Original Application for Equipment Authorization

FCC ID: AJK9URPN822-0693

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Original Application for Equipment

                 Rockvet iteratona! Comoraton
                                Trmegmcee            Rockwell1
                     1as steson   bade rigime
                     C irgin, Vegnateite             International

                                             July 21, 1994

 Federal Communications Commission
 Equipment Approval Services
 P.0. Box 368315
 Pitsburgh, PA 15251—5315

 Fie:—   Equipment Authorizaton Under Part B7
         Change in ECC Identfcation Pursuantto Sectin 2993

 Enclased on behall of Rockwell Internationalis an Application for Type Acceptance on Form 731 The
 appleation seeks only a change in FCG identfication forthe Rackwell VHF—700A Transceiver. The new
 FGG ID for this produet is AJKPNG22.0503;the previous FCC ID was AJKOURPNG22—5219, granted
 originaly on June 29, 1981 and subsequently modified on August 27, 1982.. The change in the eqvipment
 necessiating a new FGC ID is a Class I permissive change and the change in the FCC identiieris
 requested in orderto maintain contiuty between the Rocknel part numbers and FCC identlirs. Pursuant
 to Section 2933 of the Commission‘s Rulas we have enclosed a completed FCC Form 731, a statement
 pursuantto Sub—Section 2.993(b) and the required draingsiphotograph ofthe nameplate that bears the new
 FCG ID and ts relatve size and po
 Also enclosed is Rocknel‘s check for $425.00 to cover the processing fee. It is requested that a date:
 stamped copy of the fling be returmed to the undersigned.. A coutesy copy of the fling as well as a
 stamped return envelop is provided fo his purpose
 Your eary consideration of the Application is respectlly requested. Please address allnquiies to the
 Respecttuly submitec,

Tinda C. Sacier
 Manager, Govermmental Affairs

 Arrretsy ovs          reperAL coithiuhications conmissioN
 Expesorsons                     reo rorm 31
   See 47 OFR 1.1108 for FEE TVPE CODES and FEES, and paragraph C of the attched instctons
  secrion 1 — ALL iTEms in is sEcrion MusT e conPLETED
  Areuioaime Fuut susizss Nave
        Rockwe?] International Corp.
   FFELIERITS NALING AORESS (Lne 1) (¥axmum 35 characien)
         Attention: Linda C. Sedter
   AFELIGAIITS WALING ADDRESS (Une 2) (I equred) (Maxmum 35 cvaracery
         1745 defferson Davis Highway
   Srire on counmay (rfowpn adsren—|           sn cooe          |eourtere ree penmnien
                                                                cmirte coos EaUrMENT rropuer 6008 (1t rancirsmaiman)
             1A                                zeeoe            a | a | x        pnszs—ose3
  Enter in Galamn (2) thecorect Fee Type Gade fo e sevice fr which you are applyng. Fee Type Codes may be found in FCC Fee
  Filng Guides and paregragh C o atached nstructone. Enter in Courmn (C) reresut obtained rom multplyingthe value ofthe Fee
  Type Cade in Golimn (R)by the nurmber entered in Column(2)
                  ®                            ©)                                 ©
         ree se cove                   reevomnace                        esrerente                   rom rec use ony
         &         F   T           0       0        0    1           $     425.00

  SEGTION 1 — U only whenyou are reauertingconcrrenactonswhich esul in a requrenanto s more than one Fee Type Code

                  m                            ©                                  0                  rom ree use ony
       ree Type cone                   ree MULTiPLE                      res ove ron res rire
                                                                          cove i couum )

  a                                o      o         o    a           s

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 ©                                 o      o         o    a           s
   Trovonau. avounts snown n couumm c, unes () retrem
              (a,ANo     evren me rora neee    hawin sn                                             rranisussoily
   Navtiribelin iemat l iinhnecsceiie roapraam
   THis aMoUNT shoutp Eouat your enctosso          ~

s NAE ano mtE o renson ar asove Abpress ron contacr, on ro Receive aran?
  (This frew must Be compLeren):
                  Linda C. Sedler, Manager, Governnent Affairs

