inst man part 2


Users Manual

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2.2 Wiring the Power Supply Unit
1. Unfasten four screws to remove the cable clamp.
2. Unfasten four screws to remove the cover.
3. Attach the connectors of three cables as shown in the figure below.

                    POWER Board 03P9419
                                 J4                       J13
                                 V                        V
                                 H                        H
                                 4                        5
                                 J3      J5
                                         N       J12      J14
                                 V       H
                                 H                V        N
                                         13                H
                       J1 3P     9                H
                                                  1        1
                                                  0        4

                     VL3P-VV-S2X                                       terminal
                     cable                                    Antenna cable
                     (to 12-24 VDC)                           RW-9771
                                      (to display unit)       (03S9771)

4. Lay three cables in respective slots referring to the figure above.
5. Reattach the cover and the cable clamp.
6. Connect a ground wire (local supply, IV-2sq) between the ground terminal and ship’s


                                                                                     2. WIRING

Jumper block, slide switch setting
The jumper block JP1 and slide switch S112 on the PWR board (03P9419) must be set
according to radar model. Open the unit, locate JP1 and S112 and set them as below.

                                                               Jumper block JP1
                                                               ("short" for FR-8252 radar;
                                                               remove dummy connector and
                                                               attach connector assy.

                                 Slide switch S112
                                 (Upward position
                                 for FR-8252)

                              Power supply unit, inside view

Jumper block, slide switch   Function                                     Setting
JP1                          Enables/disables motor slow start circuit.   Short (disable)
S112                         TUNE voltage selector (0-12 V, 0-32 V)       Upward position
                                                                          (0-12 V)

Power requirement, replacement of fuses
Power requirement
The power for the power supply unit and display unit must be drawn from the same power
switch on the power terminal board.

Replacement of fuses
The power supply unit is shipped with a 15 A fuse(for connection to 12 VDC battery).
Replace the fuse with a 7 A (supplied) when the ship’s battery is 24 VDC.



2.3 Port for External Devices
External equipments can be connected here as shown below.
          NMEA1(7P)           NMEA2(7P)          HDG (6P)      PC/EXT-BUZZER
       NMEA sentence    NMEA sentence        Heading sensor   External buzzer,
       device           device                                PC, etc.

This equipment can receive the following NMEA 0183 format sentences from other
equipment. You will need the optional NMEA cable to connect with external equipment.

•   Course:                    VTG> RMC
•   Waypoint                   Range: BWR> BWC> RMB, Bearing: BWR> BWC (> RMB*1)
•   Heading (True):            HDT> VHW> HDG*2> HDM*2> VHW*2
•   Heading (Magnetic):        HDG> HDM> VHW> HDT*2> VHW*2
•   Ship’s speed:              Over ground: VTG>RMC> VHW, Through water: VHW
•   Date:                      ZDA
•   Time:                      ZDA
•   Own ship’s position:       GNS>GGA>RMC> GLL
•   Depth:                     DPT>DBT
•   Wind speed and angle*3:    True: MWV>VWT, Relative: MWV>VWR
•   Water temperature:         MTW

*1: Available when true bearing.
*2: Variation data is required.
*3: True or Relative is changed with menu.


3.1 Setting Language
At the first power application after installation, choose a language as follows.

1. Press /BRILL key to turn the power on.
   “Now Initializing…” appears and after a while the window below appears.

                                     Language   English
                                     Language   Francais
                                     Language   Espanol
                                     Language   Deutsch
                                     Language   Italiano
                                     Language   Portugues
                                     Language   Dansk
                                     Language   Svensk
                                     Language   Norsk
                                     Language   Chinese
                                     Language   Japanese
                                     Language   Thai

2. Rotate the trackball to choose language desired and press the ENTER key.
   The confirmation window appears.

                      Language English OK?
                               No               Changes with language chosen.

3. Choose Yes and press the ENTER key.



3.2 Opening the Installation Menu
After you have installed the equipment, set it up as follows.

1. Press the MENU key. The main menu appears on the screen.
2. Rotate the trackball downward to choose Installation. The installation menu appears in
   gray to right side of the screen.
3. While pressing down the CANCEL/HL OFF key, press the MENU key five times to
   activate the Installation menu.

