Test Report


Test Report

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                                           Test Report

                                  (FCC Rules 47 CFR,
   2.1046, 2.1047, 2.1049, 2.1051, 2.1053, 2.1055, and 80.209, 80.211, 80.213, 80.215)


                                       Trade name: Furuno
                     Model: Transceiver for Marine Radar
                                              Type: RTR-113

                                           Report no.: LIC 12-16-098

                                        Date of issue: 31 August 2016

                                   Labotech International Co., Ltd.
                        1-16, Fukazu-cho, Nishinomiya-shi, Hyogo, 663-8203 Japan
                                Tel: +81-798-63-1094            Fax: +81-798-63-1098
                                        URL: http://www.labotech-intl.co.jp/

This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of Labotech International Co., Ltd.

                                                                                      Labotech International
                                                                                      Report no.: LIC 12-16-098

Report Summary
 LIC project number:           LIC 04-16-0334
 Test report number of         LIC 12-16-098                  Date of initial issue           31 August 2016
 initial issue:
 Test report number of         ---                            Date of revised/replaced        ---
 revised/replaced issue:                                      issue
 Test report revision/         ---
 replacement history:
 Test standard(s)/ Test        FCC Rules 47 CFR, Sections:
 specifications:               2.1046 - RF Power Output
                               2.1047 - Modulation Characteristics,
                               2.1049 - Occupied Bandwidth,
                               2.1051 - Spurious Emissions at Antenna Terminals,
                               2.1053 - Field Strength of Spurious Radiation,
                               2.1055 - Frequency Stability,
                               (Date of issue: 9 November 2015)

                               80.209 - Transmitter frequency tolerances
                               80.211 - Emission limitations.
                               80.213 - Modulation requirements.
                               80.215 - Transmitter power
                               (Date of issue: 5 November 2015)
 Customer:                     Furuno Electric Co., Ltd.
                               9-52 Ashihara-Cho, Nishinomiya-City, 662-8580 Japan
 Manufacturer:                 Furuno Electric Co., Ltd.
                               9-52 Ashihara-Cho, Nishinomiya-City, 662-8580 Japan
 Trade name:                   FURUNO
 Model:                        Transceiver for Marine Radar
 Type:                         RTR-113
 Product function and          For marine safety navigation
 intended use:
 Number of samples             One
 Serial number:                1000-6900-0010
 Power rating:                 24 VDC
 Product status:               Pre-production model
 Modifications made to         None.
 samples during testing:
 Date of receipt of samples:   24 June 2016
 Test period:                  From 4 July 2016 to 26 July 2016
 Place of test:                Labotech International Co., Ltd.
                               - Nishinomiya-Hama Lab.
                                 2-20, Nishinomiya-Hama, Nishinomiya-shi, Hyogo, 662-0934 Japan
                                 Anechoic Chamber used for the test has been registered by FCC.
                                 (File number: 90607)
                                 Test firm Designation Number: JP2007,
                                 Test firm Registration #: 838049
 Test results/ Compliance:       Passed.
                                 The test results of this report relate only to the samples tested.
 Tested by:                    Akira Inoue, Atsushi Takagi, Yasuharu Nakamura, and Koji Kawai
 Written by:                   Akiko Inoue
 Verified by:                  Yoshihiro Ishii

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                                                                Labotech International
                                                                Report no.: LIC 12-16-098

 Approved by:    Date: 31 August 2016
                 Name: Yoshihiro Ishii
                 Title: Senior Manager, Technical Department,
                 Labotech International Co., Ltd.

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                                                                                    Labotech International
                                                                                    Report no.: LIC 12-16-098

Testing Laboratory Status
       Labotech International Co., Ltd. (hereafter called “LIC”) has been holding the following status after
       having been assessed according to the provisions of ISO/IEC 17025 and/or the relevant rules:

