User manual

FCC ID: AFJ400401

Users Manual

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                                                                  FCC INFORMATION                                                  NOTE: DO NOT place or leave the transceiver in areas           CAUTION: DO NOT use the battery pack out of the
                                                                                                                                   with temperatures below –25°C (–13°F) or above +55°C           specified temperature range for the transceiver –25°C ~
                                                                  This equipment has been tested and found to comply with          (+131°F): ETS version, below –30°C (–22°F) or above            +55°C (–13°F ~ +131°F): ETS version, –30°C ~ +60°C
                            INSTRUCTIONS                          the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to part 15     +60°C (+140°F): TIA version, or in areas subject to direct     (–22°F ~ +140°F): TIA version, and the battery itself –20°C
                                                                  of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide           sunlight, such as the dashboard.                               ~ +60°C (–4°F ~ +140°F). Using the battery out of its
                                                                  reasonable protection against harmful interference when                                                                         specified temperature range will reduce its performance
                                                                  the equipment is operated in a commercial environment.           BE CAREFUL! The transceiver meets IP67* requirements           and battery cell’s life. Please note that the specified
                                                                                                                                   for dust tight and waterproof protection. However, once
UHF TRANSCEIVERS                                                  This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate
                                                                                                                                   the transceiver has been dropped, dust protection and
                                                                                                                                                                                                  temperature range of the battery may exceed that of the
                                                                  radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used                                                                           transceiver. In such cases, the transceiver may not work
iF2100D series                                                    in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause
                                                                  harmful interference to radio communications. Operation
                                                                                                                                   splash resistance cannot be guaranteed due to the fact
                                                                                                                                   that the transceiver may be cracked, or the waterproof
                                                                                                                                                                                                  properly because it is out of its operating temperature
                                                                  of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause       seal damaged, and so on.
                                                                                                                                   *O nly when the jack cover, the optional HM-168LWP, HM-       CAUTION: DO NOT leave the pack fully charged,
                                                                  harmful interference in which case the user will be                                                                             completely discharged, or in an excessive temperature
                                                                  required to correct the interference at his own expense.           171GPW, HS-94LWP, or HS-95LWP is attached.
                                                                                                                                                                                                  environment (above 50°C, 122°F) for an extended
                                                                  CAUTION: Changes or modifications to this transceiver,           DD Battery caution                                             period of time. If the battery pack must be left unused
                                                                  not expressly approved by Icom Inc., could void                                                                                 for a long time, it must be detached from the transceiver
Thank you for choosing this Icom product.
                                                                  your authority to operate this transceiver under FCC             Misuse of Li-ion batteries may result in the following         after discharging. You may use the battery pack until the
READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS carefully and completely
                                                                  regulations.                                                     hazards: smoke, fire, or the battery may rupture. Misuse       remaining capacity is about half, then keep it safely in a
before using this product.
                                                                                                                                   can also cause damage to the battery or degradation of         cool and dry place at the following temperature range:
                                                                                                                                   battery performance.                                           –20°C ~ +50°C (–4°F ~ +122°F) (within a month)
                                                                  This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
IMPORTANT                                                         Operation is subject to the condition that this device does                                                                     –20°C ~ +40°C (–4°F ~ +104°F) (within three months)
                                                                  not cause harmful interference.                                  RRDANGER! NEVER solder the battery terminals, or               –20°C ~ +20°C (–4°F ~ +68°F) (within a year)
This instruction sheet includes some functions that are                                                                            NEVER modify the battery pack. This may cause heat             BE SURE to replace the battery pack with a new one
usable only when they are preset by your dealer. The              RECOMMENDATION                                                   generation, and the battery may burst, emit smoke or           approximately five years after manufacturing, even if it still
transceiver may have other functions and operations that                                                                           catch fire.                                                    holds a charge. The material inside the battery cells will
are not described in this instruction sheet. Ask your dealer      CLEAN THE TRANSCEIVER THOROUGHLY IN A BOWL
                                                                  OF FRESH WATER after exposure to saltwater, and dry                                                                             become weak after a period of time, even with little use.