                 Menu                Installation
                  Mark               Language                        : English
                  Custom 1           Purpose                         : Sea
                  Custom 2           Type                            : 8062
                  Custom 3           View Position                   : Center
                  Tuning             Input Source                    : Main
                  GPS Buoy           Antenna Height                  :5m
                  Target             Heading Adjust                  : 0°
                  ARP                Manual Timing Adjust            :      0
                  AIS                Tuning Initial Adjust
                  GPS                Manual MBS Adjust               : 0
                    System           Video Initial Adjust            : 0
                  Initial            Auto Installation Setup**
                  Factory            Antenna Rotation                : Rotate
                  Installation       Local Time Offset               : - 0.1 H
                                     Total TX Time*                  : 000000.5 h
                  Sector Blank 1**
                                     Total On Time*                  : 000000.6 h
                                     Memory Clear*
                                     [ENTER]: Enter [CANCEL/HL OFF]: Back
                                     [MENU]: Exit
                                            * : Displayed when scrolled.
                                            ** : Set the Sector Blank to "Off" in order to
                                                 execute Auto Installation Setup in the
                                                 Installation menu.
4.   Press the ENTER key. The highlighted cursor appears in the Installation menu.
5.   Rotate the trackball downward or upward to choose an item in the Installation menu.
6.   Press the ENTER key to show setting window.
7.   Rotate the trackball downward or upward to choose an option.
8.   Press the ENTER key to confirm setting.
9.   Finally, press the MENU key to close the main menu.

Basic Settings
Language: Choose an appropriate language.
Purpose: Choose the purpose of this radar among River, Sea and IEC. The default setting
          is Sea.
           River: To use this radar on a river.
           Sea: To use this radar on high seas.
           IEC: To use this radar as the type approved radar.
Type: Choose type of this radar among 8062 (6 kW radar), 8122 (12 kW radar) and 8252
      (25 kW radar) to agree with the specifications of the antenna unit. The default setting
      is 8062. Unsuitable setting may result in malfunction.


                                                                3. SETTING UP THE EQUIPMENT

View Position: Choose the operating position for this radar among Left, Left-Center, Center,
      Right-Center and Right to view echo colors correctly. The default setting is Center.
               Left: When operating this radar at the left side.
               Left-Center: When operating this radar at the left-center side.
               Center: When operating this radar at center position.
               Right-Center: When operating this radar at the right-center side.
               Right: When operating this radar at the right side.
               Approx. angle of the view position as follows.

                                          LCD screen

                                       30° 0°      30°
                                     Left Center    Right
                                         15°     15°
                                   Left-Center   Right-Center

         Note: The radar echo and trail echo are adjusted by the View Position. The
         characters are not adjusted. This setting is also reflected on an external monitor

Input Source: Choose the input source between Main and Sub. The default setting is Main.
              Main: When using this display unit as main radar.
              Sub: When using this display unit as sub display. For Sub, the “Video Initial
                    Adjust” is required (page 3-6).
Antenna Height: Set the height of the antenna above the water surface among 5, 10, 15,
                 20, 30, 40 and 50 m. The default setting is 15 m.
Antenna Rotation: “Rotate,” the default setting, stops transmission when the antenna is
                 not rotating. “Stop” transmits radar pulses without rotating the antenna.
Local Time Offset: To display local time on the screen, set the time difference from the
Memory Clear: Restore the default settings. However, Purpose, Type, View Position and
               Input Source are not restored.

Heading Adjustment
You have mounted the antenna unit facing straight ahead in the direction of the bow.
Therefore, a small but conspicuous target dead ahead visually should appear on the
heading line (zero degrees).

In practice, you will probably observe some small error on the display because of the
difficulty in achieving accurate initial positioning of the antenna unit. The following
adjustment will compensate for this error.

1. Set ship’s heading toward a suitable target (for example, ship or buoy) at a range
   between 0.125 and 0.25 nautical mile.



2. Transmit the radar at 0.25 nm range and measure the bearing of that target relative to
   ship’s heading with an EBL.
3. Open the Installation menu, and choose Heading Adjust.
4. Press the ENTER key to show the HEADING ADJUST window.

                                        (0 ° ∼ 359 °)

5. Rotate the trackball upward or downward to set the value measured at the step 2 above.
   Confirm that the target shows dead ahead on the screen.
6. Press the ENTER key to conclude the setting.

Auto Installation Setup
When this item is executed, the tuning, timing, video and MBS are automatically adjusted.

