Test Report and Photos


Test Setup Photos

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   A-013-00-C                                                                                         Page 1 of 11

                                 Designated by Ministry of International Trade and Industry

          HEAD OFFICE                                                                   IKOMA TESTING LABORATORY
       6-8-7 NISHITENMA                                                                       12128 TAKAYAMA-CHO
  KITA-KU OSAKA 530-0047 JAPAN                                                         IKOMA-CITY NARA 630-0101 JAPAN
                                            Corporate Juridical Person

                                               TEST REPORT
 Report No.A-013-00-C                                                                           Date: 31 March 2000

 This test report is to certify that the tested device properly complies with the requirements of:

       FCC Rules and Regulations Part 18 Subpart C.

 The tests necessary to show compliance to the requirements were performed and these results met
 the specifications of requirement. The results of this report should not be construed to imply
 compliance of equipment other than that, which was tested. Unless the laboratory permission, this
 report should not be copied in part.

 1. Applicant
      Company Name               : SANYO Electric Co., Ltd.
                                  Laundry & Cooking Appliances Division

       Mailing Address           : 1-1, Seta 1-chome, Otsu City, Shiga, 520-2198 Japan

 2. Identification of Tested Device
       Kind of Equipment Authorization :  : DoC          : Certification         : Verification
       FCC ID                    : AEZM315
       Device Name               : Microwave Oven
       Trade Name                : SANYO
       Model Number              : EM-V5405SWX
       Serial Number             : No.1         : Prototype        : Pre-production         : Production
       Date of Manufacture       : March, 2000

 3. Test Items and Procedure
          : AC Power Line Conducted Emission Measurement
          : Radiated Emission Measurement (30MHz−1000MHz)

       Above all tests were performed under: FCC/OET MP-5(1985)
                 : without deviation,  : with deviation(details are found inside of this report)

 4. Date of Test
       Receipt of Test Sample : 7 March 2000
       Test Completed on      : 17 March 2000

                                                                                    Eizo Hariya
                                                                  General Manager of Ikoma Testing Laboratory

                          KEC   Ikoma Testing Laboratory        12128 Takayama-cho Ikoma-city Nara 630-0101 Japan

A-013-00-C                                                                                                         Page 2 of 11

                                                                Table of Contents

  1.      GENERAL INFORMATION - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3
       1.1 Product Description -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3
       1.2 Description for Equipment Authorization -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3
       1.3 Test Facility--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4

  2.      TESTED SYSTEM - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5
       2.1 Test Mode------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5
       2.2 Operaton of EUT System-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5
       2.3 Block Diagram of EUT System -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6

       3.1   Reference Rule and Specification ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7
       3.2   Test Procedure----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7
       3.3   Test Arrangement-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8
       3.4   Photographs of EUT System Configuration ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------9
       3.5   Test Results ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10

  4 . L I S T O F T E S T I N S T R U M E N T S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11

                                                 KEC      Ikoma Testing Laboratory          12128 Takayama-cho Ikoma-city Nara 630-0101 Japan

A-013-00-C                                                                                  Page 3 of 11


  1.1 Product Description
       The SANYO Model No. EM-V5405SW X(refered to as the EUT in this engineering test report)
        is a Household Microwave Oven.

     (1) Special Feature
           Magnetron Frequency : 2450 MHz ± 50 MHz
           RF Power               : 1200 W
     (2) Rated Power Supply
          AC 120 V, 60 Hz
          Protection Class 1(with ground connector)
     (3) Contained Oscillator
           4.0 ± 0.4 MHz(Main PCB)

  1.2 Description for Equipment Authorization

             (1) Category                                   :     Class A           Class B         Not Applicable

             (2) Reference Rule and Specification           : FCC Rule Part 18
                                                                Section 18.305 (a), (b)

             (3) Type of device                             :     Personal Computer & Peripherals
                                                                  Other Digital Device
                                                                  ISM Device

             (4) Kind of Equipment Authorization            :     DoC               Certification      Verification

             (5)Procedure of Application                    :     Original Equipment            Modification

