Board
PLL               Phase Locked Loop
PPM (ppm)         Parts Per Million
PTT               Push To Talk
POCSAG            Post Office Code Standardization Advisory Group
RAM               Random Access Memory
RF                Radio Frequency
RSSI              Received Signal Strength Indicator
RU                Rack Unit
Rx                Receiver
Simplex           Single operation of either Transmitter or Receiver
S/N               Signal to Noise Ratio
Squelch           Muted audio signal
SW                Switch
TEMP              Temperature
TRM               Turn Around Mixer
TX                Transmitter
UHF               Ultra High Frequency
vco               Voltage Controlled Oscillator
VC—TXCO           Voltage Controlled Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator
VF                Voice Frequency
VHF               Very High Frequency
VSWR              Voltage Standing Wave Ratio

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Appendix A                        Specifications

Minimum Performance Specification
Minimum performance to exceed the following for 66MHz—260MHz:
      ETS 300 086 Jan 1991
      FCC Part 90
         BAPT 225 ZV 1/2098 (German Softkeying)
         CEPT T/R 24—01 E Sept 1988
         EC Marking, EC EMC Directive 89/336/EEC
        ETS 300 113

General Specifications
8 Series Rack Size:               19—in 2RU Case, 13—in (360mm) deep inc fan
S Series Overall Physical Size    3.5—in (89mm) high, 13—in (360mm) deep, 19—in (483mm) wide
Weight                              19.8—lbs (Okg)
Supply Voltage:                   13.8V +/— 20%
Power Consumption:                <600 mA receive, typical 440 mA
                                 <11A for 50W TX RF
Operating Temperature:           —10 to +60 C. —30 to +60 C option
Individual Module Dimensions:    Rx & TX W=100, L=180, H = 30mm
                                 PA W=78, L=300, H = 60mm
Standard LED indicators:         Power, Rx, TX, CTCSS, Aux, Alarm

Frequency Range:                 Coverage 66—960 MHz
Synthesis Method:                Non mixing PL
                                 Fractional N synthesizer
Modulation:                      Direct FM, +/~5 KHz
                                 +/~2.5 KHz narrow band
Channel Spacing:                 30 KHz, 25 KHz, or 12.5 KHz
Synthcsizer Step Size:           30, 25, 12.5, 7.5, or 6.25KHz
Channels:                        256 Software or switch selectable
                                 1—99 BCD parallel selection

Frequency Range:                 Coverage 66—960 MHz

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Other frequencies or band allocations available.
Contact Spectra Engineering for details.

            Band A                 66—80 MHz
            Band B                 74—88 MHz
         Band C                     135—160 MHz
         Band D                     155—180 MHz
         Band E                    175—200 MHz
         Band F                    195—225 MHz
         Band G                    220—250 MHz
         Band H                    245—275 MHz
         Band 1                    270—300 MHz
         Band J                    295—325 MHz
         Band K                    320—350 MHz
         Band L                    345—375 MHz
         Band M                    370—400 MHz
         Band N                    395—430 MHz
         Band O                    425—460 MHz
         Band P                    455—490 MHz
         Band Q                    485—520 MHz
         Band R                    805—825 MHz
         Band S                    $24—849 MHz
         Band T                    850—870 MHz
         Band U                    $72—905 MHz
         Band V                    890—915 MHz
         Band W                    917—950 MHz
         Band X                    925—960 MHz

Transmitter Module Specifications
RF Power Output:                   SW to 5OW (66—520 MHz)
                                   5SW to 35W, 50W optional for
                                   13.8V/28V rail(800—960 MHz)
                                   100W on special request
Frequency Stability:               2.5PPM, 1.5PPM or 1.OPPM
Audio Response:                    Flat within +/— 0.50B across BW
                                   Bessel LPF for data or Chebychev LPF
Audio Bandwidth:                   DC(J—X Band) to 3400Hz base band
                                   (—0.5dB) 300Hz to 3000Hz for EIA—603
                                   300Hz to 3400Hz nominal.
Modulation Distortion:             Less than 2% C—weighted.
S/N Ratio:                         Better than 50dB, wide band.
                                   Better than 44dB, narrow Band.
Spurious:                          Better than —90dBc.
RF Switching Bandwidth:            Same as band allocation.
RF Switching Bandwidth PA          10MHz nominal, full band useable.
Duty Cycle:                        100% for 5OW RF output with
                                   Thermal controlied fan.
RF Rise Time:                      4mS with continuous VCO selected
                                    (Controlled RF envelope).

