Test report


Test Report

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                                Königswinkel 10
                                32825 Blomberg, Germany
                                Phone: +49 (0) 52 35 / 95 00-0
                                Fax:     +49 (0) 52 35 / 95 00-10

Test Report
        Report Number:


  Equipment under Test (EUT):

        W-LINK STICK


  Mammut Sports Group AG


       CCS Adaxys AG


[1] ANSI C63.10-2013, American National Standard of Procedures for Compliance Testing of
    Unlicensed Wireless Devices

[2] FCC CFR 47 Part 15, Radio Frequency Devices

[3] RSS-247 Issue 2 (February 2017), Digital Transmission Systems (DTSs), Frequency Hopping
    Systems (FHSs) and Licence-Exempt Local Area Network (LE-LAN) Devices

[4] RSS-Gen Issue 5 (April 2018), General Requirements for Compliance of Radio Apparatus

[5] 558074 D01 Guidance for compliance measurements on digital transmission system, frequency
    hopping spread spectrum system, and hybrid system devices operating under section 15.247 of the
    FCC rules

Test Result

The requirements of the tests performed as shown in the overview (clause 4) were fulfilled by the
equipment under test.
The complete test results are presented in the following.

  engineer:                  Thomas KÜHN                                                  10.01.2019
                                 Name                                Signature                Date

  reviewer:                  Bernd STEINER                                                10.01.2019
                                 Name                                Signature                Date

                    This test report is only valid in its original form.

Any reproduction of its contents in extracts without written permission of the accredited test laboratory PHOENIX
TESTLAB GmbH is prohibited.

The test results herein refer only to the tested sample. PHOENIX TESTLAB GmbH is not responsible for any
generalisations or conclusions drawn from these test results concerning further samples. Any modification of the
tested samples is prohibited and leads to the invalidity of this test report. Each page necessarily contains the

This test report is valid in hardcopy form as well as in electronic form.

Examiner:      Thomas KÜHN              Report Number:   E180803E2
Date of issue: 10.01.2019               Order Number:    18-110803                                     page 2 of 27

Contents                                                                                                                                                     Page

1         Identification .......................................................................................................................... 4
    1.1         Applicant ............................................................................................................................................ 4
    1.2         Manufacturer ..................................................................................................................................... 4
    1.3         Test laboratory .................................................................................................................................. 4
    1.4         EUT (Equipment Under Test) ............................................................................................................ 5
    1.5         Technical data of equipment ............................................................................................................. 5
    1.6         Dates ................................................................................................................................................. 6
2         Operational states.................................................................................................................. 6
3         Additional information ............................................................................................................ 7
4         Overview................................................................................................................................ 7
5         Results................................................................................................................................... 8
    5.1         Bandwidth .......................................................................................................................................... 8
          5.1.1         Method of measurement (bandwidth) ....................................................................................... 8
          5.1.2         Test result .................................................................................................................................9
    5.2         Maximum peak conducted output power ........................................................................................ 11
          5.2.1         Method of measurement (maximum peak conducted output power) ..................................... 11
          5.2.2         Test results (maximum peak conducted output power)..........................................................11
    5.3         Power spectral density ....................................................................................................................12
          5.3.1         Method of measurement (power spectral density) ................................................................. 12
          5.3.2         Test results (power spectral density, radiated) ....................................................................... 12
    5.4         Maximum unwanted emissions .......................................................................................................13
          5.4.1         Method of measurement (radiated emissions) ....................................................................... 13
          5.4.2         Test results (radiated emissions) 150 kHz – 10 GHz ............................................................. 20
               Preliminary radiated emission measurement 150 kHz – 10 GHz .................................. 20
               Final radiated measurements ........................................................................................22
               Final radiated emission measurement (150 kHz to 30 MHz)......................................... 22
               Final radiated emission measurement (30 MHz to 1 GHz)............................................ 22
               Final radiated emission measurement (1 GHz to 10 GHz) ............................................ 23
    5.5         Conducted emissions on power supply lines .................................................................................. 24
          5.5.1         Method of measurement (conducted emissions on power supply lines)................................ 24
          5.5.2         Test result ...............................................................................................................................25
6         Test equipment and ancillaries used for tests ...................................................................... 26
7         Report history ...................................................................................................................... 27
8         List of annexes..................................................................................................................... 27

Examiner:      Thomas KÜHN                       Report Number:   E180803E2
Date of issue: 10.01.2019                        Order Number:    18-110803                                                                                        page 3 of 27

1 Identification
1.1        Applicant

 Name:                                Mammut Sports Group AG
                                      Birren 5
                                      5703 Seon
 Country:                             Switzerland
 Name for contact purposes:           Mr. Ilari DAMMERT
 Phone:                               Tel. +41 62 769 83 16
 eMail Address:                       ilari.dammert@mammut.ch
 Applicant represented during the
 test by the following person:

1.2        Manufacturer

 Name:                                CCS Adaxys AG
                                      Alpenblickstraße 26
                                      8853 Lachen
 Country:                             Switzerland
 Name for contact purposes:           Mr. Kurt MÜLLER
 Phone:                               +41 55 451 78 78
 eMail Address:                       Kurt.Mueller@ccsedms.com
 Manufacturer represented during
 the test by the following person:

1.3        Test laboratory

The tests were carried out by:       PHOENIX TESTLAB GmbH
                                     Königswinkel 10
                                     32825 Blomberg

accredited by Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH (DAkkS) in compliance with DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 under
Reg. No. D-PL-17186-01-02, FCC Test Firm Accreditation with the registration number 469623, designation
number DE0004 and Industry Canada Test site registration SITE# IC3469A-1.

Examiner:      Thomas KÜHN       Report Number:   E180803E2
Date of issue: 10.01.2019        Order Number:    18-110803                                      page 4 of 27

1.4        EUT (Equipment Under Test)
 Test object: *                     Service device for avalanche rescue beacons
 Type / PMN: *                      W-LINK STICK
 FCC ID: *                          ARN-WLINK
 IC: *                              8038A-WLINK
 Serial number: *                   1811802378
 PCB identifier: *                  211.8112B
 HVIN (Hardware Version
 Identification Number): *
 FVIN (Firmware Version
 Identification Number): *

Note:               PHOENIX TESTLAB GmbH does not take samples. The samples used for tests are provided
                    exclusively by the applicant.

