Test Report

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Report No. MO—065
                                                                 Date : June 4, 1998

                                 ENGINEERING TEST REPORT

1.    Name of Manufacturer                      SANYO Industries (Singapore) Pte., Ltd.
                                                117/119, Neythal Road,
                                                Singapore 628604

2.    Description of Equipment                  Microwave Oven

                     FCC ID                     AEZM313
     e .9 a o 0 p®

                     Model No.                  565.69380890
                     Rated Power Supply         AC Single Phase 120V, 60Hz
                     Rated Power Consumption    1,650 Watts
                     Operating Frequency        2,450 MHz
                     RF (Microwave) Power       1,100 Watts
                     Magnetron                  2M—247H

3.    Intended Use                              Household Cooking Appliance

4.    Measurement Procedure Used                FCC Rules Part 18,
                                                Subpart B and C

5.    Date of Measurement                       May 13, 1998
                                                June 3, 1998

1 hereby certify that the tests reported herein were conducted in accordance with
the method of measurement described in FCC Rules Part 18, Subpart B and C.

Muneaki Sugimoto, Section Manager
SANYO Electric Co., Ltd.
Microwave Oven Div. Engineering Dept.
Phone +81—77—543—5669 Fax +81—77—545—3583

                                                              Issued : June 4, 1998

                            18.207 TECHNICAL REPORT


      {1)   —SANYO Electric Co., Ltd. Shiga Measurement Station
                 ..... Refer to Report No. FO—86—1 (February 1, 1986)

      (2)   Kansai Electric Industry Development Center (KEC),
            lIkoma Testing Laboratory, Open Test Site No. 2
                 ..... Refer to Attachment #1C in this Test Report.


      See Attachment #4.


      Mr. James Roach
      SANYO Sales & Supply (U.S.A.) Corp.
      Suite 300, N. Arlington Heights Road,
      Itasca, Illinois 60143, U.S.A.


      FCC iD                            : AEZM313
      MODEL NO(S)                      :o 565.69380890

      (1)   Circuit Diagram     :   See Attachment #3
      (2)   Nominal Operating Frequency       : 2,450 MHz
      (3)   Maximum RF Energy Generated _: 1,100 Watts
      (4)   Electrical Power Requirements of Equipment _: 1,650 Watts
      (5)   Any Other Pertinent Operating Characteristics _: None.

      See Attachment #1, #1A, #1B, #1C and #1D

sA/WWYO                                                           SANYO Electric Co., Ltd.
                 8                                                Home Appliances Business Seadquarters
                                                                  Microwave Oven Division
                                                                  1—1, Seta, 1—chome,
                                                                  Otsu City, Shiga, Japan

   Date : June 4, 1998

  Federal Communication Commission
  c/o Melon Bank
  Three Melon Bank Center,
  525 William Penn Way
  27 Fioor, Room 153—2713
  Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15251—5315

   Attention : Wholesale Lockbox Shift Supervisor

    Subject : Application of FCC ID : AEZM313 for Certification

    Dear Sir and Madam,

  We apply new FCC ID AEZM313 for FCC Certification under Rules and
    Regulation Part 18.
    Microwave Oven with this new ID will be manufactured by SANYO Industries
    (Singapore) Pte., Ltd. and will be marketed in quantities excess of five units.
   The following materials are attached for your investigation.

                FCC Form 731
e e e e e ) —

                Engingering Test Report No. MO—065
                Report of Measurements (Attachment #1, #1A, #1B, #1C and #1D)
                A copy of FCC ID Label {Attachment #2)
                A copy of Circuit Diagram (Attachment #3)
                A copy of Use & Care Manual (Attachment #4)
                Photographs (Attachment #5)

  Your prompt attention to the above matter would be highly appreciated.
   Very truly yours,

    Muneaki Sugimoto, Section Manager
   SANYO Electric Co., Ltd.
    Microwave Oven Div. Engineering Dept.
    Phone +81—77—543—5669             Fax +81—77—545—3583

   Copy to : Mr. James Roach, SANYO Sales & Supply (U.S.A.) Corp.


