FCC ID: ALH30643110

Operational Description

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                                                             FCC   ID:ALH30633110
                                                             FCC   ID:ALH30633120
                                                             FCC   ID:ALH30633130
      X53—3880       CONTROL UNIT          TKR—740,840       FCC   ID:ALH30643110
                                                             FCC   ID:ALH30643120
                                                             FCC   1D:ALH30643130
Di    DA204U         DIODE            DC   CUT
D3    DA204U         DIODE           DC    CUT
D4    DA204U         DIODE           DC    CUT
D5    DA204U         DIODE           DC    CUT
D6    DA204U         DIODE           DC    CUT
D7    DA204U         DIODE           DC    CUT
D8    DA204U         DIODE           DC    CUT
D3    DA204U         DIODE           DC    CUT
D10   DA204U         DIODE           DC    CUT
D11   DA204U         DIODE           DC    CUT
D12   DA204U         DIODE           DC    CUT
D13   DA204U         DIODE           DC    CUT
D14   DA204U         DIODE           DC    CUT
D15   DA204U         DIODE           DC    CUT
D16   DA204U         DIODE           DC    CUT
D17   DA204U         DIODE           DC    CUT
D18   DA204U         DIODE           DC    CUT
D19   DA204U         DIODE           DC    CUT
D20   DA204U         DIODE           DC    CUT
D21   DA204U         DIODE           DC    CUT
D22   DA204U         DIODE           DC    CUT
D24   DA204U         DIODE           DC    CUT
D25   DA204U         DIODE           DC    CUT
D26   DA204U         DIODE           DC    CUT
D27   DA204U         DIODE           DC    CUT
D28   DA204U         DIODE           DC    CUT
D30   DA204U         DIODE           DC    CUT
D31   DA204U         DIODE           DC    CUT
D32   DA204U         DIODE           DC    CUT
D34   DA204U         DIODE           DC    CUT
D35   DA204U         DIODE           DC    CUT
D36   DA204U         DIODE           DC    CUT
D37   DA204U         DIODE           DC    CUT
D38   DA204U         DIODE           DC    CUT
D39   DA204U         DIODE           DC    CUT
D70   OLA301DB       LED ASSY        DI    SPLAY 7 SEGMENT
D70   1LA301DB       LED ASSY        DI    SPLAY 7 SEGMENT
D70   2B30—0864—0    5 LED           DI    SPLAY
D70   3B30—2198—0    § LED           DJ    SPLAY
D70   4830—2197—0    5 LED           DJ    SPLAY
D70   58B30—2198—0   5 LED           D1    SPLAY
D70   6DA204U        DIODE           DC    CUT
D70   THSMBBAS       DIODE           AG    C DETECT
D70   8DA204U        DiODE           DC    CUT
D7O   IHSMBB8AS      DIODE           AG    C DETECT
D71   1DA204U        DIODE           DC    CUT
D71   2DA204U        DIODE           DC    CUT
1C1   TC7S66FU       IC              AN    ALOG SWITCH
1C3   NJM78LO5UA     IC              AV
1C4   TATBOSF        IC              AV
1C§   NJM78LOB8UA    IC              AV
1C6   TA7SO5F        IC              AV
1C7   AT29C020—9     OTI 1C          FL

                                                                FCC   ID:ALH30633110
                                                                FCC   1D:ALH30633120
                                                                FCC   ID:ALH30633130
   1C10 RHSVL42C     1C            RE SET IC                    FCC   ID:ALH30643110
   1C12 NJM4558E    IC             AF AMP                       FCC   ID:ALH30643120
   1C13 NJM4558E    IC             AF AMP                       FCC   ID:ALH30643130
  1C14 BU4053BCF    iC             AN ALOG SWITCH
  1C15 TC74VHC245 FT IC            BU S TRANSCEIVER
  1G16 TC7AVHC245 FT IC            BU S TRANSCEIVER
  1C17 30622M4—10 3GP MPU          CP U/LCD DRIVER
  1C18 30622M4—10 3GP MPU          CP U/LCD DRIVER
  1C22 NJM4558E     IC             AF AMP
  1023 NJM4558E     IC             AF AMP
  1024 TC74HC4040 AF IC            CO UNTER
  1C25 TC7SO4F      IC             IN VERTER
  1027 PGM3000E     IC             CO DEC
  1029 BU4053BCF     1C            AN ALOG SWITCH
  1030 ADSP2185BS T133 1C          DS P
  1C31 NJM4558E     IC            AF AMP
  1C32 NJM4558E     1C            AF AMP
  1C33 M6é2364FP    IC             D/ A CONVERTER(ADJUSTMENT)
  1034 NJM4558E     IC            AF AMP
  1035 TC7S32FU     IC            OR GATE
  1036 NJM4558E    IC             AF AMP
  1037 BU4053BCF   C              AN ALOG SWITCH
  1038 TC7S0O0FU   IC             NA ND GATE
  1039 BU4O94BCFV 1C              SH IFT REGISTOR
  10640 NJM4558E   1C             AF AMP
 1042 ADM232LAR 1C                DC #NAME?
 1C46 TC7S32FU     IC             OR GATE
 1C47 TC7S32FU     IC             OR GATE
 1C48 TC7S32FU     1C             OR GATE
 1C49 TC7S32FU     o              OR GATE
 1C70 OBU2114F     IC             SH IFT REGISTOR
 1C70 1BU2114F     IC             SH IFT REGISTOR
 1070 2BU2114F     IC             SH IFT REGISTOR
 1070 3BU2114F     1C             SH IFT REGISTOR
 1C70 4ANJM78LO5UA 1C             AV R
 1C70 5TA7BLOSF    1C             AV R
 1C70 GNJM7BLO5UA 1C              AV R
 Q1     2SK 1824   FET            BE AT SHIFT SWITCH
 QsS    2SK1824    FET            BE AT SHIFT SWITCH
 @70 02SA158§(Y, GR) TRANSISTOR   AG C AMP
 @70 12S5C4116(Y¥) TRANSISTOR     AG C AMP

                                                                 FCC 1D:ALH30643110

                       X56—3050~—1 0SK      TX UNIT TKR—840

D7     1SV128           DIGDE                        RF SW
D8     DA204U          DIODE                         CUEERNT STEERING
D11 159355             DIODE                         CUEERNT STEERING
D12 1$$355             DIODE                         CUEERNT STEERING
D50 830—2130—05        LED                           DISPLAY
D51 —B30—2130—05       LED                           DISPLAY
D52 830—2048—05        LED                           DISPLAY
D101 1SV128            DIODE                         RF SW
D103 1SV128            DIODE                         RF SW
D205 HSMB88AS          DIODE                         RF DET
©206 MINISMDCO75—02    VARISTOR                      CURRENT PROTECT
D207 199355            DiODE                         CUEERNT STEERING
D303 ERZ~M14DK220M     SURGE A8 SORBER               CURRENT PROTECT
D304 155355            DIODE                         CURRENT STEERING
D305 DSM3MA!1          DIODE                         REVERSE VOLTAGE OROTECT
D306 HSMB8AS           DIODE                         RF DET
D307 HSMS88AS          DIODE                         RF DET
©308 HSMSBAS           DIODE                         RF DET
D310 MINISMDCO75—02    VARISTOR                      CURRENT PROTECT
D312 02CZ12(X,Y)       ZENER DL ODE                  VOLTEGE REF.
D317 159355            DIODE                         CURRENT STEERING
D318 159355            DIODE                         CURRENT STEERING
D500 MINISMDE190       VARISTOR                      CURRENT PROTECT
1C1    TA7B08S         IC                            AVR
102    NJM7BLO8UA      IC                            AVR
I1C3   M62364FP        IC                            ELECTRIC VOLUME
1C4     BU4O94BCFV     1C                            SHIFT REGSTOR
105    TCT4HC14AF      1C                            INVERTOR
1C100 TA7SSO1F         IC                            AVR
1C101 SA7O25DK         IC                            PLL
1C102 TA75S01F         IC                            AVR
1C103 NJM78LOSUA       IC                            AVR
iC105 NJM4558E         1C                            OP AMP
1C106 AT2408N10S12.5   IC                            EEPROM
1G107 NJM4558E         IC                            OP AMP
1C 108 NJM7BLO8UA      IC                            OP AMP
1C109 NJM2904E         IC                            OP AMP
IC 110 NJM7BLO5UA      IC                            AVR
16200 TC4S81F          IC                            OP AMP
10201 SA7O25DK         IC                            PLL
1C202 AD983§BRU        MOS 1C                        DDS
10203 NJM2904E         IC                            OP AMP
10204 NJM2903M         1C                            COMPARATOR
10205 NJM78L.05UA      IC                            AVR
1C301 MB8732HA         IC                            POWER MODULE

                                                         FCC ID:ALH30643110

 10302 OP291GS          IC               OP AMP
 10303 OP291GS          IC               OP AMP
 10304 TC4WGGF          IC               MULTIPLEXER
Q1     2SK508(K52)     FET               OSC
Q2      2S5K508(K52)    FET              OSC
Qs      25C3722K(S)    TRANSIST OR       DC SW
Q4     2SC3722K(S)     TRANSIST OR       DC SW       *
Q§5    25K1824         FET               DC SW
QB     285C4226(R24)   TRANSIST OR       RF AMP
Q7     2S5C3722K(S)    TRANSIST OR       RIPPLE FILTER
Q8     DTC114EUA       TRANSIST OR       DC SW
@9     25C4226(R24)    TRANSIST OR       RF AMP
Q11 2SB1386(R)         TRANSIST OR       DC SW
Q12 DTC114EUA          TRANSIST OR       DC SW
Q13 25C4093(R27)       TRANSIST OR       RF AMP
Q14 2503357            TRANSIST OR       RF AMP
Q15 2SK302(Y)          FET               BUFF
Q17 25K1824            FET               DC SW
Q18     25K1824        FET               DC SW
Q21 UMCS               TRANSIST OR       DC SW
Q22 2SK1824            FET               DC SW
Q102 25C4215(Y)        TRANSIST OR       BUFF
Q106 2504215(Y)        TRANSIST OR       RF AMP
Q107 25C4226(R24)      TRANSIST OR       RF AMP
Q108 2504215(Y)        TRANSIST OR       RF AMP
Q109 285C4215(Y)       TRANSIST OR       RF AMP
Q110 UMCS              TRANSIST OR       DC SW
Q112 2S5K1824          FET               DC SW
Q113 2SK1824           FET               DC SW
Q114 DTATT4EUA         TRANSIST OR       DC SW
Q115 28C4215(Y)        TRANSIST OR       RF AMP
Q201 25C4215(Y)        TRANSIST OR       RF AMP
201 25C4215(Y)         TRANSIST OR       RF AMP
Q203 25K1824           FET               DC SW
@205 2504215(Y)        TRANSIST OR       RF AMP
Q206 2SK1824           FET               DC SW
@207 DTCTI14EUA        TRANSIST OR       DC SW
240 25C4215(Y)         TRANSIST OR       RF AMP
Q241 2504215(Y)        TRANSIST OR       RF AMP
@242 2504215(Y)        TRANSIST OR       RF AMP
301 2S5C4081(R)        TRANSIST OR       DC AMP
©302 IMHS              TRANSIST OR       DC SW
@304 IMHS              TRANSIST OR       DC SW
@305 DTC114EUA         TRANSIST OR       DC SW
©306 2SB951A(Q)        TRANSIST OR       DC AMP
@307 FMWI1             TRANSIST OR       DC AMP
@308 UMCS              TRANSIST OR       DC SW
309 2SB951A(Q)         TRANSIST OR       DC AMP
Q310 FMW1              TRANSIST OR   ~   DC AMP
Q311 DTC114EUA         TRANSIST OR       DC SW
Q312 DTC114EUA         TRANSIST OR       DC SW
Q313 DTCI14EUA         TRANSIST OR       DC SW

                                                                            FCC 1D:ALH30643110
                                                                            FCC ID:ALH30643120
                                                                            FCC ID:ALH30643130
        xX55—3060—10SK             RX UNIT     TKR—840

 Al      M77K—A            DBM                           DOUBLE BALANCED MIXER
 D1      155355            DIODE       .                 LOCK DETECT SWITCH
D10     DAN2Z35K          DIODE                          RF SWITCH
D11     DAN202U           DIODE                          SQ SWITCH
D12     B30—2130—05       LED                            LOCK DETECT LED
D13     B30—2130—05       LED                            LOCK DETECT LED
 1G1    SA7O25DK          1C                             PLL IC
1C2     NJM78LOSUA        IC                             AVR
1C3     BU4O94BCFV        1C                             SHIIFT REGISTOR
1C4     TATBO8S           IC                             AVR
1CS     NJM2904E          1C                             DC AMP
1C6     BU4053BCF         1C                             ANALOG SWITCH
1CG7    TA31137FN         1C                             FM IF 1C
1C8     TA31137FN         IC                             FM IF 1C
1C9     M6é2364FP         1C                             D/A CONVERTER(ADJUSTMENT)
IG10    AT2408BN10S12.5   1C                             EEPROM
I1C11   NJM4558E          1C                             AF AMPLIFIER
1C12    NJM4558E          I1C                            AF AMPLIFIER
1C13    NJM7B8LO8UA       IC                             AVR
1C14    NJM2904E          1C                             DC AMP
I1C15   LMX1511 TMX       1C                             PLL IC
1G16    NJM78L.05UA       IC                             AVR
I1C17   NJM7BLO8UA        IC                             AVR
1G18    TC7SBIF           1C                             AND GATE
I1C19   TC74HC14AF        IC                             INVERTER
1C20    AD9835BRU         MoOS 1C                        pos
1C21    NJM7BLOSUA        I1G                            AVR
1022    TC7S66FU          1C                             ANALOG SWITCH
1C23    TCIS66FU          1C                             ANALOG SWITCH
Q1      28503357          TRANSIST OR                    RF LOCAL AMP
Q3      2503356           TRANSIST OR                    RF LOCAL AMP
Q4      25C4081(R)        TRANSIST OR                    REF. AMP
Q5      2503357           TRANSIST OR                    RF LOCAL AMP
Q6      2804226(R24)      TRANSIST OR                    BUFFER AMP
Q7      2503357           TRANSIST OR                    RF AMP
QB8     2SK508(K53)       FET                            vco
9       2SK508(K53)       FET                            veo
Q10     2SC3722K(S)       TRANSIST OR                    VCO SWITCH
Q12     25C3722K(S)       TRANSIST OR                    VCO SWITCH
Q13     DTCI14EUA         TRANSIST OR                    VCO SWITCH
Q14     2$504226(R24)     TRANSIST OR          *         BUFFER AMP
Q15     28C4215(Y)        TRANSIST OR                    REF. AMP
Q16     28B1386(R)        TRANSIST OR                    DC SWITCH (NARROW)
Q17     2SC3722K(S)       TRANSIST OR                    RIPPLE FILTER
Q18     DTC114EUA         TRANSIST OR                    DC SWITCH (NARROW}
Q13     BDTCT14EUA        TRANSIST OR                    DC SWITCH (NARROW)
@20     2SB1386(R)        TRANSIST OR                    DC SwITCH (WIDE)
Q21     2SK508(K53)       FET                            vCo
Q22     DTC114EUA         TRANSIST OR                    DC SWITCH (WIDE)

                                                FCC ID:ALH30643110
                                                FCC ID:ALH30643120
                                                FCC ID:ALH30643130
Q23 2804215(Y¥)   TRANSIST OR   BUFFER AMP
Q24 2503357       TRANSIST OR   IF AMP
Q25 2503357       TRANSIST OR   IF AMP
Q27 28504215(Y)   TRANSIST OR   BUFFER AMP
Q28 25C4081(R)    TRANSIST OR   SQ AMP
Q31 2503357       TRANSIST OR   IF AMP
Q32 2503357       TRANSIST OR   IF AMP
Q34 2SJ106(GR)    FET           SQ SwITCH
@35 2SJ106(GR)    FET           SQ SwiITCH
39 2504081(R)     TRANSIST OR   BUFFER AMP

                                                                                       FCC ID:ALH30643110

                                                                                       FCC ID:ALH30643120

                                                                                       FCC 1D:ALH30643130

TKR—840 Circuit              Description

The TKR—840 is a UHF—bandrelay radio unit for business radio applications.
It has the following features:
®     High—performance model with enhanced       basic functions
      QT and DQT signalling function for waiting 16 signals at the same time

      Various remote functions that can be used by base stations

      Fine frequency steps using DDS

      Signalling encoding and AF processing with DSP

    Transmitter Unit
The transmitter unit (X56—305 A/3) consists of the following circuits:(1) internal
/ external reference circuit. (2) transmit reference PLL circuit. (3) transmit DDS circuit.
(4) transmit main PLL circuit. (5) driver circuit, (6) modulation level adjustment circuit.
and (7) other circuits

{1) Theinternal /external reforence eireuit switehes between the internal +/—1.0ppm

/ 20M1z TCXO (X101) and the 10M Hz external reforence automatically. If there is no
external reference input, the internal TCXO is used as the reference frequency. When
an    external reference (10MHz/ —10dBm or higher) is input . the external reference is
automatically used as the reference frequency.    The circuit Of
@102 .9106. XF210.Q109.D101.0103.015.X101.9205.D0205.@206.1C204.q110.Q114.Q11
2.Q113.Q108.XF211.and Q116.

(2) The transmit reference PLL circuit generates the reference frequency signal
     (19.2MHz) for the transmit DDS and modulates the low—frequency components of QT
     and DQT .       This circuit consists of 1C201,X201,Q20L.and Q202 The signal
     generated by the VCO is fed to buffer amplifiee Q202 and unwanted harmonic
     components are removed with a LPF . The resulting signal goes to PLL IC (IC201).
     and its pbhase is compared with that of the reference using the comperieng
     frequency of 200kHz. The phase difference signal is converted to a direct current
     voltage by a laglead type loopfilter. The capacity of D201 and D204 is varied by the
     direct current voltage to keep the VCO oscillator frequency 19.2MHz . The 19.2MHz
     oscillatorsignal is fed to Q241 and used as the reference frequency signal for the
     transmit DDS,

                                                                                        FCC ID:ALH30643110

                                                                                        FCC ID:ALH3064312¢

                                                                                        FCC 1D:ALH30643130

(3) The transmit DDS cireuit produce the reference frequency signal (4.5MH2) for the
    DDS PLL and modulates the low—frequency components of digital pager modulation.
   This circuit of 1C241.1C20210C107.1C207.@207.and Q242. The 19.2MHz signal
   coming from the transmit sub PLL is amplified by Q241 and fed to 1€C202. 1C202
   produces the about 4.5MHz reference frequency signal for the transmit main PLL
   based on 19.2MH7z signal. Since the comparison frequency of the transmit main PLL
   is 100kHz. the PLL frequencystep is 100kHz. However, fine frequency step. such as
   2.5kHz and 1.25kHz. can be used because the DDS output frequency is variable.
   IC202   can   perform    binary   FSK   modulation.   Digital   pager   modulation    is
   implemented by applying low—range modulation to DDS and high—range modulation
   to the transmit main PLL. There is a two—stage butterworth filter               (cutoff
   frequencty:3.2kHz) consisting of IC102 in the high—range modulation line. The
   C102 shift inputis delayed by IC107 and IC207 to maintain phase balance between
   the low and high ranges. (See the level adjustment circuit description.)

(4) The transmit main PLL circuit produces the transmit frequency signal and consists
   of VCO‘s (Q1 and Q2) and a single—chip PLL IC (IC101).            When transmitting
   450.000MHz to 461.995M1lz for F1 destination. 480.000 to 496.995MHz for F2
   destination. and 400.000 to 414.995M1Hz for F3 destination. the Q1 VCO oxcillates.
   When transmitting 465.000MHz to 480.000MHz for F1 destination. 497.000 to
   512.000MHz for F2 destination, and 415.000 to 430.000MHz for F3 destination. the
   Q1 VCO oscillates. IC101 divides the VCO oscillator signal and the transmit PLL
   reference signal (4.5MHz) and     the phase is compared with the 100kHz comparison
   frequency. The phase difference signal is converted to a direct current signal with a
   laglead type loopfilter. The direct current signal is applied to varicap D1,D3.D2.D4
   to lock the VCO oscillator frequency with the desired oscillator frequency. At the
   same time , the direct current signal passes through the IC109 operational amplifier
   and buffer amplifier, and is output as a voltage (CVT) for monitoring the transmit
   main PLL lock voltage.

(5) The driver circuit amplifiers the transmit frequency signal to the level required for

   input to the final unit (X66—305 B/3) This circuit consists of high—frequency
   amplifier Q9.high—frequency switch DT. high—frequency amplifiee Q13 .high —
   frequency amplifier Q14. and switching elements Q203.Q8.Q10.Q12 and Q11. The
   transmit signal level input to Q13 is about 0dBm . Since it is amplified by about
   150B by Q13.and also amplified by about 8dB by Q14. the outputfrom Q14 becomes

                                                                                      FCC ID:ALH30643110

                                                                                      FCC ID:ALH30643120

                                                                                      FCC ID:ALH30643130

   about 200mW. Since it is attenuated according to destination with the R257.R258.
   and attenuators. the output is 20dBm(about 100mW) at the CN1 drive output

(6) The level adjustment circuit adjusts the modulation signal level to provide a
   prescribed modulation and adjusts transmission power. This circuit consists of
   1C105.1C3.1C100.1C102.1C203.1C208. and Q21.        IC3 is an electronic volume IC. The
   signalling frequency change adjustment . signalling modulation balance adjustment.
   digital pager modulation balance adjustment. maximum sound frequency change.
   and the reference voltage setting for transmission power adjustment are performed
   according to data from the CPU using the FPU. IC105 is a modulation signal
   summing amplifier (A/Z) and        a signalling signal amplitude fine—adjustment
   amplifier (B/2). IC102 is a platter filter for digital pager modulation and has the
   same characteristic of a two—stage butterworth filter with a cutoff frequency of
   3.2kHz . 1C203 is a DC amplifier that amplifies the transmission power reference
   voltage generated by IC3. Q21 outputs 5V to the final unit as an H/L signal when the
   transmission power mode is "LOW and outputs OV when the transmission power
   mode is "HIGIT.

(7) In addition . IC106 is an EEPROM. The transmission adjustment data adjusted for
   each unit is written into the EEPROM. If the unit is installed in anotherset, it is not

   necessary to adjust it again from the beginning . but only fine—adjustment is
   necessary for each unit. ICLIC2IC103.1C108 and IC110 are three—pin constant—
   voltage power supply IC‘s . Each circuit contains its own power IC to maintain
   isolation between circuits.

The final unit (X56—305 B/3) mainly amplifies transmission power to a specified level.
This unit consists of the following circuits:; (1) power module. (2) harmonic wave
elimination circuit. (3) progressive wave power/ reflected wave power detection circuit.
(4) APC circuit. (5) abnormal temperature detection circuit. (6) common mode unwanted
radiation prevention circuit and (7) AVR cireait.

(1) The power module IC301 is a power module M68732** for portable transceivers. The
   driver output of the transmit unit passes through an attenuator . Which differs with
   destinations, and enters an input pin (pin 1:RFI) of power module IC301. The power

                                                                                      FCC ID:ALH30643110

                                                                                      FCC ID:ALH30643120

                                                                                      FCC ID:ALH30643130

      module 1C301 amplifies power according to the voltage at the amplification control
      pin (pin 2:VGG) and output it from the output pin (pin 4:RFO).

(2) The harmonic wave elimination circuit uses a three—stage "pi" type Chebyshev type
      LPF consisting of L301.L302.1L303.0307.0312.C315 and C316. This circuit removes
      harmonic wave components from the transmission power amplified by the power
      module and sends the resulting signal to the progressive wave power / reflective
      power detection circuit.

(3) The progressive wave power / reflective wave power detection circuit consists of a
      CM coupling type detection circuit formed by a strip line and a direct current
      amplifier IC303(A/2,B/2), which are used in high—power mode . and a capacity
      coupling double—voltage detection circuit and direct current amplifier 1C0302(A/2).
      which are used in low—power mode. The transmission power which passes through
      the strip line is output from CN308.

(4) The APC cireuit consists of differential amplificr 1€302 (1B/2). divrect current
      amplifier Q301. analog switch 1C304 .and switching transistors Q312 and Q313. The
      high—power / low—power detection values are switched by analog switch IC304. The
      power setting range in high—power mode is 1 to 5W. The power setting range in low—
      power mode is 100mW to about 2W.

(5) The abnormal temperature detection circuit consists of thermal switch TS301 and
      digital transistorQ302 . This circuit disable the transmission power amplification
      function and prevents temperature rise to protect the circuit when the final unit
      temperature rise excessively (95C or higher) and the circuits cannot be safely

(6)    Common mode unwanted radiation prevention circuit. The TKR—840 has a filter
      L304 at the power line inlet in the final unit to reduce common mode unwanted
      radiation from the power cable.

(7) The AVR circuit is designed to provide the power supply voltage required to operate
      power module IC301. This circuit consists of Q306,9307.0312.9310.@305. and D317.

                                                                                      PUL IU;ALHSUbASLIU

                                                                                      FCC ID:ALH30643120

                                                                                      FCC ID:ALH30643130

   For continuous operation (100% duty). there are two large—current AVRs with
   discrete for the power module using low—heat—resistant power transistor 25B951A to
   prevent concentration of heat. The 8V AVR is controlled by 8T. anda time constant is
   set at the beginning of output to start transmission power smoothly and prevent
   band spreading.

The receiver unit (X55—306) consists of the following circuits: (1) front—end circuit .(2)

narrow IF circuit, (3) wide IF circuit .(4) receiver main PLL circuit. (5) receive sub PLL
circuit. (6) receive DDS circuit, (7) base—bandcircuit. and (8) other circuit.

(1) The front—end circuit consists of BPF L3. high—frequency amplifier Q7 ,BPF L16.
   mixer DBM Al. and IF switching circuit D10. The helical BPF covers frequency
   range F1l: 450.000 to 480.000MHz .F2:480.000 to 512.000MHz.and F3:400.000 to
   430.000MHz.and the spread for FL.F2, and F3 is 5.0MHz.         The BPF L16 attenuates
   the unwanted out—of—band high—frequency components produced by high—frequency
   amplificr Q7 and unwanted components. and sends only the necessary signal to
   mixer DBM AL . The mixor DBM A1l mixer the first loca) oseillator signal generated
   by the finst local oscillator PLL with the receive signal coming from the helieal BPF
   L16 to produce a first IF signal (73.05MH2). The first IF signal is fed to the narrow

   IF or wide IF circuit by the following D10.

(2) The narrow IF circuit operates during narrow—band reception and consists of two—
   pole MCF XF2, four—pole MCF XF4. IF amplifiee Q25,. IF amplifier Q32, FM
   detection IC IC7 .ceramic filter CF1.CF3 . The unwanted components of the removed
   by two—pole MCF XF4 and the resulting signal is amplified by [F amplifier Q25 and
   Q32. The FM IC IC7 produces the secondIF signal (450kHz) , ceramic filter CFland
   CF3 remove unwanted components. and an IF amplifier amplifies the signal, and
   the quadruture detection circuit FM—detects the signal to produce a base—band signal
   and output it from pin 15. The base—band signal passes through analog switch IC18.
   inversion amplifier IC16(B/2). Jow—frequency amplifier IC11 (A/Z2 and B/2), and
   IC11(A/2), and goes to the YO input of multiplexer IC9 and the V2 input of electronic
   volume 1C9. The level of the signal that enters V2 of the electronic volume IC is
   adjusted, the signal passes through the hysteresis circuit AF switch Q34, goes to IC7
   noise filter input (pin 17) .and high—frequency components are removed by a HPF
   consisting of external CRs. The signal is noise—detected and compared ,and the noise

                                                                                        PCC ID:ALH30643110

                                                                                        FCC ID:ALH30643120

                                                                                        FCC ID:ALH30643130

     squelch signal (N—DET) is fed to DC switch Q36. The voltage signal (RSSH) from the
     two second IF amplifiers in IC7 are compared with the reference voltage set by
 +   electronic volume V4 by the internal RSSI comparator .and the RSSI squelch signal
     (C—DET) is output from pin 20 of IC7.    C—DET enter DC switch Q37 and is ANDed
     with the N—DET by DC switch Q38 . A squelch signal (SC) is output from connector

(3) The wide IF circuit consists of two—pole MCF XF1,. four—pole MCF XF3, IF amplifier
     Q24. IF amplifier Q31. FM detection IC IC8 .ceramic filter CF2,CF4 . The unwanted
     components of the removed by two—pole MCF XF1 and four—pole MCF XF3 and the
     resulting signal is amplified by IF amplifier Q24 and Q31. The FM IC IC7 produces
     the second IF signal (450kHz) . ceramic filter CF2 and CF4 remove unwanted
     components, and an IF amplifier amplifies the signal, and the quadruture detection
     circuit FM—detects the signal to produce a base—band signal and output it from pin 15.
     The base—band signal passes through analog switch ICZ1, inversion amplifier
     IC15(A/2). low—frequency amplifiee IC12 (A/2).      and goes to the Y1 input of
     multiplexer IC and the V1 input of electronic volume IC9. The level of the signal that
     enters ¥1 of the electronic volume IC is adjusted. the signal passes through the
     hysteresis civeuit AF switch Q35. goes to 1CB noise filter input (pin 17) .and bigh—

     frequency components are removed by a HPF consisting of external CRs. The signal
     is noise—detected and compared .and the noise squelch signal (N—DET) is fed to DC
     switch Q36. The voltage signal (RSST) from the two second IF amplifiers in ICS are
     compared with the reference voltage set by electronic volume V3 by the internal
     RSSI comparator.and the RSSI squelch signal (C—DET) is output from pin 20 of ICS.
     C—DET enter DC switch Q37 and is ANDed with the N—DET by DC switch Q38 . and
     output as a squelch signal (SC) .

(4) The receiver main PLL circuit consists of VCOs (Q8.99) and a single—chip PLL IC
     IC1 .buffer amplifier Q14 ,high—frequency amplifier Q3.Q1.Q5, and Q6. The first
     local oscillator is an lower heterodyne local oscillator .and the VCO oscillator
     frequency is F1:376.950 to 406.950MHz.F2:406.950 to 438.950MHz, F3:326.950 to
     356.950MHz. In addition .two VCOs cover two bands: The Q8 covers the lower band
     and the Q9 VOC covers the upper band . PLL IC compares the 4.5MHz signal from
     the receive DDS circuit and the VCO signal with the 100kHz comparison frequency.

                                                                                         FCC ID:ALH30643110

                                                                                         FCC 1D:ALH30643120
                                                                                         FCC ID:ALH30643130

(5) The receive sub PLL circuit produces a second local oscillator signal for the
    receiver .and consists of PLL IC IC15 . crystal oscillator X1. oscillator FET
   Q21 .buffer amplifier Q23 high—frequency amplifier Q15. Q30. Q33. and emitter
   follower Q27. The VCO cons ts of a erystal oscillator circuit (Q21 and X1) and
   varicap D9.

(6) The receive DDS    circuit varies the reference frequency of the receive main PLL to

   implement fine frequency steps which cannot be achieved by a single—loop PLL. This
   circuit comprises IC20. Q33. Q39. and CF5. The output frequency is used as the
   reference frequency for the receive main PLL.

(7) The base—band signal circuit consists of HPF Q26,. LPF Q28.D11.and Q29. The base—
   band signals detected by the narrow FM and wide FM detection circuit de—
   emphasized by LPF Q28. The sub—audio band components of the signal are removed
   by HPF Q26 . and the resulting signal is switched with a squelch signal by D11 and
   29. and output as an RA signal from CNS.

(8) In addition . the receiver circuit contains an EEPROM (IC10) as in the transmitter
   circuit.   Adjustment data for cach unit and the last channel data are written into
   the EEPROM .        1IC2IC4.IC13.and IC16 are three—pin constant voltage power
   supply ICs . Q17 is a ripple filter for the power supplied to the first local oscillator
   PLL VCO .      1C3 is a shift register.    Q16.Q18.Q19,Q@20.and Q22 are switching

Control Circuit
The control unit (X53—388) consists of the following circuit : (1) main CPU ,(2) sub
CPU,(3) DSP circuit, (4) AF PA circuit .(5) display circuit .(6) base—band circuit .(7)
Microphone AGC circuit. (8) RS—232C circuit . (9) power supply circuit.

(1) The main CPU (IC17) is a 16bit single—chip microcomputer containing a 128k ROM
   and 5k RAM. This CPU controls the siub CPU .the flash ROM , and the DSP .
   encodes high—speed and low—speed data. controls the transmitter unit. The receiver
   unit, the control unit. and the display circuit and transfers data to or from an
   external device.

                                                                                      FCC ID:ALH30643110

                                                                                      FCC ID:ALH30643120

                                                                                     FCC ID:ALH30643130

(2) The sub CPU (IC18) is of the same type as the main CPU. but is programmed so that
   it operate as the sub CPU by connecting its pin 18 to GND (pin 18 of the main CPU
   is connected to Vdd).    The sub CPU mainly function as an VO expander . and
   controls the flash ROM . DSP. and extended 1/O.

(3) The DSP circuit filters transmit / receive audio signal and decodes signalling
   (QT.DQT). This circuit consists of 1C30.1024.1C27.1C22.1C31.1C34. and I1C25. The
   receive signal DET is converted from ‘analog to digital by IC27 with a sampling
   frequency of 16.128kHz. The digitized audio signal is sent to DSP IC30 to process
   the signalling signal and audio signal. The processed digital audio signal is fed to
   cordec IC27 . converted from digital to analog. and the analog signal is output from
   pin (VoutR). Then .the audio signal is amplified by 1C34 (ICB/2). passes through the
   1C34 (A/2) low—pass filter .and goes to multiplexer IC37. The transmit audio signal
   coming from pin 13 of 1029 is amplified by 1C22 (B/2), fed to pin 6 (VinR) of cordec
   1C27. and converted from analog to digital at a sampling frequency of 16.128kHz .
   The digitized transmit audio signal is AGC—processed. pre—emphasizedand filtered
   at 300Hz to 3kHz by DSP 1030 . and the resulting signal is fed back to cordee IC27.
   and converted from digital to analog. and the analog signal is output from pin 15
   (VoutL). The transmit signal from VoutL is amplified by IC34 (B/2), passes through
   the 1034 (A/2) low—pass filter, and goes to the IC12 (A/2) summing amplifier. 1C25 is
   a counter IC and the clock required for the cordec and DSPis generated by dividing
   the 16.515MHz clock signal produced by DSP 1C30.

(4) The AF PA circuit is an AF amplifier for driving speakers to monitor receive audio

   signal.   This cireuit consists of IC45.   The 4W audiooutput can be provided to
   external speaker by supplying power supply voltage 13.8V/4 ohms through the 15—
   pin test connector "SPO.SPG® on the rear panel.        The output impedance of the
   internal speaker is adjusted to provide an audio output of about 0.2W when the
   internal speaker installed on this model front panel is used.

(5) The display circuit contains T—segment LED D700,D701 (orange: see the operation
   manual for details of display) DTO3 (green: cireuit power supply). D7O4 (red:
   transmission). D705 (green: busy), two—color LED D702 (green: internal: red
   external reference state ). LEDs in switches $700 to $705,1C700.1C701.1€702 and

                                                                                          FCC ID:ALH30643110

                                                                                          FCC ID:ALH30643120

                                                                                          FCC ID:ALH30643130

   IC703 to display this model channels and states. 1C700 to 1C703 are shift registers
   which convert serial data from the CPU to parallel data and light LEDs .
   Q706.q9707.q9708.9709.and Q710 are switching transistors which control two—color
   LED D702. 1C704,1C705. and 1C706 are three—pin power supply ICs which produce
   power used for the display circuit.

(6) The base—band circuit switches between the modulation signal to the transmitter
   unit. demodulation signal from the receiver unit. and remote audio and adjusts their
   levels.    This circuit consists of 1C12.1C13.1C14.1C29.1C32.1C33.1C36. and I1C4O.
   Modulation inputs include local microphone input. repeat audio input (RTA). low—
   speed data (LSD). high—speed data (HSD), external audio input (TA) . external data
   input (TD), and remote modulation input (RTA), and demodulation outputs include
   receive audio output (RA). receive data output (RD). and remote receive audio (RRA).
   The multiplexer (IC14.1C29.1C37) changes signals. the electronic volume (IC33)
   adjusts the level . and the operational amplifiee (IC12IC13.1C32.1C36.1C42)
   amplifier and sums signals.

(7) The microphone AQGC circuit AGC—amplifies an audio signal coming from a local
   microphone so that it dose not saturates.              This cireuit consists of 1C23
   D707.10709,0700. and D701.        The AGC is operated by controlling the + and —side
   levels of amplitude using the current obtained by positive and negative detection of
   the amplified audio signal.

(8) The RS—232C circuit connects the RS—232C serial port of a personal computer
   directly to   this model to perform FPU operation.         The FPU operation can also be
  performed by connecting a programming cable (KPG—46) to the local microphone on
  the front panel.      But . if the D—sub connector on the rear panel is used. the

  programming cable is not required.           The 232C driver IC (IC14) changes the TTL—
  232C level .    The FPU (KPG—47D) has a new transmitter / receiver circuit monitor

   function    (fransmission:   transmission    progressive   power   display.   transmission

  reflective power display. transmit main PLL lock voltage display: reception :RSSI
  display . receive main PLL lock voltage display).       Data requiredfor this function is
  also transferred through the RS—232C serial port.             The firmware can only be
  rewritten with the local microphone on the front panel.

                                                                                       FCC 1D:ALH30643110

                                                                                       FCC ID:ALH30613120

                                                                                      FCC ID:ALH30643130

(9) The power supplycircuit generates power to operate the CPU .DSP .flash ROM. bi—
   directional buffer. and base—band circuit .   this circuit consists of IC3.IC4.1C5. and

                                                                   TUNING                      PROCEDURE
Main PG AdjustmentiTKR~640,
    No                  Ttem                                  Condiaen                       NMeasuament point                    Method            Fqvipment                             Spec
     2                 Set uo                     Install a 1 7is and powerscpoly
               RD euigut Levellwide]                                                                ANT 30                        PGAdL             Redio tester                       dOnVz3mY

                                                                                          8—Sub RD terminal(Figin}
     2       RDociput Level{narrow] 0h 10. 463 iMHz—2308m(0—107                                     ANT 80 .
                                                 Ch 10. 199 TMHz/~8308m(0—11} :
                                                 Ch 10. 415 !MHe—230Bm(0—12)
     7         RA_avteut         Leveitwige? |                                                                                    PG Adl_|          Redie tester                      200mV2Z0nY
                                                                       ~8308m(0—12) 1.
                                                                   EV                               iA terminal( Fioin}
                                                 Ch70. 465 !Mhz—~330Bm(0—10)|.                      ANT_SG                        PG Adi            |__Redio tester _                 400mY220mV
                                                 Ch7 0. 490.!MHz—5300m(0—1 1/

                                                           FanOD—LSRDEV                   D—Sub —RA terminallIipin)
    5.        RRA aciest Levellmde?              ..Ch4. 463.1MHs. —090@m(0—10)                      ANT_SG                         Check        Redio tester                          400m¥+ 200¥
                                                                               1(01 1)
                                                           TAMOD/IADEY                    Remart 170 terminal()ein /
1 8.         [RRd Lomtact Levelnarrow] |.Ch10, 483 1MHez:—edaimt0— 107.                             ANT: So                        Check        Radio tester                          T00mVz=20mY,
                                                 Ch10, 490 1MH2——230Bm(0—11/                                                                                                   i
                                                 Ch10.4                                  HETCC                            ;
                             ;                             TkMOD.1.SkDEV                  Remort 10 terminal{ipin)
     7         Yegne Tene Levei{wide)                      {—Center_. Ch4                          Remexe SC     .                PC Adi..}..   Redie.tester. |......                 400m¥320mY
                                                      Voting Tone:1950Hz                  D—Sub _RA terminal(1!pin}
.8 ml Voung Tone.Levei(narrase)                         /—GentersCh10                           Remeve SG                      PC Ad:}..        Redio tester; .                     : 400mY—+20mV.
                 ;                                    Voting Tone:1950Nz                  D—Sib ~RA terminal(1 loin)                              :
     2         ...    Max Dev(wide)                    veo—A(Le) Ch1                         MIC terminal 6gin                                      MODANA                          4. LikHz + 0 260
                                                        1kHz /SOmV load                                                                               AG
                                                     YCO—A(Genter) ChZ                                                                              MODANA                                                  .
     11..,                                             YCO—~AHI] Ch3                                                                                MODANA
     12                                                YCQ—B(Le}. Chd                                                                               mogana
     13                                              VCO—B(Genter) ChS                                                                                  G2ANA ...
                                                                                                                              PC Adi.               mogana                          1. Zkte 2 O 1kz
                                                      veqarm)oS ___                                                           _                     werame_ |._
                                                      vOQ—B(Le).. Ch10                                                                              MORANA              ...
    19                                              YCO—B(Center) Ch11                                                                              MODANA              ....
                                                                                                                                                5       20.
                                                       Co—8(1)..Ch12                                                                                w

                                                                                                                                  Check_|__         MODANA                           3+ 0.25kHz
                                                      TkHz/4. Sm\ load                                                                                4G
    22                                              veq—8(                                                                                          MODANA
    23               Mc Dev{natrow)                 veQ—A(Cener) Ca8                         MIC tecunal bpin                  Check                MGDANA                            1.520 Tkhz
                                                      Thz/5.6mV load                                                                                  AG
.2             >                                   VCO—B(Center) Ch 17                                                                          MOpANA
                                                                                                  :                                       46                                                 u_
    25               DQT belance (wide)             YGO—A(Center) ChZ.                      D—Sub__ TD terminal               PC Ad..|___MGDANA                         Make the demedulation wave square
                                                  50H2705Vop square wave                            (épin)                                a6                                             '
_ 26                                              LYCO—B(Center) ChS                                                                            megane
    27         DQ@T.belance (narrow)                VCO—A(Center). ChB                     .D—Sub TD terminal                 PG Adj.|          M0D.ANA.:               Make the demodulation wave square
                                                  50Hz705¥ep square wave                            (Bpin)                                           46                                    :           es
&n                          Je                     VCO—8(Genter). Ch11....                                                                      mopana
                                                                                                  —                                                   46
    29                 TD Dey(wide}               . YCO—A(Center) ChZ                       D—Sub_ TO terminal                2C Ad                 MODANA                         0. ZokkHz£0.05kHz
                                                            op sine wave                              pin
                                                    VCO—B(Center) ChS