1.5        Technical data of equipment
 Antenna type: *                      Integrated PCB antenna
 Antenna connector: *                 None
 Antenna gain: *                      -3 dBi
 Power supply – EUT: *                      Unom= 5.0 V DC           Umin= 4.75 V DC          Umax= 5.25 V DC
                                      GFSK (SW-upgrade mode)
 Type of modulation: *
                                      FHSS / GFSK (normal mode)
 Data rate: *                         50 kbps
                                      911.800 MHz (SW-upgrade mode)
 Operating frequency range:*
                                      915.9131 MHz to 925.9894 MHz (normal mode)
 Number of channels: *                1 (SW-upgrade mode) and 50 (normal mode)
 Temperature range: *                 +10 °C to 45 °C
 Lowest / highest Internal clock
                                      12.0 MHz / 27.0 MHz
 frequency: *
                                      Fujitsu Lifebook E-Series (laptop PC) Model E780 with its dedicated AC/DC
 Ancillaries used for testing:
                                      adaptor and BarryvoxMonitor software, three Barryvox S (7600.0032).
* Declared by the applicant

The following external I/O cables were used:
               Identification                                    Connector                              Length
                                                          EUT                   Ancillary
                       -                                    -                       -                      -
                       -                              -
                                        No lines are connectable to the EUT         -                      -
                  -                                         -                       -                      -
*: Length during the test if no other specified.

Examiner:      Thomas KÜHN         Report Number:   E180803E2
Date of issue: 10.01.2019          Order Number:    18-110803                                             page 5 of 27

1.6        Dates
 Date of receipt of test sample:            25.07.2018
 Start of test:                             10.09.2018
 End of test:                               28.11.2018

2 Operational states
The EUT is a service device for avalanche rescue beacons. All tests were carried out with an unmodified sample.

During all RF-tests the EUT was supplied with 5.0 V DC by a USB to fibre optics converter.

Because the EUT is a USB Stick and not normal position could be defined, the measurements inside the fully
anechoic chamber were carried out with the EUT mounted on a 3-D positioner; the final measurements on the open
area test site were carried out in three orthogonal directions. These were defined as follows:
    - Pos. 1: EUT lying on the table, broadside shows upwards.
    - Pos. 2: EUT lying on the table standing, narrow side shows upwards.
    - Pos. 3: EUT showing upwards.
For details of these positons refer also the photographs in annex A of this test report.

With the help of a test-software (BarryvoxMonitor Rev. 3505, supplied by the applicant) installed on a laptop PC it
was possible to set a test mode, were the UHF operating mode could be selected.

For the AC power line conducted measurement the following operation mode was measured:
The EUT was connected via USB to the laptop PC, which was powered by its dedicated AC/DC adaptor, solely
powered by an AC mains network with 120 V AC / 60 Hz. A software (BarryvoxMonitor Rev. 3505, supplied by the
applicant) was installed on a laptop PC and running. A connection to three avalanche rescue beacons type
Barryvox was established and the firmware of the beacons was updated continuously. For this data was send from
the PC via USB to the W-LINK STICK and transmitted wireless to the beacon. The reception of the beacon was
transmitted wireless to the EUT and via USB to the software on the laptop PC.
With this four operation modes of the EUT were tested:
-    Receiving data via USB.
-    Transmitting data wireless in SW-upgrade mode.
-    Receiving data wireless.
-    Transmitting data via USB.

The following test mode was used:

                                            Description of the operation mode                  Channel
                  1          Transmits continuously on the upgrade channel (911.800 MHz)     51 (upgrade)
                  2              Firmware update of three avalanche rescue beacons                51

Examiner:      Thomas KÜHN            Report Number:   E180803E2
Date of issue: 10.01.2019             Order Number:    18-110803                                            page 6 of 27

3 Additional information
This report just contains the results of the EUT in SW-update mode (transmitting on 911.800 MHz). The results of
the EUT in normal mode (hopping) are documented under PHOENIX TESTLAB GmbH test report reference

4 Overview
                                                                            RSS-247 [3]
                             Frequency range FCC 47 CFR Part 15                                            Refer
        Application                                                             or           Status
                                  [MHz]          section [2]                                               page
                                                                            RSS-Gen [4]
Maximum Peak Output            902 MHz to
                                                      15.247 (b) (3), (4)    5.4 (d) [3]    Passed       11 et seq.
      Power                     928 MHz
                               902 MHz to
     DTS Bandwidth                                       15.247 (a) (2)      5.2 (a) [3]    Passed       8 et seq.
                                928 MHz
 Peak Power Spectral           902 MHz to
                                                           15.247 (e)        5.2 (b) [3]    Passed            12
       Density                  928 MHz
                                                           15.247 (d)         5.5 [3]
  Radiated emissions          0.150 MHz to
                                                           15.205 (a)         8.9 [4],      Passed       13 et seq.
     (transmitter)            10,000 MHz
                                                           15.209 (a)         8.10 [4]
                               150 kHz to
 Conducted emissions                                           15.207         8.8 [4]       Passed       24 et seq.
                                30 MHz
 Antenna requirement                -                          15.203         6.8 [4]       Passed *           -

*: The EUT has an internal antenna only and no antenna connector, so this requirement is regarded as fulfilled.

Examiner:      Thomas KÜHN        Report Number:   E180803E2
Date of issue: 10.01.2019         Order Number:    18-110803                                             page 7 of 27

5 Results
5.1      Bandwidth

5.1.1      Method of measurement (bandwidth)

The calibration of the spectrum analyser has to be checked with the help of a known signal from a signal generator.
The EUT has to be connected to the spectrum analyser via a low loss cable. If the EUT is not equipped with an
antenna connector, a temporary antenna connector has to be installed or a test fixture shall be used. The EUT has
to be switched on, the transmitter shall work with its maximum data rate.

