MPE Report


RF Exposure Info

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             Radio Frequency Exposure Evaluation Report
                                        CalAmp Wireless Networks Corp.

                                                   Model Number:
                                               VLU11VMAB / VLU11VMA

                                                Product Description:
                                           Lojack vehicle recovery system

                                    FCC ID: APV-VLU11B / APV-VLU11
                                   IC ID: 5483C-VLU11B / 5483C-VLU11

                                  Applied Rules and Standards:
                          CFR Part 1 (1.1307 & 1.1310), Part 2 (2.1091),
                     FCC KDB 447498 D01 General RF Exposure Guidance v06
                        Industry Canada RSS-102, Issue 5 of March 2015

                              Report number: EMC_CALAM_085_19001_MPE
                                           DATE: 2019-05-10

                                                                                               A2LA Accredited

                                                                                                IC recognized #

                                                              CETECOM Inc.
                                         411 Dixon Landing Road  Milpitas, CA 95035  U.S.A.
                  Phone: + 1 (408) 586 6200  Fax: + 1 (408) 586 6299  E-mail: 
                                    CETECOM Inc. is a Delaware Corporation with Corporation number: 2905571

V4.0 2012-07-25           The BLUETOOTH trademarks are owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc., U.S.A. and licensed to CETECOM Inc.    © Copyright by CETECOM

Test Report #:    EMC_CALAM_085_19001_MPE                                     FCC ID: APV-VLU11B / APV-VLU11
Date of Report:   2019-05-10                                                  IC ID: 5483C-VLU11B / 5483C-VLU11

1. Assessment
This RF Exposure evaluation report provides information about compliance of the below identified device with
the RF Exposure limits for mobile devices as defined in FCC CFR Part 1 (1.1307 &1.1310), Part 2 (2.1091), and
IC standard RSS-102, under given conditions (measured or rated RF output power, antenna gain, distance
towards human body of more than 20cm and multiple transmitter information as presented by the applicant). In
addition, maximum antenna gain or minimum distance towards the human body is calculated respectively, where

The device meets the limits as stipulated by the above given FCC rule parts based on available specifications.

       Company Name                                  Product Description                                    Model #
 CalAmp Wireless Networks                                                                               VLU11VMAB /
                                               Lojack vehicle recovery system
         Corp.                                                                                           VLU11VMA

Responsible for Testing Laboratory:

                                                             Cindy Li                                           Digitally signed by Cindy Li
                                                                                                                DN: cn=Cindy Li, o=Cetecom Inc.,

     2019-05-10            Compliance                   (EMC Lab Manager)
                                                                                                      , c=US
                                                                                                                Date: 2019.05.10 17:10:48 -07'00'

         Date                Section                             Name                                     Signature

Responsible for the Report:

                                                                                                                 Digitally signed by: Chin
                                                                                                                 Ming Lui
                                                                                                                 DN: CN = Chin Ming Lui

                                                                                                Ming Lui
                                                                                                                 email = ChinMing.

                                                           Chin Ming Lui                                C =
                                                                                                                 US O = CETECOM
                                                                                                                 Date: 2019.05.10 15:52:
     2019-05-10            Compliance                (Associate EMC Engineer)                                    37 -07'00'

         Date                Section                             Name                                     Signature

The test results of this test report relate exclusively to the test item specified in Section3.
CETECOM Inc. USA does not assume responsibility for any conclusions and generalizations drawn from the test results with regard
to other specimens or samples of the type of the equipment represented by the test item. The test report may only be reproduced or
published in full. Reproduction or publication of extracts from the report requires the prior written approval of CETECOM Inc. USA.

