Simultaneous radiated emission with BT and EIRP


Test Report

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                                           FCC/IC Test Report

                                                Model Number:
                                          LMU3030LABL, LMU3035LABL

                                           Product Description:
                                   GPS tracking device with OBD support

                                                   FCC ID: APV-3030LAB
                                                   IC ID: 5843C-3030LAB

                                            Applied Rules and Standards:
                                              47 CFR: Part 24, Part 27,
                                            RSS: 133 Issue 6, 139 Issue 3

                  REPORT #: EMC_CALAM-071-18001_FCC_24_27_rev1

                                                        DATE: 2019-01-24

                                                                                                A2LA Accredited

                                                                                                IC recognized #

                                                              CETECOM Inc.
                                         411 Dixon Landing Road  Milpitas, CA 95035  U.S.A.
                  Phone: + 1 (408) 586 6200  Fax: + 1 (408) 586 6299  E-mail: 
                                    CETECOM Inc. is a Delaware Corporation with Corporation number: 2905571

V4.0 2012-07-25       The BLUETOOTH trademarks are owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc., U.S.A. and licensed to CETECOM Inc.   © Copyright by CETECOM

     Test Report #:                 EMC_CALAM-071-18001_FCC_24_27_rev1                                        FCC ID: APV-3030LAB
     Date of Report                   2019-01-24         Page 2 of 32                                         IC ID: 5843C-3030LAB

                                                                                 TABLE OF CONTENTS

1          ASSESSMENT .............................................................................................................................................................. 3
2          ADMINISTRATIVE DATA ............................................................................................................................................... 4
     2.1       IDENTIFICATION OF THE TESTING LABORATORY ISSUING THE EMC TEST REPORT ........................................................................... 4
     2.2       IDENTIFICATION OF THE CLIENT ............................................................................................................................................. 4
     2.3       IDENTIFICATION OF THE MANUFACTURER................................................................................................................................. 4
3          EQUIPMENT UNDER TEST (EUT) ................................................................................................................................... 5
     3.1       EUT SPECIFICATIONS ......................................................................................................................................................... 5
     3.2       EUT SAMPLE DETAILS ......................................................................................................................................................... 6
     3.3       ACCESSORY EQUIPMENT (AE) DETAILS................................................................................................................................... 6
     3.4       TEST SAMPLE CONFIGURATION ............................................................................................................................................. 6
4          SUBJECT OF INVESTIGATION ...................................................................................................................................... 7
     4.1       DATES OF TESTING: ............................................................................................................................................................ 7
     4.2       MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY .............................................................................................................................................. 7
     4.3       ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS DURING TESTING: ...................................................................................................................... 7
5          MEASUREMENT PROCEDURES .................................................................................................................................... 8
     5.1       RADIATED MEASUREMENT.................................................................................................................................................... 8
     5.2       SAMPLE CALCULATIONS FOR FIELD STRENGTH MEASUREMENTS ............................................................................................... 10
6          MEASUREMENT RESULTS SUMMARY ........................................................................................................................ 11
     6.1       FCC 24 / RSS-133: ......................................................................................................................................................... 11
     6.2       FCC 27 / RSS-139: ......................................................................................................................................................... 11
7          TEST RESULT DATA .................................................................................................................................................. 12
     7.1       ERP/EIRP...................................................................................................................................................................... 12
     7.2       RADIATED SPURIOUS EMISSIONS ......................................................................................................................................... 12
8          TEST SETUP PHOTOS ................................................................................................................................................ 31
9          TEST EQUIPMENT AND ANCILLARIES USED FOR TESTING ......................................................................................... 31
10         REVISION HISTORY ................................................................................................................................................... 32

    Test Report #:       EMC_CALAM-071-18001_FCC_24_27_rev1                     FCC ID: APV-3030LAB
    Date of Report         2019-01-24         Page 3 of 32                      IC ID: 5843C-3030LAB

1     Assessment

The following device as further described in section 3 of this report was evaluated radiated spurious emission of the
EUT against selected applicable criteria specified in the Code of Federal Regulations Title 47 parts 24, 27, and
Industry Canada Radio Standard Specifications RSS: 133 Issue 6, 139 Issue 3.No deficiencies were ascertained.

WWAN Module Telit LE910B1-SA (FCC ID: RI7LE910B1SA / IC ID: 5131A-LE910B1SA) is used in this device as
client declared.

         Company Name                                    Product Description                                         Model
              CalAmp                           GPS tracking device with OBD support

Responsible for Testing Laboratory:

                                                                                                                             Digitally signed by Cindy Li
                                                                                                                             DN: cn=Cindy Li,
                                                                                                                             o=Cetecom Inc., ou=EMC,
                                                               Cindy Li                                            
                                                                                                                             m, c=US
                                                                                                                             Date: 2019.01.24 15:09:25
      2018-12-13          Compliance                       (EMC Lab Manager)                                                 -08'00'

         Date                 Section                             Name                                          Signature

Responsible for the Report:
                                                                                                                     Digitally signed by: Tri
                                                                                                                     DN: CN = Tri Nguyen email =

                                                                                                                     = US O = Cetecom OU =
                                                             Tri Nguyen                                              EMC
                                                                                                                     Date: 2019.01.24 15:06:23 -
      2018-12-13            Compliance                (Associate EMC Engineer)                                       08'00'

         Date                 Section                             Name                                          Signature

The test results of this test report relate exclusively to the test item specified in Section3.
CETECOM Inc. USA does not assume responsibility for any conclusions and generalizations drawn from the test results with regard to other
specimens or samples of the type of the equipment represented by the test item. The test report may only be reproduced or published in full.
Reproduction or publication of extracts from the report requires the prior written approval of CETECOM Inc. USA.