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Receiver Module Specifications
Sensitivity:                       Better than —117dBm for 124B (25 KHz spacing ), C—weighted, De—
                                   emphasis. Typical —120dBm
Selectivity 66—520MHz (Option):    More than 80 dB for 25 KHz adj channel, more than 70 dB for 12.5
                                   KHz adj channel, for switching BW 10MHz minimum
Selectivity 66—520MHz:             More than 75 dB for 25 KHz adj channel, more than 65 dB for 12.5
                                   KHz adj channel, for switching BW same as band allocation
Selectivity 805—960MHz:            More than 70 dB for 25 KHz adj channel more than 65 dB for 12.5
                                   KHz adj channel for switching BW same as band allocation
Spurious Resp:                     Better than 90dB
Intermodulation:                   Better than 80dB
Blocking:                          Better than 100dB at +/—IMHz point
Distortion:                        Less than 2%
S/N Ratio:                         Better than 50dB C—weighted, wide band. Better than 440B C—
                                   weighted, narrow band
RF Switching Bandwidth:            10MHz minimum or equal to band allocation
Receiver Front End BW:             Equal to band allocation, no retuning
Audio Bandwidth:                   DC to 3400Hz (—0.5dB)
Squelch Opening Time:              20mS
Squeich Closing Time:              100mS
Conducted Spurious:                Less than —570Bm, typ —90dBm

TX Timer:                         2 minutes, on/off selectable
VF Level to Line:                 +6 to —15dBm, 600 ohms unbalanced or differential
VF Level from Line:               +6 to —15dBm, 600 ohms unbalanced
Pre—Emphasis Accuracy:            Within +/—0.5dB of 64B per octave curve
De—Emphasis Accuracy:             Within +/—0.5dB of 64B per octave curve
VF Compressor Range:              >30dB for line input,
Control Outputs:                  1K ohm 5V source/sink available
Alarm Output:                     Open collector
PTT Input:                        Logic or opto—isolated +/~5 to 48V
Channel Select:                   8—way dip switch or RS232 or BCD
Repeater Tail Timer:              2 seconds nominal

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Appendix B                         Interface Connections

S Series Rear Chassis Connector Description

Universal DB15 Analog VO
Pin Number And Description:

              Universal Analog /O DB15 Female Rear Connector
                    Universal Analog O DB15 Male Rear Connector
               ’7 F Internal Circuit Board Header SKH Connector

                        { Use this earth for general connection and PTT return. For analog earth and audio
                          common, usetheAnalogEarthpiM. ___________._...._..._._.....200002>
                             CEIVER AUDIO 6000
                        | Normal receiver audio output from op—amp. Nominal line level is set to ~10dBm.
                                CEIVER AUDIO 50

