User Manual


Users Manual

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                                                                       Installation Manual
                                                                         RADAR SENSOR
                                                                         MODEL DRS6A-NXT

                                                        (Product Name: SOLID STATE DOPPLER RADAR)

SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS ................................................................................................ i
SYSTEM CONFIGURATION .......................................................................................... iii
INSTALLATION SPECIFICATIONS............................................................................... iv
FEATURES ...................................................................................................................... v
EQUIPMENT LISTS........................................................................................................ vi

1. INSTALLATION AND WIRING................................................................................... 1
1.1    Mounting Considerations ......................................................................................................1
1.2    Included Items.......................................................................................................................4
1.3    Required Tools and Materials ...............................................................................................5
1.4    Fastening the Radiator to the Radiator Bracket....................................................................6
1.5    Mounting the Antenna Unit ...................................................................................................8
1.6    Wiring..................................................................................................................................11

2. INITIAL SETUP......................................................................................................... 15
2.1 Initial Setup for TZT9/TZT14/TZTBB ..................................................................................15
2.2 Initial Setup for TZTL12F/TZTL15F ....................................................................................18

3. MAINTENANCE, TROUBLE SHOOTING ................................................................ 21
3.1    Maintenance .......................................................................................................................22
3.2    Troubleshooting ..................................................................................................................23
3.3    Replacement of Fuse..........................................................................................................23
3.4    Life of Parts.........................................................................................................................24

APPENDIX 1 RADIO REGULATORY INFORMATION ............................................AP-1
SPECIFICATIONS ..................................................................................................... SP-1
OUTLINE DRAWING ................................................................................................... D-1
INTERCONNECTION DIAGRAM ................................................................................ S-1

All brand and product names are trademarks, registered trademarks or service marks of their respective holders.

The installer of the equipment must read the safety instructions before attempting to
install the equipment.

                                       Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which,
        WARNING                        if not avoided, can result in death or serious injury.

                                       Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which,
        CAUTION                        if not avoided, can result in minor or moderate injury.

        Warning, Caution                   Prohibitive Action                Mandatory Action

               WARNING                                               WARNING
       Do not open the equipment                            Keep the objects away from the
       unless you are well familiar with                    antenna unit, so as not to impede
       electrical circuits.                                 rotation of the antenna.
       Only qualified personnel should                      Fire, electrical shock or serious
       work inside the equipment.                           injury can result.
       Do not disassemble or modify the                     Be sure that the power supply is
       equipment.                                           compatible with the voltage rating
       Fire, electrical shock or serious                    of the equipment.
       injury can result.                                   Connection of an incorrect power
                                                            supply can cause fire or damage the
       Wear a safety belt and hard hat                      equipment.
       when working on the antenna
       unit.                                               Use only the specified power and
       Serious injury or death can result if               signal cable.
       someone falls from the radar mast.                  Fire or damage to the equipment
                                                           can result if a different cable is used.
       Construct a suitable service
       platform from which to install the                  Use the proper fuse.
       antenna unit.
                                                           Use of a wrong fuse can damage
       Serious injury or death can result if               the equipment or cause fire.
       someone falls from the radar mast.
       Turn off the power at the                           Do not depend one navigation
                                                           device for the navigation of the
       switchboard before beginning the
                                                           For the safety of vessel and crew,
       Fire or electrical shock can result if              the navigator must check all aids
       the power is left on.                               available to confirm position.


                                                                           SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS

                WARNING                                            CAUTION
        The radar antenna emits                           Ground the equipment to prevent
        electromagnetic radio frequency                   mutual interference.
        (RF) energy which can be
        harmful, particularly to your eyes.
        Never look directly into the                      It is recommended that you
        antenna aperture from a close                     connect the antenna unit to a
        distance while the radar is in                    disconnecting device (circuit
        operation or expose yourself to                   breaker, etc.) to control the
        the transmitting antenna at a                     power.
        close distance.
        Distances at which RF radiation                   Observe the following compass safe
        levels of 100, 50 and 10 W/m2 exist               distances to prevent deviation of a
        are given in the table below.                     magnetic compass:

                                                                Standard       Steering
     Radiator    100 W/m2 50 W/m2    10 W/m2
                                                                compass        compass
      XN10A         N/A       N/A     0.7 m
                                                                 0.70 m         0.40 m
      XN12A         N/A       N/A      0.6 m
      XN13A         N/A       N/A      0.4 m

A warning label is attached to the antenna unit. Do not remove the label.
If the label is missing or damaged, contact your dealer about replacement.