       (1) JAB Accredited Testing Laboratory:
         - accredited by Japan Accreditation Board (JAB),
         - Laboratory accreditation number: RTL03220
         - Date of initial accreditation: 14 January 2011    (*)
         - Scope of accreditation: Electrical testing - EMC, Climatic, and Vibration tests
       (2) Telefication Listed Testing Laboratory:
          - listed by Telefication B. V., (The Netherlands)
          - Laboratory assignment number: L116
          - Date of initial listing: 26 July 1999 (*)
          - for testing the following product categories/ test standards: EN 60945, IEC 61162-1/-2, IEC/EN 61162-450 and
           IEC 62288
       (3) TÜV Appointed EMC Test Laboratory:
          - appointed by TÜV Rheinland Japan Ltd.,
          - Laboratory assignment number: UA 50046428
          - Date of initial appointment: 21 December 1998 (*)
          - for carrying out the tests of:
              - EN 55011, CISPR 11, EN 55022, CISPR 22, EN 55024, CISPR 24, EN 55025, CISPR 25,
                EN/IEC 61000-3-2/-3, EN/IEC 61000-4-2/-3/-4/-5/-6/-8/-11, EN/IEC 61000-6-1/-2/-3/-4, EN/IEC 60945,
                EN/IEC 61326-1, EN/IEC 61326-2-6, EN/IEC 60601-1-2, JIS T 0601-1-2, JIS C 1806-1, ISO 11452-1/-2/-4.
       (4) RMRS Recognized Testing Laboratory:
         - recognized by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping (RMRS), (Russia)
         - Laboratory recognition number: 11.02594.011
         - Date of initial recognition: 27 January 2009     (*)
         - for carrying out testing in the field of:
            Electrical measurements and tests, EMC tests, Mechanical measurements and tests, Equipment protection
           degree tests, and Climatic tests for Ship’s radio and navigational equipment and IEC 60945: 2002
       (5) RRR Recognized Test Laboratory:
         - recognized by Russian River Register (RRR), (Russia)
         - Recognition certificate number: 154262        (*)
         - Date of initial recognition: 31 May 2013
         - for carrying out of tests of ships radio and navigation equipment
       (6) DNV Recognized Environmental Test Laboratory:
         - recognized by Det Norske Veritas AS (DNV), (Norway)
         - Recognition certificate number: 262.1-015854-J-12
         - Date of initial recognition: 12 July 2013   (*)
         - Scope of recognition: Testing according to the standards IEC 60945, IEC 61162-1/-2/-450, IEC 62288, IEC
            62388 and IEC 62252 Annex E
         - Application: Provisions of Environmental, interface and safety testing.
       (7) CCS Recognized Test Agency :
         - recognized by China Classification Society
         - Recognition certificate number : DB13A00001
         - Date of initial recognition : 29 January 2014    (*)
         - Scope of recognition : Performance/Environmental/EMC/Special purpose/Safety precautions tests for
           Electrical & Electronic Product including Maritime Navigation and Radio-communication Equipment &

      Note: (*) – The current certificates may be found in the LIC web site (http://www.labotech-intl.co.jp/).

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                                                                                                   Labotech International
                                                                                                   Report no.: LIC 12-16-098

                                                 TABLE OF CONTENTS

Testing Laboratory Status ............................................................................................................. 4
1 Principal Information ................................................................................................................... 6
1.1 Equipment under test (EUT) ....................................................................................................... 6
1.2 Observation and comments ........................................................................................................ 8
2 Test Results Summary ................................................................................................................ 9
3 Test Results................................................................................................................................ 10
3.1    RF Power Output (FCC Rule 47 CFR, 2.1046 (a), 80.215) .................................................... 10
3.2    Modulation Characteristics (FCC Rule 47 CFR, 2.1047) ....................................................... 10
3.3    Frequency Stability –temperature & voltage (FCC Rule 47 CFR, 2.1055(a)(2)/(d)(1)/(d)(3),
        80.209(b)).............................................................................................................................. 11
3.4    Occupied Bandwidth (FCC Rule 47 CFR, 2.1049(c)(1), 80.209(b), 80.211(f)) ...................... 12
3.5    Spurious Emissions at Antenna Port (FCC Rule 47 CFR, 2.1051, 80.211(f)) ........................ 13
3.6    Field Strength of Spurious Radiation (FCC Rule 47 CFR, 2.1053, 80.211(f)) ........................ 14
4 Test Setup for Measurements ................................................................................................... 15
5 Measuring Equipment List: ....................................................................................................... 16
6 Photograph of Test Setup/Arrangement .................................................................................. 18
7 RF Envelope and Spectrum of the output pulse ..................................................................... 19
8 Spurious Emission Plots measured at Antenna Terminal ..................................................... 22

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                                                                                 Labotech International
                                                                                 Report no.: LIC 12-16-098

1 Principal Information
1.1 Equipment under test (EUT)
1.1.1   General
(a)     Trade name:                    Furuno
(b)     Manufacturer:                  Furuno Electric Co., Ltd.
                                       9-52 Ashihara-Cho, Nishinomiya-City, 662-8580 Japan

(c)     Model:            Radar Sensor DRS12A X-Class
                                                       Type            Serial Number                   Note
                           Radar Sensor          DRS12A X-Class       1000-6900-0010
                           Scanner module        RSB-134              ---                Antenna rotation rate:
                                                                                         24/36/48 rpm
                           Transceiver module    RTR-113              ---                Contained in the Antenna
                           Antenna radiator      XN12A/XN13A          ---                One (1) selectable.

