Parts List/Tune Up Info

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                                             Installation Manual
                                     MARINE RADAR MODEL 1622

SAFETY INFORMATION .........2,00000000«00r0ne0suss0srecseerecsessseccsevetirecssessssessaues i
EQUIPMENT LISTS ....... .. ..00000sa0va0sssrssesesirriseasrassrersarsnsenssossiscc ces sisensasssssre ii
SYSTEM CONFIGURATION........20220200e00000¥0ee0evarisrsrtrsesreneasssesseccorererssanee iv

   1.1 ANTENNA UNIT INSTALLATION L.... ... ... 0000000e0e002rrerereverserererersereriesverresrervereveeeererereerrseereervees 1
   1.2 DISPLAY UNIT INSTALLATION. ... ... ... c 00sses se eeeraevrerervseserererevesseves snn eeerevveversevevseereneeceeererveeeee 3

  2.1 CONNECTIONS .......... cssc eeeeeeeaeveerserevnverrsreeererrserervesereerarsrservensseseabeveeverveveneerseeererneersccreee5

  3.1 INSTALLATION COHECK 1.... .222 00eee en eeeneerrerrerenervrrernerseneeeserrsernesserrereeaveeerernsererrennrerneeres seabee8
  3.2 EXCHANGING DISPLAY UNIT OF MODEL 1621 MARK—2.............ccnllsscveververeceereenrerermerscevens8
  3.3 ADJUSTMENTS ........ .c lcee ns aeaenarnansaraversererreren esn ebensserreevene           cerbeverervenre re nes 8
  3.4 ADJUSTMENTS FOR TECHNICIANS ... ... ... ......0000000veneerarveeneerrensrerrereerererrervereerereverereereereeeenee 10
  3.5 1/O DATA CONFIRMATION.... .. ... 0000020000 +6648eervrereneerrirerereveve e rveereererreevererereeee cerrevesereerreaneeren 11
  3.6 RESTORING DEFAULT SETTINGS 1.,...............000000000ee en en en aserevrreerrerrerrerereeverenrerenererneveseeeres 11

OUTLINE DRAWING ..........0000200esserssrsssssssessersessesssssssceveessstirsrersserseessens D—1
INTERCONNECTION DIAGRAM .........1000000e0000asscarssvsversssrcceersscesssrersrires S—1
SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS ...,....1200000sassesrersrereseosnesccccsscssessersrernsrrsesrrnraeee S—2

                  fl' FURUNO ELECTRIC CO., LTD.
                                               NISHINOMIYA, JAPAN

I                   SAFETY INFORMATION                                                          I

             mCGITe                                        A CAUTION
                   Do not open the equipment                     Ground the equipment to
                   unless totally familiar with                  prevent electrical shock and
                   electrical circuits and                       mutual interference.
                   service manual.

                        Only qualified3 personnel   Observe the following compass safe
    ELECTRICAL                           P
       SHOCK            should work inside the      distances to prevent interference to a
      HAZARD            equipment.                  magnetic compass:
                                                                     Standard   Steering
                   Wear a safety belt and hard                       compass    compass
                   hat when working on the                Display     0.66m      0.5m
                   antenna unit.                          unit

                   Serious injury or death can            Antenna
                                                                      155 m     9.95 m
                   result if someone falls from
                   the radar antenna mast.
    Construct a suitable service platform
    from which to install the antenna unit.

    Serious injury or death can result if some—
    one falls from the radar antenna mast.

    Turn off the power at the mains switch—
    board before beginning the installation.

    Fire, electrical shock or serious injury can
    result if the power is left on or is applied
    while the equipment is being installed.