for preset function details.                                                                                                       RRDANGER! NEVER place or leave battery packs in                The estimated number of times you can charge the pack
                                                                  it before operating. Otherwise, the transceiver’s keys,          areas with temperatures above 60°C (140°F). High
                                                                  switches, and controllers may become unusable, due to                                                                           is between 300 and 500. Even when the pack appears to
                                                                                                                                   temperature buildup in the battery cells, such as could        be fully charged, the operating time of the transceiver may
EXPLICIT DEFINITIONS                                              salt crystallization, and/or the charging terminals of the       occur near fires or stoves, inside a sun-heated vehicle,       become short when:
                                                                  battery pack may corrode.                                        or in direct sunlight for long periods of time may cause       •• Approximately 5 years have passed since the pack was
   WORD                    DEFINITION                                                                                              the battery cells to rupture or catch fire. Excessive              manufactured.
                                                                  NOTE: If the transceiver’s waterproof protection appears         temperatures may also degrade the battery pack’s
 RRDANGER! Personal death, serious injury or an                   defective, carefully clean the transceiver with a soft,                                                                         •• The pack has been repeatedly charged.
            explosion may occur.                                                                                                   performance or shorten the battery cell’s life.
                                                                  damp (fresh water) cloth, then dry it before operating.
 RRWARNING! Personal injury, fire hazard or electric              The transceiver may lose its waterproof protection if the        RRDANGER! NEVER strike or otherwise impact the battery         DD Charging caution
            shock may occur.                                      case, jack cap, or connector cover is cracked or broken,         pack. Do not use the battery pack if it has been severely      RRDANGER! NEVER charge the battery pack in areas
  CAUTION   Equipment damage may occur.                           or the transceiver has been dropped.                             impacted or dropped, or if the pack has been subjected to      with extremely high temperatures, such as near fires or
    NOTE    If disregarded, inconvenience only. No                Contact your Icom distributor or your dealer for advice.         heavy pressure. Battery pack damage may not be visible         stoves, inside a sun-heated vehicle, or in direct sunlight.
            risk of personal injury, fire or electric                                                                              on the outside of the case. Even if the surface of the         In such environments, the safety/protection circuit in the
            shock.                                                PRECAUTIONS                                                      battery does not show cracks or any other damage, the          battery will activate, causing the battery to stop charging.
                                                                                                                                   cells inside the battery may rupture or catch fire.
                                                                  RRWARNING! NEVER use or charge Icom battery packs                                                                               RRWARNING! NEVER charge the transceiver during a
                                                                                                                                   RRDANGER! NEVER place battery packs near a fire.               lightning storm. It may result in an electric shock, cause
                                                                  with non-Icom transceivers or non-Icom chargers. Only            Fire or heat may cause them to rupture or explode.
Icom is not responsible for the destruction, damage to, or        Icom battery packs are tested and approved for use with                                                                         a fire or damage the transceiver. Always disconnect the
                                                                                                                                   Dispose of used battery packs in accordance with local         power adapter before a storm.
performance of any Icom or non-Icom equipment, if the             Icom transceivers or charged with Icom chargers. Using           regulations.
malfunction is because of:                                        third-party or counterfeit battery packs or chargers may                                                                        RRWARNING! NEVER charge or leave the battery in the
•• Force majeure, including, but not limited to, fires,          cause smoke, fire, or cause the battery to burst.                RRDANGER! NEVER let fluid from inside the battery get in       battery charger beyond the specified time for charging. If
    earthquakes, storms, floods, lightning, other natural                                                                          your eyes. This can cause blindness. Rinse your eyes with      the battery is not completely charged by the specified time,
    disasters, disturbances, riots, war, or radioactive           RRWARNING! NEVER hold the transceiver so that the                clean water, without rubbing them, and immediately get
                                                                  antenna is very close to, or touching exposed parts of the                                                                      stop charging and remove the battery from the battery
    contamination.                                                                                                                 medical treatment from an eye doctor.                          charger.
•• The use of Icom transceivers with any equipment that is        body, especially the face or eyes, while transmitting.
                                                                                                                                   RRWARNING! NEVER put the battery pack in a microwave           Continuing to charge the battery beyond the specified time
    not manufactured or approved by Icom.                         RRWARNING! NEVER operate the transceiver with a                                                                                 limit may cause a fire, overheating, or the battery may
                                                                                                                                   oven, high-pressure container, or in an induction heating
                                                                  headset or other audio accessories at high volume levels.        cooker. This could cause a fire, overheating, or cause the     rupture.
