User manual

FCC ID: AFJ405200

Users Manual

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             BASIC MANUAL



This device complies with Part 15 of
the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to
the condition that this device does not
cause harmful interference.

               Thank you for choosing this Icom product.
               This product is designed and built with Icom’ s state of the art technology and craftsmanship.
               With proper care, this product should provide you with years of trouble-free operation.

               ■ Important
               READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS carefully and completely before using the transceiver.
               SAVE THIS INSTRUCTION MANUAL — This instruction manual contains important
               operating instructions for the IC-A16 and IC-A16E.
               For Advanced features and instructions, see the FULL MANUAL on the Icom website for

               ■ Explicit definitions
                  WORD                                            DEFINITION
               RR DANGER!         Personal death, serious injury or an explosion may occur.
               RR WARNING!        Personal injury, fire hazard or electric shock may occur.
                CAUTION           Equipment damage may occur.
                   NOTE           If disregarded, inconvenience only. No risk of personal injury, fire or
                                  electric shock.

               ■ Features
               zz 25 kHz/8.33 kHz channel spacing compatible
               zz Bluetooth® function that can connect your Wireless headset*1
               zz Compact, waterproof durable design (IP67*2 and MIL-STD-810-G)
                  *1 For only transceivers with the built-in Bluetooth unit
                  *2 When the battery, antenna, and jack cap are attached.

               ■ Supplied accessories
                                                                              Flexible antenna
                   Battery pack          Belt clip   Handstrap

                                                                 Battery charger          Power adapter


               •• Some accessories are not supplied, or the shape is different, depending on the transceiver
               •• Confirm both battery sliding locks are locked in place, when attaching the battery pack
                  or the battery case to the transceiver. Both sliding locks make a ‘click’ sound when

■■ Precautions
R DANGER! NEVER short the terminals            CAUTION: DO NOT expose the transceiver
of the battery pack. Shorting may occur if     to heavy rain, and never immerse it
the terminals touch metal objects such as a    in water. The transceiver meets IP67
key, so be careful when placing the battery    requirements for dust-protection and splash
packs (or the transceiver) in bags, and so     resistance. However, once the transceiver
on. Carry them so that shorting cannot         has been dropped, dust protection and
occur with metal objects. Shorting may         splash resistance cannot be guaranteed
damage not only the battery pack, but also     due to the fact that the transceiver may be
the transceiver.                               cracked, or the waterproof seal damaged,
                                               and so on.
R DANGER! NEVER use or charge Icom
battery packs with non-Icom transceivers       DO NOT place or leave the transceiver in                         6
or non-Icom chargers. Only Icom battery        direct sunlight or in areas outside of the
packs are tested and approved for use with     specified temperature range:                                     7
Icom transceivers or charged with Icom         IC-A16: –10°C (–14˚F) ~ +60°C (+140˚F)
chargers. Using third-party or counterfeit     IC-A16E: –20°C ~ +55°C                                           8
battery packs or chargers may cause
smoke, fire, or cause the battery to burst.    Keep the transceiver in a secure place to                        9
                                               prevent use by unauthorized persons.
R DANGER! NEVER operate the                                                                                     10
transceiver near unshielded electrical         This transceiver is NOT approved
blasting caps or in an explosive atmosphere.   for use by the general population in
                                               an uncontrolled environment. This                                11
R WARNING! NEVER hold the                      transceiver is restricted to occupational
transceiver so that the antenna is very        use, work related operations only where                          12
close to, or touching exposed parts of the     the transceiver operator must have the
body, especially the face or eyes, while       knowledge to control.                                            13
transmitting. The transceiver will perform
best if the microphone is 5 to 10 cm (2        This equipment is not suitable for use in                        14
to 4 inches) away from the lips and the        locations where children are likely to be
transceiver is vertical.                       present.                                                         15

R WARNING! NEVER operate the                   CAUTION: In Canada, use of 8.33 kHz                              16
transceiver with a headset or other            Channel Spacing of this radio is strictly
audio accessories at high volume levels.       prohibited and shall not be used.                                17
The continuous high volume operation
may cause a ringing in your ears. If you       Icom, Icom Inc. and Icom logo are registered                     18
experience the ringing, reduce the volume      trademarks of Icom Incorporated
level or discontinue use.                      (Japan) in Japan, the United States, the United
                                               Kingdom, Germany, France,
CAUTION: DO NOT use harsh solvents             Spain, Russia, Australia, New Zealand, and/or other
such as Benzine or alcohol when cleaning.      countries.
This could damage the equipment
                                               The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registered
surfaces. If the surface becomes dusty or
                                               trademarks owned by
dirty, wipe it clean with a soft, dry cloth.   Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by
                                               Icom Inc. is under license.
                                                                                                       BASIC MANUAL

CAUTION: DO NOT place or leave
                                               Other trademarks and trade names are those of their
the transceiver in excessively dusty
                                               respective owners.
environments. This could damage the            3M, PELTOR, and WS are trademarks of 3M
transceiver.                                   Company.
                                               All other products or brands are registered
                                               trademarks or trademarks of their respective holders.