6 dB bandwidth:

The following spectrum analyser settings according to [5] shall be used:
        - Span: App. 2 to 5 times the OBW, centred on the actual channel.
        - Resolution bandwidth: 100 kHz.
        - Video bandwidth: App. three times the RBW.
        - Sweep: Auto.
        - Detector function: Peak.
        - Trace mode: Max hold.

After trace stabilisation the marker shall be set on the signal peak. The first display line has to be set on this value.
The second display line has to be set 6 dB below the first line (or the peak marker). The frequency lines shall be set
on the intersection points between the second display line and the measured curve.

99 % bandwidth:

The following spectrum analyser settings shall be used:
        - Span: wide enough to capture all emission scirts.
        - Resolution bandwidth: 1 to 5 % of the OBW.
        - Video bandwidth: App. three times the RBW.
        - Sweep: Auto.
        - Detector function: Peak.
        - Trace mode: Max hold.

After trace stabilisation the marker shall be set on the signal peak. Use the 99 % bandwidth functionality of the
spectrum analyser to integrate the requested bandwidth.

Examiner:      Thomas KÜHN       Report Number:   E180803E2
Date of issue: 10.01.2019        Order Number:    18-110803                                                   page 8 of 27

5.1.2      Test result

 Ambient temperature                             22 °C                  Relative humidity                      45 %

180803_51_10.png: 6 dB Bandwidth:

                                         FL                        FU          6 dB Bandwidth   Result
                 911.800 MHz    911.523200 MHz               912.079800 MHz      556.5 kHz      Passed
                      Measurement uncertainty                                 <1*10

Examiner:      Thomas KÜHN      Report Number:   E180803E2
Date of issue: 10.01.2019       Order Number:    18-110803                                               page 9 of 27

180803_51_11.png: 99% Bandwidth:

                     Center                                                        99 %
                                         FL                        FU                         Result
                   Frequency                                                     Bandwidth
                 911.800 MHz    911.548168 MHz               912.061825 MHz     513.658 kHz   Passed
                      Measurement uncertainty                                 <1*10

 Test equipment used (refer clause 6):
 2 - 7, 13, 14

Examiner:      Thomas KÜHN      Report Number:   E180803E2
Date of issue: 10.01.2019       Order Number:    18-110803                                             page 10 of 27

5.2        Maximum peak conducted output power

5.2.1      Method of measurement (maximum peak conducted output power)

Because the EUT has no antenna connector, which presents the power delivered to the antenna, the peak value of
the field strength was measured. The method of measurement is described under clause 5.4.1 (final measurement
(30 MHz to 1 GHz)) of this test report with the exception that a peak detector was used. According to [1] with this
the field strength value the radiated peak power of the EUT was calculated. With the antenna gain of the EUTs
antenna the conducted peak power was calculated.

5.2.2      Test results (maximum peak conducted output power)

 Ambient temperature                                       21 °C                    Relative humidity                                       55 %

Result measured with the peak detector:

                           Transmitter operates on the lower end of the assigned frequency band (operation mode 1)
        Frequency       Peak         Limit      Margin    Meas. Time      Bandwidth     Height            Azimuth    Corr.         Restr.
          (MHz)       (dBµV/m)    (dBµV/m)       (dB)         (ms)           (kHz)       (cm)              (deg)     (dB)          Band
         911.800        99.6        Carrier        -         1000.0         120.000     103.0     Hor.     213.0     34.6            -
                    Measurement uncertainty                                             +2.2 dB / -3.6 dB

The peak radiated output power was calculated with the following formula:
Calculated peak radiated output power [W] = (field strength [V/m] * measuring distance [m]) / 49.2

The maximum peak output power was calculated with the following formula:

Maximum peak output power [dBm] = Calculated peak radiated output power [dBm] – antenna gain [dB]

         Frequency            Field strength           Peak radiated power     Antenna gain   Maximum peak conducted output power
           (MHz)         (dBµV/m)       (V/m)              (W)         (dBm)       dB              (dBm)                     (W)
          911.800            99.6       0.095          0.0017           2.2        -3.0              5.2                0.0033

Test:            Passed

Test equipment used (see chapter 6):
 1, 18 - 24

Examiner:      Thomas KÜHN                Report Number:   E180803E2
Date of issue: 10.01.2019                 Order Number:    18-110803                                                                page 11 of 27

5.3        Power spectral density

5.3.1      Method of measurement (power spectral density)

For the PSD measurement, the EUT was measured radiated in the anechoic chamber using the procedures
described in 5.4.1.

The measurement procedure refers to part 11.10.2 of document [1].

      -    Set analyzer center frequency to DTS channel center frequency.
      -    Set the span to 1.5 times the DTS bandwidth.
      -    Set the RBW to 3 kHz RBW 100 kHz.
      -    Set the VBW [3 × RBW].
      -    Detector = peak.
      -    Sweep time = auto couple.
      -    Trace mode = max hold.
      -    Allow trace to fully stabilize.
      -    Use the peak marker function to determine the maximum amplitude level within the RBW.
      -    If measured value exceeds requirement, then reduce RBW (but no less than 3 kHz) and repeat.

5.3.2      Test results (power spectral density, radiated)

 Ambient temperature                                    21 °C             Relative humidity                          55 %

         Peak                Reading  Corr.     Field strength        PSD radiated
                                                                                       PSD conducted        PSD Limit
      Frequency                       Fact.         @3m                 (ERP)
                                                                                       [dBm / 100 kHz]    [dBm / 3 kHz]
        [MHz]             [dBµV]     [dB/m]       [dBµV/m]          [dBm / 100 kHz]
       911.800             65.0       34.6           99.6                 2.2                 5.2              8
                        Measurement uncertainty                                       +2.2 dB / -3.6 dB

Test equipment used (see chapter 6):
 1, 18 - 24

Examiner:      Thomas KÜHN             Report Number:   E180803E2
Date of issue: 10.01.2019              Order Number:    18-110803                                              page 12 of 27

5.4        Maximum unwanted emissions

5.4.1      Method of measurement (radiated emissions)

The radiated emission measurement is subdivided into five stages.
       - A preliminary measurement carried out in a fully anechoic chamber with a fixed antenna height in the
            frequency range 9 kHz to 1 GHz.
       - A final measurement carried out on an outdoor test side without reflecting ground plane and a fixed
            antenna height in the frequency range 9 kHz to 30 MHz.
       - A final measurement carried out on an open area test side with reflecting ground plane and various
            antenna height in the frequency range 30 MHz to 1 GHz.
       - A preliminary measurement carried out in a fully anechoic chamber with fixed antenna distance and
            height in the frequency range above 1 GHz.
       - A final measurement carried out in a fully anechoic chamber with a fixed antenna height in the
            frequency range above 1 GHz.