                                                                  The continuous high volume operation may cause a                 battery cells to rupture.
                                                                  ringing in your ears. If you experience the ringing, reduce                                                                     CAUTION: DO NOT insert the transceiver (battery
Icom, Icom Inc. and the Icom logo are registered                                                                                                                                                  attached to the transceiver) into the charger if it is wet or
trademarks of Icom Incorporated (Japan) in Japan, the             the volume level or discontinue use.                             RRWARNING! NEVER Iet fluid from inside the battery cells
                                                                                                                                   come in contact with your body. If it does, immediately        soiled. This could corrode the battery charger terminals or
United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, France,               CAUTION: DO NOT short the terminals of the battery                                                                              damage the charger. The charger is not waterproof.
Spain, Russia, Australia, New Zealand, and/or other                                                                                wash with clean water.
                                                                  pack. Shorting may occur if the terminals touch metal
countries.                                                        objects such as a key, so be careful when placing the            CAUTION: DO NOT continue to use the battery pack if            CAUTION: DO NOT charge the battery pack outside of the
AquaQuake is a trademark of Icom Incorporated.                    battery packs (or the transceiver) in bags, and so on.           it emits an abnormal odor, heats up, or is discolored or       specified temperature range: 10˚C to 40˚C (50˚F to 104˚F).
AMBE+2 is a trademark and property of Digital Voice               Carry them so that shorting cannot occur with metal              deformed. If any of these conditions occur, contact your       Icom recommends charging the pack at 25˚C (77˚F). The
Systems Inc.                                                      objects. Shorting may damage not only the battery pack,          Icom dealer or distributor.                                    pack may heat up or rupture if charged out of the specified
All other products or brands are registered trademarks or         but also the transceiver.                                                                                                       temperature range. Additionally, pack’s performance or
trademarks of their respective holders.                                                                                            CAUTION: DO NOT expose the battery pack to rain,               battery cell life may be reduced.
                                                                  CAUTION: DO NOT use harsh solvents such as Benzine               snow, saltwater, or any other liquids. Do not charge or use
                                                                  or alcohol when cleaning. This could damage the                  a wet pack. If the pack gets wet, be sure to wipe it with a
                                                                  equipment surfaces. If the surface becomes dusty or dirty,       clean dry cloth before using.
                                                                  wipe it clean with a soft, dry cloth.
1-1-32 Kamiminami, Hirano-ku,                  A7456D-1EX         CAUTION: DO NOT place or leave the transceiver in
Osaka 547-0003, Japan                       Printed in Japan      excessively dusty environments. This could damage the
                                            © 2018 Icom Inc.      transceiver.

SAFETY TRAINING INFORMATION                                                                                                        SUPPLIED ACCESSORIES
                  Your Icom radio generates RF                    •• Electromagnetic Interference/Compatibility                        Battery pack               Belt clip   Battery charger     DD Flexible antenna
                  electromagnetic energy while                       During transmissions, your Icom radio generates RF                                                                           Connect the antenna to the antenna connector.
                  transmitting. This radio is designed for           energy that can possibly cause interference with other
                  and classified as for “Occupational Use            devices or systems. To avoid such interference, turn off
                  Only.” This means it must be used only             the radio in areas where signs are posted to do so. DO
                  during the course of employment by                 NOT operate the transmitter in areas that are sensitive
                  individuals aware of the hazards, and the          to electromagnetic radiation such as hospitals, aircraft,
                  ways to minimize such hazards. This                and blasting sites.
radio is NOT intended for use by the “General Population”
in an uncontrolled environment. This radio has been tested        •• Occupational/Controlled Use                                                                              Power adapter
and complies with the FCC and IC RF exposure limits for              The radio transmitter is used in situations in which
“Occupational Use Only”. In addition, your Icom radio                persons are exposed as a consequence of their
complies with the following Standards and Guidelines with            employment, provided those persons are fully aware of
regard to RF energy and electromagnetic energy levels                the potential for exposure and can exercise control over          Flexible antenna
and evaluation of such levels for exposure to humans:                their exposure.