               ■■ Précautions (pour le Canada)
               R AVERTISSEMENT! NE JAMAIS court-                 ATTENTION: NE PAS utiliser de
               circuiter les bornes du blocbatterie. Un          dissolvants agressifs tels que du Benzène
               court-circuit peut se produire si les bornes      ou de l’alcool lors du nettoyage, car
               touchent des objets métalliques, tels que         ils endommageraient les surfaces de
               des clés, faites donc attention lorsque vous      l’émetteur-récepteur. Si l’émetteur-
               rangez des blocs-batteries (ou l’émetteur-        écepteur est poussiéreux ou sale, nettoyez-
               récepteur) dans des sacs, etc. Transportez-       le avec un tissu doux et sec.
               les de telle sorte que des courts-circuits
                                                                 ATTENTION: NE PAS placer l’émetteur-
               ne peuvent se produire avec des objets
                                                                 récepteur dans des environnements
               métalliques.Car cela peut endommager le
                                                                 excessivement poussiéreux. Cela pourrait
               bloc-batterie ainsi que l’émetteur-récepteur.
                                                                 endommager l’émetteur-récepteur.
               R DANGER! N’utilisez JAMAIS et ne
                                                                 ATTENTION: NE PAS exposer l’émetteur-
               rechargez JAMAIS des blocsbatteries
                                                                 récepteur à la pluie, à la neige ou à tout
               Icom avec des émetteurs-récepteurs
                                                                 liquide. Cet émetteur-récepteur répond aux
               non-Icom ou des chargeurs non-Icom.
                                                                 exigences de la norme IP67 en matière
               Seuls les blocs-batteries Icom sont testés
                                                                 de protection contre la poussière et de
               et homologués pour être utilisés avec
                                                                 résistance aux éclaboussures. Cependant,
               des émetteurs-récepteurs Icom ou pour
                                                                 en cas de chute de l’émetteur-récepteur,
               être rechargés avec des chargeurs Icom.
                                                                 la protection contre la poussière et la
               L’utilisation de blocs-batteries ou de
                                                                 résistance aux éclaboussures ne peuvent
               chargeurs tiers ou de contrefaçon peut être
                                                                 plus être garanties, car le boitier risque
               à l’origine de fumées, d’incendie ou peut
                                                                 d’être fissuré ou le joint d’étanchéité
               faire éclater la batterie.
                                                                 endommagé, etc.
               R DANGER! NE JAMAIS utiliser
                                                                 NE PAS placer ou laisser l’émetteur-
               l’émetteur-récepteur à proximité de
                                                                 récepteur en plein soleil ou dans un
               détonateurs électriques non blindés ou
                                                                 environnement soumis à des températures
               dans une atmosphère explosive.
                                                                 inférieures à –30°C (–22˚F) ou supérieures
               R AVERTISSEMENT! NE JAMAIS tenir le               à +60°C (+140˚F).
               terminal de communication avec l’antenne
                                                                 Placez l’émetteur-récepteur dans un lien
               placée à proximité immédiate ou en contact
                                                                 sûr pour éviter toute utilisation par des
               avec des parties du corps exposées, en
                                                                 personnes non autorisées.
               particulier le visage ou les yeux, lors des
               transmissions.Les performances de la              MISE EN GARDE: Utilisation de 8,33 kHz
               radio sont optimales quand le microphone          Espacement des canaux de cette radio
               est tenu entre 5 et 10 cm de la bouche de         est strictement interdite et ne doit pas être
               l’utilisateur et quand l’appareil est vertical.   utilisé au Canada.
               R AVERTISSEMENT! NE JAMAIS utiliser
               l’émetteur-récepteur avec un casque ou
               tout autre accessoire audio à un niveau
               sonore élevé. L’utilisation continue à un
               niveau sonore élevé peut provoquer un
               bourdonnement dans vos oreilles.


■ Recommendation
                                               NOTE: If the transceiver’s waterproof
THOROUGHLY IN A BOWL OF FRESH                                                                              1
                                               protection appears defective, carefully clean
WATER after exposure to saltwater,
                                               it with a soft, damp (fresh water) cloth, then              2
and dry it before operating. Otherwise,
                                               dry it before operating. The transceiver may
the transceiver’s keys, switches, and
                                               lose its waterproof protection if the case, jack            3
controllers may become unusable, due
                                               cap, or connector cover is cracked or broken,
to salt crystallization, and/or the charging
                                               or the transceiver has been dropped. Contact                4
terminals of the battery pack may corrode.
                                               your Icom distributor or your dealer for advice.
■ Table of contents












                                                                                                  BASIC MANUAL


                1          PANEL DESCRIPTION
               ■ Front, top and side panels
                                                   1          9


                                         2                               7



                  1 ANTENNA CONNECTOR
                    Connect the supplied antenna.
                  2 PTT SWITCH [PTT]
                  	Hold down to transmit, release to receive.
                  3 SQUELCH ADJUSTMENT KEYS
                    Push to adjust the squelch level.
               4 UP/DOWN KEYS [∫]/[√]
                    zz Push to change or select the frequency, memory channel, Set mode setting, and so
                    zz While scanning, push to change the scanning direction.
               5 CLEAR/HOME KEY [CLR]/[HOME]
                    zz Push to return to the VFO mode.
               6 MEMORY/MEMORY WRITE KEY [MR]/[MW]
                    zz Push to enter the Memory Channel Selection mode.
                    zz Push [F], and then push this key to enter the Memory write mode.
               7 HEADSET JACK
                	Connects a third party headset through the optional headset adapter.
                8 LOCK KEY [ ]
                    zz Push to lock the keypad.
                    zz Hold down for 1 second to unlock the keypad.

                 9 VOLUME/POWER SWITCH [VOL]
                    zz Rotate to turn the transceiver ON or OFF.
                    zz Rotate to adjust the audio output level.


