RF Exposure Report


RF Exposure Info

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                              Safety Test Report
                                     for human exposure

                                    (EN 60945 and EN/IEC 62311)


                                  Trade name: Furuno
                                  Model: Radar Sensor
                                   Type: DRS6A-NXT

                                      Report No.: LIC 12-16-160

                                  Date of Issue: 27 February 2017

                              Labotech International Co., Ltd.
                   1-16, Fukazu-cho, Nishinomiya-shi, Hyogo, 663-8203 Japan
                      Tel: +81 (0) 798 63 1094   Fax: +81 (0) 798 63 1098
                               URL: http://www.labotech-intl.co.jp/

This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of Labotech International Co., Ltd.

                                                                                        Labotech International
                                                                                        Report number: LIC 12-16-160

Report Summary
 LIC project number:           LIC 04-16-0388
 Test report number of         LIC 12-16-160                    Date of initial issue               27 February 2017
 initial issue:
 Test report number of         ---                              Date of revised/replaced            ---
 revised/replaced issue:                                        issue
 Test report revision/         ---
 replacement history:
 Test standard(s)/ Test        EN 62311: 2008, and IEC 62311: 2007
 specifications:               ICNIRP Guideline Gen.Pub.1998
                               EN 62233: 2005
                               EN 60945: 2002, 12.2 RF radiation
 Customer:                     Furuno Electric Co., Ltd.
                               9-52 Ashihara-Cho, Nishinomiya-City, 662-8580 Japan
 Manufacturer:                 Furuno Electric Co., Ltd.
                               9-52 Ashihara-Cho, Nishinomiya-City, 662-8580 Japan
 Trade name:                   Furuno
 Model:                        Radar Sensor
 Type:                         DRS6A-NXT
 Product function and          For Marine Safety Navigation
 intended use:
 Number of samples             One
 Serial number:                1000-7200-0001
 Power rating:                 12/24 VDC, 9.5/5.0A
 Product status:               Pre-production model
 Modifications made to         None.
 samples during testing:
 Date of receipt of samples:   2 December 2016
 Test period:                  From 21 December 2016
 Place of test:                Labotech International Co., Ltd.
                               - LABOTECH EMC Center
                                 1-16, Fukazu-cho, Nishinomiya-shi, Hyogo, 663-8203 Japan
 Test results/ Compliance:     Passed.
                               The test results of this report relate only to the samples tested.
 Tested by:                    Yasuharu Nakamura, Osamu Araki, and Norihiko Fujita
 Written by:                   Akiko Inoue
 Verified by:                  Yasuharu Nakamura
 Approved by:                  Date: 27 February 2017
                               Name: Yasuharu Nakamura
                               Title: Manager, Technical Department,
                               Labotech International Co., Ltd.

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                                                                                      Labotech International
                                                                                      Report number: LIC 12-16-160

Testing Laboratory Status
       Labotech International Co., Ltd. (hereafter called “LIC”) has been holding the following status after having
       been assessed according to the provisions of ISO/IEC 17025 and/or the relevant rules:

        (1) JAB Accredited Testing Laboratory:
           - accredited by Japan Accreditation Board (JAB),
           - Laboratory accreditation number: RTL03220
           - Date of initial accreditation: 14 January 2011    (*)
           - Scope of accreditation: Electrical testing - EMC, Climatic, and Vibration tests
        (2) Telefication Listed Testing Laboratory:
          - listed by Telefication B. V., (The Netherlands)
          - Laboratory assignment number: L116
          - Date of initial listing: 26 July 1999 (*)
          - for testing the following product categories/ test standards: EN 60945, IEC 61162-1/-2, IEC/EN 61162-450 and IEC
        (3) TÜV Appointed EMC Test Laboratory:
          - appointed by TÜV Rheinland Japan Ltd.,
          - Laboratory assignment number: UA 50046428
          - Date of initial appointment: 21 December 1998 (*)
          - for carrying out the tests of:
               EN 55011, CISPR 11, EN 55022, CISPR 22, EN 55024, CISPR 24, EN 55025, CISPR 25,
               EN/IEC 61000-3-2/-3, EN/IEC 61000-4-2/-3/-4/-5/-6/-8/-11, EN/IEC 61000-6-1/-2/-3/-4, EN/IEC 60945,
               EN/IEC 61326-1, EN/IEC 61326-2-6, EN/IEC 60601-1-2, JIS T 0601-1-2, JIS C 1806-1, ISO 11452-1/-2/-4.
        (4) RMRS Recognized Testing Laboratory:
           - recognized by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping (RMRS), (Russia)
           - Laboratory recognition number: 11.02594.011
           - Date of initial recognition: 27 January 2009      (*)
           - for carrying out testing in the field of:
              Electrical measurements and tests, EMC tests, Mechanical measurements and tests, Equipment protection
              degree tests, and Climatic tests for Ship’s radio and navigational equipment and IEC 60945: 2002
         (5) RRR Recognized Test Laboratory:
           - recognized by Russian River Register (RRR), (Russia)
           - Recognition certificate number: 154262        (*)
           - Date of initial recognition: 31 May 2013
           - for carrying out of tests of ships radio and navigation equipment
         (6) DNV Recognized Environmental Test Laboratory:
            - recognized by Det Norske Veritas AS (DNV), (Norway)
            - Recognition certificate number: 262.1-015854-J-12
            - Date of initial recognition: 12 July 2013   (*)
            - Scope of recognition: Testing according to the standards IEC 60945, IEC 61162-1/-2/-450, IEC 62288, IEC
               62388 and IEC 62252 Annex E
            - Application: Provisions of Environmental, interface and safety testing.
        (7) CCS Recognized Test Agency :
            - recognized by China Classification Society
            - Recognition certificate number : DB13A00001
            - Date of initial recognition : 29 January 2014    (*)
            - Scope of recognition : Performance/Environmental/EMC/Special purpose/Safety precautions tests for
              Electrical & Electronic Product including Maritime Navigation and Radio-communication Equipment &

      Note: (*) – The current certificates may be found in the LIC web site (http://www.labotech-intl.co.jp/).

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                                                                                                      Labotech International
                                                                                                      Report number: LIC 12-16-160

                                                     TABLE OF CONTENTS

Report Summary ............................................................................................................................... 2
Testing Laboratory Status ................................................................................................................. 3
1 Principal Information ...................................................................................................................... 5
  1.1 Equipment under test (EUT) .................................................................................................... 5
  1.2 Observation and comments .................................................................................................... 5
  1.3 Test Conditions ....................................................................................................................... 5
  1.4 Test items ................................................................................................................................ 5
  1.5 Measurement Uncertainty ....................................................................................................... 5
2 Test Results ................................................................................................................................... 6
3 Date of test and environmental conditions observed during testing .............................................. 6
4 List of Measuring/Test Instruments ................................................................................................ 6
5 EUT Setup/Test Arrangement ........................................................................................................ 7
6 EUT Test data obtained ................................................................................................................. 8

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                                                                                   Labotech International
                                                                                   Report number: LIC 12-16-160

1 Principal Information
1.1 Equipment under test (EUT)
    Configurations of the EUT unit(s):
      No.          Item         Type             Unit serial     Test                           Note
      (*)                                         number         setup
       1    Radar Sensor    DRS6A-NXT         1000-7200-0001   Table-top     Scanner RSB-137 and Transceiver RTR-119.
       2    Radiator        XN10A             50050439         Table-top     TX freq.:
                                                                               ch1 P0N: 9380 MHz/Q0N: 9400 MHz
                                                                               ch2 P0N: 9400 MHz/Q0N: 9420 MHz
                                                                               ch3 P0N: 9420 MHz/Q0N: 9440 MHz
                                                                             TX power: 20 W
     (*): Item number(s) is(are) corresponding to the unit(s) shown in Clause 5 “EUT Setup/Test Arrangement” and Clause 6
          “Photographs of Test Setup/Arrangement” of this report.

    Size and Mass of the EUT unit(s):
      No.       Name               Type                Dimensions (W  H  D, or   H) (mm)                   Mass (kg)
       1    Radar Sensor       DRS6A-NXT           1036×445×330 (with Radiator XN10A)                   20.0

    Configurations of the Associated unit(s) (AU) forming the system except EUT:
       No.                  Name                        Type             Unit serial number     Manufacturer      Note
         2    Multi Function Display              TZTL12F             100030-100162           Furuno
     (*): Item number(s) is(are) corresponding to the unit(s) shown in Clause 5 “EUT Setup/Test Arrangement” of this report.

    Auxiliary Equipment (AE) used for exercising and/or monitoring the operation and/or the performance of the
    EUT during testing: None.

    Software(s) contained in the EUT and AU
      No.    Category            Name/Type             Program name           Program number              Rev. number
       1     EUT          Radar Sensor               DRS6A-NXT             0359360                     01.01
       2     AU           Multi Function Display     TZTL12F               1950123                     04.01

1.2 Observation and comments
     (1): Test items to be performed were specified by the customer.
     (2): The test was performed with Radiator XN10A at the customer’s request.

1.3 Test Conditions
     For Radar TX mode (under IEC 60945): 24 VDC
      TX mode
      EUT setting:
      Range: 36 NM

     For Radar Standby mode (under IEC 62311): 24 VDC

1.4 Test items
     For Radar TX mode,
      IEC 60945 Clause no.                               Item (Method)
      12.2                     RF Radiation

     For Radar Standby modes,
      IEC 62311 Clause no.                               Item (Method)
      8                        Sources with multiple frequencies
      8.2                      Frequency range from 1 Hz – 10 MHz (ICNIRP-based)
      8.2.1                    Frequency domain assessment
      8.2.2                    Time domain assessment
      8.3                      Frequency range from 100 kHz – 300 GHz (ICNIRP-based)

1.5 Measurement Uncertainty
     ±2.3 dB (IEC 60945)
     30% (IEC 62311: 2007, Clause 6)

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                                                                                      Labotech International
                                                                                      Report number: LIC 12-16-160

2 Test Results
2.1 for Radar TX mode
  with Antenna stopped (based on IEC 60945),
              Unit                Distance to 100 W/m2 (m)   Distance to 50 W/m2 (m)      Distance to 10 W/m2 (m)
 DRS6A-NXT                       None                      None                      0.70
 Note: the Probe was located on the TX antenna main beam line, and Peak point was searched with the Probe varied
       horizontally and vertically.

2.2 for Radar Standby modes (based on IEC/EN 62311)
              Unit                     Operation mode              Results                            Note

  DRS6A-NXT                      For Radar, Standby,           Passed at 0 cm. See Clause 6 of this report for details.
 Note: Following test conditions/limits were applied for the tests:
      (1) Distance:              From 0 cm to 30 cm apart from EUT surface.(according to IEC 62233),
                                 (The EUT passed the tests at 0 cm, so, tests at 10/30 cm were not performed.)
      (2) Measuring equipment:             Complied with “ICNIRP guideline Gen.Pub.1998”,
      (3) Test frequency range (including Upper test frequency):
            For H-field, 10 Hz to 1 GHz.
            For E-field, 100 kHz to 50 GHz (  EUT TX frequency 9.440 GHz  5 = 47.200 GHz).
      (4) Compliance to limits:            Reference level (according to ICNIRP guideline Gen.Pub.1998).
      (5) EUT directions observed:         0 through 360.

3 Date of test and environmental conditions observed during testing
                                Item                Date of test      Temperature, humidity           Power supply voltage
                                                                     (Before-test to After-test)    (Before-test to After-test)
 IEC/EN 62311        Human exposure               21 December       See Clause 6 for details.      24.0 VDC to 24.0 VDC.
                     (Radar Standby)              2016
 EN 60945,            Electromagnetic             21 December       21C to 21C,                  24.0 VDC to 24.0 VDC.
 12.2                 radiofrequency radiation:   2016              48%RH to 48%RH.
                      (Radar TX mode)

4 List of Measuring/Test Instruments
Measuring/Test instruments have been appropriately calibrated/maintained according to the LIC programs/
procedures. Measuring/Test instruments used for the tests are listed below.

4.1 for Radar Standby modes (under IEC/EN 62311)
   (*)     C/N                          Instrument                          Type                 S/N               Manufacturer
    X    HT918       Exposure level tester (Magnetic field)           ELT-400               N-0191                Narda
    X    HT918-1     100 cm2 magnetic field probe                     --                    M-0634                Narda
    X    HT919       Broadband field meter                            NBM-520               D-0684                Narda
                     (Electric and Magnetic fields)
   X     HT919-1     field probe (100 kHz - 3 GHz)                    EF0391               D-0628                 Narda
   X     HT919-2     field probe (300 kHz - 50 GHz)                   ED5091               01061                  Narda
   X     HT919-3     Magnetic field probe (300 kHz - 30 MHz)          HF3061               D-0239                 Narda
   X     HT919-4     Magnetic field probe (27 MHz - 1 GHz)            HF0191               D-0175                 Narda
   --    HT590       RF Radiation meter                               EMR-300/33C          AY-0029/F-0021         Narda
   X     HT779       Semi-Anechoic chamber                            10mSAC               90984                  TOKIN
   X     HT780       Programmable AC/DC Power Supply                  ES18000W             9128767-1              NF
 Note (*): X – used for tests, -- – not used.