     Name: Warning Label (2)
     Type: 03-129-1001-3
     Code No: 100-236-743
Importer in Europe
The following concern acts as our importer in Europe, as defined in DECISION No 768/2008/EC.
- Address: Ridderhaven 19B, 2984 BT Ridderkerk, The Netherlands
Program No.
• 0359423-01.**
  ** denotes minor modifications.
CE declarations
With regard to CE declarations, please refer to our website (, for further
information on RoHS conformity declarations.



                                               XN10A (3.4 ft)
                                                XN12A (4 ft)
                                                XN13A (6 ft)

                                                                       Antenna Unit

                                                                  Power/LAN cable

                                                                  Cable assembly

                                                                               Ethernet HUB

                           Ship's battery*
                            (24 VDC or
                             12 VDC)

   *: Radiator XN13A cannot be used for 12 VDC.
      Connect the antenna unit to the ship's battery
      via a switchboard.

               : Standard supply
               : Optional or local supply

                                                                  Multi Function Display
                                                             NavNet TZtouch/Navnet TZtouch 2

This radar series is compatible with the FURUNO Multi Function Displays and software version
combinations shown below. The combination with other models may not operate properly.

• TZT9, TZT14 and TZTBB: Version 5.01 or later
  TZTL12F and TZTL15F: Version 5.01 or later


Voltage of Ship’s Main and Usable Radiator

 Supply Voltage          XN10A           XN12A             XN13A
12 VDC            OK               OK                 Not available
24 VDC            OK               OK                 OK

Voltage of Ship’s Main and Usable Cable Length

                                                Cable Length
 Supply Voltage          10 m             15 m              20 m             30 m
12 VDC            OK                Not available     Not available    Not available
24 VDC            OK                OK                OK               OK

Voltage of Ship’s Main and Fuse to be used

                                                Cable Length
 Supply Voltage          10 m            15 m               20 m             30 m
12 VDC            15 A             Not available      Not available    Not available
24 VDC            10 A             10 A               10 A             10 A
Note: DO NOT USE 15 A fuse for 24 VDC. Use of a wrong fuse can damage the equipment or
cause fire.


• TARGET ANALYZER* function displays targets which is moving and getting close to own ship
  in red, other targets in green and rain clutter in blue. Speed analyzing range is ±50 kn.
  * Requires a GPS sensor. When you change the setting of [Target Analyzer Mode] to [Rain],
  rain clutter is displayed.
• AUTO TARGET ACQUIRE function automatically acquires only the targets which are moving
  and getting close to own ship within the range of 3 NM by Doppler calculation. Automatic Dop-
  pler function will be activated when there is a target which approaches own ship with the speed
  of over 3 kn.
  * The judged speed of target is dependent on its vector towards own ship.
• The azimuth resolution can be enhanced to as high as twice with using the RezBoost function.
  Note 1: RezBoost function reflects the settings of [Antenna Length] which are introduced in
  page 2-16 and page 2-19.
  Note 2: Refer to the Operator’s Manual for your Multi Function Display regarding the above new
• Instant ON function. This radar sensor does not have a magnetron, therefore preheating of the
  magnetron is unnecessary.
• Reduced electricity emission means no need to worry about the radiation hazard.
• Magnetron-less radar means no periodic replacement of magnetron or related parts.
• The maximum display range is 72 NM in the single range mode.
• ARPA (Automatic Radar Plotting Aid) function applicable range is 24 NM at the maximum.
• Dual Range Mode has the following limitations.
    - The maximum display range is 12 NM. (72 NM when single display)
    - The maximum detection range is reduced a maximum of 20% compared to the single