                                                      PANEL DESCRIPTION          1
■ Keypad
 zz Push to set the frequency, select a Memory channel, and so on.
 zz Push [FUNC], and then push or hold down another key within 3 seconds to use the            1
    secondary functions listed below.
         KEYS                                 FUNCTIONS                                        2
  Push [1]/[ANL]       Turn the Automatic Noise Limiter (ANL) function ON or OFF.
  Push [2]/[SCAN] Start a scan.
                      LL Push [CLR] to stop a scan.
  Push [3]/[GRP]    In the Memory mode, enter the Memory selection mode.
  Push [4]/[WX-ALT] Turn the Weather Alert function ON or OFF.                                 5
  Push [5]/[DUP-W] Enter the Duplex frequency entry mode.
                      LL Confirm the NAV band frequency is selected.                           6
  Push [6]/[DUP]      Turn the Duplex function ON or OFF.
  Push [7]/[WX]*      Enter the Weather Channel Selection mode.                                7
  Push [8]/[BEEP]     Turn the Key beep ON or OFF.
  Push [9]/[TAG]      Tag or untag the selected memory channel.
  Hold down           Enter the Set mode.                                                      9
  [ENT]/[SET] for 1
  second                                                                                       10
  Push [0]/[121.5]    Select the emergency frequency.
  *For only the USA version.
                                                                                      BASIC MANUAL


               1     PANEL DESCRIPTION

               ■ Function display
                                       1    2 3 4          5       6     8    9


                    1 FUNCTION ICON
                        	Displayed for 3 seconds when you push [FUNC], to use secondary functions assigned
                        to a key.
                    2 MEMORY CHANNEL ICON
                        	Blinks when the memory channel is selected.
                    3 TAG ICON
                    	Displayed when the tagged memory channel is selected.
                    4 BLUETOOTH ICON
                        Displayed when a Bluetooth headset is connected.
                    5 RX/TX ICON
                        Displayed while receiving or transmitting.
                    6 DUPLEX ICON
                        zzDisplayed when the Duplex function is ON.
                        zzBlinks while entering the duplex frequency to the memory channel.
                        Displayed when the Automatic Noise Limiter function is ON.
               8        WEATHER ALERT ICON
                      	Displayed when the Weather Alert function is ON.
                  9 LOCK ICON [ ]
                        Displayed when the Lock function is ON.
                    10 LOW BATTERY ICON
                        zzDisplayed when the charging is required.
                        zzBlinks when the battery exhausted.


                                     BATTERY CHARGING                                       2
■■ Battery caution
Misuse of Li-ion batteries may result in the        R WARNING! NEVER use the battery pack
following hazards: smoke, fire, or the battery      if it emits an abnormal odor, heats up, or                  1
may rupture. Misuse can also cause damage           is discolored or deformed. If any of these
to the battery or degradation of battery            conditions occur, contact your Icom dealer or               2
performance.                                        distributor.

R DANGER! NEVER solder the battery
                                                    R WARNING! NEVER use deteriorated                           3
                                                    battery packs. They could cause a fire.
terminals, or NEVER modify the battery pack.
This may cause heat generation, and the             R WARNING! NEVER Iet fluid from inside the                  4
battery may burst, emit smoke or catch fire.        battery cells come in contact with your body. If
                                                    it does, immediately wash with clean water.                 5
R DANGER! NEVER place or leave battery
packs in areas with temperatures above 60°C         CAUTION: DO NOT use the battery pack
(140°F). High temperature buildup in the            out of the specified temperature range for                  6
battery cells, such as could occur near fires       the transceiver (–30°C ~ +60°C (–22°F ~
or stoves, inside a sun-heated vehicle, or in       +140°F)) and the battery itself (–20°C ~                    7
direct sunlight for long periods of time may        +60°C (–4°F ~ +140°F)). Using the battery out
cause the battery cells to rupture or catch fire.   of its specified temperature range will reduce              8
Excessive temperatures may also degrade             its performance and battery cell’s life. Please
the battery pack’s performance or shorten the       note that the specified temperature range of                9
battery cell’s life.                                the battery may exceed that of the transceiver.
R DANGER! NEVER strike or otherwise
                                                    In such cases, the transceiver may not work                 10
                                                    properly because it is out of its operating
impact the battery pack. Do not use the
battery pack if it has been severely impacted
                                                    temperature range.                                          11
or dropped, or if the pack has been subjected       CAUTION: DO NOT leave the pack fully
to heavy pressure. Battery pack damage may          charged, completely discharged, or in an                    12
not be visible on the outside of the case. Even     excessive temperature environment (above
if the surface of the battery does not show         50°C, 122°F) for an extended period of time. If             13
cracks or any other damage, the cells inside        the battery pack must be left unused for a long
the battery may rupture or catch fire.              time, it must be detached from the transceiver              14
                                                    after discharging. You may use the battery
R DANGER! NEVER expose the battery pack
to rain, snow, seawater, or any other liquids.
                                                    pack until the remaining capacity is about half,            15
                                                    then keep it safely in a cool and dry place at
Do not charge or use a wet pack. If the pack
gets wet, be sure to wipe it dry before using.
                                                    the following temperature range:
                                                    –20°C ~ +50°C (–4°F ~ +122°F)
R DANGER! NEVER place or leave battery              (within a month)
packs near fire. Fire or heat may cause them        –20°C ~ +40°C (–4°F ~ +104°F)
to rupture or explode. Dispose of used battery      (within three months)
packs in accordance with local regulations.         –20°C ~ +20°C (–4°F ~ +68°F)
R DANGER! NEVER let fluid from inside               (within a year)
the battery get in your eyes. This can cause        BE SURE to replace the battery pack with
blindness. Rinse your eyes with clean water,        a new one approximately five years after
without rubbing them, and immediately go to         manufacturing, even if it still holds a charge.
a doctor.                                           The material inside the battery cells will
R WARNING! NEVER put the battery pack in            become weak after a period of time, even
a microwave oven, high-pressure container,          with little use. The estimated number of times
or in an induction heating cooker. This could       you can charge the pack is between 300 and
                                                                                                       BASIC MANUAL

cause a fire, overheating, or cause the battery     500. Even when the pack appears to be fully
cells to rupture.                                   charged, the operating time of the transceiver
                                                    may become short when:
                                                    • Approximately 5 years have passed since
                                                       the pack was manufactured.
                                                    • The pack has been repeatedly charged.