This form has been authorized fr reproducton                                                          £GC Form 731 — Page 1

secroni                                                                                               Exmcteconr
 1(@) NereAd of APPLIGMT, Fox . AUmoRIzED To NAL ORIGNAL GRANT 1 (See nstuetons)                     u
   number, strest                                                                                   on
   ay 00—                            %®
   and ZiP Cose                                                                                     P
   ) Nae ANoceor Penson ar Asove Aboress To receive oT
                                     1.                                                             m
3 mronmanion GoNTAGT I® DEFERENT FRoMl en 5, FAGE 1 (See natuetons)
   Fim name,
   contact percon,                                                                                  orse
   number streo,                     Nh
   wedl                                                                                             Reviwer
   and ZIP Code
3(a): TELEFFIGNE NUWEER (nclude ares code and exennon = [3 o) FAX NUNSER (nclude ares code and ecension —
       usk on        M                                        usa on           in
3.       Boes is appleaton nclude a reipen forconfdentally or any porlonis t he en sontaed iis
         sppleatonpursuantto 47 GFR 0 459 t the Gommissin‘s Rules? (Gee instrucions)                       Cve            & no
3        Boss the applcant deare ie Gomminon io delr grantaf is appreatn
         pursuantto 47 CFR 0 457(d(1}1)? (See Instructons)                                                 C ves           (no
&        Knd sTeuipmenadtoreaton
         requestedt(check ONE box onl)    [Jcenifeation ...(Type Accestance [C]type Approval               [C]Notfeation
7(@)— Kind of equement                                          ) Exviement willbeaperated under Foo Rule Far)
         VHF Transceiver                                                     a7
E.     Applcation is fo (Chack ONE box only                                            B0 FG€ intre carge n mectizaien
   CJ+. ofgina              2. Change in dentfeation                                     Adkourene22—5219
                                                          Cs Class 1 permissive change
          equipment            of presenty autrored          or modifeationofpresently ) Guxtarerrec b nau se
                               eqvioment*                    authotzed eauipment
     * I‘bov 2 is enecked. complate toms Bto) and )                                            August 27, 1982
e—      eourment srecricamions
     in ue mge        (0RateRFpoue oaiut                (9Fresneytearce            Emssn gesgnate          (o itemporssr m
         bies                nuits                          # 6hon                                                furke
          18—137 1#         son                             .002                    sns                       some
                                                                                    1ske                    HMicroprocessor

T       Type oregupment
        teites                         Protuction                     [] Pre—Presuction                   [] Frotsbpe
1 (a) is ne equipmentor secion(s) hereot subjectto more an ons equpment auareston?
        IYES, complte toms 1205 (2, (0, or(e) aapproprate                                                 Cve         G@ie
     ET Agafional equipment autrarzatonts) [Jeeticaton C]Type Accestance C tyse Approval                  []netifestion
        reauired for equipment
     (0) Ganes ree i ar ree i iaus             (d) Ganted Foe1b ar roo 1 lstes            (e) Gantes ree 1D orree 10 ies
         on RX oRsecton applicaton                 on TX or TX secton applezton:              on other device applcation:

Complete and sign Page 3 (reverse so                                                                     £GG Form 731 —Page2
                                                                                                                 October 1ase

 13 (a) Testng facity, i diferant i. appicant or contact person
      ) Haing  adress                                                           0) Teleprons No: (Fres code and numbeg
        number steet                                                               sA onon
        ay                        [
        wate                                                                    T0 FAX N:es code and namben
        and Z1P code                                                               (Ceo
witrit ratse stareveits nabe on tiis rorn ARe ruvisireve ay rive Avoror mpnisonifent ts cone, Tm 1e,
seenon toay, AnooR Revooktion or AiY station Licexse or coustrucnion Penitr(us. coos, true «7,secnion srzb)(1).
Anpron rorremure (us. cope, tme 7. secmon so3
1e. Areiicant Anm.orue Asuse cernfcation
 y chacking yes, tappleantcertfes tat, in the case of n indivdval anpleant, he or she i not sibjecttoa denial o ederal
 benefts, hat ncludes FCG benefts, prsuant to Section 5201 of he Ant—orug Abuse Act f 1989, 21 U 5C e53(a) on in the case
 of a nor—indidual appleant(eg eorporaion, arinrship or otherunincorporated associalon), no partyto the aplcaton is subject
to a deiaoffederal benefis,that includes FCG benlits, pursuant o hat secton, For the defintion of a "partyfr these purposes
 see 47 CrR 1.2002)                                                                                       ¥es     []no
is      Rertient cexnrioamion
 I carlythatI am authorized to signfor the plant and that al e statements in this applcation and in the exhs atached hereto
 are tw and correctto the bestafmy knowledge and balet. ifthe appleantis notthe cival mandfacure f the exuipmentInted
 herein approprate arangements have been made wth the manufacturerto ensure tat production uns ofthis equipment beaing the
 FCC IDENTIFIER Isted n ths appleation wilcontinue to comply wth the Commisson‘s requrements. fan agenthas been
authorzed to sign his appleation is understod thatthe applicant remains responsible follstatements herein

      pestn             C’M
       WTken sgratre oftroreed ngner
                                                                                       uby 22 )#3
                                                                                x fl (mrofn, bayYeaq
          Linda C.     Sadler                                                       HManager, Government Affairs
A—     Typedlornted name of acthorzed signer                                    MA    Tite of authorzed signer
ete) Acent certinicanion
I ceriy thatI am authorzedto sign ts applcation on behalf of he applcant. A copy o heauthoration willbe sbmited upon
request y the FCG. Itisunderstond tha the FGC reserves he right tocontac the applcant at any time

     Witen sgratire of adarzed agont                                            X     Dare (Worh, Gay.Yeaq

X Typedlomied name ard We of adonzed agent                                        _ Evsiness name of autnoized agent
   T Apentadcress                                                                (0) Telphane No: (Rea code and number}
         number stvent                                                               wsk on
         state                                                                   (d) £AX Ns (Res code and numben)
         and 2iP code                                                                use oney
            wones to iNowouats reauireo ey rhe prvzcy Act or tere ano rie rarervork Repuction Act or 1sto
Th salatonofpesonal information requested in this form is autroried bythe Communications Ac of 1934,as amended. The
Commission will use the informatin provide in t frm to valuate the equipment to maintan a computer database of autrorzed
eqvipment, andto detrmin whether grantofhis applleaton is n the public interet.In reachingtrat determination, orfo ow
enforement purposes, t may become necessay t reer personal nformation cantained in hi orm to ncther government agency
Allinformatin provides in is form wil be avaiable fr publc nspecto. unless otherise determined pursuartto 47 GFR, Secton
0488 5 U.SC. Setion 82 Ifinformation requested in thisform s not provided, processing of e applcation may be delayed
or he appleation may beretumed wihaut acton pursuant o the Cormmisions Rules Your esponse is reaued to obtain therequested
eqviement auhorzaton, Th FoREGoING Notice is Recuieo a mhe raVAcY Act or 1974, RL sx7e, Deceieen 21.
1ere, su.s C sezi(e(3) Ano e rarerwonk repucnion acr or 1oso, RL se.sr1, becenae®                   11, 1o00, «s U.S C 3507
Puble repoting burden for hi cllecionofinformation i estmatedto vry fom 18 hours to 30 haursper response, wan average
of 2s hairs peresponse, ncludng tme for evievinginstuctons, seaching enistng data sources, athering iformaion and
maintaiingthe data needed, and completingand reviening incalecton of nformation, Send commentsrequrdingtheburden
esimate or any aspect of is calcton of nformation, nclusingsupgestions forreducing tis burden,to Federal Communications
Commisson, AD—RIRS, Recorgs Management Diison, Washinoton, DC 2055¢, and to the Oficeof nformation
Requltoy Afas, Ofe of Management and Budget, Papemark Reducton Projeet(3080—0057), Washington, 0C and20503
                                                                                                        FGC Form 731 «Page3

                              Ltst or ExnItBITS

Part   2.933(b)   Statement

Picture of Equipment Demonstrating
     Size and Placement of Nameplate

Drawing   of   Nameplate   Showing FCC   ID

Drawing of Equipment Demonstrating
     Size and Placement of Nameplate


Part 2.933(b) Statement

Pursuant to Section 2.933(b) of the Comnission‘s rules, Rockwell
International hereby provides the following information in
support of this Application for Change in FCC Identification:

1)   The original identification used on the equipment is FCC ID:
     Agkourene22—5219 .

2)   The original Grant of Equipment Authorization was issued on
     June 29, 1981 and subsequently modified to include an
     additional emission designator on August 27, 1982.

3)   No type approval nunber was assigned to the equipment.

4)   The equipment,   the Collins VHP—700A Transceiver   (PCC TD:
     AJKPNG22—0693) is electrically identical to the original
     equipment, the Collins VHP—700 Transceiver (FCC ID:
     AUKSURENE22—5219) .. The VHF—700A Transceiver is modified to
     meet the requirements for FW immunity as defined in ICA0
     Annex 10. To this end, a filter is added in the receiver
     front end. In addition the gain of the IP section is
     increased by changing the value of a resistor to compensate
     for the resulting sensitivity loss. These inprovements are
     hardware changes and do not effect the transceiver‘s
     software. Because the change is minor and confined to the
     receiver componant of the Type Accepted equipment it
     qualifies as a Class I permissive change. We are requesting
     authorization of a new PCC Indentifier for the modified
     transceiver in order to mantain congruency between the
     Rockwel1 Part Number and the FCC Identifier.

5)   All   data submitted to the Commission on the AJKSURPNG22—5219
     equipment prior to this application continues to be
     representative of and applicable to the equipment bearing
     the changed FCC identification

6)   A drawing of the new nameplate and both a photograph and a
     drawing depicting the nameplate‘s relative size and position
     on the equipment are attached

                        ECC TD: AJKBN822—0693

Part 2.933(b) Statement

Pursuant to Section 2.933(b) of the Commission‘s rules, Rockwell
International hereby provides the following information in
support of this Application for Change in FCC Identification:

1)    The original identification used on the equipment is FCC ID:
     AgkoureNe22—5219 .

2)    The original Grant of Equipment Authorization was issued on
     June 29, 1981 and subsequently modified to include an
     additional emission designator on August 27, 1982.

3)   No type approval nunber was assigned to the equipment.

4)   The equipment,   the Collins VHP—700% Transceiver   (PCC ID:
     AJKENO22—0693) is electrically identical to the original
     equipment, the Collins VHF—700 Transceiver (FCC ID:
     AJKOURPNG22—5219) . The VHP—700A Transceiver is modified to
     meet the requirements for FW immunity as defined in ICAO
     Annex 10. To this end, a filter is added in the receiver
     front end. In addition the gain of the IF section is
     increased by changing the value of a resistor to compensate
     for the resulting sensitivity loss. These inprovements are
     hardware changes and do not effect the transceiver‘s
     software. Because the change is minor and confined to the
     receiver componant of the Type Accepted equipment it
     qualifies as a Class I permissive change. We are requesting
     authorization of a new FCC Identifier for the modified
     transceiver in order to maintain congruency between the
     Rockwell Part Number and the FCC Identifier

5)   All data submitted to the Commission on the AJKSURPNG22—5219
     equipment prior to this application continues to be
     representative of and applicable to the equipment bearing
     the changed FCC identification.

6)   A drawing of the new nameplate and both a photograph and a
     drawing depicting the nameplate‘s relative size and position
     on the equipment are attached.

                       FCC ID: AJKPNE22—0693

wore:   The equipment in this phototgraph bears the VHP—700
        mameplate and is included in this application only to
        demonstrate the size and relative placement of the
        mameplate for the VHP—700A. See the enclosed drawing
        of the actual nameplate on the next page.

                   ree To: Adxene22—0693

                                                                         SXHTBIT 8(2)

 wore: exonicare m accononce witm rsrsiex oo

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                                               UNDIMENSIONED DRAWING

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                                 ROckWweLL INTERNATIONAL ConroraTION
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              [R |§V792|
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                roo To: ArkBN822—0693

                                                                 EXHIBIT 8(



                                       O         O
                                © O ©

                              g         NaWEPLATE


                                    66.0+0.50 l a
Note: This drawing is included to show the relative size and placement of
the nameplate for the VHP—700M. See the previous page for a drawing of
the actual nameplate.
                          RCC D: AdkeN822—0603

Document Created: 2005-04-21 15:16:51
Document Modified: 2005-04-21 15:16:51

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