                                                                     900 N Ar\mglon Hewghts  Rd. — Suite 300
                                                                     ltasca, IL 60143—2844
                                                                     Telephone: (630) 775—0404
                                                                   Jidé 111983
Federal Communications Commission
C/0 Mellon Bank
Three Mellon Bank Center
525 William Penn Way
27th Floor, Room 153—2713
Pittsburgh, PA 15251—5313

Subject:               Application of Equipment, Authorization of Certification
                              AEZM313/Model 565.69380890

Dear Application Officer:

We respectfully request approval of the subject Microwave Oven under FCC ID AEZM313.

Enclosed, please find Mr. N. Sugimoto‘s letter TH—87—102—E2, that is attached to this letter. Your
prompt attention to the aforementioned would be greatly appreciated.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact me at (630) 875—3512.

Very truly yours,
SANYO Sales & Supply Company
A Division of SANYO North America Corp.

 %               en l
    es M. Roach
Technical Consultant
Home Appliances


C:       Mr. M. Sugimoto, MWO Div., Sanyo Japan
         Mr. T. Hotta, MWO Div., Sanyo Japan

Enclosure & Application check

                                                                                                   Attachment #1

FCC ID :    _AEZM313                   MODEL :           _565.69380890              DATE : June 03.1998
NOMINAL FREQUENCY:                  2450       __M Hz.                     TESTED BY :         HHAYASHI
                                                                                               74( 7/!7/!4'/!1
DESCRIPTION : (Unit Dimension : em)
Cabinet Dimension :      _55.0 by 44.7      by 31.7                        Door Dimension :_       43.9 by    27.9
Oven Cavity Dimension :       __37.6 by 40.4 by 24.2                     Door Viewing area :       __33.0 by 16.8
Feed Type and Location :            Waveguide, located right side                      Stirrer : Rotating tray
                                                                                            (incl. Rotating tray)
Doorseal Type :        Choke Seal                                Magnetron Type :      Sanyo, 2M—247H
Others :    N/A


1.   Antenna (Horn Antenna)
                                                 Frequency Range                            Correction Factor
      AILTECH     91888—2                           1.0 — 2.0 G Hz                             21.5 — 22 dB
      AILTECH     91889—2                          2.0 — 3.6 G Hz                              20.5 — 21 dB
      AILTECH     94613—1                          3.6 — 7.6 G Hz                                  37 dB
      AILTECH     91891—2                          7.3 — 10.0 G Hz                               39.8 dB
      Other Correction Factor
      (a) Cable loss
                           Frequency (M Hz)                                     Cable loss (dB)

                                    2,400                                             L1
                                    2,500                                             1.1
                                    4,900                                             1.6
                                    7.350                                             2.2
                                    9,800                                             2.7

      (b) Loss of Band Rejection Filter
                        Frequency Range (G Hz)                                  Filter loss (dB)
                                2.0 — 3.6                                             3.0

     Field Strength Meter

           AILTECH NM—67 (SER 0241—03088)
           Last calibrated date :           July 7, 1997
           Setting :     Bandwidth          ——————— 1 MHz
                         Function      —————— Field Intensity (average value detector)
3.   When measureing sidebands close to the fundamental, band reject filter Model 6N45—2450/60
     (SER FK837—1) was employed.

                                                                                                                                                                            ATTACHMENT #1A
                                         REPORT OF MEASUREMENT (MICROWAVE OVEN TEST DATA SHEET B)
FCC ID :                     AEZM313                             MODEL :                 565.69380890                            DATE:                                June 03 .1998
Nomina! Frequency :          2,450 MHz                                                                                           TESTED BY :                           H.HAYASHI

                                                    DATA SUMMERRY (FOC MEASUREMENT PROCEDURE MP—5)                                                                     34. Hasyettia
                                                                                                                                              CALCULATION      E<300m> = K*10 ((A+B+C+D+E)/20)
SAFETY CHECK (at 5 cm)                 Load : 275 ml/center                               0.02           mW/sq.cm
FUNDAMENTAL                            Load : 1,000 ml/center                            2,450               MHz.
                                                                                                                           LIMIT = 25+,/(power/500)            37.1          uV/m
* Note :           Location of load for the oven provided with the rotating tray is :
                   Contiguous with the shelf circumference.

                                                        RADIATION FIELD STRENGTH (uV/m at 300 m)
                                    .                Emission       Meter      Antenna           Cable     Filter    Calou.                                 Max. Field
                    Load       Location of Load     Frequency|     Reading      Factor           Loss      Loss      Factor       The Value of K             Strength                 Limit
                      (mi)                            (MHz)         (dBuV)       (dB)            (dB)       (4B)      (dB)       (E<300m>=K*E<3m>)         {uV/m at 300m)      {uV/m at 300m)

  2nd Harmonic        300           Center            4,920         16.0         37.0             1.6                  5               0.0100                   9.5                   37.1
  2nd Harmonic        300    * Right/Front Corner     4920          14.0         37.0             1.6                  5               0.0100                   7.6                   37.1
  2nd Harmonic        700           Center            4,925         22.0         37.0             1.6                  5               0.0100                  19.1                   37.1
  2nd Harmonic        700    * Right/Front Corner     4,919         17.0         37.0             1.6                  5               0.0100                  10.7                   37.1
  3rd Harmonic        300           Center            7431          22.0         39.8             2.2                  5               9.0100                  28.2                   37.1
  3rd Harmonic        300    * Right/Front Corner     7416          21.0         39.8             2.2                  5               0.0100                  25.1                   37.1
  3rd Harmonic        100           Center            1428          22.0         39.8             2.2                  5               0.0100                  28.2                   37.1
  3rd Harmonic        700    * Right/Front Corner     7,370         23.0         39.8             2.2                  5               0.0100                  31.6                   37.1
  4th Harmonic        700           Center            9,873         20.0         39.8             2.7                      5           0.0100                  23.7                   37.1
     Spurious         700           Center            2,320         27.0         20 .8            1.1        3             5           0.0059                   4.1                   37.1
 Sideband 2,400       700           Center            2400          25.0         20.8             1.1        3             5           0.0061                   3.4                   37.1
  Sideband 2,500      700           Center            2,500         16.0         20.8             1.1        3             5           0.0064                   1.3                   37.1
       MHz                                                                                                                                            |_

Maximum Frequency Variation  1,000 ml load                           2,457 to    2,458 M Hz.                        1830   MHz   — 2745 MHz      26230 * 10(—3) * frequency : GHz) —0.0002
Total Power Input to Oven                                              1,650 Watts                                  2745   MHz   — 3660 MHz      21858 * 10"(~3) * frequency GHz) +0.0010
Power Development in dummy load (Thermal Method)                       1,100 Watts (IEC705Test Procedure)           3660   MHz   — 4575 MHz      1.0929 * 10"(—3) * frequency : GHz) +0.0050
Supply Voltage                                                           AC 120 V 60 Hz                             4575   MHz   and above                                            0.0100

                                                                                          Attachment #1B

rCC ID :     AEZM313                 MODEL :        _565.69380890                 DATE : June 03.1998
                                                                     TESTED BY :         _HHAYASHI
                                                                                         7|x47.77% 1
Note :     In order to convert the measured field strength at Bmeters to the field at 300 meters,
          comply with FCC/OST MP—5 Appendix C "4.6.1 Computations to determine compliance".
          A culculation factor of 5 dB, this figure is fixed by SANYO, is introduced bfor adjusting
           a tolerance in measurement.
          A calculation factor of 5 dB should be added to "METER READING" as shown in
          SAMPLE CALCULATION below.


(1)   2"" Harmonic with 300 ml/Center load

          Field Strength at 300 m    =0.0100        x 10( 160 +376 16+5) .
                                     = 9.5         uV/m

(2)   Emission sideband 2,400 M Hz., 700 ml/Center load

          Field Strength at 300 m         0.0061% 10( 250 +208 + L1 +3 +5)   20

                                     = 3.4         uV/m

 A—015—98—C                                                                                                               Page     1   of      9

                               Designated    by    Ministry    of    International   Trade   and   Industry               Attachment #1C           |

          Kansar Erectronic Inoustry Deverorment CentEr
        HEAD OFFICE                                                                                                        IKOMA
      6—8—7, NISHITEMMA                                                                                            TESTING LABORATORY
  KITAKU, OSAKA, 530 JAPAN                                                                                         10630, TAKAYAMA—CHO
                                                                                                              IKOMA—CITY, NARA, 630—01 JAPAN
                                                  Corporate Juridical             Person

                                ENGINEERING TEST REPORT

REPORT NQ. A—015—98—C                                                                              Issued Date : May 21,           1998

  This test report is to certify that the tested device properly complies with the
requirements of:

         FCC Rules and Regulations Part 18 Subpart C.

  Partly the tests necessary to show compliance to the requirements were performed and
these results met the specifications of requirement. The results of this report should
not be construed to imply compliance of equipment other than that which was tested.
Unless the laboratory permission, this report should not be copied in part.

1. Applicant

    Company Name          :   SANYO Electric Co., Ltd. Home Appliances Business Headquarters
                              Microwave Oven Division
    Mailing Address :         1—1,   Seta,        l—chome, Otsu City, Shiga,                          520—2198 Japan

2. ldentification of Tested Device
    FCC ID                     : AEZM313
    Device Name                : Microwave Oven
    Trade Name                 : SANYO
    Model Number               : 565.69380890
    Serial Number              : No.2
    Date of Manufacture : May, 1998

3. Test Items and Procedure

    1) Radiated Emission Measurement (30 MHz to 1000 MHz)

    Above all tests were performed under : FCC/OET MP—5 (1985)

4. Date of Test

    Receipt of Test Sample           :      May 13,           1998
    Test Completed on                :0     May 13, 1998                                /

                                     CERTIFIED BY :
                                                                                             Fumitoshi Nagaoka
                                                                    Associate Director of Ikoma Testing Laboratory


A—015—98—C                                          KR                                                    Page 2     of   9

                               ENGINEERING TEST REPORT                                                   Attachment #1C |

                                                TABLE OF CONTENTS


             1.1   Product     DeSCI’iptiOn   ..........................................             3

             1.2 Description for Equipment Authorization t+ttttttt= 89899999 n 6 6+                  3

             1‘3   Test   FaClllty     ................................................              3

             2.1 Test MOde +t 66868666866 t 6n 6n 66666666 6k 66 en e 6e n e e e e e e e n e e e e   4

             2.2 Operation of EUT Sy¥8t@RM +t+t+<nt 8869666 tt t 66666966 6k 6k 6k + + +6k           4

             2.3 Block Diagram of EUT SYSt@M ++ ++ +666 6 6t n t 66669 666666666 +k k60              4


             3.1 Reference Rule and Specification ++t*++ttttt 9996896966« 6« «+ n e#                 5
             3.2 Test PPOCEUUPE <+>> 666366668 6+ 6666669666669 6 666 6k k e k e k6 k en n e e       5

             3.3 Test APTADE@M@Nt ++t ++ 6t n +t 6969666 s 6666666666 66 ++ ++ ++ e e 66e 6e         6

             3.4 Photographs of EUT System Configration <tttttttt n n< n 6 6n 66669                  7

             3.5 Test ReSUItS +++++>> +666 66663666666 k e k66 + k 66 66e e e k e k k e en e k       8

             36    Llst   Of   TeSt   Instruments   .....................................            9

                      KANSAI ELECTRONIG INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENT CENTER                                                (KEC—21A)

A—015—98—C                                      KEC                                 Page 3 of 9
                            ENGINEERING TEST REPORT                                _ _Attachment #1G


   1.1 Product Description
        The model number 565.69380890(refered to as the EVUT in this engineering
        test report) is a Microwave Oven for house hold.
     1) Special Feature
          «Magnetron Frequency : 2.45 GHz*50 MHz
             +RF(Microwave) Power ; 1100 W(Microwave)

     2) Rated Power Supply
          +AC 120 ¥,60 Hz,1650 W
          «Protection Class 1(with ground connector)

     3) Contained Oscillator
             +4 + 0.4 MHz

   1.2 Description for Equipment Authorization
      1) Rules Part(s) under which equipment operated

         FCC Rule Part 18, Subpart C
         ISM Equipment

      2) Kind of Equipment Authorization

         (x) Certification              ( ) Verification

      3) Procedure of Application

         (x) Original Equipment         _( ) Modification

   1.3 Test Facility

                          IKOMA TESTING LABORATORY
                          Open Test Site No.2

         Address : 10630, Takayama—cho Ikoma—city, Nara, 630—0101 Japan

         These test facilities have been filed with the FCC under the criteria of
         ANSI C63.4—1992

                   KANSAl ELECTRONIC INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENT CENTER                          (KEC—21A)

                                                                                       Page 4     of   9

                       ENGINEERING TEST REPORT                                        Attachment #1C _


   2.1 Test Mode

       The compliance tests were performed under following operation mode.