                            EQUIPMENT LISTS
Standard Supply
         NAME                    TYPE      CODE NO.     aTyY           REMARKS
 Antenna Unit             RSB—0060—068                    1

 Display Unit             RDP—125—S                       1

 Installation Materials   CPO3—16500      000—086—761   1 set   No antenna cable

                          CPO3—16510      000—086—762           5 m antenna cable

                          CPO3—16520      000—086—763           10 m antenna cable

                          CPO3—16530      000—086—764           15 m antenna cable

                          CPO3—16540      000—086—765           20 m antenna cable

Spare Paits               SPO3—09800      000—085—441   1 set

Installation Materials
         NAME                    TYPE       CODE NO.    aTy                REMARKS
Antenna Cable (5 m)       0359144         000—129—608           Select one, connector at both

Antenna Cable (10 m)      03S9145         000—129—609           ends

Antenna Cable (15 m)      0389146         000—129—611     I

Antenna Cable (20 m)      0389147         000—129—612

Power Cable Assy.         0359148         000—129—613     1     Connector, fuse, 3.5 m

Hex Head Bolt             M10X25          000—862—308    4      For antenna unit

Dummy Fitm                03—118—1103—0   000—185—380   1 set   For display unit

Tapping Screw             5X20            000—802—081    4      For display unit

EMI Core                  RFC—10          000—141—085     1     For antenna cable

Spare Parts
  NAME             TYPE              CcoDENo.       aty          REMARKS
 Fuse      FGBO—A 5A 125 VAC        000—549—064       2     For display unit

Optional Equipment
         NAME                   TYPE               coDEenNno.      aTy            REMARKS

                          mi—AssPFO012.050        ooo—is4.424        4     CONnector at both ends,
 Cable Assy.
                          mMJ—AssProo12—100       ooo—13a.e17.       4     Connector at both ends,
Antenna Cable Assy.                                                        Connector at one end,
                          0389175                 000—130—034        1|    24 V spec. only.

        Mounting          ©Pos—ss                 008—445—080        1|    Forsailboat
External Buzzer           OPO3—136                000—086—443        1     Connector at one end,
                                                                           1 m


                             ANTENNA UNIT

           SIGNAL CABLE (Select one.)
           0389144 (5 m)
           03S9145 (10 m
           0389146 (15 m)
           03S914—2 (20 m)

                        NMEA 0183 Cable                   ____ ___
                        MJ—A6SPFO012—050 (5 m)       :7          7   4
                       MJ—A6SPFOO012—100 (10 m) | NAVIGATOR ;
                       ------------------1 (NMEA 0183) :
                                      :              L _________ a
  DISPLAY i ToT=tttt
   Ooi i SOUNDER »
  RDP12§                                             t t —== 7


                                            EXTERNAL         i
                                             BUZZER         |
                                            OPos—136       .

       0359148                  Options shown with
                                dashed lines.

12/24 VDC

                                1. INSTALLATION
    1.1 Antenna Unit Installation                      Mounting using the optional mounting
    Mounting considerations
                                                       A mounting bracket for fastening the antenna
When selecting a mounting location for the             unit to a mast on a sailboat is optionally
antenna unit keep in mind the following points.        available (Type OPO3—93, Code No.008—445—
*     Install the antenna unit on the hardtop, radar
      arch or on a mast on an appropriate platform.    1. Remove mounting hardware at the bottom
      {For sailboats, a mounting bracket is                of the antenna base. You may discard the
     optionally available.) It should be placed            hardware. Assemble the mounting bracket
     where there is a good all—round view with, as         and fasten it to a mast. Fasten the antenna
     far as possible, no part of the ship‘s                unit to the bracket.
     superstructure or rigging intercepting the
     scanning beam. Any obstruction will cause
     shadow and blind sectors. A mast, for                                     ASSEMBLED
                                                                         n \,' BRACKET
     instance, with a diameter considerably less
     than the width of the antenna unit, will cause
     only a small blind sector. However, a
     horizontal spreader or crosstrees in the
     same horizontal plane would be a much
     more serious obstruction; place the antenna
     unit well above or below it.
                                  Antenna unit
        Antenna unit mounted      fixed to mast
        on top of wheelhouse           ‘

                                                               (A) Assembling the mounting bracket

     Figure 1 Typical antenna unit placement on
               powerboat and sailboat
*    Locate the unit at least two meters away
     from a direction finder antenna to prevent
     interference to the direction finder.
*    In order to minimize the chance of picking
     up electrical interference, avoid where
     possible routing the signal cable near other
     electrical equipment onboard. Also avoid
     running the cable in paralle! with power                  (B) Fastening antenna to mounting
     cables.                                                       bracket
*    The compass safe distance of 1.25 meters
     {standard compass) and 0.95 meters                   Figure 2 How to assemble and mount the
     (steering compass) should be observed to                     optional mounting bracket
     prevent deviation of the magnetic compass.        2. Foliow steps 5—10 in "Mounting on a