Preliminary measurement (9 kHz to 30 MHz):

In the first stage a preliminary measurement will be performed in a shielded room with a measuring distance of 3
meters. Table top devices will set up on a non-conducting turn device on the height of 1.5m. Floor-standing devices
will be placed directly on the turntable/ground plane. The set-up of the Equipment under test will be in accordance
to [1].

The frequency range 9 kHz to 30 MHz will be monitored with a spectrum analyser while the system and its cables
will be manipulated to find out the configuration with the maximum emission levels if applicable. The EMI Receiver
will be set to MAX Hold mode. The EUT and the measuring antenna will be rotated around their vertical axis to
found the maximum emissions.

The resolution bandwidth of the spectrum analyser will be set to the following values:

                             Frequency range                      Resolution bandwidth
                             9 kHz to 150 kHz                     200 Hz
                             150 kHz to 30 MHz                    10 kHz


                                                                                         Turn Device

                                                                                 1.5 m



Examiner:      Thomas KÜHN          Report Number:   E180803E2
Date of issue: 10.01.2019           Order Number:    18-110803                                           page 13 of 27

Preliminary measurement procedure:

Prescans were performed in the frequency range 9 kHz to 150 kHz and 150 kHz to 30 MHz.

Prescans were performed in the frequency range 30 MHz to 230 MHz and 230 MHz to 1 GHz.
The following procedure will be used:
    1. Monitor the frequency range at horizontal polarisation and a EUT azimuth of 0 °.
    2. Manipulate the system cables within the range to produce the maximum level of emission.
    3. Rotate the EUT by 360 ° to maximize the detected signals.
    4. Repeat 1) to 3) with the vertical polarisation of the measuring antenna.
    5. Make a hardcopy of the spectrum.
    6. Repeat 1) to 5) with the EUT raised by an angle of 0° (45°, 90°) according to in [1].
    7. Measure the frequency of the detected emissions with a lower span and resolution bandwidth to increase
         the accuracy and note the frequency value.

Final measurement (9 kHz to 30 MHz):

In the second stage a final measurement will be performed on an open area test site with no conducting ground
plane in a measuring distances of 3 m, 10 m and 30 m. In the case where larger measuring distances are required
the results will be extrapolated based on the values measured on the closer distances according to Section 15.31
(f) (2) [2]. The final measurement will be performed with a EMI Receiver set to Quasi Peak detector except for the
frequency bands 9 kHz to 90 kHz and 110 kHz to 490 kHz where an average detector will be used according
Section 15.209 (d) [2].

On the frequencies, which were detected during the preliminary measurements, the final measurement will be
performed while rotating the EUT and the measuring antenna in the range of 0 ° to 360 ° around their vertical axis
until the maximum value is found.

The resolution bandwidth of the EMI Receiver will be set to the following values:

                             Frequency range                             Resolution bandwidth
                             9 kHz to 150 kHz                            200 Hz
                             150 kHz to 30 MHz                           9 kHz

                                                                 measuring distance


                                                                              0.8 m


Examiner:      Thomas KÜHN          Report Number:   E180803E2
Date of issue: 10.01.2019           Order Number:    18-110803                                            page 14 of 27

Final measurement procedure:

The following procedure will be used:
   1. Monitor the frequency range with the measuring antenna at vertical orientation parallel to the EUT at an
         azimuth of 0 °.
   2. Rotate the EUT by 360 ° to maximize the detected signals and note the azimuth and orientation.
   3. Rotate the measuring antenna to find the maximum and note the value.
   4. Rotate the measuring antenna and repeat steps 1) to 3) until the maximum value is found.
   5. Repeat steps 1) to 4) with the other orthogonal axes of the EUT (if the EUT is a module and might be used
         in a handheld equipment application).

Preliminary measurement (30 MHz to 1 GHz)

In the first stage a preliminary measurement will be performed in a fully anechoic chamber with a measuring
distance of 3 meter. Table top devices will set up on a non-conducting turn device on the height of 1.5m. Floor-
standing devices will be placed directly on the turntable/ground plane. The set up of the Equipment under test will
be in accordance to [1].

The frequency range 30 MHz to 1 GHz will be measured with an EMI Receiver set to MAX Hold mode and a
resolution bandwidth of 100 kHz. The measurement will be performed in horizontal and vertical polarisation of the
measuring antenna and while rotating the EUT in its vertical axis in the range of 0 ° to 360 °. This measurement is
repeated after raising the EUT in 30° steps according in [1].

The resolution bandwidth of the EMI Receiver will be set to the following values:

                                     Frequency range                           Resolution bandwidth
                                   30 MHz to 230 MHz                                 100 kHz
                                    230 MHz to 1 GHz                                 100 kHz


                                                                                            Turn Device
                                                    Measurement antenna

                                                               1.5 m               1.5 m


Examiner:      Thomas KÜHN              Report Number:   E180803E2
Date of issue: 10.01.2019               Order Number:    18-110803                                         page 15 of 27

Procedure preliminary measurement:

Prescans were performed in the frequency range 30 MHz to 230 MHz and 230 MHz to 1 GHz.
The following procedure will be used:
    1. Monitor the frequency range at horizontal polarisation and a EUT azimuth of 0 °.
    2. Manipulate the system cables within the range to produce the maximum level of emission.
    3. Rotate the EUT by 360 ° to maximize the detected signals.
    4. Repeat 1) to 3) with the vertical polarisation of the measuring antenna.
    5. Make a hardcopy of the spectrum.
    6. Repeat 1) to 5) with the EUT raised by an angle of 0° (45°, 90°) according to in [1].
    7. Measure the frequency of the detected emissions with a lower span and resolution bandwidth to increase
         the accuracy and note the frequency value.

