Operational Description

FCC ID: AJK8222168

Operational Description

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        Major circuit schematics are attached to this report as Exhibit E.
        The VHF-2100E consists of 4 sub-assemblies; VHF RF Assembly, Digital/Power Supply
        Assembly, Rear Interconnect Assembly, and Front Panel LED Assembly.
        The VHF-2100E power amplifier linearly amplifies the transmitter synthesizer output to a
        25 watt (minimum) carrier power level for AM voice or analog data operation. The power
        output in VDL Mode 2 is a minimum of 18 Watts. Voice, analog data, or digital data is
        impressed on the input RF from the synthesizer in a closed feedback loop vector (I-Q)
        modulator system, used as a variable RF attenuator and phase modulator. A
        synchronous detector sampling the RF power output provides amplitude and phase (I-Q)
        feedback information to the vector modulator to linearize the amplitude and phase
        characteristics of the power amplifier. A low pass filter at the output attenuates the
        transmitter harmonics further. The worst case harmonic found during testing was 76 dB
        below the carrier level.
        The VHF-2100E receiver utilizes a single conversion design. The receiver synthesizer
        injection is applied to the first mixer, generating a 28.900 MHz first IF frequency (high
        side injection) which is amplified and then detected by use of Digital Signal Processing
        technology. For voice operation, a noise quieting squelch and carrier squelch, both
        implemented in DSP, are provided. In data modes, no audio is presented to the
        For receive operation, the VHF-2100E frequency synthesizer is a single loop, TXCO
        reference controlled design and provides the receive LO for any 25 kHz or 8.33 kHz
        channel selected in the 118.000 to 152.000 MHz frequency range.
        A second, dedicated frequency synthesizer is used for transmit operation. It is a single
        loop, TXCO reference controlled design and provides the direct transmit frequency RF
        drive for any 25 kHz or 8.33 kHz channel selected in the 118.000 to 152 MHz frequency
        range to the vector modulator and RF power amplifier.
        Both receive and transmit frequency synthesizers use a common 23.1 MHz +/- 5 PPM
        temperature compensated crystal oscillator (TCXO) as the reference. Both synthesizers
        use advanced DSP technology, sigma-delta modulated fractional-N synthesis, to improve
        spurious performance and reduce phase noise while providing small channel spacing.

        Because of the high linearity of the VHF-2100E transmitter, the required bandwidth for
        transmissions follows the mathematical rules for the mode of communications in use. For
        DSB AM transmissions, the bandwidth for 99% power is twice the modulating frequency.
        Two modes of AM are used, 5K00A3E and 10K0A3D. In both cases, the 99% power
        bandwidth is twice the modulating frequency. The tests are performed with a modulating
        frequency of 2.5 kHz, yielding an occupied bandwidth of 5 kHz. In DO-281 and DO-271
        data modes, 14K0G1DE and 14K0G7WET, system MOPS describes a power profile both
        in channel and in adjacent channels. The VHF-2100E out-performs the MOPS by
        typically 6 dB, and often as much as 10 dB.

        The low-pass filter suppresses transmitter spurious radiator. This is located on the RF
        Assembly and shown on schematic 828-1436-002. An additional low pass filter, common
        to both transmit and receive functions is in the common antenna cable from the unit. This

        filter provides additional filtering for transmitter harmonics in the 1.5 GHz GPS band.
        Non-harmonic spurious radiation is reduced by the advanced design of the phase locked
        loop frequency synthesizers and careful circuit board design.
        Modulation limiting is achieved in the audio compressor that is implemented in software
        on the Signal Processor. As the compressor characteristic curves in this report show, this
        compressor circuit operates as a linear amplifier until the input signal reaches such level
        that the software begins to reduce the gain by mathematically scaling the internal digitally
        processed signal. The large dynamic range above the compression knee minimizes the
        possibility of over-modulation. This guarantees that the RF output cannot go to zero,
        even during severe overdrive of the audio input to the compressor.
        The carrier power output is controlled by adjusting the DC component of the audio signal
        applied to the modulator controller, U800 on the RF assembly, 828-1436-002. This DC
        level is a service adjustment, not accessible to the operator.
        A software controlled reduction of peak power occurs during times of low power supply
        voltage (less than 22.0 VDC) to prevent distortion of the positive modulation peaks. This
        is also a service adjustment and not accessible to the operator.
        Separate modulation adjustments are provided for 25 KHz channel and 8.33 KHz
        channel operation. The 25 KHz channel and 8.33 channel modulation levels are set in
        software by values written into non-volatile memory. This is a service adjustment and not
        accessible to the operator.
        The Modulation format of the VHF-2100E Mode 2 is emission designator 14K0G1DE and
        14K0G7WET for Mode 3. These are digital 31.5 kB/sec (10.5 kSym/sec) D8PSK
        waveforms using raised cosine shaping with excess bandwidth factor of 0.6.
        The modulation waveform is generated in software by a Digital Signal Processor in
        complex form (I,Q) with 12 bit precision. 12 bit resolution D/A converter outputs at an 84
        k/sample rate is filtered by a 2 section linear phase type low pass filter with –3 dB cutoff
        frequency of 8.5 kHz. The amplitude and phase response of the low pass filters is
        shown in Table 1.
                                                    Table 1

            Frequency (Hz)             Amplitude (dBr)                    Phase (Degrees)

                      100                       0                                -32

                      1000                      0                                -35

                      2000                    -0.2                               -40

                      3000                    -0.3                               -43

                      4000                    -0.5                               -46

                      5000                    -1.5                               -48

                      8500                     -3                                -50

                    10000              -4                          -55

                    20000             -10                          -70

                   100000             -30                          -80

The filtered I, Q outputs are applied to a Vector (I,Q) modulator which creates the
composite D8PSK waveform directly at the desired transmit frequency. Figure 1 shows a
typical I channel baseband modulation signal during transmission of a VDL Mode 2 or
Mode 3 message. The Q channel will be similar. Figure 2 shows the transmitted I and Q
constellation showing the composite phase and amplitude characteristics produced by
the I and Q signals. The constellation data points are shown in contrasting color.

                                  Figure 1



 RRxmt         0


1.453733       2
                    100     200       300           400    500           600
                   90                         i                          600
                                        I channel

                          Figure 2

                              Transmitted Signal

             Im( xmti)

             Im( Circj)

                              Re( xmti) , Re( Circj)

Document Created: 2006-02-16 15:57:54
Document Modified: 2006-02-16 15:57:54

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