(d)       Certification number: FCC ID: ADB9ZWRTR113
(e)       Primary Function: Search, Navigation and Anti-collision
(f)       Frequency Range: Fixed frequency, X-band (9410 MHz)
          Type of Emission: P0N
          (Emission designator)
(g)       Occupied bandwidth:
                              Pulse type                        S1          S2     M1    M2      M3           L
                             Occupied bandwidth (MHz)         52.3      36.7      26.6   19.3   11.9      7.3
                            Note: representative measured data.

 (h)      Size and mass:               Antenna Unit: 1252 mm x445 mm (H), 21 kg (*1)
                                       Antenna Unit: 1791 mm x 445 mm (H), 23 kg (*2)
                                       (*1): with Antenna XN12A installed.
                                       (*2): with Antenna XN13A installed.

 (i)      Power Supply:                24 VDC, 108 W

1.1.2     Transceiver
          Type:                        RTR-113 (Contained in the Antenna Unit) Transmitter
(a)       Assignable Frequency for Shipborne Radar:
                                     Between 9300 and 9500 MHz (FCC Rule, 80.375 (d)-(1))

(b)      Type of RF Generator:
           Magnetron Type:             FNE1201
            Peak Output Power:         12 kW nominal

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                                                                                    Labotech International
                                                                                    Report no.: LIC 12-16-098

(c)       Magnetron Ratings:
           Center frequency of Magnetron: 9410 MHz nominal
           Manufacturing:  30 MHz
           Pulling:         25 MHz
           Tolerance for 20C temperature variation: -5 MHz

(d)     Pulse Characteristics:
         Pulse type                  S1             S2        M1             M2           M3            L
         Pulselength (s)           0.08           0.15       0.3            0.5          0.8          1.2
         PRR(Hz)                    3000           3000       1500           1000         600          600 Modulator
(a)       FET Type:                       FMC20N50E-TE24RSC
          Trigger Voltage:                Approx. +5 VDC positive Receiver
(a)       Passband
            RF Stage:                     60 MHz
            IF Stage:
              Pulse type              S1             S2        M1             M2           M3           L
              Passband (MHz)          18              8         8             1.7          1.7         1.7
(b)       Intermediate Frequency:        60 MHz
(c)       Gain (overall):                approximately 100 dB
(d)       Overall Noise Figure:          4.5 dB (typical)
(e)       Video Output Voltage:          1 V differential
(f)       Features Provided:             Sensitivity Time Controls (Anti-clutter Sea),
                                         Fast Time Constant (Anti-clutter Rain)
 (g)      If receiver is tunable, describe method for adjusting frequency:
                                         by adjustment of tuning voltage of receiver local oscillator (Automatic and
(h)       Frequency adjustable range: 9410 MHz (center)  30 MHz

1.1.3     Antenna and Scanner
(a)       Antenna Rotation ON-OFF Switch: Not Provided.
(b)       Construction:            Slotted array antenna
(c)       Length:
                                           Antenna type              XN12A               XN13A
                                           Length (cm)               125.2                179.5

(d)       Type of Beam:                   Vertical fan
(e)       Beam Width (3 dB):
                                           Antenna type               XN12A                 XN13A
                                           Horizontal ()              1.9                       1.4
                                           Vertical ()                 22                       22

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                                                                             Labotech International
                                                                             Report no.: LIC 12-16-098

(f)       Polarization:                 Horizontal
(g)       Antenna Gain:
                                         Antenna type               XN12A               XN13A
                                         Gain (dBi)                  28.5                30.0

(h)       Attenuation of Major Side and Back Lobes with respect to main beam:
                                         Antenna type               XN12A               XN13A
                                         Within 10 (dB)             27                  29
                                         Outside 10 (dB)            34                  37

(i)       Scanning (rotating or oscillating): Rotating over 360 continuously clockwise
(j)       Antenna Rotation Rate:         24/36/48 rpm
(k)       Sector Scan:                   Not provided.
(l)       Rated Loss of Transmission line per hundred feet:
                                         Negligible. (Transmission path is only in the antenna unit.)

