RF Exposure Report


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                                           Test Report
                                          (IEC 60945 and IEC 62388)


                                    Trade name: Furuno
                                   Model: MARINE RADAR
                                    Type: FAR-3330SW

                                           Report No.: FLI 12-13-081

                                      Date of Issue: 18 November 2013

                            Furuno Labotech International Co., Ltd.
                        1-16, Fukazu-cho, Nishinomiya-shi, Hyogo, 663-8203 Japan
                            Tel: +81 (0) 798 63 1094            Fax: +81 (0) 798 63 1098
                                      URL: http://www.furuno-labotech.co.jp

This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of Furuno Labotech International Co., Ltd.

                                                                                        Furuno Labotech International
                                                                                        Report number: FLI 12-13-081

Report Summary
 FLI project number:           FLI 04-13-0325
 Test report number of         FLI 12-13-081                    Date of initial issue          18 November 2013
 initial issue:
 Test report number of         ---                              Date of revised/replaced       ---
 revised/replaced issue:                                        issue
 Test report revision/         ---
 replacement history:
 Test standard(s)/ Test        IEC 60945: 2002 (ed. 4), Clause 7.1, 7.2, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 8.7, 8.8, 11, and 12, including IEC
 specifications:               60945 Corrigendum 1 (2008).
                               IEC 62388: 2013 (ed.2.0), 17.3.2 Antenna shock test
                               IEC 60068-2-1: 2007,         IEC 60068-2-2: 2007,                IEC 60068-2-6: 2007,
                               IEC 60068-2-30: 2005,        IEC 60529: 2001,                    ISO 25862: 2009,
                               IEC 61672-1: 2002.
 Customer:                     Furuno Electric Co., Ltd.
                               9-52 Ashihara-Cho, Nishinomiya-City, 662-8580 Japan
 Manufacturer:                 Furuno Electric Co., Ltd.
                               9-52 Ashihara-Cho, Nishinomiya-City, 662-8580 Japan
 Trade name:                   FURUNO
 Model:                        MARINE RADAR
 Type:                         FAR-3330SW
 Product function and          For marine safety navigation
 intended use:
 Number of test samples        One
 Serial number:                R00007-000002 (RSB-131)/R00008-000002 (RTR-109)
 Power rating:                 100 - 230 VAC, 50-60 Hz, 8 A
 Product status:               Pre-production model
 Modifications made to         None.
 samples during testing:
 Date of receipt of samples:   20 August 2013
 Test period:                  From 20 August 2013 to1 November 2013
 Place of test:                Furuno Labotech International Co., Ltd.
                               - LABOTECH EMC Center
                                 1-16, Fukazu-cho, Nishinomiya-shi, Hyogo, 663-8203 Japan
                               - Nishinomiya Lab.
                                 9-52 Ashihara-cho, Nishinomiya-shi, Hyogo, 662-8580 Japan
                               - Nishinomiya-Hama Lab.
                                 2-20, Nishinomiya-Hama, Nishinomiya-shi, Hyogo, 662-0934 Japan
 Test results/ Compliance:     Passed.
                               The test results of this report relate only to the samples tested.
 Tested by:                    Akira Inoue, Tadayuki Ekawa, Yasuharu Nakamura, Osamu Araki, Katsumi Imamura, and
                               Koji Kawai
 Written by:                   Akiko Inoue
 Verified by:                  Yoshihiro Ishii
 Approved by:                  Date: 18 November 2013
                               Name: Yoshihiro Ishii
                               Title: Senior Manager, Technical Department,
                               Furuno Labotech International Co., Ltd.

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                                                                                      Furuno Labotech International
                                                                                      Report number: FLI 12-13-081

Testing Laboratory Status
       Furuno Labotech International Co., Ltd. (hereafter called “FLI”) has been holding the following status
       after having been assessed according to the provisions of ISO/IEC 17025 and/or the relevant rules:

        (1) JAB Accredited Testing Laboratory:
           - accredited by Japan Accreditation Board (JAB),
           - Laboratory accreditation number: RTL03220
           - Date of initial accreditation: 14 January 2011
           - Scope of accreditation: Electrical testing - EMC testing         (*)
        (2) Telefication Listed Testing Laboratory:
          - listed by Telefication B. V., (The Netherlands)
          - Laboratory assignment number: L116
          - Date of initial listing: 26 July 1999 (*)
          - for testing the following product categories/ test standards: EN 60945, IEC 61162-1/-2, and IEC 62288
        (3) BSH Recognized Testing Laboratory:
          - recognized by Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie (BSH), (Germany)
          - Recognition certificate number: BSH/4613/06202/1864/11
          - Date of initial recognition: 4 April 2003   (*)
          - for testing the following product categories/ test standards:
                - IEC/EN 60945, IEC 62388, IEC 61162-1/-2, and IEC 62288

        (4) TÜV Appointed EMC Test Laboratory:
          - appointed by TÜV Rheinland Japan Ltd.,
          - Laboratory assignment number: UA 50046428
          - Date of initial appointment: 21 December 1998 (*)
          - for carrying out the tests of:
             - EN 55011, CISPR 11, EN 55022, CISPR 22, EN 55024, CISPR 24, EN 55025, CISPR 25,
               EN/IEC 61000-3-2/-3, EN/IEC 61000-4-2/-3/-4/-5/-6/-8/-11,
              EN/IEC 61000-6-1/-2/-3/-4, EN/IEC 60945, EN/IEC 61326-1, EN/IEC 61326-2-6,
              EN/IEC 60601-1-2, JIS T 0601-1-2, JIS C 1806-1, ISO 11452-1/-2/-4.
        (5) RMRS Recognized Testing Laboratory:
           - recognized by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping (RMRS), (Russia)
           - Laboratory recognition number: 11.02594.011
           - Date of initial recognition: 27 January 2009 (*)
           - for carrying out testing in the field of:
              Elecrtrical measurements and tests, EMC tests, Mechanical measurements and tests, Equipment
              protection degree tests, and Climatic tests for Ship’s radio and navigational equipment and IEC
              60945: 2002
        (6) RRR Recognized Test Laboratory:
           - recognized by Russian River Resister (RRR), (Russia)
           - Recognition certificate number: 154262
           - Date of initial recognition: 31 May 2013
           - for carrying out of tests of ships radio and navigation equipment

        (7) DNV Recognized Environmental Test Laboratory:
           - recognized by Det Norske Veritas AS (DNV), (Norway)
           - Recogintion certificate number: 262.1-015854-J-12
           - Date of initial recognition: 12 July 2013
           - Scope of recognition: Testing according to the standards IEC 60945, IEC 61162-1/-2/-450, IEC
              62288, IEC 62388 and IEC 62252 Annex E
           - Application: Provisions of Environmental, interfave and safety testing.