Final measurement (30 MHz to 1 GHz)

A final measurement on an open area test site will be performed on selected frequencies found in the preliminary
measurement. During this test the EUT will be rotated in the range of
0 ° to 360 °, the measuring antenna will be set to horizontal and vertical polarisation and raised and lowered in the
range from 1 m to 4 m to find the maximum level of emissions.

The resolution bandwidth of the EMI Receiver will be set to the following values:

                                    Frequency range                               Resolution bandwidth
                                    30 MHz to 1 GHz                                     120 kHz

                                                                   measuring distance

                                                            1 m to 4 m

                                                                              0.8 m

                                                                   Ground plane

Examiner:      Thomas KÜHN          Report Number:   E180803E2
Date of issue: 10.01.2019           Order Number:    18-110803                                              page 16 of 27

Procedure final measurement:

The following procedure will be used:

     1.    Measure on the selected frequencies at an antenna height of 1 m and a EUT azimuth of 23 °.
     2.    Move the antenna from 1 m to 4 m and note the maximum value at each frequency.
     3.    Rotate the EUT by 45 ° and repeat 2) until an azimuth of 337 ° is reached.
     4.    Repeat 1) to 3) for the other orthogonal antenna polarization.
     5.    Move the antenna and the turntable to the position where the maximum value is detected.
     6.    Measure while moving the antenna slowly +/- 1 m.
     7.    Set the antenna to the position where the maximum value is found.
     8.    Measure while moving the turntable +/- 45 °.
     9.    Set the turntable to the azimuth where the maximum value is found.
     10.   Measure with Final detector (QP and AV) and note the value.
     11.   Repeat 5) to 10) for each frequency.
     12.   Repeat 1) to 11) for each orthogonal axes of the EUT (because of EUT is a module and might be used in a
           handheld equipment application).

Preliminary and final measurement (1 GHz to 40 GHz)

This measurement will be performed in a fully anechoic chamber. Table top devices will set up on a non-conducting
turn device on the height of 1.5m. The set-up of the Equipment under test will be in accordance to [1].

Preliminary measurement (1 GHz to 40 GHz)

The frequency range will be divided into different sub ranges depending of the frequency range of the used horn
antenna. The spectrum analyser set to MAX Hold mode and a resolution bandwidth of 100 kHz. The measurement
will be performed in horizontal and vertical polarisation of the measuring antenna and while rotating the EUT in its
vertical axis in the range of 0 ° to 360 °. This measurement is repeated after raising the EUT in 30° steps according in [1].

The resolution bandwidth of the EMI Receiver will be set to the following values:

                                  Frequency range                Resolution bandwidth
                                  1 GHz to 4 GHz                       100 kHz
                                 4 GHz to 12 GHz                       100 kHz
                                 12 GHz to 18 GHz                      100 kHz
                              18 GHz to 25 / 26.5 GHz                  100 kHz
                                26.5 GHz to 40 GHz                     100 kHz

Examiner:      Thomas KÜHN        Report Number:   E180803E2
Date of issue: 10.01.2019         Order Number:    18-110803                                               page 17 of 27


                                                                                           Turn Device
                                                   Measurement antenna
                                               preamp                              EUT

                                                               1.5 m              1.5 m


Procedure preliminary measurement:

Prescans were performed in the frequency range 1 to 40 GHz.
The following procedure will be used:
    1. Monitor the frequency range at horizontal polarisation and a EUT azimuth of 0 °.
    2. Rotate the EUT by 360° to maximize the detected signals.
    3. Repeat 1) to 2) with the vertical polarisation of the measuring antenna.
    4. Make a hardcopy of the spectrum.
    5. Repeat 1) to 4) with the EUT raised by an angle of 30° (60°, 90°, 120° and 150°) according to in [1].
    6. Measure the frequency of the detected emissions with a lower span and resolution bandwidth to increase
         the accuracy and note the frequency value.
    7. The measurement antenna polarisation, with the according EUT position (Turntable and Turn device)
         which produces the highest emission for each frequency will be used for the final measurement. The six
         closest values to the applicable limit will be used for the final measurement.

Final measurement (1 GHz to 40 GHz)

The frequency range will be divided into different sub ranges depending of the frequency range of the used horn
antenna. The EMI Receiver set to peak and average mode and a resolution bandwidth of 1 MHz. The
measurement will be performed by rotating the turntable through 0 to 360° in the worst-case EUT orientation which
was obtained during the preliminary measurements.

The resolution bandwidth of the EMI Receiver will be set to the following values:

                                   Frequency range                            Resolution bandwidth
                                   1 GHz to 4 GHz                                    1 MHz
                                  4 GHz to 12 GHz                                    1 MHz
                                  12 GHz to 18 GHz                                   1 MHz
                               18 GHz to 25 / 26.5 GHz                               1 MHz
                                 26.5 GHz to 40 GHz                                  1 MHz

Examiner:      Thomas KÜHN              Report Number:   E180803E2
Date of issue: 10.01.2019               Order Number:    18-110803                                        page 18 of 27

                                                                     measuring distance

                                                                                                  Turn device


                                                           antenna                        1.5 m


Procedure of measurement:

The measurements were performed in the frequency ranges 1 GHz to 4 GHz, 4 GHz to 12 GHz, 12 GHz to 18
GHz, 18 GHz to 25 /26.5 GHz and 26.5 GHz to 40 GHz.
The following procedure will be used:
   1. Set the turntable and the turn device to obtain the worst-case emission for the first frequency identified in
         the preliminary measurements.
   2. Set the measurement antenna polarisation to the orientation with the highest emission for the first
         frequency identified in the preliminary measurements.
   3. Set the spectrum analyser to EMI mode with peak and average detector activated.
   4. Rotate the turntable from 0° to 360° to find the TT Pos. that produces the highest emissions.
   5. Note the highest displayed peak and average values
   6. Repeat the steps 1) to 5) for each frequency detected during the preliminary measurements.