•• FCC KDB Publication 447498 D03, Evaluating                   ABOUT CE AND DOC                                                                                                                •• DO NOT carry the transceiver by holding only the
     Compliance with FCC Guidelines for Human Exposure                                                                             NOTE: Some accessories are not supplied, or the shape             antenna.
     to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields.                                 Hereby, Icom Inc. declares that the versions       is different, depending on the transceiver version.            •• DO NOT connect an antenna other than those listed in
•• American National Standards Institute (C95.1-1992),                        of IC-F2100D, IC-F2100DS, and IC-F2100DT                                                                             the “OPTIONS” section.
     IEEE Standard for Safety Levels with Respect to Human                      which have the “CE” symbol on the product,                                                                        •• Transmitting without an antenna may damage the
     Exposure to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields, 3                      comply with the essential requirements of          DD Battery pack                                                   transceiver.
     kHz to 300 GHz.                                                            the Radio Equipment Directive, 2014/53/EU,
                                                                  and the restriction of the use of certain hazardous              Attaching:
•• American National Standards Institute (C95.3-1992),          substances in electrical and electronic equipment                1. Slide the battery pack in the direction of the arrow. (1)   DD Belt clip
     IEEE Recommended Practice for the Measurement of             Directive, 2011/65/EU. The full text of the EU declaration       2. Push the battery pack until the battery sliding locks
     Potentially Hazardous Electromagnetic Fields– RF and                                                                             make a ‘click’ sound. (2)                                   Attaching:
                                                                  of conformity is available at the following internet address:                                                                   1. Remove the battery pack from the transceiver, if it is
     Microwave.                                                                                          Battery sliding locks                          attached.
•• The antennas, batteries, belt clips, speaker-microphone,                                                                                                                                     2. Slide the belt clip in the direction of the arrow until the
     and other accessories that are listed in “OPTIONS”           DISPOSAL                                                                                                                           belt clip is locked and makes a ‘click’ sound.
     on this sheet, are authorized for use with this product.
     Use of accessories other than those specified may                         The crossed-out wheeled-bin symbol on your
     result in RF exposure levels exceeding the FCC and IC                     product, literature, or packaging reminds you                                                                                                    Belt clip
     requirements for wireless RF exposure.                                    that in the European Union, all electrical and
•• Health Canada Safety Code 6 - Limits of Human                             electronic products, batteries, and                                                    w         Battery pack
     Exposure to Electromagnetic Energy in the Frequency                       accumulators (rechargeable batteries) must
     Range from 3 kHz to 300 GHz.                                              be taken to designated collection locations at
                                                                               the end of their working life. Do not dispose
                  To ensure that your expose to RF                of these products as unsorted municipal waste. Dispose of
                  electromagnetic energy is within the FCC        them according to the laws in your area.
                  and IC allowable limits for occupational
                  use, always adhere to the following             VOICE CODING TECHNOLOGY
                                                                  The AMBE+2™ voice coding Technology embodied in this                                                         q
                                                                  product is protected by intellectual property rights including
•• DO NOT operate the radio without a proper antenna             patent rights, copyrights and trade secrets of Digital Voice
    attached, as this may damage the radio and may also           Systems, Inc. This voice coding Technology is licensed
    cause you to exceed FCC and IC RF exposure limits. A          solely for use within this Communications Equipment.
    proper antenna is the antenna supplied with this radio by     The user of this Technology is explicitly prohibited from
                                                                                                                                   1. Push both battery sliding locks in the direction of the     Detaching:
    the manufacturer or an antenna specifically authorized        attempting to extract, remove, decompile, reverse
                                                                                                                                      arrow. (z)                                                  •• Lift the tab up (1), and slide the belt clip in the direction
    by the manufacturer for use with this radio.                  engineer, or disassemble the Object Code, or in any other
                                                                                                                                      ••The battery pack is then released.                           of the arrow (2).
                                                                  way convert the Object Code into a human-readable form.
•• DO NOT transmit for more than 50% of the total radio                                                                           2. Lift up to detach the battery pack. (x)
                                                                  U.S. Patent Nos.
    use time (“50% duty cycle”). Transmitting more than           #8,595,002, #8,359,197, #8,315,860, #8,200,497,
    50% of the time can cause FCC and IC RF exposure              #7,970,606, #6,912,495 B2.
    compliance requirements to be exceeded. The radio is                                                                                                          x       z
    transmitting when the status indicator lights red. You can
    cause the radio to transmit by pushing the “PTT” switch.                                                                                                  z
•• ALWAYS keep the antenna at least 2.5 cm (1 inch)
    away from the body when transmitting, and only use the
    Icom belt-clips listed in “OPTIONS” on this sheet when
    attaching the radio to your belt, or other place, to ensure
    FCC and IC RF exposure compliance requirements are
    not exceeded.
