Probe Calibration


RF Exposure Info

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Probe ET3DV5
 Manufactured:             December 1998
 Calibrated:               February 1999

   Calibrated for System DASY3

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ET3DV5 SN:1368

The performance of all probes is measured before delivery. This includes an assessment of the
characteristic parameters, receiving patterns as a function of frequency, frequency response and relative
accuracy. Furthermore, each probe is tested in use according to a dosimetric assessment protocol. The
sensitivity parameters (NormX, NormY, NormZ), the diode compresion parameter (DCP) and the
conversion factor (ConvF) of the probe and some of the measurement diagrams are given in the

The performance of the individual probes varies
slightly due to tolerances arising from the
manufacturing process. Since the lines are highly
resistive (several MOhms), the offset and noise
problem is greatly increased if signals in the low µV
range are measured. Accurate measurement below 10
µW/g are possible if the following precautions are
taken. 1) check the current grounding with the
multimeter1, i.e., low noise levels, 2) compensate the
current offset1, 3) use long integration time (approx.
10 seconds), 4) calibrate1 before each measurement,
5) persons should avoid moving around the lab while

Since the field distortion caused by the supporting
material and the sheath is quite high in the θ direction,
the receiving pattern is poor in air. However, the               Fig 1: Due to the field distortion caused by the
distortion in tissue equivalent material is much less            supporting material, the probe has two charac-
because of its high dielectricity. In addition, the fields       teristic directions, referred to as angle ψ and θ.
induced in the phantoms by dipole structures close to
the body are dominently parallel to the surface. Thus, the error due to non-isotropy is much better than 1
dB for dosimetric assessments.

The probes are calibrated in the TEM cell ifi 110 although the field distribution in the cell is not very
uniform and the frequency response is not very flat. To ensure consistency, a strict protocol is followed.
The conversion factor (ConF) between this calibration and the measurement in the tissue simulation
solution is performed by comparison with temperature measurements and computer simulations. This
conversion factor is only valid for the specified tissue simulating liquids at the specified frequencies. If
measurements have to be performed in solutions with other electrical properties or at other frequencies,
the conversion factor has to be assessed by the same procedure.

As the probes have been constructed with printed resistive lines on ceramic substrates (thick film
technique), the probe is very delicate with respect to mechanical shocks.


Do not drop the probe or let the probe collide with any solid object. Never let the robot move
without first activating the emergency stop feature (i.e., without first turning the data acquisition
electronics on).

    Feature of the DASY Software Tool.

                                                    Page 2 of 8

    Feature of the DASY Software Tool.

ET3DV5 SN:1368

DASY3 – Parameters of Probe: ET3DV5 SN:1368
Sensitivity in Free Space
              NormX                  1.35       mV/(V/m) 2
              NormY                  1.29       mV/(V/m) 2
              NormZ                  1.46       mV/(V/m)2

Diode Compression
              DCP X                  78         mV
              DCP Y                  78         mV
              DCP Z                  78         mV

Sensitivity in Tissue Simulating Liquid
450 MHz       ConvF X                6.2        extrapolated    εr =          48 ± 5%
                                                                σ=            0.50 ± 10%mho/m
              ConvF Y                6.2        extrapolated
                                                                (brain tissue simulating liquid)
              ConvF Z                6.2        extrapolated

900 MHz       ConvF X                5.8        ± 10%           εr =          42.5 ± 5%
                                                                σ=            0.86 ± 10%mho/m
              ConvF Y                5.8        ± 10%
                                                                (brain tissue simulating liquid)
              ConvF Z                5.8        ± 10%

1500 MHz      ConvF X                5.2        interpolated    εr =          41 ± 5%
              ConvF Y                5.2        interpolated    σ=            1.32 ± 10%mho/m
              ConvF Z                5.2        interpolated    (brain tissue simulating liquid)

1800 MHz      ConvF X                4.9        ± 10%           εr =          41 ± 5%
              ConvF Y                4.9        ± 10%           σ=            1.62 ± 10%mho/m
              ConvF Z                4.9        ± 10%           (brain tissue simulating liquid)

835 MHz       ConvF X                5.7        ± 10%           εr =         56.2 ± 5%
              ConvF Y                5.7        ± 10%           σ=           0.95 ± 10%mho/m
              ConvF Z                5.7        ± 10%           (muscle tissue simulating liquid)

900 MHz       ConvF X                5.6        ± 10%           εr =         56.0 ± 5%
              ConvF Y                5.6        ± 10%           σ=           0.97 ± 10%mho/m
              ConvF Z                5.6        ± 10%           (muscle tissue simulating liquid)

1900 MHz      ConvF X                4.3        ± 10%           εr =         54.2 ± 5%
              ConvF Y                4.3        ± 10%           σ=           1.85 ± 10%mho/m
              ConvF Z                4.3        ± 10%           (muscle tissue simulating liquid)

Sensor Offset
                         Probe Tip to Sensor Center            2.7     mm
                         Surface to Probe Tip                     ±0.2 mm

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ET3DV5 SN:1368

                                        Receiving Pattern (φ), θ = 0°

              f = 30 MHz, TEM cell ifi110                                                            f = 100 MHz, TEM cell ifi110

                                         0                                                                                      0
                                  350         10                                                                         350         10
                            340                     20                                                             340                     20
                      330                                 30                                                 330                                 30
                320                                             40                                     320                                             40
          310                                                         50                         310                                                         50

        300                                                                60                  300                                                                60

   290                                                                      70            290                                                                      70

  280                                                                            80      280                                                                            80

  270                                                                            90      270                                                                            90

  260                                                                            100     260                                                                            100

   250                                                                      110           250                                                                      110

        240                                                                120                 240                                                                120

          230                                                         130                        230                                                         130
                220                                             140                                    220                                             140
                      210                                 150                                                210                                 150
                            200                     160                                                            200                     160
                                  190         170                                                                        190         170
                                        180                                                                                    180

                  X                 Y          Z                 Tot                                    X                 Y           Z                 Tot

              f = 300 MHz, TEM cell ifi110                                                           f = 900 MHz, TEM cell ifi110

                                         0                                                                                      0
                                  350         10                                                                         350         10
                            340                     20                                                             340                     20
                      330                                 30                                                 330                                 30
                320                                             40                                     320                                             40
          310                                                         50                         310                                                         50

        300                                                                60                  300                                                                60

   290                                                                          70        290                                                                          70

  280                                                                            80      280                                                                            80

 270                                                                             90      270                                                                            90

  260                                                                            100     260                                                                            100

   250                                                                          110       250                                                                          110

        240                                                                120                 240                                                                120

          230                                                         130                        230                                                         130
                220                                             140                                    220                                             140
                      210                                 150                                                210                                 150
                            200                     160                                                            200                     160
                                  190         170                                                                        190         170
                                        180                                                                                    180

                  X                 Y          Z                 Tot                                     X                 Y          Z                 Tot

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ET3DV5 SN:1368

                        f = 1800 MHz, WG R22                                                                       f = 2500 MHz, WG R26

                                                   0                                                                                      0
                                        350            10                                                                          350           10
                                  340                        20                                                              340                         20
                            330                                    30                                                  330                                     30
                      320                                                40                                      320                                                 40
                310                                                            50                          310                                                             50

              300                                                                   60                   300                                                                    60

       290                                                                               70         290                                                                              70

  280                                                                                     80       280                                                                                80

  270                                                                                     90      270                                                                                 90

  260                                                                                     100      260                                                                                100

       250                                                                               110        250                                                                              110

              240                                                                   120                  240                                                                    120

                230                                                            130                         230                                                             130
                      220                                                140                                     220                                                 140
                            210                                    150                                                 210                                     150
                                  200                        160                                                             200                         160
                                        190            170                                                                         190           170
                                               180                                                                                       180

                        X                 Y             Z                 Tot                                      X                 Y               Z                Tot

                                                       Isotropy Error (φ), θ = 0°

               0.40                                                                                                                                                   30 MHz

               0.20                                                                                                                                                   100 MHz
               0.00                                                                                                                                                   300 MHz
              -0.20                                                                                                                                                   900 MHz
              -0.40                                                                                                                                                   1800 MHz
              -0.60                                                                                                                                                   2500 MHz
                        0                     60             120                     180            240                      300               360

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ET3DV5 SN:1368

                                 Frequency Response of E-Field
                                         ( TEM-Cell:ifi110, Waveguide R22, R26 )




         frequency response







                                     0       500     1000      1500   2000   2500   3000
                                                            f [MHz]

                                            TEM               R22            R26

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ET3DV5 SN:1368

                                  Dynamic Range f(SARbrain)
                                             ( TEM-Cell:ifi110 )








                         0.0001    0.001    0.01                0.1              1.              10.   100.

                                     not compensated                                   compensated

                         1                                                               compensated


                                            relative accuracy

                                                                          not compensated
                         -2                                               diode characteristic

                         0.0001    0.001    0.01                0.1                1              10    100

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ET3DV5 SN:1368

                                       Conversion Factor Assessment

                              f = 900 MHz, WG R9                                                 f = 1800 MHz, WG R22

                   0.30                                                                   2.50

 SAR[mW/cm3] / W

                                                                        SAR[mW/cm3] / W




                   0.00                                                                   0.00
                          0            20            40         60                               0            20           40        60
                                            z[mm]                                                                  z[mm]

                          Analytical             Measuremets                                     Analytical          Measuremets

                                                   Receiving Pattern (φ)
                                                     ( in brain tissue, z = 5 mm )


                   -0.20 0                  60            120          180                           240             300           360

                                                          900 MHz                           1800 MHz

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Document Created: 2000-01-14 15:40:50
Document Modified: 2000-01-14 15:40:50

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