Note: Before executing this procedure, confirm that Sector Blank 1 and Sector Blank 2 are

1. Transmit the radar at 48 nm range.
2. Choose Auto Installation Setup from the installation menu and press the ENTER key.
3. Rotate the trackball to choose Yes, and then press the ENTER key.
   Automatically, the tune adjustment begins, indicating “Tuning adjusting….” Then, the timing
   adjustment, video adjustment and MBS adjustment are executed automatically, indicating
   “Timing adjusting…”, “Video adjusting…”, and “MBS adjusting…” in that order. After the
   adjustment is completed, the window disappears.

If you are not satisfied with the result of the Auto Installation Setup, execute Manual Timing
Adjust, Tuning Initial Adjust, Manual MBS Adjust and Video Initial Adjust as follows.

Tuning Initial Adjust
1. Transmit the radar at 48 nm range.
2. Open the Installation menu, and choose Tuning Initial Adjust.
3. Press the ENTER key to show the setting window.
4. Rotate the trackball to choose Yes, and then press the ENTER key. The tune
    adjustment begins, indicating “Tuning adjusting….” After the adjustment is completed,
    the window disappears.


                                                              3. SETTING UP THE EQUIPMENT

Manual Timing Adjust
This adjustment ensures proper radar performance, especially on short ranges. The radar
measures the time required for a transmitted echo to travel to the target and return to the
source. The received echo appears on the display based on this time. Thus, at the instant
the transmitter is fired, the sweep should start from the center of the display (sometimes
called sweep origin.)

A trigger pulse generated in the display unit goes to the antenna unit through the signal
cable to trigger the transmitter (magnetron). The time taken by the signal to travel up to the
antenna unit varies, depending largely on the length of signal cable. During this period the
display unit should wait before starting the sweep. When the display unit is not adjusted
correctly, the echoes from a straight local object (for example, a harbor wall or straight pier)
will not appear with straight edges – namely, they will be seen as “pushed out” or “pulled in”
near the picture center. The range of objects will also be incorrectly shown.

             (1) Target pulled           (2) Correct      (3) Target pushed outward

                       Examples of improper and correct sweep timing

1. Transmit on the shortest range and confirm that gain and A/C SEA are properly
2. Visually select a target which forms a straight line (harbor wall, straight piers).
3. Open the Installation menu and choose Manual Timing Adjust.
4. Press the ENTER key to show the setting window.
5. Rotate the trackball to straighten the target selected at step 2, and then press the
   ENTER key to finish.



Manual MBS Adjust
Main bang (black hole), which appears at the display center on short ranges, can be
suppressed as follows.

1.   Transmit the radar on the short range.
2.   Open the Installation menu and choose Manual MBS Adjust.
3.   Press the ENTER key to show the setting window.
4.   Rotate the trackball to suppress main bang (between 0 and 255).
5.   Press the ENTER key to finish.

Video Initial Adjust
After completing Auto Installation Setup, you can fine tune the video signal.

1. Transmit the radar and set as follows.
   Gain: one o’clock      A/C Sea: zero              A/C Rain: zero
   Echo Average: Off      Noise Rejecter: Off        Interference Rejecter: Med.
2. Open the Installation menu and choose Video Initial Adjust.
3. Press the ENTER key to show the setting window.
4. Rotate the trackball to adjust the video so that the white noise slightly appears. The
   setting range is 0 to 31. The greater the value, the higher the gain.
5. Press the ENTER key to finish.

Note: If the display unit is used as a Sub-display, set the “Input Source” to “Sub” and
      perform the Video Initial Adjust as mentioned above so that the echo presentation on
      the sub-display is the same as that on the main display.


4.1 ARP Kit ARP-11
The ARP kit provides automatic radar plotter functions to this radar.

Necessary parts
Name:     ARP kit
Type:     ARP-11
Code no.: 008-523-050
                                     Contents of ARP kit

           Name                  Type                   Code No.               Qty
     ARP Board            18P9014B                     001-068-900              1
     Pan head screw       M3x6 C2700W                 000-163-189-10            4
                          SQ-9                        000-159-320-10            1
                          SQ-15                       000-159-299-10            3
     Spring washer*       M3 C5191W                   000-168-187-10            3
                                                                             *Not used
1. Unscrew all connector nuts at the rear of the display unit.
2. Unfasten all screws to remove the display cover.



                              Removing the display unit cover
3. Disconnect the printed circuit board 03P9415 and 03P9413.
   Before disconnecting the 03P9413, disconnect J601 and J604 at the back of the board.



4. Mount the ARP board, mating with connectors and fixing it with four screws at the
   location as shown in the figure below.

                   ARP board

5. Remount 03P9415 and 03P9413 at original position and display cover.

Note: After connecting the harness to J601 on 03P9413, bend the harness so that it does
      not touch the parts on ARP board.



                     ARP board

                        Shall not touch.


                                                                  4. OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT

4.2 External Monitor
You can display the radar image on an external monitor which accepts industrial standard
VGA input using the optional RGB kit OP03-195. Supply monitor and interconnection cable
(with HD-15P connectors of male, three rows of 15 pins) locally.

Necessary parts for external monitor
Name:      RGB kit
Type:      OP03-195
Code No.: 008-553-110
   Name               Type          Code No.                Qty
RGB board    03P9492               008-553-680               1
Flat cable   SML2SC34-4X50BDP.5S4  000-155-457               1
Cable assy   15SDS/XHP10-005       000-144-511               1
EMI core     RFC-6                000-144-132-10             1

1. Unscrew all connector nuts at the rear of the display unit.
2. Unfasten all screws to remove the display cover.
3. Disconnect the printed circuit board 03P9415 and 03P9413.
   Before disconnecting the 03P9413, disconnect J601 and J604 at the back of the board.
4. Mount the RGB board with two screws and connect the flat cable at the location shown
   in the figure below.

                                             Flat cable

                                                            RGB board

5. Remount 03P9415 and 03P9413 at their original locations and display cover.



6. Detach LCD panel from the above assembly. Be sure to disconnect the connector and
    flat cables.
7. Connect the cable assy. 15SDS/XHP10-005 to the rear side of the RGB board.
8. Fix the shield wire of the cable assy. with a screw used to fix the RGB board.
9. Attach the EMI core RFC-1 to the cable assy. closely to the connector.
10. Pass the signal cable through the hole shown below and then pass it through the
    “OPTION” port at the rear of the display unit..

         RGB board (opposite side)

            Fix shield wire with
            a RGB board fixing bolt.

           Attach EMI core closely
           to the connector.

                 RGB cable assy.

          Pass cable through here.

11. Reassemble the display unit and cover the hole with soft putty to seal.
12. Fix the EMI core RFC-6 to the cable closely to the display unit.


                                                                      4. OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT

4.3 Remote Display
The FURUNO Display Unit FMD-811, MODEL1832 or GD-280/380, etc. can be connected
to this radar as a sub display. The display unit RDP-150 also can be used as a sub display.
To interconnect them, use optional cable MJ-B24LPF0008-100/200/300 (see page iv). Also,
the EMI core (option) should be attached to the remote display cable to prevent noise.

Installation materials for remote display (Type: CP03-31001、Code number: 008-556-830)
               Name                   Type              Code no.       Qty
     1 EMI core                RFC-H13               000-146-570-10      1
     2 Cable clamp             CK-13H                000-102-947-10      1
     3 Cable-tie               CV-100N               000-162-167-10      2
     4 Cable-tie               CV-150N               000-162-186-10      1

1. Unscrew all connector nuts at the rear of the main display unit.
2. Unfasten all screws to remove the display cover.
3. Pass the signal cable from the “OPTION” port at the rear of the display unit through the
   hole shown in the figure below and then connect it to the SPU board.
4. Fix the shield wire with a screw used to fixed the SPU board.
5. Attach the EMI core RFC-H13 on the signal cable.
6. Attach cable clamp and fix the cable as shown below.

            90 mm
                                                                     Cable clamp

                                                                     Remote display cable
       EMI core

                                     Attach cable-tie approx. 90 mm from the end of
                                     cable and attach EMI core.

                          Fix the EMI core with cable-tie CV-100.



7. Fix the signal cable to the spacer of the FIL board with a cable tie CV-150N.

                           Fix the cable to the spacer of FIL board
                           with cable-tie.

8. Reassemble the display unit.


                                                                     4. OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT

4.4 External Buzzer
The optional external buzzer provides a louder alert when an alarm is violated.

External buzzer
Type: OP03-136
Code no.: 000-086-443

Further, you need the optional cable assy. MJ-A7SPF0007-050C (w/7P connector, 5 m,
code no. 000-154-028-10).