                                                                                                                            Page 2 of 10

Test Report #:      EMC_CALAM_085_19001_MPE                                            FCC ID: APV-VLU11B / APV-VLU11
Date of Report:     2019-05-10                                                         IC ID: 5483C-VLU11B / 5483C-VLU11

1. Assessment ...................................................................................................................................2
2. Administrative Data .....................................................................................................................4
  2.1. Identification of the Testing Laboratory Issuing the Test Report .........................................4
  2.2. Identification of the Client .....................................................................................................4
  2.3. Identification of the Manufacturer .........................................................................................4
3. Equipment under Assessment ......................................................................................................5
4. RF Exposure Limits and FCC ......................................................................................................6
  4.1. Power Density Limits acc. to FCC 1.1310(e) ........................................................................6
  4.2. Power Density Limits acc. To RSS-102 ................................................................................6
  4.3. Routine Environmental Evaluation Categorical Exclusion Limits acc. to FCC 2.1091(c) ...6
  4.4. Exemption Limits for Routine Evaluation — RF Exposure Evaluation RSS-102 ................6
  4.5. RF Exposure Estimation (MPE Estimation) ..........................................................................7
5. Evaluations ...................................................................................................................................8
  5.1. Routine Environmental Evaluation Applicability Stand Alone transmission .......................8
  5.2. Compliance with MPE (Power Density) limits .....................................................................8
6. Routine Environmental Evaluation Applicability Simultaneous Transmission ...........................9
7. Revision History.........................................................................................................................10

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Test Report #:    EMC_CALAM_085_19001_MPE                          FCC ID: APV-VLU11B / APV-VLU11
Date of Report:   2019-05-10                                       IC ID: 5483C-VLU11B / 5483C-VLU11

2. Administrative Data
    2.1. Identification of the Testing Laboratory Issuing the Test Report

      Company Name:                           CETECOM Inc.
      Department:                             Compliance
      Street Address:                         411 Dixon Landing Road
      City/Zip Code                           Milpitas, CA 95035
      Country                                 USA
      Telephone:                              +1 (408) 586 6200
      Fax:                                    +1 (408) 586 6299
      Compliance Manager:                     Cindy Li
      Responsible Project Leader:             Cathy Palacios

    2.2. Identification of the Client

       Applicant’s Name:                      CalAmp Wireless Networks Corp.
       Street Address:                        2177 Salk Ave, Suite 200
       City/Zip Code                          Carlsbad, CA 92008
       Country                                USA

    2.3. Identification of the Manufacturer

        Manufacturer’s Name:                   Same as Applicant
        Manufacturers Address:                 -------
        City/Zip Code                          -------
        Country                                -------

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Test Report #:    EMC_CALAM_085_19001_MPE                        FCC ID: APV-VLU11B / APV-VLU11
Date of Report:   2019-05-10                                     IC ID: 5483C-VLU11B / 5483C-VLU11

3. Equipment under Assessment

                                VLU11VMAB (for BTLE populated unit)
    Model No
                                VLU11VMA (for BTLE depopulated unit)
    HW Version                  REV 1

    SW Version                  11.00.01
    FCC-ID                      APV-VLU11B / APV-VLU11
    IC-ID                       5483C-VLU11B / 5483C-VLU11

    Product Description         Lojack vehicle recovery system
                             LTE Module: UBLOX SARA R410M-52B
    Transceiver Technology / Bluetooth Low Energy: Chip designed based on Texas Instruments chip
    Type(s) of Modulation    CC2640
                             VHF Lojack: FSK
                             LTE Band 2: 1850 – 1910 MHz
                             LTE Band 4: 1710 – 1755 MHz
                             LTE Band 5: 824 – 849 MHz
    Frequency Range          LTE Band 12: 699 – 716 MHz
                             LTE Band 13: 777 – 787 MHz
                             Bluetooth LE: 2400-2483.5 MHz
                             VHF Lojack: 173.075 MHz
    Max. declared antenna    Cellular: Custom design, peak gain is 2.58dBi
    gain                     Bluetooth LE: Custom design, 2.4G, peak gain is 5.36dBi
    Co-located Transmitters/
                             LTE / BTLE
    Power Supply/ Rated
                             Vmin: 7 VDC/ Vnom: 12-24 VDC / Vmax: 32 VDC
    Operating Voltage Range
    Operating Temperature
                             -20 ºC to +60 ºC
    Sample Revision              Prototype          Production            Pre-Production