             (6)Highest Frequency used in the Device        : 2.45 GHz

             (7)Upper Frequency of Radiated Emission Measurement Range
                                                           :     1000 MHz      2000 MHz                5000 MHz
                                                                 The Tenth Harmonic

                                        KEC    Ikoma Testing Laboratory   12128 Takayama-cho Ikoma-city Nara 630-0101 Japan

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   1.3 Test Facility

       All tests described in this report were performed by:

                          IKOMA TESTING LABORATORY

                          Open Area Test Site No.1             No.2         No.3         No.4
                          EMC M.C. Anechoic Chamber                               No.1
                          Shielded Room       No.2             No.4         EMC M.C. Shielded Room

              Address:    12128, Takayama-cho Ikoma-city, Nara, 630-0101 Japan

       These test facilities have been filed with the FCC under the criteria of ANSI C63.4-1992. The Open
       Area Test Site No.4, EMC M.C. Anechoic Chamber No.1, Shielded Room No.4 and EMC M.C.
       Shielded Room have been accredited by the NVLAP (Lab. Code: 200207-0) based on ISO/IEC Guide
       Also the laboratory has been authorized by ITI (Interference Technology International, (UK), TUV
       Product Service (GER) and TUV Rheinland (GER) based on their criteria for testing laboratory

                                   KEC   Ikoma Testing Laboratory     12128 Takayama-cho Ikoma-city Nara 630-0101 Japan

A-013-00-C                                                                          Page 5 of 11


   1.1 Test Mode

      The compliance tests were performed under following operation mode.

             Maximum Output Power Operation

   1.2 Operaton of EUT System

           (1) Open the door of EUT.
        (2) Set the load as follows in EUT.
                       1000 cc volume Beaker
                   Load for the test
                       700 cc water with beaker
        (3) Close the door of EUT.
        (4) Set the output power to maximum.
         (5) Set the cooking time.
        (6) Push the start pad.
             Then start the cooking.

                                  KEC   Ikoma Testing Laboratory   12128 Takayama-cho Ikoma-city Nara 630-0101 Japan

A-013-00-C                                                                      Page 6 of 11

  2.3 Block Diagram of EUT System


                                                                          AC Power Cord (Non - Shield)


                                                               AC 120V, 60Hz

                              KEC   Ikoma Testing Laboratory   12128 Takayama-cho Ikoma-city Nara 630-0101 Japan

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  3.1 Reference Rule and Specification

      FCC Rule Part 18 Subpart C
       FCC/OET MP-5(1985)

  3.2 Test Procedure
         (1) Configurate the EUT.
          [ See 3.3 Test A rrangement and 3.4 Photographs of EUT System Configration]

        The power cords for the EUT are connected through the receptacle
        with the turn floor to the CVCF placed under the ground plane.

         (2) Operate the EUT.

         (3) To determine the emissions of the EUT, preliminary radiated measurement
             was performed at a closer distance than that specified for final radiated
              measurement using the broad band antenna and the spectrum analyzer.

         (4) To search the frequency of maximum emission level on the spectrum analyzer,
         change the EUT System configuration, move the signal cables and the power cords,
           change the EUT conditions.

         (5) The spectrum was scanned from 30 MHz to 1000 MHz and collect the emissions on the
             spectrum analyzer.

         (6) The collected emissions for final test were measured at the specified distance
            using the tuned dipole antenna or broad band antenna and the test receiver *1).

               *1) Test Receiver Operation Mode
                    Detector Function : Average
                     IF Band Width     : 120 kHz(frequency range in 30 MHz - 1000 MHz)

                                   KEC   Ikoma Testing Laboratory   12128 Takayama-cho Ikoma-city Nara 630-0101 Japan

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3.3 Test Arrangement

    [Open Site]
                                                                                      Glass Fiber
                                                                                      Antenna Pole

                       Broad Band Antenna or
                       Tuned Dipole Antenna


                                                       1- 4m

                                                                                      Coaxial Cable

      EUT Sy stem

Power Cord                      Nonconductive
                                T able

                                                                                         Spec trum Analyz er /
                                                                                         Test Rec eiver

