RF Exposure Report


RF Exposure Info

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1.      Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE)

     Standard Applicable
     According to §1.1307(b)(1), systems operating under the provisions of this section shall
     be operated in a manner that ensure that the public is not exposed to radio frequency
     energy level in excess of the Commission’s guideline.

     This is a Mobile device, the MPE is required.

     According to §1.1310 and §2.1091 RF exposure is calculated.

     Limits for Maximum Permissive Exposure (MPE)

Frequency Range         Electric Field    Magnetic Field   Power Density     Averaging Time
        (MHz)          Strength (V/m)     Strength (A/m)     (mW/cm2)           (minute)
                       Limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure
       0.3-1.34              614               1.63            *(100)              30
       1.34-30              824/f              2.19/f         *(180/f2 )           30
        30-300              27.5               0.073             0.2               30
      300-1500                /                  /             F/1500              30
     1500-15000               /                  /               1.0               30

 F = frequency in MHz
 * = Plane-wave equipment power density


    Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) Evaluation

    2.4GHz mode:
    The worst case of Average power: refer to FCC test report for detail measurement date.
    Power measurement:
              Cable loss = 0                         Output Power                        Limit
             CH         Frequency                       Detector                        (dBm)
                          (MHz)                PK                      AV
                                             (dBm)                   (dBm)
              1            2412              14.98                    12.47
              6            2437              14.83                    12.32                30
             11            2462              14.79                    12.34
          Prediction of MPE limit at a given distance
          Equation from page 18 of OET Bulletin 65, Edition 97-01
          Where: S = Power density
                  P = Power input to antenna
                  G = Power gain of the antenna in the direction of interest relative to an isotropic
                  R = Distance to the center of radiation of the antenna

  Maximum peak output power at antenna input terminal: 12.47                        (dBm)
  Maximum peak output power at antenna input terminal: 17.66037821                   (mW)
                                          Duty cycle: 100                           (%)
                                     Maximum Pav : 17.66037821                       (mW)
                               Antenna gain (typical): 5.65                         (dBi)
                             Maximum antenna gain: 3.672823005                      (numeric)
                                  Prediction distance: 20                           (cm)
                                Prediction frequency: 2412                          (MHz)

MPE limit for uncontrolled exposure at prediction 1                                  (mW/cm2)
Power density at predication frequency at 20 (cm) 0.0129107                         (mW/cm^2)
          Measurement Result
          The predicted power density level at 20 cm is 0.0129 mW/cm2. This is below the
          uncontrolled exposure limit of 1 mW/cm2 at 2412MHz.


5150MHz – 5250MHz Mode:
The worst case of Average power N HT20 mode: refer to FCC test report for detail
measurement date.

Power measurement:
3*3 MIMO
                                   Output Chain (dBm)Combine
  Mode     Freq(MHz) channel Chain         Chain Output Power Limit(dBm) Result
                                   chain B
                              A             C       (dBm)
              5180        36      6.53     6.77     6.41        11.34         16.98       Pass
 N HT20       5200        40      6.46     6.57      6.3        11.22         16.98       Pass
              5240        48      6.73     6.56     6.41        11.34         16.98       Pass
      Prediction of MPE limit at a given distance
      Equation from page 18 of OET Bulletin 65, Edition 97-01
      Where: S = Power density
            P = Power input to antenna
            G = Power gain of the antenna in the direction of interest relative to an isotropic
            R = Distance to the center of radiation of the antenna

         Maximum peak output power at antenna input terminal: 11.34                     (dBm)
         Maximum peak output power at antenna input terminal: 13.61444682                (mW)
                                                        Duty cycle: 100                 (%)
                                                    Maximum Pav : 13.61444682            (mW)
                                            Antenna gain (typical): 5.83                (dBi)
                                           Maximum antenna gain: 3.828247433 (numeric)
                                             Prediction distance: 20         (cm)
                                             Prediction frequency: 5180                 (MHz)

MPE limit for uncontrolled exposure at prediction frequency: 1                           (mW/cm2)
Power density at predication frequency at 20 (cm) distance              0.0103741       (mW/cm^2)

      Measurement Result
      The predicted power density level at 20 cm is 0.0104mW/cm2. This is below the
      uncontrolled exposure limit of 1 mW/cm2 at 5180MHz.


5725MHz – 5850MHz Mode:
The worst case of Average power N HT40 mode: refer to FCC test report for detail
measurement date.

Power measurement:
3*3 MIMO
                                  Output Chain (dBm)           Combine
 Mode Freq(MHz) channel Chain chain Chain                  Output Power     Limit(dBm) Result
                         A      B    C                        (dBm)
            5755         151       6.72   6.74    6.55         11.44             30
N HT40      5775         155       6.6    6.35    6.59         11.29             30        Pass
            5815         163       6.62   6.44    6.56         11.31             30        Pass
     Prediction of MPE limit at a given distance
     Equation from page 18 of OET Bulletin 65, Edition 97-01
      Where: S = Power density
            P = Power input to antenna
            G = Power gain of the antenna in the direction of interest relative to an isotropic
            R = Distance to the center of radiation of the antenna

    Maximum peak output power at antenna input terminal:             11.44            (dBm)
    Maximum peak output power at antenna input terminal:             13.93156803       (mW)
                                            Duty cycle:              100              (%)
                                       Maximum Pav :                 13.93156803       (mW)
                                 Antenna gain (typical):             5.83             (dBi)
                               Maximum antenna gain:                 3.828247433      (numeric)
                                    Prediction distance:             20               (cm)
                                  Prediction frequency:              5755             (MHz)

 MPE limit for uncontrolled exposure at prediction 1                                   (mW/cm2)
 Power density at predication frequency at 20 (cm) 0.0106157                          (mW/cm^2)
 Measurement Result
     The predicted power density level at 20 cm is 0.0106mW/cm2. This is below the
     uncontrolled exposure limit of 1 mW/cm2 at 5755MHz.


Zigbee and Z-Wave mode: both of Zigbee and Z-wave meet FCC 15.249 requirement, the
MPE and SAR is not required.

Document Created: 2019-10-16 17:32:08
Document Modified: 2019-10-16 17:32:08

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