      Note: (*) – The current certificates may be found in the FLI web site (http://www.furuno-labotech.co.jp).

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                                                                                                                    Furuno Labotech International
                                                                                                                    Report number: FLI 12-13-081

                                                            TABLE OF CONTENTS

Report Summary................................................................................................................................................ 2
Testing Laboratory Status ................................................................................................................................. 3
1 Principal Information ....................................................................................................................................... 5
  1.1 Equipment under test (EUT) .................................................................................................................... 5
  1.2 EUT Operation mode and Performance Check....................................................................................... 6
  1.3 Test Conditions ........................................................................................................................................ 7
  1.4 Observation and comments..................................................................................................................... 7
  1.5 Measurement uncertainties ..................................................................................................................... 8
2 Test Results Summary ................................................................................................................................... 8
3 Test Results .................................................................................................................................................... 9
  3.1 Power supply ........................................................................................................................................... 9
     3.1.1 Extreme power supply ...................................................................................................................... 9
     3.1.2 Excessive conditions ........................................................................................................................ 9
  3.2 Dry heat ................................................................................................................................................... 9
     3.2.1 Storage test ...................................................................................................................................... 9
     3.2.2 Functional test .................................................................................................................................. 9
  3.3 Damp heat - Functional test .................................................................................................................... 9
  3.4 Low temperature ...................................................................................................................................... 9
     3.4.1 Storage test (Not applicable) ............................................................................................................ 9
     3.4.2 Functional test .................................................................................................................................. 9
  3.5 Vibration................................................................................................................................................. 10
     3.5.1 EUT attitude/mounting and Test fixture: ......................................................................................... 10
     3.5.2 Resonance search and Endurance tests ....................................................................................... 10
  3.6 Antenna shock ....................................................................................................................................... 10
     3.6.1 EUT attitude/mounting and Test fixture: ......................................................................................... 10
     3.6.2 Results: ........................................................................................................................................... 10
  3.7 Rain and spray....................................................................................................................................... 10
  3.8 Corrosion (salt mist) (Not performed) .................................................................................................... 10
  3.9 Special purpose tests ............................................................................................................................ 11
     3.9.1 Acoustic noise and signals ............................................................................................................. 11
     3.9.2 Compass safe distance (CSD) ....................................................................................................... 11
  3.10 Safety precautions ............................................................................................................................... 11
     3.10.1 Protection against accidental access to dangerous voltages ....................................................... 11
     3.10.2 Electromagnetic radiofrequency radiation .................................................................................... 11
     3.10.3 Emission from visual display unit (VDU) (Not applicable) ............................................................ 11
     3.10.4 X-radiation (Not performed) .......................................................................................................... 11
  3.11 Environmental conditions during Testing ............................................................................................ 12
4 List of Measuring/Test Instruments .............................................................................................................. 13
5 EUT Setup/Test Arrangement ...................................................................................................................... 15
6 Photographs of Test Setup/Arrangement ..................................................................................................... 17
7 Temperature/humidity records taken during Dry heat/Damp heat/Low temperature tests .......................... 23
8 Vibration response plots taken during tests ................................................................................................. 25
9 Test results data of the EUT obtained during the climatic tests. .................................................................. 29

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                                                                                      Furuno Labotech International
                                                                                      Report number: FLI 12-13-081

1 Principal Information
1.1 Equipment under test (EUT)

     Configurations of the EUT units:
      No.                 Item                  Type         Unit     Equipment            Test              Note
      (*)                                                   serial     category           setup
       1    Antenna Unit                                            Exposed           Table-top
            Gear Box (with built-in deicer) RSB-131        R00007-0
                    Performance Monitor        PM-52A      ---                                     Contained in Gear Box.
                   Antenna Radiator (*1)       SN36CF      ---
       2    Transceiver Unit                   RTR-109     R00008-0 Protected                   TX: 30 kWpp,
                                                           00002                                S-band,
                                                                                                TX/RX freq.: 3050 MHz
                                                                                                Magnetron used:
     (*): Item number(s) is(are) corresponding to the unit(s) shown in Clause 5 “EUT Setup/Test Arrangement” and
          Clause 6 “Photographs of Test Setup/Arrangement” of this report.

     Note (*1): Antenna Radiator was replaced with Auxiliary Equipment, “Antenna Dummy Load (S-band)” except for
               “Vibration”, “Antenna shock”, “Rain and Spray”, and “Electromagnetic radio frequency radiation” tests.

     Size and Mass of the EUT unit(s):
      No.          Name                 Type               Dimensions                Mass                 Note
                                                    (W  H  D, or   H) (mm)        (kg)
       1    Antenna Unit          ---           3810  769  640                     126      with Performance Monitor
                                                (for Antenna Radiator SN36CF)                 and Gear Box (with built-in
       2    Transceiver unit      RTR-109       606×576×313                          22

     Configurations of the Associated unit(s) (AU) forming the system except EUT:
      No.      Name                 Type         Unit serial number   Manufacturer                   Note
       3 Power Supply Unit       PSU-015       000003                 Furuno
       4 Processor Unit          EC-3000       4395-1207              Furuno       Used for Vibration and Antenna
                                                                                   shock tests.
                                              4395-1704                Furuno      Used for the tests other than
                                                                                   Vibration and Antenna shock.
        5 Monitor Unit (23.1”) MU-231         000026                   Furuno      Used for Vibration and Antenna
                                                                                   shock tests.
                                              000010                   Furuno      Used for the tests other than
                                                                                   Vibration and Antenna shock.
        6 Control Unit             RCU-025 000168                      Furuno      Used for Vibration and Antenna
                                                                                   shock tests.
                                              000235                   Furuno      Used for the tests other than
                                                                                   Vibration and Antenna shock.
        7 Processor Unit           RPU-013 4317-2240                   Furuno      Used for Vibration and Antenna
                                                                                   shock tests.
                                              4317-5131                Furuno      Used for the tests other than
                                                                                   Vibration and Antenna shock.
        8 Display Unit             U2412Mb CN-007H8X-74221-31 DELL                 Used for Vibration and Antenna
                                              F-4L4S                               shock tests.
                                   AL2017     ETL6909021705022F acer               Used for the tests other than
                                              03720                                Vibration and Antenna shock.
        9 Control Unit             RCU-014 5453                        Furuno      Used for Vibration and Antenna
                                                                                   shock tests.
                                              1-8067                   Furuno      Used for the tests other than
                                                                                   Vibration and Antenna shock.
     (*): Item number(s) is(are) corresponding to the unit(s) shown in Clause 5 “EUT Setup/Test Arrangement” of this report.