1.1.4     Operational Features
(a)       Is positive means provided to indicate whether or not the overall operation of the
          equipment is such that it may be relied upon to provide effective operation in
          accordance with its primary function:
                                       Yes (Receiver tuning indicator)
(b)       Is the equipment for continuous operation: Yes
(c)       Is provision made for operation with shore based radar beacons (RACONS):
                                       Yes (RACONS)

1.1.5     Construction Features
(a)       Does equipment embody replacement units with chassis type assembly: Yes
(b)       Are fuse alarms provided:                 No
(c)       State units that are weatherproof:        Antenna Unit (IEC 60529 – IP56)
(d)       If all units are not housed in a single container, indicate number and give description
          of individual units:                      See Clause 1.1.1 (c) of this report.
(e)       Approximate space required for installation excluding antenna unit:          Not applicable.

1.2 Observation and comments

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                                                                              Labotech International
                                                                              Report no.: LIC 12-16-098

2 Test Results Summary
   Clause no. of 47 CFR Section                          Item              Result        Test Engineer
     this report
    3.1            2.1046 (a), 80.215     RF Power Output                 Passed.   A. Inoue and A. Takagi
    3.2            2.1047                 Modulation Characteristics      Passed.   A. Inoue and A. Takagi
    3.3            2.1055                 Frequency Stability             Passed.   K. Kawai
                   80.209 (b)
    3.4            2.1049 (c)(1),         Occupied Bandwidth              Passed.   A. Inoue and A. Takagi
                   80.209 (b),
                   80.211 (f)
    3.5            2.1051,                 - Spurious Emissions at        Passed.   K. Kawai
                   80.211 (f)                Antenna Terminals
    3.6            2.1053,                 - Field Strength of Spurious   Passed.   A. Inoue, A. Takagi, and
                   80.211 (f)                Radiation                              Y. Nakamura

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                                                                                    Labotech International
                                                                                    Report no.: LIC 12-16-098

3 Test Results
3.1 RF Power Output (FCC Rule 47 CFR, 2.1046 (a), 80.215)
(1) Test conditions:
    For all TX (S1/S2/M1/M2/M3/L) Pulses, the transmitter output power was measured at the antenna port
    with Antenna replaced with the Non-reflective load.

(2) Test setup:
    See Clause 4.

(3) Test Results:
     Pulse type                S1            S2             M1             M2         M3            L
     Magnetron Output,         2.1          3.9             3.7            4.2        4.0           6.5
     mean Pm (W)
     Magnetron Output,         6.9          7.2             7.7            7.9        8.2           8.5
     peak Pp (kW) (*1)
     Pulse length T (µs)      0.100      0.179             0.320          0.533      0.822      1.266
     (-3 dB points)
     PRF (Hz)                 3000          3000           1500           1000        600        600
     (*1) Pp (kW) = (Pm (W) / (T (µs)  PRF (Hz)))  1000

    Environmental conditions observed: On 4 July 2016, 26C to 26C, 48%RH to 48%RH.
    Power supply voltage measured: 24.0 VDC to 24.0 VDC.

3.2 Modulation Characteristics (FCC Rule 47 CFR, 2.1047)
(1) Test Conditions:
    The RF envelope of the magnetron output pulse was measured using an envelope detector and an
    oscilloscope. Each pulse spectrum was measured using a spectrum analyzer.

(2) Test setup:
    See Clause 4.

(3) Test Results:
       Pulse type                      S1           S2             M1        M2       M3        L
      Pulselength T (µs)              0.100        0.179          0.320     0.533    0.822    1.266
      (-3 dB points)
      Rise time tr (µs)               0.021        0.022          0.026     0.029    0.035    0.086
      (10 - 90 % amplitude)
      Decay time tf (µs)              0.082        0.087          0.091     0.093    0.092    0.094
      (90 - 10 % amplitude)
      PRR (Hz)                        3000         3000           1500      1000      600      600

    Measured Plots: See Clause 7.

    Environmental conditions observed: On 4 July 2016, 26C to 26C, 48%RH to 48%RH.
    Power supply voltage measured: 24.0 VDC to 24.0 VDC.

