Test Report


Test Report

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                                                         Issue Date : December 19, 2001
                                                         Page 1 of 28

                      EMC EMISSION - TEST REPORT

JQA APPLICATION No.         : KL80010450

Name of Product             : VHF Transceiver

Model/Type No.              : IC-V8000

FCC ID                      : AFJ IC-V8000

Applicant                   : ICOM Incorporated

Address                     : 1-6-19, Kuratsukuri, Kami, Hirano-ku, Osaka, Japan

Manufacturer                : ICOM Incorporated

Address                     : 1-6-19, Kuratsukuri, Kami, Hirano-ku, Osaka, Japan

Receive date of EUT         : November 22, 2001

Final Judgement             : Passed

TEST RESULTS IN THIS REPORT are obtained in use of equipment that is traceable to National
Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) under METI Japan and
Communications Research Lab. (CRL) under MPHPT Japan.

THE TEST RESULTS only responds to the test sample. This test report shall not be reproduced
except in full.

              JQA Application No. : KL80010450        Regulation   : CFR 47 FCC Rules Part 15
              Model No.           : IC-V8000          Issue Date   : December 19, 2001
              FCC ID              : AFJ IC-V8000

                                                                             Page 2 of 28



A) Documentation
  Directory                                                                        2

  Test Regulation / General Information                                            3

  Test Conditions                                                                4-8

  Configuration of EUT / Operation mode of the EUT                               9 - 11

  EUT Modification / Responsible Party / Deviation from Standard                  12

  Test results / Measurement Uncertainty                                        13 - 14

  Summary                                                                         15

  Test System-Arrangement (Drawings)                                              16

  Preliminary Test and Test-setup (Drawings)                                    17 - 20

  Test-setup (Photographs) at worst case                                          21

B) Test data
  Conducted Emission                          450 kHz - 30 MHz                    22

  Electromagnetic Field Radiated Emission     30 MHz - 1000 MHz                 23 - 24

  Antenna-Conducted Power                     30 MHz - 1000 MHz                 25 - 26

  38dB Rejection Test                                                           27 - 28

                 JQA Application No. : KL80010450          Regulation    : CFR 47 FCC Rules Part 15
                 Model No.           : IC-V8000            Issue Date    : December 19, 2001
                 FCC ID              : AFJ IC-V8000

                                                                                      Page 3 of 28

                                         TEST REGULATION
FCC Rules and Regulations Part 15 Subpart A and B (February 28, 2001)

{ - Class A Digital Device
{ - Class B Digital Device
z - Scanning Receiver

Test procedure:
The tests were performed according to the procedures in ANSI C63.4-1992.

                                   GENERAL INFORMATION

Test facility:
1) Test Facility located at Kita-Kansai    : 1st and 2nd Open Sites (3 m Site)
   Test Facility located at Kameoka        : 1st Open Site (3, 10 and 30 m, on common plane)
                                           : 2nd Open Site (3 and 10 m, on common plane)
     FCC filing No. : 31040/SIT 1300F2

2) KITA-KANSAI TESTING CENTER is recognized under the National Voluntary Laboratory
   Accreditation Program for satisfactory compliance established in Title 15, Part 285
   Code of Federal Regulations.
   NVLAP Lab Code: 200191-0

Description of the Equipment Under Test (EUT):
1)   Name                                   :    VHF Transceiver
2)   Model/Type No.                         :    IC-V8000
3)   Product Type                           :    Pre-Production (S/N: 00015)
4)   Category                               :    Scanning Receiver
5)   EUT Authorization                      :    { - Verification z - Certification    { - D.o.C.
6)   Highest local frequency                :    152.300 MHz
7)   Other highest frequency used/generated :    21.25 MHz
8)   Power Rating                           :    DC 13.8V

Definitions for symbols used in this test report:
z - Black box indicates that the listed condition, standard or equipment is applicable
    for this Report.
{ - Blank box indicates that the listed condition, standard or equipment is not applicable
    for this Report.

                     JQA Application No. : KL80010450         Regulation   : CFR 47 FCC Rules Part 15
                     Model No.           : IC-V8000           Issue Date   : December 19, 2001
                     FCC ID              : AFJ IC-V8000

                                                                                     Page 4 of 28

                                             TEST CONDITIONS

AC Powerline Conducted Emission Measurement
was performed in the following test site.