    Test Report #:      EMC_CALAM-071-18001_FCC_24_27_rev1      FCC ID: APV-3030LAB
    Date of Report        2019-01-24         Page 4 of 32       IC ID: 5843C-3030LAB

2      Administrative Data

     2.1   Identification of the Testing Laboratory Issuing the EMC Test Report

Company Name:                              CETECOM Inc.
Department:                                Compliance
Street Address:                            411 Dixon Landing Road
City/Zip Code                              Milpitas, CA 95035
Country                                    USA
Telephone:                                 +1 (408) 586 6200
Fax:                                       +1 (408) 586 6299
EMC Lab Manager:                           Cindy Li
Responsible Project Leader:                Cathy Palacios

     2.2   Identification of the Client

    Applicant’s Name:                       CalAmp
    Street Address:                         2177 Salk Ave, Suite 200
    City/Zip Code                           Carlsbad, CA 90228
    Country                                 USA

     2.3   Identification of the Manufacturer

    Manufacturer’s Name:                    Same as Client

    Manufacturers Address:                  -------

    City/Zip Code                           -------
    Country                                 -------

    Test Report #:       EMC_CALAM-071-18001_FCC_24_27_rev1      FCC ID: APV-3030LAB
    Date of Report         2019-01-24         Page 5 of 32       IC ID: 5843C-3030LAB

3     Equipment under Test (EUT)

     3.1     EUT Specifications

                  Model No              LMU3030LABL, LMU3035LABL

                 HW Version             REV C

                 SW Version             7.6
                     FCC-ID             APV-3030LAB
                     IC-ID:             5843C-3030LAB
                     HVIN:              LMU3030LABL, LMU3035LABL
                     PMN:               LMU-3030, LMU-3035
             Product Description        GPS tracking device with OBD support
           Module Information           Module: Telit LE910B1-SA                  FCC-ID: RI7LE910B1SA
                                      Band       UL Frequency (MHz)        DL Frequency (MHz)      Modulation
                                       2             1850 – 1910               1930 – 1990
      Mode                                                                                          QPSK,
                        LTE            4             1710 – 1755               2110 – 2155
                                    12             699 – 716               729 – 746
      Max. declared antenna gain     Taoglas customized antenna for LMU3030, peak gain is 2.5dBi
                                     LTE Band 2 = 23.635 dBm
    Max. declared average conducted
                                     LTE Band 4 = 23.088 dBm
    output power from module report
                                     LTE Band 12 = 24.430 dBm
           Operating Voltage Range      Vmin: 9 VDC/ Vnom: 12 VDC / Vmax: 16 VDC

     Operating Temperature Range        -30 ºC to +75 ºC
      Other Radios included in the      Chip based BLE 4.0
                device                  GPS
              Sample Revision           Prototype           Production        Pre-Production
              EUT Dimensions            43cm X 64cm X 25cm
                EUT Diameter             < 60 cm             Other __________

Test Report #:     EMC_CALAM-071-18001_FCC_24_27_rev1       FCC ID: APV-3030LAB
Date of Report       2019-01-24         Page 6 of 32        IC ID: 5843C-3030LAB

3.2      EUT Sample details

 EUT #           Serial Number              HW Version         SW Version              Comments
   1                 N/A                      REV C                   7.6          Radiated Emissions

3.3      Accessory Equipment (AE) details

 AE #               Type                    Model           Manufacturer                    P/N

   1                  -                       -                   -                          -

3.4      Test Sample Configuration

Set-up # EUT / AE used for set-up                                Comments
   1                EUT#1                             Co-transmit with BLE middle channel

    Test Report #:    EMC_CALAM-071-18001_FCC_24_27_rev1             FCC ID: APV-3030LAB
    Date of Report      2019-01-24         Page 7 of 32              IC ID: 5843C-3030LAB

4     Subject of Investigation

The objective of the evaluation conducted by CETECOM Inc. is to support a request for new equipment authorization
under FCC ID: APV-3030LAB and IC ID: 5843C-3030LAB.
According to the guidelines from FCC KDB 996369 for the product under evaluation, and the pre-certified module to
be integrated (Telit LE910B1-SA) as described in Section 3, the output power has been verified to be within the
specified production tolerances and measurement uncertainties, and where relevant test procedures did not change
the conducted test results from module certification are re-used. Full Radiated Spurious Emissions test was
performed, per Code of Federal Regulations Title 47 parts 24, 27, and Industry Canada Radio Standard Specifications
RSS: 133 Issue 6, and 139 Issue 3.
Bluetooth Low Energey was turned on and configured to the highest power in order to measure spurious emission
during co-transmission and catch the worst case.

The module test data can be obtained under the FCC Filing ID: RI7LE910B1SA, IC ID: 5131A-LE910B1SA.

    4.1    Dates of Testing:

          11/19/2018 - 12/13/2018

    4.2    Measurement Uncertainty

Where relevant, the following measurement uncertainty levels have been estimated for tests performed on the
apparatus, with 95% confidence interval (in dB delta to result), based on a coverage factor k=1.

Radiated measurement

9 kHz to 30MHz                          ±2.5 dB (Magnetic Loop Antenna)
30 MHz to 1000 MHz                      ±2.0 dB (Biconilog Antenna)
1 GHz to 40 GHz                         ±2.3 dB (Horn Antenna)

Conducted measurement

150 kHz to 30 MHz                       ±0.7 dB (LISN)

RF conducted measurement                ±0.5 dB

    4.3    Environmental Conditions during Testing:

The following environmental conditions were maintained during the course of testing:
    Ambient Temperature: 20-25oC
    Relative humidity: 40-60%

Deviating test conditions are indicated at individual test description where applicable.