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                                                                                                   Labotech International
                                                                                                   Report no.: LIC 12-16-098

3.3    Frequency Stability –temperature & voltage (FCC Rule 47 CFR, 2.1055(a)(2)/(d)(1)/(d)(3),
(1) Test Conditions:
      (1) Radar Transmitter settings: All TX (S1/S2/M1/M2/M3/L) Pulses
      (2) Ambient Temperature settings: - 20C to + 50C (10C interval)
      (3) Power Supply Voltage settings: 85 /100/115 % of nominal voltage
          DC Processor unit (24 VDC): (20.4/24.0/27.6 VDC)

(2) Test setup:
      See Clause 4.

(3) Frequency Tolerance Limits (FCC Rule 47 CFR, 80.209(b)):
       Pulse type                              S1           S2             M1             M2             M3          L
       Guard Band f(1.5/T) (MHz) (*1)          15.0         8.4            4.7            2.8            1.8        1.2
       f(U) (MHz) (*2)                       9485.0        9491.6        9495.3        9497.2         9498.2       9498.8
      f(L) (MHz) (*2)                      9315.0    9308.4    9304.7     9302.8      9301.8     9301.2
      (*1): Guard Band is specified to be equal to 1.5/T MHz, where "T" is the pulselength in microseconds
            (FCC Rule 47 CFR, 80.209(b))
      (*2): Upper limit frequency, f(U) = 9500 -1.5/T
            Lower limit frequency, f(L) = 9300 +1.5/T

(4) Test Results:

(4.1) At the rated supply voltage of 24.0 VDC:
       Pulse type                         S1           S2           M1            M2             M3            L          Result
       Frequency at         -20C     9417.7          9418.0      9418.0         9417.7         9417.7     9416.7     Complied
       maximum              -10C     9416.0          9416.7      9416.7         9416.3         9416.0     9415.0     Complied
       emission              0C      9414.7          9414.3      9414.3         9414.0         9414.0     9413.3     Complied
       (MHz)                +10C     9413.0          9413.0      9412.7         9412.7         9412.7     9411.7     Complied
                            +20C     9410.7          9411.3      9411.3         9411.3         9411.3     9410.7     Complied
                            +30C     9409.7          9409.3      9409.3         9409.0         9409.0     9407.7     Complied
                            +40C     9408.0          9408.0      9408.0         9408.0         9408.0     9406.7     Complied
                            +50C     9405.3          9406.0      9406.0         9406.0         9405.3     9404.7     Complied

(4.2) At the temperature of +20C:
               Pulse type            S1               S2          M1             M2              M3            L          Result
       24 VDC         20.4 VDC      9410.7       9410.7        9410.7        9410.7         9410.7         9410.0     Complied
                      24.0 VDC      9410.7       9411.3        9411.3        9411.3         9411.3         9410.7     Complied
                      27.6 VDC      9411.3       9411.3        9411.3        9411.3         9411.3         9410.7     Complied
      Environmental conditions observed: On 14 July 2016, 23C to 23C, 67%RH to 67%RH.
                                         On 15 July 2016, 24C to 23C, 68%RH to 67%RH.
      Power supply voltage measured: 24.0 VDC to 24.0 VDC.

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                                                                             Labotech International
                                                                             Report no.: LIC 12-16-098

3.4 Occupied Bandwidth (FCC Rule 47 CFR, 2.1049(c)(1), 80.209(b), 80.211(f))
(1) Test conditions:
    For all TX (S1/S2/M1/M2/M3/L) Pulses, the transmitter occupied bandwidth was measured at the
    antenna port with Antenna replaced with the Non-reflective load.

(2) Test setup:
    See Clause 4.

(3) Emission Limits (FCC Rule 47 CFR, 80.211 (f)):
        Frequency removed from the assigned frequency (*1)                        Emission attenuation
                                                                                   (mean power, dB)
                             50 - 100 %                                               At least 25
                  (of the authorized bandwidth) (*2)
                            100 - 250 %                                               At least 35
                  (of the authorized bandwidth) (*2)
                          more than 250 %                            At least 43 + 10 log10 (mean power in watts)
                   (of the authorized bandwidth) (*2)                 = -13 dBm
    (*1): Assigned frequency (center frequency) = 9410 MHz (for X-band radars)
    (*2): Authorized bandwidth = 110 MHz (for X-band radars)

(4) Test Results:

    Spectrum plots: See Clause 8.

    Environmental conditions observed: On 4 July 2016, 26C to 26C, 48%RH to 48%RH.
    Power supply voltage measured: 24.0 VDC to 24.0 VDC.

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                                                                                 Labotech International
                                                                                 Report no.: LIC 12-16-098

3.5 Spurious Emissions at Antenna Port (FCC Rule 47 CFR, 2.1051, 80.211(f))
(1) Test Conditions:
    For S1 Pulses, the transmitter output power was measured at the antenna port with Antenna replaced
    with the Non-reflective load. (*1)

    (*1): Tested only with S1 pulse that is the widest in B-40 calculation. The requirement is as follows.
          Emission measurements only need to be carried out for the pulse length setting producing the widest calculated
          B–40 bandwidth. (IEC 62388 Ed.2/ Annex B.4.2 part)

(2) Test setup:
    See Clause 4.

(3) Emission Limits (FCC Rule 47 CFR, 80.211 (f)):
        Frequency removed from the assigned frequency (*1)                          Emission attenuation
                                                                                     (mean power, dB)
                        more than 250 % (*3)                       At least 43 + 10 log10 (mean power in watts) = -13 dBm
                   (of the authorized bandwidth) (*2)
    (*1): Assigned frequency (center frequency) = 9410 MHz (for X-band radars)
    (*2): Authorized bandwidth = 110 MHz (for X-band radars)
    (*3): The measurement range for X-Band RADAR: from 4.59 GHz to 40 GHz

(4) Spurious Frequencies:
           f0 (GHz)               1/2f0                 2f0               3f0                 4f0
      9.410               4.705                18.820             28.23               37.64

(5) Test Results:

    Spurious emission levels measured were found to be attenuated more than 20 dB below the limits.

    Environmental conditions observed: On 25 July 2016, 23C to 23C, 57%RH to 59%RH.
                                      On 26 July 2016, 23C to 23C, 67%RH to 63%RH.
    Power supply voltage measured: 24.0 VDC to 24.0 VDC.

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                                                                                    Labotech International
                                                                                    Report no.: LIC 12-16-098

3.6     Field Strength of Spurious Radiation (FCC Rule 47 CFR, 2.1053, 80.211(f))

(1) Test Conditions:
      For S1 Pulses, the transmitter output power was measured at the antenna port with Antenna replaced
      with the Non-reflective load. (*1)

      (*1): Tested only with S1 pulse that is the widest in B-40 calculation. The requirement is as follows:
            Emission measurements only need to be carried out for the pulse length setting producing the widest calculated
            B–40 bandwidth. (IEC 62388 Ed.2/ Annex B.4.2 part)

      (a): The measurement range for X-Band RADAR: from 4.59 GHz to 40 GHz
      (b): The antenna port was terminated with dummy load.

(2) Test Site: LIC Nishinomiya-Hama Laboratory, Semi-Anechoic Chamber
                  (FCC file number: 90607)

(3) Distance between the radar set and measuring antenna:                               3m

(4) Test setup:
      See Clause 4.
      The GRP (Ground reference plane, metal floor) between the EUT and the measuring (receiving) antenna
      was lined with the Radio Absorbers (2.4 m  3.6 m  0.3 m) to reduce the influences of the reflections of
      the RF waves from the floor.

      Measuring (Receiving) Antenna height and polarization:
      (a) Antenna height: EUT center (1.85 m)
      (b) Antenna polarization: vertical and horizontal.

      EUT height: 1.5 m

(5) Field Strength Limits (FCC Rule 47 CFR, 80.211 (f)):
       Frequency removed from the assigned frequency (*1)                          Emission attenuation
                                                                                    (mean power, dB)
                          more than 250 %                        At least 43 + 10 log10 (mean power in watts)
                   (of the authorized bandwidth) (*2)            = -13 dBm
      (*1): Assigned frequency (center frequency) = 9410 MHz (for X-band radars)
      (*2): Authorized bandwidth = 110 MHz (for X-band radars)

(6) Spurious Frequencies:
             f0 (GHz)               1/2f0                2f0                3f0                 4f0
        9.410               4.705               18.820              28.23               37.64

(7) Test Results:

      Spurious emission levels measured were found to be attenuated more than 20 dB below the limits.

      Environmental conditions observed: On 8 July 2016, 22C to 24C, 58%RH to 61%RH.
      Power supply voltage measured: 24.0 VDC to 24.0 VDC

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                                                                              Labotech International
                                                                              Report no.: LIC 12-16-098

4 Test Setup for Measurements
(1) Test Setup for Clauses 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, and 3.5.

                                                    (Environmental Chamber)

  Non-reflective        Directional                           EUT                No.1
                                                      Transceiver module                    Display Unit
      load               Coupler
                                                     (w/o Antenna radiator)


                Spectrum Analyzer                                                 24 VDC            24 VDC
                   Power meter
          Envelope Detector + Oscilloscope                           (GND)

(2) Test Setup for Clause 3.6.

                      Transceiver module
                    (w/ Non-reflective load)               No.1                     Display Unit


              Anechoic Chamber             24 VDC                                          24 VDC


      Cable designations:
        No.                    Type                    Length (m)
         1       FRU-2P5S-FF-15M                      15

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                                                                                     Labotech International
                                                                                     Report no.: LIC 12-16-098

5 Measuring Equipment List:
(1) For 3.1 RF Power Output:
       C/N                  Instrument               Type            S/N    Manufacturer        Date of last      Calibration
                                                                                                calibration          interval
RT198             Directional Coupler (X-band)   5D364S       R05762        Shimada        25 February 2016     1 year
----              Dummy Load (X-band)            4D376        R4535004      Shimada        25 February 2016     1 year
0505026           Power meter                    E4418B       GB43317662    Agilent        13 June 2016         1 year
120110402         Power Sensor                   N8481A       MY48100658    Agilent        13 June 2016         1 year
HT156             DC Power Supply                GP035-30     1014396080    Takasago       ----                 ----

(2) For 3.2 Modulation Characteristics:
       C/N              Instrument               Type           S/N         Manufacturer        Date of last     Calibration
                                                                                                 calibration       interval
RT198           Directional Coupler         5D364S          R05762         Shimada          25 February        1 year
                (X-band)                                                                    2016
----            Dummy Load (X-band)         4D376           R4535004       Shimada          25 February        1 year
8305070         Step Attenuator             8494B           US00430229     Agilent          13 June 2016       1 year
8305070         Step Attenuator             8495B           3308A22026     Agilent          13 June 2016       1 year
740040701       Crystal Detector            423B            MY42241658     Agilent          8 October 2015     1 year
HT676           Spectrum Analyzer           8564EC          4103A00440     Agilent          4 April 2016       1 year
8408087         Frequency Counter           TR5824A         41940036       ADVANTEST        23 May 2016        1 year
HT594           Oscilloscope                DSO6102A        MY44001501     Agilent          23 October 2015    1 year
HT156           DC Power Supply             GP035-30        1014396080     Takasago         ----               ----

(3) For 3.3 Frequency Stability –temperature & voltage:
   C/N                Instrument                  Type               S/N     Manufacturer    Date of last  Calibration
                                                                                             calibration     interval
HT510        Climatic chamber (Hama-L)      TBE-3HW4PE2F 3013002540          Tabai Espec 1 September 2015 1 year
HT725        Paperless recorder/Dual        FX106-4-1    S5JA01447           Yokogawa    1 September 2015 1 year
             communication logger
             DAQSTATION FX100
RT198        Directional Coupler (X-band)   5D364S            R05762         Shimada        25 February 2016     1 year
----         Dummy Load (X-band)            4D376             R4535004       Shimada        25 February 2016     1 year
----         Waveguide (for X-band)         WRJ-10            ----           Furuno         ----                 ----
                                            (l = 60 cm)
HT654        Step Attenuator                8494B             MY42148134     Agilent        19 February 2016     1 year
HT655        Step Attenuator                8495B             MY42144403     Agilent        22 February 2016     1 year
HT676        Spectrum Analyzer              8564EC            4103A00440     Agilent        4 April 2016         1 year
HT430        DC Power Supply                PAD55-20L         10091786       KIKUSUI        ----                 ----

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                                                                                  Labotech International
                                                                                  Report no.: LIC 12-16-098