Examiner:      Thomas KÜHN          Report Number:   E180803E2
Date of issue: 10.01.2019           Order Number:    18-110803                                                  page 19 of 27

5.4.2      Test results (radiated emissions) 150 kHz – 10 GHz Preliminary radiated emission measurement 150 kHz – 10 GHz

 Ambient temperature                                                                         23 °C                           Relative humidity                        52 %

Position of EUT:                                               The EUT was set-up on a turn device of a height of 1.5 m. The distance between EUT and
                                                               antenna was 3 m.

Cable guide:                                                   For detail information of test set-up and the cable guide refer to the pictures in the annex A
                                                               in the test report.

Test record:                                                   Only the plot of the worst case emission is submitted below.

Supply voltage:                                                During this test the EUT was powered with 5.0 VDC via USB to fibre optic converter.

Spurious emissions from 150 kHz to 30 MHz:

                 Level in dBµV/m




                                        150k                   300     400 500              800 1M             2M       3M        4M 5M 6    8   10M     20M   30M

                                                                                                         Frequency in Hz
                                          Preview Result 1-PK+

No significant emissions above 40.2 dBµV/m (measured with peak-detector) at 3 m measuring distance were found
during the preliminary measurement, so no final measurements on the outdoor test site will be carried out in this
frequency range.

Spurious emissions from 30 MHz to 1 GHz (carrier notched):

           Level in dBµV/m




                                    30            100                200           300            400        500            600        700       800   900     1000
                                                                                                         Frequency in MHz
                                        Preview Result 1-PK+

Examiner:      Thomas KÜHN                                                 Report Number:    E180803E2
Date of issue: 10.01.2019                                                  Order Number:     18-110803                                                         page 20 of 27

The following frequencies were found outside restricted bands during the preliminary radiated emission test:
-   31.7945 MHz, 34.5105 MHz, 38.5845 MHz, 59.876 MHz, 72.001 MHz, 374.9805 MHz, 437.4485 MHz,
    812.4505 MHz, 874.967 MHz and 911.800 MHz.
The following frequency was found inside restricted bands during the preliminary radiated emission test:
-   251.9845 MHz
These frequencies have to be measured on the open area test site. The results were presented in the following.

Spurious emissions from 1 GHz to 4 GHz:

                             80                                                                                                            FCC 15_209 AH PK
           Level in dBµV/m

                             60                                                                                                            FCC 15_209 AHAV



                             1000                  1500                    2000                     2500               3000         3500                4000
                                                                                              Frequency in MHz
                                  PK+_MAXH           FCC 15_209 AH PK              FCC 15_209 AHAV

Spurious emissions from 4 GHz to 10 GHz:

                                                                                                                                            FCC 15_209 AH PK

           Level in dBµV/m

                                                                                                                                            FCC 15_209 AHAV





                                  4          4,5    5          5,5          6           6,5           7          7,5     8    8,5     9        9,5           10
                                                                                              Frequency in GHz

                                  PK+_MAXH           FCC 15_209 AH PK              FCC 15_209 AHAV

The following frequencies were found outside restricted bands during the preliminary radiated emission test:
-   1823.600 MHz, 5470.800 MHz and 6382.600 MHz.
The following frequencies were found inside the restricted bands during the preliminary radiated emission test.
-   2735.400 MHz, 3647.200 MHz, 4559.000 MHz, 7294.400 MHz, 8206.200 MHz and 9118.000 MHz.
These frequencies have to be measured in a final measurement. The results were presented in the following.

Test equipment used (refer clause 6):
 1 - 8, 10 - 17

Examiner:      Thomas KÜHN                                Report Number:    E180803E2
Date of issue: 10.01.2019                                 Order Number:     18-110803                                                                   page 21 of 27 Final radiated measurements Final radiated emission measurement (150 kHz to 30 MHz)

No significant emissions above 40.2 dBµV/m (measured with peak-detector) at 3 m measuring distance were found
during the preliminary measurement, so no final measurements on the outdoor test site will be carried out in this
frequency range. Final radiated emission measurement (30 MHz to 1 GHz)

 Ambient temperature                                     21 °C                      Relative humidity                                55 %

Position of EUT:             The EUT was set-up on a non-conducting table of a height of 0.8 m in three orthogonal
                             directions. The distance between EUT and antenna was 3 m.

Cable guide:                 For detail information of test set-up and cable guide refer to the pictures in annex A of this
                             test report.

Test record:                 The maximum results are shown in the following.

Supply voltage:              During this test the EUT was powered by the USB to fibre optics converter with 5.0 VDC.

Test results:                The test results were calculated with the following formula:

                             Result [dBµV/m] = reading [dBµV] + cable loss [dB] + antenna factor [dB/m].

The results of the standard subsequent measurement on the open area test site are indicated in the table below.
The limits as well as the measured results (levels) refer to the above mentioned standard while taking account of
the specified requirements for a 3 m measuring distance.

The measurement time with the quasi-peak measuring detector is 1 second.

Result measured with the quasi-peak detector:

 Frequency       QuasiPeak     Limit       Margin                    Bandwidth   Height              Azimuth   Corr.   Restr.
                                                         Time                                Pol.                                 Pos.
   (MHz)         (dBµV/m)    (dBµV/m)       (dB)                       (kHz)      (cm)                (deg)    (dB)    Band
 31.794500     34.2        78.8              44.6        1000          120        105        Vert.       25    26.5     No          1
 34.515000     27.8        78.8              51.0        1000          120        150        Vert.       62    25.3     No          3
 38.584500     28.1        78.8              50.7        1000          120        100        Vert.        5    23.5     No          1
 59.876000     24.2        78.8              54.6        1000          120        260        Vert.      346    12.7     No          2
 72.001000     24.1        78.8              54.7        1000          120        160        Vert.      126    13.9     No          2
 251.98450     20.3        46.0              25.7        1000          120        100        Hor.         0    21.2     Yes         2
 374.98050     29.8        78.8              49.0        1000          120        100        Hor.       126    24.0     No          3
 437.44850     26.4        78.8              52.4        1000          120        233        Hor.       112    26.2     No          3
 812.45050     35.1        78.8              43.7        1000          120        176        Vert.      167    32.9     No          3
 874.96700     34.1        78.8              44.7        1000          120        104        Hor.       141    33.8     No          1
 911.80000     98.8             Carrier                  1000          120        103        Hor.       213    34.6     No          1
     0     Measurement uncertainty                                                        +2.2 dB / -3.6 dB

Test:            Passed

Test equipment used (refer clause 6):
 1, 18 - 24

Examiner:      Thomas KÜHN              Report Number:   E180803E2
Date of issue: 10.01.2019               Order Number:    18-110803                                                              page 22 of 27 Final radiated emission measurement (1 GHz to 10 GHz)

 Ambient temperature                                           23 °C                        Relative humidity                            52 %

Position of EUT:                      The EUT was set-up on a turn device of a height of 1.5 m. The distance between EUT and
                                      antenna was 3 m.