                         RX MUTE / SQUELCH MONITOR
                         The mute status can be monitored by reading this voltage. S—volt logic high =
                          ignal received or the mute is open. Output impedance = 100KC . Connect to
                         highinput impedance (>1M9).
                               C ALARM OUTPUT
                         The open collector output sinks current to earth when an alarm condition occurs.
                              ame function as front panel alarm LED. An alarm is generated if the power
                         amplifier is over temperature or if the supply voltage exceeds the defined limits.
                         TX DC—FM INPUT
                         Wide band audio or data can be connected to this point. To conform to transmitter
                         bandwidth emissions limits, this input is hard limited to the nominal deviation
                         and Bessel filtered —34B @ 3400Hz for minimum group delay. Input impedance
                          s 100KC. If this input is not used, jumper # JIMP14 on the micro—controller board
                          hould be removed to avoid any pickup of stray signals, or alternatively do not
                         connect any wires to this pin. Also avoid the use of ribbon cables longer than 30—
                          TX REFLECTED POWER
                        | The voltage from the reflected power directional coupler in the power amplifier
                        i goes directly to this pin. In a correctly terminated load, the voltage should be less
                          than 200mV. Depending on the degree of mismatch at the load, the voltage will
                        | rise to approx 3—4 volts for 50 Watts forward power. The internal reflected power
                        i control circuit also monitors this point so that when the reflected power voltage
                        i exceeds half that of the forward power voltage, the forward power is then reduced
                          0 about 25% of full power. Full forward power is returned when the reflected
                         power dropsbelowthe trippoint mentioned. TheoutputimpedanceisaboutSKC.

                                  ©RELM Communications Inc. Revision 1.0                               53

                    S SERIES USER MANUAL

       logic outputs or open collector. JMP3 should be in and JMP8 in position 1—2. To
     ; change polarity or voltage input also see OPTO PTT IN. Removing JMP3 will
       nputthePTTviathe opto coupler. __________.__.___..._..._..l..l.l22>
     | The receiver discriminator audio output is buffered, unfiltered, and DC—coupled to
     . thispoint. Outputimpedance islow.
     } This input is used only if a floating or opto input PTT is required. JIMP9 MUST
     ; be removed. Positive or negative keying voltage can be applied to the input due to
     : full wave rectifier and opto circuit. For a fully floating differential input voltage
     | (+/—5 to +/—48 VDC), set jumper JMPS in position 1—2. Putting JMPS in position
        —3will connectthis point to earth.
      The voltage from the forward power directional coupler in the power amplifier
       oes directly to this pin. In a correctly terminated load, the voltage should be
       ibout 3—4 Volts for 50 Watts. The output impedance is about SKCQ. The internal
       orwardpowercontrolcircuit alsomonitorsthispoint. |____________.___.__.._.__.._.

     | The receiver‘s received signal strength indicator voltage is proportional to the log
     | of the signal level at the antenna input. Voltage range is 0—5 volts. Output
     | impedance is low. Dynamicrange > 60dB.
     | Wide band audio or data may be connected to this point. WARNING: To
     | conform to transmitter bandwidth emissions limits, the signal MUST be pre—
     : filtered. Failure to do this WILL result in noncompliance of the TX emission
                  . This input is not normally used except in special cases.

54          @RELM Communications Inc. Revision 1.0

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DB25 Digital 1/0O Connector
Each CMOS logic input is protected by a 10K Ohm series resistor to the input of the logic chip. There is
also a 10K Ohm pull down resistor at each input so as to default the input value to zero.
Each logic output is protected by a 1K Ohm series resistor from the output of the logic chip.

Pin Number and Description:

                Digital /O DB25 Female Rear Connector (standard connection)
                       Digital /O DB25 Male Rear Connector
                 l‘     l» Internal Circuit Board Header SKF Connector

                                  ©RELM Communications Inc. Revision 1.0                             55

                                           S SERIES USER MANUAL

PC Serial Port—to—Radio Cable
     Signal Name                    DB9 PIN#
  TD                       Transmitted Data         2

  RD                       Received Data            3

  SG                       Signal Ground            5

For additional information, see the Testing section of this manual.

56                                @RELM Communications Inc. Revision 1.0

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Appendix C                           DIP Switch Settings

DIP Switch 1                         Channel Selection
Three methods are available for channel selection (see the S Series Base Station Utility section of this

Software Channel Select via Utility Program: Ensure that channel 0 is selected on the DIP switch
DIP1 located on the micro—controller board (all eight switches in the OFF position). Enter the channel
number in the Software Select Channel window on the Channel Info screen and press Select.