    The information listed above provides t he user with
    the information needed to make him or her aware of
    RF exposure, and what to do to assure that this radio
    operates within the FCC and IC RF exposure limits of
    this radio.
                                                                                                                                                                                                  BE CAREFUL! DO NOT break your fingernail.

PANEL DESCRIPTION                                                                                                             BATTERY CHARGING
There are 3 types of transceivers in the IC-F2100D series.    DD Function display                                                                                                           DD Rapid charging with the BC-214
                                                                                                                              NOTE: Before detaching or attaching a battery pack,
•• IC-F2100D: Non-display type                                		 (For only the Simple key types and Ten-key types)            BE SURE to turn OFF the transceiver by rotating [VOL]         You can rapidly and simultaneously charge up to 6 battery
•• IC-F2100DS: Simple key type                                                                                                fully counter clockwise, until it makes a “click” sound.      packs with the optional BC-214.
                                                                1      2 3 4 5           6     7       8                      Otherwise, a transceiver malfunction could occur.
•• IC-F2100DT: Ten-key type
                                                                                                                                                                                            Charging time:
The illustration below shows the ten-key type transceiver.                                                                                                                                  Approximately 2 to 3 hours for the BP-280
                                                                                                                         9    DD Rapid charging with the BC-213
                                                                                                                              You can rapidly charge the Li-ion battery pack with the       Additionally needed item (purchase separately):
                                                                                                                              BC-213.                                                       •• The BC-157S AC ADAPTER or the OPC-656 DC POWER
                                                                                                                         10                                                                     CABLE
       Antenna                        [Rotary Selector]
       connector                                                                                                         11   Charging time:
                                             [VOL]                                                                            BC-213: Approximately 3.5 hours for the BP-280
                                                                                                                                                                                            CAUTION: DO NOT reverse the polarity when connecting
                                                              1 SIGNAL STRENGTH INDICATOR                                                                                                   the OPC-656 to a power source. This will ruin the battery
  Status                                     [Emer]           		 Displays the relative receive signal strength level.         Additionally needed item (purchase separately):
                                                                                                                              •• A power adapter (may be supplied with the charger,        charger.
indicator                                                     2 LOW POWER ICON                                                                                                              White line: +, Black line: _
                                                                                                                                  depending on the charger version).
                                                              		 Displayed when low output power is selected.
                                             Speaker             LLLow out power is automatically selected when the                                                                                                Battery Pack
                                                                     battery is discharged less than set level.               Power Adapter*                                                                       + Transceiver
                                             Speaker                                                                                                                        Battery Pack
    [PTT]                                                     3 AUDIBLE ICON                                                                                                + Transceiver               Battery                               To an
                                             microphone                                                                                                          Battery                                                      Turn OFF        AC outlet
                                             jack                •• Displayed when the channel is in the ‘Audible’                                                                                      Pack
                                                                    (unmuted) mode.                                                                              Pack            Turn OFF
                                             Microphone          •• Displayed when a matched 2-Tone or 5-Tone is
   [UP]*1                                                           received.
[Upper]*1                                    Function
                                             Display*2        4 GPS ICON                                                                                                                                                          Power
                                                              		Displayed when the GPS signal is received, depending                                                                                                             adapter*2
[DOWN]*1                                     [P0],[P1],          on the presetting.
 [Lower]*1                                   [P2],[P3]*1, 2
                                                              5 ENCRYPTION ICON
                                                              		Displayed when the Encryption function is ON.
                                                              6 BELL ICON
                                             Ten-key*1, 3     		Displayed or blinks when a matching signal is received,
                                                                 depending on the presetting.
                                                              7 SCAN ICON
                                                              		 Displayed or blinks while scanning.
                                                              8 KEY LOCK ICON
                                                              		Displayed when the Key Lock function is ON.