Cable guide:                          For detail information of test set-up and the cable guide refer to the pictures in the annex A
                                      in the test report.

Supply voltage:                       During this test the EUT was powered with 5.0 VDC via USB to fibre optic converter.

        Frequency            MaxPeak         Average         Limit         Margin            Azimuth      Elevation     Corr.
                                                                                    Pol                                         Restr. Band
          [MHz]              [dBµV/m]       [dBµV/m]       [dBµV/m]         (dB)              (deg)         (deg)       (dB)
                                ---           45.1             78.8         33.7    Hor.       235            0         -12.8       No
                               47.1            ---             78.8         31.7    Hor.       235            0         -12.8       No
                                ---           50.3             54.0         3.7     Hor.       293            90        -8.2       Yes
                               52.6            ---             74.0         21.4    Hor.       293            90        -8.2       Yes
                                ---           52.3             54.0         1.7     Hor.       30             90        -6.4       Yes
                               54.9            ---             74.0         19.1    Hor.       30             90        -6.4       Yes
                                ---           45.5             54.0         8.5     Hor.       18             60        -2.6       Yes
                               50.5            ---             74.0         23.5    Hor.       18             60        -2.6       Yes
                                ---           49.5             78.8         29.3    Hor.       308            90        0.2         No
                               54.5            ---             78.8         24.3    Hor.       308            90        0.2         No
                                ---           41.9             78.8         36.9    Vert.      179            90        1.8         No
                               49.7            ---             78.8         29.1    Vert.      179            90        1.8         No
                                ---           48.2             54.0         5.8     Hor.       114            90        4.8        Yes
                               55.1            ---             74.0         18.9    Hor.       114            90        4.8        Yes
                                ---           38.0             54.0         16.0    Vert.      346           120        6.1        Yes
                               49.3            ---             74.0         24.7    Vert.      346           120        6.1        Yes
                                ---           40.1             54.0         13.9    Hor.        2             59        7.9        Yes
                               51.5            ---             74.0         22.5    Hor.        2             59        7.9        Yes
                       Measurement uncertainty                                                      +2.2 dB / -3.6 dB

Test:            Passed

 Test equipment used (refer clause 6):
 1 - 8, 10, 11, 15 - 17

Examiner:      Thomas KÜHN                    Report Number:   E180803E2
Date of issue: 10.01.2019                     Order Number:    18-110803                                                             page 23 of 27

5.5      Conducted emissions on power supply lines

5.5.1      Method of measurement (conducted emissions on power supply lines)
This test will be carried out in a shielded chamber. Table top devices will set up on a non-conducting support with a
size of 1 m by 1.5 m and a height of 80 cm above the ground plane. Floor-standing devices will be placed directly
on the ground plane. The setup of the Equipment under test will be in accordance to [1].

The frequency range 150 kHz to 30 MHz will be measured with an EMI Receiver set to MAX Hold mode with peak
and average detector and a resolution bandwidth of 9 kHz. A scan will be carried out on the phase (or plus pole in
case of DC powered devices) of the AC mains network. If levels detected 10 dB below the appropriable limit, this
emission will be measured with the average and quasi-peak detector on all lines.

                                      Frequency range                      Resolution bandwidth
                                    150 kHz to 30 MHz                             9 kHz

                                      Shielded chamber


                                                 AC / DC adaptor

                                                                                    0.4 m

                                  0.4 m                                                   0.8 m
                                                 LISN         0.8m

                                AC mains      Receiver
                             120 V AC / 60 Hz

Examiner:      Thomas KÜHN            Report Number:   E180803E2
Date of issue: 10.01.2019             Order Number:    18-110803                                          page 24 of 27

5.5.2      Test result

 Ambient temperature                                                   22 °C                            Relative humidity                                 29 %

 Test description:                                           Radiated emission measurement
 EUT:                                                        W-LINK STICK
 Manufacturer:                                               CCS Adaxys AG
 Operating conditions:                                       Upgrating of three Barryvox
 Test site:                                                  Phoenix TESTLAB GmbH, anechoic chamber M20
 Operator:                                                   Th. KÜHN
 Power supply:                                               Via USB to the laptop PC, which was powered by its dedicated
                                                             AC/DC adaptor, solely powered by an AC mains network with
                                                             120 V AC / 60 Hz
 Date of test:                                               28.11.2018

The curves in the diagrams below only represent for each frequency point the maximum measured value of all
preliminary measurements which were made for each power supply line. The top measured curve represents the
peak measurement and the bottom measured curve the average measurement. The quasi-peak measured points
are marked by         and the average measured points by .


                    Level in dBµV

                                                                                                                              FCC 15.207 V QP
                                                                                                                              FCC 15.207 V AV



                                     150k        300 400 500            800 1M                2M    3M 4M 5M 6        8 10M         20M    30M
                                                                                       Frequenz in Hz

                                      Preview Result 2-AVG                         Preview Result 1-PK+                 FCC 15.207 V QP
                                      FCC 15.207 V AV                              Final_Result QPK                     Final_Result AVG


