User Manual 101-125

FCC ID: AJK5972410

Users Manual

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PSR-500                     System Installation Guide

   6.5. Validation
In order to evaluate the general performances of the installation, the best way to
proceed is to send people walk over the coverage of the radar.

Following this evaluation, two types of setting can be performed:
    - Update the equipment and their installation properties (see § 6.5.1)
    - Update the zones, (see § 6.5.2)
   6.5.1. Equipment and installation properties update
The camera and radar installation properties can be updated through the « System
Management -> Equipment Configuration » menu.

                     Figure 141    Equipment installation properties update

Radar installation properties update:

   -   Solution#1

           o Disconnect from the radar to be updated (PU), update the radar
             installation properties and re-connect to it. The PSR-500 Installer will
             automatically detect a discrepancy between the current version of the
             System Configuration of the PSR-500 Installer and what the radar is
             aware of. The application proposes either to apply the modification to

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             the PU or to import them from the PU. After 10 seconds, the PU
             configuration is automatically imported toward the PSR-500 Installer.
           o Extend the network configuration window and click on « Send to PU »
             button to apply the update to the PU.

          Figure 142 - PSR-500 Installer - Extension of the radar configuration window

   -   Solution #2

           o Once connected to the PU (radar), re-start the calibration procedure for
             this radar.

Camera installation properties update:

   -   Solution #1

           o Disconnect the camera to be updated from the PSR-500 Installer,
             update camera installation properties and re-connect to it. The PSR-
             500 Installer will automatically detect a discrepancy between the
             current version of the System Configuration of the PSR-500 Installer
             and what the CCS is aware of. Then click on « Send to CCS ».

   -   Solution #2

           o Once connected to a camera, re-start the calibration procedure

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   6.5.2. Zone update
In Installation mode, through the System Management -> Zone Definition menu, you

                                    Figure 143    Zones update

Please note that each zone modification performed in the PSR-500 Installer will not
be known by the Radar(s) until you update their own configuration.

Therefore, you have two possibilities:
   - Solution #1
          - Disconnect all the radars to be updated from the PSR-500 Installer
          - update zones properties through the PSR-500 Installer
          - Click on System Management -> Equipment Global Management ->
             Update All Radar PU(s). The application re-connects to all the radars
             and updates them with the new system configuration.

                Figure 144:update of the system configuration of all the radars

   -   Solution #2

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           o Do not disconnect radars from the PSR-500 Installer
           o Update zones properties through the PSR-500 Installer
           o Radar by radar, extend the network configuration window of the radar,
             and click on « send to PU » to apply the update to the PU.

Each time you change zones sensibility, keep in mind the induced effect.
       The best performances of the PSR are achieved in « normal » sensibility.
       « Normal » sensibility is the best trade-off between detection probability and
       false alarm rate (min 0.35m/s and 4s before triggering the alert)
       « High » sensibility mode will lead the radar to be more reactive on very low
       radial velocity motion (min 0.2m/s) and faster to trigger alerts (2s) but will also
       lead the radar to be more subject to false alarm due to animals or moving
       « Low » sensibility mode will lead the radar to be less sensitive to spurious
       activity (animals, moving trees) (min 1m/s and 4s before triggering the alert)
       but will also lead the radar to be much less sensitive to low radial velocity
       « User defined » sensibility mode gives you access to more properties
       (available in Help -> Advanced mode only (no password required) ) (min
       0.05m/s and 1s before triggering the alert)
   6.5.3. End of the validation phase
Once deployment validation is over, you can generate the Final Installation Report
clicking on System Management -                          -> Generate Installation

                    Figure 145    Manual generation of the installation report

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This chapter is not yet detailed in the English version of the document (please refer
to French version if required).

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System performances optimization is linked with the radar technology concepts,
which were detailed in previous sections of this document.

     8.1. Detection capability
     8.1.1. Reactivity
The PSR-500 radar maximum reactivity time to trigger an alert (linked to an intrusion)
is 4 seconds.

This performance is achieved if the following conditions are fulfilled:

 -       The intruder shall be in the detection area covered by the radar
 -       The intruder shall not be hidden by any obstacles between the radar and him. If
         the intruder is partially hidden, then the performances of the radar will be
         account radar location and features of the detection area.

If one of the previous conditions is not fulfilled, then the performances in terms of
reactivity and detection range will be decreased. In this case, radar installation
optimization is required to fulfill these conditions (as detailed in previous sections of
the document).

                                        ind that this reactivity can be localy improved
through tuning of detection zones features.
     8.1.2. Localization accuracy
Alert localization accuracy for each radar is directly linked to the quality of the
intruder detection.
The better the detection will be, the most accurate will be the localization accuracy.
As explained before in this document, the localization accuracy is linked to :

 -       The proximity between the intruder and the radar
 -       The proximity between the intruder and the boresight of the radar
 -       No masking area, even partial, between the intruder and the radar

These aspects have to be taken into account when the operating zones are created
(detection or exclusion).

At the edge of the detection range (500m), the test results in a clean environment
(flat zone with pedestrian perfectly visible) show that each radar can localize an
intruder with the following performances:

     -     Range accuracy: worst case +/-5m whatever the distance between the
           intruder and the radar
     -     Angular accuracy: worst case +/-15m @500m (i.e.: +/-
           bear in mind that this accuracy gets better as the intruder comes closer to the

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     8.1.3. Effect of the outside temperature
Outside temperature has a direct effect on the detection performances of a radar.
The colder it will be, the more sensitive the radar will be. Indeed, when the outside
temperature increases, the internal noise of the radar reception chains increases as
well and the efficiency of the amplifiers decreases. Thus the impact of this
phenomenon is a reduction of the radar sensitivity.

As a conclusion, outside temperature has a direct effect on the reactivity and the
localization accuracy of the radar.

     8.2. False alarm
The performances of an « active » surveillance sensor are defined by its detection
rate and its false alarm rate.

Each radar of PSR-500 system is preset to reach optimum performances, i.e.: to
ensure the best trade-off between detection sensitivity and false alarm.
Nevertheless, radar system performances can vary depending on the environment

 -    Vegetation (
 -    Seasons and meteorological conditions (temperature, humidity

The performances of each radar have to be monitored for each deployment and also
in operation.

Indeed, the real value of a radar false alarm rate can not be calculated in a very short
time. Usually the false alarm rate of a radar is defined by the number of false alarms
per hour or per day of operation. In order to validate that the false alarm rate is in line
with customer expectation, the radar will have to operate during several days.

Various meteorological conditions are necessary during the observation period of the
radar in order to optimize the performances. For instance, it could be useful to focus
on days where the weather conditions were bad.

Performances optimization will need to investigate non-detections or potential false
alarms and system configuration update could be performed as weel (i.e. : features
of operating zones).

not without visual confirmation. If the operator is not there during the false alarm
analysis phase, then access to recorded video stream from cameras (installed on the
site) will be mandatory for visual check and doubt removal.

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   8.3. Observation period activation
To activate the observation period, click on System Management -> Activate
Observation Period:

                 Figure 146: PSR-500 Server       Observation period activation

In this phase, each radar will transmit to the PSR-500 Server all detailed information
on the observed alerts.
The PSR-500 Server will then permanently record all the data, which will be used by
the operator/installer to check the performances of each radar.

value, i.e. : « Statuts + Radar data (Alarms + Pre-alarms) ».

WARNING : minimum hard disk space is required when observation period is

In average,
The recorded data from a radar when the observation period activated is
around 15Mo/day in average. The size of the memory will depend on the activity
observed in front of the radar.
The graph below shows an example of hard disk memory space used on a site
where 7 radars were deployed and in operation during 8 days:

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                                 Figure 147    Memory register analysis

When the observation period is activated, the system shall operate during at least

     8.4. Investigation
As previously explained, when the observation period is activated, the PSR-500
Server continuously records detailed information of all the alerts observed by each

The PSR-500 Investigator will allow to go through all the registers of each radar and
retrieve relevant information by :

 -       Displaying the list of recorded alarms
 -       Showing on the site map the movement of the intrusion alerts.

To use the recorded data by the PSR-500 Server, some files transfer will have to be
performed in the PSR-500 Investigator.

To do so :

     -     Copy/Paste      the   system   configuration     folder  from    repository
           /PSR_System_Configuration of the PSR-500 Server (or PSR-500 Installer)
           to the repository /PSR_System_Configuration of the PSR-500 Investigator

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                       Figure 148    System configuration folder transfer

 -   Retrieve relevant files corresponding to the days and radar of interest in the
     folder /PSR_Logs of the PSR-500 Server and transfer these files to the folder
     /PSR_Logs of the PSR-500 Investigator. The example below shows the status
     system (global) files retrieval of radar R0 corresponding to the days of 3 and 4
     April 2017.

                               Figure 149    Activity files retrieval

 -   Start the PSR-500 Investigator
 -   Load the system configuration, which was just prepared by the PSR-500
 -   The application knows that the system configuration was prepared by another
     application and/or another PC, soi t asks the user to locate the map on this new
     application. To do that, go to the folder /PSR_Background_Maps/ of the
     application PSR-500 Investigator

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The register analysis window pop-
screens to perform register analysis.

                              Figure 150     Regsiter analysis window

     8.4.1. Register loading

 -    Open the file corresponding to the day when the false alarms have to be
         o To select an observation file containing the alerts corresponding to the
            radar Rx at the date of dd/mm/yyyy, click on the the drop-down list and
            select the file PSR_log_dd_mm_yyyy_obs_Rx.csv
         o To select an observation file containing the system status of all the PSR-
            500 equipment at the date of dd/mm/yyyy, click on the the drop-down list
            and select the file PSR_log_jj_nn_aaaa_global.csv

                              Figure 151     Observation file selection

 -    Click on « Load »

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                               Figure 152      Observation file loading

 -    If the loaded file is a file containing alerts for a dedicated radar, then a window
      will appear to select the level of alerts to retrieve (Awareness and/or Caution
      and/or Warning) => then click on « LOAD » button.

                             Figure 153     Window of alerts to retrieve

 -    After a certain amount of loading time (depending on the density of the activity at
      the selected date), all the alerts will appear in the « Alarm Management »

                                  Figure 154     Display of alerts file

     8.4.2. Replay of a single alarm

 -    Open the video record of the camera associated to the radar under investigation

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 -       Write down the time of each alarm and using the video record, validate the alarm
         (intruder on the screen) or a false alarm (no intruder on the screen).

In case of a false alarm, an advanced investigation is possible :
    - Display this alamr on the map by double-clicking on the alarm in the window
       « Alarm Management »:

                                    Figure 155    Replay of an alarm

     -     Display the alarm trajectory by using the command buttons (Rewind, Stop,
           Play, Pause, Fast Forward, Replay factor) available in the Log Analyser

                         Figure 156 Command buttons of an alarm trajectory

     -     Analyze the alarm                                     in order to define the
           mitigation plan. The alarm properties are displayed on the map close to the
           alarm and follow it.

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   8.4.3. Accumulation of observed activity on one day
Log analyser has advance feature, which allows to accumulate observed activity for a
a dedicated radar for a specific day (corresponding to the file loaded).

This function will go through the map and count during the selected day the number
of alerts per pixel on the map.
As a result, the function will display an accumulation of alerts, which will be used to
assess the density of alerts per zone.

Furthermore, this function is very useful to identify areas with a lot of spurious alarms

used in operation to update exclusion zones in order to reduce the false alarms rate
close to these zones.

   -   To display this accumulation map, click on « Activity Map » button. This action
       requires some time, as the PSR-500 Investigator application has to go
       through all the recorded data of the selected file:

                             Figure 157    Display of « Activity Map »

   -   To display the « Activity Map » only based on True observations (and not
       based on tracking algortithm extrapolation), check the box « True obs. only
   -   Once the « Activity Map » is displayed, the box at the right corner « Max » can
       be used to tune the display threshold value (max number of observations per

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                              Figure 158    Display threshold tuning

   -   To clan the map, click on « Clear »

            Figure 159     « Activity Map » display (threshold with 10 observations)

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             Figure 160 - « Activity Map » display (threshold with 2 observations)

   8.5. False alarm mitigation
False alarm mitigation consists in changing some system installation parameters to
reduce the false alarm rate. This installation parameters change will be performed
with PSR-500 Installer application thankd to the method described in section 6.5.

As explained in this section, the most common way to mitigate the false alarms is to
adjust the drawing of the surveillance zones (warninig, caution, exclusion) in order to
erase zones with high density of false alarms.
sensitivity of the detection zones, which are configured in the system.

When the system configuration is changed via the PSR-500 Installer, if the PSR-500
Server (master and/or slave) is connected to the radars, then the server will
automatically see the changes on each radar. Without any action from the user, the
system configuration known by the PSR-500 Server will be automatically updated in
the PSR-500 Server. The last action will consist in connecting to the server machine
to amnually save the system configuration via the menu System Management ->
System Configuration -> Save. Then, in case of restart, the PSR-500 Server wille be
launched with the last system configuration version.

   8.6. Mitigation validation
Mitigation validation will consist in performing the previous investigation step in order
to ensure that the PSR-500 false alarm rate is compliant with customer expectations.

Note                                                  changes after several months or years,

Thus the PSR-500 system false alarm rate will have to be carefully monitored over
the time.

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   9.1. Display of the radar covering area
After creation of a new system configuration and in particular the addition of a new
radar with the PSR-500 Installer, the shape of the radar covering area shall be
displayed as below:

                Figure 161     Nominal shape of the PSR-500 radar covering area

If the shape is different, then the final performances of the PSR-500 system will
be impacted.

The map referencing was not correctly performed. Perhaps the geographical
localization was inverted (latitude/longitude) or the coma was not well placed. In this
case, the creation of the system configuration shall be performed again, starting from
the beginning.
Indeed, the map referencing and its accuracy are the key points to ensure system

   9.2. Control the status of the deployed radars
Each radar of the PSR-500 system is monitored by maintenance network
components (if they are deployed, configured and tested as explained in this guide)
through the « master » PSR-500 Server.

In case of abnormal operation, the automatic maintenance is launched.
Nevertheless, it may occur operational scenario where the automatic maintenance
can not solve the problem.

Be carreful, if an operator needs to perform a maintenance operation of a radar, the
PSR-500 Server (master and slave) shall be disconnected from this radar to avoid

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that the automatic maintenance takes the control of the associated network
equipments during the maintenance operation.

In any case (automatic maintenance or not), it is needed that the operator is able to
control the deployed radars and to diagnose an eventual failure.

Within the PSR-500 Installer, PSR-500 Viewer or PSR-500 Server applications, the
status of all deployed equipement can be seen by opening the System Management
-> Equipments Status menu:

       Figure 162   Opening the window to check the status of all deployed equipments

                                     « Radars » section. The statuses are indicated
radar by radar, for its SU and its SU. The Alerte status indicated the alert state of this
radar. The following picture presents an extract of this report.

                         Figure 163    Extract related to the radar status

   -   Scan the list to find any radar in failure. Several scenarios may happen :

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Scenario             Diagnosis

                     Nothing to Report. The radar is 100% operational.

                     The radar is in default.
                     The PU is facing a problem and can not communicate with the SU.
                     See below.

                     The radar is in default.
                     The radar is facing a problem to get access to the PU.
                     See below.

   -   When a radar is identified as in default, click on one of its indicators in order to
       identify precisely the exact reason of the defect.
   -   A new window opens giving acces to the detailed status of the radar. This is
       the network component properties configuration that we already used during
       the installation. This window contains also all the status associated with this

                 Figure 164    Radar network properties configuration window

   -   Several scenario may occur:

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Scenario                 Diagnosis                  Maintenance operation

                         The associated
                         radar is 100%              Nothing to Report.

                                                    1/ Re- initialize the radar (see below)
                         The radar has a            2/ If 1 is OK, check the link between the SU and the PU
                         problem with the           3/ If 1+2 is OK, check is the SU is correctly powered
                         radar antenna (SU).        4/ If 1+2+3 is OK, change the SU

                         The radar has a
                                                    1/ Re-initialize the radar
                         problem with its PU.

                         The radar server           1/ Check the link between the radar and the application used for the diagnosis
                         can not                    2/ If 1 is OK, check that the PU is powered and up
                         communicate with           3/ If 1+2 is OK, control the PU power supply
                         the PU.                    4/ If 1+2+3 is OK, replace the PU

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   How the re-initialize a radar?

   -   Power off the PU
   -   Power off the SU
   -   Power on the SU
   -   Power on the PU

To do so, you may use the maintenance network equipments or you may perform the
operation manually. Following the re-initialization, the radar statuses may evolve as
presented below:

          La connexion du serveur              La connexion du serveur       Le radar est de nouveau
          radar avec le PU est                 radar avec le PU est          opérationnel.
          perdue car le PU est en              retrouvée.
          train de redémarrer                  encore récupéré la
                                               connexion avec le SU car il
                                               est en train de redémarrer.

                 Figure 165          Evolution of the radar statuses after re-initialization

   9.3. Control the CCS modules status
Within the PSR-500 Installer, PSR-500 Viewer or PSR-500 Server applications,
Open the System Management -> Equipments Status menu to check the status of all
the PSR-500 system equipment deployed

            Figure 166        Window showing the status of all teh deployed equipments

In the window, we are going to focus on the Cameras section. Look over the list to
find faulty radars. Several scenarios may happen:

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Scenario                       Diagnosis                 Maintenance operation

                               The status of the         Si the camera does not move on the radar alerts or when the user click on the
                               camera is 100%            map in MAP mode, re-start the camera through its web page or through a hard
                               operationnal.             reboot.