            Maximum Output Power Operation

   2.2 Operaton of EUT System

         1) Open the door of EUT.

        2) Set the load as follows in EUT.
              * Receptacle
                   1000 ce volume Beaker
              + Load for the other test
                    700 cc water with beaker

        3) Close the door of EUT.

        4) Set the output power to maximum.

        5) Set the cooking time.

        6) Push the start pad.
           Then start the cooking.

   2.3 Block Diagram of EUT System


                                                       AG Power Cord (Non ~ Shicld)

                                               AC 120%, 60H2

                   KANSAI ELECTRONIG INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENT CENTER                                (KEC—24A)

A—015—98—C                                KR                                            Page 5    of   9

                          ENGINEERING TEST REPORT                                    . Attachment #1C


   3.1 Reference Rule and Specification

       FCC Rule Part 18 Subpart C
       FCC/OET MP—5(1985)

   3.2 Test Procedure

       1) Configurate the EVT.
             [ See 3.3 Test arrangement and 3.4 Photographs of EUT System Configration]

             The power cords for the EUT are connected through the receptacle
             with the turn floor to the CVCF placed under the ground plane.

       2) Operate the EWT.

       3) To determine the emissions of the EUVT, preliminary radiated measurement
          was performed at a closer distance than that specified for final radiated
             measurement using the broad band antenna   and the spectrum analyzer.

       4) To search the frequency of maximum emission level on the spectrum analyzer,
             change the EUT System configuration, move the signal cables and the power cords,
             change the EUT conditions.

       5) The spectrum was scanned from 30 MHz to 1000 MHz and collect the emissions on the
          spectrum analyzer.

       6) The collected emissions for final test were measured at the specified distance
             using the tuned dipole antenna or broad band antenna and the test receiver *1).

                *1) Test Receiver Operation Mode
                    Detector Function : Average
                    IF Band Width     : 120 kHz(frequency range in 30 MHz — 1000 MHz)

                    KANSAI ELECTRONIG INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENT CENTER                                (KEC—24A)

A—015—98—C                                                KEC                                               Page 6 of 9
                             ENGINEERING TEST REPORT                                                       Attachment #1C /

  3.3 Test Arrangement

             [ Opea        Si te      ]

                                                                              []   Glass Fiber
                                                                                   Antenna fole

                                  Broad Band Antcnna or
                                  Tuned Dipole Antenna

              EUT System
                                                       Bm —f———>
                                                                1 ~4 m

                                                                                   Coszial Cable

             g—“\                     !                                  !

       Power Cord           \\*            Nonconductive

                                                                                     Spectrum Analyzer /
                                                                                     Test Receiver

                                                         Metal Ground Plane

                                                 \ Turn Floor

                             *« AC ouTPut

                    KANSA! ELECTRONIC INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENT CENTER                                                 (KEC—2A)

A—015—98—C                                            KR                                                      Page 8    of   9

                              ENGINEERING TEST REPORT                                                     Attachment #1C

   3.5 Test Results

                                                    Meter Reading             Max imum
               Emission          Antenna                 at 3 m               Field              Linits
               Frequency         Factor                  [dB 4 ¥]             Strength
                                                                              at 300 n
                     [MHz]           [dB]          Horiz.     Vert.           [ 4V¥/m)           [4¥/m)

                      39.5           16.5            <—5.0        <—5.0         <0.1              37.1
                      58.4           10.9              0.5          2.0         <0.1              37.1
                      68.5            9.5             —3.5         ~4.5         <0.1              37.1
                     105.1           13.1            <—5.0        <—5.0         <0.1              37.1
                     334.4           18.3            <—5.0        <—5.0         <0.1              37.1
                     T18.0           26.7             ~2.0        <—5.0          0.2              37.1
                     892.5           29.0             —1.0          2.0          0.4              37.1