Software Channel Select via Serial Command: Ensure that channel 0 is selected on the DIP switch
DIP1 located on the micro—controller board (all eight switches in the OFF position). Send the string
"chansXXX" where XXX = a three—digit number for the channel number. For example, to select channel
5, send the string "chans005." Baud rate is 9600 BPS.

Hardware Channel Select: Seiect the fixed channel for the S Series by using the DIP switch DIPI
located on the micro—controller board. Channel 1—255 is available in binary selection. Switch position 1 is
channel 1, position 2 is channel 2, position 3 is channel 4, position 4 is channel 8, position 5 is channel
16, position 6 is channel 32, position 7 is channel 64, and position 8 is channel 128.

A table of DIP switch 1 settings follows, where a switch ON is indicated by an "x" in a cell and no entry
in a cell represents a switch OFF.



58   ©RELM Communications Inc. Revision 1.0

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19000   x0 1   x     01 x       10     x)               P dee K2



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                          S SERIES USER MANUAL

  DIP Switch 2 User Function Select
  Switch N}lmber

| Switch 1          PTT Delay
                    Inserts a 100mS delay for the transmitter RF rise time. Must be
                    selected when using a coaxial simplex changeover relay to prevent |
                    switching RF power.
| Switch 2          Simplex On
                    Selects simplex mode of operation.
i Switch 3          TX Timer On
                    Transmitter is disabled after 2 minutes continuous use.
| Switch4           Repeater On
                    Selects automatic receiver—to—transmitter repeater function. The
                    transmitter will also have a 2—second "hang time."
| Switch 5          TX VCO Cont
                    Enables the transmitter VCO to operate continuously in "hot
                    standby" mode. This speeds up the transmitter rise time to 4m$.
                    Caution: Low—level signal leakage can affect the performance of
                    the receiverif the transmitter is on the same frequency.
| Switch 6          TX FSK
                    Generates an FSK testsignal.Notnormallyused. ...

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Appendix D                              Model # Configuration Guide
Rev 1.3       13 October 1997. Consult Spectra for availability details on specific configurations and options.

          TX POWER                                CHANNEL ALLOC                      FREQ STABILITY
          M    35 Watts                           N   12.5 KHz                       1 1.0PPM (—30 to 60°C)
          H    50 Watts                           W   25 KHz                         2 1.5PPM (—10 to 60°C)
          v           100 Watts                                                      3 2.5PPM (—30 to 60°C)
                       o                    ;        i                 p                     ;

S Series                                                                                               Insert Z for
                          7                                                                            Nil item
          TX FREQ|            RX FREQ

          Band                                                                       RF CONFIGURATION
          A          66—80 MHz                                                                D     Duplex
          B          70—88 MHz                                                                S Simplex
          C          135160 MHz
          C200       138—149 MHz
          D          155180 MHz
          D2         159—166 MHz                                           FRONT PANEL
          D3         148—174 MHz                                           $ Standard
          E          175—200 MHz                                            C Custom
          F          195—225 MHz
          G          220—250 MHz
          H          245—275 MHz
          I          270—300 MHz                         OPTION
          I2         276—284 MHz                         K    320—350 MHz
          J          295—325 MHz                         $        Special Version
          L          345—375 MHz                         C        CTCSS Enc & Dec
          M          370—400 MHz                         D        Digital Modulator
          N          395—430 MHz                         4        4 Level FSK Modems
          N2         400—435 MHz                         F        FEFSK Modems
          0          425—460 MHz                         T        Self Test Local Loopback
          P          455—490 MHz
          P2         450—485 MHz
          Q          485—520 MHz                         Notes:
          Q2         500—532 MHz
          R          805—825 MHz                         1. Band C2, D2, and 12 for digital TX only
          S          $24—849 MHz                         2. Band Q2 receive only
          T          850—870 MHz                         3. 100 Watts on special application only
          U          872—905 MHz
          V          890—915 MHz
          W          917—950 MHz
          X          925—960 MHz

64                                    ©RELM Communications inc. Revision 1.0

Document Created: 2001-07-12 07:00:41
Document Modified: 2001-07-12 07:00:41

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