Test Report


Test Report

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                               PCTEST ENGINEERING LABORATORY, INC.
                                              6660-B Dobbin Road, Columbia, MD 21045 USA
                                                  Tel. 410.290.6652 / Fax 410.290.6554
                                             CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE
                                                     FCC Part 22 Certification

Applicant Name:                                                                    Date of Testing:
Sanyo Fisher Company                                                               February 28, 2007
21605 Plummer Street                                                               Test Site/Location:
Chatsworth, CA 91311                                                               PCTEST Lab., Columbia, MD, USA
USA                                                                                Test Report Serial No.:

FCC I D:                                         AEZA5527SA

APPLI C A NT:                                    SANYO FISHER COMPANY

Application Type:                                Certification
FCC Classification:                              Licensed Non-Broadcast Transmitter Held to Ear (TNE)
FCC Rule Part(s):                                §2; §22(H)
EUT Type:                                        Cellular CDMA Phone
Model(s):                                        A5527SA
Tx Frequency Range:                              824.70 - 848.31MHz (Cell. CDMA)
Max. RF Output Power:                            0.278 W ERP Cell. CDMA (24.44 dBm)
Emission Designator(s):                          1M27F9W (CDMA)
Test Device Serial No.:                          identical prototype [S/N: 2DF00132]

This equipment has been shown to be capable of compliance with the applicable technical standards as indicated in
the measurement report and was tested in accordance with the measurement procedures specified in §2.947.

I attest to the accuracy of data. All measurements reported herein were performed by me or were made under my
supervision and are correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I assume full responsibility for the completeness of
these measurements and vouch for the qualifications of all persons taking them.

Grant Conditions: Power output listed is ERP for Part 22.
PCTEST certifies that no party to this application has been denied the FCC benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21
U.S.C. 862.

                                                  FCC Pt. 22 Cellular CDMA MEASUREMENT REPORT                                     Reviewed by:
                                                                     (CERTIFICATION)                                              Quality Manager
Test Report S/N:             Test Dates:          EUT Type:
                                                                                                                                  Page 1 of 26
0702230103.AEZ               February 28, 2007    Cellular CDMA Phone
© 2007 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                                               REV 6.2C

                                        T A B L E                            O F               C O N T E N T S

FCC PART 22 MEASUREMENT REPORT…………………………….…………………………………………3
1.0         INTRODUCTION ..............................................................................................................................4
            1.1       MEASUREMENT PROCEDURE ..............................................................................................................................4
            1.2       SCOPE ......................................................................................................................................................................4
            1.3       TESTING FACILITY ..................................................................................................................................................4
2.0         PRODUCT INFORMATION..............................................................................................................5
            2.1       EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION ...................................................................................................................................5
            2.2       EMI SUPPRESSION DEVICE(S)/MODIFICATIONS ................................................................................................5
3.0         DESCRIPTION OF TESTS ..............................................................................................................6
            3.1       OCCUPIED BANDWIDTH EMISSION LIMITS .........................................................................................................6
            3.2       CELLULAR - BASE FREQUENCY BLOCKS............................................................................................................6
            3.3       CELLULAR - MOBILE FREQUENCY BLOCKS........................................................................................................6
            3.4       SPURIOUS AND HARMONIC EMISSIONS AT ANTENNA TERMINAL ..................................................................7
            3.5       RADIATED SPURIOUS AND HARMONIC EMISSIONS ..........................................................................................7
            3.6       FREQUENCY STABILITY / TEMPERATURE VARIATION ......................................................................................7
4.0         TEST EQUIPMENT CALIBRATION DATA ......................................................................................8
5.0         SAMPLE CALCULATIONS ..............................................................................................................9
6.0         TEST RESULTS.............................................................................................................................10
            6.1       EFFECTIVE RADIATED POWER OUTPUT DATA ................................................................................................11
            6.2       CELLULAR CDMA RADIATED MEASUREMENTS................................................................................................12
            6.3       FREQUENCY STABILITY (CELLULAR CDMA) .....................................................................................................15
7.0         PLOT(S) OF EMISSIONS ..............................................................................................................17
8.0         CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................23
EXHIBIT A – TEST SETUP PHOTOGRAPHS............................................................................................24
EXHIBIT B – INTERNAL PHOTOGRAPHS ................................................................................................25
EXHIBIT C – EXTERNAL PHOTOGRAPHS...............................................................................................26

                                                           FCC Pt. 22 Cellular CDMA MEASUREMENT REPORT                                                                      Reviewed by:
                                                                              (CERTIFICATION)                                                                               Quality Manager
Test Report S/N:              Test Dates:                  EUT Type:
                                                                                                                                                                            Page 2 of 26
0702230103.AEZ                February 28, 2007            Cellular CDMA Phone
© 2007 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                                                                                             REV 6.2C