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                                                                                       Furuno Labotech International
                                                                                       Report number: FLI 12-13-081

     Auxiliary Equipment (AE) used for exercising and/or monitoring the operation and/or the performance of the
     EUT during testing:
       No.       Name           Type         Unit serial     Manufacturer                           Note
       (*)                                    number
       10 Dummy Load         TF300-A       85D11             SANKEN          Used for the tests other than Climatic.
           (S-band)          4D106         8R18084           SPC             Used for Climatic tests
       11 USB Serial Adapter COM-1PD       8DRZD7600         CONTEC          Used for Vibration and Antenna shock tests.
                             (USB)H        2358
                             ESU2-400      0306410002        QUATECH         Used for the tests other than Vibration and
                             (RS-422)      7                                 Antenna shock.
       12 Keyboard           SK-8175       CN-0W213F-        DELL            Used for the tests other than Vibration and
                                           7161612O-0                        Antenna shock.
       13 LCD Monitor             V193     ETLDQ0C03         ACER            Used for the tests other than Vibration and
                                           5915015764                        Antenna shock.
       14 PC                      PB451ENB 9C086208H         TOSHIBA         Used for Vibration and Antenna shock tests.
                                  DCCY1F   DTCNTBX           DELL           Used for the tests other than Vibration and
                                                                            Antenna shock.
         15 Mouse                  MOC5UO H1702PFE FUJITSU                  Used for the tests other than Vibration and
                                                                            Antenna shock.
     (*): Item number(s) is(are) corresponding to the unit(s) shown in Clause 5 “EUT Setup/Test Arrangement” of this report.

     Software(s) contained in the EUT, AU:
        No.      Category        Item/Type             Program name              Program number             Rev. number
         1       EUT        Antenna Unit              App(MTR-DRV)          0359293                         01.04
                                                      App(PM)               0359296                         01.04
         2       EUT        Transceiver unit          App(SPU MAG)          0359281                         01.04
         3       AU         Power Supply Unit         App(PSU-Control)      0359299                         01.04
         4       AU         Processor Unit            App                   0359266                         02.04
         6       AU         Control Unit              Key1                  2450086                         01.05
          5      AU         Monitor Unit (23.1”)      Monitor2              2651020                         01.03
          7      AU         Processor Unit            RPU-013               0359204                         03.50
          9      AU         Control Unit              RCU-014               0359203                         01.04
         14      AE         PC                        Winiec                Winexe=14(Feb 27 2013)

     EUT documentation used for the tests:
       No.                          Item                         Publication no.      Rev. number             Note
        1     Installation Manual                                IME-36240         Z1
        2     Supplier’s specifications for Magnetron type       03S6963           ---

1.2 EUT Operation mode and Performance Check
1.2.1 EUT Operation mode
      Operation state: TX-on

      RANGE: 6NM
      TUNE: AUTO
      GAIN: Manual, 85
      A/C SEA: Manual, 0 (Min)
      A/C RAIN: Manual, 0 (Min)
      Range rings: ON
      VRM1,2: ON
      EBL1,2: ON
      Brilliance of all attributes: 97

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                                                                             Furuno Labotech International
                                                                             Report number: FLI 12-13-081

1.2.2 Performance Test (PT)
      (1) Radar display on MU-190 and MU-231 (AUs):
          - Noise echo level/area should not change. Radar display should be updated (scanning).

      (2) Antenna rotation:
          - Antenna should be rotated in a clockwise direction through 360 continuously and automatically
           with the rotation rate of 40 rpm or more for HSC Radar.

      (3) Tuning indicator:
          - Indicator bar of RX tuning indicator should be 50% or more.

      (4) Sub display:
          - Radar display on Display Unit (No. 9 AU) should be displayed and updated (scanning).

      (5) Own ship’s information:
          - Own ship’s information should be displayed on MU-190 and MU-231 (AUs).

      (6) Track ball control:
          - Cursor should be moved as intended.

      (7) TT-Test:
          - Target should be tracked and Echo trail functions should be activated as intended.

      (8) Startup:
          - Startup time from Power-ON to the ST-BY state should be 4 min. or less.

      (9) Magnetron:
         - Magnetron current indicated in System monitor should be more than 0 A.

1.2.3 Performance Check (PC)
        Same as those for PT.

1.3 Test Conditions
1.3.1 Normal power supply conditions:
      100 VAC, 60 Hz (for “Vibration”, “Antenna shock” and “Rain and Spray” tests)
      230 VAC, 50 Hz (for the tests other than the above)

1.3.2 Extreme power supply conditions:
      Upper extreme conditions:
     253 VAC, 52.5 Hz (230 VAC + 10 %, 50 Hz + 5 %).

     Lower extreme conditions:
     207 VAC, 47.5 Hz (230 VAC - 10 %, 50 Hz - 5 %).
      (*) specified by the customer.

1.4 Observation and comments
    (1) Test items to be performed were specified by the customer.
        Test items under IEC 60945 Clause 6, 9, 10, 13, 14, and 15 are separately reported.

     (2) Corrosion (salt mist) test was not performed, because the evidence that the components, materials
         and finishes employed in the EUT satisfy the test was submitted by the manufacturer.
             (See Furuno Electric Statement CW-043 dated 11 November 2013.)

     (3) “Emission from visual display unit (VDU)” test was not applicable, because the EUT had no display

     (4) “X-radiation” test was not performed, because the evidence that the Magnetrons employed in the
         EUT satisfy the test was submitted by the manufacturer.

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                                                                                    Furuno Labotech International
                                                                                    Report number: FLI 12-13-081

1.5 Measurement uncertainties
    IEC 60945                                 Item                                      Measurement uncertainty (*)
    7            Power supply
    7.1            Extreme power supply:                                         ----
    7.2            Excessive conditions:                                         ----
    8            Durability and resistance to environmental conditions
    8.2            Dry heat                                                      ----
    8.2.1            - Storage test:                                             Temperature: ±1.5°C
    8.2.2            - Functional test:                                          Temperature: ±1.5°C
    8.3            Damp heat
    8.3.1            - Functional test:                                          Temperature: ±1.5°C, Humidity: ±4%
    8.4            Low temperature                                               ----
    8.4.1            - Storage test:                                             Temperature: ±1.5°C
    8.4.2            - Functional tests:                                         Temperature: ±1.5°C
    8.7            Vibration:                                                    Acceleration: ±2.2 m/s2
    8.8            Rain and spray:                                               Delivery rate: ±3.1 l/min for 100 l/min.
    8.12           Corrosion:                                                    ----
    11           Special purpose tests
    11.1           Acoustic noise and signals:                                   ±2.4 dB
    11.2           Compass safe distance (CSD):                                  ±7.4%
    12           Safety precautions
    12.1           Protection against accidental access to dangerous voltages:   Not applicable.
    12.2           Electromagnetic radiofrequency radiation:                     ±2.3 dB
    12.4           X-radiation:                                                  ----