*1: The key functions are dealer assignable.                                                                                                                                  BC-213         BC-214
                                                              9 BATTERY INDICATOR
*2: Only for the Simple key and Ten-key types.                   •• Displays the remaining battery charge.
*3: Only for the Ten-key type.                                   •• Blinks when the battery charge decreases to a set                                                                                                              OPC-656
                                                                    level.                                                                                      Charging indicator             Charger adapter*1       Connect to a DC power supply:
                                                                                                                                                                Lights orange: Charging                                12 to 16 V, at least 7 A
DD Status indicator                                               Indication                                                                                    Lights green: Charged                                  White line: +, Black line: _
Lights red:               Transmitting.                             Battery                         Charging     Battery      The CP-23L (for a 12 V cigarette lighter socket) can be
Lights green:             Receiving or squelch is open.                          Full      Mid
                                                                    Status                          required    exhausted     used instead of the power adapter.                            *1: C harger adapter’s shape may differ, depending on the
Lights or blinks orange:	A matching signal is received,
                          depending on the presetting.                                                                                                                                           charger version.
                                                              10 ALPHANUMERIC READOUT                                         * A different type, or no power adapter is supplied,         *2: A different type, or no power adapter is supplied,
Slowly blinks green:      The battery should be charged.                                                                         depending on the charger version.
Blinks green fast:        The battery is exhausted.           		 Displays messages such as channel text.                                                                                         depending on the charger version.
                                                              11 SHIFT INDICATOR
                                                              		 Displayed when [SHIFT] is pushed.
DD Speaker microphone jack

 CAUTION: DO NOT use the transceiver without the jack
 cover or the optional equipment attached.
 The transceiver meets IP67 requirements for dust-tight
 and waterproof protection only when the jack cover or
 the optional HM-168LWP, HM-171GPW, HS-94LWP, or
 HS-95LWP is attached.

BASIC OPERATION                                                                                                               OPTIONS

DD Turning ON the transceiver                                 DD Key Lock function                                            DD BATTERY PACKS                                              DD OTHERS
                                                               You can use the Key Lock function to prevent accidental        •• BP-278/BP-279/BP-280 BATTERY PACKS                         •• MB-130 CHARGER BRACKET
 NOTE: Before using the transceiver for the first time, the   channel changes and unnecessary function access,                                                                              	Mounts the BC-213 desktop charger on a variety of
 battery pack must be fully charged for optimum life and      depending on the presetting.                                        Battery                                  Approximate         places in a vehicle.
 operation. See the BATTERY CHARGING section.                                                                                                  Voltage     Capacity                         •• MB-133 BELT CLIP
                                                                                                                                   pack                                    battery life*
                                                              All assignable keys except the following are electronically                                                                   •• HM-158LA/HM-159LA/HM-168LWP/HM-171GPW
Rotate [VOL] to turn ON the transceiver.                      locked: [Monitor], [Light], [Lock], [Call], [Emergency], and                                 1130 mAh                            SPEAKER MICROPHONE
                                                              [Surveillance].                                                     BP-278                   (minimum)                        	Combination speaker-microphone that provides
                                                                                                                                                7.2 V                        9 hours
                                                              You can also make or receive calls, or turn the transceiver                                  1190 mAh                            convenient operation while the transceiver is hanging on
DD Receiving and Transmitting                                 ON or OFF, during the Key Lock function is ON.                                                (typical)                          your belt.
Receiving:                                                                                                                                                 1485 mAh                         	The HM-171GPW includes high-performance GPS
1. Select a channel.                                         zz Hold down [LOCK] for 1 second to turn the Key Lock               BP-279                   (minimum)                           receiver.
                                                                                                                                                7.2 V                       11.5 hours        LLAdjust the microphone gain before use.
    LLRotate [Rotary Selector] or push [Up] or [Down],          function ON or OFF.                                                                       1570 mAh
       depending on the presetting.                           		 For only the Simple-key and Ten-key types:                                                 (typical)                       •• HM-153LA/HM-166LA EARPHONE MICROPHONE
2. When receiving a call, rotate [VOL] to adjust the audio      •• “   ” is displayed when the Key Lock function is ON.                                   2280 mAh                         	Ideal for hands-free operation. Clip the HM-153LA or
    output level to a comfortable listening level.               •• “   ” disappears when the Key Lock function is OFF.                                    (minimum)                           HM-166LA (with integrated PTT switch) to your lapel or
                                                                                                                                  BP-280        7.2 V                        18 hours          breast pocket.