(4) For 3.4 Occupied Bandwidth and for 3.5 Spurious Emissions at Antenna Port:
   C/N              Instrument                     Type            S/N       Manufacturer        Date of last   Calibration
                                                                                                 calibration       interval
RT198      Directional Coupler (X-band)   5D364S               R05762        Shimada        25 February 2016    1 year
----       Dummy Load (X-band)            4D376                R4535004      Shimada        25 February 2016    1 year
----       Waveguide (for X-band)         WRJ-10 (l = 60 cm)   ----          Furuno         ----                ----
8305070    Step Attenuator                8494B                US00430229    Agilent        13 June 2016        1 year
8305070    Step Attenuator                8495B                3308A22026    Agilent        13 June 2016        1 year
HT676      Spectrum Analyzer              8564EC               4103A00440    Agilent        4 April 2016        1 year
HT430      DC Power Supply                PAD55-20L            10091786      KIKUSUI        ----                ----
KB179      Coaxial Cable for Radiated     SUCOFLEX 104A        48932/4A      HUBER+         8 August 2015       1 year
           Emission Measurement                                              SUHNER
KB180      Coaxial Cable for Radiated     SUCOFLEX 104A        48933/4A      HUBER+         8 August 2015       1 year
           Emission Measurement                                              SUHNER
KB181      Coaxial Cable for Radiated     SUCOFLEX 102A        1261/2A       HUBER+         8 August 2015       1 year
           Emission Measurement                                              SUHNER
KB192      Coaxial Cable for Radiated     SUCOFLEX 104A        500066/4A     HUBER+         1 June 2016         1 year
           Emission Measurement                                              SUHNER

(5) For 3.6 Field Strength of Spurious Radiation:
  C/N              Instrument                  Type              S/N        Manufacturer       Date of last     Calibration
                                                                                               calibration        interval
HT676     Spectrum Analyzer               8564EC           4103A00440 Agilent               4 April 2016        1 year
HT467     Double-ridged waveguide horn    3115             6520       EMCO                  13 August 2015      1 year
          antenna (1 GHz to 18 GHz)
HT759     Double rigged horn antenna &    HAP06-18W        00000065        TOYO             30 April 2016       1 year
HT761     Double rigged horn antenna &    HAP18-26N        00000017        TOYO             30 December         1 year
          amp.                                                                              2015
HT762     Double rigged horn antenna &    HAP26-40N        00000010        TOYO             30 December         1 year
          amp.                                                                              2015
NK012     Pre-amplifier                   8449B            3008A01286      Agilent          18 February 2016    1 year
HT365     Semi-anechoic Chamber           3mSAC            D-002           Riken            ----                ----
HT156     DC power supply                 GP035-30         1014396080      Takasago         ----                ----
---       Dummy Load (X-band)             4D376            R0173002        SPC              ----                ----
KB179     Coaxial Cable for Radiated      SUCOFLEX 104A 48932/4A           HUBER+           8 August 2015       1 year
          Emission Measurement                                             SUHNER
KB180     Coaxial Cable for Radiated      SUCOFLEX 104A 48933/4A           HUBER+           8 August 2015       1 year
          Emission Measurement                                             SUHNER
KB181     Coaxial Cable for Radiated      SUCOFLEX 102A 1261/2A            HUBER+           8 August 2015       1 year
          Emission Measurement                                             SUHNER
KB192     Coaxial Cable for Radiated      SUCOFLEX 104A 500066/4A          HUBER+           1 June 2016         1 year
          Emission Measurement                                             SUHNER

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                                                                       Labotech International
                                                                       Report no.: LIC 12-16-098

6 Photograph of Test Setup/Arrangement
(1) For RF Power Output, Modulation Characteristics, Occupied Bandwidth,
    Frequency Stability –temperature & voltage, Spurious Emissions at Antenna Terminal

   Note: Test was performed with DRS25A X-Class (No.2) at the customer’s request.

(2) For Field Strength of Spurious Radiation

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                                               Labotech International
                                               Report no.: LIC 12-16-098

7 RF Envelope and Spectrum of the output pulse

             Fig. 7.1   S1 Pulse Envelope

             Fig. 7.2   S2 Pulse Envelope

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                                               Labotech International
                                               Report no.: LIC 12-16-098

             Fig. 7.3   M1 Pulse Envelope

             Fig. 7.4   M2 Pulse Envelope

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                                                Labotech International
                                                Report no.: LIC 12-16-098

             Fig. 7.5   M3 Pulse Envelope

             Fig. 7.6   L Pulse Envelope

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                                                Labotech International
                                                Report no.: LIC 12-16-098

8 Spurious Emission Plots measured at Antenna Terminal

             Fig. 8.1   for S1 Pulse

             Fig. 8.2   for S2 Pulse

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                                                Labotech International
                                                Report no.: LIC 12-16-098

             Fig. 8.3   for M1 Pulse

             Fig. 8.4   for M2 Pulse

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                                                Labotech International
                                                Report no.: LIC 12-16-098

             Fig. 8.5   for M3 Pulse

             Fig. 8.6   for L Pulse

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Document Created: 2016-08-31 14:30:28
Document Modified: 2016-08-31 14:30:28

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