     IEC 62388                                Item                                      Measurement uncertainty (*)
    17.3.2          Antenna shock test                                            Acceleration: ±2.2 m/s2
                                                                    (*): confidence level = 95%, coverage factor k = 2

2 Test Results Summary
     IEC 60945                    Test Item                          Result                     Test Engineer
    7            Power supply
    7.1            Extreme power supply:                       Passed.                  T. Ekawa, Y. Nakamura.
    7.2            Excessive conditions:                       Passed.                  Y.Nakamura, O.Araki
    8            Durability and resistance to environmental conditions
    8.2            Dry heat
    8.2.1            - Storage test:                           Passed.                  Y. Nakamura
    8.2.2            - Functional test:                        Passed.                  T. Ekawa.
    8.3.1          Damp heat - Functional test:                Passed.                  T. Ekawa.
    8.4            Low temperature
    8.4.1            - Storage test:                           Not applicable.          ---
    8.4.2            - Functional tests:                       Passed.                  T. Ekawa.
    8.7            Vibration:                                  Passed.                  A. Inoue, K. Imamura
    8.8            Rain and spray:                             Passed                   Y. Nakamura,T. Ekawa, and
                                                                                        F. Ueki
    8.12           Corrosion:                                  Not performed.           ----
    11           Special purpose tests
    11.1           Acoustic noise and signals:                 Passed.                  Y. Nakamura, T. Ekawa.
    11.2           Compass safe distance (CSD):                Passed.                  K. Imamura, Y. Nakamura
                                                                                        T. Ekawa.
    12           Safety precautions
    12.1           Protection against accidental access to     Passed.                  Y. Nakamura, O.Araki
                   dangerous voltages:
    12.2           Electromagnetic radiofrequency              Passed.                  Y. Nakamura, K. Imamura
    12.3           Emission from visual display unit (VDU):    Not applicable.          ----
    12.4           X-radiation:                                Not performed            ----

     IEC 62388                    Test Item                          Result                     Test Engineer
    17.3.2          Antenna shock test                         Passed.                  K. Imamura

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                                                                                 Furuno Labotech International
                                                                                 Report number: FLI 12-13-081

3 Test Results
3.1 Power supply
3.1.1 Extreme power supply
           Environment                   Normal power supply                    Extreme power supply
      Dry heat                    Performance test (PT)    Passed.       Performance check (PC)    Passed.
      Damp heat                  Performance check (PC)    Passed.                  ---              ---
      Low temperature             Performance test (PT)    Passed.       Performance check (PC)    Passed.
      Normal temperature          Performance test (PT)    Passed.        Performance test (PT)    Passed.

3.1.2 Excessive conditions
                     Item                      Result                              Description
  1 Against Excessive current:               Passed     7 A (F2) and 3 A (F1) fuses for both AC lines were activated,
                                                         and the EUT was protected from damage.
  2 Against Excessive voltage:               Passed     Overvoltage protection circuits were provided in PSU-015.
                                                         (activated at 290 VAC to 310 VAC)
  3 When subjected to the input of 300 VAC Passed       No abnormality or damage occurred.
    (> 230 VAC+10%) of:
    - improper phase sequence (for AC),
    for 5 min.

3.2 Dry heat
3.2.1 Storage test
          For RSB-131 and RTR-109 (*),
          after the duration period, PT/PC were performed at the Normal temperature. See Clause 3.1.1 of
          this report.

         (*): Transceiver Unit RTR-109 was additionally tested under the temperature of +70C specified to
             “Exposed equipment” at the same time at the customer’s request.

3.2.2 Functional test
          See Clause 3.1.1 of this report.

3.3 Damp heat - Functional test
          For RSB-131 and RTR-109,
          see Clause 3.1.1 of this report.

3.4 Low temperature
3.4.1 Storage test (Not applicable)
          Not applicable to “Exposed” and “Protected” equipment.

3.4.2 Functional test
          For RSB-131 and RTR-109 (*),
          see Clause 3.1.1 of this report.

         (*): Transceiver Unit RTR-109 was additionally tested under the temperature of -25C specified to
              “Exposed equipment” at the same time at the customer’s request.

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                                                                                         Furuno Labotech International
                                                                                         Report number: FLI 12-13-081

3.5 Vibration
3.5.1 EUT attitude/mounting and Test fixture:
            Unit              Attitude/mounting                           Test fixture
  RSB-131+ SN36CF          Table-top                        No. 9 (*1)
  RTR-109                  Wall-mounting                    No. 80 and    No. 83 (*1)
  (*1): prepared by FLI.

3.5.2 Resonance search and Endurance tests
Position of Vibration Pick-up Sensors and Directions of Vibration: See Clause 6 of this report.
        Unit          Vibration                 Resonance detected             Endurance test        Results   Note
                      Direction         Freq.       Acceleration Magnitude     performed at freq.
                                         (Hz)          (m/s )        ratio Q   (Hz)
  RSB-131+         X (left/right)   58.5           28.7          4.1           58.5                 Passed.
  SN36CF           Y (back/forth)   59.4           27.3          3.9           59.4                 Passed.
  Table-top        Z (up/down)      (*)            (*)           (*)           30.0                 Passed.
  RTR-109          X (left/right)   69.5           20.6          2.9           69.5                 Passed.
  Wall-mounting    Y (back/forth)   59.0           52.9          7.6           59.0                 Passed.
                   Z (up/down)      90.0           18.1          2.6           90.0                 Passed.
 (*): No resonance detected.

 There was no damage, or degradation of performance during and after the tests.

3.6 Antenna shock
3.6.1 EUT attitude/mounting and Test fixture:
           Unit          Attitude/mounting             Test fixture
  RSB-131+ SN36CF Table-top                        No. 9 (*1)
  (*1): prepared by FLI.

3.6.2 Results:
            Unit                           Test conditions               Results
  RSB-131+ SN36CF                    Acceleration: 100 m/s2           Passed.
                                     Duration: 25 ms
                                     Number of shocks: Three
                                     Direction: Z -upward
 There was no damage, or degradation of performance during and after the tests.

3.7 Rain and spray
               Unit                               Results
  Antenna Unit                      Passed. (*)
 There was no damage.
 (*) Ingress of water was found. However, it was considered to have no effects for EUT operation. For water ingress
      areas/points, see Clause 6 for details.

3.8 Corrosion (salt mist) (Not performed)
    Not performed. See Clause 1.4 of this report.

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                                                                                        Furuno Labotech International
                                                                                        Report number: FLI 12-13-081

3.9 Special purpose tests
3.9.1 Acoustic noise and signals
         Unit                          Acoustic noise pressure (dB (A))                                 Limits
                         EUT powered off          EUT powered on         Alarm: on (*)           Acoustic noise power
                       (Background noise)                                                          (pressure) dB(A)
 RTR-109            30.4                       45                    Not applicable            60
 Note: (*) The EUT had no audible alarm function or level control.

 The test to RSB-131 was not applicable, because those units were intended not to be installed in wheelhouses or bridge

3.9.2 Compass safe distance (CSD)
 Test Conditions:
   (1) with EUT powered-off in the received condition,
   (2) with EUT powered-off after normalization,
   (3) with EUT powered-on.

     Unit          CSD for Standard   CSD for Steering compass        CSD Marking                             Note
                      compass (m)                (m)
  RSB-131        1.55                 0.95                     Described in the manual           (3) TX-on.
  RTR-109        4.50                 2.90                     Described in the manual           (3) TX-on.

 Normalization was done at about 23 m apart from the CSD test site.

3.10 Safety precautions
3.10.1 Protection against accidental access to dangerous voltages
     IEC                                Requirement                            Result                  Note
  4.6.1/12.1     There shall be no openings of the enclosure of the EUT to     Passed.    Dangerous voltages were
                 allow access to hazardous parts with the access probe                    provided in the EUT, but there
                 (test finger), or there shall be adequate clearance between              were no openings to allow with
                 the access probe and hazardous parts.                                    test finger.
                 All parts and wiring in the EUT shall be isolated             Passed.    Screw driver needed.
                 automatically from all sources of electrical energy when
                 protective covers are removed. Alternatively any further
                 access to the interior of the EUT shall be only possible by
                 means of a spanner or screwdriver.
                 Warning labels shall be prominently displayed both within     Passed.    Warning label provided on the
                 the EUT and on protective covers.                                        protective cover.
                 Means shall be provided for earthing exposed metallic         Passed.    Earth terminal provided.
                 parts of the EUT, but this shall not cause any terminal of
                 the source of electrical energy to be earthed.

3.10.2 Electromagnetic radiofrequency radiation
             Unit                Distance to 100 W/m2 (m)      Distance to 50 W/m2 (m)        Distance to 10 W/m2 (m)
 RSB-131+SN36CF, and          Not applicable.                0.26                         2.3
 Note: According to the results of the pre-tests performed with the radar pulse types of Short 1, Short 2, Middle 1, Middle
       2, Middle 3, and Long, final tests were performed with Long pulse type (longest distance).

3.10.3 Emission from visual display unit (VDU) (Not applicable)
            Not applicable. The EUT had no display devices.

3.10.4 X-radiation (Not performed)
            The test was waived according to the evidence submitted by the manufacture.

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                                                                                    Furuno Labotech International
                                                                                    Report number: FLI 12-13-081

3.11 Environmental conditions during Testing
  IEC           Item                 Date of test    Temperature, humidity               Power supply voltage
60945                                                   (Before-test to                (Before-test to After-test)
Clause                                                    After-test)
7      Power supply
7.1      Extreme Power            21 August 2013       27C to 27C,         207.0 VAC, 50.0 Hz to 207.0 VAC, 50.0 Hz.
         supply:                                       63% to 63%RH.         253.0 VAC, 50.0 Hz to 253.0 VAC, 50.0 Hz.
                                    22 August 2013 27C to 26C,             207.0 VAC, 50.0 Hz to 207.0 VAC, 50.0 Hz.
                                                       63% to 62%RH.         253.0 VAC, 50.0 Hz to 253.0 VAC, 50.0 Hz.
                                    24 August 2013 27C to 26C,             207.0 VAC, 50.0 Hz to 207.0 VAC, 50.0 Hz.
                                                       66% to 62%RH.         253.0 VAC, 50.0 Hz to 253.0 VAC, 50.0 Hz.
 7.2        Excessive               22 October         26C to 26C,         230.0 VAC, 50.0 Hz to 230.2 VAC, 50.0 Hz.
            conditions tests        2013               62% to 62%RH.
 8        Durability and resistance to environmental conditions
 8.2        Dry heat                ----               ----                  ----
 8.2.1      - Storage test:         24 August 2013 27C to 26C,             230.0 VAC, 50.0 Hz to 230.0 VAC, 50.0 Hz.
                                                       63% to 58%RH.
 8.2.2      - Functional test:      22 July 2013       27C to 26C,         230.0 VAC, 50.0 Hz to 230.0 VAC, 50.0 Hz.
                                                       70% to 65%RH.
 8.3.1      Damp heat-              23 July 2013       27C to 27C,         230.0 VAC, 50.0 Hz to 230.0 VAC, 50.0 Hz.
            Functional test:                           63% to 63%RH.
 8.4        Low temperature
 8.4.1      - Storage test:         Not applicable.    ----                  ----
 8.4.2      - Functional tests:     21 July 2013       26C to 26C,         230.0 VAC, 50.0 Hz to 230.0 VAC, 50.0 Hz.
                                                       62% to 65%RH.
 8.7        Vibration:              15 September       25C to 25C,         99.8 VAC, 60.0 Hz to 99.7 VAC, 60.0 Hz.
                                    2013               57% to 61%RH.
                                    16 September       24C to 24C,         100.2 VAC, 60.0 Hz to 99.9 VAC, 60.0 Hz.
                                    2013               56% to 60%RH.
 8.8        Rain and spray:         1 November         22C to 20C,         100.8 VAC, 59.9 Hz to 100.8 VAC, 59.9 Hz.
                                    2013               47% to 43%RH.
                                                       Water temperature:
                                                       17C to 17C
 8.12       Corrosion:              Not performed.     ----                  ----
 11       Special purpose tests
 11.1       Acoustic noise and      22 October2013 26C to 26C,             230.0 VAC, 50.0 Hz to 230.0 VAC, 50.0 Hz.
            signals:                                   58% to 58%RH.
 11.2       Compass safe            6 October2013      25C to 25C,         230.0 VAC, 50.0 Hz to 230.0 VAC, 50.0 Hz.
            distance (CSD):                            65% to 65%RH.         100.0 VAC, 60.0 Hz to 100.0 VAC, 60.0 Hz.
 12       Safety precautions
 12.1       Protection against      22 October         26C to 26C,         ---
            accidental access to 2013                  62% to 62%RH.
            dangerous voltages:
 12.2       Electromagnetic         1 September        24C to 24C,         230.0 VAC, 50.0 Hz to 230.0 VAC, 50.0 Hz.
            radiofrequency          2013               58% to 58%RH.
 12.3       Emission from visual Not applicable.       ----                  ----
            display unit (VDU):
 12.4       X-radiation             Not performed.     ---                   ----

  IEC             Item               Date of test    Temperature, humidity               Power supply voltage
 62388                                                  (Before-test to                (Before-test to After-test)
 17.3.2     Antenna shock         16 September       24C to 24C,           100.2 VAC, 60.0 Hz to 100.0 VAC, 60.0 Hz.
                                  2013               60% to 60%RH.

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                                                                                      Furuno Labotech International
                                                                                      Report number: FLI 12-13-081

4 List of Measuring/Test Instruments
Measuring/Test instruments have been appropriately calibrated/maintained according to the FLI programs/
procedures and ISO/IEC 17025. Measuring/Test instruments used for the tests are listed below.

4.1 Dry heat/Damp heat/Low temperature
  (*) C/N                         Instrument                               Type              S/N          Manufacturer
   X HT370 Climatic chamber (L)                                      TBE-3HW5GE2F      3013000995        Tabai Espec
   X HT723 Paperless recorder/Dual communication logger              FX106-4-1         S5JA01445         Yokogawa
               DAQSTATION FX100
   -- HT415 Climatic chamber (S)                                     PL-4KP            14004204          Tabai Espec
   -- HT724 Paperless recorder/Dual communication logger             FX106-4-1         S5JA01450         Yokogawa
               DAQSTATIOM FX100
   -- HT510 Climatic chamber (Hama-L)                                TBE-3HW4PE2F      3013002540        Tabai Espec
   -- HT725 Paperless recorder/Dual communication logger             FX106-4-1         S5JA01447         Yokogawa
               DAQSTATION FX100
   -- HT364 Climatic/Air pressure chamber (Hama-AL)                  MZH-21HS          581989           Tabai Espec
   -- HT161 Temperature recorder (Hama-AL)                           µR180             4177WA303        Yokogawa
   -- HT414 Climatic chamber (Hama-S)                                PL-4KP            14004203         Tabai Espec
   -- HT726 Paperless recorder/Dual communication logger             FX106-4-1         S5JA01448        Yokogawa
               DAQSTATION FX100
   X HT446 Programmable AC power supply                              4420/4471         306043-4420024 NF
   -- HT432 DC power supply                                          PAN55-20          AK003307       Kikusui
   X HT461 Digital Multimeter                                        111               78410077       Fluke
 (*): X – indicates instruments used for the tests, -- – not used.

4.2 Vibration
  (*) C/N                   Instrument                      Type             S/N        Manufacturer         Note
   X HT562 Vibration test system (3.5-ton type) G-0235LS                SG-4420      Shinken
   X HT367 Vibration test system (2.0-ton type) VS-2000-20              S-4798       IMV
   -- HT373 Vibration test system (0.6-ton type) VS-600-140             212540       IMV
   -- HT439 Pickup sensor                              VP-15            2325T        IMV
   X HT577 Pickup sensor (Reference)                   V11-101S         0522         Shinken           RTR-109
   -- HT578 Pickup sensor                              V11-101S         0521         SHINKEN
   X HT661 Pickup sensor (Reference)                   V11-101S         1112         Shinken           RSB-131
   X HT662 Pickup sensor (Response)                    VP-15            0025U        IMV               RTR-109
   X HT663 Pickup sensor (Response)                    VP-15            0026U        IMV               RSB-131
   -- HT434 AC/DC Power Supply                         PCR2000L         BB002789     Kikusui
   -- HT431 DC Power Supply                            PAN55-20         AK003303     Kikusui
   X HT462 Digital Multimeter                          111              78120001     Fluke
   -- HT430 DC Power supply                            PAD55-20L        10091786     Kikusui
 (*): X – indicates instruments used for the tests, -- – not used.

4.3 Antenna shock
   (*) C/N                    Instrument                         Type                S/N               Manufacturer
    X HT562 Vibration test system (3.5-ton type)           G-0235LS         SG-4420               Shinken
    -- HT367 Vibration test system (2.0-ton type)          VS-2000-20       S-4798                IMV
    -- HT373 Vibration test system (0.6-ton type)          VS-600-140       212540                IMV
    -- HT439 Pickup sensor                                 VP-15            2325T                 IMV
    -- HT577 Pickup sensor                                 V11-101S         0522                  Shinken
    -- HT578 Pickup sensor                                 V11-101S         0521                  SHINKEN
    X HT661 Pickup sensor (Reference)                      V11-101S         1112                  Shinken
    -- HT662 Pickup sensor                                 VP-15            0025U                 IMV
    -- HT663 Pickup sensor                                 VP-15            0026U                 IMV
    -- HT434 AC/DC Power Supply                            PCR2000L         BB002789              Kikusui
    -- HT431 DC Power Supply                               PAN55-20         AK003303              Kikusui
    X HT462 Digital Multimeter                             111              78120001              Fluke
    -- HT430 DC Power supply                               PAD55-20L        10091786              Kikusui
 (*): X – indicates instruments used for the tests, -- – not used.

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                                                                                  Furuno Labotech International
                                                                                  Report number: FLI 12-13-081

4.4 Rain and Spray
  (*) C/N                  Instrument                        Type                S/N             Manufacturer
   X HT587 Liquid flow meter (Area type)          SPG-1               050278                 NFC
   X HT584 Rain test set for IPX6                 IPX6                05-001                 FLI
   X HT689 Digital Multimeter                     115                 10821185               Fluke
 (*): X – indicates instruments used for the tests, -- – not used.

4.5 Special purpose tests
4.5.1 Acoustic noise and signals
  (*) C/N                  Instrument                        Type             S/N                Manufacturer
   -- HT453 Sound level meter                     VS-3701A            66645                  Panasonic
   X HT702 Sound level meter                      556A                935983                 Testo
   X HT177 Screened room                          USC-26              D-003                  USC
   X HT164 Digital multimeter                     E2378A              2943J06324             HP
   -- HT173 DC power supply                       GP035-30R           1014397082             Takasago
 (*): X – indicates instruments used for the tests, -- – not used.

4.5.2 Compass safe distance (CSD)
  (*) C/N                  Instrument                        Type              S/N               Manufacturer
   X HT433 3-axis Magnetic field meter            HM-310NR            003111                 MTI
   X HT189 Helmholtz coil                         2X2M-10T            0001                   TSJ
   -- HT157 Programmable AC power supply 8461                         209648                 NF
   -- HT446 Programmable AC power supply 4420/4471                    306043-4420024         NF
   -- HT432 DC power supply                       PAN55-20            AK003307               Kikusui
   X HT571 Programmable AC power supply PCR6000W2                     DH001240               Kikusui
   X HT430 DC power supply                        PAD55-20L           10091786               Kikusui
 (*): X – indicates instruments used for the tests, -- – not used.

4.6 Safety precautions
4.6.1 Protection against accidental access to dangerous voltages
  (*) C/N                  Instrument                        Type                S/N            Manufacturer
   -- HT435 Jointed test finger                   P-10.09             D-008                  EXCEL
 (*): X – indicates instruments used for the tests, -- – not used.