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Test Report #:    EMC_CALAM_085_19001_MPE                                  FCC ID: APV-VLU11B / APV-VLU11
Date of Report:   2019-05-10                                               IC ID: 5483C-VLU11B / 5483C-VLU11

4. RF Exposure Limits and FCC

For the specific described radio apparatus the following basic limits and rules apply

    4.1. Power Density Limits acc. to FCC 1.1310(e)

             Frequency Range (MHz)                    Power density (mW/cm2)             Averaging time (minutes)
                     30 – 300                                      0.2                               30
                    300 – 1500                               f (MHz) /1500                           30
                  1500 – 100000                                    1.0                               30

    4.2. Power Density Limits acc. To RSS-102

             Frequency Range (MHz)                      Power density (W/m2)             Averaging time (minutes)
                     48 – 300                                    1.291                               6
                    300 – 6000                               0.02619 ƒ 0.6834                        6

    4.3. Routine Environmental Evaluation Categorical Exclusion Limits acc. to FCC 2.1091(c)

    Mobile devices that operate in the Commercial Mobile Radio Services pursuant to part 20 of this chapter; the Cellular
    Radiotelephone Service pursuant to part 22 of this chapter; the Personal Communications Services pursuant to part
    24 of this chapter; the Satellite Communications Services pursuant to part 25 of this chapter; the Miscellaneous
    Wireless Communications Services pursuant to part 27 of this chapter; the Maritime Services (ship earth station
    devices only) pursuant to part 80 of this chapter; the Specialized Mobile Radio Service, and the 3650 MHz Wireless
    Broadband Service pursuant to part 90 of this chapter; and the Citizens Broadband Radio Service pursuant to part 96
    of this chapter are subject to routine environmental evaluation for RF exposure prior to equipment authorization or
    use if:
    (i) They operate at frequencies of 1.5 GHz or below and their effective radiated power (ERP) is 1.5 watts or more, or
    (ii) They operate at frequencies above 1.5 GHz and their ERP is 3 watts or more.

    4.4. Exemption Limits for Routine Evaluation — RF Exposure Evaluation RSS-102

    RF exposure evaluation is required if the separation distance between the user and/or bystander and the device’s
    radiating element is greater than 20 cm, except when the device operates as follows:

    •    At or above 48 MHz and below 300 MHz and the source-based, time-averaged maximum e.i.r.p. of the device is
         equal to or less than 0.6 W (adjusted for tune-up tolerance);
    •    At or above 300 MHz and below 6 GHz and the source-based, time-averaged maximum e.i.r.p. of the device is
         equal to or less than 1.31 x 10-2 ƒ0.6834 W (adjusted for tune-up tolerance), where ƒ is in MHz;

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Test Report #:    EMC_CALAM_085_19001_MPE                                 FCC ID: APV-VLU11B / APV-VLU11
Date of Report:   2019-05-10                                              IC ID: 5483C-VLU11B / 5483C-VLU11

    4.5. RF Exposure Estimation (MPE Estimation)

Having available the source based average output power and peak antenna gain or the ERP/EIRP of the specified device
and for a known minimum distance of its radiating structures from the body of persons according to its use cases (at least
20cm) the power density at that distance can be estimated by the following formula for plane-wave equivalent conditions
(far-field conditions), when ground reflection is neglected.