                                             MEASUREMENT REPORT

FCC Part 22

 A. §2.1033 General Information
        APPLICANT:                                      Sanyo Fisher Company
        APPLICANT ADDRESS:                              21605 Plummer Street
                                                        Chatsworth, CA 91311
        TEST SITE:                                      PCTEST ENGINEERING LABORATORY, INC.
        TEST SITE ADDRESS:                              6660-B Dobbin Road, Columbia, MD 21045 USA
        FCC RULE PART(S):                               §2; §22(H)
        MODEL NAME:                                     A5527SA
        FCC ID:                                         AEZA5527SA
        FCC CLASSIFICATION:                             Licensed Non-Broadcast Transmitter Held to Ear (TNE)
        EMISSION DESIGNATOR(S):                         1M27F9W (CDMA)
        MODE:                                           Cellular CDMA
        FREQUENCY TOLERANCE:                            ±0.00025 % (2.5 ppm)
        Test Device Serial No.:                         2DF00132               Production       Pre-Production    Engineering
        DATE(S) OF TEST:                                February 28, 2007
        TEST REPORT S/N:                                0702230103.AEZ

A.1        Test Facility / Accreditations
Measurements were performed at PCTEST Engineering Lab. located in Columbia, MD 21045, U.S.A.
                         •      PCTEST facility is an FCC registered (PCTEST Reg. No. 90864) test facility with the site
                                description report on file and has met all the requirements specified in Section 2.948 of
                                the FCC Rules and Industry Canada (IC-2451).
                         •      PCTEST Lab is accredited to ISO 17025 by U.S. National Institute of Standards and
                                Technology (NIST) under the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program
                                (NVLAP Lab code: 100431-0) in EMC, FCC and Telecommunications.
                          •     PCTEST Lab is accredited to ISO 17025-2005 by the American Association for
                                Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA) in Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) testing, Hearing Aid
                                Compatibility (HAC) testing, CTIA Test Plans, and wireless testing for FCC and Industry
                                Canada Rules.
                          •     PCTEST Lab is a recognized U.S. Conformity Assessment Body (CAB) in EMC and
                                R&TTE (n.b. 0982) under the U.S.-EU Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA).
                          •     PCTEST TCB is a Telecommunication Certification Body (TCB) accredited to ISO/IEC
                                Guide 65 by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) in all scopes of FCC Rules
                                and Industry Canada Standards (RSS).
                          •     PCTEST facility is an IC registered (IC-2451) test laboratory with the site description on
                                file at Industry Canada.
                          •     PCTEST is a CTIA Authorized Test Laboratory (CATL) for AMPS, CDMA, and EvDO
                                wireless devices and for Over-the-Air (OTA) Antenna Performance testing for AMPS,
                                CDMA, GSM, GPRS, EGPRS, UMTS (W-CDMA), CDMA 1xEVDO, and CDMA 1xRTT.

                                                  FCC Pt. 22 Cellular CDMA MEASUREMENT REPORT                    Reviewed by:
                                                                     (CERTIFICATION)                             Quality Manager
Test Report S/N:              Test Dates:         EUT Type:
                                                                                                                 Page 3 of 26
0702230103.AEZ                February 28, 2007   Cellular CDMA Phone
© 2007 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                              REV 6.2C

1.0          INTRODUCTION

 1.1         Measurement Procedure
 The radiated spurious measurements were made outdoors
 at a 3-meter test range (see Figure 1-1). The equipment
 under test is placed on a wooden turntable 3-meters from
 the receive antenna. The receive antenna height and
 turntable rotations were adjusted for the highest reading on
 the receive spectrum analyzer. A half-wave dipole was
 substituted in place of the EUT. This dipole antenna was
 driven by a signal generator and the level of the signal
 generator was adjusted to obtain the same receive
 spectrum analyzer reading. This level is recorded. For
 readings above 1GHz, the above procedure is repeated
 using horn antennas and the difference between the gain of
 the horn and an isotropic antenna are taken into

 Deviation from Measurement Procedure…………..None                                   Figure 1-1. Diagram of 3-meter outdoor
                                                                                                 test range

 1.2         Scope
 Measurement and determination of electromagnetic emissions (EME) of radio frequency devices including
 intentional and/or unintentional radiators for compliance with the technical rules and regulations of the
 Federal Communications Commission.

 1.3         Testing Facility
  These measurements were conducted at the PCTEST
  Engineering Laboratory, Inc. facility in New Concept
  Business Park, Guilford Industrial Park, Columbia,
  Maryland. The site address is 6660-B Dobbin Road,
  Columbia, MD 21045. The test site is one of the highest
  points in the Columbia area with an elevation of 390 feet
  above mean sea level. The site coordinates are 39o
  11'15" N latitude and 76o 49'38" W longitude. The
  facility is 1.5 miles North of the FCC laboratory, and the
  ambient signal and ambient signal strength are
  approximately equal to those of the FCC laboratory.
  There are no FM or TV transmitters within 15 miles of
  the site. The detailed description of the measurement
  facility was found to be in compliance with the
  requirements of § 2.948 according to ANSI C63.4-2003
  on January 27, 2006 and Industry Canada.

                                                                               Figure 1-2. Map of the Greater Baltimore and
                                                                                   Metropolitan Washington, D.C. area.

                                                  FCC Pt. 22 Cellular CDMA MEASUREMENT REPORT                Reviewed by:
                                                                     (CERTIFICATION)                         Quality Manager
 Test Report S/N:             Test Dates:         EUT Type:
                                                                                                             Page 4 of 26
 0702230103.AEZ               February 28, 2007   Cellular CDMA Phone
 © 2007 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                         REV 6.2C


 2.1         Equipment Description
    The Equipment Under Test (EUT) is the Sanyo Cellular CDMA Phone FCC ID: AEZA5527SA. The
    EUT consisted of the following component(s):

      Trade Name / Model                                                        FCC ID             Description

      Sanyo / Model: A5527SA                                                    AEZA5527SA         Cellular CDMA Phone
                                              Table 2-1. EUT Equipment Description

                                  FCC Rule                 Frequency
             Mode                                                                                  Notes
                                    Part                     [MHz]

                                                     824.70 - 848.31MHz         This report contains data pertaining only to
      Cellular CDMA                     22
                                                        (Cell. CDMA)            the Cellular CDMA transmitter.

        Receiver /                                                         Data can be found in a separate test report
                                       15B                      N/A
       Digital Device                                                      under the same FCC ID.
                                                   Table 2-2. Supported EUT Modes

 2.2         EMI Suppression Device(s)/Modifications
 EMI suppression device(s) added and/or modifications made during testing.

       •     None

                                                  FCC Pt. 22 Cellular CDMA MEASUREMENT REPORT                    Reviewed by:
                                                                     (CERTIFICATION)                             Quality Manager
 Test Report S/N:             Test Dates:         EUT Type:
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 © 2007 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                             REV 6.2C


 3.1         Occupied Bandwidth Emission Limits
 §2.1049, 22.917(a)

 a.       On any frequency outside a licensee’s frequency block, the power of any emission shall be
          attenuated below the transmitter power (P) by at least 43 + 10 log(P) dB.

 b.       Compliance with these provisions is based on the use of measurement instrumentation employing a
          resolution bandwidth of 1 MHz or greater. However, in the 1 MHz bands immediately outside and
          adjacent to the frequency block a resolution bandwidth of at least one percent of the emission
          bandwidth of the fundamental emission of the transmitter may be employed. The emission
          bandwidth is defined as the width of the signal between two points, one below the carrier center
          frequency and one above the carrier center frequency, outside of which all emission are attenuated
          at least 26 dB below the transmitter power.

 c.       When measuring the emission limits, the nominal carrier frequency shall be adjusted as close to the
          licensee’s frequency block edges, both upper and lower, as the design permits.

 d.       The measurement of emission power can be expressed in peak or average values, provided they
          are expressed in the same parameters as the transmitter power.

 3.2         Cellular - Base Frequency Blocks
            A*                            A                                   B                  A*     B*
           Low                                                                                  High

             869                                              880                               890          894

 BLOCK 1: 869 – 880 MHz (A* Low + A)                                      BLOCK 3: 890 – 891.5 MHz (A* High)

 BLOCK 2: 880 – 890 MHz (B)                                               BLOCK 4: 891.5 – 894 MHz (B*)

 3.3         Cellular - Mobile Frequency Blocks
           A*                             A                                   B                  A*    B*
          Low                                                                                   High

            824                                               835                               845          849

 BLOCK 1: 824 – 835 MHz (A* Low + A)                                      BLOCK 3: 845 – 846.5 MHz (A* High)

 BLOCK 2: 835 – 845 MHz (B)                                               BLOCK 4: 846.5 – 849 MHz (B*)

                                                  FCC Pt. 22 Cellular CDMA MEASUREMENT REPORT                      Reviewed by:
                                                                     (CERTIFICATION)                               Quality Manager
 Test Report S/N:             Test Dates:         EUT Type:
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 © 2007 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                               REV 6.2C

3.4         Spurious and Harmonic Emissions at Antenna Terminal
§2.1051, 22.917(a); RSS-129 (8.1.1)

The level of the carrier and the various conducted spurious and harmonic frequencies is measured by
means of a calibrated spectrum analyzer. The spectrum is scanned from the lowest frequency generated
in the equipment up to a frequency including its 10th harmonic.

3.5         Radiated Spurious and Harmonic Emissions
§2.1053, 22.917(a); RSS-129 (8.1.1)

Spurious and harmonic radiated emissions are measured outdoors at our 3-meter test range. The
equipment under test is placed on a wooden turntable 3-meters from the receive antenna. The receive
antenna height and turntable rotations were adjusted for the highest reading on the receive spectrum
analyzer. The spectrum is scanned from the lowest frequency generated in the equipment up to a
frequency including its 10th harmonic. A half-wave dipole was substituted in place of the EUT. This dipole
antenna was driven by a signal generator with the level of the signal generator being adjusted to obtain
the same receive spectrum analyzer reading. This level is recorded. For readings above 1 GHz, the
above procedure is repeated using horn antennas and the difference between the gain of the horn and an
isotropic or dipole antenna are taken into consideration. This device was tested under all R.C.s and S.O.s
and the worst case is reported with RC3/SO55, with "All Up" power control bits.

3.6         Frequency Stability / Temperature Variation
§2.1055, 22.355; RSS-129 (9.2.1)

The frequency stability of the transmitter is measured by:

a.)      Temperature: The temperature is varied from -30°C to +50°C in 10°C increments using an
         environmental chamber.

b.)      Primary Supply Voltage: The primary supply voltage is varied from 85% to 115% of the nominal
         value for non hand-carried battery equipment. For hand-carried, battery-powered equipment,
         primary supply voltage is reduced to the battery operating end point which shall be specified by the

Specification – The frequency stability shall be sufficient to ensure that the fundamental emission stays
within the authorized frequency block. The frequency stability of the transmitter shall be maintained within
±0.00025% (±2.5 ppm) of the center frequency.

Time Period and Procedure:

1. The carrier frequency of the transmitter and the individual oscillators is measured at room temperature
(20°C to provide a reference).

2. The equipment is subjected to an overnight “soak” at -30°C without any power applied.

3. After the overnight “soak” at -30°C (usually 14-16 hours) the equipment is turned on in a “standby”
condition for one minute before applying power to the transmitter. Measurement of the carrier frequency
of the transmitter and the individual oscillators is made within one minute after applying power to the

4. Frequency measurements are made at 10°C intervals ranging from -30°C to +50°C. At least a period of
one half-hour is provided to allow stabilization of the equipment at each temperature level.

                                                 FCC Pt. 22 Cellular CDMA MEASUREMENT REPORT      Reviewed by:
                                                                    (CERTIFICATION)               Quality Manager
Test Report S/N:             Test Dates:         EUT Type:
                                                                                                  Page 7 of 26
0702230103.AEZ               February 28, 2007   Cellular CDMA Phone
© 2007 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                               REV 6.2C


Test Equipment Calibration is traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
                                                                                Calibration      Cal      Calibration
  Manufacturer                                 Model / Equipment                                                              Serial No.
                                                                                   Date        Interval      Due

      Agilent                 E4404B/E4407B ESA Spectrum Analyzer                 04/20/06     Annual      04/20/07         US39210313
      Agilent                E5515C Wireless Communications Test Set              07/27/06     Annual      07/27/07         GB41450275
      Agilent                E5515C Wireless Communications Test Set              10/06/06     Annual      10/06/07         GB43193972
      Agilent                  E4432B ESG-D Series Signal Generator               08/08/06     Annual      08/08/07         US40053896
      Agilent                   8648D (9kHz-4GHz) Signal Generator                10/01/06     Annual      10/01/07         3613A00315
      Agilent                E5515C Wireless Communications Test Set              10/26/06     Biennial    10/25/08         GB46310798
      EMCO                      Model 3115 (1-18GHz) Horn Antenna                 08/24/06     Biennial    08/23/08           9203-2178
      EMCO                      Model 3115 (1-18GHz) Horn Antenna                 08/25/06     Biennial    08/24/08           9704-5182
   Gigatronics                        8657A Universal Power Meter                 04/07/06     Annual      04/07/07            8650319
   Gigatronics                   80701A (0.05-18GHz) Power Sensor                 04/11/06     Annual      04/11/07            1833460
Rohde & Schwarz                                NRVS Power Meter                   06/01/05     Biennial    06/01/07          835360/079
Rohde & Schwarz                           NRV-Z53 Power Sensor                    06/01/05     Biennial    06/01/07          846076/007
Rohde & Schwarz                     CMU200 Base Station Simulator                 11/08/06     Annual      11/08/07             107826
Rohde & Schwarz                     CMU200 Base Station Simulator                 07/26/06     Annual      07/26/07          833855/010
Rohde & Schwarz                     CMU200 Base Station Simulator                 04/20/06     Annual      04/20/07          836371/079
      Agilent                           HP 8566B (100Hz–22GHz)                    12/21/06     Annual      12/21/07         3638A08713
      Agilent                              E4448A (3Hz-50GHz)                     09/22/06     Annual      09/22/07         US42510244
   Gigatronics                            8651A (50MHz-18GHz)                     07/28/06     Annual      07/28/07            1834052
   Gigatronics                   80701A (0.05-18GHz) Power Sensor                 08/04/06     Annual      08/04/07            1835299
      Agilent                       HP 85650A Quasi-Peak Adapter                  12/21/06     Annual      12/21/07         2043A00301
      Agilent                    HP 8449B (1-26.5GHz) Pre-Amplifier               12/12/06     Annual      12/12/07         3008A00985
      Agilent                    HP 11713A Attenuation/Switch Driver              12/12/06     Annual      12/12/07               N/A
      Agilent                    HP 85685A (20Hz-2GHz) Preselector                12/12/06     Annual      12/12/07               N/A
      Agilent                   HP 8566B Opt. 462 Impulse Bandwidth               12/12/06     Annual      12/12/07         3701A22204
      EMCO                            3115 (1-18GHz) Horn Antenna                 04/04/05     Biennial    04/04/07           9205-3874
Compliance Design                          A100 Roberts Dipoles                   08/31/05     Biennial    08/31/07              5118
      EMCO                                        Dipole Pair                     09/21/06     Biennial    09/20/08             23951
     SOLAR                                      8012-50 LISN (2)                  11/18/05     Biennial    11/18/07      0313233, 0310234
      Agilent                        HP 8901A Modulation Analyzer                 06/05/06     Annual      06/05/07         2432A03467
      Agilent                           HP 8903 B Audio Analyzer                  06/01/06     Annual      06/01/07         3011A09025
       K&L                               11SH10 Band Pass Filter                    N/A        Annual        N/A              1300/4000
       K&L                               11SH10 Band Pass Filter                    N/A        Annual        N/A             4000/12000
      Agilent                  HP 8495A (0-70dB) DC-4GHz Attenuator                 N/A                      N/A                  N/A
          -                    263-10dB (DC-18GHz) 10 dB Attenuator                 N/A                      N/A                  N/A
   Pasternack                        PE2208-6 Bidirectional Coupler                 N/A                      N/A                  N/A
          -                No.165 (30MHz - 1000MHz) RG58 Coax Cable                 N/A                      N/A                  N/A
          -               No.166 (1000-26500MHz) Microwave RF Cable                 N/A                      N/A                  N/A
          -                No.167 (100kHz - 100MHz) RG58 Coax Cable                 N/A                      N/A                  N/A
                                                        Table 4-1. Test Equipment

                                                     FCC Pt. 22 Cellular CDMA MEASUREMENT REPORT                        Reviewed by:
                                                                        (CERTIFICATION)                                 Quality Manager
   Test Report S/N:            Test Dates:           EUT Type:
                                                                                                                        Page 8 of 26
   0702230103.AEZ              February 28, 2007     Cellular CDMA Phone
  © 2007 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                                   REV 6.2C


 Emission Designator
 Emission Designator = 1M25F9W

 CDMA BW = 1.25 MHz
 F = Frequency Modulation
 9 = Composite Digital Info
 W = Combination (Audio/Data) (Measured at the 99.75% power bandwidth)

 Spurious Radiated Emission - Cellular Band

 Example: Channel 1013 Cellular CDMA Mode 2nd Harmonic (1649.4 MHz)

 The receive analyzer reading at 3 meters with the EUT on the turntable was –81.0 dBm. The gain of the
 substituted antenna is 8.1 dBi. The signal generator connected to the substituted antenna terminals is
 adjusted to produce a reading of –81.0 dBm on the receive analyzer. The loss of the cable between the
 signal generator and the terminals of the substituted antenna is 2.0 dB at 1649.4 MHz. So 6.1 dB is
 added to the signal generator reading of –30.9 dBm yielding –24.80 dBm. The fundamental ERP was
 25.501 dBm so this harmonic was 25.501 dBm – (-24.80) = 50.3 dBc.

                                                  FCC Pt. 22 Cellular CDMA MEASUREMENT REPORT   Reviewed by:
                                                                     (CERTIFICATION)            Quality Manager
 Test Report S/N:             Test Dates:         EUT Type:
                                                                                                Page 9 of 26
 0702230103.AEZ               February 28, 2007   Cellular CDMA Phone
 © 2007 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                            REV 6.2C

 6.0           TEST RESULTS


            Company Name:                       Sanyo Fisher Company
            FCC ID:                             AEZA5527SA
            FCC Classification:                 Licensed Non-Broadcast Transmitter Held to Ear (TNE)
            Mode(s):                            Cellular CDMA

  FCC Part                                                                                                       Test         Test
                          RSS Section            Test Description                   Test Limit                                          Reference
  Section(s)                                                                                                   Condition     Result

2.1049, 22.917(a)       N/A                                               N/A                                                PASS        Section 7.0

                                                Band Edge /               < 43 + 10log10 (P[Watts]) at
2.1051, 22.917(a)       RSS-129 (8.1.1)         Conducted Spurious        Band Edge and for all out-of-       CONDUCTED      PASS        Section 7.0
                                                Emissions                 band emissions
SAR Measurement                                 Conducted Power
                                                                                                                                          FCC 3G
Procedures for 3G N/A                           Measurements for 3G <0.25 dB                                                 PASS
                                                                                                                                        Power Table
Devices, June ‘06                               Devices

                                                Effective Radiated
22.913(a)(2)            RSS-129 (9.1)                                     < 7 Watts max. ERP                                 PASS        Section 6.1

                                                Undesirable               < 43 + 10log10 (P[Watts]) for all
2.1053, 22.917(a)       RSS-129 (8.1.1)                                                                        RADIATED      PASS       Sections 6.2
                                                Emissions                 out-of-band emissions

2.1055, 22.355          RSS-129 (9.2.1)         Frequency Stability       < 2.5 ppm                                          PASS       Sections 6.3

                                           AC Conducted
                                                                          < FCC 15.207 limits or                 LINE                   Pt. 15B Test
15.107                  RSS-Gen [7.2.2]    Emissions 150kHz –                                                                PASS
                                                                          < RSS-Gen table 2 limits            CONDUCTED                    Report
                                           General Field
                                           Strength Limits                < FCC 15.209 limits or                RADIATED
                        RSS-129 (10(a,d)),                                                                                              Pt. 15B Test
15.109                                     (Restricted Bands              < RSS-Gen limits [Section 6;        (30MHz-1GHz)   PASS
                        RSS-210 (7.3)                                                                                                      Report
                                           and Radiated                   Table 1]                              (1-25 GHz)
                                           Emissions Limits)
                                                                          1.6 W/kg (SAR Limit)
2.1091 / 2.1093         RSS-102                 SAR Test                                                         SAR         PASS       SAR Report
                                                                          1 mW/cm² (MPE Limit) @ 20 cm
                                                    Table 6-1. Summary of Test Results

                                                    FCC Pt. 22 Cellular CDMA MEASUREMENT REPORT                                 Reviewed by:
    FCC ID: AEZA5527SA
                                                                       (CERTIFICATION)                                          Quality Manager
    Test Report S/N:            Test Dates:         EUT Type:
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   © 2007 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                                          REV 6.2C

6.1         Effective Radiated Power Output Measurements (ERP)
§22.913(a)(2); RSS-129 (9.1)

      POWER: “All Up” Bits (Cellular CDMA Mode)

                          Measured Substitute Antenna
       Frequency                                                        Pol     ERP       ERP
                           Level     Level     Gain
         [MHz]                                                         [H/V]   [dBm]     [Watts]
                           [dBm]    [dBm]      [dBi]

           824.70            23.800          24.00           -0.20      V      23.80      0.240
           836.49            24.440          24.00           0.44       V      24.44      0.278
           848.31            23.210          24.00           -0.79      V      23.21      0.209

      Table 6-2. Effective Radiated Power Output Measurements @ 3 meters

        Effective Radiated Power Output Measurements by Substitution Method
        according to ANSI/TIA/EIA-603-C-2004, Aug. 17, 2004:

        The EUT was placed on a wooden turn table 3-meters from the receive
        antenna. The receive antenna height and turntable rotation was adjusted
        for the highest reading on the receive spectrum analyzer. For CDMA
        signals, a peak detector is used, with RBW = VBW = 3 MHz. For WCDMA
        signals, a peak detector is used, with RBW = VBW = 5 MHz. For AMPS,
        GSM, and NADC TDMA signals, a peak detector is used, with RBW = VBW
        = 1 MHz. A half-wave dipole was substituted in place of the EUT. This
        dipole antenna was driven by a signal generator and the level of the signal
        generator was adjusted to obtain the same receive spectrum analyzer
        reading. The conducted power at the terminals of the dipole is measured.
        The ERP is recorded.

        This device was tested under all R.C.s and S.O.s and the worst case is
        reported with RC3/SO55, with "All Up" power control bits. This unit was
        tested with its standard battery.

                                                 FCC Pt. 22 Cellular CDMA MEASUREMENT REPORT       Reviewed by:
                                                                    (CERTIFICATION)                Quality Manager
Test Report S/N:             Test Dates:         EUT Type:
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© 2007 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                REV 6.2C

6.2         Cellular CDMA Radiated Measurements
§2.1053, 22.917(a): RSS-129 (8.1.1)

      Field Strength of SPURIOUS Radiation

              OPERATING FREQUENCY:                                     824.70                  MHz
                                      CHANNEL:                         1013
        MEASURED OUTPUT POWER:                               24.440           dBm   =           0.278   W
                   MODULATION SIGNAL: CDMA (Internal)
                                     DISTANCE:            3          meters
                                         LIMIT: 43 + 10 log 10 (W) =      37.44                dBc

                                   LEVEL @              SUBSTITUTE             CORRECT
              FREQ.                                                                             POL
                                   ANTENNA               ANTENNA              GENERATOR
              (MHz)               TERMINALS                GAIN                 LEVEL           (H/V)       (dBc)
                                     (dBm)                 (dBi)                 (dBm)

             1649.40                   -60.14                 8.31              -51.83           V          76.3
             2474.10                   -70.45                 9.41              -61.05           V          85.5
             3298.80                   -69.04                 9.55              -59.49           V          83.9
             4123.50                   -88.91                 9.74              -79.18           V          103.6
          4948.20         -88.00           10.62         -77.38         V                                   101.8
      Table 6-3. Radiated Spurious Data (Cellular CDMA Mode – Ch. 1013)

       Radiated Spurious Emission Measurements by Substitution Method
       according to ANSI/TIA/EIA-603-C-2004, Aug. 17, 2004:

        The EUT was placed on a wooden turn table 3-meters from the receive
        antenna. The receive antenna height and turntable rotation was adjusted
        for the highest reading on the receive spectrum analyzer. For CDMA
        signals, a peak detector is used, with RBW = VBW = 3 MHz. For WCDMA
        signals, a peak detector is used, with RBW = VBW = 5 MHz. For AMPS,
        GSM, and NADC TDMA signals, a peak detector is used, with RBW = VBW
        = 1 MHz. A half-wave dipole was substituted in place of the EUT. This
        dipole antenna was driven by a signal generator and the level of the signal
        generator was adjusted to obtain the same receive spectrum analyzer
        reading. This spurious level is recorded. For readings above 1GHz, the
        above procedure is repeated using horn antennas and the difference
        between the gain of the horn and an isotropic or dipole antenna are taken
        into consideration.

        This device was tested under all R.C.s and S.O.s and the worst case is
        reported with RC3/SO55, with "All Up" power control bits. This unit was
        tested with its standard battery.

                                                 FCC Pt. 22 Cellular CDMA MEASUREMENT REPORT                        Reviewed by:
                                                                    (CERTIFICATION)                                 Quality Manager
Test Report S/N:             Test Dates:         EUT Type:
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Cellular CDMA Radiated Measurements (Cont’d)
§2.1053, 22.917(a); RSS-129 (8.1.1)

      Field Strength of SPURIOUS Radiation

              OPERATING FREQUENCY:                                     836.49                  MHz
                                      CHANNEL:                          383
        MEASURED OUTPUT POWER:                               24.440           dBm   =           0.278   W
                    MODULATION SIGNAL: CDMA (Internal)
                                     DISTANCE:            3         meters
                                         LIMIT: 43 + 10 log10 (W) =      37.44                 dBc

                                   LEVEL @              SUBSTITUTE             CORRECT
              FREQ.                                                                             POL
                                   ANTENNA               ANTENNA              GENERATOR
              (MHz)               TERMINALS                GAIN                 LEVEL           (H/V)       (dBc)
                                     (dBm)                 (dBi)                 (dBm)

             1672.98                   -68.16                 8.33              -59.83           V          84.3
             2509.47                   -71.91                 9.45              -62.46           V          86.9
             3345.96                   -66.87                 9.57              -57.30           V          81.7
             4182.45                   -89.18                 9.90              -79.28           V          103.7
          5018.94         -87.39           10.61          -76.78                                 V          101.2
      Table 6-4. Radiated Spurious Data (Cellular CDMA Mode – Ch. 383)

       Radiated Spurious Emission Measurements by Substitution Method
       according to ANSI/TIA/EIA-603-C-2004, Aug. 17, 2004:

        The EUT was placed on a wooden turn table 3-meters from the receive
        antenna. The receive antenna height and turntable rotation was adjusted
        for the highest reading on the receive spectrum analyzer. For CDMA
        signals, a peak detector is used, with RBW = VBW = 3 MHz. For WCDMA
        signals, a peak detector is used, with RBW = VBW = 5 MHz. For AMPS,
        GSM, and NADC TDMA signals, a peak detector is used, with RBW = VBW
        = 1 MHz. A half-wave dipole was substituted in place of the EUT. This
        dipole antenna was driven by a signal generator and the level of the signal
        generator was adjusted to obtain the same receive spectrum analyzer
        reading. This spurious level is recorded. For readings above 1GHz, the
        above procedure is repeated using horn antennas and the difference
        between the gain of the horn and an isotropic or dipole antenna are taken
        into consideration.

        This device was tested under all R.C.s and S.O.s and the worst case is
        reported with RC3/SO55, with "All Up" power control bits. This unit was
        tested with its standard battery.

                                                 FCC Pt. 22 Cellular CDMA MEASUREMENT REPORT                        Reviewed by:
                                                                    (CERTIFICATION)                                 Quality Manager
Test Report S/N:             Test Dates:         EUT Type:
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Cellular CDMA Radiated Measurements (Cont’d)
§2.1053, 22.917(a); RSS-129 (8.1.1)

      Field Strength of SPURIOUS Radiation

              OPERATING FREQUENCY:                                     848.31                  MHz
                                      CHANNEL:                          777
        MEASURED OUTPUT POWER:                               24.440           dBm   =           0.278   W
                   MODULATION SIGNAL: CDMA (Internal)
                                     DISTANCE:            3         meters
                                         LIMIT: 43 + 10 log10 (W) =      37.44                 dBc

                                   LEVEL @              SUBSTITUTE             CORRECT
              FREQ.                                                                             POL
                                   ANTENNA               ANTENNA              GENERATOR
              (MHz)               TERMINALS                GAIN                 LEVEL           (H/V)       (dBc)
                                     (dBm)                 (dBi)                 (dBm)

             1696.62                   -62.98                 8.34              -54.64           V          79.1
             2544.93                   -73.80                 9.45              -64.36           V          88.8
             3393.24                   -64.90                 9.59              -55.31           V          79.7
             4241.55                   -89.23                10.06              -79.18           V          103.6
          5089.86         -87.59           10.61         -76.98                                  V          101.4
      Table 6-5. Radiated Spurious Data (Cellular CDMA Mode – Ch. 777)

       Radiated Spurious Emission Measurements by Substitution Method
       according to ANSI/TIA/EIA-603-C-2004, Aug. 17, 2004:

        The EUT was placed on a wooden turn table 3-meters from the receive
        antenna. The receive antenna height and turntable rotation was adjusted
        for the highest reading on the receive spectrum analyzer. For CDMA
        signals, a peak detector is used, with RBW = VBW = 3 MHz. For WCDMA
        signals, a peak detector is used, with RBW = VBW = 5 MHz. For AMPS,
        GSM, and NADC TDMA signals, a peak detector is used, with RBW = VBW
        = 1 MHz. A half-wave dipole was substituted in place of the EUT. This
        dipole antenna was driven by a signal generator and the level of the signal
        generator was adjusted to obtain the same receive spectrum analyzer
        reading. This spurious level is recorded. For readings above 1GHz, the
        above procedure is repeated using horn antennas and the difference
        between the gain of the horn and an isotropic or dipole antenna are taken
        into consideration.

        This device was tested under all R.C.s and S.O.s and the worst case is
        reported with RC3/SO55, with "All Up" power control bits. This unit was
        tested with its standard battery.

                                                 FCC Pt. 22 Cellular CDMA MEASUREMENT REPORT                        Reviewed by:
                                                                    (CERTIFICATION)                                 Quality Manager
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6.3         Frequency Stability (Cellular CDMA)
§2.1055, 22.355; RSS-129 (9.2.1)

Table 6-6. Frequency Stability Data (Cellular CDMA Mode – Ch. 383)

                                                 FCC Pt. 22 Cellular CDMA MEASUREMENT REPORT   Reviewed by:
                                                                    (CERTIFICATION)            Quality Manager
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Frequency Stability (Cellular CDMA) (Cont’d)
§2.1055, 22.355; RSS-129 (9.2.1)

Figure 6-1. Frequency Stability Graph (Cellular CDMA Mode – Ch. 383)

                                                 FCC Pt. 22 Cellular CDMA MEASUREMENT REPORT   Reviewed by:
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7.0          PLOT(S) OF EMISSIONS

                          Plot 7-1. Conducted Spurious Plot (Cellular CDMA Mode – Ch. 1013)

                          Plot 7-2. Conducted Spurious Plot (Cellular CDMA Mode – Ch. 1013)

                                                  FCC Pt. 22 Cellular CDMA MEASUREMENT REPORT   Reviewed by:
                                                                     (CERTIFICATION)            Quality Manager
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                                 Plot 7-3. Band Edge Plot (Cellular CDMA Mode – Ch. 1013)

                                 Plot 7-4. 4MHz Span Plot (Cellular CDMA Mode – Ch. 1013)

                                                 FCC Pt. 22 Cellular CDMA MEASUREMENT REPORT   Reviewed by:
                                                                    (CERTIFICATION)            Quality Manager
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                          Plot 7-5. Conducted Spurious Plot (Cellular CDMA Mode – Ch. 383)

                          Plot 7-6. Conducted Spurious Plot (Cellular CDMA Mode – Ch. 383)

                                                 FCC Pt. 22 Cellular CDMA MEASUREMENT REPORT   Reviewed by:
                                                                    (CERTIFICATION)            Quality Manager
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                          Plot 7-7. Occupied Bandwidth Plot (Cellular CDMA Mode – Ch. 383)

                                                 FCC Pt. 22 Cellular CDMA MEASUREMENT REPORT   Reviewed by:
                                                                    (CERTIFICATION)            Quality Manager
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                          Plot 7-8. Conducted Spurious Plot (Cellular CDMA Mode – Ch. 777)

                          Plot 7-9. Conducted Spurious Plot (Cellular CDMA Mode – Ch. 777)

                                                 FCC Pt. 22 Cellular CDMA MEASUREMENT REPORT   Reviewed by:
                                                                    (CERTIFICATION)            Quality Manager
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                                 Plot 7-10. Band Edge Plot (Cellular CDMA Mode – Ch. 777)

                                 Plot 7-11. 4MHz Span Plot (Cellular CDMA Mode – Ch. 777)

                                                 FCC Pt. 22 Cellular CDMA MEASUREMENT REPORT   Reviewed by:
                                                                    (CERTIFICATION)            Quality Manager
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© 2007 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                            REV 6.2C

8.0          CONCLUSION

 The data collected show that the Sanyo Cellular CDMA Phone FCC ID: AEZA5527SA complies with all
 the requirements of Parts 2, and 22 of the FCC rules.

                                                  FCC Pt. 22 Cellular CDMA MEASUREMENT REPORT   Reviewed by:
                                                                     (CERTIFICATION)            Quality Manager
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 © 2007 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                            REV 6.2C


                                                  FCC Pt. 22 Cellular CDMA MEASUREMENT REPORT   Reviewed by:
                                                                     (CERTIFICATION)            Quality Manager
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 © 2007 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                            REV 6.2C


                                                  FCC Pt. 22 Cellular CDMA MEASUREMENT REPORT   Reviewed by:
                                                                     (CERTIFICATION)            Quality Manager
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 © 2007 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                            REV 6.2C


                                                  FCC Pt. 22 Cellular CDMA MEASUREMENT REPORT   Reviewed by:
                                                                     (CERTIFICATION)            Quality Manager
 Test Report S/N:             Test Dates:         EUT Type:
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 © 2007 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                            REV 6.2C

Document Created: 2007-03-14 16:56:49
Document Modified: 2007-03-14 16:56:49

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