               2     BATTERY CHARGING

               ■■ Charging caution
               R DANGER! NEVER charge the battery
               pack in areas with extremely high
               temperatures, such as near fires or stoves,
               inside a sun-heated vehicle, or in direct
               sunlight. In such environments, the safety/
               protection circuit in the battery will activate,
               causing the battery to stop charging.
               R WARNING! NEVER charge the
               transceiver during a lightning storm. It may
               result in an electric shock, cause a fire or
               damage the transceiver. Always disconnect
               the power adapter before a storm.
               R WARNING! NEVER charge or leave the
               battery in the battery charger beyond the
               specified time for charging. If the battery
               is not completely charged by the specified
               time, stop charging and remove the battery
               from the battery charger. Continuing to
               charge the battery beyond the specified
               time limit may cause a fire, overheating, or
               the battery may rupture.
               R WARNING! NEVER insert the
               transceiver (battery attached to the
               transceiver) into the charger if it is wet
               or soiled. This could corrode the battery
               charger terminals or damage the charger.
               The charger is not waterproof.
               R WARNING! Occasionally observe the
               battery pack condition while charging. If
               any abnormal condition occurs, discontinue
               using the battery pack.
               CAUTION: DO NOT charge the battery
               outside of the specified temperature range:
               10˚C ~ 40˚C (50˚F ~ 104˚F)). Otherwise,
               the charging time will be longer, but the
               battery will not reach a full charge. While
               charging, at a point after the temperature
               goes out of the specified range, the
               charging will automatically stop.


                                                           BATTERY CHARGING                   2
■ Battery charger
NOTE: Before attaching or detaching a battery pack, BE SURE to turn OFF the
transceiver by rotating [VOL] fully counter clockwise, until it makes a “click” sound.                       1
Otherwise, a transceiver malfunction could occur.
DDSupplied battery charger                         DDOptional BC-214                                         3
Charging time:                                      MULTI CHARGER
Approximately 3.5 hours for the BP-280             Charging time:                                           4
Power adapter*                                     Approximately 2 to 3 hours for the BP-280
                                                   Additionally needed item
                                    Turn OFF       (purchase separately):                                   6
                                                   The BC-157S ac adapter or
                                                   the OPC-656 dc power cable                                7
                                                    CAUTION: DO NOT reverse the polarity
                                                    when connecting the OPC-656 to a power                   8
                                                    source. This will ruin the battery charger.
                                                   Red: +, Black: _                                          9

                                                                             Turn OFF                        10
                                                     Battery                     Power
                                                     pack                        adapter*1
             Charging indicator                                                                              12
             Lights orange: Charging
             Lights green: Charged                                                                           13
The CP-23L (for a 12 V cigarette lighter socket)                                                             14
can be used instead of the power adapter.
  ay not be supplied, or the shape may
 be different, depending on the transceiver
                                                   Charger adapter*2
NOTE: If the charging indicator alternately                                                                  17
blinks green and orange, remove the                                                   OPC-656
battery pack or the transceiver from the                        Connect to a DC power supply:                18
charger, then reinsert it.                                      12 to 16 V, at least 7 A
                                                                Red: +, Black: _
                                                   *1 A
                                                       different type, or no power adapter is
                                                      supplied, depending on the charger version.
                                                   *2 C
                                                       harger adapter’s shape may differ,
                                                      depending on the charger version.
                                                                                                    BASIC MANUAL


                 3           SET MODE
               ■ Using the Set mode
               You can use the Set mode to set                    DDSet mode items
               infrequently changed values or function
               settings.                                                                           ITEM
                                                                  Backlight “      ”
               1.    ush [FUNC], and then hold down
                                                                  MIC gain “       ”
                    [ENT]/[SET] for 1 second.
                    •• The Set mode item is displayed.            Internal MIC “                       ”
               2.   Push [MR]/[MW] to select an item.             VOX setting “                ”
                    LL Push [ENT]/[SET] to go to the next
                       tree level, go back a level by pushing     VOX Level “                  ”
                                                                  VOX delay “                  ”
               3.   Push [∫] or [√] to select an option.
               4.   Push [CLR]/[HOME] to exit the Set             TOT “      ”
                    mode.                                         Battery voltage “                        ”

               See the FULL MANUAL for each menu                  Eco mode “           ”
               item’s details. You can download the FULL          Bluetooth settings “                                     ”
               MANUAL from the Icom website.
               LL The Set mode items contained in the
                                                                    Bluetooth “        ”
                   transceiver may be different, depending          Auto connect “ ”
                   on the transceiver’s version or presettings.     Connect/Disconnect
                   Ask your dealer for details.
                                                                    “             ”/“                              ”
                      Pairing “          ”
                                                                    Headset settings “                                 ”
                                                                        SCO “      ”
                                                                        AF Output “                ”
                                                                        Headset function “                             ”
                                                                        Icom headset “                                         ”
                                                                          Power save “                             ”
                                                                          PTT “            ”
                                                                          PTT Beep “                           ”
                                                                    Initialize Bluetooth unit “                                    ”
                                                                  CPU version “                    ”
                                                                  Bluetooth unit version “                             ”