Standard supply

     Name               Type       Code No.      Qty                Remarks
Scanner Unit       RSB-137-119         -          1
Radiator           XN10A               -                  3.4 ft
                   XN12A               -             1    4 ft
                   XN13A               -                  6 ft
Installation       CP03-37101     001-426-290        1    For scanner unit
Materials          CP03-22901     008-523-690        1    For radiator
                   CP03-37700     000-033-452             Cable assembly (10 m)
                   CP03-37710     000-033-453             Cable assembly (15 m)
                   CP03-37720     000-033-454             Cable assembly (20 m)
                   CP03-37730     000-033-455             Cable assembly (30 m)
Spare Parts        SP03-19101     000-477-060        1    Fuse (10 A and 15 A)

Optional supply

   Name                  Type         Code No.                     Remarks
LAN Cable         MOD-Z072-020+     001-167-880-10       2m
                  MOD-Z072-050+     001-167-890-10       5m
                  MOD-Z072-100+     001-167-900-10       10 m
Joint Box         TL-CAT-012        000-167-140-10       For LAN cable extension



              Do not apply paint, anti-corrosive sealant or contact
              spray to coating or plastic parts of the equipment.
              Those items contain organic solvents that can damage
              coating and plastic parts, especially plastic connectors.

1.1   Mounting Considerations
      Select a mounting location, keeping in mind the following points:

      • Install the antenna unit on the hardtop, radar arch or on a mast on an appropriate

                   (a) Common mast                  (b) Radar mast
      • Locate the antenna where there is a good all-round view. Where possible, there
        should be no obstructions to the scanning beam such as superstructure or rigging.
        Obstructions cause shadow sectors and decrease the overall performance of the
        radar. The loss of performance can cause false echoes and reduce the quality of
        the observed images. A mast for instance, with a diameter considerably less than
        the horizontal beam width of the radiator, will cause only a small shadow sector.
        However, a horizontal spreader, or cross trees in the same horizontal plane as the
        antenna unit, would be a much more serious obstruction. You would need to place
        the antenna unit well above or below it. Be sure there are no metallic objects near
        the antenna.

                                  Vertical beam angle = 22°

      • It is rarely possible to place the antenna unit where a completely clear view in all
        directions is available. After fitting the antenna, determining any shadow sectors,
        their angle and bearing, and their influence on the radar is recommended.


                                                         1. INSTALLATION AND WIRING

• In order to reduce electrical interference, avoid routing the power cable near other
  electrical equipment on-board. Also, avoid running the cable in parallel with other
  power cables.
• It is not recommended to install the antenna unit on the hardtop of a cabin. Vibra-
  tions from the antenna unit will pass through the hardtop and into the cabin.

                                    Not recommended

• Setup the antenna unit position on the FURUNO Multi Function Display after install-
  ing the unit, referring to the chapter 2. If the antenna unit position is not setup cor-
  rectly, the radar echoes on the display may not be aligned with the actual target’s
• Select a location that does not allow water to accumulate at the installation location.
• A magnetic compass will be affected if the antenna unit is too close to the compass.
  Observe the compass safe distances mentioned in the SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS
  to prevent interference to a magnetic compass.
• To ensure proper emission of radar waves, do not paint the radiator.
• Referring to the outline drawings at the back of this manual, allow space for main-
  tenance and service.
• When this antenna unit is to be installed on a large vessel, consider the following
  • The supplied cable assembly runs between the antenna unit and display (or eth-
    ernet HUB) and comes in lengths of 10 m, 15 m, 20 m or 30 m. Select the appro-
    priate length when purchasing.
  • Deposits and fumes from a funnel or other exhaust vent can adversely affect the
    aerial performance and hot gases may distort the antenna unit. The antenna unit
    must not be mounted where the temperature is more than 55°C (131°F).



         Consideration for selecting a location for installation (multiple radars)
         • In case multiple radars are installed on a ship, DO NOT install the DRS6A-NXT with-
           in the range of beam area emitted from other radar(s). Use the illustration below for
           reference when selecting a suitable location for installation. The Solid State Device
           (SSD) inside the DRS6A-NXT will be damaged if it is within the radar beam emis-
           sion area from other radar.

                                Locate the radar out of the radar
                                beam (dark gray) of other radar.

                                           Other radar
                     More than 20°                           More than 20°
                     More than 20°                           More than 20°

                                                   More than 1 m

                                                             Suitable location for installing
                                                             the DRS6A-NXT

         Installation with the radiotelephone equipment
         • Install the open antenna away from radiocommunication antennas (SSB, VHF, In-
           marasat) and GPS antenna to prevent radar interference.
         • Install the open antenna away from the radiotelephone equipment so that electrical
           noise does not affect the radiotelephone equipment.

         Cable routing
         • In order to reduce the chance of picking up electrical interference, avoid, where pos-
           sible, routing the power/LAN cable and cable assembly near other electrical equip-
           ment on-board. Also, avoid running the cable in parallel with other electrical cables.
         • Make sure that the power/LAN cable and cable assembly do not run horizontally
           and it is placed away from the cables carrying radio signal and antennas.

         For large vessels
         • When this radar sensor is to be installed on a large vessel, consider the following
           • The length of the pre-attached power/LAN cable is 1 m from the open antenna to
             the connector.
           • Deposits and fumes from a funnel or other exhaust vent can adversely affect the
             aerial performance and hot gases may distort the radiator portion. The radar sen-
             sor must not be mounted where the temperature is more than 55°C (131°F).


                                                                           1. INSTALLATION AND WIRING

1.2          Included Items
                                             • Flat washer (M8, 4 pcs)       • Spring washer (M8, 4 pcs)
  • Radiator* (1 pc):
    3.4 ft, 4 ft or 6 ft

                                             • Hex. bolt (M8×30, 4 pcs) • O-ring (1 pc)

                                             • Marine sealant (1 pc)

   Scanner Unit
      • Scanner Unit (1 pc)                  • Flat washer (M12, 4 pcs) • Spring washer (M12, 4 pcs)

                                             • Hex nut (M12, 8 pcs)          • Corrosion-proof rubber pad
                                                                               (4 pcs)

                                             • Stud bolt (M12×70, 4 pcs)     • Spare fuse (2 pcs)

                                                                                   (10 A and 15 A)
                                             • Documents (1 set)

   Cable assembly
   • Cable assembly* (1 pc):      • Fuse for replacement • Label                  • How to Replace
     10 m, 15 m, 20 m or 30 m       (2 pcs for 10 m,     (2 pcs for 10 m,           the Fuse (1 pc)
                                     1 pc for others)    1pc for others)


 *: Select the appropriate length when purchasing.



1.3      Required Tools and Materials
         The following tools should be prepared in advance for this installation.







          No.              Name                                     Remarks
           1    Electrical drill             For making the mounting holes, drill bit:  15 mm
           2    Phillips-head screw driver   #3, for securing the cable cover
           3    Wrench                       For M8 (Hex. size 13 mm) and M12 (Hex. size 19 mm)
           4    Hex. L-wrench                For fastening the stud bolts (Hex. size 6 mm)
           5    Self-vulcanizing tape        For waterproofing the junction of connectors
           6    Vinyl tape*
           7    Cable tie                    For securing the cables
           8    Ground wire                  IV-2sq
         *: For cosmetic purposes, black color vinyl tape (cable color) is recommended.


                                                                 1. INSTALLATION AND WIRING

1.4   Fastening the Radiator to the Radiator Bracket
      1. Remove the radiator cap from the radiator bracket.
                                                            Radiator bracket
              Radiator cap

      2. Apply marine sealant to the surface of the radiator bracket as shown in the figure
                                                   Top view: Scanner unit

            Marine sealant
                                                                         10 mm

                                                            : Marine sealant application area

      3. Set the O-ring to the radiator bracket.



         4. Apply marine sealant to the thread holes on the bottom of the radiator (4 loca-

                                                                       Marine sealant

                                    Bottom view: Radiator
         5. Prepare four bolt assemblies; pass the spring washer (M8) and flat washer (M8)
            through the each hex bolt (M830) then apply marine sealant.

               Flat washer                                                        Marine sealant
            Spring washer

                   Hex. bolt

         6. Fasten the radiator to the radiator bracket, using four bolt assemblies prepared at
            step 5.
            Note: Be sure to align the waveguide location between the radiator and radiator
            bracket before fastening bolt assemblies.

                                                 Detailed view (after securing the radiator)

                                                                    Align the waveguide

       Hex. bolt
       (4 pcs)


                                                                                                                                                                                                                    1. INSTALLATION AND WIRING

          7. Apply marine sealant to the holes and bolts at the locations indicated with arrows
             in the figure below. Also apply marine sealant to the junction between the radiator
             and the radiator bracket.
      Bolt assembly - side view (detailed)


                                                                                                             Apply marine                                                                                                       Apply marine sealant
        Spring                  Flat washer                                                                                                                                                                                     to the junction
        washer                                                                                               sealant to these
                                                                                                             bolts and holes                                                                                                    between the radiator
           Hex. bolt        Marine sealant
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                and radiator bracket.

                                                                                   Radiator - bottom view

1.5       Mounting the Antenna Unit
          The antenna unit can be mounted using the fixing holes on the outside (200  200 mm)
          or inside (140  150 mm) the antenna unit. Normally, use the outside fixing holes.
          When 140  150 mm fixing holes already exist on the mounting platform, use the in-
          side fixing holes.

          1. Set the supplied mounting template to the mounting location, then drill four fixing
             holes in the mounting location.
             Note: The holes must be parallel with the fore and aft line.

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          2. Attach four corrosion-proof rubber pads (supplied) to the mounting holes.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Corrosion-proof rubber pad



          3. Apply marine sealant to the thread of the stud bolts (M1270, 4 pcs).
             Note: Apply marine sealant to the part of thte bolt threads that are inside the bolt
             hole (see the figure at step 4).
          4. Insert four stud bolts into the threaded holes in the antenna unit.
             The stud bolts must make contact with the bottom of the threaded holes.
             Note: Do NOT cover the vent hole at the bottom of the unit.

           Detailed view

                                                                                  Vent hole:
              Marine                                                              Do NOT cover this hole.

                                                                                         Marine sealant
          Corrosion-proof           Stud bolt
          rubber pad

                                                                          Stud bolt

                                   Do not fasten stud bolts tightly after
                                   the bolts contact with the bottom of
                                   the threaded holes.

                                   If the bolts are fastened excessively, the
                                   chassis bottom may be damaged which
                                   can result in malfunction.
                                   The projected bolt length after the bolts
                                   contact with the bottom of the threaded
                                   holes is approx. 46 mm. This data is for
                                   reference purpose only.

          5. Hoist the antenna unit to the installation location, using two belt slings.
             Note: When you hoist the antenna unit. keep in mind the following points:
               • When you hoist the antenna unit, set two belt slings to the radiator bracket. Do
                 not set the belt slings to the radiator, the radiator may get damaged.

                                  Belt sling (2 pcs)

        OK: Belt slings are set to the radiator bracket.   WRONG: Belt slings are set to the radiator.


                                                           1. INSTALLATION AND WIRING

    • Hoist the antenna unit slowly. If the antenna unit is hoisted too quickly, the
      bracket can be damaged.
6. Place the antenna unit on the mounting platform with the BOW mark on the unit
   aligned with the ship’s bow.

       BOW mark

7. Secure the antenna unit, using the supplied flat washers (M12, 4 pcs), spring
   washers (M12, 4 pcs), and hex. nuts (M12, 8 pcs).

                                                       Flat washer
                                                       Spring washer
                                                       Hex. nut

8. Apply marine sealant to the flat washers, spring washers, and hex. nuts.

              Detailed view

              rubber pad

              Spring washer                  Flat washer
                    Hex. nut                 Marine sealant
                                          Stud bolt



1.6      Wiring
         Wiring considerations
         • Turn the power at the switchboard off before beginning the wiring.
         • The 5 A fuse in the fuse holder (supplied with the cable assembly) must be replaced
           with the supplied 10 A fuse when installing with 15 m, 20 m and 30 m cables. When
           installing with 10 m cables, the fuse to be used will be different according to the volt-
           age of ship’s main. Use the 15 A fuse for 12 VDC ship’s main. Use the 10 A fuse for
           24 VDC ship’s main. Also, attach the supplied fuse rating label to the fuse holder.
           For details, see “How to Replace the Fuse” (C32-01604).
         • The cable assembly and power/LAN cables have connector(s). Do NOT cut the ca-
           ble assembly and power/LAN cables even if the cables are run through a radar
         • When you replace the DRS4A/6A/12A/25A with the DRS6A-NXT, the existing cable
           cannot be used. Use only the cable assembly supplied with this radar sensor.