Test location:
KITA-KANSAI Testing Center
 7-7, Ishimaru, 1-Chome, Mino-Shi, Osaka, 562-0027, Japan
z - Shielded room
 9-1, Ozaki, Inukanno, Nishibetsuin-Cho, Kameoka-Shi, Kyoto, 621-0126, Japan
{ - Shielded room
{ - On metal plane of open site

Used test instruments and sites:

     Model No.                      Device ID          Last Cal. Date       Cal. Interval

     {   -   ESCS 30                A-1
     z   -   ESH 2                  A-2                May, 2000            1 Year
     {   -   ESH 2                  A-3
     z   -   KNW-407                D-6                January, 2001        1 Year
     {   -   KNW-408                D - 11
     {   -   KNW-242                D-7
     {   -   ESH3-Z5                D - 12
     {   -   KNW-341C               D - 13
     {   -   KNW-408                D - 14
     {   -   KNW-244C               D - 77
     {   -   KNW-408                D - 78
     {   -   ESH2-Z5                D - 10
     {   -   ESH2-Z3                D - 17
     {   -   65 BNC-50-0-1          H - 26
     {   -   65 BNC-50-0-1          H - 27
     {   -   Cable                  H-7
     z   -   Cable                  H-8                January, 2001        1 Year

Environmental conditions:
     Temperature:      25 °C     Humidity:    32   %

                    JQA Application No. : KL80010450                Regulation   : CFR 47 FCC Rules Part 15
                    Model No.           : IC-V8000                  Issue Date   : December 19, 2001
                    FCC ID              : AFJ IC-V8000

                                                                                           Page 5 of 28

Electromagnetic Field Radiated Emission Measurement
was performed in horizontal and vertical polarization, in the frequency range of 30 MHz - 1000 MHz,
in the following test site.

Test location:
KITA-KANSAI Testing Center
 7-7, Ishimaru, 1-Chome, Mino-Shi, Osaka, 562-0027, Japan
{ - 1st open test site (3 meters)
z - 2nd open test site (3 meters)
 9-1, Ozaki, Inukanno, Nishibetsuin-Cho, Kameoka-Shi, Kyoto, 621-0126, Japan
{ - 1st open test site            {-3m     { - 10 m   { - 30 m
{ - 2nd open test site            {-3m     { - 10 m

Validation of Site Attenuation:
1) Last Confirmed Date : October 9, 2001
2) Interval            : 1 Year

Used test instruments:

     Model No.                    Device ID                  Last Cal. Date       Cal. Interval

     {   -   ESV/ESV-Z3           A-7/      A   -   17
     z   -   ESV/ESV-Z3           A-6/      A   -   18       December, 2000       1 Year
     {   -   ESV/ESV-Z3           A-4/      A   -   20
     {   -   ESV/ESV-Z3           A-8/      A   -   19
     {   -   ESVS 10              A-5
     {   -   KBA-511A             C - 13
     {   -   KBA-611              C - 19
     z   -   VHA9103/BBA9106      C - 43                     August, 2001         1 Year
     z   -   UHALP9107            C - 42                     August, 2001         1 Year
     {   -   VHA9103/FBAB9177     C - 25
     {   -   UHALP9108-A1         C - 28
     {   -   Cable                H-1
     {   -   Cable                H-2
     {   -   Cable                H-5
     z   -   Cable                H-6                        November, 2001       1 Year
     {   -   Cable                H-9

Environmental conditions:
     Temperature:     13 °C     Humidity:       44       %

                    JQA Application No. : KL80010450          Regulation    : CFR 47 FCC Rules Part 15
                    Model No.           : IC-V8000            Issue Date    : December 19, 2001
                    FCC ID              : AFJ IC-V8000

                                                                                       Page 6 of 28

Electromagnetic Field Radiated Emission Measurement
was performed in horizontal and vertical polarization, in the frequency range of 1 GHz - 2 GHz,
in the following test site.