                                                             4πR 2

Where: S = power density (mW/cm2 or W/m2)
       P = power input to the antenna (mW or W)
       G = power gain of the antenna in the direction of interest relative to an isotropic radiator
       R = distance to the centre of radiation of the antenna (cm or m)

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Test Report #:      EMC_CALAM_085_19001_MPE                               FCC ID: APV-VLU11B / APV-VLU11
Date of Report:     2019-05-10                                            IC ID: 5483C-VLU11B / 5483C-VLU11

5. Evaluations

    5.1. Routine Environmental Evaluation Applicability Stand Alone transmission

                                                             Limits for Routine Environmental     Exempt from Routine
                              EIRP         Duty Cycle
    Transmission Mode                                          Evaluation Applicability, EIRP         evaluation
                              dBm              %
                                                                           dBm                         (Yes/No)
        LTE Band 2            27.38            100                      34.77/33.54                        Yes
        LTE Band 4            26.48            100                      34.77/33.26                        Yes
        LTE Band 5            27.58            100                      31.76/31.11                        Yes
        LTE Band 12           26.88            100                      31.76/30.68                        Yes
        LTE Band 13           26.98            100                      31.76/30.93                        Yes
           BTLE                   6.11        65.90                     34.77/34.38                        Yes
              FSK             24.22           20Note 3                  31.76/27.78                        Yes
   Note 1: EIRP power calculation is based on the maximum conducted output power and antenna gain per operational description
   for each transmission band.
   Note 2: Maximum conducted output power for LTE bands obtained from grant of cellular module UBLOX SARA R410M (FCC ID:
   Note 3: 200 millisecond (ms) chirp every one second when in tracking mode as stated in operational description.

    5.2. Compliance with MPE (Power Density) limits

                                                   Power Density Calculation
                                         Maximum Duty                                      FCC / IC    percentage
Band of Operation         EIRP                               Distance    Power Density                   of limit
                                             Cycle                                           Limit                    Verdict
      MHz                 dBm                                   cm         mW/cm2                       used up
                                               %                                           mW/cm2
    LTE Band 2            27.38               100               20             0.10888     1.00/0.45     24.20%        Pass
    LTE Band 4            26.48              100                20             0.08850     1.00/0.42     21.07%        Pass
    LTE Band 5            27.58              100                20             0.11401     0.55/0.26     43.85%        Pass
   LTE Band 12            26.88              100                20             0.09704     0.48/0.23     42.19%        Pass
   LTE Band 13            26.98              100                20             0.09930     0.52/0.25     39.72%        Pass
       BTLE                6.11             65.90               20             0.00054     1.00/0.55      0.10%        Pass
        FSK               24.22               20                20             0.01052     0.2/0.129      8.16%        Pass

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Test Report #:    EMC_CALAM_085_19001_MPE                                      FCC ID: APV-VLU11B / APV-VLU11
Date of Report:   2019-05-10                                                   IC ID: 5483C-VLU11B / 5483C-VLU11

6. Routine Environmental Evaluation Applicability Simultaneous Transmission
    Possible worst case simultaneous transmissions:
    • LTE Band 5 + BTLE + FSK

                               Percentage of Power Density to          Sum of the percentage for the
                                                                                                             Exempt from Routine
    Transmission Mode          Applicable limit for Stand Alone       Highest Possible Simultaneous
                                         Operation                              Operation
 LTE Band 5 + BTLE + FSK           43.85% + 0.10% + 8.16%                         52.11%                             No
   Note: Power Density to Applicable limit for Stand Alone Operation are derived from table in section 5.2

    • The equipment meets the MPE requirements limits for simultaneous transmission for distance greater than

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Test Report #:    EMC_CALAM_085_19001_MPE             FCC ID: APV-VLU11B / APV-VLU11
Date of Report:   2019-05-10                          IC ID: 5483C-VLU11B / 5483C-VLU11

7. Revision History

       Date                     Report Name          Changes to report      Report prepared by

    2019-05-10             EMC_CALAM_085_19001_MPE      Initial Version         Chin Ming Lui

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Document Created: 2019-05-10 17:10:48
Document Modified: 2019-05-10 17:10:48

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