                                                 Metal Ground Plane

                                          Turn Floor


                           AC Output

                                         KEC   Ikoma Testing Laboratory   12128 Takayama-cho Ikoma-city Nara 630-0101 Japan

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3.4 Photographs of EUT System Configuration

                                          front view

                                              rear view

                                 KEC   Ikoma Testing Laboratory   12128 Takayama-cho Ikoma-city Nara 630-0101 Japan

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  3.5 Test Results
                                                                  Measurement Distance        : 3m        : 10m
Measured Antenna Meter Reading       Conversion Maximum Limits at Margin for
Frequency Factor Horizontal Vertical   Factor      Field      300 m   Limits
  (MHz) ( dB/m ) ( dBuV ) ( dBuV )     ( dB )   ( dBuV/m ) ( dBuV/m ) ( dB )
  41.20    14.5     -2.0       1.0     -40.0       -24.5       31.8    56.3
  63.40     9.2     -4.5      -4.0     -40.0       -34.8       31.8    66.6
 104.40    12.7     -2.0       0.5     -40.0       -26.8       31.8    58.6
 307.00    17.7    -10.0     -10.0     -40.0       -32.3       31.8    64.1
 374.00    19.4     -8.0     -10.0     -40.0       -28.6       31.8    60.4
 402.50    20.1     -9.0      -9.0     -40.0       -28.9       31.8    60.7
 437.00    21.0     -9.0      -9.0     -40.0       -28.0       31.8    59.8
 529.00    23.1    -10.0     -10.0     -40.0       -26.9       31.8    58.7
 710.00    26.1     -6.0      -7.0     -40.0       -19.9       31.8    51.7
 899.00    29.1     -6.0      -6.5     -40.0       -16.9       31.8    48.7

        (1) Antenna Factor includes the cable loss.
        (2) * mark in Measured Frequency          : Measured with the tuned dipole antenna.
              No mark in Measured Frequency       : Measured with the broadband antenna.
        (3) Conversion Factor : distance correction factor from 3 m to 300 m.
     [Calculation method]
       Maximum Field Strength (dBuV/m)
       = Meter Reading (at maximum level of Horizontal or Vertical) (dBuV) + Antenna Factor (dB/m)
         +Conversion Factor(dB)

[ Environment ]

     Temperature : 19°C   Humidity : 57 %

     Tested Date : 17 March 2000        Tester Signature
                                                                      Yasunari Kawai

                                 KEC   Ikoma Testing Laboratory   12128 Takayama-cho Ikoma-city Nara 630-0101 Japan

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 Instrument   Manufacturer   Model No        Specifications          KEC           if used,   Last      Next
                                                                     Control      checked     Cal.      Cal.
                                                                     No.           by "X".

 Test         Rohde &        ESVP         Frequency Range             FS-48-3                 1999/5    2000/5
 Receiver     Schwarz                      20 MHz - 1000 MHz

                             ESV          Frequency Range             FS-55                   1999/4    2000/4
                                           20 MHz - 1000 MHz

 Spectrum     Advantest      TR4172       Frequency Range             FS-44-2                 1999/9    2000/ 9
 Analyzer                                  50 Hz - 1.8 GHz

 Pre-         Advantest      TR14037      Frequency Range             FS-44-3                 1999/ 9   2000/ 9
 Selecter                                  10 kHz - 1.0 GHz

 Biconical    Schwarzbeck    BBA9106      Frequency Range             AN-80                   2000/ 2   2001/ 2
 Antenna                                   30 MHz – 300 MHz

 Log-         Schwarzbeck    UHALP        Frequency Range             AN-97                   2000/ 2   2001/ 2
 Periodic                    9107          300 MHz – 1 GHz

 Tuned        Kyoritsu       KBA-511S Frequency Range                 AN-112                  1999/3    2000/3
 Dipole                                25 MHz – 500 MHz
                             KBA-611S Frequency Range                 AN-7-11                 1999/3    2000/3
                                       500 MHz - 1 GHz

                              KEC     Ikoma Testing Laboratory   12128 Takayama-cho Ikoma-city Nara 630-0101 Japan

Document Created: 2000-04-03 13:04:06
Document Modified: 2000-04-03 13:04:06

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