Test location:
KITA-KANSAI Testing Center
 7-7, Ishimaru, 1-Chome, Mino-Shi, Osaka, 562-0027, Japan
{ - 1st open test site (3 meters)
{ - 2nd open test site (3 meters)
 9-1, Ozaki, Inukanno, Nishibetsuin-Cho, Kameoka-Shi, Kyoto, 621-0126, Japan
{ - 1st open test site            {-3m     { - 10 m   { - 30 m
{ - 2nd open test site            {-3m     { - 10 m

Used test instruments:

     Model No.                     Device ID           Last Cal. Date         Cal. Interval

     {   -   ESCS 30               A-1
     {   -   8566B                 A - 13
     {   -   8593A                 A - 15
     {   -   ESV                   A-6
     {   -   4T-10                 D - 73
     {   -   4T-10                 D - 74
     {   -   WJ-6611-513           A - 23
     {   -   WJ-6882-824           A - 21
     {   -   DBL-0618N515          A - 33
     {   -   91888-2               C - 41 -   1
     {   -   91889-2               C - 41 -   2
     {   -   94613-1               C - 41 -   3
     {   -   91891-2               C - 41 -   4
     {   -   94614-1               C - 41 -   5
     {   -   3160-09               C - 48
     {   -   355C                  D - 22
     {   -   355D                  D - 23
     {   -   MZ5010C               D - 81
     {   -   Cable                 C - 40 -   11
     {   -   Cable                 C - 40 -   12

Environmental conditions:
     Temperature:           °C   Humidity:         %

                    JQA Application No. : KL80010450           Regulation   : CFR 47 FCC Rules Part 15
                    Model No.           : IC-V8000             Issue Date   : December 19, 2001
                    FCC ID              : AFJ IC-V8000

                                                                                         Page 7 of 28

Antenna-Conducted Power Measurement
was performed in the frequency range of 30 MHz - 1000 MHz, in the following test site.

Test location:
KITA-KANSAI Testing Center
 7-7, Ishimaru, 1-Chome, Mino-Shi, Osaka, 562-0027, Japan
z - Shielded room
{ - Anechoic chamber
 9-1, Ozaki, Inukanno, Nishibetsuin-Cho, Kameoka-Shi, Kyoto, 621-0126, Japan
{ - Shielded room

Used test instruments:

     Model No.                   Device ID              Last Cal. Date       Cal. Interval

     z   -   ESCS 30             A-1                    August, 2001         1 Year
     {   -   8566B               A - 13
     {   -   8593A               A - 15
     {   -   ESV                 A-6
     {   -   LSG-221             B - 15
     {   -   216/1               B - 16
     {   -   MP614A              D - 56
     {   -   12B50/75            D - 55
     {   -   12N50/75B           D - 72
     z   -   2-10                D - 40                 June, 2001           1 Year
     {   -   1506A               D - 21
     z   -   Cable               C - 40 - 9             June, 2001           1 Year

Environmental conditions:
     Temperature:        18 °C     Humidity:   40   %

                    JQA Application No. : KL80010450         Regulation   : CFR 47 FCC Rules Part 15
                    Model No.           : IC-V8000           Issue Date   : December 19, 2001
                    FCC ID              : AFJ IC-V8000

                                                                                    Page 8 of 28

38dB Rejection Test (§15.121(b))
was performed in the following test site.

Test location:
KITA-KANSAI Testing Center
 7-7, Ishimaru, 1-Chome, Mino-Shi, Osaka, 562-0027, Japan
z - Shielded room
{ - Anechoic chamber
 9-1, Ozaki, Inukanno, Nishibetsuin-Cho, Kameoka-Shi, Kyoto, 621-0126, Japan
{ - Shielded room

Used test instruments:

     Model No.                Device ID               Last Cal. Date       Cal. Interval

     { - MG645A               B-4
     z - 6062A                B - 44                  May, 2001            1 Year
     { - 339A                 --

Environmental conditions:
     Temperature:     23 °C      Humidity:   58   %

                   JQA Application No. : KL80010450     Regulation   : CFR 47 FCC Rules Part 15
                   Model No.           : IC-V8000       Issue Date   : December 19, 2001
                   FCC ID              : AFJ IC-V8000

                                                                               Page 9 of 28

                                   CONFIGURATION OF EUT

The Equipment Under Test (EUT) consists of:

     Description                      Applicant                 Model No.           FCC ID
                                    (Manufacturer)             (Serial No.)

 VHF Transceiver                  ICOM Incorporated             IC-V8000         AFJ IC-V8000
                                 (ICOM Incorporated)             (00015)

 Microphone                       ICOM Incorporated             HM-133V              N/A
                                 (ICOM Incorporated)              (--)

 External Speaker                 ICOM Incorporated              SP-10               N/A
                                 (ICOM Incorporated)              (--)

The measurement was carried out with the following equipment connected:

     Description                 Grantee/Distributor            Model No.           FCC ID
                                                               (Serial No.)