                                             BASIC OPERATION                                  4
■ Receiving and transmitting
DDSetting the frequency                              DDUsing the Automatic Noise
LL If the transceiver is in the Memory mode,         Limiter (ANL) function                                     1
   push [CLR]/[HOME] to exit the Memory
                                                     The function reduces noise components in                     2
                                                     the received signal, such as those caused
zz Use the keypad to set the frequency.
                                                     by engine ignition systems.                                  3
                                                     zz Push [FUNC], and then push [ANL] to
Selecting a Memory channel
1. Push [FUNC], and then push
                                                        turn the function ON or OFF.                              4
                                                       •• “ANL” is displayed while the function is ON.
   [MR]/[MW] to enter the Memory mode.
      •• “    ” blinks.                                                                                           5
      •• The memory channelʼs name or
         frequency is displayed, if it is entered.   CAUTION: DO NOT transmit without an                          6
2.    Push [∫] or [√] to select a channel.           antenna. It may damage the transceiver.
       TIP: To change the selected group:            zz Hold down [PTT], and then speak at
       LL Confirm the transceiver is in the           your normal voice level.                                  8
          Memory mode.                                 •• “TX” is displayed.
       1.   Push [FUNC], and then push                                                                            9
       2.   Push [∫] or [√] to select a group,                                                                    10
            and then push [ENT]/[SET].
                                                     ■ Selecting the                                              12
 hen receiving a signal, “RX” is displayed
and audio should be heard.                             121.5 MHz emergency                                        13
LL Rotate [VOL] to adjust the audio output
                                                       frequency                                                  14
                                                     In case of emergency, you can immediately
                                                     select the 121.5 MHz emergency frequency.                    15
                                                     zz Push [FUNC], and then push [121.5] to
                                                        select the emergency frequency.                           16
                                                       LL Push [CLR] to return to the previously
DDAdjusting the squelch level                             selected frequency.                                     17
zz Push [SQL∫]/[SQL√] to adjust the
    squelch level until the noise just                                                                            18
    disappears, when no signal is received.
     •• The squelch level is displayed while
                                                                                                         BASIC MANUAL


                5           HEADSET CONNECTION
               ■ Using a Bluetooth® headset
                    (For only transceivers with the built-in Bluetooth unit)

               Transceivers with the built-in Bluetooth unit   DDPairing with a device
               can connect Bluetooth headsets.
                                                               You can pair maximum of 4 Bluetooth
                                                               headsets to the transceiver.
               The communication range of Bluetooth is         LL These instructions describe pairing with
               approximately 10 meters (33 ft).                   the VS-3 Bluetooth® headset, as an

                                                               1. Turning ON the transceiver’s
                                                                   Bluetooth function
                                                               1.    Push [FUNC], and then hold down
                                                                     [ENT]/[SET] for 1 second to enter the
                                          Bluetooth headset          Set mode.
                                          (Example:            2.    Select “BT SET,” and then push
                                          Optional VS-3)             [ENT]/[SET].
                                                               3.    Select “ON,” and then push [ENT]/

               •• The Bluetooth communication range
                  may vary, depending on the environment
                                                               4.    Push [CLR]/[HOME] to exit the Set
                  where you operate the device.

               DDElectromagnetic Interference 2. Entering the VS-3 Pairing mode
               When you use a Bluetooth device, pay            Refer to the VS-3’s instruction manual for
               attention to the following:                     details.
               Bluetooth devices operate in the 2.4 GHz
               band. The 2.4 GHz band is also used             3. Pairing and connecting the
               by other devices, such as Wireless LAN              Bluetooth headset
               products, microwave ovens, RFID systems,        1.    Push [FUNC], and then hold down
               amateur radio stations, and so on.                    [ENT]/[SET] for 1 second to enter the
               When using this device near such devices,             Set mode.
               interference may occur, causing a decrease      2.    Select “PAIR,” and then push
               in communication speed, and an unstable               [ENT]/[SET].
                                                                      BT SET > PAIR
               In such cases, use this device away from
               the other devices, or stop using those               •• The transceiver searches for a headset.
               devices.                                             LL Push [CLR] to cancel searching.
                                                                    •• “SUCCESS” and “ ” is displayed if the
                                                                       headset or device is correctly connected.
                                                               3.    Push [CLR]/[HOME] twice to exit the

                                                                     Set mode.


                                                  HEADSET CONNECTION                     5

DDDisconnecting a paired device DDUnpairing a device                                                   1
You can disconnect a paired Bluetooth        Before unpairing a connected headset or
device if it is not being used.              device, disconnect it by following the steps              2
1. Push [FUNC], and then hold down           shown to the left.
    [ENT]/[SET] for 1 second to enter the    1. Push [FUNC], and then hold down                        3
    Set mode.                                    [ENT]/[SET] for 1 second to enter the
2. Select “DISCON,” and then push                Set mode.                                             4
    [ENT]/[SET].                             2. Select “CONNECT,” and then push
     BT SET > DISCON                             [ENT]/[SET].
                                                  BT SET > CONNECT                                     6
     •• “SUCCESS” is displayed and the
        headset is disconnected.                  •• A paired deviceʼs name is displayed.
3.   Push [CLR]/[HOME] twice to exit the          LL Push [MR]/[MW] to display the                     7
     Set mode.                                        Bluetooth device address.
                                                  LL Push [∫] or [√] to select other paired            8
                                                      headsets, if necessary.
                                             3.   Push [FUNC], and then push                           9
                                                  •• “DELETE?” is displayed.                           10
                                             4.   Push [ENT]/[SET].
                                             5.   Push [CLR]/[HOME] twice to exit the                  11
                                                  Set mode.
■ Using a wired headset                                                                                13
Connect your headset through the optional OPC-2401 headset adapter.