                                                                                                                                                           2400 mhA
 NOTE: Depending on the presetting, the transceiver may                                                                                                     (typical)                         LLAdjust the microphone gain before use.
 automatically transmit the microphone audio for the preset   DD AquaQuake      TM
                                                                                     Water Draining function                                                                                •• HS-94/HS-95/HS-97 HEADSET
 time period when a matching signal is received. (Auto TX     If the [AquaQuake] is assigned to a key, the AquaQuake           * W
                                                                                                                                   hen the power save function is turned ON, and the          + VS-4LA PTT SWITCH CABLE/OPC-2004LA
 function)                                                    Water Draining function clears water from the speaker grill         operating periods are calculated under the following         ADAPTER CABLE
                                                              to maintain clear audio by vibrating the speaker cone.              conditions.                                                  HS-94: Ear-hook type
                                                                                                                                  TX : RX : standby = 5 : 5 : 90                               HS-95: Neck-arm type
Transmitting:                                                 1. H old down [AquaQuake] to turn ON the AquaQuake             DD CHARGERS                                                      HS-97: Throat microphone
                                                                  water draining function.                                                                                                     VS-4LA: To connect to headsets
 CAUTION: Attach an antenna before transmitting.                  •• A low frequency vibration is generating to remove        •• BC-213 DESKTOP CHARGER + BC-123S AC                           OPC-2004LA: To connect to headsets for VOX operation
 Transmitting without an antenna may damage the                      water from the speaker grill.                               ADAPTER                                                      LLAdjust the both microphone and VOX gain before use.
 transceiver.                                                     •• Water in the speaker grill may muffle the sound             To rapidly charge a single battery pack.                   •• HS-94LWP/HS-95LWP HEADSET
                                                                     coming from the speaker.                                 •• BC-214 MULTI CHARGER + BC-157S AC ADAPTER                     HS-94LWP: Ear-hook type
1. Wait until the channel is clear to avoid interference.     2.	Release the key to turn OFF the function.                      To rapidly charge up to 6 battery packs.                      HS-95LWP: Neck-arm type
2. While holding down [PTT], speak at your normal voice                                                                                                                                      LLAdjust the both microphone and VOX gain before use.
                                                                                                                              DD DC CABLES
3. Release [PTT] to receive.                                  NOTE:                                                           •• CP-23L CIGARETTE LIGHTER CABLE                             Some options may not be available in some countries.
                                                              •• After the specified period of time expires, this function    	Use when charging the battery pack from a 12 V              Ask your dealer for details.
                                                                 automatically stops, even if a user continues to hold           cigarette lighter socket. (Use with the BC-213)
                                                                 down this key.                                               •• OPC-656 DC POWER SOCKET
 To maximize the readability of your signal:
                                                              •• This key works for only the internal speaker.                	Use with a 13.8 V power source instead of the power
 1. After pushing [PTT], pause briefly before you start
                                                                                                                                 adapter. (Use with the BC-214)
 2. Hold the microphone 5 to 10 cm (2 to 4 inches) from                                                                      DD ANTENNAS
     your mouth, then speak at your normal voice level.
                                                                                                                              •• FA-SC25U/FA-SC57U/FA-SC72U/FA-SC73US UHF
                                                                                                                                 FA-SC25U: 400–430 MHz
                                                                                                                                 FA-SC57U: 430–470 MHz
                                                                                                                                 FA-SC72U: 470–520 MHz
                                                                                                                                 FA-SC73US: 450–490 MHz
                                                                                                                              •• FA-SC26US UHF STUBBY ANTENNAS
                                                                                                                                 FA-SC26US: 400–450 MHz
                                                                                                                              •• FA-SC01U/FA-SC02U UHF ANTENNAS
                                                                                                                                 FA-SC01U: 350–400 MHz
                                                                                                                                 FA-SC02U: 330–380 MHz
                                                                                                                              •• FA-SC61UC UHF CUT ANTENNAS
                                                                                                                                 FA-SC61UC: 380–520 MHz

Document Created: 2019-04-04 06:02:21
Document Modified: 2019-04-04 06:02:21

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