 DC Power Supply                  ICOM Incorporated               IC-5P              N/A

                   JQA Application No. : KL80010450      Regulation   : CFR 47 FCC Rules Part 15
                   Model No.           : IC-V8000        Issue Date   : December 19, 2001
                   FCC ID              : AFJ IC-V8000

                                                                                 Page 10 of 28

Type of Interface Cable(s) and the AC Power Cord used with the EUT:

                  Description                    Port      Shielded    Shell     Ferrite    Cable
                                                            Cable     Material    Core      Length

     EUT                                         MIC                  Nonmetal
 1                                                           NO                    NO       0.5   m
     Microphone                                   --                     --

     EUT                                         SP                      --
 2                                                           NO                    YES      1.4   m
     External Speaker                             --                     --      (1 pcs.)

     DC Power Cord
 3   (EUT / DC Power Supply)                  DC 13.8V       NO          --        NO       3.0   m

     AC Power Cord
 4   (DC Power Supply)                            --         NO          --        NO       1.6   m
     1φ 2-pin plug

     Earth Cord
 5   (DC Power Supply)                          GND          NO          --        NO       1.4   m

                  JQA Application No. : KL80010450             Regulation   : CFR 47 FCC Rules Part 15
                  Model No.           : IC-V8000               Issue Date   : December 19, 2001
                  FCC ID              : AFJ IC-V8000

                                                                                      Page 11 of 28

Operation - mode of the EUT:
 The EUT was operated during the measurement under “FM receiving” mode with the antenna
 terminals terminated with a 50Ω termination.

Test system:
 The EUT has an ANT port, a SP port and a MIC port.
 The microphone was connected to the MIC port, and the external speaker was connected to the SP

Detailed receiver portion:
 1) Relation between receiving frequency and local frequency

     Receiving Frequency           :    136.000 MHz - 174.000 MHz
     1st Local Frequency           :    114.300 MHz - 152.300 MHz
     2nd Local Frequency           :    21.250 MHz

 2) Respective Intermediate Frequency

     1st Intermediate Frequency    :    21.700 MHz (lower)
     2nd Intermediate Frequency    :    450 kHz (lower)

 3) Type of Antenna Terminal       :    M-Type 50 Ω (Unbalanced)

 4) Receiving mode                 :    FM

Special accessories:
 The speaker cable with a ferrite core is an exclusive use of the external speaker as the special
 accessory of which is defined §15.27 in FCC rule.
 The external speaker is to be marketed together with the VHF transceiver (EUT).

Other used (generated) frequencies in the EUT:
 CPU            : 9.2 MHz
 REF OSC        : 21.25 MHz

                   JQA Application No. : KL80010450             Regulation   : CFR 47 FCC Rules Part 15
                   Model No.           : IC-V8000               Issue Date   : December 19, 2001
                   FCC ID              : AFJ IC-V8000

                                                                                       Page 12 of 28

                                          EUT Modification

z - No modifications were conducted by JQA to achieve compliance to applied levels.

{ - To achieve compliance to applied levels, the following change(s) were made by JQA during the
    compliance test.

      The modification(s) will be implemented in all production models of this equipment.

      Applicant     :     N/A                      Date     :         N/A

      Typed Name    :     N/A                      Position :         N/A

                                          Responsible Party
      Responsible Party of Test Item(Product)

      Responsible party         :

      Contact Person            :

                                       Deviation from Standard

z - No deviations from the standard described in page 3.

{ - The following deviations were employed from the standard described in page 3.

                    JQA Application No. : KL80010450       Regulation     : CFR 47 FCC Rules Part 15
                    Model No.           : IC-V8000         Issue Date     : December 19, 2001
                    FCC ID              : AFJ IC-V8000

                                                                                         Page 13 of 28

                                           TEST RESULTS

AC Powerline Conducted Emission 450 kHz - 30 MHz

The requirements are                                       z   - Passed            {   - Not Passed

Min. limit margin                                          30.1      dB       at   27.60     MHz

Max. limit exceeding                                                 dB       at             MHz

Uncertainty of measurement results                         + 2.1     dB(2σ)        - 2.1     dB(2σ)


Electromagnetic Field Radiated Emission 30 MHz - 1000 MHz

The requirements are                                       z   - Passed            {   - Not Passed

Min. limit margin                              More than       9.4   dB       at   36.8      MHz