                               The CCS module
                                                         Check the camera configuration and more particularly the « Controler » tab.
                               does not start.

                                                         1/ Check the connection (physical/network) from the server hosting the application
                               The CCS module
                                                         lauching the CCS (PSR-500 Installer or PSR-500 Viewer) and the camera.
                               does not connect
                                                         2/ If 1 is OK, check the camera configuration and more particularly the
                               with the camera.
                                                         « Controler » tab.

                                                         1/ Check the connection (physical/network) from the server hosting the application
                               The CSS does not
                                                         lauching the CCS (PSR-500 Installer or PSR-500 Viewer) and the radar.
                               communicate with
                                                         2/ If 1 is OK, Check the radar/camera association in the camera installation
                               the radar.
                                                         properties configuration window.

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   9.4. Control the status of the data flow that cames out of the PSR-
        500 Server
The external client does not receive or does not receive anymore any message from
the PSR-500 Server:

   -   Launch the test with the local web page on the server hosting the PSR-500
       Server application (see section Erreur ! Source du renvoi introuvable.).
       Does the web page receive some CONFIG, STATUS, ALERTS or
       CAM_TRACKING_ACTIVITY messages?
          o Yes = the reception is thus possible locally by not remotly which may be
             due to a firewall problem     Authorized the PSR-500 application in the
             Windows firewall settings. (see section Erreur ! Source du renvoi
          o No = the reception is not possible locally
                    Case 1 = the answer FAILED is received during the
                    authentification    check the user name and the password used
                    to connect to the PSR-500 Server. Have they been correctly
                    created in the PSR-500 Server?
                    Case 2 = no answer is displayed
                           Is the server module of the PSR-500 Server activated?
                               o No = activate it
                               o Yes = contact the support

   9.5. Control the radar and/or camera alignment status
If the intruder is not correclt positionned on the background map:
     - Control the calibration of the radar
     - Control the map georeferencing

If the intruder is not correctly centered in the image:
     - Control the calibration of the radar
     - Control the calibration of the camera
            o Warning: Some COTS camera may drift afert a certain perdio of
               operation. Before modifying the calibration properties of a camera, it is
               recommended to first re-start the camera.
            o The CCS module assumes that the terrain on which the PSR-500 is
               deployed is falt. If the terrain presents some relief (is not falt), since the
               CCS does not take in into account, the radar alert may not be well
               positionned dependning on the distance from the camera.

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     10.1. Quick Installation Guide for the PSR-500
This guide is intended to be used as an installation checklist for a seasoned
installation operator of the PSR-500 system. It is recommanded to a new user to read
the entire system installation document in order to get familiar with the concets and
operations described in the document.

 -    Step 1 = Prepare the deployment system configuration with the PSR-500
         o Load and reference the background map
         o Define operating zone for the radars
         o Add, pre-position the radars and configure the network addresses
         o In option
                  Add, pre-position the cameras and configure the network
                  Add and configure the maintenance network components
         o Generate the preliminary installation report
         o Perform a visit of the site and validate/update the installation
         o Add installation operators (if needed)

 -    Step 2 = Install physically and start the radars

 -    Step 3 = Define and validate the radar interoperability strategy

 -    Step 4 = Align the radars and the cameras

 -    Step 5 = Validate/update the installation and generate the final installation report

 -    Step 6 = Deploy the PSR-500 Server on the « master » host

           o Transfer the system configuration as well as the background map
             prepared from the PSR-500 Installer toward the PSR-500 Server
           o Start the application and load the system configuration
           o Add and activate the server module
           o Add user to the server
           o Test that the server can be accessed
           o Add and configure the master/slave module as « master »
           o Save the new system configuration
           o Connect to all the equipments
           o Activate the observation period

 -    Step 7 = Deploy the PSR-500 Server on the « slave » host

           o Transfer the entire folder from the PSR-500 Server master to the PSR-
             500 Server slave ( to retreive the system configuration and the
             authorized user list)
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          o   Start the application and load the system configuration
          o   Modifiy the configuration of the server module
          o   Test that the server can be accessed
          o   Modify the configuration of the master/slave module as « slave »
          o   Save the new system configuration
          o   Connect to all equipments
          o   Activate the observation period

 -   Step 8 = Investigate/optimize the performances

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Document Created: 2018-01-08 10:49:38
Document Modified: 2018-01-08 10:49:38

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