4.2 for Radar TX mode (under EN 60945 and IEC/EN 62311)
  (*)   C/N                  Instrument                Type          S/N       Manufacturer                        Note
   -- HT919   Broadband field meter                NBM-520     D-0684         Narda                          Used for IEC/EN
   -- HT919-2 Electric field probe(300 k - 50 GHz) ED5091      01061          Narda                          62311 test.
   X HT590    RF Radiation meter                   EMR-300/33C AY-0029/F-0021 Narda                          Used for IEC
                                                                                                             60945 test.
  X HT779       Semi-Anechoic chamber                   10mSAC         90984              TOKIN
  X HT780       Programmable AC/DC Power                ES18000W       9128767-1          NF                 --
                Supply                                                 +9128767-2
 Note (*): X – used for tests, -- – not used.

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                                                                            Labotech International
                                                                            Report number: LIC 12-16-160

5 EUT Setup/Test Arrangement

       Radar Sensor



                                  24 VDC

         DISPLAY                           24 VDC

Note: AU - Associated Unit.

List of cables used for the test
No. Category             Name                  Type           Length    Number of        Cable     Note
                                                               (m)     cables used     shielding
  a   P/S          Power/Signal cable   FRU-2P5S-FF-20M      20        1             Yes

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                                                                                                 Labotech International
                                                                                                 Report number: LIC 12-16-160

6 EUT Test data obtained

  Date & Location:           21 Dec, 2016, LIC EMC Center
  Manufacture:               Furuno Electric Co., Ltd.                                                                                                      Back
  Product Category:          Pre-production model
  Model Name (S/N)           DRS6A-NXT(1000-7200-0001)
  Standard:                  ICNIRP Guideline Gen.Pub.1998
  Power supply voltage:      24 VDC
  Temperature, humidity:     21C, 48%RH to 21°C, 48%RH
  Operating Mode:            Radar Standby mode
  Operator:                  O.Araki
  Result:                    Passed. (at 0 cm)
  Measurement uncertainty value: 30%
  The uncertainty values specified under each assessment method are the maximum allowed uncertainty.
  If the uncertainty value is not specified, then a default value of 30 % shall be used. (Refer to EN 62311: 2008/IEC 62311: 2007, Clause 6)

                 frequency    Measuring equipment        Measurement            Limits
    Field                                                                                       Distance         Measured value                Max. point           Result
                    range            used                mode applied      (Reference level)
                                                                                               Ambient                   0.19           --                    --
                  10 Hz
                                      narda                                                    0 cm                      0.40           Back                  Passed.
                   to                                     Std Mode        100%                                                    %
                                     ELT-400                                                   10 cm                                    Back
                 400 kHz
                                                                                               30 cm                                    Back
                                                                                               Ambient                  0.008           --                    --
                 300 kHz              narda
                                                          MAX Hold                             0 cm                     0.023           Top                   Passed.
   H-Field         to               NBM-520                               0.073 A/m                                               A/m
                                                           (Peak)                              10 cm                                    Top
                 30 MHz             (HF3061)
                                                                                               30 cm                                    Top
                                                                                               Ambient                  0.008           --                    --
                 27 MHz               narda
                                                          MAX Hold                             0 cm                     0.029           Right                 Passed.
                    to              NBM-520                               0.073 A/m                                               A/m
                                                           (Peak)                              10 cm                                    Right
                  1 GHz             (HF0191)
                                                                                               30 cm                                    Right
                                                                                               Ambient                   0.17           --                    --
                 100 kHz              narda
                                                          MAX Hold                             0 cm                      0.80           Right                 Passed.
                    to              NBM-520                               27.5 V/m                                                V/m
                                                           (Peak)                              10 cm                                    Right
                  3 GHz             (EF0391)
                                                                                               30 cm                                    Right
                                                                                               Ambient                   0.52           --                    --
                  3 GHz               narda                                                    0 cm                      1.15           Back                  Passed.
                                                          MAX Hold
                    to              NBM-520                               20%                                                     %
                                                           (Peak)                              10 cm                                    Back
                 50 GHz             (ED5091)
                                                                                               30 cm                                    Back

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Document Created: 2017-02-27 17:14:02
Document Modified: 2017-02-27 17:14:02

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