Max. limit exceeding                                                 dB       at             MHz

Uncertainty of measurement results                         + 4.9     dB(2σ)        - 5.0     dB(2σ)


Antenna-Conducted Power 30 MHz - 1000 MHz

The requirements are                                       z   - Passed            {   - Not Passed
Min. limit margin                                          24.0      dB    at 133.300 MHz
                                                                          and 152.300 MHz

Max. limit exceeding                                                 dB       at             MHz

Uncertainty of measurement results                         + 2.3     dB(2σ)        - 2.3     dB(2σ)


                    JQA Application No. : KL80010450     Regulation     : CFR 47 FCC Rules Part 15
                    Model No.           : IC-V8000       Issue Date     : December 19, 2001
                    FCC ID              : AFJ IC-V8000

                                                                                         Page 14 of 28

38dB Rejection Test (§15.121(b))

The requirements are                                     z   - Passed            {   - Not Passed

Min. limit margin                                            -     dB       at       -      MHz

Max. limit exceeding                                               dB       at              MHz

Uncertainty of measurement results                           -     dB(2σ)            -      dB(2σ)

Remarks: No frequency of response was detected.

                   JQA Application No. : KL80010450             Regulation    : CFR 47 FCC Rules Part 15
                   Model No.           : IC-V8000               Issue Date    : December 19, 2001
                   FCC ID              : AFJ IC-V8000

                                                                                          Page 15 of 28


  The EUT was tested according to the requirements of FCC Rules and Regulations Part 15 Subpart A
  and B (February 28, 2001) under the test configuration, as shown in page 16.

  The conclusion for the test items of which are required by the applied regulation is indicated under
  the final judgement.


The "as received" sample;

 z - fulfill the test requirements of the regulation mentioned on page 3.

 { - fulfill the test requirements of the regulation mentioned on page 3, but with certain qualifications.

 { - doesn't fulfill the test regulation mentioned on page 3.

Begin of testing          :     November 28, 2001

End of testing            :     December 12, 2001


          Approved by :                                    Issued by :

          Akio Hosoda                                      Shigeru Kinoshita
          Manager                                          Deputy Manager
          EMC Div.                                         EMC Div.
          JQA KITA-KANSAI Testing Center                   JQA KITA-KANSAI Testing Center

                     JQA Application No. : KL80010450                    Regulation   : CFR 47 FCC Rules Part 15
                     Model No.           : IC-V8000                      Issue Date   : December 19, 2001
                     FCC ID              : AFJ IC-V8000

                                                                                                 Page 22 of 28

                        AC Powerline Conducted Emission Measurement
                                                    Scanning Receiver

                                                                                      Test Date: November 28, 2001
Receiving Frequency : 155.000 MHz                                                     Temp.: 25 °C ; Humi.: 32 %

Frequency Correction         Meter Readings [dB(µV)]           Limits         Results       Margin    Remarks
           Factor             VA                VB            [dB(µV)]       [dB(µV)]        [dB]     (Note 2)
  [MHz]     [dB]          QP      AV       QP        AV                     QP       AV

   0.45        0.1       <10.0       -      <10.0        -      48.0      <10.1       -     >+37.9       A
   1.00        0.1       <10.0       -      <10.0        -      48.0      <10.1       -     >+37.9       A
   2.30        0.2       <10.0       -      <10.0        -      48.0      <10.2       -     >+37.8       A
   5.00        0.4       <10.0       -      <10.0        -      48.0      <10.4       -     >+37.6       A
  10.00        0.5       <10.0       -      <10.0        -      48.0      <10.5       -     >+37.5       A
  15.00        0.7       <10.0       -      <10.0        -      48.0      <10.7       -     >+37.3       A
  27.60        0.9        15.0       -       17.0        -      48.0       17.9       -      +30.1       A

  Sample of calculated result at 27.60 MHz, as the Minimum Margin point:
          Correction Factor =       0.9 dB
       +) Meter Reading       =    17.0 dB(µV)
          Result              =    17.9 dB(µV)
  Minimum Margin : 48.0 - 17.9 = 30.1(dB)
  The point shown on “     ” is the Minimum Margin Point.

   Note 1:
   1)The correction factor includes the LISN insertion loss and the cable loss.