 [ Note 1
            Distance Corr. Factor            :     —40 dB(from 3 m to 300 m)
            Antenna Factor                   :     Antenna Factor and Cable Loss includes the cable loss
            Test Condition                   :     700 ml water load, at the center of tray.
            Limits                           10—   254 P/500= 25\ 1100/500= 37. 1[ p V/ml
                                                   P[W] : RF(Microwave) Power

 [ Environment ]
            Temperature : 20 °C             Humidity : 53 %

 [ Sample Calculation ]
         Frequency §8.4 MHz, Vertical Polarization
            Field Strength (4V/m at 300 m)
            = 1O(Meter Reading [dBaV] + Antenna Factor {dB] + Distance Corr.Factor [dB])/20
                  10 90 +    te* —   4 0) /2 0


                  < 0.1 [4V¥/m]

 [ Summary of Test Result ]

            Minimum margin was 39.3 dB at 892.5 MHz (Vertical Polarization).

            Tested Date : May 13, 1998                            Signature       /1// —
                                                                                      f   asunari Kawai

                       KANSA! ELECTRONIC INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENT CENTER                                                   (KEC—24A)

A~015—98—C                                      KR                                                                Page 9      of    9

                           ENGINEERING TEST REPORT                                                          , Attachment #1C |

3.6   List of Test Instruments

  Instrument   Manufacturer iModel No            Specifications              KEC              it «i.      Last           Next
                             i                                               Control         checked     Cal.            Cal.
                             i                                               No..             by Cl

  Test         Rohde &           ESVP         Frequency Range                  FS—48—3          J         1998/5         1999/5
  Receiver     Schwarz       |                 20 MHz — 1000 MHz

                                 ESV          Frequency Range                  FS—53                      1998/4         1999/4
                             |                 20 MHz — 1000 MHz

  Spectrum     Advantest     ' TR4L72         Frequency Range                  FS—44—2                    1997/9         1998/9
  Analyzer                   |                 50 Hz — 1.8 GHz

  Pre—         Advantest         TR14037      Frequency Range                  FS—44—3                    1997/9         1998/9
  Selecter                   i                  10 kHz — 1.0 GHz

  Biconical    Schwarzbeck       BBA9106      Frequency Range                  AN—80                      1998/2         1999/2
  Antenna                    |                 30 MHz — 300 MHz

  Log—         Schwarzbeck   _| UHALP         Frequency Range                  AN—97                      1998/2         1999/2
  Periodic                   ; 9107            300 MHz — 1 GHz
  Antenna                    1

  Tuned        Kyoritsu      i KBA—5118       Frequency Range                  AN—112           C         1998/3         1999/3
  Dipole                     i                 25 MHz — 500 MHz
  Antenna                    [enoncncnnnnnafrn en en ennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnannob en en en ennnnnnhencnnn en nc hennnnnnnnnnnnf en ce n nnnnn
                                              Frequency Range                  AN—7—11          [C]       1998/3         199973
                                                500 MHz — 1 GHz

                  KANSAL ELECTRONIG INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENT CENTER                                                             (KEC—24A)

                                                                 Attachment #1D

         — Measurement of Frequency VS Line Voltage Stability —

FCC ID : AEZM313             Model : 565.69380890       Date :     _June03,1998
Nominal Frequency : 2,450 MHz                       Tested by : _ R.ISSIKI _____
                                                                  A. Iss/ki
  Line Voltage           Frequency          Deviation for                 Limit
    Variation              [GHz]           ISM Frequency                 [MHz]
     [Volt]                                     [MHz]
   96 (— 20%)                 2.456                 6                    + 50
  120 (+ 0%)                  2.457                 7                    + 50
  150 (+ 25%)                 2.456                 6                    + 50

[ Environment ]
       Temperature       :       24.3     °C
       Humidity          :       65.0     %

[ Sample Calculation ]
       Frequency         :      2.457     GHz
       Deviation for ISM Frequencies Calculated as follows,
                  2457        — 24500 =   _0.0070       [GHz] =     _7            [MHz]

[ Summary of Test Results ]                  Cl
      Above data shows that the test device \g' o}/ do not complies with
       the requirements.

Document Created: 2001-05-10 21:40:42
Document Modified: 2001-05-10 21:40:42

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