Mounting on a platform                                                    4. Using the hex boits, flat washers and spring
                                                                             washers removed at step 1, fasten the base
1. Remove mounting hardware at the bottom
                                                                             to the platform. The torque should be
   of the antenna unit; four each of hex bolts                                between 200—250 kg/cm.
   (M10X20), spring washers and flat washers.
    Save mounting hardware to use it to fix the                               Note: Longer hex bolts (M10X25) are
   antenna unit to the mounting platftorm later                               supplied with the installation materials. Use
   on.                                                                        them instead of the hex bolts removed
                                                                              earlier if the mounting platform is very thick.
                                                                                             module                Antenna base
                                                  — Other coverfixing
      e                        & ——— Flat Washer
                                                    screw on other side
      <                        I * Spring Washer                                                    7                     5—10
      8                        B Hiex bott (M10820)                                                                2      mm
   Figure 3 Antenna unit, showing location of                                 Flat/
                                                                          washer    _T
                                                                                 / L_LL
                         mounting hardware                                                                           Platform
                                                                             Spring              \
2. Unfasten three screws to remove the cover.
                                                                            washer                      Hex boit
3. Construct a platform (wood, steel, or                                                                (M10 x 25
   aluminum) of 5—10 mm in thickness whose                                                              or M10 x 20)
   dimensions are as shown in Figure 4.                                     Figure 5 How to fasten the base to platform
   Fasten the platform to the mounting location.
   Find the cable entry on the antenna base.                              5. Unfasten the cable of the rotation detector
   Next, position the base so the cable                                      from the cable clamp.
   entrance faces the stem direction and the
                                                                                       Rotation detector
   vent tube is extending downward through
   the hole for the vent tube.                                                                    Cable clamp

   Note: When drilling holes in the platform»,
   be sure they are paraliel with the fore and
   aft line.

      210"°._            _

_      /
                                                            Fixing Hole
                                                            (10 mm)

                             Hole for Vent Tube                                 Figure 6 Antenna unit, inside view
  MOUNTING                   (20 mm)
  PLATFORM                                        %
  (Locat Supply)

   Figure 4 Dimensions of antenna platform

6. Unfasten 11 screws to dismount the shield        9.    Refasten the shield plate. Be sure not to
   plate.                                                 pinch cable from the rotation detector with
                                                          the shield plate. See "Caution" in Figure 6
     Shield Plate
                                                          for details.
                                                    10. Confirm that the gasket is properly
                                                        positioned and then tighten the fixing bolts
                                                          for the cover. Coat antenna cable gland
                                                          with sealing compound for waterprocofing.

                                                1.2 Display Unit Installation
                                                Mounting considerations
                                                When selecting a mounting location for the
                                                display unit keep in mind the following points.
       Figure 7 Antenna unit, inside view       *        Locate the display unit in a position where
                                                         you can view and operate it conveniently.
7. Pass the antenna cable with connector
   through the gasket and cable clamp, and      *        The orientation of the display unit should be
   then tighten cable gland.                             so the radar screen is viewed while the
                                                         operator is facing in the direction of the bow.
                                                         This makes determination of your position
                                                         much easier.
                                                *        The display unit is designed and constructed
                                                         to be splashproof, thus it can be installed
                          \ Rubber
                                                         outdoors. You can even hose it down after a
                                                         day‘s cuting. If it is to be instailed outdoors,
                    ~~~ Gasket                           we recommend installing it an enclosed
               Ne ~~ Cable Gland                         cabinet, for maximum protection against the
                                                         marine environment.
       Figure 8 Antenna unit, inside view
                                                *        The display unit consumes only a moderate
8. Referring to Figure 9, connect the 9—pin              amount of power, so there is no need for
   connector to J801. Attach EMI Core RFC—               forced air ventilation. However, you should
   10 (supplied) to antenna cable. Fasten the            provide adequate space behind and around
   shield to location shown in the Figure 9.             the unit to permit circulation of air.
                                                *        Even though the picture is quite legible even
                                                         in bright sunlight, keep the display unit out of
                                                         direct sunlight or at least shaded because of
                                                         heat that can build up inside the cabinet.
                                                * The temperature and humidity of the
                                                  mounting location should be stable and
                         *~Connect                       moderate. No LCD can provide adequate
                                 shield here.            contrast if the ambient temperature is too
       Connect 9 pin                                     low or too high.
       connector here.