1. Attach the MJ-A7SPF0007-050C cable assy. (option) to the PC/EXT-BUZZER port at the
   rear of the display unit.
2. Cut off the XH connector and cable itself (as necessary) at the end of the external
   buzzer cable.
3. Solder the cables made at step 2 to the MJ-A7SPF0007-050C cable as shown below.



        External buzzer                                          MJ-A7SPF0007-050C
                                            Other wires should be cut off,
                                            and wrap here with vinyl tape.

                      Connection of external buzzer and display unit
                    using cable assy. type MJ-A7SPF0007-050C cable
4. Attach the buzzer to the mounting location with double-sided tape or two self-tapping
   screws (3x15 or 3x20, local supply).



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ဳᑼ㩄㨺㩎㩨⇟ภ߇㧞Ბߩ႐ว‫ޔ‬ਅᲑࠃࠅ਄Ბߦઍࠊࠆㆊᷰᦼຠߢ޽ࠅ‫ޔ߅ߥޓޕߔ߹޿ߡߞ౉߇߆ࠄߜߤޔ‬ຠ⾰ߪᄌࠊࠅ߹ߖࠎ‫ޕ‬                                                           ဳᑼ㩄㨺㩎㩨⇟ภ߇㧞Ბߩ႐ว‫ޔ‬ਅᲑࠃࠅ਄Ბߦઍࠊࠆㆊᷰᦼຠߢ޽ࠅ‫ޔ߅ߥޓޕߔ߹޿ߡߞ౉߇߆ࠄߜߤޔ‬ຠ⾰ߪᄌࠊࠅ߹ߖࠎ‫ޕ‬

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Y. Hatai

Y. Hatai

Y. Hatai


                      1                                                   2                                                       3                                                            4

