Test Report

FCC ID: AJL8221466

Test Report

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Exhibit F-Test Report

This section documents the test procedures used, and records the results of tests to demonstrate compliance
with the applicable requirements of parts 2 and 87 of the FCC Rules and Regulations.


FCC Sec. §2.985
Measurements required: RF power output.
   (a) For transmitters other than single sideband, independent sideband and controlled carrier
radiotelephone, power output shall be measured at the RF output terminals when the transmitter is adjusted
in accordance with the tune-up procedure to give the values of current and voltage on the circuit elements
specified in Sec. 2.983(d)(5). The electrical characteristics of the radio frequency load attached to the
output terminals when this test is made shall be stated.
FCC §87.131
Power must be determined by direct measurement. The following lists authorized emissions and maximum
Class of Station                                 Frequency Band              Emissions        Power
                                                               7                          7              7
Radionavigation                                      Various                    Various          Various

7-Frequency, emission, and maximum power will be determined by appropriate standards during the type
acceptance process.

        The DME-4000 was adjusted in accordance with the alignment procedure listed in the
        PTR(Exhibit-N). The primary power supply was set to 27.5 VDC. The peak output
        power was measured at carrier frequencies of 1025, 1068 and 1150 MHz with the DME-
        4000 configured per the test setup shown in Figure-1. The RF load for these
        measurements was a 20 dB directional coupler in series with the IFR ATC1400A Test
        set. The attenuated port of the directional coupler was connected to a 20 pad dB in series
        with a 10dB pad. The 10 dB pad was then connected to the Peak Power Meter (Giga-
        tronics 8502A). The peak output power measurements were made using the Giga-tronics
        8502A power meter. Figure 1 shows the test setup.
                                                         Giga Tronic            Tektronix
           20dB                  10dB                    8502A                  724D O’scope

          DME-4000            D.C 20dB              IFR

          DME-4000            PC for
          Test Panel          Tuning

                                                 Figure 1

                                                     1 Test Equipment List
            Qty            number                         Description                 Cal due date
             1           469-0069-439      Gigatronics Peak Power Meter                2-28-2003
             1           469-0069-613      Gigatronics 16936 Power Detector            2-28-2003
             1           469-0069-614      Gigatronics 16936 Power Detector            2-28-2003
                                           Narda 3042-20, 20 dB Coaxial Directional
             1           469-0063-758                                                   10-31-2003
             1           460-0071-281      Weinschel 35-20, 20dB Attenuator             10-31-2005
             1           469-0071-001      IFR ATC-1400, DME Test Set                   5-31-2002
             1           469-0069-632      Weinschel model 1, 10dB Attenuator           08-31-2002
             1           469-0069-446      Tektronix TDS724D Digital Oscilloscope       11-30-2002
             1           469-0069-098      HP E3631A, Power Supply                      3-31-2002
             1          S/N US03500533     HP VL600 Computer                               N/A
             1                N/A          Collins DME-4000 Top Level Interconnect         N/A
             1            Not Required     DME-4000 Test Set Panel                         N/A

        The data sheet below lists the output power measurement.

         Type Number:       DME-4000                   Serial Number:      GX8Y
                                                       Tested by:          Jim Ledebur
         Date Tested:       12/13/01
                                                       Test Location:      Melbourne Engineering

             Frequency         Peak Output Power
              (MHz)                 (Watts)
               1025                   555
               1088                   503
               1150                   535

        Test results indicates the DME 4000 meets and exceeds the requirements.
        Compliance with the principal requirements is demonstrated.


1.2     Modulation Characteristic
         The DME-4000 emission type as defined in §2.201 is M1D. The necessary bandwidth as
         defined in §2.202 is calculated from formula


         Bn= Necessary bandwidth

         K= is a numerical factor which is defined for M1D emission ,per §2.202 (g)-Table of
         necessary bandwidth (Radio- relays system……), to be 1.6

         t= pulse duration (defined per RTCA/DO-189 to be 3.5 microseconds +/- 0.5
         microseconds at 50% points). For the purpose of calculation we will consider the worse
         case of the pulse width which is 3.0 microseconds.

         Assuming minimum allowable pulse duration of 3.0 microseconds, then

                                      Bn=2(1.6)/3 X 10-6 =1.0667 MHz

                                                              1.1 MHz

         Thus, the complete emission designation according to §2.201 is 1M10M1D

1.2.1    Requirements
FCC Sec. §2.987
Modulation Characteristics (d).
A curve or equivalent data which shows that the equipment will meet the modulation requirements of the
rules under which the equipment is to be licensed.

         The DME-4000 transmitter output consists of pulse pairs whose attributes are defined by
         RTCA/DO189. The principal requirements are:

                 Pulse spacing- 12 +/- 0.25 microseconds between the 50% points, X channel

                 Pulse spacing- 36 +/- 0.25 microsecond between the 50% points, Y channel

                 Pulse rise time (10 to 90%)-NMT 3.0 microseconds

                 Pulse fall time(10 to 90%)-NMT 3.5 microseconds

                 Pulse duration- 3.5 +/- 0.5 microseconds ( 50% points)

                 Pulse top-Instantaneous value, between 95% points shall not drop below 95% of
                 the maximum


1.2.2   Test Procedure
        The DME-4000 and the test equipment were connected as shown in Figure 2. The peak
        power meter, Gigatronics 8502 A, was used to detect the transmitter pulse and its’
        characteristics. The following measurements were made with the DME-4000 in search
        mode on various channels for both X and Y mode transmissions. See Figure 3 thru
        Figure 8 for plots of 1X and 1Y transmitter pulse pairs and their characteristics. The
        waveform shown in Figure 3 thru Figure 8 were captured using an Oscilloscope,
        Tektronics 724D.

                                                    Giga Tronic          Tektronix
          20dB                 10dB                 8502A                724D

         DME-4000            D.C 20dB          ATC1400A

         DME-4000            PC for
         Test Panel          Tuning

                                            Figure 2 Test Equipment List

            Qty            number                      Description                   Cal due date
             1           469-0069-439    Gigatronix Peak Power Meter                  2-28-2003
             1           469-0069-613    Gigatronix 16936 Power Detector              2-28-2003
             1           469-0069-614    Gigatronix 16936 Power Detector              2-28-2003
                                         Narda 3042-20, 20 dB Coaxial Directional
             1           469-0063-758                                                 10-31-2003
             1           460-0071-281    Weinschel 35-20, 20dB Attenuator             10-31-2005
             1           469-0071-001    IFR ATC-1400, DME Test Set                   5-31-2002
             1           469-0069-632    Weinschel model 1, 10dB Attenuator           08-31-2002
             1           469-0069-446    Tektronix TDS724D Digital Oscilloscope       11-30-2002
             1           469-0069-098    HP E3631A, Power Supply                      3-31-2002
             1          S/N US03500533   HP VL600 Computer                               N/A
             1                N/A        Collins DME-4000 Top Level Interconnect         N/A
             1            Not Required   DME-4000 Test Set Panel                         N/A
1.2.3   Test Results

         Type Number:       DME-4000                 Serial Number:     GX8Y
                                                     Tested by:         Jim Ledebur
         Date Tested:       12/21/01
                                                     Test Location:     Melbourne Engineering

        The DME-4000 modulator is controlled by a Digital Signal Processor (DSP), Intel 5416,
        The operation of the DME-4000 is discussed in the DME-4000 technical description
        included in Exhibit-L.


       Figures 3 - 8 show the detected envelop of a DME-4000 transmitter pulse as seen using
       the video detector of Gigatronics8502A power meter and the Tektronics model 724D

       Figure 3 thru Figure 5 show the detected pulse pairs for an X channel.

       Figure 6 thru Figure 8 show the detected pulse pairs for an Y channel.

       Test results indicates the DME 4000 meets and exceeds the requirements.
       Compliance with the principal requirements is demonstrated.

Channel 1X Pulse Characteristics

       Pulse Spacing                                                             TSO Limits

       11.9933µS                                                                 12+/-0.25 µS

       Characteristics           First Pulse               Second Pulse          TSO Limits

       Rise Time                   1.372µS                     1.4189µS              <3.0µS

       Fall Time:                1.5311µS                      1.5403µS               <3.5µS

       Pulse Width                  3.28µS                       3.29µS           3.5+/-0.5µS

       Pulse Top                   YES                          YES              Round/Smooth

Channel 1Y Pulse Characteristics

       Pulse Spacing                                                             TSO Limits

       36.00µS                                                                   36+/-0.25 µS

       Characteristics           First Pulse               Second Pulse          TSO Limits

       Rise Time                   1.410µS                     1.394µS               <3.0µS

       Fall Time:                  1.542µS                     1.543µS                <3.5µS

       Pulse Width                  3.27µS                     3.286µS            3.5+/-0.5µS

       Pulse Top                   YES                          YES              Round/Smooth


  Figure 3 (Channel 1X pulse spacing between P1 and P2)

Figure 4 ( Channel 1X- P1 rise time, fall time and pulse width)


Figure 5( Channel 1X- P2 rise time, fall time and pulse width)

  Figure 6 ( Channel 1Y pulse spacing between P1 and P2)


Figure 7 ( Channel 1Y- P1 rise time, fall time and pulse width)

Figure 8 (Channel 1Y- P2 rise time, fall time and pulse width)


1.3     Occupied Bandwidth

1.3.1    Requirements
FCC Sec. §2.989
The occupied bandwidth, that is the frequency bandwidth such that, below its lower and above its upper
frequency, limits, the mean powers radiated are each equal to 0.5 percent of the total mean power radiated
by a given emission shall be measured under the following conditions as applicable:
(i)Transmitters designed for other types of modulation- when modulated by an appropriate signal of
sufficient amplitude to be representative of the type of service in which used. A description of the input
signal should be supplied.

FCC Sec. § 87.135
(a)Occupied bandwidth is the width of a frequency band such that, below the lower and above the upper
frequency limits, the mean powers emitted are each equal to 0.5 percent of the total mean power of a given

         The DME-4000 emission type as defined in §2.201 is M1D. The necessary bandwidth as
         defined in §2.202 is calculated from formula


         Bn= Necessary bandwidth

         K= is a numerical factor which is defined for M1D emission ,per §2.202 (g)-Table of
         necessary bandwidth (Radio- relays system……), to be 1.6

         t= pulse duration (defined per RTCA/DO-189 to be 3.5 microseconds +/- 0.5
         microseconds at 50% points). For the purpose of calculation we will consider the worse
         case of the pulse width which is 3.0 microseconds.

         Assuming minimum allowable pulse duration of 3.0 microseconds, then

                                       Bn=2(1.6)/3 X 10-6 =1.0667 MHz

                                                               1.1 MHz

         Thus, the complete emission designation according to §2.201 is 1M10M1D

1.3.2    Test Procedure
         As determined from the above calculation the necessary bandwidth for the DME-4000 is
         1.0667 MHz.
         The occupied bandwidth data was recorded with the DME-4000 setup as shown in Figure
         9. The occupied bandwidth data was taken on channels 1X, 64X and 126X using the
         built-in occupied bandwidth function of the HP8562A Spectrum Analyzer.



                         D.C           20dB           20dB pad          10dB pad
                         10dB          pad

       DME-4000          PC for
       Test Panel        Tuning

                                        Figure 9 Test Equipment List

         Qty           number                      Description                   Cal due date
          1          469-0049-425    HP 8562E Spectrum Analyzer                   12-31-2002
          1          469-0069-632    Weinschel model 1, 10dB Attenuator           08-31-2002
          1          460-0071-283    Weinschel 35-20, 20dB Attenuator             12-31-2003
          1          460-0071-281    Weinschel 35-20, 20dB Attenuator             10-31-2005
          1          469-0071-001    IFR ATC-1400, DME Test Set                   5-31-2002
                                     Narda 3002-10, 10 dB Coaxial Directional
           1         469-0066-574                                                  11-30-2003
           1         469-0069-446    Tektronix TDS724D Digital Oscilloscope        11-30-2002
           1         469-0069-098    HP E3631A, Power Supply                       3-31-2002
           1        S/N US03500533   HP VL600 Computer                                N/A
           1              N/A        Collins DME-4000 Top Level Interconnect          N/A
           1          Not Required   DME-4000 Test Set Panel                          N/A


1.3.3   Test Results

         Type Number:       DME-4000                   Serial Number:         GX8Y
                                                       Tested by:             Jim Ledebur
         Date Tested:       12/17/01
                                                       Test Location:         Melbourne Engineering

        Actual spectral is shown in Figure 10 thru Figure 21.

            DME           Transmitted     [1]Frequencywith respect to nominal within       Occupied
           Channel         Frequency           which 99% of energy is confined.            bandwidth
                            (MHz)                          (MHz)                             (KHz)
              1X             1025                        1025.0100                            800
              1Y             1025                        1025.0050                            816
             64X             1088                        1088.0085                            683
             64Y             1088                         1088.003                            700
            126X             1150                        1150.0115                            683
            126Y             1150                        1150.0055                            683

[1]-The frequency data was recorded directly from the spectrum analyzer using the marker. After the
spectrum analyzer calculates the 99% power density the marker key marks the upper frequency threshold
for the 99% power density boundaries. The measured occupied bandwidth was divided by two and the
answer was subtracted from the upper frequency threshold point, marked by the marker key function, to
arrive at this frequency number.

Test results indicates the DME 4000 meets and exceeds the FCC requirements.
        Compliance with the principal requirements is demonstrated.


Figure 10 Pulse Spectrum of channel 1X showing 99% occupied bandwidth

Figure 11 Pulse Spectrum of channel 1X showing 99% occupied bandwidth


Figure 12 Pulse Spectrum of channel 1Y showing 99% occupied bandwidth

Figure 13 Pulse Spectrum of channel 1Y showing 99% occupied bandwidth


Figure 14 Pulse Spectrum of channel 64X showing 99% occupied bandwidth

Figure 15 Pulse Spectrum of channel 64X showing 99% occupied bandwidth


Figure 16 Pulse Spectrum of channel 64Y showing 99% occupied bandwidth

Figure 17 Pulse Spectrum of channel 64Y showing 99% occupied bandwidth


Figure 18 Pulse Spectrum of channel 126X showing 99% occupied bandwidth

Figure 19 Pulse Spectrum of channel 126X showing 99% occupied bandwidth


Figure 20 Pulse Spectrum of channel 126Y showing 99% occupied bandwidth

Figure 21 Pulse Spectrum of channel 126Y showing 99% occupied bandwidth


1.4     Spurious Emissions at the Antenna Terminals

1.4.1    Requirements
FCC Sec. §2.991
The radio frequency voltage or powers generated within the equipment and appearing on a spurious
frequency shall be checked at the equipment output terminals when properly loaded with a suitable
artificial antenna. Curves or equivalent data shall show the magnitude of each harmonic and other spurious
emission that can be detected when the equipment is operated under the conditions specified in§2.989 as
appropriate. The magnitude of spurious emissions which are attenuated more than 20 dB below the
permissible value need not be specified.

FCC Sec §87.139(d)
Except for the telemetry in the 1435-1535 MHz band, when the frequency is removed from the assigned
frequency by more than 250 percent of the authorized bandwidth for aircraft stations above 30 MHz and all
ground stations the attenuation must be at least 43+ 10 log 10 PY dB.

         PY= Mean power of the transmitter

         The DME-4000 transmits two pulses with pulse width, measured at the 50% point, of no
         more than 4 micro second wide. The maximum Pulse Repetition Frequency (PRF),
         during search mode, is 76 Pulse Pairs per Second (PPS). The maximum output power in
         the lab was measured to be 580W(rounded off to 600W for the calculation).

         Duty Cycle (DC) = (2 x 4 us x 76) x 100 =0.0608%

         PY= 0.068 * 600W=36.48W

         DME-4000 maximum spurious level = 43 + 10 log10 36.48=58.62 dB

         All the spurious emissions from the DME-4000 antenna port must be less than 58.62 dB.

1.4.2    Test Procedure
         The DME-4000 test equipment was connected as shown in Figure 22 and the spurious
         emission data was collected from the antenna port using the spectrum analyzer (HP
         8562A) The spurious emission response data of the DME-4000 is measured in 15
         different steps. The steps are 0-500 MHz, 250-750 MHz, 750 MHz-1.25 GHz, 1.25-1.75
         GHz, 1.75-2.75 GHz, 2.75-3.75 GHz, 3.75-4.75 GHz, 4.75-5.75 GHz, 5.75-6.75 GHz,
         6.75-7.75 GHz, 7.75-8.75 GHz, 8.75-9.75 GHz, 9.75-10.75 GHz, 10.75-11.75 GHz and
         11.75-12.75 GHz.



                             D.C           20dB           20dB pad          10dB pad
                             10dB          pad

         DME-4000            PC for
         Test Panel          Tuning

                                            Figure 22 Test Equipment List
            Qty            number                      Description                   Cal due date
             1           469-0049-425    HP 8562E Spectrum Analyzer                   12-31-2002
             1           469-0069-632    Weinschel model 1, 10dB Attenuator           08-31-2002
             1           460-0071-283    Weinschel 35-20, 20dB Attenuator             12-31-2003
             1           460-0071-281    Weinschel 35-20, 20dB Attenuator             10-31-2005
             1           469-0071-001    IFR ATC-1400, DME Test Set                   5-31-2002
                                         Narda 3002-10, 10 dB Coaxial Directional
             1           469-0066-574                                                  11-30-2003
             1           469-0069-446    Tektronix TDS724D Digital Oscilloscope        11-30-2002
             1           469-0069-098    HP E3631A, Power Supply                       3-31-2002
             1          S/N US03500533   HP VL600 Computer                                N/A
             1                N/A        Collins DME-4000 Top Level Interconnect          N/A
             1            Not Required   DME-4000 Test Set Panel                          N/A

1.4.3   Test Results

         Type Number:       DME-4000                Serial Number:      GX8Y
                                                    Tested by:          Jim Ledebur
         Date Tested:       12/19/01
                                                    Test Location:      Melbourne Engineering

        Figure 23 thru Figure 37 shows the spurious emission of the DME-4000 with the unit
        tuned to channel 126x(1150 MHz). From the data captured and shown below all the
        spurious emission level described in this exhibit are seen to have peak powers more than
        58.62 dB below the peak power at the transmitter fundamental frequency. The DME-
        4000 transmitter attenuation of spurious outputs meets and exceeds the FCC requirement.
        Compliance with the principal requirements is demonstrated.


 Figure 23Spurious Emission at the Antenna Port 0 to 500 MHz

Figure 24 Spurious Emission at the Antenna Port 250 to 750 MHz


Figure 25 Spurious Emission at the Antenna Port 750 to 1250 MHz and the transmitter spectrum

             Figure 26 Spurious Emission at the Antenna Port 1250 to 1750 MHz


Figure 27 Spurious Emission at the Antenna Port 1.75 to 2.750 GHz

Figure 28 Spurious Emission at the Antenna Port 2.75 to 3.750 GHz


Figure 29 Spurious Emission at the Antenna Port 3.75 to 4.750 GHz

Figure 30 Spurious Emission at the Antenna Port 4.75 to 5.750 GHz


Figure 31 Spurious Emission at the Antenna Port 5.75 to 6.750 GHz

Figure 32 Spurious Emission at the Antenna Port 6.75 to 7.750 GHz


Figure 33 Spurious Emission at the Antenna Port 7.75 to 8.750 GHz

Figure 34 Spurious Emission at the Antenna Port 8.75 to 9.750 GHz


Figure 35 Spurious Emission at the Antenna Port 9.75 to 10.750 GHz

Figure 36 Spurious Emission at the Antenna Port 10.75 to 11.750 GHz


Figure 37 Spurious Emission at the Antenna Port 11.75 to 12.750 GHz


1.5     Field Strength of Spurious Radiation

1.5.1    Requirements
FCC Sec. §2.993
(a) Measurements shall be made to detect spurious emissions that may be radiated directly from the
    cabinets, control circuits, power leads, or intermediate circuit elements under normal conditions of
    installation and operations. Curves or equivalent data shall be supplied showing the magnitude of each
    harmonic and other spurious emission. For this test, single sideband, independent sideband, and
    controlled carrier transmitters shall be modulated under the conditions specified in paragraph (c) of
    §2.989, as appropriate. For equipment operating on frequencies 890 MHz, an open field test is
    normally required, with the measuring instrument antenna located in the far-field at all test frequencies.
    In the event it is either impractical or impossible to make open field measurements(e.g. a broadcast
    transmitter in stalled in a building) measurements will be accepted of the equipment as installed. Such
    measurements were made showing the location of any possible source of reflections which might
    distort the field strength measurements. Information submitted shall include the relative radiated
    power of each spurious emission with reference to the rated power output of the transmitter, assuming
    all emissions are radiated from halfwave dipole antennas.
(b) The measurements specified in paragraph (a) of this section shall be made for the following
    (2) All equipment operating on frequencies higher than 25 MHz.
1.5.2    Test Procedure
         This test was performed on an open-field range meeting the requirements of CFR 47 part 15.
         Testing was performed in Rubicom Systems, Inc., 284 West Drive, Melbourne FL. Rockwell
         Collins supplied the DME-4000 unit with all the supporting test equipment listed in the Test
         Equipment List section of this document. Rubicom supplied radiated measuring equipment
         (calibrated antennae and spectrum analyzer) and measurement platform. Test Equipment List

             Qty            number                         Description                         Cal due date
              1          469-0070-482             Arinc Controller, Data Trac400H              Not Required
              1          469-0071-001         IFR ATC-1400, DME Test Set                        5-31-2002
              1               N/A             Collins DME-4000 Top Level Interconnect               N/A
              1           1918A04907          *Linear DC Supply, HP 6291A                      Not Required

         *-Supplied by Rubicom

1.5.3    Test Results

          Type Number:        DME-4000                      Serial Number:      GX8Y
                                                            Tested by:          Frank Kishel
          Date Tested:        11/01/01
                                                            Test Location:      Rubicon Systems, Inc.

The test report indicates the requirements were met.
Compliance with the principal requirements is demonstrated.

The test report from Rubicom Systems, Inc. is in Exhibit K.


1.6     Frequency Stability

1.6.1     Requirements
FCC Sec. §2.995
(a) The frequency stability shall be measured with variation of ambient temperature as follows:
(b) (1) from -30º to +50º centigrade for all equipment except that specified in paragraphs(a)(2) and (3) of
    this section.

1.6.2     Test Procedure
          The DME-4000 was placed inside the temperature chamber, Test Equity 1000 series, and
          connected to the setup shown in Figure 38. Unit temperature was stabilized in 10 degrees
          step between -55º to +70º Celsius using a temperature probe inside the unit. The Local
          Oscillator(LO) output frequency (L-Band) was measured at the antenna port and recorded
          for each temperature step for both P1 and P2 pulses. Two additional tables were created
          one for P1 and another for P2 to show the magnitude of the error from the assigned
          frequency. The test result indicates that the DME-4000 meets and exceeds the FCC

                                  Suppression Line
      Pulse Generator       ATC1400A
      HP 8005B

                               D.C              20dB            10dB pad            Frequency Counter
                               10dB             pad                                 EIP 585C

           DME-4000            PC for
           Test Panel          Tuning

                                                 Figure 38

                                                     29 Test Equipment List
                Qty           number                        Description                  Cal due date
                 1          469-0070-500      Pulse Generator, HP 8005                    On request
                 1          469-0070-500      Pulse Frequency Counter, EIP 585C            09-30-02
                 1          469-0071-205      Weinschel Model 1, 10dB Attenuator          09-30-2002
                 1          460-0071-281      Weinschel 35-20, 20dB Attenuator            10-31-2005
                 1          469-0070-325      IFR ATC-1400, DME Test Set                  5-31-2002
                                              Narda 3002-10, 10 dB Coaxial Directional
                 1          469-0066-549                                                  11-30-2003
                 1          469-0069-446      Tektronix TDS724D Digital Oscilloscope      11-30-2002
                 1          469-0206-730      HP E3631A, Power Supply                     12-31-2002
                 1          470-0118-241      Gateway Computer, E-4200                       N/A
                 1              N/A           Collins DME-4000 Top Level Interconnect        N/A

1.6.3   Test Results

          Type Number:       DME-4000                 Serial Number:      GX4C
                             1/10/02 thru             Tested by:          David Moon
           Date Tested:
                             1/11/02                  Test Location:      Melbourne Engineering
Test results indicates the DME 4000 meets and exceeds the requirements.
Compliance with the principal requirements is demonstrated.


                                                           Temperature Chamber / Unit Internal Temperature (Celsius)
                       -55 / -    -45 / -    -35 / -    -25 / -    -15 / -   -5 / -0.3   +5 / +9.8    +15 /      +25 /      +35 /     +45 / +49 +55 / +59    +65 /      +70 /
                        49.9       40.2       30.2       20.2       10.3                              +19.9      +29.1      +39.2                            +69.1      +73.9
Transmitter VHF NAV
Frequency Frequency                                                             Frequency of P1 pulse
  (MHz)                                                                                (MHz)

  1025     134.40     1025.004   1025.007   1025.008   1025.007   1025.004   1025.004    1024.999    1025.010   1025.005   1025.007   1025.007   1025.001   1025.006   1025.001
  1035     135.40     1035.003   1035.004   1035.007   1035.003   1035.004   1034.998    1034.995    1034.996   1034.999   1035.008   1035.007   1035.005   1035.009   1035.004
  1045     108.40     1045.000   1045.008   1044.999   1045.000   1045.003   1044.991    1044.999    1045.000   1045.002   1045.005   1045.002   1044.995   1045.000   1044.997
  1055     109.40     1055.003   1055.000   1055.006   1055.004   1055.003   1055.003    1055.003    1055.007   1055.008   1055.008   1054.997   1055.006   1055.001   1055.011
  1065     110.40     1065.003   1065.006   1065.005   1065.004   1065.002   1065.003    1065.005    1065.000   1065.002   1065.004   1064.999   1064.999   1065.004   1065.004
  1075     111.40     1075.001   1075.005   1075.005   1075.007   1075.002   1075.002    1074.999    1075.003   1075.005   1075.004   1075.004   1075.006   1074.996   1074.998
  1085     133.40     1085.005   1085.008   1085.004   1085.009   1085.008   1085.008    1085.008    1085.008   1085.006   1085.006   1085.006   1085.005   1085.003   1085.002
  1095     112.40     1095.004   1095.009   1095.003   1095.004   1095.002   1095.005    1095.009    1095.007   1095.005   1095.005   1095.001   1094.997   1095.005   1095.005
  1105     113.40     1105.004   1105.005   1105.005   1105.000   1104.997   1105.000    1105.006    1105.005   1105.000   1105.006   1105.007   1105.007   1105.002   1105.005
  1115     114.40     1114.997   1114.991   1114.996   1114.997   1115.002   1114.997    1114.993    1114.992   1115.000   1114.994   1114.998   1115.005   1114.993   1114.995
  1125     115.40     1124.996   1134.998   1124.998   1124.994   1124.997   1124.993    1124.995    1124.993   1124.989   1124.996   1125.005   1124.988   1124.998   1124.998
  1135     116.40     1134.997   1134.995   1134.988   1134.995   1134.995   1134.992    1134.992    1134.994   1134.999   1135.001   1135.002   1134.992   1135.004   1135.004
  1145     117.40     1144.989   1144.995   1144.988   1144.998   1145.005   1144.990    1144.999    1144.995   1145.001   1144.998   1144.997   1145.000   1145.005   1144.996
  1150     117.90     1150.001   1150.005   1150.006   1149.991   1150.009   1150.006    1149.997    1150.001   1150.006   1149.996   1150.005   1149.992   1149.996   1149.994

Transmitter VHF NAV
Frequency Frequency                                                             Frequency of P2 pulse
  (MHz)                                                                                (MHz)

  1025     134.40     1024.999   1024.998   1025.003   1025.003   1025.004   1024.999    1025.008    1024.998   1025.009   1025.007   1025.002   1025.007   1025.005   1025.007
  1035     135.40     1035.001   1035.000   1035.003   1034.998   1035.001   1034.999    1035.004    1035.002   1065.004   1035.003   1035.005   1035.005   1035.001   1035.006
  1045     108.40     1045.001   1044.999   1045.002   1045.001   1044.998   1044.992    1044.995    1045.003   1045.004   1044.996   1045.007   1045.000   1045.002   1045.000
  1055     109.40     1055.003   1055.010   1054.999   1055.004   1054.998   1054.999    1054.997    1054.997   1055.007   1055.004   1055.008   1055.003   1055.004   1055.004
  1065     110.40     1064.997   1065.007   1065.006   1065.003   1065.000   1065.002    1064.992    1065.005   1065.003   1064.997   1065.001   1065.005   1064.995   1065.005
  1075     111.40     1075.004   1075.003   1075.000   1075.000   1074.992   1074.999    1075.004    1075.000   1074.995   1075.003   1075.006   1075.009   1074.999   1075.004
  1085     133.40     1085.009   1085.002   1085.005   1085.005   1084.999   1085.003    1085.004    1085.002   1085.005   1085.005   1085.006   1085.002   1084.997   1084.998
  1095     112.40     1095.005   1095.003   1095.006   1095.006   1095.003   1095.005    1095.001    1095.001   1095.007   1095.001   1095.002   1094.992   1094.999   1095.003
  1105     113.40     1105.006   1105.006   1104.995   1104.999   1105.000   1105.002    1105.003    1105.001   1105.001   1104.995   1105.001   1105.002   1104.998   1105.004
  1115     114.40     1114.993   1114.995   1114.994   1114.995   1114.993   1114.990    1115.001    1114.988   1114.997   1114.999   1115.000   1114.999   1114.999   1114.997
  1125     115.40     1125.000   1124.997   1124.989   1124.999   1125.000   1124.988    1125.004    1125.000   1124.994   1125.004   1125.005   1124.999   1124.992   1124.998
  1135     116.40     1134.996   1134.994   1134.988   1135.000   1134.993   1134.994    1134.995    1135.001   1134.993   1134.999   1134.995   1134.994   1134.996   1134.994
  1145     117.40     1145.003   1144.987   1144.994   1145.000   1144.997   1144.998    1144.994    1144.999   1144.994   1144.997   1144.999   1144.997   1145.002   1144.999
  1150     117.90     1149.987   1149.990   1149.998   1149.992   1150.001   1149.999    1150.002    1150.006   1150.003   1149.999   1149.998   1150.009   1149.997   1150.000


                                                       Temperature Chamber / Unit Internal Temperature (Celsius)
                      -55 / -   -45 / -   -35 / -   -25 / -   -15 / -   -5 / -0.3   +5 / +9.8   +15 /    +25 /    +35 /    +45 / +49 +55 / +59   +65 /     70
                       49.9      40.2      30.2      20.2      10.3                             +19.9    +29.1    +39.2                          +69.1
Transmitter VHF NAV
Frequency Frequency                                 P1 frequency error from assigned channel frequency
  (MHz)                                                                    (MHz)

  1025     134.40      0.004     0.007     0.008     0.007     0.004     0.004       -0.001      0.010    0.005    0.007     0.007     0.001      0.006   0.001
  1035     135.40      0.003     0.004     0.007     0.003     0.004    -0.002       -0.005     -0.004   -0.001    0.008     0.007     0.005      0.009   0.004
  1045     108.40      0.000     0.008    -0.001     0.000     0.003    -0.009       -0.001      0.000    0.002    0.005     0.002    -0.005      0.000   -0.003
  1055     109.40      0.003     0.000     0.006     0.004     0.003     0.003        0.003      0.007    0.008    0.008    -0.003     0.006      0.001   0.011
  1065     110.40      0.003     0.006     0.005     0.004     0.002     0.003        0.005      0.000    0.002    0.004    -0.001    -0.001      0.004   0.004
  1075     111.40      0.001     0.005     0.005     0.007     0.002     0.002       -0.001      0.003    0.005    0.004     0.004     0.006     -0.004   -0.002
  1085     133.40      0.005     0.008     0.004     0.009     0.008     0.008        0.008      0.008    0.006    0.006     0.006     0.005      0.003   0.002
  1095     112.40      0.004     0.009     0.003     0.004     0.002     0.005        0.009      0.007    0.005    0.005     0.001    -0.003      0.005   0.005
  1105     113.40      0.004     0.005     0.005     0.000    -0.003     0.000        0.006      0.005    0.000    0.006     0.007     0.007      0.002   0.005
  1115     114.40     -0.003    -0.009    -0.004    -0.003     0.002    -0.003       -0.007     -0.008    0.000   -0.006    -0.002     0.005     -0.007   -0.005
  1125     115.40     -0.004     9.998    -0.002    -0.006    -0.003    -0.007       -0.005     -0.007   -0.011   -0.004     0.005    -0.012     -0.002   -0.002
  1135     116.40     -0.003    -0.005    -0.012    -0.005    -0.005    -0.008       -0.008     -0.006   -0.001    0.001     0.002    -0.008      0.004   0.004
  1145     117.40     -0.011    -0.005    -0.012    -0.002     0.005    -0.010       -0.001     -0.005    0.001   -0.002    -0.003     0.000      0.005   -0.004
  1150     117.90      0.001     0.005     0.006    -0.009     0.009     0.006       -0.003      0.001    0.006   -0.004     0.005    -0.008     -0.004   -0.006

Transmitter VHF NAV
Frequency Frequency                                 P2 frequency error from assigned channel frequency
  (MHz)                                                                    (MHz)

  1025     134.40     -0.001    -0.002     0.003     0.003     0.004    -0.001        0.008     -0.002    0.009    0.007     0.002     0.007      0.005   0.007
  1035     135.40      0.001     0.000     0.003    -0.002     0.001    -0.001        0.004      0.002   30.004    0.003     0.005     0.005      0.001   0.006
  1045     108.40      0.001    -0.001     0.002     0.001    -0.002    -0.008       -0.005      0.003    0.004   -0.004     0.007     0.000      0.002   0.000
  1055     109.40      0.003     0.010    -0.001     0.004    -0.002    -0.001       -0.003     -0.003    0.007    0.004     0.008     0.003      0.004   0.004
  1065     110.40     -0.003     0.007     0.006     0.003     0.000     0.002       -0.008      0.005    0.003   -0.003     0.001     0.005     -0.005   0.005
  1075     111.40      0.004     0.003     0.000     0.000    -0.008    -0.001        0.004      0.000   -0.005    0.003     0.006     0.009     -0.001   0.004
  1085     133.40      0.009     0.002     0.005     0.005    -0.001     0.003        0.004      0.002    0.005    0.005     0.006     0.002     -0.003   -0.002
  1095     112.40      0.005     0.003     0.006     0.006     0.003     0.005        0.001      0.001    0.007    0.001     0.002    -0.008     -0.001   0.003
  1105     113.40      0.006     0.006    -0.005    -0.001     0.000     0.002        0.003      0.001    0.001   -0.005     0.001     0.002     -0.002   0.004
  1115     114.40     -0.007    -0.005    -0.006    -0.005    -0.007    -0.010        0.001     -0.012   -0.003   -0.001     0.000    -0.001     -0.001   -0.003
  1125     115.40      0.000    -0.003    -0.011    -0.001     0.000    -0.012        0.004      0.000   -0.006    0.004     0.005    -0.001     -0.008   -0.002
  1135     116.40     -0.004    -0.006    -0.012     0.000    -0.007    -0.006       -0.005      0.001   -0.007   -0.001    -0.005    -0.006     -0.004   -0.006
  1145     117.40      0.003    -0.013    -0.006     0.000    -0.003    -0.002       -0.006     -0.001   -0.006   -0.003    -0.001    -0.003      0.002   -0.001
  1150     117.90     -0.013    -0.010    -0.002    -0.008     0.001    -0.001        0.002      0.006    0.003   -0.001    -0.002     0.009     -0.003   0.000


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Document Created: 2002-01-31 16:19:23
Document Modified: 2002-01-31 16:19:23

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