4.6.2 Electromagnetic radio frequency radiation
  (*) C/N                  Instrument                        Type                S/N             Manufacturer
   X HT590 RF Radiation meter                     EMR-300/33C         211171                 Narda
 (*): X – indicates instruments used for the tests, -- – not used.

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                                                                                                                  Furuno Labotech International
                                                                                                                  Report number: FLI 12-13-081

5 EUT Setup/Test Arrangement
5.1 For Climatic test,

                                                                                     (Chamber)         (Operator’s room)

                                                         EUT 1                                        RW-00136 (3C-2VS×1C+0.3SQ×6C), 20 m
                                                         Gear Box
                                                                                                                          AU 7 J616
                                                                                                      AU 9
                                                                                                                        AU 8
                                                                                                                        Display Unit        100 VAC,
                                            TTYCY-10SLA, 20 m                                         RCU-014                               60 Hz
                                                                                                                            20 m

                                                           TB802/TB803                                                   TB131                     J102
                                                                                                                              AU 3
                      AE 10                                            TB804
                                                      EUT 2                                                                   MARINE RADER
                      Antenna dummy load              Transceiver Unit                                 DPYC-2.5, 10 m
                                                                                                                          TB1 POWER SUPPLY
                                                      RTR-109         TB801                            100 VAC/               UNIT
                                                                                                        230 VAC

                                                                                                                                            J101   TB132
                                                                                                     DTI-C5E 350 VCV,
                                                                                                                 20 m

                                                    MOD-Z072-050+, 0.5 m

                                                                                                         250V-TTYC-SLA-1Q LA,
                           USB                                   LAN 3     J15   J16      Serial 8
                                                                                                         20 m
                           AE 14     LAN
                                                                LAN 1
        100 VAC,
           60 Hz                                                                           Serial 1

         AE 15
                                                                                           Serial 3
         MOUSE                      AE 12
                   AE 13
                 LCD Monitor
                                           5m                                                                                      AE 11
              AU 6                                               KEY 1
                                                                                                                                   USB Serial Adapter
                                                                 USB 1        AU 4
          CONTROL UNIT                TS-20-071-1, 5 m                                                                           USB
            RCU-025                                                      PROCESSOR UNIT
                                                                            EC-3000                                               Serial1    Serial2

                                                                                                                              20 m

                                            DVI-D/D SINGLE
                                               LINK, 5 m                                                          250V-TTYC-SLA-1Q, 20 m
                      AU 5                                       DVI 1
                  MONITOR UNIT
                                             DSUB9P, 5 m
                    MU-231                                       COM 1

           DPYC-1.5, 5 m

      100 VAC,                                                   SHIP’S
        60 Hz                        IEC60320-C13-L5M, 5 m       MAINS

                           100 VAC, 60 Hz

Note: AU - Auxiliary Unit, AE - Associated Equipment.

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                                                                                                                   Furuno Labotech International
                                                                                                                   Report number: FLI 12-13-081

5.2 For Vibration test,

           (*)    AE 10 Antenna dummy load or
                  Antenna Radiator SN36CF                    Coaxial Cable
                                                           LHPX-20-ASSY,                                   RW-00136 (3C-2VS×1C+0.3SQ×6C), 20 m
                                                                                    EUT 2
                   EUT 1                                              20 m
                   Gear Box                                                         Unit                                   AU 7    J616
                   RSB-131                                     TTYCY-10SLA,         RTR-109                                PROCESSOR
                                                TB802/                 20 m
                                                TB803                           TB802/                                     UNIT
                                                                                TB803       TB801/                         RPU-013
                                                                                                           AU 9
                                                           RW-00135(CAT5E1C+2.5SQ×8C),                     UNIT
                                                                                                                         AU 8                  100 VAC,
                                                                                 20 m                      RCU-014                             60 Hz
                                                                                                                         Display Unit

                                                                                      J102 TB131

                                                                       AU 3
                     100 VAC, 60 Hz/          DPYC-2.5, 10 m           POWER SUPPLY
                     230 VAC, 50 Hz                                TB1 UNIT

                                     DTI-C5E 350 VCV,
                                                 20 m                                J101    TB132
                                                                                                                                     AE 11
                                                                                                                                     USB Serial
                                                         MOD-Z072-050+, 0.5 m                                                        Serial1      Serial2

                 AE 13
                                                                                                             250V-TTYC-SLA-1Q LA,
               LCD Monitor                                          LAN 3     J15     J16      Serial 8
                                                                                                             20 m
                                        AE 14                       LAN 1
                  AE 15
                                         PC                                                                    250V-TTYC-SLA-4,
                                                                                                                     20 m
                                                                                                Serial 1
                   AE 12                      100 VAC, 60 Hz
                  Keyboard                                                                      Serial 3
                                                                                                               250V-TTYC-SLA-1Q, 20 m

                                            5m                      KEY 1
              AU 6
          CONTROL UNIT                                              USB 1
                                        TS-20-071-1, 5 m
            RCU-025                                                                AU 4
                                                                              PROCESSOR UNIT
                                                                    KEY 3        EC-3000

                                              DVI-D/D SINGLE
                                                 LINK, 5 m
                       AU 5                                         DVI 1
                   MONITOR UNIT                 DSUB9P-
                                               DSUB9P, 5 m
                     MU-231                                         COM 1

         DPYC-1.5, 5 m

    100 VAC,                                                        SHIP’S
      60 Hz                                                         MAINS
                                       IEC60320-C13-L5M, 5 m

                             100 VAC, 60 Hz

Note: AU - Auxiliary Unit, AE - Associated Equipment.
     (*) - Antenna radiator was used for Vibration, Antenna shock, Rain and spray, and Electromagnetic RF radiation

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          hugy   6

                                                                  Furuno Labotech International
                                                                  Report number: FLI 12-13-081

6.2 Vibration



           Note:   - Pick-up sensor,      - Vibration direction

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                                                            Furuno Labotech International
                                                            Report number: FLI 12-13-081

6.3 Antenna shock
     RSB-131+SN36CF (Only for Z direction)

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                                                          Furuno Labotech International
                                                          Report number: FLI 12-13-081

6.4 Rain and spray
          For Antenna Unit (RSB-131+SN36CF),
          Test Setup,


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                                                                 Furuno Labotech International
                                                                 Report number: FLI 12-13-081

 Photographs of the internal examinations done after the test,

Top side,

Side cover (No ingress of water),


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                                                   Furuno Labotech International
                                                   Report number: FLI 12-13-081



   : Ingress of water found.

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                                                 Furuno Labotech International
                                                 Report number: FLI 12-13-081

7 Temperature/humidity records taken during Dry heat/Damp
  heat/Low temperature tests
7.1 Dry heat - Storage,

7.2 Dry heat - Functional,

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                                                        Furuno Labotech International
                                                        Report number: FLI 12-13-081

7.3 Damp heat,

7.4 Low temperature - Functional,

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                                              Furuno Labotech International
                                              Report number: FLI 12-13-081

8 Vibration response plots taken during tests
8.1 for RSB-131+SN36CF,

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                                       Furuno Labotech International
                                       Report number: FLI 12-13-081

8.2 for RTR-109,

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                    Resonance Search Test (MBefore Endurance, DAfter Endurance)
                                                            Furuno Labotech International Co., Ltd
                                                                 Date Tested: 2013/9/15
                                                                    Sweep Freq:
        1000 n/s
                                                                       8    Hz— m Hz
                                                                    Sweep Rate: 0.5 oct/min.
                                                                    Test Time: 10 min

                                                                    C x (LertRicHt)
                                                                     El y (BACK/FORTH)
                                                                     C z (uPpown)

                                                                    EUT: RTR—109
                                                                    S/N: RO0008—000002

                                                                    ——     EUT
                                                                    —     CONTROL

                                                                         £9.0H2 \ 62. m/s®
                                                                         706 He \ 34.¢ m/s*

                    Resonance Search Test (lBefore Endurance, LAfter Endurance)
                                                           Furuno Labotech International Co., Ltd
                                                                Date Tested: 2013/9/16
                                                                    Swe       req:
        io. 0 n%"
                                                                             Hz —
                                                                    Sweep Rate: 0.5      oct/min.
                                                                    Test Time: 10 min

                                                                   C x (LertRiGHT)
                                                                    C v (eacwroRtH)
                                                                    N z (uPDpoWnN)

                                                                    EUT: RTR—109
                                                                    S/N: RO0008—000002

                                                                   —     Eut
                                                                   —     CONTROL

                                                                         90.0Hz: [3.1 m/s®

ko e maveise                          foogy <   yc >


                                                              Shock/Bump Test
                                                                                                                                                 Ver. No: 581
                                                                                                                Furuno Labotech International Co., Ltd
 Model Name       _:   MARINE RADAR ANTENNA UNIT   Axis                        201                         Wave Type       Helf sine At the end
 Type Name        _: RSB—131                       Acoeleration            :100 m/st
 Sorial No.       :    R00007—000002               Bump Times                  3 shock plotted.            Date Tested     _:   2013/09/16
 Memo             :    SIB6CF                      Interval                :35
                                                   Duration                    25 ms                       Test Engineer        KImamura

           m/st                                                                                                                                    4
         1500                   ;                                                            7                      T
         esd                    |                                                            ‘        L1 .                       hish—abort(©)
         1200 4———                                                                           felaGinemoimcdeatiesiiseds         _ bucsbss..
         1050                   ||                            7                              ‘         Sbmm h                     imuct®
          soo                                                                                |                      |
          750                                                                                j
          450 —


        ~a00 |—.
        —«50 —   —
        ~#88 L————\———
                         —                                        Time (Mill       )

                                                                                 Furuno Labotech International
                                                                                 Report number: FLI 12-13-081

9 Test results data of the EUT obtained during the climatic tests.
9.1 Dry heat - Storage test
   Item no.                                Results                                     Limit
                              Power supply voltage and frequency
                  230 VAC / 50 Hz    207 VAC / 47.5 Hz      253 VAC / 52.5 Hz
        1        Passed.            Passed.                Passed.              ---
    2 (rpm)      42.1               42.1                   42.1                 > 40
        3        Passed.            Passed.                Passed.              --
        4        Passed.            Passed.                Passed.              ---
        5        Passed.            Passed.                Passed.              ---
        6        Passed.            Passed.                Passed.              ---
        7        Passed.            Passed.                Passed.              ---
    8 (m:s)      3:32               3:32                   3:32                 < 4:00
     9 (A)       9.81               9.86                   9.85                 ---

Note: Item numbers are corresponding to those in Clause 1.2.2 Performance Test (PT).

9.2 Dry heat – Functional test
 Item no.                                Results                                       Limit
                            Power supply voltage and frequency
                230 VAC / 50 Hz     207 VAC / 47.5 Hz      253 VAC / 52.5 Hz
     1        Passed.              Passed.                Passed.               ---
  2 (rpm)     42.1                 42.1                   42.0                  > 40
     3        Passed.              Passed.                Passed.               --
     4        Passed.              Passed.                Passed.               ---
     5        Passed.              Passed.                Passed.               ---
     6        Passed.              Passed.                Passed.               ---
     7        Passed.              Passed.                Passed.               ---
  8 (m:s)     3:31                 3:31                   3:31                  < 4:00
   9 (A)      8.25                 8.36                   8.44                  ---

9.3 Damp heat – Functional test
 Item no.                               Results                                        Limit
                           Power supply voltage and frequency
               230 VAC / 50 Hz     207 VAC / 47.5 Hz      253 VAC / 52.5 Hz
    1       Passed.               NA                     NA                     ---
 2 (rpm)    42.1                                                                > 40
    3       Passed.                                                             --
    4       Passed.                                                             ---
    5       Passed.                                                             ---
    6       Passed.                                                             ---
    7       Passed.                                                             ---
 8 (m:s)    3:32                                                                < 4:00
  9 (A)     8.72                                                                ---
Note: NA - Not applicable.

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                                                                               Furuno Labotech International
                                                                               Report number: FLI 12-13-081

9.4 Low temperature – Functional test
 Item no.                               Results                                        Limit
                           Power supply voltage and frequency
               230 VAC / 50 Hz     207 VAC / 47.5 Hz      253 VAC / 52.5 Hz
     1       Passed.              Passed.                Passed.              ---
  2 (rpm)    42.1                 42.1                   42.1                 > 40
     3       Passed.              Passed.                Passed.              --
     4       Passed.              Passed.                Passed.              ---
     5       Passed.              Passed.                Passed.              ---
     6       Passed.              Passed.                Passed.              ---
     7       Passed.              Passed.                Passed.              ---
  8 (m:s)    3:32                 3:32                   3:32                 < 4:00
   9 (A)     9.81                 9.86                   9.85                 ---

9.5 Vibration
 Item no.                   Results                      Limit
               Power supply voltage and frequency
                       230 VAC / 50 Hz
     1       Passed.                                 ---
  2 (rpm)    42.1                                    > 40
     3       Passed.                                 --
     4       Passed.                                 ---
     5       Passed.                                 ---
     6       Passed.                                 ---
     7       Passed.                                 ---
  8 (m:s)    3:32                                    < 4:00
   9 (A)     9.81                                    ---

Form: FQ052/37                               - Page 30 of 30 -

Document Created: 2013-11-19 14:29:04
Document Modified: 2013-11-19 14:29:04

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