                                                             10A:24V         *3                                                                                           空中線部 ANTENNA UNIT
                                                                                                   指示部                                                                    RSB-0070/0073
                                                             15A:12V   MJ-A3SPF          POWER
                          MJ-A3SPF0018-050ZC,5m,φ10                                                DISPLAY UNIT                                                           (RTR-085A/086A)
          12-24 VDC                                              シロ WHT         1        (+)
                                                                 クロ BLK         2        (-)
                                                                                                                                  MJ-B24LPF0012,10/15/20/30m,φ11                     RTB 03P9405A
     100/110/115/ DPYC-1.5 *1 7 AC/DC電源 24V(+) 3                                3        GND              RGB 03P9429 DJ-1        (RW-9807,21C+2C2V,30m MAX.)                          J821(VH9P)
     220/230 VAC              6 ユニット        (-) 2                                                                          10                                                *5    1 +12V
                                                                                              *5          J802                           キ (太)YEL(B)
     1φ,50/60Hz                 AC/DC POWER     1
                                                                19S1004,0.5m *5                          1 R    *2         11
                                      SUPPLY UNIT                                                                                        クロ(太)BLK(B)                               2 +12V
A                                                                                                        2 GND             20            アカ(太)RED(B)                               3 GND
                                      PR-240 *2           *1       MJ-B24LPF0008           *5
                                                       IV-2sq.                                           3 G               14            シロ(太)WHT(B)                               4 -12V
                                          *1                       10/20/30m,φ11.4                                         15
               SVGAモニター SVGA MONITOR CABLE                                                               4 GND                           チャ(太)BRN(B)                               5 -12V
                                                 Dsub15P                                                                   2
               SVGA MONITOR                                                                              5 B                             チャ        BRN                             6 TX-TRIG.
                   副指示器                                                        *3                        6 GND             8             アオ        BLU                             7 P/L-A
             REMOTE DISPLAY                               *2             MJ-A7SPF       NMEA1            7 H_SYNC          7             ミドリ       GRN                             8 P/L-B
                            航法装置           MJ-A7SPF0007-050C
                            NAV EQUIPMENT                    シロ          WHT        1    TD1-A           8 GND                                                                     9 NC
                            (NMEA0183)     5m,φ7                                    2
                                                             アオ          BLU             TD1-B           9 V_SYNC                                                                      J823(VH4P)
                                                                                    3                                      9                                                 *5    1 BP
                                                             キ           YEL             RD1-H          10 GND                                シロ     WHT
                                                             ミドリ        GRN        4    RD1-C                             1                  アオ(太)BLU(B)                          2 MOTOR+
                                                             アカ          RED        5    +12V             SPU 03P9411      17                 クロ     BLK                           3 HD.
                                                             クロ          BLK        6    SG               J110(NH8P)       15                 ムラサキ(太)PPL(B)                        4 MOTOR-
                                                                                    7    SHIELD          1 GND *2                                                                      J824(NH13P)
                                                                                                                           18                                                *5    1 TUNE-IND.
                                                                               *3                        2 TRU-HD                             ムラサキ(太)PPL(B)
                                                               *2        MJ-A7SPF       NMEA2            3 GND             22                 キミドリ(太) L-GRN(B)                    2 MOTOR-
                               航法装置             MJ-A7SPF0007-050C
                               NAV EQUIPMENT                      シロ     WHT        1    TD2-A           4 DP-BP           23                                                      3 NC
                               (NMEA0183)       5m,φ7                               2                                      19
                                                                  アオ     BLU             TD2-B           5 GND                                モモ(太)PNK(B)                          4 MOTOR+
                                                                  キ      YEL        3    RD2-H           6 PR-TRIG         3                  アカ   RED                             5 MBS-L
                                                                  ミドリ   GRN        4    RD2-C           7 GND             4                  ハイ(太)GRY(B)                          6 MOTOR+
                                                                  アカ     RED        5    +12V            8 VIDEO                                                                   7 NC
B                                                                 クロ     BLK        6    SG                                24                 ダイ         ORG                       8 GND
                                                                                    7    SHIELD                                                                                    9 NC
                                                                              *3                                                                                                   10 NC
                   A-Dコンバータ                                *2                           HDG                                  21                                                    11 GND
      ジャイロ         A-D CONVERTER                                        MJ-A6SPF
                                       MJ-A6SPF0003-050C/100C                       1                                        16                                                    12 VIDEO
       GYRO        AD-100 *2                                     シロ WHT                  DATA-H                                             ドウジク COAX.
                                       5/10m,φ6                                     2                                        6              キ     YEL                              13 TUNE-CONT
                                                                 クロ BLK                  DATA-C
            選択                                        *2                            3
                   ヘディングセンサー                                     キ YEL                   CLK-H                                                                                         J822(VH2P)
          SELECT                       MJ-A6SPF0007-100C                            4                                        13
                   HEADING SENSOR                                ミドリ GRN                CLK-C                                                ミドリ(太)GRY(B)                        1 -12
                   PG-1000 *2          10m,φ6                                       5                                        12                                                    2 +12
                                                                                         NC                                                   ダイ(太)ORG(B)
                                                                                    6    GND                                           *4                                   *4
                       リモートコントローラ                              *2        MJ-A7SPF       PC/EXT-BUZZER
                       REMOTE CONTROLLER        MJ-A7SPF0007-050C                                                                                                                                   RW-4747
                                                                  シロ     WHT        1    SD
                       RCU-019        *2        5m,φ7
                                                                  アオ     BLU        2    RD
                                                                  キ      YEL        3    REMOTE-KEY
                                                                  ミドリ   GRN        4    NC
                                    外部ブザー        1m
                                    EXT. BUZZER      アカ RED       アカ     RED        5    +12V
    注記                                               クロ BLK       クロ     BLK        6    EXT.BUZZER
                                    OP03-136 *2
    *1)   造船所手配。                                                                    7    SHIELD
    *2)   オプション。
C   *3)   コネクタは工場にて取付済み。                                                                                                 *1
    *4)   シールドは両端で完全にアースする。
    *5)   EMIコアを取り付ける。
                                                                                                                   DRAWN                                                               TITLE
    NOTES                                                                                                                25/Mar/2011   T.YAMASAKI                                                  FR-8062/8122
                                                                                                                   CHECKED                                                             名 称
    *1: SHIPYARD SUPPLY.                                                                                                 25/Mar/2011   H.MAKI                                                      船舶用レーダー
    *2: OPTION.                                                                                                    APPROVED
    *3: FITTED AT FACTORY.                                                                                                                                                                         相互結線図
                                                                                                                   SCALE               MASS                                             NAME
    *4: GROUND SHIELD EFFECTIVELY AT BOTH ENDS.                                                                                                     kg                                             MARINE RADAR
    *5: ATTACH EMI CORES.                                                                                          DWG.No.                               REF.No.
                                                                                                                             C3539-C01- G                          03-167-6003-3                   INTERCONNECTION DIAGRAM

                           1                                                  2                                                            3                                                         4

                                       VL3P-VV-S2X2C-AA050,5m,φ10                                                                               空中線電源部         PSU-008                                                     空中線部
                                       (03S9801)                                                                                                POWER SUPPLY UNIT
                                                      10A:24V           *3                                                                                                                                                 ANTENNA UNIT
                                                      15A:12V     MJ-A3SPF    POWER                                                                             J1(VL3P)
                                 MJ-A3SPF0018-050ZC                                    指示部                                                                                                                                 RSB-0073/RTR-087A
         12-24 VDC                                         シロ WHT          1 (+)                                                                           1     (+)                          RW-9771,10/15/20/30m,φ14.5
                                 5m,φ10                                                DISPLAY UNIT
                                                           クロ BLK          2 (-)                                                                           2              J12(VH10P)          (17C+2C2V,MAX.30m)                       J821(VH9P)
                         *1                                                3 GND
                                                                                       RDP-150                                                             3                                    キ(太) YEL[B]                  *5
                                                                                                                                                                 (-)                 1                                            1     +12V
    100/110/115/ DPYC-1.5 7 AC/DC電源 24V(+) 3                                                                                                   7A:24V
                                                                                            RGB 03P9429                                        15A:12V          J2(VL3P)             2          クロ(太)BLK[B]                       2     +12V
    220/230 VAC               6 ユニット        (-) 2                        *5         *5      J802                                                           1                         3          アカ(太)RED[B]                       3     GND
    1φ,50/60Hz                  AC/DC POWER     1         19S1004,0.5m                    1 R      *2                                                                                           シロ(太)WHT[B]
                                SUPPLY UNIT                                                                                                                2                         4                                            4     -12V
A                               PR-240 *2              *1                        *5       2    GND                                                         3                         5          チャ(太)BRN[B]                       5     -12V
                                                               MJ-B24LPF0008                                        MJ-B24LPF0011-050                                                           チャ        BRN                     6
                                                  IV-2sq.                                 3 G           DJ-1                                                    J3(VH9P)             6                                                  TX_TRIG
                                         *1                    10/20/30m,φ11.4                               10          5m,φ11                                  +12V                           アオ        BLU                     7
         SVGAモニター SVGA MONITOR CABLE                                                      4 GND                                                            1                         7                                                  P/L A
                                                   Dsub15P                                                   11                                                                                 ミドリ      GRN                     8
         SVGA MONITOR                                                                     5 B                                                              2     +12V                8                                                  P/L B
             副指示器                                                       *3                6 GND              20                                            3     GND                 9                                            9
       REMOTE DISPLAY 航法装置                               *2      MJ-A7SPF    NMEA1        7 H_SYNC           14                                            4     -12V               10
                                        MJ-A7SPF0007-050C                                                    15
                       NAV EQUIPMENT                        シロ WHT         1 TD1-A        8 GND                                                            5     -12V      J13(VH5P)                                                   J823(VH4P)
                       (NMEA0183)       5m,φ7                                                                2                                                                                                               *5
                                                            アオ BLU         2 TD1-B        9 V_SYNC                                                         6     TX-TRIG.            1          シロ        WHT                     1     BP
                                                            キ YEL          3 RD1-H       10 GND              8                                             7     P/L-A               2          アオ(太)     BLU[B]                  2     MOTOR+
                                                            ミドリ GRN       4 RD1-C                           7                                             8     P/L-B               3          クロ        BLK                     3     HD
                                                            アカ RED         5 +12V           SPU 03P9411                                                    9     NC                  4          ムラサキ(太)   PPL[B]                  4     MOTOR-
                                                            クロ BLK         6 SG             J110(NH8P)                                                          J4(VH4P)             5
                                                                           7 SHIELD       1 GND *2           9                                             1     BP      J14(NH14P)                                                    J824(NH13P)
                                                                                                             1                                                                                  シロ/チャ                        *5
                                                                        *3                2 TRU-HD                                                         2     MOTOR+              1                  WHT/BRN                   1     TUNE_IND.
                                                         *2      MJ-A7SPF    NMEA2        3 GND              17                                            3     HD.                 2          ミドリ(太) GRN[B]                    2     MOTOR(-)OUT
                       航法装置             MJ-A7SPF0007-050C
                       NAV EQUIPMENT                        シロ WHT         1 TD2-A        4 DP-BP            15                                            4     MOTOR-              3                                            3     NC
                       (NMEA0183)       5m,φ7                                                                                                                                        4          シロ/アカ(太) WHT/RED[B]                     MOTOR+
                                                            アオ BLU         2 TD2-B        5 GND                                                                 J5(NH13P)                                                         4
                                                            キ YEL          3 RD2-H        6 PR-TRIG          18                                            1     TUNE-IND.           5          アカ       RED                      5     MBS_L
                                                            ミドリ GRN       4 RD2-C        7 GND              22                                            2     MOTOR-              6          モモ(太) PNK[B]                      6     MOTOR+
                                                            アカ RED         5 +12V         8 VIDEO            23                                            3     NC                  7                                            7     NC
B                                                           クロ BLK         6 SG                              19                                            4     MOTOR+              8          シロ/ダイ    WHT/ORG                 8     GND
                                                                           7 SHIELD                          3                                             5     MBS-L               9                                            9     NC
                                                                        *3                                   4                                             6     MOTOR+             10                                            10    NC
                A-Dコンバータ                                *2                   HDG                                                                           7     NC                 11                                            11    VIDEO_GND
    ジャイロ        A-D CONVERTER                                    MJ-A6SPF
                                  MJ-A6SPF0003-050C/100C                                                     24                                            8     GND                                                              12
    GYRO        AD-100 *2                                   シロ WHT         1 DATA-H                                                                                                 12          ドウジク    2C-2V COAX.                   VIDEO
                                  5/10m,φ6                                                                   12                                            9     NC                             キ         YEL                     13
                                                            クロ BLK         2 DATA-C                                                                                                 13                                                  TUNE_CONT
       選択                                         *2                                                         13                                            10    NC
                ヘディングセンサー                                   キ YEL          3 CLK-H                                                                                                  14
     SELECT                       MJ-A6SPF0007-100C                                                          21                                            11    GND
                HEADING SENSOR                              ミドリ GRN       4 CLK-C                                                                                         J11(VH2P)                                                   J820(VH2P)
                PG-1000 *2        10m,φ6                                                                     16                                            12    VIDEO                          ダイ(太)ORG[B]                       1
                                                                           5 NC                                                                                                      1                                                  TX-HV
                                                                           6 GND                             6                                             13    TUNE-CONT           2                                            2     NC
                                                                                                                                                 *4                                      *4                                 *4
                                                                        *3                                                *4                                PWR 03P9419                                                               RTB 03P9405B
               リモートコントローラ                                *2      MJ-A7SPF    PC/EXT-BUZZER
               REMOTE CONTROLLER        MJ-A7SPF0007-050C
                                                            シロ WHT         1 SD
               RCU-019         *2       5m,φ7                                                                                                                                        *1                                                      RW-4747
                                                            アオ BLU         2 RD
                                                                           3 REMOTE-KEY                                                                                         IV-2sq.
                                                            キ YEL
                                                            ミドリ GRN       4 NC
                          外部ブザー          1m
                          EXT. BUZZER        アカ RED         アカ RED         5 +12V
                          OP03-136 *2        クロ BLK         クロ BLK         6 EXT.BUZZER
                                                                           7 SHIELD

