User Manual III


Users Manual

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9. PC operation
9.1. File
     1) File Play: To play a regular echo recorded file (idx)
        (Refer “2) Acquisition” on 9.3.1.)

     2) Snapshot: To indicate captured radar screen (jpg).
     3) Exit: To exit the software of RainMap.
     4) Operation mode: (Click “File” + [Ctrl] + [Alt] at
        same time to Indicate the menu)
        Do this operation mode after changed some
        parameters to operate a radar.
        - Observation:
           Select the entered values at “Setting” menu
           with regular mode.
        - Verify operation during installation:
           Change some parameters automatically to
           verify operation during installation.
           All parameters will set back to previous
           setting (before this verify operation) if go
           back to “Observation”

9.2. Disp
     1) DispSelect
        - 2D: Indicate the echo by 2 dimension.
         - 3D: Indicate the echo by 3 dimension.
     2) Sub echo: To show another screen to indicate
                      the echo
     3) Information Indication: *Under construction.

9.3. Setting
9.3.1. Setting
      1) View
        Range [km]
        To setup an indication range.
        ♦ Confirm and setup the value before shipping.

        To select an indication of the radar parameter.
        ・ Rainfall intensity: Intensity of rainfall [mm/h]
        ・ Reflective intensity (H): Reflection factor of
           the horizontal polarimetric radar [dBz]
        ・ Reflective intensity (V): Reflection factor of the vertical polarimetric radar [dBz]
        ・ Doppler speed: Doppler speed [m/s]
        ・ Zdr [dB]: Radar reflection factor difference.
        ・ Kdp [deg/km]: Propagation phase difference rate of change.



  Ratio of transparency [%]                              Scanning line
  To setup a Transmittance of the indication             Turn ON or OFF a scan line of screen.

2) Acquisition
  Notice: Turn “OFF” all the setting before shipping.

  Rec echo
  Turn ON or OFF a Log of echo data.

  Rec file type
  To select a log form of echo data.
  (dat (idx) / ZIP / dat (idx) + ZIP)

  Echo folder
  To setup a log folder of echo data.

  Echo zip folder
  To setup a log folder of echo zip data file.

  Rec interval [sec]
  To setup a recording interval of echo data.

  Rec time [hour]
  To setup a time of recording echo data.

  Screen capture
  Turn ON or OFF a screen capture.

  Capture folder
  To setup a folder of capture (jpg).

  Rec interval [sec]
  To setup an interval time of capture.

  Rec CSV
  Turn ON or OFF a recording of CSV data.               Multiple parameter output
                                                        Turn ON or OFF an output record of
  Echo folder (CSV)                                     multi-parameter.
  To setup a folder of CSV data.                        (*It could setup only when Echo data
                                                        mode of TRX is applied)
  CSV Rec interval [sec]
  To setup an interval time of CSV data.                Multiple parameter output folder
                                                        To setup a folder of recording
  CSV Rec parameter                                     multi-parameter (scn).
  To select a weather parameter of recording            (*It could setup only when Echo data
  CSV.                                                  mode of TRX is selected)
  - Rain [mm/h]: Intensity of rainfall
  - Zhh [dBz]: Reflection factor of the                 Rainfall information output
     horizontal polarimetric radar                      (*It will indicate during factory setting)
  - Zvv [dBz]: Reflection factor of the                 Turn ON or OFF an output record of
     vertical polarimetric radar                        rainfall information.
  - DS [m/s]: Doppler speed
  - Zdr [dB]: Radar reflection factor                   Rainfall information output folder
     difference                                         (*It will indicate during factory setting)
  - Kdp [deg/km]: Propagation phase                     To setup a folder of recording rainfall
     difference rate of change.                         information.



3) Antenna
  Notice: Follow a value of the management list to setup.

  Latitude [deg]
  To setup a latitude of the installed point.

  Longitude [deg]
  To setup a longitude of the installed point.

  Altitude [m]
  To setup an altitude of the installed point.

  To setup a filename of map.
  This program treats as the equidistant cylindrical

  Left Top Latitude [deg]
  To setup a latitude of left top corner of Map Image.

  Left Top Longitude [deg]
  To setup a longitude of left top corner of Map Image.

  Right Bottom Latitude [deg]
  To setup a latitude of bottom right corner of “Map Image”.

  Right Bottom Longitude [deg]
  To setup a longitude of bottom right corner of “Map Image”.

4) Scan
  There are 5 scan patterns that could customize
  and save a setting.
  Notice: Follow a value of the management list to
  setup on scan pattern 1.

  To select a scan mode of antenna.
  ・ PPI scan: Equiangular elevation with horizontal
     rotation mode. It generates 2 dimension data.
  ・ Spiral scan: The mode to rotate horizontal
     while shifting elevation continuously, and scans
     in a spiral. It generates 3 dimension data.
  ・ Sector RHI scan: The mode to scan elevation direction on special direction area, and
     generate 3 dimension of rectangular solid angle.
  ・ HSQ scan: The mode to activate PPI scan while shifting an elevation. It generates 3
     dimension data.

  HSQ Period [min]
  To select an periodic movement of HSQ during HSQ mode.
  (1(60/(H)) / 2(30/(H)) / 3(20/(H)) / 4(15/(H)) / 5(12/(H)) / 6(10/(H)) / 10(6/(H)) / 12(5/(H)))
  e.g. HSQ will activate every 2 minutes if select 2/30/(H). (It turns 30 times per hour)

  PPI elevation [deg]
  To setup an angle of antenna’s elevation during PPI mode.

  PPI azimuth rotation speed [rpm]
  To setup a rotation speed of azimuth in
  rotation per minutes (rpm).
  Parameters affect only to PPI mode.



SPI operation mode
To setup an elevation angle step and azimuth rotation speed.
For example, when the setting is shown as below table 1, antenna will rotate at 2.99, 3.99 and
6.99 degrees.
                    table 1 (Example of SPI (Spiral) operation)
                           Parameter                   Settings
                 SPI operation mode              2 [deg], 10 [rpm]
                 SPI lower elevation angle       2.99 [deg]
                 SPI horizontal scan rotation    3

SPI lower elevation angle [deg]
To setup an angle of SPI lowest elevation.
SPI mode will start from setup angle to upper angle.

SPI horizontal scan rotation number
To setup a number of rotation in horizontal direction of SPI scan.
It will move upward/downward as setup number while rotating on azimuth direction.

SRHI elevation speed [rpm]
To setup an elevation speed of SRHI (Sector RHI).

SRHI azimuth 0 [deg]
To setup an angle of azimuth.
It will observe RHI in between azimuth 0 to 1 continuously.

SRHI azimuth 1 [deg]
To setup an angle of azimuth during SRHI observation.

SRHI azimuth step [deg]
To setup a quantity of antenna rotation while changing an angle of azimuth.

SRHI elevation 0 [deg]
To setup an angle of elevation.
SRHI will start from elevation 1 to 2.

SRHI elevation 1 [deg]
To setup an angle of elevation in HSQ (Horizontal Sequence) observation.

HSQ elevation movement azimuth rotation speed [rpm]
To setup an azimuth rotation speed until the elevation movement in HSQ (Horizontal
Sequence) observation.

HSQ elevation movement difference rotation speed [rpm]
To setup a rotation speed of elevation direction during elevation change in HSQ (Horizontal
Sequence) observation.
Rotation speed of elevation direction = [HSQ elevation moving direction of rotation speed] +
[HSQ elevation movement difference of rotation speed]
Notice: [HSQ elevation moving direction of rotation speed] ≧ [HSQ elevation movement
difference of rotation speed]

HSQ measurement azimuth rotation speed [rpm]
To setup an azimuth rotation speed at fixed elevation angle.

HSQ status delay azimuth revolution [deg]
To setup an angle of shifting elevation in HSQ (Horizontal Sequence) observation.

HSQ setting elevation 0 – 31 [deg]
To setup an elevation variation.
It is possible to setup 32 elevation.



9.3.2. Service
       Press [Ctrl] + [Alt] and click [Setting] simultaneously to indicate service menu.
       Service menu has two types:
       1. Maintenance setting: Regular menu for maintenance service engineer.
       2. Factory setting: Adjust the setting of installed station use only for installation engineer.
       Notice: Follow the management list to setup all values.

     1) Network
       Command transfer IP
       To setup the IP address of command transfer.
       ♦ Constant value:

       Command transfer port
       To setup the port number of command transfer.
       ♦ Constant value: 51000

       Data transfer IP
       To setup the IP address of data transfer.
       ♦ Constant value:

       Data transfer port
       To setup the port number of data transfer.
       ♦ Constant value: 52000

       FTP server address
       To setup the IP address of FTP server.
       ♦ Constant value:

       FTP server port
       To setup the port number of FTP server.
       ♦ Constant value: 50000

     2) TRX
       Echo data mode
       To select Echo data mode.
       - IQ Data: Use amplitude of Horizontal wave only.
       - Multiple Parameter: Use all information of
          reflected wave such as H/V amplitude and

       Rainfall intensity calculation method
       To select a calculation method of Rainfall intensity
       ・ Zh method: Use horizontal amplitude
          information only.
       ・ Zh,Kr Attenuation correction method: Zh is calculated from the value that corrected rain
          attenuation by the amplitude.
       ・ Zh, φ dp method: Zh is calculated from the value that corrected rain attenuation by the φ dp.
       ・ Zh, Zdr method: Calculated from Zh and Zdr.
       ・ Zdr, Kdp+Zh method: Add into Zh after calculated from Kdp and Zdr.
       ・ Kdp+Zh: Use complex information, amplitude, and phase.

       Sweep decimation
       To setup a number of decimation.
       Size of transfer data. It uses the setting table when to determine a factor.

       Pulse spec.
       To setup a pulse number.
       Refer to the setting table as details of pulse settings.


   Chirp polarity
   (*It will indicate during factory setting)
   To select frequency shift direction.
   Up Charp: Sweep frequency to upward.
   Down Charp: Sweep frequency to downward.

   IF frequency [MHz]
   (*It will indicate during factory setting)
   To setup an IF (Intermediate Frequency) signal frequency.

   DAC output Level [dB]
   (*It will indicate during factory setting)
   To setup an amplitude of transmission signal output from SPU.

3) RDR Parameter
   RF frequency [MHz]                                     It indicates only when Factory setting is on
   (*It will indicate during factory setting)
   To setup a carrier frequency of transmitting signal.

   Light speed [m/s]
   (*It will indicate during factory setting)
   To setup a propagation speed of radio wave.

   Antenna rotation speed (H) [rpm]
   To setup a horizontal rotation speed of antenna.

   Beam width (H) [deg]
   (*It will indicate during factory setting)
   To setup an angle (Beam width) that -3dB beam width of antenna in horizontal polarization.

   Beam width (V) [deg]
   (*It will indicate during factory setting)
   To setup an angle (Beam width) that -3dB beam width of antenna in vertical polarization

   Azimuth offset
   (*It will indicate during factory setting)
   To setup an azimuth offset angle from origin to north.

4) Interference Rejection
   Interference rejection 0 - 1                      It indicates only when Factory setting is on
   Turn On or OFF an interference rejection function
   from other radar.

   Power adjustment
   (*It will indicate during factory setting)
   To select High or Low to adjust the power of IR0 -1.

   (*It will indicate during factory setting)
   To setup a threshold of judging interference wave.

   (*It will indicate during factory setting)
   Turn On or OFF an interpolation.



5) Matched Filter
  Matched Filter
  Turn “ON” when to use QON and VON.
  This is a setting of receiving digital filter.

6) Sector Blank
  Sector Blank 1 -2
  Turn ON or OFF a setting of transmission prohibited
  area. (Setup a rectangular solid angle area of
  Azimuth and Elevation)

  Azimuth Start angle [deg]
  To setup a starting angle point of azimuth direction.
  Starting point of azimuth is 0 degree on this unit.
  Follow a clockwise direction.

  Azimuth End angle [deg]
  To setup an ending angle point of azimuth direction.

  Elevation Start angle [deg]
  To setup a starting elevation angle. Horizontal
  direction is 0 degree. Follow a zenithal direction.

  Elevation End angle [deg]
  To setup an ending angle point of elevation.

7) Ground Clutter Rejection
                                                          It indicates only when Factory setting is on
  Ground clutter rejection
  Turn ON or OFF a judgment to remove ground
  clutter as a target if moving speed is lower than
  setting speed.

  Rejection speed [m/s]
  (*It will indicate during factory setting)
  To setup a removal speed (upper limit) of judging
  ground clutter.

  Auto ground clutter rejection
  (*It will indicate during factory setting)
  Turn ON or OFF an auto ground clutter rejection. Turn it “OFF” if elevation is above setting

  Elevation of auto ground clutter rejection [deg]
  (*It will indicate during factory setting)
  To setup an angle of boundary elevation to turn off ground clutter rejection.



8) Ship Clutter Rejection
  Ship clutter rejection                                  It indicates only when Factory setting is on
  Turn ON or OFF for determine whether a target is
  a ship and to eliminate.

  Range direction expansion coefficient
  (*It will indicate during factory setting)
  To setup a range to expand a ship and the data to
  judge in the range direction.

  SW direction continuity judge point
  (*It will indicate during factory setting)
  To setup a point to judge the continuity of the sweep

  RainCFAR threshold
  (*It will indicate during factory setting)
  To setup a threshold to judge as a ship.

  Auto ship clutter rejection
  (*It will indicate during factory setting)
  To setup a threshold to judge as a ship.

  Elevation of auto ship clutter rejection [deg]
  (*It will indicate during factory setting)
  To setup an angle of boundary elevation to turn off ship clutter rejection.

9) Environment
  Serial number
  Enter the serial number.

  Product number
  Enter the product number.

  Product name
  Enter the product name.

10) Scan Collection
   Azimuth level collection [deg]
   To setup an azimuth offset from initial position.
   Parameters affect to elevation angle calibration.
   It adjusts the offset of magnet sensor by elevation

   Elevation level collection [deg]
   To setup an elevation offset from horizontal level.
   Measure the elevation angle after antenna
   initialization and set a field.



9.3.3. Factory setting
       1. Click “Setting” + [Ctrl] + [Alt] simultaneously to Indicate the equipment setting of Service
       2. [Factory setting] button will indicate on the right side menu when clicked [Service] in the left
       3. Pop-up menu of [Enter password of Factory setting] will indicate when clicked [Factory
          setting] button.

                                                                    Enter Password:

       4. Factory setting menu will indicate below Service menu after entered the password

     1) PXI Serial
       RF control port
       To Open or Close RF control port.

       Port number
       To setup a port number.

       Baud rate [bps]
       To setup a baud rate.

       Data bit [bit]
       To setup a data bit.

       Stop bit [bit]                                         ANT control port
       To setup a stop bit.                                   To Open or Close ANT control port.

       Parity                                                 ANT monitor port
       To select the setting.                                 To Open or Close ANT monitor port.
       (none / odd / even / mark / space)



2) Frequency
  ADC sampling frequency [MHz]
  To setup a sampling frequency of AD converter.

  DAC output rate [MHz]
  To setup an output rate of DA converter.

3) Trigger delay
  Trigger delay 1 - 4
  To setup a trigger delay timing #1 - #4 of
  transmission signal.

4) Transmission Pulse Delay
  Transmission Pulse Delay
  To setup a clock frequency (normally 125MHz) of
  transmission pulse delay.

5) RF Timing
  RFC pulse ON on rise delay
  To setup a clock frequency (normally 125MHz) of
  RFC pulse on rise delay.
  It turns “OFF” a pulse of LNA bias during a period of
  transmission. RF_trig rise against delay time.

  RFC pulse ON on fall delay
  To setup a clock frequency (normally 125MHz) of
  RFC pulse on fall delay.
  It turns “OFF” a pulse of LNA bias during a period of
  transmission. RF_trig fall against delay time.

  HPA OnOff on rise delay
  Control signal (the power is “OFF” during HPA receiving period) of HPA power switch (drain
  voltage) could setup a rise delay time for RF_Trig.

  HPA OnOff on fall delay
  Control signal (the power is “OFF” during HPA receiving period) of HPA power switch (drain
  voltage) could setup a fall delay time for RF_Trig.

  HPA pulse ON on rise delay
  Control signal (the power is “OFF” during HPA receiving period) of HPA power switch (pulse
  voltage) could setup a rise delay time for RF_Trig.



  HPA pulse ON on fall delay
  Control signal (the power is “OFF” during HPA receiving period) of HPA power switch (pulse
  voltage) could setup a fall delay time for RF_Trig.

6) STC
  STC function
  Turn ON or OFF a STC (Sensitivity Time Control)
  data transmission.

  STC curve order #1 - 3
  To setup a degree of 1 - 3 STC curve order area.

  STC range #1 [km]
  To setup a distance of 1st and 2nd STC area.

  STC range #2 [km]
  To setup a distance of 2nd and 3rd STC area.

  STC range # 3 [km]
  To setup the last distance of 3rd STC area.

  STC Receiving Gain #1 – 3 [dB]
  To setup a value of STC receiving gain #1 - 3.

  STC Time delay #1 – 3 [us]
  To setup a value of STC time delay #1 – 3.

7) Doppler Velocity
  Doppler velocity
  Turn ON or OFF a doppler velocity calculation.

  Phase function
  To setup a correlation coefficient when calculate
  doppler velocity.

  Scale output value
  For spare.

  Velocity threshold
  For spare.

8) Send Manual Data to RFcont
  Input manual setting data



 9) Test Mode
   D00 (RFcont disconnect)
   Turn ON or OFF a Rfcont board connection.

   D01 (Loop back test)
   Turn ON or OFF a loopback test.
   Fix setting value of receiving area as each control
   signal affect to a receiving system.

   D02 – 07 (Reserve)
   For spare.

   D08 (Formed HP, BP inside)
   For spare.

   D09 – 15 (Reserve)
   For spare.

   STCIF fixed value
   To setup a fixed value of STCIF for the gain of the receiver in the most far distance point.

   PXI Loop back
   Turn ON or OFF a PXI loopback.
   It will receive even during transmitting by shifting forward the start timing if turns “ON”.

   Antenna mode
   To select an antenna mode.
   Normal: Use actual machine data
   Test mode (PXI internal formation): Use PXI internal formation as an angle for a test.

10) APC Parameter
   Auto transmission power control
   Turn ON or OFF an auto transmission output control.

   APC coefficient (T5 – 0)
   To setup 5th – 0th power of APC coefficient.



11) Manual Command
   It has to select [All Files(*.*)] at extension instead of
   [*.txt] to open [*.conf] file.

   Filter transfer
   Open parameter file which is necessary for
   compact weather radar.
   The setup value is for compact weather radar.
   However it must have to turn OFF on Ground
   Clutter Rejection for using selected file because it
   is not for regular operation.

   File transfer 1
   (yyyymmdd means Year/Month/Date)

   File transfer 2
   FAR3000SSD_kisyou_RFCONT_SNxxxx_ yyyymmdd.conf
   (xxxx means a serial number of radar, yyyymmdd means Year/Month/Date)

   Manual command
   To setup radar command directory

12) Signal Processing
   Delta R [km]
   To setup a delta range that calculation of Kdp.

   Sweep point [ZDR]
   To setup a sweep point that calculate Zdr.

   Range direction point [ZDR]
   To setup a range direction point that calculate Zdr.

   Drawing filter coefficient (Rainfall intensity)
   To setup a value of drawing filter coefficient
   (Rainfall intensity).
   It convert indication data into LPF in the azimuth direction and improve the visibility of the echo.

   Drawing filter coefficient (Doppler speed)
   To setup a value of drawing filter coefficient (Doppler speed).
   It convert indication data into LPF in the azimuth direction and improve the visibility of the echo.

   Drawing filter coefficient (Kdp + Zh)
   To setup a value of drawing filter coefficient (Kdp + Zh).
   It convert indication data into LPF in the azimuth direction and improve the visibility of the echo.

   Noise level (H) [dB]
   To setup a noise level (Horizontal).                        Output power (V) [W]
                                                               To setup an output power of transmission
   Noise level (V) [dB]                                        (Vertical).
   To setup a noise level (Vertical).
                                                               Antenna gain (H) [dB]
   Range direction resolution [m]                              To setup a value of antenna gain
   To setup a range direction of resolution.                   (Horizontal).

   Output power (H) [W]                                        Antenna gain (V) [dB]
   To setup an output power of transmission                    To setup a value of antenna gain
   (Horizontal).                                               (Vertical).



Digital square -> Pr constant number (H)
To setup a constant number to convert it into the electricity (Pr) of the antenna edge from a
digital data level sampled in ADC (Horizontal polarized wave).

Digital square -> Pr constant number (V)
To setup a constant number to convert it into the electricity (Pr) of the antenna edge from a
digital data level sampled in ADC (Vertical polarized wave).

System Loss (H) [dB]
To setup a value of system loss (Horizontal).

System Loss (V) [dB]
To setup a value of system loss (Vertical).

K square value
To setup a K square value (Typical weather radar multiplier).

ZDR offset revision coefficient [dB]
To setup a value of Zdr to revise amplitude deviation of horizontal and vertical.

Iterative filter processing resolution
To setup a number of iterative filter processing for φdp calculation.

Iterative filter threshold [deg]
To setup an angle of iterative filter threshold for φdp calculation.

Number of moving average processing of after iterative filter
To setup a number of moving average processing of after iterative filter for φdp calculation.

A cutback (pulse 1 -2) [dB]
To setup a threshold value for removing (not to indicate on a screen) noise (Pulse 1 - 2).

B cutback [mm/h]
To setup a value of B cutback for removing (not to indicate on a screen) noise.

Notice:   Reboot RainMap for saving data which is in “ini” file.



9.3.4. Management list
      The management list would be attached with the RainMap to every location for setting.
      Sample of default setting is shown below:
      ・ Please setup the correct values belong to the location.
      ・ Key & Value with yellow columns would indicate during factory setting.
    1. Setting

    Enter the correct value belong to the location in RainMap,
    and please write down the adjusted values on this management list for your record.



2. Service (Maintenance setting)

  Enter the correct value belong to the location in RainMap,
  and please write down the adjusted values on this management list for your record.



3. Service (Factory setting)

   Enter the correct value belong to the location in RainMap,
   and please write down the adjusted values on this management list for your record.



Enter the correct value belong to the location in RainMap,
and please write down the adjusted values on this management list for your record.



9.4. Radar Operation
     1) Turn on the power of Display Unit (PC)
     2) Software will start automatically.
     3) Click [Connect] button to start radar operation.
        [Connect] will be indicated in the left bottom.
     4) Click [TX] button to start observation.
        Radar echo will indicate with rotate scanning line
        after the message of [Initializing] on the screen.
     5) Click [STBY] button to stop observation.
     6) Click [Disconnect] button to stop connecting with radar.

     Notice) The following command could not operate
                without connecting radar:
            -   Radar operation
                (Connect/Disconnect, TX/STBY)
            -   Screen capture

                                                                   This white line is
                                                                   a scanning line

9.5. Help
     - Version:
      To indicate the version information of software .

9.6. Emergency Stop
     - Stop motor:
      To stop motor of radar and TX at once.



9.7. Adjustment of Azimuth
    The real geographical feature and azimuth are different with the initial echo indication, therefore it
    has to make an adjustment.
    Notice: Ground Clutter Rejection must be “OFF” during this operation.
    1) Use a map of geographical features around the place installed the radar unit. (e.g. Google
    2) Setup “Range [km]”, “Data Type”, in [View] setting menu of RainMap.

    3) Setup “PPI elevation” in [Scan] setting menu of RainMap.

    4) Setup “Azimuth Offset” in [RDR Parameter] setting menu of RainMap.

      <Image screen>

                                                        At first, to setup an Antenna elevation a
                                                        little higher to 5 degree. Next, to make
                                                        only the higher mountain that can be
                                                        seen by echo instead of surrounding
                                                        buildings .
                                                        To inferred a correct echo indicate
                                                        azimuth from characteristic echo and a
                                                        location of mountain map.

           Zh echo
           Elevation 5 degree
           Range 10km
           No.32 P0N transfer
           GCR OFF



   5)     Click [STBY] from [Radar operation] to Stop TRX.
   6)     Indicate a map and RainMap on a screen (or use other PC to see a map).
   7)     To grasp a characteristic geographical feature (check some top of the mountains’ line form,
          distance, and relative bearing) from map.
   8)     To transfer the wavelength to a higher direction for not to receive an echo from lower building
          or structure after setting elevation to 5 degrees (It could be 3 to 7 degrees in some case) in
   9)     To setup a distance that could be easier to confirm a geographical feature of “3)” to “Range
          [km]” in [View] setting menu of RainMap.
   10) To setup “Reflective Intensity [H]” at “DataType” in [View] setting menu of RainMap.
   11) To confirm an echo after starting [TX] from [Radar operation]. Purple part means a strong echo
          that might be came from a mountain.
   12) Click [STBY] from [Radar operation] before make any change for setting. Then, to change an
       angle of “Azimuth Offset” in [RDR Parameter] service menu of RainMap by comparing a shape
       of echo with “3)” and “7)”. Echo indication will be rotated to clockwise if entered a large value
       at “Azimuth Offset”. (Available range: -360 to 360)
   13) Repeat a step “7)” to “8)” until an echo accords with a geographic feature
   14) Click [STBY] from [Radar operation] after finished “9)”.
   15)    To set 0 degree at [Elevation] in [View] setting menu of RainMap.
   16)    To set a distance that suitable for the field at “Range [km]” in [View] setting menu of RainMap.
   17)    To select “Rainfall Intensity” at [DataType] in [View] setting menu of RainMap.
   18)    Finish a setting

9.8. Total operation test
    Click [TRX] from [Radar operation] to confirm that a structure of a circumference is indicated.
     1) To change a file which had changed at “11) Manual command” setting menu of RainMap. It
         changes only to [File transfer].
         FAR3000SSD_kisyou_No_32_P0N_yyyymmdd.conf (yyyymmdd means Year/Month/Date)
        2) To confirm that an echo appears when started [TRX] from [Radar operation].
        3) Click [STBY] from [Radar operation] to stop TRX.
        4) To follow the same process of “1)” to change a file.
           FAR3000SSD_kisyou_No_29_Q0N_yyyymmdd.conf (yyyymmdd means Year/Month/Date)
        5) To confirm that an echo appears when started [TRX] from [Radar operation].
        6) Click [STBY] from [Radar operation] to stop TRX.
        7) To follow the same process of “1)” to change a file.
           (yyyymmdd means Year/Month/Date).
     8) Click [TRX] from [Radar operation] to confirm that an indication would shift an echo when a
        scanning line rotates in every round.
     9) Click [STBY] from [Radar operation] to stop TRX.
    10) To select the best file at last by the local situation. Or to change the necessary setting like as
        elevation to finish it.

        Notice: To keep the setting according to the local situation at last. Make sure to turn ON/OFF the
        power of radome and /or PC, and TRX/STBY the radar operation.



10. Menu Tree

   RainMap      Menu [File]               Menu [File Play.]
                                          Menu [Snapshot]
                                          Menu [Exit]

                Menu [Disp]              Menu [Disp select]      Menu [2D]
                                                                 Menu [3D]

                                         Menu [Sub echo]

                                         Menu [Information Indication]

                Menu [Setting]           Input [View]
                                         Input [Acquisition]
                                         Input [Antenna]
                                         Input [Scan]

                Menu [Radar Operation]       Menu [Connect]
                                             Menu [Disconnect]
                                             Menu [TX]
                                             Menu [STBY]

                Menu [Help]               Menu [Version]

                Menu [Emergency Stop]        Menu [Stop motor]



       Menu [File]               Menu [File Play]
                                Menu [Print]               Menu [Main screen]
                                                           Menu [SRHI screen]
                                Menu [Exit]

       Menu [Setting]             Input [Scale]
                                  Input [Azimuth Offset]

       Menu [Disp]               Menu [Select]         Menu [View]              Input [Rain]
                                                                            Input [Zhh]
                                                                            Input [V]
                                                                            Input [Zdr]
                                                                            Input [Kdp]
                                                                            Input [φdp]
                                                                            Input [phv]
                                                                            Input [W]
                              Menu [Transparency]            Input [0%]
                                                            Input [25%]
                                                            Input [50%]
                                                            Input [75%]
                                                            Input [100%]

                              Menu [Map]
                              Menu [SRHI screen]
                              Menu [Clear]

       Menu [Play]            Menu [Start]
                              Menu [Stop]
                              Menu [Pause]
                              Menu [Fast Forward]
                              Menu [Rewind]
                              Menu [Time Display]

       Menu [Print screen ]          Menu [Main screen]
                                     Menu [SRHI screen]



11.   Specification
11.1. Antenna Unit
        Parameter                      Descriptions                        Remarks
 Transmit Frequency        9470 MHz
 Occupied Band Width       60 MHz or less
 Maximum range             Approx. 30km
 Doppler measurement       Max. 79m/sec
 Power supply              100-240VAC, Single Phase, 50/60 Hz
 Power consumption         Max. 350W
 Rated Ampere              1.5-3.5A
 Size                      Φ1086mm×H1024mm                         radome size
 Weight                    65kg (144lb)
 Operating Temperature     -10 to +50°C
 Storage Temperature       -20 to +60°C
 Water & Dust proof        IPX5
 Maximum wind survival     60.0m/sec
 Type of Emission          P0N(*1), Q0N(*2), V0N(*3)
 Peak Power                100 W                                  Horizontal and Vertical each
 Duty Ratio                Up to 12 %
 Pulse Width               0.1 – 50μs
 Pulse Repetition
                           600 – 2500 Hz
 Frequency Shift           2 – 20 MHz                             except P0N
 Antenna Type              Cassegrain
 Aperture Size             Φ750 mm
 Antenna Gain              33.0 dBi
 Antenna Polarity          Dual polarimetric                      Vertical and Horizontal
 Beam Width                2.7 degrees                            Both Horizontal and Vertical
 Antenna Rotation Speed 2 to 16 rpm                               Adjustable
 Horizontal Scan Angle     360 degrees                            Continuously-rotating
 Vertical Scan Angle       -2 to 90 degrees
 Resolution of Angle       0.1 degrees
 Precision of Angle        0.2 degrees
 *1 P0N : Sequence of pulses without modulation.
 *2 Q0N : Sequence of pulses, frequency modulation within each pulse.
 *3 V0N : Combination of P0N and Q0N.



11.2. Signal Processing Unit
            Parameter                                  Descriptions
                              Reflectivity factor Zh (dBZ),
                              Doppler velocity V (m/s),Doppler velocity width W(m/s),
                              Cross polarization difference phase φdp(deg),
Data Output
                              Specific differential phase KDP(deg/km),
                              Correlation coefficient between teo polarizations ρHV,
                              Differential reflectivity factor ZDR,Rainfall intensity R (mm/h)

Scan modes                    PPI,CAPPI,RHI(Sector Scacn availiable)
Ground clutter Rejection      Enable
                              Distance attenuation, Rain attenuation, Excessive Doppler
Data Correction               velocity, Suppression of signal returns from lan, Clutter
Interface                     LAN 1 port, Ethernet 1000 Base-T (Cat5e or more)
Power supply                  100-240VAC, Single Phase, 50/60 Hz
Power consumption             Max. 650W include Antenna Unit
Rated Ampere                  2.7-6.5A
Size                          W725mm×D300mm×H750mm
Weight                        50kg (111lb)
Operating Temperature range   -10 to +50°C
Storage Temperature range     -20 to +60°C
Water & Dust proof            IPX5



11.3. Display Unit
Receive data from Signal Processing Unit (SPU) to indicate a picture of rainfall in real time.
       Parameter                                          Descriptions
 Main                   General Laptop PC
 Power supply           100-240VAC, 50/60Hz
                        Max. 200W
 Rated Ampere           0.8-2.0A
 CPU                    Core-i7 (2.3GHz) minimum
 RAM                    4GB minimum
 HDD                    500GB minimum
 OS                     Windows8 64bit professional
 Internal LAN           x1 port, 1000base-T (Connect to SPU)
 LAN Adapter            USB3.0 1000base-T adapter x1 (Access with outside PC)
 I/O                    USB2.0×1 port, and USB3.0×1 port minimum
 Video Tip              GeForce GTX 650M minimum
 Display                17inch minimum
 Resolution             1920×1080
 Storage                DVD±R/RW
                        Rainfall echo
 Display Data
                        Doppler velocity (m/s)
 Data Output            Rainfall strength (mm/h) data file, Output 1 to 5 per minutes.
                        +10 to +35°C
                                           Display Software
 Name                   Furuno RainMap.exe
                        Receive data from Signal Processing Unit (SPU) to indicate a picture of rainfall
                        in real time. And also to use cycle setting to make an observation data file.

                             Software of remote maintenance function
 Name                   TeamViewer GmbH
 Version                TeamViewer Host (For remote server) 8.0 minimum
                        Download the observation data and/or to set up an indicated software
                        connecting by remote.
 Requirement            It must be connecting to internet



12.1. Outline drawing
     1) Antenna unit


                                                  108           600
                      300                                250           250       50         g— $9                nnimnsrons  Torrmawon
                                                                                            (Rearside)              (m)         Cam)
                                                                                                                     L550             £15
                                                                                                                  so<L 5 100          125
                                                                                                                  100 <t 5500          z3

                                                                                                                 500 <L s 1000         m

                                                                                                                                  006 120


  20              I           a—e14                                                                              Over 860
      hoig                                                                                                 DoorOpeniClosespace
   oNLY      36                                                 674                                             (Seate 1:20)
                               Cable installation port

                                                               CABLE INSTALLATION PORT: Connect by PF tube. PF—28 (4PCS)
                                                               MASS: External cable is not included.


                                                                                                                      Signal Processing Unit
                            B s12                                     e                 2012108100        *           110         se 50 k9
                              Airvent                                 on
                                                                                      52—037—202G—2                    OUTLINE DRAWING
                                                                                                         FURUNO ELECTRIG C0., LTD.


3) Radome mount plate (Type A)


                                                                                                                                                 TABLE 1
                                                                                         25                           (10)            DIMENSIONS      TOLERANCE
                                                                                                                                         (mm)              (nim)
                                                                                              3                   )                      L <50             £1.5

                                                                                                                                                                   (g ad¥1) arefd junow awopey
                                                                                                                                      50 <L ©100           £2.5
                                                                                                              f       %               100 < L ©500          +3





                                                       !                                                          |
                                 260          |   10e _|.                 a75

                                                                                                                              ME                   wR—2100

                                                                                                                                                                                                 6 £600—FI—HSS
       NOTICE                                                                                                                 NAME
       SURFACE TREATMENT: Follow to RoHS basis ofselection (O7B—B—062.)                                 TYPEB                             Mount Plate for Radome
       QUOLITY OF EXTERNAL APPEARANCE: 07A—Q—025 Standards Class 4.             ow                     Goisnene               soate        15    IMASS on "ibk
                                                                                                      52—037—2302—0                         OUTLINE DRAWING
                                                                                                                             FURUNO ELECTRIC CO., LTD.


12.2. System diagram

     Display Unit               N         Blue      N                SPU
                       ACCOUT   L                   L         ACIN
               SPU              E                   E                Antenna Unit

  Notice: Cable colors vary by country.

                W/G                                     W/G
                  G                                      G
                                                                                    Pin No. (Front view)
   LAN_PW        W/O                                    W/O          LAN_PW
                 Bl                                     Bl
Display Unit                                            W/Bl         SPU
  LAN_SPU         O                                      O           LAN_SPU
                W/Br                                 W/Br
                 Br                                      Br



Dsub 9pin

                   Dsub_9pin       MOTOR CTRL                         Dsub_9pin
                    Female                                              Male
                       1                                                    1
                       4                                                    2
                       5                                                    3
                       8                                                    4          S-COM
                       9                                                    5

 SPU                                                                                   Antenna Unit
                   Dsub_9pin       ANT ANGLE
                       4                                                   6
                       5                                                   7
                       8                GREEN
                       9                                                   9

 Dsub 25pin
            Dsub_9pin          RF CTRL
                               BLACK                          RFCONT SIG
                                GREEN                                  SPU-TX-P
                                          Dsub_25pin                  SPU-RX-N
                                                Male                                    RFCON SIG
 SPU                                                                  GND
                                                                                         Antenna Unit

                                Level                                 GND
                               Convert                                Pulse_No(0)-P


Document Created: 2014-06-20 15:40:36
Document Modified: 2014-06-20 15:40:36

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This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC