Users Manual


Users Manual

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        J é} VTOSste—FronctmPage I Tuesday, March 28,2000 10:20 AM

                   INSTRUCTION MANUAL
                   AND COOKING GUIDE
                   Microwave Oven

                    Read these instructions carefully before using your microwave oven.
                    If you follow the instructions, your oven will provide you with many years of
                    good service.


                    SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS

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—6||@   J é} V3i0Ssfe—Froncfim Page 2 Tuesday. March 28, 2000 10.20 AM

                                 PRECAUTIONS TO AVOID
                                 POSSIBLE EXPOSURE TO
                                 EXCESSIVE MICROWAVE
                        {a) Do not attempt to operate this oven with the door open since open—
                            door operation can result in harmful exposure to microwave energy.
                            it is important not to defeat or tamper with the safety interlocks.
                        (b) Do not place any object between the oven front face and the door or
                            allow soil or cleaner residue to accumulate on sealing surfaces.
                        {c) Do not operate the oven if it is damaged. It is particularly important
                            that the oven door close properly and that there is no damage to the:
                            {1} DOOR (bent) *
                            {2} HINGES AND LATCHES (broken or loosened)
                            (3) DOOR SEALS AND SEALING SURFACES
                        {d) The oven should not be adjusted or repaired by anyone except
                            properly qualified service personnel.

                      Model:                       EM—V3405         EM—V3400     EM—V5405      EM—V5400
                      Power Source:                AC 120 V, 60 Hz               AC 120 V, 60 Hz
                      Power Consumption:           1650W        1480W            1650W        1480W
                      Maximum Output:              1200W"           1100W        1200W*        1100W
                      Oven Capacity:               1. ou. ft.                    1.4 cu. ft.
                      Turntable Diameter:          10—"/,"                       12+%"
                      Dimensionst (w ic h x        20—45" x Tix 16—54¢"|         2122 x 1204x 18444
                      Weight: Approx.              35.5 lbs                      390.5 Ibs
                    Specifications subject to change without notice.
                    *According to IEC—705 test procedures. The IEC—705 test procedure is an
                     internationally recognized method of rating microwave wattage output.

                     Please record your product‘s information
                     When you call to request service, you need to know your complete Model
                     number and Serial number. Please fill in the information below. Please also
                     record purchase date, price and where purchased.

                      Model Number:                                         (Located on the inner left side
                                                                            of the control panel)
                      Serial Number:                                        {Located on the inner left side
                                                                            of the control panel)
                      Date of Purchase:
                      Purchase Price:

                      Where Purchased:

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                    When using electrical appliances, basic safety precautions
                    should be followed, including the following:
                    WARNING —                   To reduce the risk of burns, electric shock, fire, injury to
                                                persons or exposure to excessive          owave energy:
                       Read all instructions before using             6. Some products such as whole
                       the appliance.                                     eggs, water with oil or fat, sealed
                     . Read and follow the specific                       containers and closed glass jars
                       *PRECAUTIONS TO AVOID                              may explode and therefore should
                        POSSIGLE EXPOSURE TO                              not be heated in this oven.
                        EXCESSIVE MICROWAVE                               Use this appliance only for its
                        ENERGY" on page 2.                                intended use as described in the
                     . As with most cooking appliances,                   manual. Do not use corrosive
                       clase supervision is necessary to                  chemicals or vapors in this
                        reduce the risk of a fire in the oven             appliance. This oven is specifically
                        cavity.                                           designed to heat or cook food. It is
                                                                          not designed for industrial or
                    If a fire should start:                               laboratory use.
                         Keep the oven doorclosed                      . As with any appliance, close
                         Turn the oven off, and                          supervision is necessary when
                        Disconnect the power cord or                     used by children.
                        shut off power at the fuse or                  . Do not operate this oven if t has a
                        circuit breaker panel.                            damaged cord or plug, if it is not
                                                                          working properly or if it has been
                    Keep in mind the following rules at all               damaged or dropped.
                    times:                                            10. This appliance should be serviced
                    a. Do not overcook food. Carefully                    only by qualified service
                       attend the appliance if paper,                     technicians. Contact the nearest
                       plastie, or other combustible                      authorized service facility for
                       materials are placed inside the                    examination, repair or
                       oven to facilitate cooking.                        adjustment.
                     . Do not use the oven cavity for
                                                                      11. Do not cover or block any vents on
                       storage purposes. Do not store                     the oven.
                       combustible items such as bread,
                                                                      12. Do not store or use this appliance
                       cookies, paper products, etc.                      outdoors.
                       inside the oven. If lightning strikes
                                                                      13. Do not use this oven near water,
                       the power line, the oven may turn                  near a kitchen sink, in a wet
                       on by itself                                       basement or near a swimming
                        Remove wire twist—ties and metal                  pool, and the like.
                       handles from paper or plastic                  14. Do not immerse cord or plug in
                       containers/bags before placing
                       them in the oven.                              15. Keep cord away from heated
                     . This oven must be grounded.                        surfaces.
                                                                      16. Do not let cord hang over edge of
                       Connect only to properly
                       grounded outlet, See                               table or counter.
                       "GROUNDING INSTRUCTIONS®                       17 When cleaning door and oven
                        on page 6.                                       surfaces that meet when door is
                     . Install or locate this oven only in                closed, use only mild,
                       accordance with the provided                       nonabrasive soaps or detergents
                        installation instructions.                        applied with a sponge or soft
                                                                          cloth, (See "Cleaning"
                                                                          instructions on page 29.)