     Note 2      Detector Function       IF Bandwidth
       A             CISPR QP                9 kHz
       B              Average               10 kHz

                                                                   Tester :       Yuzo Tanaka

                    JQA Application No. : KL80010450           Regulation     : CFR 47 FCC Rules Part 15
                    Model No.           : IC-V8000             Issue Date     : December 19, 2001
                    FCC ID              : AFJ IC-V8000

                                                                                         Page 23 of 28

                   Electromagnetic Field Radiated Emission Measurement
                                           Scanning Receiver

                                                                              Test Date: December 7, 2001
Measurement for local frequency                                               Temp.: 13 °C ; Humi.: 44 %

Frequency to Measured Antenna Cable     Meter Readings     Limits        Results       Margin   Remarks
which tuned Frequency Factor    Loss      [dB(µV)]       [dB(µV/m)]    [dB(µV/m)]       [dB]    (Note 2)
   [MHz]      [MHz]   [dB(1/m)] [dB]    Hori.    Vert.                Hori.    Vert.

 136.000      114.300      12.3   0.9   < 0.0    < 0.0     43.5       <13.2    <13.2   >+30.3      A
              228.600      16.9   1.3   < 0.0    < 0.0     46.0       <18.2    <18.2   >+27.8      A
              342.900      16.7   1.7   <-5.0    <-5.0     46.0       <13.4    <13.4   >+32.6      A
              457.200      18.3   2.1   <-5.0    <-5.0     46.0       <15.4    <15.4   >+30.6      A
              571.500      20.5   2.4   <-5.0    <-5.0     46.0       <17.9    <17.9   >+28.1      A
              685.800      22.1   2.6   <-5.0    <-5.0     46.0       <19.7    <19.7   >+26.3      A
              800.100      23.0   2.9   <-5.0    <-5.0     46.0       <20.9    <20.9   >+25.1      A
              914.400      24.4   3.0   <-5.0    <-5.0     46.0       <22.4    <22.4   >+23.6      A

 155.000      133.300      13.9   1.0     4.0      2.0     43.5        18.9     16.9    +24.6      A
              266.600      18.0   1.5   < 0.0    < 0.0     46.0       <19.5    <19.5   >+26.5      A
              399.900      17.2   1.9    -2.0    <-5.0     46.0        17.1    <14.1    +28.9      A
              533.200      19.8   2.4   <-5.0    <-5.0     46.0       <17.2    <17.2   >+28.8      A
              666.500      21.9   2.5   <-5.0    <-5.0     46.0       <19.4    <19.4   >+26.6      A
              799.800      23.0   2.9   <-5.0    <-5.0     46.0       <20.9    <20.9   >+25.1      A
              933.100      24.6   3.0   <-5.0    <-5.0     46.0       <22.6    <22.6   >+23.4      A

 174.000      152.300      14.7   1.0     6.0      3.0     43.5        21.7     18.7    +21.8      A
              304.600      16.4   1.6    -5.0    <-5.0     46.0        13.0    <13.0    +33.0      A
              456.900      18.3   2.1   <-5.0    <-5.0     46.0       <15.4    <15.4   >+30.6      A
              609.200      21.2   2.4   <-5.0    <-5.0     46.0       <18.6    <18.6   >+27.4      A
              761.500      22.7   2.7   <-5.0    <-5.0     46.0       <20.4    <20.4   >+25.6      A
              913.800      24.4   3.0   <-5.0    <-5.0     46.0       <22.4    <22.4   >+23.6      A

                       JQA Application No. : KL80010450              Regulation    : CFR 47 FCC Rules Part 15
                       Model No.           : IC-V8000                Issue Date    : December 19, 2001
                       FCC ID              : AFJ IC-V8000

                                                                                              Page 24 of 28

Measurement for other disturbance frequency

 Frequency     Antenna    Cable      Meter Readings       Limits           Results       Margin    Remarks
                Factor    Loss           [dB(µV)]       [dB(µV/m)]       [dB(µV/m)]       [dB]      (Note 2)
  [MHz]       [dB(1/m)]   [dB]       Hori.      Vert.                  Hori.     Vert.