              Frequency                   QuasiPeak       Average         Limit      Margin        Meas.    Bandwidth                     Transducer
                                                                                                    Time                  Line    PE
                (MHz)                     (dBµV)       (dBµV)           (dBµV)         (dB)         (ms)       (kHz)                         (dB)
              0.150000                     50.04         ---             66.00        15.96        5000.0     9.000         N     GND         9.8
              0.350700                     40.17         ---             58.95        18.77        5000.0     9.000         L1    FLO         9.9
              0.504600                     32.07         ---             56.00        23.93        5000.0     9.000         L1    GND         9.9
              0.746700                     30.55         ---             56.00        25.45        5000.0     9.000         L1    FLO         9.9
              3.300000                     30.12         ---             56.00        25.88        5000.0     9.000         L1    FLO        10.2
              3.614100                     28.70         ---             56.00        27.30        5000.0     9.000         L1    GND        10.3
              26.614500                    31.46         ---             60.00        28.54        5000.0     9.000         L1    GND        11.1
                                      Measurement uncertainty                                               +2.76 dB / -2.76 dB

Test result Passed

 Test equipment used (refer clause 6):
 25 - 30

Examiner:      Thomas KÜHN                            Report Number:   E180803E2
Date of issue: 10.01.2019                             Order Number:    18-110803                                                                    page 25 of 27

6 Test equipment and ancillaries used for tests
  No.         Test equipment              Type                Manufacturer           Serial No.        PM. No.    Cal. Date     Cal. Due

   1              Software              EMC32              Rohde & Schwarz            100061           481022    Calibration not necessary
         Fully anechoic chamber
   2                                        -              Albatross Projects   B83107-E2439-T232      480303    Calibration not necessary
            Signal & Spectrum
   3                                    ESW44              Rohde & Schwarz            101635           482467     22.06.017      06.2019
   4             Controller              MCU                        Maturo       MCU/043/971107        480832    Calibration not necessary
   5            Turn device          TDF 1.5- 10Kg                  Maturo           15920215          482034    Calibration not necessary
   6             Turntable             DS420HE                      Deisel          420/620/80         480315    Calibration not necessary
   7         Antenna support            AS615P                      Deisel            615/310          480187    Calibration not necessary
   8        Antenna (log.-per)           HL050             Rohde & Schwarz            100438           481170     09.10.2017     10.2020
   9             HF-Cable             Sucoflex 104           Huber+Suhner             517406           482391    Calibration not necessary
  10          RF-cable No. 3          Sucoflex106B           Huber&Suhner        0563/6B / Kabel 3     480670    Calibration not necessary
  11         RF-cable No. 40          Sucoflex106B           Huber&Suhner        0708/6B / Kabel 40    481330    Calibration not necessary
  12            Loop antenna            HFH2-Z2            Rohde & Schwarz          832609/014         480059     21.02.2018     02.2020
                                                            Schaffner EMV
  13          Antenna (Bilog)          CBL6112B                                        2688            480328     19.06.2017     06.2020
                                                            GmbH (-Chase)
  14              Kabel 36           Sucoflex 106B                  Suhner      500003/6B / Kabel 36   481680    Calibration not necessary
  15            Preamplifier                                  Narda MITEQ            2011215           482333     10.07.2018     07.2020
  16      1 GHz High Pass Filter                               Wainwright                1             480413    Calibration not necessary
  17      4 GHz High Pass Filter    WHKX4.0/18G-8SS            Wainwright                1             480587    Calibration not necessary
  18      Open area test site M6       Freifeld M6          Phoenix Contact              -             480085    Calibration not necessary
  19          Attenuator 6 dB            WA2-6                 Weinschel               8254            410119    Calibration not necessary
  20             Controller              HD100                      Deisel            100/670          480139    Calibration not necessary
  21             Turntable             DS420HE                      Deisel          420/620/80         480087    Calibration not necessary
  22         Antenna support            AS615P                      Deisel            615/310          480086    Calibration not necessary
             EMI Receiver /
  23                                    ESIB 26            Rohde & Schwarz            100292           481182     28.02.2018     02.2020
            Spectrum Analyser
  24          Antenna (Bilog)          CBL6111D            Elektrotest GmbH /          25761           480894     19.10.2017     10.2020
                                                              Teseq GmbH
  25       Tuneable notch filter                               Wainwright               15             480414    Calibration not necessary
  26     LISN                          NSLK8128               Schwarzbeck            8128155           480058     14.03.2018     03.2020
  27     Software                       EMC32              Rohde & Schwarz            100061           481022    Calibration not necessary
  28     Shielded chamber M4        B83117-S1-X158              Siemens               190075           480088    Calibration not necessary
         EMI Receiver /
  29                                    ESIB 26            Rohde & Schwarz            100292           481182     28.02.2018     02.2020
         Spectrum Analyser
  30     Transient Filter Limiter      CFL 9206A              Teseq GmbH               38268           481982     14.03.2018     03.2020

Examiner:      Thomas KÜHN             Report Number:   E180803E2
Date of issue: 10.01.2019              Order Number:    18-110803                                                               page 26 of 27

7 Report history
           Report Number                             Date                        Comment

              F180803E2                          10.01.2019                Initial Test Report
                     -                                    -                         -
                     -                                    -                         -
                     -                                    -                         -

8 List of annexes
Annex A                      Test setup photographs                                        7 pages

           180803_1.JPG: W-LINK STICK, test setup fully anechoic chamber
           180803_3.JPG: W-LINK STICK, test setup fully anechoic chamber
           180803_4.JPG: W-LINK STICK, test setup fully anechoic chamber
           180803_5.JPG: W-LINK STICK, test setup fully anechoic chamber
           180803_6.JPG: W-LINK STICK, test setup open area test site (pos. 1)
           180803_7.JPG: W-LINK STICK, test setup open area test site (pos. 2)
           180803_8.JPG: W-LINK STICK, test setup open area test site (pos. 3)

Annex B                      External photographs                                          2 pages

           180803_a.JPG: W-LINK STICK, 3-D-view 1
           180803_b.JPG: W-LINK STICK, 3-D-view 2

Annex C                      Internal photographs                                          3 pages

           180803_e.JPG: W-LINK STICK, internal view
           180803_f.JPG: W-LINK STICK, PCB, top view
           180803_g.JPG: W-LINK STICK, PCB, bottom view

Examiner:      Thomas KÜHN               Report Number:   E180803E2
Date of issue: 10.01.2019                Order Number:    18-110803                                  page 27 of 27

Document Created: 2019-03-27 21:54:42
Document Modified: 2019-03-27 21:54:42

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