                           SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS



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                         GROUNDING INSTRUCTIONS
                                                          This appllance must be grounded. In the event of
                         A                                an electrical short circuit, grounding reduces the
                               DANGER                     risk of electric shock by providing an escape wire
                        Electric Shock Hazard             for the electric current. This appliance is equipped
                        * Touching some of the            with a cord having a grounding wire with a
                           internal components            grounding plug. The plug must be plugged into an
                           can cause serious              outlet thatis properly installed and grounded.
                           personal injury or
                           death. Do not                  Consult a qualified electrician or serviceman if the
                           disassemble this               grounding instructions are not completely
                                                          understoodorif doubt exists as to whetherthe
                          appliance.                      appliance is properly grounded. If it is necessary
                         A                                to use an extension cord, use only a 3—wire
                             WARNING                      extension cord that has a 3—pronged grounding
                         Electric Shock Hazard            plug, and a 3—slot receptacie that will accept the
                        * Improper use of the             plug on the appliance.
                          grounding can result in         + A short power—supply cord is provided to
                            electrie shock. Do not.          reduce the risks resulting from becoming
                            pluginto an outlet until         entangled in or tripping over a langer cord.
                            appliance 'Sdpmperly             Longer cord sets or extension cords may be
                           m::j:ggdan                        used if care is exercised in their use.
                           9        ‘                        If a long cord or extension cordis used: 1) The
                         Three—pronged                       marked efectrical rating of the cord set or
                         {grounding) plug                    extension cord should be at least as great as the
                                                             electrical rating of the appliance. 2) The
                                                             extension cord must be a grounding—type 3—
                                                            wire cord, and 3) The longer cord should be
                                                            arranged so that it will not drape over the
                                                            counter top or tabletop where it can be pulled
                                                             on by children or tripped over unintentionally.

                          Properly polarized
                          and grounded outlet

                                                          See following page for further instructions
                          “                               "Materials you can use in microwave oven or to be
                                CAUTION                   avoided in microwave oven."
                         Personal Injury Hazard                   .
                        + Tightly—closed utensils Utensil Test:                            marai
                            could explode. Closed         1 Fill a microwave—safe containerwith 1 cup of
                            containersshould be               cold water (250 miL) along with the utensil in
i                           opened and plastic
                            pguches pier’::ed
                                                          2. Cook on maximum power {P100) for 1 minute.
|I                          before cooking.               3. Carefully feel the utensil. If the empty utensil is
|                                                            warm, do not use it for microwave cooking.
|                                                            Do not exceed 1 minute testing time.
                                                          1. Do not use plastic containers for testing.
                                                          2. Some containers and dishware may be warm
                                                              {or hot) in only one area. Do not use a
‘                                                             container that becomes warm anywhere.

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—4||@   J é VdOSsfonssertblytm Page 8 Monday, February 14, 2000 3:20 PM                                        —61,@
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                   Remove the oven and all materials from the carton.
                   Your oven comes with the following accessories:
                           1 Turntable
                           1 Turntable roller rest
                           1 Instruction Manual
                                             Door        Cabinet          Interior light   Control panel

                                                              Door release button
                                                                Press the button to open door.
                                                              * When you open the door during
                        Safety interlock system                    cooking process, the cooking stops but
                                                                   the program will not be canceled.
                        Shuts off oven power if door is            Touch START to resume cooking.
                        opened during operation.

                                                                       Never place the turntable upside
                    Turntable                                         down. The turntable should never
                                                                      be restricted.
                                                                      Both turntable and rofler rest
                                                                      must always be used during
                                                                      All food and containersof food
                                                                      are always placed on the
                                                                      turntable for cooking.
                                                                      The turntable returns to its
                                                                      original starting position when
                                                                      cooking is finished. The light and
                                                                      fan will remain on but microwave
                    Receptacle __&3                                    power is turned off.
                                                                      The turntable rotates clockwise
                   1.   Place the roller rest on the cavity           and counterclockwise; this is
                      bottom.                                          normal.
                   2. Place the turntable on top of the                If Turntable or roller rest cracks or
                        rollerrest as shown in the                    breaks, contact your nearest
                        diagram. Make sure the turntable              authorized service center for
                        hub is securely locked in the                 more information regarding
                        receptacle.                                   replacement.


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—4||o   J é% V3ToSe—assenbly m Page 9 Monday, Februacy 14, 2000 3:20 PM

                   Remove all packing materia! and accessories. Examine the oven for any
                   damage such as dents or broken door. Do not install if oven is damaged.
                   NOTE: This unit is not designed for 50 Hz or any circult other than a 120—volt/
                   60—Hz AC circuit. This oven is designed for countertop installation.

                     Countertop Installation
                    1. Select a level surface that                * Leave a minimum clearance of
                       provides enough open space for                3 inches above the oven.
                       the intake and/or outlet vents.            * Do not remove the legs from the
                                                                     bottam of the oven.
                                                                     Blocking the intake and/or outlet
                                                                     openings can damage the oven.
                                                                     Place the oven as far away from
                                                                     radios and TV‘s as possible.
                                                                     Operation of microwave oven may
                                                                     cause interference to your radio or

                                                                  * If the cabinet is covered with a
                                                                     protective film, remove the film.
                    A minimum clearance of 3 inches is
                    required between the oven and any              2. Plug your oven into a standard
                    adjacent wall. One side must be open.             120—volt / 60—Hz household outlet.
                                                                       Be sure the electrical cirouit is at
                                                                       least 15 amperes and that your
                                                                      microwave oven is the only
                                                                      appliance on the circuit,
                                                                  WARNING: Do not install oven over a
                                                                  range cooktop or other heat—
                                                                  producing appliance. If installed near
                                                                   or over a heat source, the oven could
                                                                   be damaged and the warranty would
                                                                   be void.


Document Created: 2019-09-18 06:05:14
Document Modified: 2019-09-18 06:05:14

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