    37                                              ¥CO—Af(Genter] Ch8 _                              TD terminal
                                                   100Hz/0.3Yopsine wave                           (épin)
    32                                            ~YGQ—A(Genter) ChIJ. .                       .             .
    33                 TA Deviride)                     f—Center Chd                        D—Sub _TA terminal                                      MODANA                            940. 1kHz
                                                   THz/280mV sing wave                              (Opin)                                              46
c                                                                          0                                                  PC adi :monana                                         1.9%0.            s
                                                      Hz      2280mV       wave                                                                         46                             fls
                                                  _YCO—A(Genter) ChZ                        D—Sub TA terminal                                   MODANA.....                           320 0iz
                                                       TiHe/260mV load                              ($oin)                                              AG
    36                                            ..YCO—8(Genter) ChS                                                                           MODANA...
    i7                TA Devinamow)                                                         D—Sub .TA terminal                Check             MGDANA                               7.97000k                   ]

  39             ARTA Dey(wide)                 {~Genter_ Ch4              . Remort 170 terminal|                           PC Ad              MODANA....                3%0, TkHz
                                             ThHz _250mV sine wave              (ipin)                                                           aG
  10            RTA. Devinarew)                  {—Genter_ Ch10       .|..Remort 170 terminal PC Ad.                                           MOBANA                   1.5%009kHz
                                             (ktiz —260mV sine wave |           (Foin)                                                           AG
                 RTA Dev(rwide)            . YCO~A(Genter) Ch2 ..         Remort L0 terminal.. 1.     .                                        mogana..1.                $+0.tkhz
                          C                     TkHz—260mV load                 Zipin)              —                                            AG
                                             veq—Bicenter). Ch2 .....                       .                    nonaaal.__._. meoaNs._
  43|..__RIA Devinamew] _    VCQ—A(Genter)_Ch8                                  Remort 1«G terminal                    |_                   . — mooana                    520.050kHe
                       CC      Tktiz 280mV lood                                       (ipin) _                                          ~         aG
1fi4+      es              : YCO—B(Center) Ch11.                                             Lis                                                 MORANA
                                                                                                                                                  2s         Cull                             iL

  45             @T. Deviwide).                 T—Center_Ch.._         ANT Dummy                                            PGad |            mogana                 0.7okHz + 0.05kHz
  16             @T. Dev{narron)               {—Genter. Ch1Q          ANT.Rummy                                            PC ag,|           mooane                 O.JokHz +0.05kHz
  47.            DGT. Dev{mde)                  {—Center Ch4     _T..._ANT. Gommy                                           PG Ad             mogana                 0.7okHz40. 0oktiz
  18.     2.DQT. Dev{narow)...                 f—Center: ChIQ...       ANT. Dummy                                    |PeA                     m0o.ana                0.d0xHz + 0.05kHe
    :                                            boT:ozan
  48..l.....     QL..Rex(wide)              YCQ~A(Genter) Ch17....                    ANT Durnmy                            Check |           MQDANA                 0. /0kHe +0.00kHz
                                                                           ........                                                           MQQANA

  47            CT. Der(parow]              YEO—A(Center) Ch19_                       ANL Dummy                                 Cheek         mogaNa                 0.30kH230.00M02
                                            YGQ—B(CGenter) Ch2Q                                      EL                                       MQDANA

                                              O—A(Center)      Ch.                    ANTDomm¥....... |. Check |...MQQANA                                                                 —
                                            YCO—8iCenter) Ch22                        omm            nammmmnme                   ns           MOP PP Pn       ccsu
                                            YEO—4iCente              3. |.__ANT. Durimy                                                     _mosa‘
  $6..   ...                  .       L.l..._YCO—B(Center) Ch24. ...                                     i                                    MODANA

                                               {—Genter Ch4                           ANT Rummy                                               moganls                   3%0 Tkhe
                                               Test Tone:tkHz
              Test Tene Dev{narrow)            {—Genter Ch10                          ANT Duramy,                                             MogaNd                   1.520.05k
                                               Test Tone:ThHz
  59     _       C¥ 1D Dev{wide]               7—Genter_Ch4                           ANT Dummy_                                            — MeBANA .. |_.             220 TkHz
                                                CI 1D:800Hz
               LCY D Devinaronw} _             1—Genter| Ch10...           _.__|... ANT Pummy                                                 modana                    120 05kHz _
                                                                                       R.                                                    Radio tester                130 2kHz
                                              ThHeDev/thbzM                                                      y                            MODANA
  62.    Repeat Gain Level{narron)             £—Center_ GhIQ                          AXANT s0                       PC Adk                 Redio tester.               1302KHz
                 .                            TkHzDeviTkHzMod                         ZX ANT Dummy                          .                 MOD.ANA
  63|     Pager Dev(wide only)              YCO—A(Center) Ch2          _              ANT..Dommy                      PC Ad;|_                Mo0ana                     Ad) 137.
  61|    Pager Blance(wide only)            VCOQ—B(Center) ChZ2                       ANT Dummy,                      PC Ad;                  |__MQDANA._|   Make the demadulation mave square
  6|      Pager Dev(wide only)              VCO—B(Genter].Ch2_._|.__PTT/D—Sub Sgin                                          Check|__ MORANA                          "£4, SkHz   shift
                                            TkHz 3Voo Saquare               DATA IN/D—Sub 6pin                                                  4G
  66              TX S«N(Wide)              YCO—A(Genter) ChZ                D—Sub_ TA termi                                Check            MOD.ANA                      than ~9508
""""                                           Nomodulation                                     (3pin)       _
   87. |.__                                 VCO—B(Genter)_ChS _                                                                              MOD.ANA
  68            TX 3—N(Narrow)              VCOA(Genter] Ch8 ...|                ....D—3ub TA terminal _|. Check                             MOD.ANA                 Less than —3008
                                               No modulation                                    (Soin)                                                                      .
  62.     .                                YCO—B(Center) Ch1.1.. .                                                      Cheek                MOD.ANA                 Less than 3008
  70                 END                 Remove 1Fiz and powersunply

Document Created: 2001-06-07 13:42:35
Document Modified: 2001-06-07 13:42:35

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