C                                                                                                     *1
                                                                                                  IV-2sq.         DRAWN                                                                       TYPE
     注記                                                                                                                      25/Mar/2011   T.YAMASAKI                                                     FR-8252
                             NOTE                                                                                 CHECKED                                                                     名 称
     *1)   造船所手配。            *1: SHIPYARD SUPPLY.                                                                            25/Mar/2011   H.MAKI                                                         船舶用レーダー
     *2)   オプション。            *2: OPTION.                                                                          APPROVED
     *3)   コネクタは工場にて取付済み。                                                                                                    24/Jan/2011   Y.NISHIYAMA                                                    相互結線図
                             *3: FITTED AT FACTORY.                                                               SCALE                MASS                                                   NAME
     *4)   シールドは両端で完全にアースする。 *4: GROUND SHIELD EFFECTIVELY AT BOTH ENDS.                                                                              kg                                                  MARINE RADAR

     *5)   EMIコアを取り付ける。                                                                                           DWG.No.                                   REF.No.
                             *5: ATTACH EMI CORES.                                                                              C3541-C01- H                          03-167-6005-3                       INTERCONNECTION DIAGRAM
                                                                                                                                                                       FURUNO ELECTRIC CO., LTD.

Document Created: 2011-04-28 12:00:14
Document Modified: 2011-04-28 12:00:14

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