   36.8         16.1       0.5       <10.0     <14.0       40.0       <26.6     <30.6     >+ 9.4       A
   50.6         11.1       0.6       <12.0     <17.0       40.0       <23.7     <28.7    >+11.3        A
   92.0          8.5       0.8       < 9.0     <13.0       43.5       <18.3     <22.3    >+21.2        A
  110.4         11.7       0.9       <15.0     < 9.0       43.5       <27.6     <21.6    >+15.9        A
  138.0         14.2       1.0       <14.0     < 9.0       43.5       <29.2     <24.2    >+14.3        A
  165.6         15.5       1.1       < 2.0     <15.0       43.5       <18.6     <31.6    >+11.9        A
  230.0         16.9       1.3       < 2.0     < 6.0       46.0       <20.2     <24.2    >+21.8        A
  303.7         16.4       1.6        -1.0     < 1.0       46.0        17.0     <19.0    >+27.0        A

  Sample of calculated result at 36.8 MHz, as the Minimum Margin point:
          Antenna Factor       =    16.1 dB(1/m)
          Cable Loss           =     0.5 dB
       +) Meter Reading        = <14.0 dB(µV)
          Result               = <30.6 dB(µV/m)
  Minimum Margin : 40.0 - <30.6 = >9.4(dB)
  The point shown on “      ” is the Minimum Margin Point.

   Note 1:
   1)The highest local frequency generated : 152.300 MHz
   2)Other highest frequency generated or used in the EUT: 21.25 MHz
   3)The upper frequency of measurement range : 1 GHz


     Note 2      Detector Function      IF Bandwidth
       A             CISPR QP              120 kHz
       B              Average              120 kHz
       C              Average              12 kHz
       D              Average              7.5 kHz

                                                                  Tester :    Yuzo Tanaka

                    JQA Application No. : KL80010450              Regulation   : CFR 47 FCC Rules Part 15
                    Model No.           : IC-V8000                Issue Date   : December 19, 2001
                    FCC ID              : AFJ IC-V8000

                                                                                          Page 25 of 28

                             Antenna-Conducted Power Measurement
                                              Scanning Receiver

                                                                               Test Date: December 7, 2001
Measurement for local frequency                                                Temp.: 18 °C ; Humi.: 40 %

Frequency to Measured      Attenuation   Meter Readings    Limits        Results     Margin     Remarks
which tuned Frequency       Pad Loss       [dB(µV)]        at 50 Ω      [dB(µV)]      [dB]      (Note 2)
   [MHz]      [MHz]            [dB]                       [dB(µV)]

 136.000      114.300             10.0        15.0         50.0           25.0        +25.0        A
              228.600             10.0       <10.0         50.0          <20.0       >+30.0        A
              342.900             10.0       <10.0         50.0          <20.0       >+30.0        A
              457.200             10.0       <10.0         50.0          <20.0       >+30.0        A
              571.500             10.0       <10.0         50.0          <20.0       >+30.0        A
              685.800             10.0       <10.0         50.0          <20.0       >+30.0        A
              800.100             10.0       <10.0         50.0          <20.0       >+30.0        A
              914.400             10.0       <10.0         50.0          <20.0       >+30.0        A

 155.000      133.300             10.0        16.0         50.0           26.0        +24.0        A
              266.600             10.0       <10.0         50.0          <20.0       >+30.0        A
              399.900             10.0       <10.0         50.0          <20.0       >+30.0        A
              533.200             10.0       <10.0         50.0          <20.0       >+30.0        A
              666.500             10.0       <10.0         50.0          <20.0       >+30.0        A
              799.800             10.0       <10.0         50.0          <20.0       >+30.0        A
              933.100             10.0       <10.0         50.0          <20.0       >+30.0        A

 174.000      152.300             10.0        16.0         50.0           26.0        +24.0        A
              304.600             10.0       <10.0         50.0          <20.0       >+30.0        A
              456.900             10.0       <10.0         50.0          <20.0       >+30.0        A
              609.200             10.0       <10.0         50.0          <20.0       >+30.0        A
              761.500             10.0       <10.0         50.0          <20.0       >+30.0        A
              913.800             10.0       <10.0         50.0          <20.0       >+30.0        A

                     JQA Application No. : KL80010450                Regulation    : CFR 47 FCC Rules Part 15
                     Model No.           : IC-V8000                  Issue Date    : December 19, 2001
                     FCC ID              : AFJ IC-V8000

                                                                                               Page 26 of 28

Measurement for other disturbance frequency

   Frequency         Attenuation      Meter Readings     Limits          Results      Margin      Remarks
                      Pad Loss          [dB(µV)]        at 50 Ω         [dB(µV)]       [dB]       (Note 2)
     [MHz]              [dB]                           [dB(µV)]