   Figure 9 How to connect the signal cable
             to the antenna unit

* Make sure you allow enough clearance both              Mounting
  to get to the connectors behind the unit and
  to allow you to get your hands in on both              The display unit can be mounted on a tabletop,
  sides to loosen or tighten the mounting                the overhead, or flush mounted in a panel.
  knobs. Make sure you leave at least a foot                  :                        a         a   :
  or so of "service loop" in cables behind the           1— 23:’: hia:g:;::&l:&(srflouflgg? location with
  unit for servicing or easy removal of the                        pping                 pphed).
  connectors.                                            2. Fit the knob bolts to the display unit.
* The compass safe distance of 0.65 meters               3. Cover the unused bolt holes with the blind
  (standard compass) and 0.5 meters                          films supplied.
  {steering compass) should be observed to                               .          22
  prevent deviation of the magnetic compass.             4. Install the display unit in the hanger.
                                                             Tighten the knob bolts securely.

                                                  174            QVERHEAD


                                            CUToUT size
                                            FOR PANEL


                                                                           DUMMY FILM
                     TABLETOP                    ‘                         Cover unused
                                                 te |                      knob boit holes
                                                 ::                        with dummy film
                                                 s                         (supplied),

                              * SERVICE  15.5           80
                               CLEARANCE                              All dimensions
                                                                      in millimeters

                          Figure 10 Mounting dimensions of display unit

                                                     2. WIRING
2.1 Connections                                                           Connection of external equipment

Connect the signal cable, the power cable and                             Navigator/echosounder
the ground wire as shown in Figure 11.
                                                                          This radar can receive the following NMEA
                                                                          0183 format data sentences from a navigator or
                          ANTENNA UNIT                                    echosounder:
                                                                          GGA:  GPS — Rx status, LL
                                                                          GLL: Geographic position — LatLong
     w                                   DISPLAY UNIT                     BWR: Bearing gnd Distance to Waypoint —
     2                              —                        ;                 Rhumb line
     8 |                            C]                      8             BWC:    Bearing and Distance to Waypoint
     4                                                  ©                 GLC:   Geographic Position — Loran—C
     5              =§              ©                                     GTD:    Geographic Position — Time Difference
     o              =               “@     m                              RMA: Recommended Minimum Specific
             tfli Tastinl©) |nas E}                                             Loran—C Data
               ==          e>                                             RMB: Recommended Minimum Navigation
tu                     J      * fiv E                                           Information
a                                                                         RMC:   Recommended Minimum Specific
3                                                                                GPS/Transit Data
c            FUSE (5A¥)                                                   VTG:   Track Made Good and Ground Speed
g                                                                         MTW:   Water Temperature
9        7                                                                DBT:   Depth Below Transducer
                                                                          DBS:   Depth Below Surface
                                                                          DPT:   Depth

                          BLK (—)           GROUND
     WHT (+)     /~C _9                    Connect ground
                <css                       wire to bolt fastened
                                           {or welded) to hull.

              f                             A caumon
                                               and mutual interference.

                 Figure 11 Connections

  NMEA connection
  You will need an NMEA cable (MJ—ABSPFO012—050/1 00, option)
                                                                   to connect a video sounder or a
  navigator. Connect it to the NMEA connector at the rear of the
                                                                 radar display unit as shown right.
                                 NMEA Cable

                                                      output of video sounder

                                       Figure 12 Navigator connection
 To connect both a video sounder and a navigator, use NMEA cable
 A6SPFO009—100 and solder them as shown below.

 Note 1: Tape cables to prevent short.

 Note 2: Do not use a cross wiring—type NMEA cable which has
                                                              connectors at both ends (for
 example, MJ—A6SPFO012—050). Miswiring can result when
                                                         the one of the connectors is removed to
 make the connection.

  Navigator                           t ;"_K‘T                                                 IMODEUGZZ
                                      I—YEL.                               MJ—A6SPFOOO3—050
                                        GAN                                MJ—A6SPFO009—100 <1< RD1—H
                                        SHIELD      ———     —Q_KTT f
                                                                                            <2€ Ro1—c
                                                                                              82 RD2—H

                                        M                 ———|———ay



                                                 After soldering, wrap
                                                 with self—vulcanizing tape.
                    Figure 13 Connection of video sounder and navigator cables

To connect equipment whose NMEA output uses other than
                                                       a FURUNO 6 pin NMEA connector, use
NMEA cable type MJ—A6SPFOOO3/MJ—A6SPFO009—100 to
                                                     make the connection.
              NMEA OUTPUTI .              a

         Navigator TE ———TI—                                                        [mobDEL1622
                      anp—]J             1j                    MJ—A6SPFEO003—050
        2000                             ‘L                    MJ—A6SPFO008—100 <;< gg:-g
              NMEA outPuT |                        _—vg'{_'l l                     ESE Rbzk
         Video        TXH 7} A——
                      To¢———{H—|—»—                       chn Y                    secang
         Sounder      anp               :\ 1     &—— SHIELD
                                  After soldering, wrap
                                  with self—vulcanizing tape.
      Figure 14 Connection of video sounder and navigator cables
                                                                 using NMEA cable type

External buzzer                                                         External
                                                                        External Buzzer
                                                                        Make a hole of 16¢
                                        2l                              here. Seal hole with
Access J6 on the DU Board as shown in Figure                            sealing compound
16. Plug in the connector of the external buzzer                        after connecting cable.
at J6. Seal the hole with sealing compound.

                                                   Note: Use hammer and appropriate
                                                   metal rod to make hole.

                                                       Figure 16 Display unit, rear view

          Figure 15 External buzzer

                              3. ADJUSTMENTS
3.1 Installation Check                             2. Select MODEL.
                                                   3. Select M1621/M2.
After installing the system it is a good idea to
check it for proper installation, following the    4. Press the [MENU] key to close the menu.
checklist provided below.
O The vent tube on the antenna unit is
  extending downward and is not kinked or          3.3 Adjustments
C Four fixing boits securing the antenna unit      Do the following in order to adjust the radar.
  are securely tightened.
O The signal cable is waterproofed at the base     1) Adjustment of picture
   of the antenna unit.
C The signal cable is securely retained against    1. Press the [POWER] key on the display unit.
  the mast or mounting and is free of                 The display should light. In approximately
   interference from running rigging.                 one, ST—BY appears at the screen center.

O The cable gland on the deck or buikhead is       2. When ST—BY appears press the [TX] key.
  waterproofed, if provided.                          The radar will start transmitting, and you will
                                                      probably see some targets, even though the
O Connectors of external equipment are
                                                      radar is not yet property adjusted.
   securely plugged into the radar display unit.
O The power connections to the battery are of      3. Adjust the sensitivity to display a small
   correct polarity.                                  amount of noise on the screen.

                                                   4. Press the [~] key several times to select the
                                                      minimum range. Adjust the STC to display
                                                      nearby radar targets clearly on the screen.
3.2 Exchanging Display                                 Too much STC action will eliminate small
     Unit of MODEL 1621                                targets, and too little STC action will cause
                                                       the screen to be so full of targets and noise
     MARK—2                                            that it is hard to determine which target is
                                                       which as compared to visual sightings.
When exchanging the display unit of the
MODEL 1621 MARK—2 with that of the MODEL
1622, it is necessary to maintain the magnetron    2) Heading alignment
warmup time. This should be done with the
radar in stand—by.                                 You have mounted the antenna unit facing
                                                   straight ahead in the direction of the bow.
1. Press &A Y together for about 10 seconds to     Therefore, a small but conspicuous target dead
   show the display shown in Figure 17.            ahead visually should appear on the heading
                                                   mark (zero degrees).
      PROGRAM NO          SEL MENU
      03591580XX          BY </> KEY
                                                   In practice, you will probably observe some
      1     |MODEL          M1621/M2               small error on the display because of the
      2     |DISPLAY        DEMO                   difficulty in achieving accurate initial positioning
            NAV DATA (NMEA 0183)                   of the antenna unit. The following adjustment
          GLL BWR BWC GLC          GTD             will compensate for this error, up to +30
          BMA RMG RMC VRG          MTW             degrees.
          OBT DPT      GGA

           Figure 17 Maintenance menu

1.   Identify a suitable target (for example, ship
     or buoy) at a range between 1/8 to 1/4
     miles, preferably near the heading mark. To
     minimize error, keep echoes in the outer
     half of the picture by changing the range.
2. Press and hold down « and > together
   {about 10 seconds) to display the
     installation menu.
           SEL MENU        Totat on imE <a—|— Total hrs radar                SEL MENU       TOTAL ON TIME
           BY a/¥ KEY        00000 : 00            has been on               BY a/¥ KEY       00000 : 00
                           TOTAL TX TiE                                                     TOTAL TX TIME
                              20006 :00 *~|~ Total hrs radar
 Menu —{: 2. ADJ TMG
          } 3. NWKM       TUNE GEEERD
                                                   has been trans—
                                                   migeg                     2. ADJ TMG
                                                                                              eo000 : 60
                                                                             3. NWKM        TUNE Cmm
           ADJUST PICTURE ORIENTATION          k
           USING 4/> KEYS 80 THAT                  Tuning bar
           [‘532}’;‘3 MADER.DK zusggs TanGet       {for technicians}
                                                                            ADJUST PICTURE ORIENTATION
                                                                            USING «/> KEYS SO THAT
            44                                                              HEADING MARK BISECTS TARGET
            Instructions for item selected appears here.
                                                                            LOCATED DEAD AHEAD.
            (example: heading adjustment)
                                                                               Figure 20 How to adjust heading
            Figure 18 Installation menu
                                                                       5. As a final test, move the boat towards a
3. Select ADJ HDG. Your display should now
                                                                          small buoy and confirm that the buoy shows
   look something like the one shown in Figure
                                                                          up dead ahead on the radar whenit is
   19.                                                                     visually dead ahead.

                                                                       3) Sweep timing
                                                                       This adjustment ensures proper radar
                                                                       performance, especially on short ranges. The
                                                                       radar measures the time required for a
                                                                       transmitted echo to travel to the target and
                                                                       return to the source. The received echo
                                                                       appears on the display based on this time.
            SEL MENU             TOTAL ON TIME
                                                                       Thus, at the instant the transmitter is fired, the
            BY A/¥ KEY             00000 : 00                          sweep should start from the center of the

           2. ADJ TMG
                                    ooob ; oo
                                 TOTAL TX TIME                         display (sometimes called sweep origin.)

           3. NM/KM              TUNE CteTitet)                        A trigger pulse generated in the display unit
                                                                       goes to the antenna unit through the signal
           ADJUST PICTURE ORIENTATION                                  cable to trigger the transmitter (magnetron)}.
           USING 4/> KEYS SO THAT
                                                                       The time taken by the signal to travel up to the
           LOCATED DEAD AHEAD.                                         antenna unit varies, depending largely on the
                                                                       length of signal cable. During this period the
  Figure 19 Display for adjustment of heading                          display unit should wait before starting the
                                                                       sweep. When the display unit is not adjusted
4. Press «/» to bisect the target selected at                          correctly, the echoes from a straight local object
   step 1 with the heading marker.                                     (for example, a harbor wall or straight pier) will
                                                                       not appear with straight edges — namely, they
                                                                       will be seen as pushed out or pulled in near the
                                                                       picture center. The range of objects will also be
                                                                       incorrectly shown.