    Test Report #:    EMC_CALAM-071-18001_FCC_24_27_rev1          FCC ID: APV-3030LAB
    Date of Report      2019-01-24         Page 8 of 32           IC ID: 5843C-3030LAB

5     Measurement Procedures

    5.1 Radiated Measurement
      The exploratory measurement is accomplished by running a matrix of 16 sweeps over the required frequency
        range with R&S Test-SW EMC32 for 4 positions of the turntable, two orthogonal positions of the EUT and
        both antenna polarizations. This procedure exceeds the requirement of the above standards to cover the 3
        orthogonal axis of the EUT. A max peak detector is utilized during the exploratory measurement. The Test-
        SW creates an overall maximum trace for all 12 sweeps and saves the settings for each point of this trace.
        The maximum trace is part of the test report.
      The 10 highest emissions are selected with an automatic algorithm of EMC32 searching for peaks in the
        noise floor and ensuring that broadband signals are not selected multiple times.
      The maxima are then put through the final measurement and again maximized in a 90deg range of the
        turntable, fine search in frequency domain and height scan between 1m and 4m.
      The above procedure is repeated for all possible ways of power supply to EUT and for all supported
      In case there are no emissions above noise floor level only the maximum trace is reported as described
      The results are split up into up to 4 frequency ranges due to antenna bandwidth restrictions. A magnetic loop
        is used from 9 kHz to 30 MHz, a Biconilog antenna is used from 30 MHz to 1 GHz, and two different horn
        antennas are used to cover frequencies up to 40 GHz.

                           Radiated Emissions Test Setup below 30MHz Measurements

                                                                                     Height Scan

     EUT at                             3 m Distance
                                                                    Measurement Antenna


                                           Chamber Ground plane
                                                                                        EMI Receiver

Test Report #:     EMC_CALAM-071-18001_FCC_24_27_rev1             FCC ID: APV-3030LAB
Date of Report       2019-01-24         Page 9 of 32              IC ID: 5843C-3030LAB

                          Radiated Emissions Test Setup 30MHz-1GHz Measurements

                                                                                         Height Scan

                                       3 m Distance

    EUT at
    80 cm

                                                                     Measurement Antenna


                                           Chamber Ground plane
                                                                                           EMI Receiver

                          Radiated Emissions Test Setup above 1GHz Measurements

                                                                                     Height Scan

                                     3 m Distance

    EUT at
    150 cm
                                                                    Measurement Antenna


                                            Chamber Ground plane

                                                                                           EMI Receiver

  Test Report #:     EMC_CALAM-071-18001_FCC_24_27_rev1            FCC ID: APV-3030LAB
  Date of Report       2019-01-24         Page 10 of 32            IC ID: 5843C-3030LAB

   5.2     Sample Calculations for Field Strength Measurements

Field Strength is calculated from the Spectrum Analyzer/ Receiver readings, taking into account the following
     Measured reading in dBµV
     Cable Loss between the receiving antenna and SA in dB and
     Antenna Factor in dB/m

All radiated measurement plots in this report are taken from a test SW that calculates the Field Strength based on the
following equation:

             FS (dBµV/m) = Measured Value on SA (dBµV) - Cable Loss (dB)+ Antenna Factor (dB/m)


         Frequency         Measured SA          Cable Loss      Antenna Factor Correction     Field Strength Result
           (MHz)             (dBµV)                (dB)                   (dB)                      (dBµV/m)

           1000                 80.5                3.5                    14                         98.0

    Test Report #:       EMC_CALAM-071-18001_FCC_24_27_rev1              FCC ID: APV-3030LAB
    Date of Report         2019-01-24         Page 11 of 32              IC ID: 5843C-3030LAB

6     Measurement Results Summary

    6.1    FCC 24 / RSS-133:
                                                 Temperature and
    Test Specification        Test Case                                   Mode        Pass       Fail   NA   NP    Result
                                                Voltage Conditions
  §2.1046; §24.232 (a);                                                    GSM                                    Complies
                             RF Output Power          Nominal                                             
      RSS-133 6.4                                                        WCDMA                                     Note 2
    §2.1055; §24.235;                                                      GSM                                    Complies
                            Frequency Stability       Nominal                                             
      RSS-133 6.3                                                        WCDMA                                     Note 2
    §2.1049; §24.238;                                                      GSM                                    Complies
                           Occupied Bandwidth         Nominal                                             
      RSS-133 6.2                                                        WCDMA                                     Note 2
    §2.1051; §24.238;           Band Edge                                  GSM                                    Complies
                                                      Nominal                                             
      RSS-133 6.5              Compliance                                WCDMA                                     Note 2
    §2.1051; §24.238;      Conducted Spurious                              GSM                                    Complies
                                                      Nominal                                             
      RSS-133 6.5               Emissions                                WCDMA                                     Note 2
    §2.1053; §24.238;       Radiated Spurious                              GSM
                                                      Nominal                                                 Complies
      RSS-133 6.5               Emissions                                WCDMA
Note 1: NA= Not Applicable; NP= Not Performed.
Note 2: ERP/EIRP calculated from conducted power from modular grant and maximum declared gain.