      30.0               10.0              <10.0         50.0            <20.0        >+30.0         A
      50.0               10.0              <10.0         50.0            <20.0        >+30.0         A
     100.0               10.0              <10.0         50.0            <20.0        >+30.0         A
     130.0               10.0              <10.0         50.0            <20.0        >+30.0         A
     200.0               10.0              <10.0         50.0            <20.0        >+30.0         A
     300.0               10.0              <10.0         50.0            <20.0        >+30.0         A
     500.0               10.0              <10.0         50.0            <20.0        >+30.0         A
     700.0               10.0              <10.0         50.0            <20.0        >+30.0         A

  Sample of calculated result at 133.300 MHz, as the Minimum Margin point:
          Attenuation Pad Loss =        10.0 dB
       +) Meter Reading             =   16.0 dB(µV)
          Result                    =   26.0 dB(µV)
  Minimum Margin : 50.0 - 26.0 = 24.0(dB)
  The point shown on “      ” is the Minimum Margin Point.

  Conversion of applied limits (refer to §15.111(a))
                                     -9          6
   50.0 [dB(µV)] = 20log{√ 2[nW]× 10 ×50[ Ω ] ×10 }

   Note 1:
   1)The highest local frequency generated : 152.300 MHz
   2)Other highest frequency generated or used in the EUT: 21.25 MHz
   3)The upper frequency of measurement range : 1 GHz


     Note 2      Detector Function      IF Bandwidth
       A             CISPR QP              120 kHz
       B              Average              120 kHz
       C              Average              12 kHz
       D              Average              7.5 kHz

                                                                  Tester :    Yuzo Tanaka

                 JQA Application No. : KL80010450               Regulation     : CFR 47 FCC Rules Part 15
                 Model No.           : IC-V8000                 Issue Date     : December 19, 2001
                 FCC ID              : AFJ IC-V8000

                                                                                            Page 27 of 28

                             38dB Rejection Test for Mobile Band
                                            Scanning Receiver

                                                                               Test Date: December 12, 2001
                                                                               Temp.: 23 °C ; Humi.: 58 %

   Injected             Detected       12dB SINAD Level at   12dB SINAD Level at    Rejection    Margin
  Frequency            Frequency        Injected Frequency    Detected Frequency      [dB]        [dB]
    [MHz]                [MHz]                 [dBm]                   [dBm]

   824.040        No Point Detected            N/A                      N/A           N/A          N/A

   836.505        No Point Detected            N/A                      N/A           N/A          N/A

   848.970        No Point Detected            N/A                      N/A           N/A          N/A

Sample of calculated result at N/A MHz, as the Minimum Margin point:
        12dB SINAD Level at Detected Frequency      =   N/A dBm
     -) 12dB SINAD Level at Injected Frequency      =   N/A dBm
        Rejection                                   =   N/A dB
Minimum Margin : N/A
The point shown on “     ” is the Minimum Margin Point.

                                                             Tester :     Yuzo Tanaka

                 JQA Application No. : KL80010450               Regulation     : CFR 47 FCC Rules Part 15
                 Model No.           : IC-V8000                 Issue Date     : December 19, 2001
                 FCC ID              : AFJ IC-V8000

                                                                                            Page 28 of 28

                              38dB Rejection Test for Base Band
                                            Scanning Receiver

                                                                               Test Date: December 12, 2001
                                                                               Temp.: 23 °C ; Humi.: 58 %

   Injected             Detected       12dB SINAD Level at   12dB SINAD Level at    Rejection    Margin
  Frequency            Frequency        Injected Frequency    Detected Frequency      [dB]        [dB]
    [MHz]                [MHz]                 [dBm]                   [dBm]

   869.040        No Point Detected            N/A                      N/A           N/A          N/A

   881.505        No Point Detected            N/A                      N/A           N/A          N/A

   893.970        No Point Detected            N/A                      N/A           N/A          N/A

Sample of calculated result at N/A MHz, as the Minimum Margin point:
        12dB SINAD Level at Detected Frequency      =   N/A dBm
     -) 12dB SINAD Level at Injected Frequency      =   N/A dBm
        Rejection                                   =   N/A dB
Minimum Margin : N/A
The point shown on “     ” is the Minimum Margin Point.

                                                             Tester :     Yuzo Tanaka

Document Created: 2001-12-19 10:22:12
Document Modified: 2001-12-19 10:22:12

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