       t                                     y
                            | 4                          4) Unit of range measurement for
                                                         VRM and cursor
                                     1                   The unit of range measurement for the VRM
                                                         and the cursor may be selected to nautical mile
       Mbaviaaat       t Baacracst        Vedb ie t      or kilometers as follows:
       Correct        Target pushed      Target pushed
                                                         1. Select NM/KM on the menu.
                      inward             outward
                                                                SEL MENU        TOTAL ON TIME
        Figure 21 Examples of improper and                      BY A/¥ KEY        00000 : 00
               correct sweep timings                                            TOTAL TX TIME
                                                                1. ADJ HDG        00000 : 00
1. Transmit the radar on a range between                        2. ADJ TMG
   0.125 and 0.5 nm and adjust the sensitivity
   and STC.                                                            RANGE UNIT
                                                               PRESS </»> KEYS TO SELECT
2. Visually select a straight echo (harbor wall,               NAUTICAL MILE OR KILOMETER
   straight pier).                                             AS THE UNIT OF RANGE.
3. Select ADJ TMG on the menu.
                                                          Figure 23 Installation menu, NM/KM selected
          SEL MENU        TOTAL ON TIME
          BY A/¥ KEY         00000 : 00                  2. Select unit of range desired.
                          TOTAL TX TIME
         1. ADJ HDG         ©0000 : 00                   3.   Press the [MENU] key to close the
                                                              installation menu.
         3. NMKM         TUNE

         SUCH AS BREAKWATER, MAKE                        3.4 Adjustments for
         USING 4/> KEYS.                                       Technicians
Figure 22 Installation menu, ADJ TMG selected            1) Magnetron heater voltage
4. While looking at the target selected at step          Magnetron heater voltage is formed at the MD
   2, straighten it by pressing » if it is pulled        Board of the antenna unit and preadjusted at
   inward, or «. if it is pushed outward.                the factory for use with any length of signal
                                                         cable. Therefore no adjustment is required.
                                                         However, verify heater voltage as follows:
                                                         1. Turn on the power. Do not transmit the
                                                         2. Connect a multimeter, set to 10 V DC range,
                                                            between #6(+) and #4(—) of test point TP804
                                                            on the MD Board in the antenna unit.
                                                         3. Confirm that the multimeter shows 8.0 V
                                                            £0.1 V. If it does not, adjust potentiometer
                                                            VR801 on the MD Board.

                                                      3.5 VO Data Confirmation
                                                      You can confirm NMEA input from a navigator
                                                      or echosounder. Follow the procedure shown in
                                                      2) Radar function to display the maintenance
                                                      menu. NMEA sentences being input are shown
                                                      in reverse video.

                                                      3.6 Restoring Default
        Figure 24 Antenna unit, inside view
                                                      All defautt menu settings can be restored by
2) Radar function                                     turning on the power while pressing and
                                                      holding down [MENU] and Y .
This radar can function as the main radar or a
demonstration model. displaying internally
generated radar echoes. The demonstration
function requires the EG Board (option).

1. Set the radar in stand—by.

2. Press and hold down A and Y and together
   (about 10 seconds) to display the
   maintenance menu.
  ROM prog.—») PROGRAM NO               SEL MENU
          no,    63591580XX             BY </> KEy
      Radar—=1        [MODEL             M1621M2
    function     2    |DISPLAY           DEMO

   Nav data —»I   NAV DATA (NMEA 0183)
  sentences     GLL  BWR BWC GLC                GTD
(contirmation        RMA   RMG   RMC     VRG    MTW
        only)        DBT   DPT    GGA
                * Nav data sentences highlighted
                 if corresponding data is input to
                 the radar.

           Figure 25 Maintenance menu

3. Select MAIN or DEMO from the DISPLAY
   field. (MAIN, Main radar display, DEMO,
   demonstration display.)
4. Press the [MENU] to close the menu.


          FURUNO                                                                                                                         Dp—|
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                            «]                                                  10                                +                SCANNER
                            &                                                                                                      BASE PLATE
                   NOTE 1                                                                                                            L PLATFORM
                   #aIfi—7                                                       160                                          FW
                   VENT TUBE                                                                so   _                            Sw
                   220 0N&RN&                                                                                                 M1DX20 HEX BOLT
                   &1 TBC.
                   MAKE A HOLE OF                                                                             SCANNER FIXING METHOD (1/2)
                   @20mm ON PLATFORM.

                           E? 9                                                                                       L __aAa
                                |                                                                                                  &6# 6
                                                                                                                                   SHIP‘S BOW

           NOTE 1
           *—TMZ3YKR                                                                                                                              C
           CABLE GLAND                                        |
                                                              |                                              4—Mm10_ Bd t
                                                              ]                                                       FIXING HOLES

                      NOTE 1 o6 § Fa—7 R ur —PL7 5OF i4 thie ts HR d i#                                                                           7
                              vENT TUBE AND CABLE CGLAND ARE FITTED AT FACTORY.                                                                   —A
                      NOTE 2: 312 % g fexe.
                              COMPASS SAFE DISTANCE.                M~1621 JM—1621 M2] M—1622                                                     4
                                                                                 sxvfm‘/m%—':        17 m        20 m          125 m              L
                                                                                 STE’-ERINGJ         1.3 m       1.5 m         0. 95 m            —

Ap* Tartasdlen,
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SCALE                                     APPLICABLE TO;          + BLOCK N0,        LTC
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        C3378—602— E                      03—118—3000— 0                                    QOUTLINE    DRAWTING

                                              180                    / REL
                                                                    ‘ Fixing Houes                                                             7—AMT
                                                                                                                                          GND TERMINAL

                                                                                                                                                    PoWER \
                                                                                      TR IR 74 (mn)                                4 e (om)
                                                                                      __D.IMENS ION                                ToLERANCE

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                                                                                      50 < L 5                               100    £2.5
                                                                                     100 < L s                               500      +3
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       2) # : RRY S\ t——CR2ARMITiR,
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                                                                                                                                               Fusbecrea® C (~~~*~
NOTE   1. TABLE 1 INDICATES TOLERANCE OF piMENMS1ONS.                                                                                          w008L 1621 wark=2 _                # T4R
       2. #: RECOMMENDED SERVICE OLEARANCE.                                                                                                                              HAWE     DISPLAY UNHT
                                                                                                   BHG No
                                                                                                                            C3428—G01— B             03—135—1000—60               OUTLINE_DRAWING

                                                                                                                                                   FURUNO ELECTRIC CO., LTD.

                                                                _2                        _                                3                           |                             4                     _

                                                                                              t           Display UNiT
                                                                                                          RDP—125                                 0289144, 5m 410                         gmNflEgfium 1

                                                                             3              izni8                                                 #oninP10
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                        L _ apmiou_. _|                                                1 _ _as _ _

                        _______|                        a2                                       #5

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                                                                                        ‘—[+~             EXT—BUZZER

                                                                                                                   _L Ghp    +2
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* 2) G&MMXIR.
*3) #75av,
* 5) 5+ 80HM3BI— MIHR.
* 6) MLkT—5 (& 2 KHtREMEoT E. Cr—FIUMILC®)                              duw                                                                   f                     Tice
wote                                                                      "HprieeTyprAsptis_ | _ _ _ ___ _ __ Locc_—                                                         MODEL 1622                                          _
w12 FITTED AT FAGTORY.                                                  cHEoxED ,                                  *                                                4K                      —A4 4 _                              _
#2. SHIPYARD SUPPLY.                                                   %\%fliflfigflm&                                     ________ L____— ____:’@Llflfi*l;
#3.. OPTION.                                                                  oveD,                   +        f                              |                                ALi@®
#4. GROUND EFFECTIVELY AT SCANNER UNHT.                    forr                           "‘%{T"’-ge—'—‘                                                            maug
#5. SUPPLIED WITH EXTERNAL EQUIPMENT.                                                      ]     L _ke                                                                       MARINE RADAR
#6. 2WAY DATA INPUT AVAILABLE, (CABLE MODIFICATION NEEDED) 'w)m.Nm                     C3452—C01— A                               03—146—6001—         ) .                   INTERCONNECT ION DIAGRAM
                                                                                                                                                           Land M   oo 10LA          aal.d      ww atm mm mte s n   on ces   popss


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                                                             DWG NO,
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                                                                                                                          FURUNO ELECTRIC CO., LTD.

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Document Created: 2001-05-15 14:00:58
Document Modified: 2001-05-15 14:00:58

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