    6.2    FCC 27 / RSS-139:
                                                 Temperature and
    Test Specification        Test Case                                   Mode        Pass       Fail   NA   NP    Result
                                                Voltage Conditions
  §2.1046; §27.50 (d);                                                     GSM                                    Complies
                             RF Output Power          Nominal                                             
      RSS-139 6.5                                                        WCDMA                                     Note 2
    §2.1055; §27.54;                                                       GSM                                    Complies
                            Frequency Stability       Nominal                                             
      RSS-139 6.4                                                        WCDMA                                     Note 2
    §2.1049; §27.53;                                                       GSM                                    Complies
                           Occupied Bandwidth         Nominal                                             
       RSS-139 6.2                                                       WCDMA                                     Note 2
    §2.1051; §27.53;            Band Edge                                  GSM                                    Complies
                                                      Nominal                                             
      RSS-139 6.6              Compliance                                WCDMA                                     Note 2
    §2.1051; §27.53;       Conducted Spurious                              GSM                                    Complies
                                                      Nominal                                             
      RSS-139 6.6               Emissions                                WCDMA                                     Note 2
    §2.1053; §27.53;        Radiated Spurious                              GSM
                                                      Nominal                                                 Complies
      RSS-139 6.6               Emissions                                WCDMA
Note 1: NA= Not Applicable; NP= Not Performed.
Note 2: ERP/EIRP calculated from conducted power from modular grant and maximum declared gain.

             Test Report #:     EMC_CALAM-071-18001_FCC_24_27_rev1         FCC ID: APV-3030LAB
             Date of Report       2019-01-24         Page 12 of 32         IC ID: 5843C-3030LAB

         7     Test Result Data

             7.1    ERP/EIRP

                                                                                                        max         min
              Frequency Range                      Frequency        Emission        gain      gain      ERP /       ERP /
Radio         [MHz]                 Power [W]      Offset           Designator      dBi       linear    EIRP        EIRP
LTE 2         1857.5 - 1902.5       0.23           1.0 PM           13M5G7D         2.8       1.91      0.44        0.0009
LTE 2         1860.0 - 1900.0       0.20           1.0 PM           18M0G7D         2.8       1.91      0.38        0.0008

LTE 4         1717.5 - 1747.5       0.20361        1.0 PM           13M5G7D         2.8       1.91      0.39        0.0008
LTE 4         1720.0 - 1745.0       0.18823        1.0 PM           18M0G7D         2.8       1.91      0.36        0.0007

LTE 12        704.0 - 711.0         0.27733        1.0 PM           9M09W7D         2.8       1.91      0.32        0.0006
         This table contains ERP for < 1 GHz bands and EIRP for > 1GHz bands.
         Listed is emission with the highest power and the one with the highest bandwidth for each radio technology. Both
         criteria may be covered by a single emission.
         ERP/EIRP are calculated based on the powers in the FCC grant and adding the gain.

             7.2    Radiated Spurious Emissions

         7.2.1     Measurement according to FCC: CFR 47 Part 2.1053; Part 24.238; Part 27.53; RSS-132 5.5; RSS-139
                   6.6, utilizing KDB 971168 D01 Power Meas License Digital Systems v02r02, and according to TIA-
                   603C 2004- 2.2.12

         Spectrum Analyzer Settings for FCC 22
              Frequency Range             30MHz – 1 GHz                     1 – 1.58 GHz                1.58 – 9 GHz
             Resolution Bandwidth             100 kHz                          1 MHz                       1 MHz
               Video Bandwidth                100 kHz                          1 MHz                       1 MHz
                   Detector                    Peak                             Peak                        Peak
                  Trace Mode                 Max Hold                         Max Hold                    Max Hold
                 Sweep Time                    Auto                             Auto                        Auto

         Spectrum Analyzer Settings for FCC 24 and 27
              Frequency Range           30MHz – 1 GHz             1 – 2.7 GHz         2.7 – 18 GHz        18 – 19.1 GHz
            Resolution Bandwidth           100 kHz                   1 MHz               1 MHz                1 MHz
               Video Bandwidth             100 kHz                   1 MHz               1 MHz                1 MHz
                   Detector                 Peak                      Peak                Peak                 Peak
                  Trace Mode              Max Hold                 Max Hold             Max Hold            Max Hold
                 Sweep Time                 Auto                      Auto                Auto                 Auto

         7.2.2     Limits:

  Test Report #:      EMC_CALAM-071-18001_FCC_24_27_rev1            FCC ID: APV-3030LAB
  Date of Report        2019-01-24         Page 13 of 32            IC ID: 5843C-3030LAB     FCC Part 24.238 (a), and Part 27.53 (h)
          The power of any emission outside of the authorized operating frequency ranges must be attenuated below
          the transmitting power (P) by a factor of at least 43 + 10 log(P) dB = (-13dBm)      RSS-133 6.5; RSS-139 6.6
          Mobile and base station equipment shall comply with the limits in (i) and (ii) below.
          i.In the first 1.0 MHz band immediately outside and adjacent to each of the equipment’s operating frequency
          block, the power of emissions per any 1% of the occupied bandwidth shall be attenuated (in dB) below the
          transmitter output power P ( dBW) by at least 43 + 10 log10p (watts).
          ii.After the first 1.0 MHz immediately outside and adjacent to each of the sub-bands, the power of emissions
          in any 100 kHz bandwidth shall be attenuated (in dB) below the transmitter output power P (dBW) by at least
          43 + 10 log10 p (watts).

7.2.3     Test conditions and setup:

  Ambient Temperature (°C)            EUT Set-Up #           EUT operating mode                 Power Input
                 23                          1                LTE BAND 2/4/12 + BLE                  12VDC

7.2.4     Measurement result:

 Plot # Channel #            EUT operating mode                Scan Frequency              Limit (dBm)       Result
    1-3       Low               LTE BAND2 + BLE                  30 MHz – 18 GHz               -13            Pass
    4-7       Mid               LTE BAND2 + BLE                   9 kHz – 26 GHz               -13            Pass
   8-10       High              LTE BAND2 + BLE                  30 MHz – 18 GHz               -13            Pass
  11-13       Low               LTE BAND4 + BLE                  30 MHz – 18 GHz               -13            Pass
  14-18       Mid               LTE BAND4 + BLE                   9 kHz – 26 GHz               -13            Pass
  19-21       High              LTE BAND4 + BLE                  30 MHz – 18 GHz               -13            Pass
  22-24       Low              LTE BAND12 + BLE                   30 MHz – 9 GHz               -13            Pass
  25-29       Mid              LTE BAND12 + BLE                    9 kHz – 9 GHz               -13            Pass
  30-32       High             LTE BAND12 + BLE                   30 MHz – 9 GHz               -13            Pass

  Test Report #:                    EMC_CALAM-071-18001_FCC_24_27_rev1                                                          FCC ID: APV-3030LAB
  Date of Report                      2019-01-24         Page 14 of 32                                                          IC ID: 5843C-3030LAB

7.2.5     Measurement Plots:    LTE BAND 2 + BLE

                                                                       Plot #1 Radiated Emissions: 30 MHz – 1GHz
                                                                                                  Channel: Low




                    Level in dBm









                                    30M                     50    60             80   100M                              200            300   400       500           800       1G

                                                                                                        Frequency in Hz

                                     Preview Result 1-PK+        Critical_Freqs PK+          -13dBm          Final_Result RMS

                                                                              Plot # 2 Radiated Emissions: 1-3 GHz
                                                                                                  Channel: Low
                                                                                                      1.852500000 GHz
                                    0                                                                     1.961 dBm
                                                                                                                                                   2.442000000 GHz
                                                                                                                                                      -12.325 dBm
                                   -10                                                                                                                                     -13dBm
                    Level in dBm




                                     1G                                                                                           2G                                           3G

                                                                                                        Frequency in Hz

                                     Preview Result 1-PK+        Critical_Freqs PK+          -13dBm          Final_Result RMS

              Note: The 2.4GHz signal is BTLE transmit signal

Test Report #:                   EMC_CALAM-071-18001_FCC_24_27_rev1                                                                  FCC ID: APV-3030LAB
Date of Report                     2019-01-24         Page 15 of 32                                                                  IC ID: 5843C-3030LAB

                                                                          Plot # 3 Radiated Emissions: 3-18 GHz
                                                                                                 Channel: Low




                 Level in dBm









                                  3G                                           5G            6               7              8         9   10G                                    18G

                                                                                                          Frequency in Hz

                                  Preview Result 1-PK+        Critical_Freqs PK+          -13dBm                 Final_Result PK+         Final_Result RMS

                                                                      Plot # 4 Radiated Emissions: 9 kHz-30 MHz
                                                                                                 Channel: Mid



                 Level in dBm






                                  9k               20    30      50                100k    200      300          500            1M        2M      3M         5M   10M   20       30M

                                                                                                          Frequency in Hz

                                  Preview Result 1-RMS        Critical_Freqs RMS           -13dBm                 Final_Result RMS

Test Report #:                   EMC_CALAM-071-18001_FCC_24_27_rev1                                                           FCC ID: APV-3030LAB
Date of Report                     2019-01-24         Page 16 of 32                                                           IC ID: 5843C-3030LAB

                                                                      Plot #5 Radiated Emissions: 30 MHz – 1GHz
                                                                                                   Channel: Mid




                 Level in dBm









                                 30M                     50    60             80   100M                            200               300   400       500           800       1G

                                                                                                      Frequency in Hz

                                  Preview Result 1-PK+        Critical_Freqs PK+          -13dBm           Final_Result RMS

                                                                            Plot #6 Radiated Emissions: 1-3 GHz
                                                                                               Channel: Mid

                                                                                                        1.884000000 GHz
                                 0                                                                          1.937 dBm
                                                                                                                                                 2.441500000 GHz
                                                                                                                                                    -12.451 dBm
                                -10                                                                                                                                      -13dBm
                 Level in dBm




                                  1G                                                                                            2G                                           3G

                                                                                                      Frequency in Hz

                                  Preview Result 1-PK+        Critical_Freqs PK+          -13dBm           Final_Result RMS

           Note: The 2.4GHz signal is BTLE transmit signal

Test Report #:                   EMC_CALAM-071-18001_FCC_24_27_rev1                                                                     FCC ID: APV-3030LAB
Date of Report                     2019-01-24         Page 17 of 32                                                                     IC ID: 5843C-3030LAB

                                                                           Plot #7 Radiated Emissions: 3-18 GHz
                                                                                                      Channel: Mid




                 Level in dBm









                                  3G                                            5G                6            7             8           9        10G                                        18G

                                                                                                           Frequency in Hz

                                  Preview Result 1-PK+         Critical_Freqs PK+           -13dBm                 Final_Result PK+               Final_Result RMS

                                                                          Plot #7 Radiated Emissions: 18-26 GHz
                                                                                                      Channel: Mid




                 Level in dBm







                                  18        18.5         19   19.5        20         20.5    21         21.5        22           22.5        23       23.5       24   24.5   25   25.5        26

                                                                                                           Frequency in GHz

                                  Preview Result 1-PK+         Critical_Freqs PK+           -13dBm                 Final_Result PK+               Final_Result RMS

Test Report #:                   EMC_CALAM-071-18001_FCC_24_27_rev1                                                        FCC ID: APV-3030LAB
Date of Report                     2019-01-24         Page 18 of 32                                                        IC ID: 5843C-3030LAB

                                                                    Plot #8 Radiated Emissions: 30 MHz – 1GHz
                                                                                              Channel: High

                                -10                                                                                                                                   -13dBm

                 Level in dBm





                                 30M                     50    60             80   100M                         200               300   400       500           800       1G

                                                                                                   Frequency in Hz

                                  Preview Result 1-PK+        Critical_Freqs PK+          -13dBm        Final_Result RMS

                                                                            Plot #9 Radiated Emissions: 1-3 GHz
                                                                                              Channel: High

                                                                                                      1.908000000 GHz
                                 0                                                                        2.132 dBm
                                                                                                                                              2.442500000 GHz
                                                                                                                                                 -12.346 dBm
                                -10                                                                                                                                   -13dBm
                 Level in dBm




                                  1G                                                                                         2G                                           3G

                                                                                                   Frequency in Hz

                                  Preview Result 1-PK+        Critical_Freqs PK+          -13dBm        Final_Result RMS

           Note: The 2.4GHz signal is BTLE transmit signal

Test Report #:                  EMC_CALAM-071-18001_FCC_24_27_rev1                                       FCC ID: APV-3030LAB
Date of Report                    2019-01-24         Page 19 of 32                                       IC ID: 5843C-3030LAB

                                                            Plot #10 Radiated Emissions: 3-18 GHz
                                                                              Channel: High




                 Level in dBm









                                  3G                              5G          6        7          8         9      10G                          18G

                                                                                    Frequency in Hz

                                  Preview Result 1-PK+   Critical_Freqs PK+       -13dBm              Final_Result PK+   Final_Result RMS

  Test Report #:                   EMC_CALAM-071-18001_FCC_24_27_rev1                                                                FCC ID: APV-3030LAB
  Date of Report                     2019-01-24         Page 20 of 32                                                                IC ID: 5843C-3030LAB   LTE BAND 4 + BLE

                                                                      Plot #11 Radiated Emissions: 30 MHz – 1GHz
                                                                                                 Channel: Low

                                  -10                                                                                                                                           -13dBm

                   Level in dBm





                                   30M                     50    60             80   100M                                 200               300   400       500           800       1G

                                                                                                         Frequency in Hz

                                    Preview Result 1-PK+        Critical_Freqs PK+          -13dBm                Final_Result RMS

                                                                            Plot # 12 Radiated Emissions: 1-3 GHz
                                                                                                 Channel: Low

                                   0                                                            1.718000000 GHz
                                                                                                    0.058 dBm
                                   -5                                                                                                                   2.441500000 GHz
                                                                                                                                                           -12.772 dBm
                   Level in dBm







                                    1G                                                                                                 2G                                           3G

                                                                                                         Frequency in Hz

                                    Preview Result 1-PK+        Critical_Freqs PK+          -13dBm                Final_Result RMS

             Note: The 2.4GHz signal is BTLE transmit signal

Test Report #:                   EMC_CALAM-071-18001_FCC_24_27_rev1                                                FCC ID: APV-3030LAB
Date of Report                     2019-01-24         Page 21 of 32                                                IC ID: 5843C-3030LAB

                                                                   Plot # 13 Radiated Emissions: 3-18 GHz
                                                                                      Channel: Low





                 Level in dBm








                                  3G                                      5G      6         7              8        9   10G                    18G

                                                                                         Frequency in Hz

                                  Preview Result 1-PK+   Critical_Freqs PK+    -13dBm           Final_Result PK+        Final_Result RMS

Test Report #:                   EMC_CALAM-071-18001_FCC_24_27_rev1                                                                        FCC ID: APV-3030LAB
Date of Report                     2019-01-24         Page 22 of 32                                                                        IC ID: 5843C-3030LAB

                                                                     Plot # 14 Radiated Emissions: 9 kHz-30 MHz
                                                                                                        Channel: Mid



                 Level in dBm






                                  9k               20    30         50             100k           200      300        500            1M        2M   3M         5M         10M    20       30M

                                                                                                                 Frequency in Hz

                                  Preview Result 1-RMS        Critical_Freqs RMS                  -13dBm                Final_Result RMS

                                                                     Plot # 15 Radiated Emissions: 30 MHz – 1GHz
                                                                                                        Channel: Mid


                                -10                                                                                                                                                   -13dBm

                 Level in dBm





                                 30M                     50    60             80          100M                                200             300        400        500         800        1G

                                                                                                                 Frequency in Hz

                                  Preview Result 1-PK+        Critical_Freqs PK+                 -13dBm               Final_Result RMS

Test Report #:                   EMC_CALAM-071-18001_FCC_24_27_rev1                                                     FCC ID: APV-3030LAB
Date of Report                     2019-01-24         Page 23 of 32                                                     IC ID: 5843C-3030LAB

                                                                       Plot #16 Radiated Emissions: 1-3 GHz
                                                                                        Channel: Mid

                                 0                                                    1.730500000 GHz
                                                                                          0.126 dBm
                                 -5                                                                                                                  2.441500000 GHz
                                                                                                                                                        -12.997 dBm
                 Level in dBm







                                  1G                                                                                         2G                                             3G

                                                                                              Frequency in Hz

                                  Preview Result 1-PK+   Critical_Freqs PK+    -13dBm                Final_Result RMS

           Note: The 2.4GHz signal is BTLE transmit signal

                                                                      Plot #17 Radiated Emissions: 3-18 GHz
                                                                                        Channel: Mid





                 Level in dBm








                                  3G                                      5G      6              7              8        9        10G                                      18G

                                                                                              Frequency in Hz

                                  Preview Result 1-PK+   Critical_Freqs PK+    -13dBm                Final_Result PK+             Final_Result RMS

Test Report #:                   EMC_CALAM-071-18001_FCC_24_27_rev1                                                                               FCC ID: APV-3030LAB
Date of Report                     2019-01-24         Page 24 of 32                                                                               IC ID: 5843C-3030LAB

                                                                               Plot #18 Radiated Emissions: 18-26 GHz
                                                                                                                Channel: Mid




                 Level in dBm







                                  18        18.5         19        19.5        20        20.5           21       21.5          22          22.5    23         23.5      24    24.5   25   25.5        26

                                                                                                                    Frequency in GHz

                                  Preview Result 1-PK+              Critical_Freqs PK+                 -13dBm                Final_Result PK+            Final_Result RMS

                                                                          Plot #19 Radiated Emissions: 30 MHz – 1GHz
                                                                                                             Channel: High

                                -10                                                                                                                                                              -13dBm

                 Level in dBm





                                 30M                          50     60             80          100M                                 200                300           400    500          800        1G

                                                                                                                        Frequency in Hz

                                  Preview Result 1-PK+              Critical_Freqs PK+                 -13dBm                Final_Result RMS

Test Report #:                   EMC_CALAM-071-18001_FCC_24_27_rev1                                                       FCC ID: APV-3030LAB
Date of Report                     2019-01-24         Page 25 of 32                                                       IC ID: 5843C-3030LAB

                                                                     Plot #20 Radiated Emissions: 1-3 GHz
                                                                                      Channel: High

                                 0                                                      1.754500000 GHz
                                                                                            0.102 dBm
                                 -5                                                                                                                    2.441500000 GHz
                                                                                                                                                          -12.898 dBm
                 Level in dBm







                                  1G                                                                                           2G                                             3G

                                                                                                Frequency in Hz

                                  Preview Result 1-PK+   Critical_Freqs PK+    -13dBm                  Final_Result RMS

           Note: The 2.4GHz signal is BTLE transmit signal

                                                                    Plot #21 Radiated Emissions: 3-18 GHz
                                                                                      Channel: High




                 Level in dBm









                                  3G                                      5G      6                7              8        9        10G                                      18G

                                                                                                Frequency in Hz

                                  Preview Result 1-PK+   Critical_Freqs PK+    -13dBm                  Final_Result PK+             Final_Result RMS

  Test Report #:                   EMC_CALAM-071-18001_FCC_24_27_rev1                                                         FCC ID: APV-3030LAB
  Date of Report                     2019-01-24         Page 26 of 32                                                         IC ID: 5843C-3030LAB   LTE BAND 12 + BLE

                                                                      Plot #22 Radiated Emissions: 30 MHz – 1GHz
                                                                                                 Channel: Low
                                                                                                                                                            700.221500 MHz
                                  -10                                                                                                                         -17.065 dBm          -13dBm


                   Level in dBm





                                   30M                     50    60             80   100M                          200               300           400       500             800       1G

                                                                                                     Frequency in Hz

                                    Preview Result 1-PK+        Critical_Freqs PK+          -13dBm         Final_Result PK+           Final_Result RMS

                                                                            Plot # 23 Radiated Emissions: 1-3 GHz
                                                                                                 Channel: Low

                                  -10                                                                                                                                              -13dBm

                                                                                                                                                         2.443000000 GHz
                                  -30                                                                                                                       -36.748 dBm
                   Level in dBm

                                                                                                     1.716000000 GHz
                                  -40                                                                   -48.687 dBm




                                    1G                                                                                          2G                                                     3G

                                                                                                     Frequency in Hz

                                    Preview Result 1-PK+        Critical_Freqs PK+          -13dBm         Final_Result PK+           Final_Result RMS

Test Report #:                   EMC_CALAM-071-18001_FCC_24_27_rev1                                                                 FCC ID: APV-3030LAB
Date of Report                     2019-01-24         Page 27 of 32                                                                 IC ID: 5843C-3030LAB

                                                                          Plot # 24 Radiated Emissions: 3-9 GHz
                                                                                                 Channel: Low

                                -10                                                                                                                                              -13dBm

                 Level in dBm





                                  3G                                                                       5G                         6                      7          8             9G

                                                                                                          Frequency in Hz

                                  Preview Result 1-PK+        Critical_Freqs PK+          -13dBm                Final_Result PK+          Final_Result RMS

                                                                   Plot # 25 Radiated Emissions: 9 kHz-30 MHz
                                                                                                 Channel: Mid

                                -10                                                                                                                                              -13dBm



                 Level in dBm






                                  9k               20    30      50                100k    200      300         500            1M         2M      3M         5M   10M       20       30M

                                                                                                          Frequency in Hz

                                  Preview Result 1-RMS        Critical_Freqs RMS           -13dBm                Final_Result RMS

Test Report #:                   EMC_CALAM-071-18001_FCC_24_27_rev1                                                           FCC ID: APV-3030LAB
Date of Report                     2019-01-24         Page 28 of 32                                                           IC ID: 5843C-3030LAB

                                                                     Plot #26 Radiated Emissions: 30 MHz – 1GHz
                                                                                                   Channel: Mid
                                                                                                                                                           710.552000 MHz
                                                                                                                                                             -12.341 dBm
                                -10                                                                                                                                               -13dBm


                 Level in dBm





                                 30M                     50    60             80   100M                            200               300           400       500            800       1G

                                                                                                      Frequency in Hz

                                  Preview Result 1-PK+        Critical_Freqs PK+          -13dBm           Final_Result PK+           Final_Result RMS

                                                                          Plot #27 Radiated Emissions: 1-3 GHz
                                                                                               Channel: Mid

                                -10                                                                                                                                               -13dBm

                                                                                                                                                         2.442000000 GHz
                                -30                                                                                                                         -36.877 dBm
                 Level in dBm





                                  1G                                                                                            2G                                                    3G

                                                                                                      Frequency in Hz

                                  Preview Result 1-PK+        Critical_Freqs PK+          -13dBm           Final_Result PK+           Final_Result RMS

Test Report #:                   EMC_CALAM-071-18001_FCC_24_27_rev1                                                         FCC ID: APV-3030LAB
Date of Report                     2019-01-24         Page 29 of 32                                                         IC ID: 5843C-3030LAB

                                                                          Plot #28 Radiated Emissions: 3-9 GHz
                                                                                               Channel: Mid

                                -10                                                                                                                                                  -13dBm

                 Level in dBm





                                  3G                                                                5G                        6                       7                    8             9G

                                                                                                   Frequency in Hz

                                  Preview Result 1-PK+        Critical_Freqs PK+          -13dBm         Final_Result PK+          Final_Result RMS

                                                                    Plot #30 Radiated Emissions: 30 MHz – 1GHz
                                                                                              Channel: High
                                                                                                                                                          710.552000 MHz
                                                                                                                                                            -12.341 dBm
                                -10                                                                                                                                                  -13dBm


                 Level in dBm





                                 30M                     50    60             80   100M                          200              300           400         500                800       1G

                                                                                                   Frequency in Hz

                                  Preview Result 1-PK+        Critical_Freqs PK+          -13dBm         Final_Result PK+          Final_Result RMS

Test Report #:                   EMC_CALAM-071-18001_FCC_24_27_rev1                                             FCC ID: APV-3030LAB
Date of Report                     2019-01-24         Page 30 of 32                                             IC ID: 5843C-3030LAB

                                                                     Plot #31 Radiated Emissions: 1-3 GHz
                                                                                  Channel: High

                                -10                                                                                                                             -13dBm

                                                                                                                                          2.442500000 GHz
                 Level in dBm

                                                                                                                                             -38.263 dBm





                                  1G                                                                              2G                                                3G

                                                                                       Frequency in Hz

                                  Preview Result 1-PK+   Critical_Freqs PK+   -13dBm         Final_Result PK+          Final_Result RMS

                                                                     Plot #32 Radiated Emissions: 3-9 GHz
                                                                                  Channel: High

                                -10                                                                                                                             -13dBm

                 Level in dBm





                                  3G                                                    5G                        6                       7                 8       9G

                                                                                       Frequency in Hz

                                  Preview Result 1-PK+   Critical_Freqs PK+   -13dBm         Final_Result PK+          Final_Result RMS

    Test Report #:                EMC_CALAM-071-18001_FCC_24_27_rev1                                      FCC ID: APV-3030LAB
    Date of Report                  2019-01-24         Page 31 of 32                                      IC ID: 5843C-3030LAB

8       Test setup photos

        Setup photos are included in supporting file name: “EMC_CALAM-071-18001_FCC_Setup_Photos”

9       Test Equipment and Ancillaries Used For Testing

                 Item Name                          Equipment Type                 Manufacturer                  Model                Serial #                              Calibration
         Antenna Biconilog 3142E                    Biconlog Antenna                   EMCO                      3142E                166067            3 years              6/27/2017

          Magnetic Loop Antenna                       Loop Antenna                 ETS Lindgren                  6512                 164698            3 years              7/8/2017

            Antenna Horn 3115                         Horn Antenna                 ETS Lindgren                  3115                  35114            3 years              7/31/2017

          Antenna Horn 3117-PA                        Horn Antenna                 ETS Lindgren                3117-PA                169547            3 years              8/8/2017
             Digital Barometer                 Compact Digital Barometer                                      35519-055              91119547           2 Years              6/8/2017
                   FSV40                           Spectrum Analyzer                    R&S                     FSV40                 101022            2 years              5/7/2017

                   FSU26                           Spectrum Analyzer                    R&S                     FSU26                 200302            2 years              7/5/2017

      Thermometer Humidity TM320                 Thermometer Humidity                 Dickson                   TM320                1625369             3Year               6/1/2017
    Equipment used meets the measurement uncertainty requirements as required per applicable standards for 95% confidence levels.
    Calibration due dates, unless defined specifically, falls on the last day of the month. Items indicated “N/A” for cal status either do not specifically require calibration or is
    internally characterized before use.

 Test Report #:     EMC_CALAM-071-18001_FCC_24_27_rev1    FCC ID: APV-3030LAB
 Date of Report       2019-01-24         Page 32 of 32    IC ID: 5843C-3030LAB

10 Revision History

     Date                     Report Name                     Changes to report          Report prepared by
  2019-01-24      EMC_CALAM-071-18001_FCC_24_27_rev1     Adding ERP / EIRP evaluation.      Tri Nguyen
  2018-12-13        EMC_CALAM-071-18001_FCC_24_27                Initial Version            Tri Nguyen

Document Created: 2019-01-24 15:09:25
Document Modified: 2019-01-24 15:09:25

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