                    Cable assembly

                                             Power/LAN cable:
                                             Pre-attached to the antenna unit.

         1. Unfasten two screws, circled in the following figure, to remove the cable cover.

                      Cable cover

         2. Connect the cable assembly (supplied) to the power/LAN cable that is pre-at-
            tached to the antenna unit.


                                                         1. INSTALLATION AND WIRING

3. Wrap the junction of the connectors with self-vulcanizing tape and vinyl tape (local
   supply) for waterproofing as follows:
   1) Wrap the junction of the connectors         2) Change wrap direction and wrap
      with one layer of self-vulcanizing             one layer of the self-vulcanizing
      tape.                                          tape again.

                                                        Self-vulcanizing tape

              Self-vulcanizing tape

   3) Wrap one layer of the vinyl tape over       4) Change wrap direction and wrap one
      the self-vulcanizing tape.                     layer of the vinyl tape again.

                                                            Vinyl tape

                  Vinyl tape
4. As shown in the figure below, secure the ground wire from the ship's ground (IV-
   2sq, local supply) and ground wire from the antenna unit, using the terminal screw
   (M4x10) that is pre-attached to the cable cover.
                                  Terminal screw*
                    Cable cover

                                                              Ground wire from
                                                              the ship’s ground

       Ground wire* from
       the antenna unit
                                        *: Pre-attached to the cable cover.
5. Apply marine sealant to the ground terminal after fastening the terminal screw.

                                                                Marine sealant



          6. Secure the ground wire to the ship’s ground.
             The figures shown below are examples for grounding.
                 Ex.1                                        Ex.2
                       Marine sealant
                                                                 Marine sealant
                 Ground wire        Hex. bolt
                                                                                       Hex. nut
                                     Flat washer             Ground wire               Spring washer
                                                                                           Flat washer

                                                                                             Hex. nut
                                          Flat washer
                                         Spring washer
                                         Hex. nut                             Weld here.

          7. Secure the cable assembly to the cable cover with the cable ties (local supply) as
             shown in the figure below.
         If the cable is run through a                      Cable assembly
         radar mast and the bottom of the
         unit, fix the cable to this cable    Fix the cable to this cable            Ground wire from
                                              clamp, using a cable tie.              the ship's ground

                         Power/LAN cable

                                                                             Ground wire from
                                                                             the antenna unit
                                             Cable cover - bottom view
          8. Reattach the cable cover.
          9. Connect the LAN connector of the cable assembly to a LAN port on the FURUNO
             Multi Function Display or Ethernet HUB.
             Note 1: Do not connect the LAN connector to on-board LAN.

                Ethernet HUB

                                                                            Cable assembly
                                                   LAN connector
         FURUNO Multi Function Display


                                                          1. INSTALLATION AND WIRING

    Note 2: When LAN cable extension is needed, use the optional LAN cable (MOD-
    Z072) and joint box (TL-CAT-012). After connection is completed, wrap the con-
    nector with vinyl tape to waterproof the LAN connector.

                                                 Joint box

10. Connect the power wires to the ship’s battery.
    • Red wire: Connect to the positive terminal. The red wire has the fuse holder.
    • Blue wire: Connect to the negative terminal.
    • Black wire: The black wire is a shielding wire for grounding.

                                                 Fuse holder

                         switchboard                           Cable assembly
                                        Shield   Black

                                                                         To antenna unit
      Ship's battery

                                           LAN cable
    Note 1: The antenna unit has no power switch. Connect the antenna unit to a dis-
    tribution switchboard with a switch for power control.
    Note 2: The antenna unit cannot accept input voltage of more than 24 VDC.


Document Created: 2017-03-17 16:20:20
Document Modified: 2017-03-17 16:20:20

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