                                                                                              BASIC MANUAL


                 6           SPECIFICATIONS AND OPTIONS
               ■ Specifications
               LL All stated specifications are subject to change without notice or obligation.
               LL Measurements made without an antenna.
               Frequency range:                    IC-A16        TX          118.000 ~ 136.99166 MHz
                                                                 RX          108.000 ~ 117.975 MHz
                                                                 WX          161.650 ~ 163.275 MHz
                                                   IC-A16E       TX/RX       118.000 ~ 136.99166 MHz
               Channel spacing:                                  25 kHz/8.33 kHz
               Mode:                               IC-A16        6K00A3E/5K60A3E
                                                                 16K0G3E (WX)
                                                   IC-A16E       6K80A3E/5K00A3E
               Number of memory channels:                        200 Channels
               Antenna impedance:                                50 Ω nominal
               Antenna connector:                                BNC type
               Power supply requirement:                         7.2 V DC standard
               Current drain:                                    Less than 1.8 A
               Operating temperature range:        IC-A16        –10˚C ~ +60˚C, 14˚F ~ 140˚F
                                                   IC-A16E       –20˚C ~ +55˚C
               Dimensions*1 :                                    52.2 (W) × 111.8 (H) × 34.1 (D) mm,
                                                                 2.1 (W) × 4.4 (H) × 1.3 (D) inches
               Weight (approximately):

               Output power:                                     6.0 W (PEP), 1.8 W (CW)
               Modulation limiting (IC-A16):                     70 ~ 100%
               Modulation depth: (IC-A16E):                      85%
               Audio harmonic distortion:          IC-A16        Less than 10% (at 60% modulation)
                                                   IC-A16E       Less than 10% (at 85%+3dB modulation)
               Ham and Noise ratio:                              More than 35 dB
               Spurious emissions:                 IC-A16        More than 46 dB*2*3
                                                   IC-A16E       Less than –36 dBm*4
               Frequency stability:                IC-A16        ±0.4 kHz
                                                   IC-A16E       ±1 ppm

               Receive system:                                   Double conversion superheterodyne
               Intermediate frequencies:                         1st 46.35 MHz, 2nd 450 kHz
               Sensitivity:                        IC-A16        COM         Less than 0dBu (at 6 dB S/N)
                                                                 WX          Less than -8dBu
                                                                              (at 12 dB SINAD)
                                                   IC-A16E                    Less than 0dBu

                                                                              (at 12dB SINAD with CCITT)
               Squelch sensitivity (Threshold):                               Less than 0dBu
                                                                 WX           Less than –5 dBu
               Spurious response rejection ratio: IC-A16                      More than 60 dB
                                                                 WX           More than 30 dB
11                                                 IC-A16E                    More than 70 dB

                                        SPECIFICATIONS AND OPTIONS                        6
Audio output power:                                         More than 1500 mW at 10%
                                                            distortion into an 8 Ω load
*1 Projections not included.                                                                           1
*2 Except operating frequency ±62.5 kHz in 25 kHz channel spacing.
*3 Except operating frequency ±20.825 kHz in 8.33 kHz channel spacing.                                2
*4 Except for operating frequency ±1 MHz.
■■ Options
DDBattery packs
•• BP-278/BP-279/BP-280 BATTERY PACKS                                                                  5
Battery pack Voltage              Capacity                Approximate battery life*
  BP-278      7.2 V 1130 mAh (minimum) 1190 mAh (typical)         9 hours                              6
  BP-279      7.2 V 1485 mAh (minimum) 1570 mAh (typical)       11.5 hours
  BP-280      7.2 V 2280 mAh (minimum) 2400 mhA (typical)        18 hours                              7
*Operating periods are calculated under the following conditions.                                     8
 TX : RX : standby = 5 : 5 : 90
DDChargers/Adapters/DC cables
•• BC-213 DESKTOP CHARGER + BC-123S AC ADAPTER                                                         10
   To rapidly charge a single battery pack.
•• BC-214 MULTI CHARGER + BC-157S AC ADAPTER+ AD-130 CHARGER ADAPTER                                   11
   To rapidly charge up to 6 battery packs.
•• CP-23L CIGARETTE LIGHTER CABLE                                                                      12
	Use when charging the battery pack from a 12 V cigarette lighter socket.
   (Use with the BC-213)                                                                               13
•• OPC-656 DC POWER CABLE                                                                              14
	Use with a 13.8 V power source instead of the power adapter. (Use with the BC-214)
•• FA-B02AR ANTENNA                                                                                    16
   To connect your wired headset to the transceiver.                                                   17
•• MB-130 CHARGER BRACKET                                                                              18
   Mounts the BC-213 desktop charger on a variety of places in a vehicle.
•• VS-3 Bluetooth® HEADSET
   The Bluetooth headset with a [PTT] switch.
  About the third party Bluetooth headsets:
 Icom has checked the PTT operation with some 3M Peltor headsets such as the WS Headset
  XP, WS ProTac XP and WS Alert XP. (Compatibility not guaranteed.)
                                                                                              BASIC MANUAL

 Some options may not be available in some countries. Ask your dealer for details.
 All options and those specifications are subject to change without notice or obligation.
 See the FULL MANUAL for the latest informations, if necessary. You can download the FULL
 MANUAL from the Icom website.

                7          INFORMATION
               ■ Channel ID list
               •• Channel spacing: 8.33 kHz
                        Operating Frequency (MHz)               Channel ID (Displayed Frequency)
                                  118.0000                                  118.005
                                  118.0083                                  118.010
                                  118.0167                                  118.015
                                  118.0250                                  118.030
                                  118.0333                                  118.035
                                  118.0417                                  118.040
                                  118.0500                                  118.055
                                  118.0583                                  118.060
                                  118.0667                                  118.065
                                  118.0750                                  118.080
                                  118.0833                                  118.085
                                  118.0917                                  118.090
                                  118.1000                                  118.105
               •• Channel spacing: 25 kHz (Actual frequency is displayed.)
                        Operating Frequency (MHz)                 Channel ID (Displayed Frequency)
                                  118.0000                                    118.000
                                  118.0250                                    118.025
                                  118.0500                                    118.050
                                  118.0750                                    118.075
                                  118.1000                                    118.100
               LL These tables show just the display example between 118.0000 MHz and 118.1000 MHz.
                  Not all frequencies in the band are shown.

               CAUTION: In Canada, use of 8.33 kHz Channel Spacing of this radio is strictly
               prohibited and shall not be used.


                                                                  INFORMATION              7
■ About CE and DOC                              ■ FCC information
                      Hereby, Icom Inc.         This equipment has been tested and
                      declares that the         found to comply with the limits for a Class               1
                      versions of IC-A16E       A digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the
                      which have the “CE”       FCC Rules. These limits are designed                      2
                      symbol on the product,    to provide reasonable protection against
comply with the essential requirements of       harmful interference when the equipment is                3
the Radio Equipment Directive, 2014/53/         operated in a commercial environment. This
EU, and the restriction of the use of certain   equipment generates, uses, and can radiate                4
hazardous substances in electrical and          radio frequency energy and, if not installed
electronic equipment Directive, 2011/65/        and used in accordance with the instruction               5
EU. The full text of the EU declaration of      manual, may cause harmful interference
conformity is available at the following        to radio communications. Operation of this                6
internet address:                               equipment in a residential area is likely to
                                                cause harmful interference in which case                  7       the user will be required to correct the
                                                interference at his own expense.                          8
■ Disposal                                      CAUTION: Changes or modifications to                      9
          The crossed-out wheeled-              this transceiver, not expressly approved
          bin symbol on your product,           by Icom Inc., could void your authority                   10
          literature, or packaging reminds      to operate this transceiver under FCC
          you that in the European Union,       regulations.                                              11
          all electrical and electronic
products, batteries, and accumulators                                                                     12
(rechargeable batteries) must be taken          ■ Information FCC
to designated collection locations at the       Cet équipement a été testé et reconnu                     13
end of their working life. Do not dispose       conforme aux limites fixées pour un
of these products as unsorted municipal         appareil numérique de classe A,                           14
waste. Dispose of them according to the         conformément au point 15 de la
laws in your area.                              réglementation FCC. Ces limites sont                      15
                                                définies de façon à fournir une protection
■ Firmware version                              raisonnable contre le brouillage                          16
                                                préjudiciable lorsque cet appareil est utilisé
  identification                                dans un environnement commercial. Cet                     17
You can identify your transceiver’s firmware    équipement génère, utilise et peut émettre
version in the Set mode.                        un rayonnement de fréquence radio.                        18
                                                S’il n’a pas été installé conformément
1.   Push [FUNC], and then hold down            aux instructions, il peut par ailleurs
     [ENT]/[SET] to enter the Set mode.         créer des interférences perturbant les
2.   Select “CPU.”                              communications radio. L’utilisation de cet
     •• The firmware version is displayed.      appareil dans une zone résidentielle peut
                                                provoquer un brouillage préjudiciable,
                                                auquel cas l’utilisateur sera tenu de
                                                corriger la situation à ses frais.
                                                                                                 BASIC MANUAL

                                                MISE EN GARDE: Tout changement ou
                                                modification, non expressément approuvé
                                                par Icom Inc., peut annuler l’autorisation
                                                de l’utilisateur à utiliser cet appareil
                                                conformément à la réglementation FCC.

               7     INFORMATION

               ■■ Safety training information
                            Your Icom radio generates             •• DO NOT operate the radio without a proper
                            RF electromagnetic energy                 antenna attached, as this may damage the
                            while transmitting. This radio is         radio and may also cause you to exceed
                            designed for and classified as            FCC RF exposure limits. A proper antenna
                 WA R N ING
                            for “Occupational Use Only.”              is the antenna supplied with this radio by
               This means it must be used only during                 the manufacturer or an antenna specifically
               the course of employment by individuals                authorized by the manufacturer for use with
               aware of the hazards, and the ways to                  this radio.
               minimize such hazards. This radio is               •• DO NOT transmit for more than 50% of
               NOT intended for use by the “General                   the total radio use time (“50% duty cycle”).
               Population” in an uncontrolled environment.            Transmitting more than 50% of the time
               This radio has been tested and complies                can cause FCC RF exposure compliance
               with the FCC and IC RF exposure limits                 requirements to be exceeded. The radio is
                                                                      transmitting when “TX” is displayed on the
               for “Occupational Use Only”. In addition,
                                                                      function display. You can cause the radio to
               your Icom radio complies with the following
                                                                      transmit by pushing the [PTT] switch.
               Standards and Guidelines with regard to
               RF energy and electromagnetic energy               •• ALWAYS keep the antenna at least 2.5
               levels and evaluation of such levels for              cm (1 inch) away from the body when
               exposure to humans:                                   transmitting and only use the Icom belt-
                                                                     clips which are listed on page 12 when
               •• FCC KDB Publication 447498 D03,                   attaching the radio to your belt, or other
                   Evaluating Compliance with FCC Guidelines         place, to ensure FCC and IC RF exposure
                   for Human Exposure to Radio Frequency             compliance requirements are not exceeded.
                   Electromagnetic Fields.
               •• American National Standards Institute          The information listed above provides the
                   (C95.1-2010), IEEE Standard for Safety         user with the information needed to make
                   Levels with Respect to Human Exposure to       him or her aware of RF exposure, and what
                   Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields, 3      to do to assure that this radio operates
                   kHz to 300 GHz.                                within the FCC RF exposure limits of this
               •• American National Standards Institute          radio.
                   (C95.3-2002), IEEE Recommended                 Electromagnetic Interference/
                   Practice for the Measurement of Potentially    Compatibility
                   Hazardous Electromagnetic Fields– RF and       During transmissions, your Icom radio
                                                                  generates RF energy that can possibly
               •• The accessories listed on page i are           cause interference with other devices
                   authorized for use with this product. Use of   or systems. To avoid such interference,
                   accessories other than those specified may     turn off the radio in areas where signs
                   result in RF exposure levels exceeding the     are posted to do so. DO NOT operate the
                   FCC requirements for wireless RF exposure.     transmitter in areas that are sensitive to
               •• Health Canada Safety Code 6 - Limits of        electromagnetic radiation such as hospitals
                   Human Exposure to Electromagnetic Energy       and blasting sites.
                   in the Frequency Range from 3 kHz to
                   300 GHz.
                                                                  Occupational/Controlled Use
                                                                  The radio transmitter is used in situations
                                                                  in which persons are exposed as

                              o ensure that your expose
                             T                                    consequence of their employment provided
                             to RF electromagnetic energy         those persons are fully aware of the
                             is within the FCC allowable          potential for exposure and can exercise
                C AU TIO N   limits for occupational use,         control over their exposure.
                             always adhere to the following

                                                                               INFORMATION                  7
■ Infomation en matiére de sécurité
              Votre radio Icom produit une                •• NE PAS faire fonctionner la radio sans qu’une
              énergie électromagnétique de                     antenne appropriée y soit fixée, car ceci                   1
              radiofréquences (RF), en mode                    risque d’endommager la radio et causer une
              de transmission. Cette radio                     exposition supérieure aux limites établies par              2
              est conçue pour un «usage                        la FCC. L’antenne appropriée est celle qui est
professionnel seulement» et classée comme                      fournie avec cette radio par le fabricant ou une
                                                               antenne spécialement autorisée par le fabricant
tel, ce qui signifie qu’elle doit être utilisée
                                                               pour être utilisée avec cette radio.
uniquement dans le cadre d’un travail par
                                                          •• NE PAS émettre pendant plus de 50% du
des personnes conscientes des dangers et
                                                             temps total d’utilisation de l’appareil («50%
des mesures visant à minimiser ces dangers.
                                                             du facteur d’utilisation»). Émettre pendant
Elle N’EST PAS conçue pour une «utilisation
                                                             plus de 50% du temps total d’utilisation peut
grand public », dans un environnement
non contrôlé. Cet appareil a été évalué et                   causer une exposition aux RF supérieure aux                   6
                                                             limites établies par la FCC. La radio est en train
jugé conforme, aux limites d’exposition aux
RF de la FCC et d’IC, pour une «utilisation
                                                             d’émettre lorsque le témoin du “TX” s’affiche                 7
                                                             sur l’écran ACL. La radio émettra si vous
grand public». En outre, votre radio Icom
satisfait les normes et directives qui suivent
                                                             appuyez sur le bouton du microphone.                          8
en matière de niveaux d’énergie et d’énergie              •• TOUJOURS tenir l’antenne éloignée d’au moins
électromagnétique de RF et d’évaluation de                   2,5 cm de votre corps au moment d’émettre                     9
                                                             et utiliser uniquement l’attache pour ceinture
tels niveaux en ce qui concerne l’exposition
                                                             Icom illustrée à la p. 12, lorsque vous attachez              10
                                                             la radio à votre ceinture, ou à autre chose, de
•• Publication 447498 D03 de la FCC KDB,
   «Evaluating Compliance with FCC Guidelines
                                                             façon à vous assurer de ne pas provoquer une
                                                             exposition aux RF supérieure aux limites fixées
   for Human Exposure to Radio Frequency                     par la FCC. Pour offrir à vos interlocuteurs la
   Electromagnetic Fields».                                  meilleure qualité de transmission possible,                   12
•• Norme de l’American National Standards                   tenez l’antenne à au moins 5 cm de votre
    Institute (ANSI): IEEE C95.1-2010 sur                    bouche et légèrement de côté.                                 13
    les niveaux de sécurité compatibles                   Les renseignements ci-dessus fournissent à
    avec l’exposition humaine aux champs                  l’utilisateur toute l’information nécessaire sur                 14
    électromagnétiques de radiofréquences                 l’exposition aux RF et sur ce qu’il faut faire
    (3 kHz à 300 GHz).                                    pour assurer que cette radio fonctionne en                       15
•• Norme de l’ANSI: IEEE C95.3-2002 sur la               respectant les limites d’exposition aux RF
    méthode d’évaluation recommandée du champ             établies par la FCC.                                             16
    magnétique potentiellement dangereux des              Interférence électromagnétique et
    radiofréquences et des micro-ondes.                   compatibilité                                                    17
•• Les accessoires illustrés dans “Options” de            En mode de transmission, votre radio Icom
   la feuille d’instructions sont approuvés pour          produit de l’énergie de RF qui peut provoquer                    18
   une utilisation avec ce produit. L’utilisation         des interférences avec d’autres appareils ou
   d’accessoires autres que ceux précisés peut            systèmes. Pour éviter de telles interférences,
   entraîner des niveaux d’exposition aux RF              mettez la radio hors tension dans les secteurs
   supérieures aux limites établies par la FCC et         où une signalisation l’exige. NE PAS faire
   d’IC en matière d’exposition aux RF sans fil.          fonctionner l’émetteur dans des secteurs
•• Le Code de sécurité 6 de Santé Canada -                sensibles au rayonnement électromagnétique
   Les limites d’exposition humaine à l’énergie           tels que les hôpitaux, les aéronefs et les sites
   électromagnétique dans la gamme de                     de dynamitage.
   fréquences de 3 kHz à 300 GHz.
                                                                                                                  BASIC MANUAL

                                                          Usage professionnel/contrôlé
              Afin de vous assurer que votre exposition   Ce radio émetteur est utilisé dans des cas où
              à une énergie électromagnétique de RF       des personnes sont exposées en raison de
              se situe dans les limites permises par la   leur travail, pourvu qu’elles soient conscientes
              FCC pour une utilisation grand public,      du risque d’expositionet qu’elles puissent
              veuillez en tout temps respecter les        exercer un contrôle sur cette exposition.
              directives suivantes :






                               1-1-32 Kamiminami, Hirano-ku,
Printed in Japan
© 2018 Icom Inc.   Dec. 2018
                               Osaka 547-0003, Japan

Document Created: 2019-07-02 10:52:47
Document Modified: 2019-07-02 10:52:47

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This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC