User Manual 4


Users Manual

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                                                                                              1. OPERATION

1.33.2   How to show wind data or date alternately
         Click the icon shown below to show wind data or date alternately.
           (at the top right corner on the screen)
                              ±300°/min                                                ±300°/min
                              ±180°                                                    ±180°
               CAPT OS POSN N        0° 00. 219°         Click         CAPT SPD BT GPS-F►     44. 6km/h
                            E        0° 00. 397° ►                          DPT AFT     ►      3. 2m
                     CURSOR TTG      18m20s                                  CURSOR TTG       18m20s
                               6.34NM / 300.3°R                                          6.34NM / 300.3°R
                                     WIND                                                   01-sep-2012 ►
                                         2. 4m/s                                                UTC 12:34
                        Wind speed                                                    Date

         Wind direction format
         Wind direction format can be selected on the [NAV DATA] menu, with the [WIND] win-

         1. Open [MAIN MENU], click [NAV DATA].
         2. Click [WIND].
                                           1    BACK
                                           2    [PREDICTION]
                                           3    [DEPTH]
                                           4    [WIND]

         3. Click [WIND].                      [WIND]

                                          1    BACK
                                          2    WIND DIRECTION
                                               OFF/COME FROM/GO TO

         4. Click [WIND DIRECTION] then
            click [GO TO] or [COME FROM],                    Wind direction symbol:
            referring to the figure right. [OFF]                           [GO TO]
            hides the wind direction.

                                                             Wind direction symbol:
                                                                    [COME FROM]
         Date menu
         The [DATE] menu lets you select the time to display, [UTC] or [LOCAL]. Right-click the
         Date icon to show the [DATE] window.
                                ±300°/min                               [DATE]
                CAPT SPD BT GPS-F►     44. 6km/h        Right-     1    BACK
                     DPT AFT     ►      3. 2m            click     2    DATE-TIME
                      CURSOR TTG       18m20s                           UTC/LOCAL
                                 6.34NM / 300.3°R                  3    LOCAL TIME ADJ
                                    01-sep-2012 ►                       +00:00
                                        UTC 12:34
                            Date icon (at top right corner on the screen)

         • [DATE-TIME]: Select how to display format of date and time, [UTC] or [LOCAL].
           Note: If [LOCAL] is selected, the indication [LOCAL] is not shown.
         • [LOCAL TIME ADJ]: If [LOCAL] is selected at [DATE-TIME], set the time difference
           between local time and UTC time.



1.33.3   Time to the cursor position
         The time from own ship to the cursor posi-                            ±300º/min
         tion (TTG: time-to-go) is shown at the top                            ±180º
                                                                CAPT OS POSN N        0° 00. 219°
         right corner on the screen.                                         E        0° 00. 397° ►
                                                                      CURSOR TTG      18m20s
                                                                                6.34NM / 300.3°R
                                                                                          2 4m/s
1.33.4   Cursor position
         The cursor position (range and bearing of                             ±300º/min
         cursor from the own ship) is shown at the                             ±180º
                                                                CAPT OS POSN N        0° 00. 219°
         top right corner on the screen.                                     E        0° 00. 397° ►
                                                                      CURSOR TTG      18m20s
         The bearing reference is changed simulta-                         6.34NM / 300.3°R
         neously with the EBL1 reference.                                       WIND
                                                                                     2. 4m/s
         To change the cursor position's bearing ref-
         erence, click EBL1's bearing reference icon. See section 1.19 for details.

1.33.5   ROT, Rudder and Autopilots Graphs
         The ROT (Rate of Turn), RUDDER and AUTOPILOT graphs appear at the top of the

                                                      Autopilot graph

   ROT                                                                                    ±300 º/min
RUDDER                                                                                    ±180 º

                 RUDDER graph                             ROT graph

         ROT graph
         The ROT graph displays ship’s rate of turn (degrees/min), using the ROT signal fed
         from an ROT sensor. The ROT graph is not shown if the ROT signal is lost or inter-

         To set the ROT graph scale:
         1. Open [MAIN MENU] then click [NAV DATA].
         2. Click [ROT SCALE].
         3. Click the desired scale among 30 degees, 90 degrees and 300 degrees.

         Rudder graph
         The rudder graph shows the rudder angle. The rudder graph is not shown if the rudder
         signal is lost or interrupted.

         To set the rudder graph scale:

         1. Open [MAIN MENU] then click [NAV DATA].
         2. Click [RUDDER SCALE].
         3. Click the desired scale among 30 degrees, 90 degrees, 120 degrees and 180 de-


                                                                                  1. OPERATION

       Autopilot graph
       1) Follow-up (FU) mode
          When the autopilot is in the follow-up mode, the follow-up rudder command is in-
          dicated on the RUDDER scale. In addition, "FOLLOW UP" is indicated at the top
          of the screen. In follow-up mode, the autopilot controls the rudder so that actual
          rudder angle becomes same as commanded one.
       2) Autopilot (AP) mode
          When the autopilot is in the "autopilot" mode and a ROT signal is available from
          the autopilot, the autopilot graph shows ROT command. The actual ROT com-
          mand set on the autopilot is represented by a small circle on the ROT scale. In ad-
          dition, " AUTOPILOT" is indicated at the top of the screen. In "autopilot" mode,
          the autopilot controls the ROT so that actual heading becomes same as com-
          manded one.
       3) Neither FU nor AP mode
          When the autopilot is in neither FU nor AP mode, the autopilot graph shows ROT
          command as default.
       4) No autopilot or on standby
          The autopilot graph is not shown if the signal is lost/interrupted or if there is no au-
          topilot connected (includes standby mode).

1.34   Customized Menus
       Up to four customized menu settings can be saved for up to four different user profiles.
       In other words, you can save up to 16 sets of menu settings.

             USER 1
             USER 2          Customized menu settings       4 sets         16 sets
             USER 3
             USER 4

       How to select the customized set
       1. Click the [CUSTOM] icon at the bottom right corner on the screen to show the
          [CUSTOM MENU] window.
                                                          [CUSTOM MENU]
                                                        1  BACK
                                                        2  USER NAME 1    4   USER NAME 3
                       CUSTOM3-4►          Click           CUSTOM1-1/         CUSTOM3-1/
                                                           CUSTOM1-2/         CUSTOM3-2/
                          FTC     1                        CUSTOM1-3/         CUSTOM3-3/
                                                           CUSTOM1-4          CUSTOM3-4
                  TRAIL► IR       1                     3 USER NAME 2     5   USER NAME 4
              REL 2.50sec ES      2                        CUSTOM2-1/         CUSTOM4-1/
                                                           CUSTOM2-2/         CUSTOM4-2/
              ON 00m03s EAV       3                        CUSTOM2-3/         CUSTOM4-3/
                                                           CUSTOM2-4          CUSTOM4-4

       2. Click the required user name.
       3. Click the required menu set.
       4. Click outside the menu window to close the menu.



         How to edit the [CUSTOM MENU]
         Note: The [CUSTOM1-1] setting is fixed as a default setting. You can edit the setting,
         but when the system is turned off, the default setting are restored. To save a custom-
         ized set, select a setting other than [CUSTOM1-1].
         1. Right-click the [CUSTOM] icon at the bottom right corner on the screen to show
            the [CUSTOM MENU] window.
                                                                [CUSTOM MENU]
                            CUSTOM3-4►                      1   BACK
                                                            2   [EDIT]
                               FTC     1                    3   [PRESET]
                       TRAIL► IR       1
                   REL 2.50sec ES      2
                   ON 00m03s EAV       3
         2. Click [EDIT].

               1   BACK
               2   USER NAME                8    ECHO AVERAGE              14 [PULSE WIDTH (RIVER)]
                   USER NAME 1                   OFF/1/2/3
               3   USER COMMENT             9    WIPER                     16 SAVE & QUIT
                   CUSTOM4-4                     OFF/ON
               4   [GAIN/STC/RAIN]          10   VIDEO CONTRAST TYPE
               5   FTC                           A/B/C/D
                   OFF/1/2                  11   [STC CURVE]
               6   INT REJECT               12   LOW LEVEL ECHO
                   OFF/1/2/3                     0
               7   ECHO STRETCH             13   TT ECHO LEVEL
                   OFF/1/2/3                     13

                                     #15 [PULSE WIDTH (SEA)] for [SEA] mode instead of #14
         3. Click [USER NAME] to edit.
                                                                       1    BACK                column
                                                                       2    USER NAME
                                                                            USER NAME 1
                                                                       3    USER COMMENT
                                                                       4    [GAIN/STC/RAIN]
         4. To edit the name, click the name column
            then enter the name with the software key-
            board. Click the [END] button to finish.
               • Change the digit: Rotate scroll wheel.
               • Delete a character: Use the [BS] button on
                                                                       [END] button
                 the software keyboard.
         5. Click [USER COMMENT] to edit.
            The editing procedure is the same as that                       [EDIT]
            for [USER NAME]. Refer to step 4                           1    BACK
                                                                       2    USER NAME           Name
                                                                            USER NAME 1         column
                                                                       3    USER COMMENT
                                                                       4    [GAIN/STC/RAIN]
         6. To edit the name, press the name column
            then enter the name with the software keyboard. Click the [END] button to finish.


                                                                                    1. OPERATION

         7. Click the menu to set in the [EDIT] menu.

                 1   BACK
                 2   USER NAME               8    ECHO AVERAGE          14 [PULSE WIDTH (RIVER)]
                     USER NAME 1                  OFF/1/2/3
                 3   USER COMMENT            9    WIPER                 16 SAVE & QUIT
                     CUSTOM4-4                    OFF/ON
                 4   [GAIN/STC/RAIN]         10   VIDEO CONTRAST TYPE
                 5   FTC                          A/B/C/D
                     OFF/1/2                 11   [STC CURVE]
    Menus        6   INT REJECT              12   LOW LEVEL ECHO
    to set           OFF/1/2/3                    0
                 7   ECHO STRETCH            13   TT ECHO LEVEL
                     OFF/1/2/3                    13

                                       #15 [PULSE WIDTH (SEA)] for [SEA] mode instead of #14
         8. Click the setting for each menu.
         9. Click [SAVE & QUIT] to save the setting.

1.35     SD Cards
         The SD card (including SDHC card) stores the mark data etc.

1.35.1   About the SD cards
         • Use SD cards carefully. Wrong use can damage the card and destroy its contents.
         • Make sure the cover of the card drive is closed at all times.
         • Remove a card with only your fingers. Do not use metal tools (like tweezers) to re-
           move the card.
         • Do not remove a card during the reading of the card or writing to the card.
         • If there is water at the bottom of the card cover, DO NOT open the cover. Remove
           the water with a dry cloth completely and then open the cover.
         • The SD cards with the SD or SDHC logo can be used (max. 32 GB). Some SD cards
           may not work correctly depending on the card type or maker. The memory cards in
           the table below have been tested and confirmed:
                     Type                    Capacity               Maker                Class
             SDSDB-8192-J95A                   8 GB                SanDisk                 4
             SDSDX-008G-J95                    8 GB                SanDisk                10
             SD-E008G4                         8 GB               TOSHIBA                  4
             RP-SDW08GJ1K                      8 GB               Panasonic               10
             SDSDX-016G-J35                   16 GB                SanDisk                10
             RP-SDWA16GJK                     16 GB               Panasonic               10
         How to format an SD card
         You need to format an SD card for use with your PC. If the card be-
         comes corrupted, format the card with a formatting program that is
         compatible with the specifications of the SD card. The SD Memory
         Card Formatting Software made by Panasonic is an example.



         How to set an SD card
         The processor unit has two slots for SD cards. The [SD-1] is upper slot and [SD-2] is

         1. Pull the tab on the card drive on the processor unit to open the card drive.
         2. Put the SD card in the either card drive, [SD-1] or [SD-2], with the label upward. If
            the card does not set easily, do not use force.
         3. Push the card until the card is in position.

         How to remove an SD card
         To remove an SD card, select [SD-1] or [SD-2] from the [REMOVE EXTERNAL
         MEDIA] menu. There are two methods to open [REMOVE EXTERNAL MEDIA] as

         1. On [FILES] or [CAPTURE] menu, select [REMOVE EXTERNAL MEDIA].
         2. Select the SD card to remove, [SD-1] or [SD-2].
            Note: Select the same card as the card selected on the [DRIVE SELECT] menu.
         3. Pull the tab on the card drive cover to open the card drive.
         4. Push the card to release the card from the card drive.
         5. Remove the card with your fingers then close the cover.
         Note: Always remove an SD card by this method to prevent non-recognition of the
         card the next time when it is inserted. If a card is not recognized, insert the card again
         and do the above operation.

1.35.2   How to save and replay the data
         All SD card operations begin from the [FILES] menu.
         The [FILES] menu is available in stand-by mode.               1   BACK
                                                                       2   DRIVE SELECT
         The data witch is saved in the FR-1908V-BB/FR-                    SD-1 /SD-2
                                                                       3   [DRIVE INFO]
         1918V-BB do not have the compatibility with other             4   [SAVE DATA]
                                                                       5   [REPLAY (READ) DATA]
         models. Do not let the data read to the other models,         6   [DELETE DATA]
         and also do not let other models read the data of the         7   REMOVE EXTERNAL MEDIA
                                                                           SD-1 /SD-2
         FR-1908V-BB/FR-1918V-BB. It may cause the mal-
         Note: All settings, except for [BRILL 1-1] and      [CUSTOM 1-1], are stored when the
         radar is turned off. If you want to keep all settings, including [BRILL 1-1] and [CUS-
         TOM 1-1], save the settings to an SD card before turning off the radar. Then replay
         the saved settings after turning on the radar.
         • [DRIVE SELECT]: Click the drive [SD-1] or [SD-2] to use. The [SD-1] is upper slot
           and [SD-2] is lower.
         • [DRIVE INFO]: Confirm the remaining capacity of the SD card selected at [DRIVE


                                                                                1. OPERATION

         • [SAVE DATA]: Save the file stored on the following file group set at [NAME]. Set the
           name with the software keyboard. Click the [END] key to complete the name setting.
            [MARK/LINE]* (see the figure shown right)                     [MARK/LINE]
            [SETTING DATA]                                             1 BACK
                                                                       2 NAME
            [ALARM HISTORY]                                               M0000000
            [LOG FILE]
                                                           [END] key

         • [REPLAY (READ) DATA]: Select the data group in the SD card, [MARK/LINE]* or
           [SETTING DATA], then select the file to replay (read).
         • [DELETE DATA]: Select the data group to delete from SD card, [MARK/LINE]*,
           [SETTING DATA], [ALARM HISTORY] or [LOG FILE], then select the file to delete.
         • [REMOVE EXTERNAL MEDIA]: Select the SD card ([SD-1] or [SD-2]) to remove
           from the card slot safely.
           Note: Select the same card as the card selected on the [DRIVE SELECT] menu.

         *: [RIVER] mode only

1.36     How to Set Menu and Icon Behavior

1.36.1   Auto closing of menu window
         In the [SEA] mode, the menu window can be set to close automatically if there is no
         menu operation within the specified period.

         You can close the menu window automatically after a certain period with no operation.
         Note: This function is for the [SEA] mode only.
         1. Open [MAIN MENU], click [DISPLAY].
         2. Click [MENU].
         3. Click [AUTO-CLOSING].                                1   BACK
            Note: In the [RIVER] mode, auto closing is fixed     2   AUTO-CLOSING
            to [ON]. Go to step 5 to select the closing time.    3   AUTO-CLOSING TIME
         4. Click the [ON] or [OFF] as applicable.
         5. Click [AUTO-CLOSING TIME].
         6. Click the appropriate time to close the menu window automatically among 5 sec,
            10 sec and 20 sec.
         7. Click outside the menu window to close the menu.



1.36.2   Icons
         You can show or hide some labels and auto hide them after the specified period

         How to select the menu icons to display
         1. Open [MAIN MENU], click [DISPLAY].
         2. Click [HIDDEN ICON].

                   [HIDDEN ICON]
               1   BACK
               2   AUTO-HIDDEN        6   NAV DATA             10 ECHO
                   OFF/ON                 OFF/ON                  OFF/ON
               3   AUTO-HIDDEN TIME   7   MARK                 11 GAIN/STC/RAIN
                   5sec/10sec/20sec       OFF/ON                  OFF/ON
               4   RANGE              8   BRILL/COLOR          12 EBL/VRM
                   OFF/ON                 OFF/ON                  OFF/ON
               5   MODE               9   TT/AIS               13 DOCKING
                   OFF/ON                 OFF/ON                  OFF/ON

         3. Click each item (from 4 [RANGE] to 13 [DOCKING]) then click [ON] to display the
            icon, or [OFF] to hide the icon.
         4. Click outside the menu window to close the menu.

         How to hide the menu icons automatically
         1. Open [MAIN MENU], click [DISPLAY].
         2. Click [HIDDEN ICON].
         3. Click [AUTO-HIDDEN].
         4. Click [ON] to enable automatic hiding of the icons. Any icon selected to [OFF] (on
            [HIDDEN ICON]) is automatically hidden.
         5. Click [AUTO-HIDDEN TIME].
         6. Click the appropriate time to hide the menu icons automatically among 5 sec, 10
            sec and 20 sec.
         7. Click outside the menu window to close the menu.


                                                                                  1. OPERATION

1.37     Other Features

1.37.1   Guidance box (Help function)
         The Guidance box provides operating guidance for a cursor-selected item. You can
         show or hide the guidance as follows:

                                       (at the bottom of the screen)

                                        OPEN           AIS LIST
                                        AIS/LIST       MENU

                   LIST►              Function with Function with
                                        left-click   right-click
                 Selected icon
            (ex: LIST icon for AIS)

         1. Open [MAIN MENU], click [CONFIGURATION].
         2. Click [OPERATION].

                                                1   BACK
                                                2   REF POINT           6   GUIDANCE
                                                    ANT /CCRP               OFF /ON
                                                3   KEY BEEP            7   [TOUCH-PAD]
                                                    OFF /LOW/MID/HIGH   8   [POINTING-DEVICE]
                                                4   OWN SHIP VECTOR
                                                    OFF /COURSE/HDG
                                                5   CURSOR SIZE
                                                    SMALL /LARGE

         3. Click [GUIDANCE].
         4. Click [ON] or [OFF] as appropriate.
         5. Click outside the menu window to close the menu.

1.37.2   Menu transparency
         You can make the menu window transparent or opaque as follows:

         Note: Alpha blending technology is used for transparency effects.
         1. Open [MAIN MENU], click [DISPLAY].
         2. Click [TRANPARENCY].
         3. Click [ON] or [OFF] as appropriate.
            [ON]: Menu window is transparent.
            [OFF]: Menu window is opaque. Echoes are hidden behind the menu.
         4. Click outside the menu window to close the menu.



1.37.3   Display capture
         You can capture the screen shots to replay them on
         the PC. The setting for the display capture is set on
         the [CAPTURE] menu. To open the [CAPTURE]                  1
                                                                        DRIVE SELECT
         menu, open [MAIN MENU] then click [CAPTURE].                   SD-1 /SD-2
                                                                    3   [DRIVE INFO]
         The [CAPTURE] menu is available in the stand-by            4   [AUTO CAPTURE]
         mode.                                                      5   [DELETE CAPTURE DATA]
                                                                    6   REMOVE EXTERNAL MEDIA
                                                                        SD-1 /SD-2

         Manual capture
         You can capture the screen manually by clicking the [CAPT] icon. The screen shots
         captured are saved to the SD card.

         Automatic capture
         Automatic capture functions to save images in two data groups ([NORMAL], [FAST])
         automatically. The captured data are automatically saved to the SD card.

              Data group                               Contents of files
            NORMAL               Captured files at specified interval set in the [INTERVAL]
                                 menu, for the last 24 hours.
            FAST                 Captured files at 10 seconds interval, for the last one hour.
         1. Open [MAIN MENU], click [CAPTURE].
         2. Click [AUTO CAPTURE].
                                     [AUTO CAPTURE]
                                 1   BACK
                                 2   AUTO CAPTURE
                                 3   INTERVAL

         3. Click [AUTO CAPTURE] then [ON].
         4. Click [INTERVAL].
         5. Set the time interval for the capture. The setting range is from 1 min to 999 min.
         6. Click outside the menu window to close the menu.


                                                                               1. OPERATION

[CAPTURE] menu items
• [DRIVE SELECT]: Click the drive [SD-1] or [SD-2] to use. The [SD-1] is upper slot
  and [SD-2] is lower.
• [DRIVE INFO]: Confirm the number of screen shots saved and the remaining ca-
  pacity of the SD card selected at [DRIVE SELECT].
             [DRIVE INFO]
                                            [NORMAL]: Auto captured files at the specified
        1    BACK                                      interval in the [INTERVAL] menu.
        2    DRIVE INFO
             THE NUMBER OF FILES               [FAST]: Auto captured files at 10 seconds
             NORMAL 0                                  interval.
             FAST     0                     [MANUAL]: Manual captured files.
             MANUAL 0

             USED 32KB(0. 0%)                      [USED]: Used capacity.
             AVAILABLE 7. 28GB(100%)          [AVAILABLE]: Remaining capacity

       The duration to save the captured files depends on the capacity of an SD card.
                         Capacity of SD card     Duration (for blank SD card)
                                  8 GB               Latest approx. 21 hours
                                 16 GB                   Latest 24 hours

• [DELETE CAPTURE DATA]: Delete the selected files. You can select more than
  one file to delete.
    1) Click the data group including files to delete,             [DELETE CAPTURE DATA]
                                                              1    BACK
       [AUTO (NORMAL) DATA].                                  2    [MANUAL DATA]
                                                              3    [AUTO(FAST) DATA]
                                                              4    [AUTO(NORMAL) DATA]

    2) Select the files to delete. The yellow lines
       appear under the names of selected files.
    3) Select [DELETE].
                                [MANUAL DATA(1/2)]                 [MANUAL DATA(1/2)]
                            1   BACK(LONG=TOP)                 1   BACK(LONG=TOP)
            Click the       2   DELETE                         2   DELETE
              files to          0000000M.BMP                       0000000M.BMP
                                0000001M.BMP                       0000001M.BMP
               delete           0000002M.BMP                       0000002M.BMP
                                0000003M.BMP                       0000003M.BMP
      Click to go to            0000004M.BMP                       0000004M.BMP
         next page.             0000005M.BMP                       0000005M.BMP
       (Long press          0   NEXT(LONG=TOP)                 0   NEXT(LONG=TOP)
        to go to top

• [REMOVE EXTERNAL MEDIA]: Select the SD card ([SD-1] or [SD-2]) to remove
  from the card slot safely.
  Note: Select the same card as the card selected on the [DRIVE SELECT] menu.



1.37.4   How to customize the operation
         You can customize the operation        [OPERATION]
         on the [OPERATION] menu.
                                            1   BACK
         Open [MAIN MENU], click            2   REF POINT             6   GUIDANCE
         [CONFIGURATION]. Then click            ANT /CCRP                 OFF /ON
                                            3   KEY BEEP              7   [TOUCH-PAD]
         [OPERATION] to open the [OP-           OFF /LOW/MID/HIGH     8   [POINTING-DEVICE]
         ERATION] menu.                     4   OWN SHIP VECTOR
                                                OFF /COURSE/HDG
                                            5   CURSOR SIZE
                                                SMALL /LARGE

          [REF POINT]:       The reference point for measurements (range, bearing, etc.)
                             and markers (heading line, stern mark, etc.) can be antenna
                             point or consistent common reference point (CCRP), which is
                             a location on own ship to which all horizontal measurements,
                             for example range, bearing, relative course, relative speed,
                             closest point of approach (CPA) or time to closest point of ap-
                             proach (TCPA), are normally referenced. Select reference
                             point, [ANT] or [CCRP], as appropriate.
          [KEY BEEP]:        A beep sounds when a keying sequence has been correctly
                              [OFF]: No key beep
                              [LOW], [MID], [HIGH]: Loudness of key beep
          [OWN SHIP VECTOR]: Select what the own ship vector displays.
                              [OFF]: No own ship vector
                              [COURSE]: Vector shows course.
                              [HEADING]: Vector shows heading direction.
          [CURSOR SIZE]:     Select the size of the cursor, [SMALL] or [LARGE].

                                                      Cursor line

                                                      Cursor                              Cursor

                                           [LARGE]                          [SMALL]
                                   (Cursor with cursor lines)             (Cursor only)

          [GUIDANCE]:             See paragraph 1.37.1.
          [TOUCH-PAD]:            Touch pad settings.
                                  [TOUCH-PAD]: Activate or deactivate the touch-pad.
                                  [SENSITIVITY]: Adjust the sensitivity of the touch-pad pera-
                                  tion. [5] is the highest sensitivity.
          [POINTING-DEVICE]:      Pointing device (mouse) settings.
                                  [POINTING-DEVICE]: Activate or deactivate the pointing de-
                                  [SENSITIVITY]: Adjust the sensitivity of the pointing device
                                  operation. [5] is the highest sensitivity.


                                                                                     1. OPERATION

1.37.5   Transmit time
         ON time, TX time and TRON time are shown on the stand-by display. You can also
         show these values by using the Transmit icon.

         1. Right-Click the transmit icon ([TX] or [STBY]) to open the [TX STBY] menu.
                                                                 [TX STBY]
                             SEA        RUDDER               1   BACK
                                                             2   [PROPERTY]
                           4      /1 NM           A Right-
                           HEAD-UP          HDG
                           OFFCENT    OFF
                           TX         M1

                              Transmit icon
                 (at the top left corner on the screen)
         2. Click [PROPERTY] to open the [PROPERTY] window.


                       1   BACK
                           ON TIME
                            000013. 5H                • [ON TIME]: Total operation time
                           TX TIME
                            000011. 9H
                                                      • [TX TIME]: Total transmission time
                           TRON TIME                  • [TRON TIME]: Total magnetron usage time
                            000011. 9H



               This page is intentionally left blank.


      The Target Tracking function requires the heading data and ship’s speed data.

2.1   TT Display On/Off
      To show or hide the TT display, click the [TT] icon at the bottom left corner on the

      [TT OFF]: Deactivates TT.
      [TT ON]: Activates TT.
            ►     AZ1       ►                             ►     AZ1       ►
          GRN     AZ2       ► TT              Click     GRN     AZ2       ► TT
          BLK     ALR1      ► OFF► LIST                 BLK     ALR1      ► ON ► LIST
          D-GRN   ALR2      ►    EBL1 12                D-GRN   ALR2      ►    EBL1 12
            50                  > EBL2 8                  50                  > EBL2 8
                   HL OFF                                       HL OFF
            15                     NAV   0                15                     NAV 0
                            [TT]: OFF                                     [TT]: ON

      The plotting symbol is drawn by broken circles during the initial acquisition stage. A
      vector appears in about one minute after acquisition indicating the target's motion
      trend. If the target is consistently detected for three minutes, the plotting symbol
      changes to a solid circle. If acquisition fails, the target plotting symbol blinks and dis-
      appears shortly.



                                             TT symbols
                        Symbol             Status                          Remarks
Automatically                        Initial stage      Broken circles enclose an echo to indicate
acquired                                                the target under acquisition and initial stage
targets                                                 of tracking, before steady-state tracking
                                                        Within one minute after acquisition (vector
                                                        still unreliable).
                                     Steady tracking    Solid circle with vector indicating steady
                                                        state tracking (within three minutes after ac-
                                     CPA alarm          Plotting symbol (red) flashes to indicate the
                                                        target whose CPA or TCPA is less than the
                        (flashing)                      CPA alarm setting.
                                     CPA alarm          Shown in red and flashing. The flashing
                                     acknowledge        stops after CPA/TCPA alarm is
                                     Lost target        A red X is put on the TT symbol to indicate
                                                        that it is a lost target. Flashing stops after lost
                        (flashing)                      target alarm is acknowledged.
Manually                             Initial stage      Plotting symbol selected for a target
acquired targets                                        acquired manually is shown in bold broken
(the width of the                                       lines.
circle for "steady                                      Within one minute after acquisition (vector
tracking" TT is                                         still unreliable).
thicker than that of
                                     Steady tracking    Manual plotting symbol in a bold solid circle
the automatically
                                                        (within three minutes after acquisition).
target.)                             CPA alarm          Plotting symbol (red) flashes to indicate the
                                                        target whose CPA or TCPA is less than the
                        (flashing)                      CPA alarm setting.
                                     CPA alarm          Flashing stops after CPA/TCPA alarm is ac-
                                     acknowledge        knowledged.
                                     Lost target        A red X is put on the TT symbol to indicate
                                                        that it is a lost target. Flashing stops after lost
                        (flashing)                      target alarm is acknowledged.
Acquisition zone                     On target          Symbol is red and flashing.
                                     passing through
                        (flashing)   acquisition zone
Target selected for                  On selected        Target selected data to display its data
data readout                         target             (range, bearing, course, speed, CPA, TCPA,
                                                        BCR, BCT, etc.).
Reference target                     On reference       Used to calculate own ship’s over-the-
                                     target             ground speed (echo-referenced speed) for
                                                        ground stabilization.
                       After three
                       changes to
                          ٤    R


                                                                   2. TARGET TRACKING (TT)

2.2   How to Acquire and Track Targets
      This radar can acquire a maximum of 100 targets, the number of automatically and
      manually acquired targets determined by the [TT TARGET MENU] setting.

      1. Right-click the [TT] icon to show the [TT TARGET MENU] window.

                      [TT TARGET MENU]

                  1   BACK
                  2   TT SELECT           4   REF TT VECTOR
                      MANUAL 100/             OFF/ON
                      AUTO    25/         5   ACK LOST TARGETS
                      AUTO    50/             NO/YES
                      AUTO    75/         6   [TT LOST FILTER]
                      AUTO    100
                  3   ALL CANCEL
                      NO /YES

      2. Click [TT SELECT] then the distribution between manually and automatically
         acquired targets.
         [MANUAL 100]: 100 for manual tracking
         [AUTO 25]: 25 for automatic tracking, 75 for manual tracking
         [AUTO 50]: 50 for automatic and manual tracking
         [AUTO 75]: 75 for automatic tracking, 25 for manual tracking
         [AUTO 100]: 100 for automatic tracking
      3. Click outside the menu window to close the menu.

2.3   Manual Acquisition
      You can acquire targets manually as follows:
      1. Right-click anywhere in the radar display to open [CURSOR MENU].

                                 [CURSOR MENU]
                             1   BACK
                             2   ACQUIRE
                             3   REF MARK
                             4   OFFCENTER
                             5   EBL OFFSET

      2. Click [ACQUIRE].
      3. Click the target to acquire. You can select several targets by clicking



      4. Right-click to quit.



2.4      Automatic Acquisition
         Targets which enter an acquisition zone (two zones possible) are automatically ac-
         quired. Set an acquisition area as follows:

2.4.1    How to set an acquisition zone
         Note: The acquisition zone can not be set within 3 NM from own ship.
         1. Click the [AZ1] icon. The [AZ1] icon now reads "AZ1 SET".

                       DOCK OFF                                  DOCK OFF
            RL 2-3 ►   AZ1    ►                       RL 2-3 ►   AZ1 SET ►
             HO GRN           ► TT                     HO GRN    AZ2     ► TT
             N BLK     ALR1   ► ON ► LIST              N BLK     ALR1    ► ON ► LIST
             T D-GRN   ALR2   ►    EBL1 12             T D-GRN   ALR2    ►    EBL1 12
              [AZ1]: Acquisition zone 1                     “SET” appears.
                                                     Acquisition zone status
                                                       [AZ1         ]: No acquisition zone.
                                                       [AZ1 SET ]: Set acquisition zone.
                                                       [AZ1 WORK ]: Activate acquisition zone.
                                                       [AZ1 SLP ]: Sleep acquisition zone.

         2. Click the point A.

         3. Click the point B. The [AZ1] icon now reads
            "AZ1 WORK".                                                 A
            Note: [AZ2] can be set when [AZ1] is active.                                B
            The dashed lines are longer on [AZ2].
                                                                     Target in acquisition
                                                                     zone is red and flashing.

2.4.2    How to sleep an acquisition zone
         1. Click the appropriate [AZ] icon.
         2. Click the [AZ] icon to change from [AZ1 (2) WORK] to [AZ1 (2) SLP].
            The acquisition zone disappears from the screen. To reactivate and display the
            acquisition zone, repeat this procedure to display [AZ1 (2) WORK].

2.4.3    How to delete an acquisition zone
         1. Click the appropriate [AZ] icon.
         2. Press and hold down the left button until the [AZ] icon goes blank. The acquisition
            zone is deleted from the screen.
         Note: If both acquisition zones are the active [AZ1] can not be deleted unless the
         [AZ2] is deleted.


                                                                               2. TARGET TRACKING (TT)

2.4.4   Acquisition zone reference
        1. Open [MAIN MENU], click [TT.AIS].
        2. Click [ACQUIRE ZONE].                                              [ACQUIRE ZONE]

                                                                          1   BACK
                                                                          2   AZ STAB
                                                                              STAB NORTH/
                                                                              STAB HEADING
                                                                          3   POLYGON STAB
                                                                              OFF/STAB GND/
                                                                              STAB NORTH/
                                                                              STAB HEADING
        3. Click [AZ STAB] then the acquisition zone
           reference as appropriate.
           [STAB NORTH]: Acquisition zone is fixed to North.
           [STAB HEADING]: Acquisition zone keeps position related to your ship.
        4. Click [POLYGON STAB] then the acquisition zone shape and stabilization as ap-
           [OFF]: Acquisition zone is a sector; number of points is limited to four. Stabilized
           against land.
           [STAB GND]: Polygon having 3-10 points. Stabilized against ground.
           [STAB NORTH]: Polygon having 3-10 points. Stabilized against north.
           [STAB HEADING]: Polygon having 3-10 points. Stabilized against heading.
        5. Click outside the menu window to close the menu.

2.5     How to Stop Tracking a Target
        You can stop tracking specific targets or all targets.

        How to cancel tracking on individual targets
        1. Place the cursor (+) on the target. The mark () flashes behind the target.
        2. Right-click the target to show the [TT] window.
        3. Click [TARGET CANCEL] to stop tracking the target.
                                                           click   [TT]

                                                  01               1 BACK
                                                                   2 TARGET DATA
            Place the cursor (+).    Flashing mark (×),            3 TARGET CANCEL
                                      with TT number

        How to stop tracking all targets
        1. Right-click the [TT] icon to show the [TT TARGET MENU].
                       [TT TARGET MENU]

                   1   BACK
                   2   TT SELECT              4   REF TT VECTOR
                       MANUAL 100/                OFF/ON
                       AUTO    25/            5   ACK LOST TARGETS
                       AUTO    50/                NO/YES
                       AUTO    75/            6   [TT LOST FILTER]
                       AUTO    100
                   3   ALL CANCEL
                       NO /YES

        2. Click [ALL CANCEL].
        3. Click [YES].



         4. Click outside the menu window to close the menu.

2.6      TT Symbol Attributes

2.6.1    TT symbol brilliance
         1. Right-click the [BRL] icon to show the [BRILL MENU] window.

                                                                                  [BRILL MENU]

                           BRL 2-3 ►    AZ1        ►                       1      BACK
                           ECHO GRN     AZ2        ► TT                    2      [EDIT]
                                                             Right-click   3      [PRESET]
                           B-IN BLK     ALR1       ► ON
                           OUT D-GRN    ALR2       ►
                           MONI    50                    >
                           PANL         HL OFF

               (at the bottom left corner on the screen)

         2. Click [EDIT].
         3. Click [BRILL DETAIL] to show the [BRILL DETAIL] window.

                      [BRILL DETAIL]

              1       BACK
              2       CHARACTER                7   FIXED RING               12 AIS SYMBOL

              3       CURSOR                   8   GYRO RING                11 MARK/LINE

              4       ECHO                     9   EBL

              5       TRAIL                    10 VRM

              6       HEADING LINE             11 TT SYMBOL

         4. Click [TT SYMBOL].
         5. Click the slide bar for [TT SYMBOL] then set the brilliance as appropriate with the
            setting knob.
         6. Click outside the menu window to close the menu.

2.6.2    TT symbol color
         You may select the color of the TT symbol as follows.

         1. Open [MAIN MENU], click [TT.AIS].
         2. Click [SYMBOL].
         3. Click [TT].

                        [SYMBOL]                                           [TT]

                  1     BACK                                           1   BACK
                  2     [TT]                                           2   SYMBOL COLOR
                  3     [AIS]                                Click         GRN/BLU/CYA/MAG/WHT

         4. Click [SYMBOL COLOR].
         5. Click the desired color.
            [GRN]: green, [BLU]: blue, [CYA]: cyan, [MAG]: magenta, [WHT]: white


                                                                                2. TARGET TRACKING (TT)

        6. Click outside the menu window to close the menu.

2.7     Lost Target
        Targets not detected in five consecutive scans become
        "lost targets." A lost target is shown in the display with
        a flashing red "X". Flashing stops after the lost target                           (flashing)
        alarm is acknowledged.                                                             Lost target
        If you are in an area where tracked targets are lost fre-
        quently you may want to disable the lost target alarm against tracked targets by max-
        imum range or minimum speed.

2.7.1   Lost target filter
        You can set the lost target alarm to sound against lost TTs that meet a specific range
        or ship speed. Set the criteria as shown below.

        1. Right-click the [TT] icon.
        2. Click [TT LOST FILTER].
                              [TT TARGET MENU]

                          1   BACK
                          2   TT SELECT                 4   REF TARGET VECTOR
                              MANUAL 100/                   OFF/ON
                              AUTO    25/               5   ACK LOST TARGETS
                              AUTO    50/                   NO/YES
                              AUTO    75/               6   [TT LOST FILTER]
                              AUTO    100
                          3   ALL CANCEL
                              NO /YES

        3. Click [TT LOST FILTER].
                                                [TT LOST FILTER]

                                            1   BACK
                                            2   TT LOST FILTER
                                            3   MAX RANGE
                                            4   MAX RANGE VALUE
                                                03.0 NM
                                            5   MIN SHIP SPEED
                                            6   MIN SHIP SPEED VALUE

        4. Select how to enable or disable the lost target alarm.
           [OFF]: Disable the alarm.
           [FILT]: Get the alarm against the targets whose criteria meet the settings on the
           [TT LOST FILTER] menu.
           [ALL]: Get the alarm against all lost targets.
        5. Click [MAX RANGE VALUE] and [MIN SHIP SPEED VALUE] as appropriate,
           referring to the description below.
           [MAX RANGE], [MAX RANGE VALUE]: Any TT lost target beyond the range set
           here will not trigger the lost target alarm.
           [MIN SHIP SPEED], [MIN SHIP SPEED VALUE]: Any TT lost target slower than
           this setting will not trigger the lost target alarm.
        Note: Reference targets are not affected by this filter.



2.7.2    How to acknowledge a lost target
         1. Right-click the [TT] icon to show [TT TARGET MENU].
         2. Click [ACK LOST TARGETS].
         3. Click [YES]. All lost targets disappear from the screen.

2.8      TT Data
         The TT target list provides a comprehensive data display of all TT targets being

         How to display TT data
         1. Place the cursor (+) on the target to show the target data. The mark () flashes
            behind the target.
         2. Right-click the target to show the [TT] window.
         3. Click [TARGET DATA] to show the [TT INFO] window. The selected target is en-
            closed in a broken square.


                           1 BACK
                           2 TARGET DATA
                           3 TARGET CANCEL                  Target,
                                                      with broken square

                           [TT INFO]

                           NO.          : 001
                           RNG          : 35. 7NM
                           BRG          : 036. 0° T
                           SOG          : 5. 2kn
                           COG          : 324. 0° T
                           CPA          : 3. 15NM
                           TCPA         : 52m30s

                                       [TT INFO] window
                [NO.]: Target No.                         [COG]: Course over ground
                [RNG]: Range                              [CPA]: Target’s CPA
                [BRG]: Bearing                            [TCPA]: Target’s TCPA
                [SOG]: Speed over ground
         4. Click outside the menu window to close the menu.


                                                                                2. TARGET TRACKING (TT)

2.9   TT List
      How to display the TT list
      The TT list provides the range, bearing, CPA and TCPA of all tracking targets.

      To display the TT list, click the [LIST] icon for TT at the bottom left corner on the screen
      to show the [TT LIST] window.

               BRL 2-3 ►    AZ1        ►
               ECHO GRN     AZ2        ► TT
               B-IN BLK     ALR1       ► ON ► LIST ►                            [LIST] icon for TT
               OUT D-GRN    ALR2       ►    EBL1 123.4°          T
               MONI    50                   > EBL2 82.9°         T
               PANL          HL OFF
                       15                        NAV 0.160       NM


         [TT LIST]                                                                              Close
         No.            RANGE         BEARING          CPA            TCPA                      button
         001            9. 60NM       058. 8°T         0. 00NM         00m00s
                                                                                                Page up
         002            19. 2NM       059. 0°T         0. 00NM         00m00s

                                                                                                Page down
                                                 TT list
      To close the [TT LIST] window, click the close button at the top right corner of the
      [No.]: Target number
      [RANGE], [BEARING]: Range and Bearing from own ship to the selected target with
      suffix "T" (True) or "R" (Relative).

      [CPA], [TCPA]: CPA (Closest Point of Approach) is the closest range a target will
      approach to own ship. TCPA is the time to CPA. Both CPA and TCPA are
      automatically calculated. A negative TCPA value means that you have already passed
      the CPA and the target is going away from own ship.

      How to display TT data
      Click the target on [TT LIST] to show the [TT INFO] window. See section 2.8.

      How to sort the TT list
      You may sort the TT list by RANGE, CPA, TCPA as follows.
      1. Right-click the [LIST] icon for TT to show the                             [TT-LIST]
         [TT-LIST] window.
                                                                                1   BACK
                                                                                2   SORT BY
                                                                                    RANGE /CPA/TCPA

      2. Click [SORT BY].
      3. Click the sorting item desired, by [RANGE],
         [CPA] or [TCPA].
      4. Click outside the menu window to close the menu.



2.10     Vector Modes
         Target vectors can be displayed relative to own ship's heading (Relative) or north

2.10.1   Description of vectors
         Sea stabilization is a mode where own ship and all targets are referenced to the sea
         using a compass heading and single-axis log water speed inputs. Ground stabilization
         is a mode where own ship and all targets are referenced to the ground using the
         ground track or set and drift inputs. If the accuracy seems unsatisfactory, enter set and
         drift corrections.

         True vector
         Own ship and other ships move on the display at their true speeds and courses. This
         mode is useful for distinguishing moving targets from stationary ones.

         Relative vector
         Other ships move relative to your ship. This mode is useful for finding ships on a col-
         lision course with your ship. A ship whose vector passes through your ship's position
         is on a collision course.

                    A                                          A
                              Buoy                                         Buoy

                                                     Target on
                            Own ship                 collision course
                                                                      Own ship

             True vectors in head-up mode             Relative vectors in head-up mode

2.10.2    Vector mode and length
         Vectors may be displayed in true or relative mode. Vector time (or the length of vec-
         tors) can be set from 30 sec, 1 to 6 minutes.

         1. Open [MAIN MENU], click [TT.AIS].
         2. Click [VECTOR].                      [VECTOR]

                                             1   BACK
                                             2   VECTOR MODE
                                                 VECTOR REL/VECTOR T-G*   *: For SOG, [VECTOR T-G]
                                             3   VECTOR TIME                 For STW, [VECTOR T-S]

         3. Click [VECTOR MODE].
         4. Click the appropriate mode.
            [VECTOR REL]: Relative mode
            [VECTOR T-G], [VECTOR T-S]: True mode
         5. Click [VECTOR TIME].
         6. Select the time (30 sec to 6 min) with the setting knob.
         7. Click outside the menu window to close the menu.


                                                                           2. TARGET TRACKING (TT)

2.11     Past Position Display
         Equally time-spaced dots shows the past position display marking the past positions
         of any targets being tracked.

         A new dot is added every minute (or at other preset time intervals) until the preset
         number is reached. If a target changes its speed, the spacing will be uneven. If it
         changes the course, its plotted course will not be a straight line.

         Past position orientation, true or relative, is controlled with [TRAIL MODE] in the
         [TRAIL] menu. See section 1.25 for the procedure.

           (a) Ship turning      (b) Ship running       (c) Ship reduced        (d) Ship increased
                                     straight               speed                   speed

2.11.1   How to select the dot number and interval of the past position
         You may select the number of past points to display per plotting interval as follows.

         1. Open [MAIN MENU], click [TT.AIS].
         2. Click [PAST POSN].
                                     [PAST POSN]

                                 1   BACK
                                 2   INTERVAL
                                 3   POINTS

         3. Click [INTERVAL].
         4. Click the plot interval desired (0.5 min to 6 min). Click [OFF] to erase all past po-
            sition points and deactivate the past position display.
         5. Click [POINTS].
         6. Click the number of dots to display, 5 or 10.
         7. Click outside the menu window to close the menu.

2.11.2   Past position display mode
         The display mode for the past position display is the same as that set for the TT vector.
         In the true motion mode, the true vector is displayed. See paragraph 2.10.1.



2.12     CPA/TCPA Alarm
         The CPA/TCPA alarm alerts you when both the CPA and TCPA of a TT is within a de-
         fined limit.

         CPA and TCPA of the target is less than the alarm settings.
         1. Open [MAIN MENU], click [ALARM].
         2. Click [TT.AIS].
         3. Click [CPA LIMIT].

                    [TT•AIS]                               [CPA LIMIT]

                1   BACK                               1   BACK
                2   [CPA LIMIT]                        2   CPA LIMIT
                                              Click        OFF/ON
                                                       3   RANGE
                                                           01. 0NM
                                                       4   TIME

         4. Click [CPA LIMIT].
         5. Click [ON].
         6. Click [RANGE].
         7. Select the desired distance for CPA (Setting range: 0.1 to 24 NM) with the setting
         8. Click [TIME].
         9. Select the desired time for TCPA (Setting range: 30 sec to 15 min) with the setting
         10. Click outside the menu window to close the menu.


3.          AIS OPERATION
            The AIS (Automatic Identification System) transponder connected to this radar ex-
            changes all data and information required by the SOLAS 1994 with other AIS-fitted
            ships. AIS information is graphically indicated together with the radar and TT informa-

            When AIS is active, manual or reference speed selection is not available.

            AIS Function On/Off
            You may disable or enable the AIS function from the AIS icon. Long press the AIS icon
            with the left button to switch function between on and off.

                                 TRAIL  IR          [AIS] icon
                            REL 2.50sec ES           AIS Function “Off”   AIS Function “On”
                            ON 01m05s EAV
                      AIS                              AIS                 AIS  Show the filtered
                            TUNE MAN                   – – –►              FIL► AIS targets.
              LIST    –––
              RM1    1.567 NM MAN GAIN                                     AIS  Show all AIS targets.
              RM2    0.160 NM MAN STC                                      ALL►
      (at the bottom 0right   NM on
                        160 corner MANtheRAIN
                                          screen)                          AIS  Hide all AIS targets.

3.1         AIS Display On/Off
            To show or hide the AIS display, click the [AIS] icon at the bottom right corner on the

             [AIS OFF]:     All AIS symbols are hidden, but tracking continues internally.
             [AIS FIL]:     AIS targets are displayed according to the criteria set with
                            [CPA AUTO ACTIVE] in [AIS TARGET MENU].
                            See section 3.10 for details.
             [AIS ALL]:     All AIS targets received by the AIS transponder are displayed with

                                         Click                   Click
                            AIS                     AIS                      AIS
                            OFF►                    FIL ►                    ALL►

            When the AIS is turned on, AIS targets are marked with appropriate AIS symbol as
            shown in the table below.

            Note: If the CPA/TCPA alarm is generated while the setting is [AIS OFF], the AIS tar-
            get is automatically displayed and the setting in the [AIS] box becomes [AIS ALL].



                                        AIS symbols
      Symbol              Status                                 Remarks
               Sleeping target               Smaller triangle than an active target

               Activated target              Heading line, ship speed/course vectors are dis-
                                             played. Color is selectable on the menu.

               Turning target                A turning symbol is displayed.

               Dangerous target              Collision alarm symbol is displayed in red.
                                             The symbol flashes until acknowledged.

               Lost target                   When a target is lost, a red flashing X mark is at-
                                             tached to the symbol. The symbol disappears after

               Target whose data are being   Target selected to display its data is enclosed with
               displayed.                    a broken square.

               Real AIS track sign           —

               Virtual AIS track sign        —

               AIS base station              —

               Airborne SAR aircraft AIS     —

               AIS-SART                      —

               AIS target without heading    —


                                                                                                              3. AIS OPERATION

                                  AIS symbols with Blue sign, Blue cones
  Blue        Not connected or
                                                                     Not set                                       Set
  sign          not available
                               1 to 3                                       1 to 3                                         1 to 3
   of          No                                           No                                       No
                             (Red mark)                                   (Red mark)                                     (Red mark)
           (Scaled symbol)    (Scaled symbol)
                                                       (Scaled symbol)     (Scaled symbol)
                                                                                                 (Scaled symbol)          (Scaled symbol)


          Note 1: The equipment continues to process AIS targets when the AIS feature is
          switched off. When the AIS is again turned on, symbols are immediately displayed.
          Note 2: AIS symbols are momentarily erased after the screen is redrawn when the ori-
          entation mode is changed from the head-up mode.
          Note 3: When no AIS data is received, the message "AIS RECEIVE ERROR"
          appears. Check the AIS transponder.
          Note 4: An AIS target is declared as lost target if it is not detected in five consecutive
          reporting periods.

3.2       AIS Display Filter
          If there are too many AIS targets on the screen you may wish to remove unnecessary
          ones. You may remove targets by distance from own ship, speed, class and length.
          For example, you might want to remove slow moving targets, as they normally do not
          require close monitoring.

          1. Right-click the [AIS] icon.
                                                    [AIS TARGET MENU]

                                                1   BACK
                                                2   SLEEP ALL TARGETS
                                                3   ACTIVATE ALL TARGETS
                                                4   ACK LOST TARGETS
                                                5   [AIS DISP FILTER]
                                                6   [CPA AUTO ACTIVATE]
                                                7   [AIS LOST FILTER]

          2. Click [AIS DISP FILTER].
                      [AIS DISP FILTER]

                 1    BACK                              6    MIN RANGE                       10 MIN SHIP SPEED
                 2    AIS DISP FILTER                        OFF/ON                             OFF/ON
                      OFF/FILT/ALL                      7    MIN RANGE VALUE                 11 MIN SHIP SPEED VALUE
                 3    CLASS A                                00.4km                             00.0km/h
                      OFF/ON                            8    MAX RANGE                       12 MIN SHIP LENGTH
                 4    CLASS B                                OFF/ON                             OFF/ON
                      OFF/ON                            9    MAX RANGE VALUE                 13 MIN SHIP LENGTH VALUE
                 5    BASE STATION                           03.0km                             000m



            3. Set item 3 to 13 referring to the description below.
               [CLASS A]: Hide or show the CLASS A AIS targets.
               [CLASS B]: Hide or show the CLASS B AIS targets.
               [BASE STATION]: Hide or show AIS base stations.
               [MIN RANGE], [MIN RANGE VALUE]: If [MIN RANGE] is set to [ON], only AIS tar-
               gets further than the range set at [MIN RANGE VALUE] are shown.
               [MAX RANGE], [MAX RANGE VALUE]: If [MAX RANGE] is set to [ON], only AIS
               targets nearer than the range set at [MAX RANGE VALUE] are shown.
               [MIN SHIP SPEED], [MIN SHIP SPEED VALUE]: If [MIN SHIP SPEED] is set to
               [ON], only AIS targets faster than the speed set at [MIN SHIP SPEED VALUE] are
               to [ON], only AIS targets longer than the length set at [MIN SHIP SPEED VALUE]
               are shown.
            4. Click outside the menu window to close the menu.
               Note: An AIS target whose data is currently displayed is not affected by the filter

3.3         How to Activate Targets

3.3.1       How to activate specific targets manually
            When you convert a sleeping target to an activated target, the target’s course and
            speed are shown with a vector. You can easily judge target movement by monitoring
            the vector.

            Sleeping targets within an acquisition zone are automatically changed to activated tar-
            gets and are colored red. See section 3.5 for details.

            1. Right-click the [AIS] icon to activate to show the AIS window.

                                    1    BACK
                                    2    TARGET DATA
                                    3    ACTIVE/SLEEP

            2. Click [ACTIVE/SLEEP].
      SOG (Speed over Ground) and
      COG (Course over Ground)                          Turning direction (ROT)
                                                 Heading line

                                        *: Vector shows STW (speed through water) and CSE (course)
                                           when water tracking mode is selected at the radar.

            3. Click outside the menu window to close the menu.

3.3.2       How to activate all targets
            1. Open [AIS TARGET MENU] (see step 1 of section 3.2), click [ACTIVATE ALL
            2. Click [YES].
            3. Click outside the menu window to close the menu.


                                                                              3. AIS OPERATION

3.4     How to Sleep Targets

3.4.1   How to sleep an individual target
        You may “sleep” an AIS target as below when the screen becomes filled with targets,
        which might prevent important radar and AIS displays from being identified. Note that
        targets that have been activated automatically cannot be “slept”.

        1. Right-click the AIS target to sleep to show the AIS window.
        2. Click [ACTIVE/SLEEP].

                                                                 Active AIS          Sleeping
3.4.2   How to sleep all targets
        1. Open [AIS TARGET MENU] (see step 1 of section 3.2), click [SLEEP ALL TAR-
        2. Click [YES].
        3. Click outside the menu window to close the menu.

3.5     AIS Symbol Attributes
        You may adjust the brilliance and select the size and color of the AIS symbol.

3.5.1   AIS symbol brilliance
        1. Right-click the [BRL] (brill) icon to show the [BRILL MENU] window.
        2. Click [EDIT].
        3. Click [BRILL DETAIL] to show the [BRILL DETAIL] window.
                    [BRILL DETAIL]

                1   BACK
                2   CHARACTER         7   FIXED RING         12 AIS SYMBOL

                3   CURSOR            8   GYRO RING          11 MARK/LINE

                4   ECHO              9   EBL

                5   TRAIL             10 VRM

                6   HEADING LINE      11 TT SYMBOL

        4. Click [AIS SYMBOL].
        5. Set the brilliance as appropriate with the setting knob.
        6. Click outside the menu window to close the menu.

3.5.2   AIS symbol size and color
        You may select the size and color of the AIS symbol as follows.

        1. Open [MAIN MENU], click [TT.AIS].
        2. Click [SYMBOL].



             3. Click [AIS] to show the [AIS] window.                                [AIS]

                                                                                 1   BACK
                                                                                 2   SYMBOL COLOR
                                                                                 3   ROT TAG LIMIT
                                                                                 4   SCALED SYMBOL
             4. Click [SYMBOL COLOR] then the desired color.                         OFF/ON

             5. Click [SCALED SYMBOL].
             6. Click [OFF] or [ON] as appropriate.
                [OFF]: All AIS symbols shown in same size.
                [ON]: All AIS symbols are scaled according to ships’ lengths.
             7. Click outside the menu window to close the menu.

3.6          Past Position Display
             The past position display shows equally time-spaced dots marking past positions of
             activated AIS targets. A new dot is added at preset time intervals until the preset num-
             ber is reached. If a target changes its speed, the spacing is be uneven. If it changes
             course, its plotted course is not shown by a straight line.

        (a) Ship turning   (b) Ship running straight    (c) Ship reduced speed       (d) Ship increased speed

3.6.1        How to select the number and interval of the past position
             You may select the number of past points to display per plotting interval as follows.

             1. Open [MAIN MENU], click [TT.AIS].
             2. Click [PAST POSN].

                                               [PAST POSN]

                                           1   BACK
                                           2   INTERVAL
                                           3   POINTS

             3. Click [INTERVAL].
             4. Click the plot interval desired (0.5 min to 6 min). Click [OFF] to erase all past po-
                sition points and deactivate the past position display.
             5. Click [POINTS].
             6. Click the number of dots to display, 5 or 10.
             7. Click outside the menu window to close the menu.


Document Created: 2019-03-28 03:28:57
Document Modified: 2019-03-28 03:28:57

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