Test Report


Test Report

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                                                FCC PART 18

              Panasonic Appliance Company of America
               Kitchen Appliances Certification Liaison
                          1701 Golf Road Suite 3-106, Rolling Meadows, IL 60008

                                           FCC ID: ACLAP7A01

           Report Type:                                      Product Type:
           Original Report                                   Microwave oven

                 Test Engineer:        Phil Zhu

              Report Number:           RSHA171012005-00AM1

                   Report Date:        2017-12-27
                                       Ray Wang

                  Reviewed By:         EMC Leader

                  Prepared By:         Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Kunshan)
                                       No.248 Chenghu Road, Kunshan,Jiangsu province, China
                                       Tel: +86-0512-86175000
                                       Fax: +86-0512-88934268

           Note: This report is to supersede test report No. RSHA171012005-00A Date : October 25. 2017.

Note: This test report is prepared for the customer shown above and for the device described herein. It may not be duplicated or
used in part without prior written consent from Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. This report is valid only with a valid
digital signature. The digital signature may be available only under the Adobe software above version 7.0.

Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Kunshan)                                                                   Report No.: RSHA171012005-00AM1

                                                       TABLE OF CONTENTS

GENERAL INFORMATION .......................................................................................................................................3
 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION FOR EQUIPMENT UNDER TEST (EUT) .....................................................................................3
 OBJECTIVE ...................................................................................................................................................................3
 RELATED SUBMITTAL(S)/GRANT(S) .............................................................................................................................3
 TEST METHODOLOGY ..................................................................................................................................................3
 TEST FACILITY .............................................................................................................................................................4
SYSTEM TEST CONFIGURATION ..........................................................................................................................5
  JUSTIFICATION .............................................................................................................................................................5
  EUT EXERCISE SOFTWARE ..........................................................................................................................................5
  SPECIAL ACCESSORIES .................................................................................................................................................5
  EQUIPMENT MODIFICATIONS .......................................................................................................................................5
  SUPPORT EQUIPMENT LIST AND DETAILS ....................................................................................................................5
  EXTERNAL I/O CABLE..................................................................................................................................................5
  CONFIGURATION OF TEST SETUP .................................................................................................................................5
  BLOCK DIAGRAM OF RADIATED TEST SETUP...............................................................................................................6
CONDUCTED EMISSIONS ........................................................................................................................................7
 APPLICABLE STANDARD ..............................................................................................................................................7
 MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY ....................................................................................................................................7
 EUT SETUP ..................................................................................................................................................................7
 EMI TEST RECEIVER SETUP .........................................................................................................................................8
 TEST PROCEDURE ........................................................................................................................................................8
 TEST EQUIPMENT LIST AND DETAILS ...........................................................................................................................8
 CORRECTED FACTOR & MARGIN CALCULATION .........................................................................................................8
 TEST RESULTS SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................................8
 TEST DATA ..................................................................................................................................................................9
RADIATION HAZARD MEASUREMENT .............................................................................................................11
  APPLICABLE STANDARD ............................................................................................................................................11
  TEST EQUIPMENT LIST AND DETAILS .........................................................................................................................11
  ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS ..................................................................................................................................11
  RADIATION HAZARD MEASUREMENT ........................................................................................................................11
  INPUT POWER .............................................................................................................................................................12
  LOAD FOR MICROWAVE OVENS .................................................................................................................................12
  RF OUTPUT POWER MEASUREMENT ..........................................................................................................................12
  OPERATING FREQUENCY MEASUREMENT ..................................................................................................................13
RADIATED EMISSIONS ...........................................................................................................................................16
  APPLICABLE STANDARD ............................................................................................................................................16
  MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY ..................................................................................................................................16
  EUT SETUP ................................................................................................................................................................16
  EMI TEST RECEIVER SETUP .......................................................................................................................................17
  TEST PROCEDURE ......................................................................................................................................................17
  TEST EQUIPMENT LIST AND DETAILS .........................................................................................................................18
  CORRECTED AMPLITUDE & MARGIN CALCULATION .................................................................................................18
  TEST RESULTS SUMMARY ..........................................................................................................................................18
  TEST DATA ................................................................................................................................................................19
PRODUCT SIMILARITY DECLARATION LETTER ..........................................................................................21

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Kunshan)                             Report No.: RSHA171012005-00AM1

Product Description for Equipment under Test (EUT)

                                    Panasonic Appliance Company of America Kitchen Appliances Certification
          Manufacturer              Panasonic Appliances Microwave Oven (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
     Manufacturer Address           888, 898 Long Dong Road, Pu Dong, Shanghai, China
          Tested Model              NN-T945SFX
                                    NN-SD945S, NN-SD955S, NN-SN945S, NN-SN955S, NN-SN965S,
          Series Model              NN-SN975S, NN-SN936B/W, NN-SN946B/W, NN-SN966S, NN-SD987S,
                                    JES2251SJ03, HMB5051, HMB5061, MBES
              Product               Microwave oven
          Rate Voltage              AC120V
  Highest Operating Frequency       2450MHz
           Dimension                606mm(L)×493mm(W)×356 mm(H)

Note: The difference between test model and series model was explained in the attached declaration letter.

* All measurement and test data in this report was gathered from production sample serial number: 20171012005.
(Assigned by BACL, Kunshan).The EUT supplied by the applicant was received on 2017-10-12.

This report is prepared on behalf of Panasonic Appliance Company of America Kitchen Appliances
Certification Liaison in accordance with Part 2-Subpart J, and Part 18-Subparts A, B and C of the Federal
Communication Commissions rules and regulations.

The objective of the manufacturer is to determine the compliance of EUT with FCC Part 18 limits.
Related Submittal(s)/Grant(s)

No related submittal(s).

Test Methodology

All measurements contained in this report were conducted with MP-5, FCC Methods of Measurements of
Radio Noise Emissions from ISM Equipment, February 1986. All measurements were performed at Bay
Area Compliance Laboratory Corporation. The radiated testing was performed at an antenna-to-EUT
distance of 3 meters.

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Kunshan)                       Report No.: RSHA171012005-00AM1

Test Facility
The test site used by Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Kunshan) to collect test data is located on the
No.248 Chenghu Road, Kunshan,Jiangsu province, China.

Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Kunshan) Lab is accredited to ISO/IEC 17025 by A2LA (Lab code:
4323.01) and the FCC designation No. CN1185 under the FCC KDB 974614 D01. The facility also complies
with the radiated and AC line conducted test site criteria set forth in ANSI C63.4-2014.

The Federal Communications Commission has the reports on file and is listed under FCC Registration No.:
815570. The test site has been approved by the FCC for public use and is listed in the FCC Public Access Link
(PAL) database.

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Kunshan)                       Report No.: RSHA171012005-00AM1

The system was configured for testing in a typical fashion (as normally used by a typical user).

Test Mode: Max output Power
EUT Exercise Software
No software was used to test.

Special Accessories
No special accessory was used.
Equipment Modifications
No modification was made to the EUT tested.

Support Equipment List and Details

   Manufacturer                   Description                Model                   Serial Number

          /                            /                       /                            /

External I/O Cable

              Cable Description                 Length (m)         From/Port                      To

    Un-shielding Un-detachable AC Cable            1.2               EUT                        Mains

Configuration of Test Setup


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Block Diagram of Radiated Test Setup

Test Mode: Max output Power




                                                                                     1.0 Meter
                    Non-conductive table
                    80 cm above Ground Plane

                                                   1.5 Meters

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Kunshan)                    Report No.: RSHA171012005-00AM1

Applicable Standard
FCC §18.307

Measurement Uncertainty

Input quantities to be considered for conducted disturbance measurements maybe receiver reading,
attenuation of the connection between LISN and receiver, LISN voltage division factor, LISN VDF
frequency interpolation and receiver related input quantities, etc.

                       Item                            Measurement Uncertainty                Ucispr
       AMN                 150kHz~30MHz                         3.19 dB                   3.4~3.8 dB
       AAN                 150kHz~30MHz                         4.69 dB                     5.0 dB

EUT Setup

The setup of EUT is according with MP-5: 1986 measurement procedure. Specification used was with the
FCC Part 18.

The EUT was connected to a 120V AC/ 60Hz power source.

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Kunshan)                           Report No.: RSHA171012005-00AM1

EMI Test Receiver Setup
The EMI test receiver was set to investigate the spectrum from 150 kHz to 30 MHz.

During the conducted emission test, the EMI test receiver was set with the following configurations:

                            Frequency Range                                     IF B/W
                            150 kHz – 30 MHz                                    9 kHz

Test Procedure
During the conducted emission test, the EUT was connected to the outlet of the LISN.

Maximizing procedure was performed on the six (6) highest emissions of the EUT.

All final data was recorded in the Quasi-peak and average detection mode.

Test Equipment List and Details

                                                                        Serial          Calibration     Calibration
     Manufacturer              Description            Model
                                                                       Number              Date          Due Date
   Rohde & Schwarz         EMI Test Receiver           ESCI             100195          2016-11-25       2017-11-24
   Rohde & Schwarz                LISN               ESH3-Z5          862770/011        2017-10-10       2018-10-09
 ROHDE&SCHWARZ                    LISN               ENV216          3560655016         2016-11-25       2017-11-24
         BACL                  BACL-EMC                V1.0             CE001               --                --
    MICRO-COAX                Coaxial Cable           Cable-6             006           2017-09-08       2018-09-07

* Statement of Traceability: Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Kunshan) attests that all calibrations have
been performed in accordance to requirements that traceable to National Primary Standards and International System
of Units (SI).

Corrected Factor & Margin Calculation

The Corrected factor is calculated by adding LISN VDF (Voltage Division Factor), Cable Loss and
Transient Limiter Attenuation. The basic equation is as follows:
     Correction Amplitude = Meter Reading + VDF + Cable Loss

The “Margin” column of the following data tables indicates the degree of compliance with the applicable
limit. For example, a margin of 7dB means the emission is 7 dB below the limit. The equation for margin
calculation is as follows:
       Margin = Limit – Corrected Amplitude

Test Results Summary
According to the recorded data in following table, the EUT complied with the FCC PART 18, the worst
margin reading as below:
                             15.34 dB at 0.150 MHz in the Line conducted mode
                           12.87dB at 0.185 MHz in the Neutral conducted mode

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Kunshan)                    Report No.: RSHA171012005-00AM1

Test Data
Environmental Conditions

 Temperature:                        24℃
 Relative Humidity:                  50 %
 ATM Pressure:                    101.0 kPa

The testing was performed by Phil Zhu on 2017-10-16.

Test Mode: Max output Power


                      Frequency        Reading         Correction    Limit       Margin        Detector
                        (MHz)          (dBμV)            (dB)       (dBμV)        (dB)       (PK/AV/QP)

        1               0.150           50.66            16.06       66.00       15.34            QP
        2               0.150           36.70            16.06       56.00       19.30            AV
        3               0.265           46.08            16.03       62.71       16.63            QP
        4               0.265           32.79            16.03       52.71       19.92            AV
        5               0.490           40.85            16.08       56.29       15.44            QP
        6               0.490           29.31            16.08       46.29       16.98            AV
        7               2.450           34.22            15.85       56.00       21.78            QP
        8               2.450           21.62            15.85       46.00       24.38            AV
        9               8.650           36.81            16.02       60.00       23.19            QP
        10              8.650           26.31            16.02       50.00       23.69            AV
        11             28.800           39.70            16.56       60.00       20.30            QP
        12             28.550           27.37            16.55       50.00       22.63            AV

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                   Frequency         Reading       Correction    Limit       Margin         Detector
                     (MHz)           (dBμV)          (dB)       (dBμV)        (dB)        (PK/AV/QP)

      1               0.185           52.13          16.05       65.00        12.87            QP
      2               0.185           39.27          16.05       55.00        15.73            AV
      3               0.280           49.38          16.07       62.29        12.91            QP
      4               0.280           37.78          16.07       52.29        14.51            AV
      5               0.420           44.70          16.09       58.29        13.59            QP
      6               0.420           32.20          16.09       48.29        16.09            AV
      7               0.985           37.70          15.94       56.00        18.30            QP
      8               0.985           24.44          15.94       46.00        21.56            AV
      9               9.000           38.48          15.97       60.00        21.52            QP
      10              9.000           26.99          15.97       50.00        23.01            AV
      11             28.900           38.99          16.32       60.00        21.01            QP
      12             28.900           27.04          16.32       50.00        22.96            AV

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Kunshan)                           Report No.: RSHA171012005-00AM1

Applicable Standard
FCC §18.301

Test Equipment List and Details

                                                                                        Calibration   Calibration
  Manufacturer               Description             Model         Serial Number
                                                                                           Date        Due Date

Rohde & Schwarz            Signal Analyzer          FSIQ26             100048           2016-11-25     2017-11-25

    Yuan Fang               Dynamometer             PF9901      G135716CA8361400        2017-05-23     2018-05-22
       ETS                  Horn Antenna               3115             6229            2016-01-11     2019-01-10
       MC                   Thermometer                N/A               N/A            2017-11-01     2018-11-01
ETS-LINDGREN           Microwave Survey Meter       HI1801            00066890          2016-01-15     2018-01-14

* Statement of Traceability: Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Kunshan) attests that all calibrations have
been performed in accordance to requirements that traceable to National Primary Standards and International System
of Units (SI).

Environmental Conditions

Temperature:                        25 ℃
Relative Humidity:                  50 %
ATM Pressure:                     101.0 kPa

The testing was performed by Phil Zhu on 2017-10-24.

Radiation Hazard Measurement

Radiation leakage was measured in the as-received condition with the oven door closed using a microwave
leakage meter.

A 275 mL water load was placed in the center of the oven and the oven was operated at maximum output power.

   There was no microwave leakage exceeding a power level of 0.1mW/cm2 observed at any point 5 cm or
more from the external surface of the oven.

A maximum of 1.0 mW/cm2 is allowed in accordance with the applicable Federal Standards. Hence, microwave
leakage in the as-received condition with the oven door closed was below the maximum allowed.

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Kunshan)                           Report No.: RSHA171012005-00AM1

Input Power
Input power and current was measured using a power analyzer. A 1000 mL water load was placed in the center
of the oven and the oven was operated at maximum output power. A 1000mL water load was chosen for its
compatibility with the procedure commonly used by manufacturers to determine their input ratings.

                                Input Current            Measured Input Power              Rated Input Power
 Input Voltage (VAC/Hz)
                                   (Amps)                      (Watts)                          (Watts)
          120/60                     12.30                        1440                             1460

     Based on the measured input power, the EUT was found to be operating within the intended specifications.

Load for Microwave Ovens
For all measurements, the energy developed by the oven was absorbed by a dummy load consisting of a
quantity of tap water in a beaker. If the oven was provided with a shelf or other utensil support, this support was
in its initial normal position. For ovens rated at 1000 watts or less power output, the beaker contained quantities
of water as listed in the following subparagraphs. For ovens rated at more than 1000 watts output, each quantity
was increased by 50% for each 500watts or fraction thereof in excess of 1000 watts. Additional beakers were
used if necessary.

● Load for power output measurement: 1000 milliliters of water in the beaker located in the center of the oven.

● Load for frequency measurement: 1000 milliliters of water in the beaker located in the center of the oven.

● Load for measurement of radiation on second and third harmonic: Two loads, one of 700 and the other of 300
milliliters, of water are used. Each load is tested both with the beaker located in the center of the oven and with
it in the right front corner.

The RF output power is rated at 1250 watts

Load used for power output measurement = 1250 milliliters of water
Load used for frequency measurement = 1250 milliliters of water
Load used for harmonic measurement = 875& 375 milliliters of water
Load used for other measurement = 875 milliliters of water

RF Output Power Measurement
A cylindrical container of borosilicate glass is used for the test. It has a maximum thickness of 3 mm, an
external diameter of approximately 190 mm and a height of approximately 90 mm. The mass of the container is

At the start of the test, the oven and the empty container are at ambient temperature. Water having an initial
temperature of 10 ºC ± 1 ºC C is used for the test. The water temperature is measured immediately before it is
poured into the container.

A quantity of 1250 g ± 5 g of water is added to the container and its actual mass obtained. The container is then
immediately placed in the centre of the oven shelf, which is in its lowest normal position. The oven is operated
and the time for the water temperature to attain 20 ºC ± 2 ºC is measured. The oven is then switched off and the
final water temperature is measured within 60 s.

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Kunshan)                        Report No.: RSHA171012005-00AM1

       mw                 mc                T0                 T1                T2                      t
       (g)                (g)              (ºC)               (ºC)              (ºC)                    (s)
      1250               377                20                 10                22                     53

RF Output Power = (4.187x_1250_x(22–10)+0.55x377x( 22- 20) )/ 53= 1192.8 Watts
P    is the microwave power output, in watts;
mw is the mass of the water, in grams;
mc   is the mass of the container, in grams;
To   is the ambient temperature, in degrees Celsius;
T1   is the initial temperature of the water, in degrees Celsius;
T2   is the final temperature of the water, in degrees Celsius;
t    is the heating time, in seconds, excluding the magnetron filament heating-up time.

    The measurement output power was found to be less than 500 watts. Therefore, in accordance with Section
18.305 of Subpart-C, the measured out-of-band emissions were compared to the limit of 25μV/meter at a
300-meter measurement distance.

    The measured output power was found to exceed 500 watts. Therefore, in accordance with Section 18.305
of Subpart-C, the measured out-of-band emissions were compared with the limit calculated as following:

LFS = 25*SQRT (Power Output/500)

LFS = 25* SQRT (1192.8 /500)

LFS = 38.61

Where: LFS is the maximum allowable field strength for out-of-band emissions in μV/meter at a 300-meter
measurement distance. Power Output is the measured output power in watts.

                                          dBμV/m@300m                                 dBμV/m@3m
              38.61                               31.73                                   71.73

Note: Limit (dBμV/m@3m) = Limit (dBμV/m@300m) + 40(dB)

Operating Frequency Measurement
Variation in Operating Frequency with Time

The operating frequency was measured using a spectrum analyzer. Starting with the EUT at room temperature, a
1250mL water load was placed in the center of the oven and the oven was operated at maximum output power.
The fundamental operating frequency was monitored until the water load was reduced to 20 percent of the
original load.

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The results of this test are as follows:

                       Low Frequency                                       High Frequency
                          (MHz)                                                (MHz)
                          2395.58                                              2484.43

Refer to data pages for details of the variation in operating frequency with time measurement.

                                                          * RBW 1 MHz   Delta 2 [T1 ]
                                                            VBW 3 MHz             -10.31 dB
          Ref -10 dBm                 * Att   10 dB       * SWT 5 ms        88.846153846 MHz

          -10                                                           Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                                  -50.80 dBm
                                                                             2.395576923 GHz    A

   1 PK


                   1                                                                            PS


          -70                                                                                   AC





          Center   2.44 GHz                           11 MHz/                  Span   110 MHz

  Date: 24.OCT.2017        19:20:06

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Kunshan)                         Report No.: RSHA171012005-00AM1

Variation in Operating Frequency with Line Voltage

The EUT was operated / warmed by at least 10 minutes of use with a 1250 mL water load at room temperature
at the beginning of the test. Then the operating frequency was monitored as the input voltage was varied
between 80 and 125 percent of the nominal rating.

The results of this test are as follows:

Line voltage varied from 96 VAC to 150 VAC.

                      Low Frequency                                       High Frequency
                         (MHz)                                                (MHz)
                          2394.52                                             2484.42

Please refer to following pages for details of the variation in operating frequency with line voltage

                                                        * RBW 1 MHz   Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                          VBW 3 MHz             -53.76 dBm
         Ref -10 dBm                * Att   10 dB       * SWT 5 ms         2.394519231 GHz

          -10                                                         Delta 2 [T1 ]
                                                                                 -8.02 dB
                                                                          89.903846154 MHz    A

  1 PK


          -50     1


          -70                                                                                 AC





         Center       2.44 GHz                      11 MHz/                  Span   110 MHz

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Applicable Standard

FCC §18.305、§18.309

Measurement Uncertainty
All measurements involve certain levels of uncertainties, especially in field of EMC. The factors
contributing to uncertainties are spectrum analyzer, cable loss, antenna factor calibration, antenna
directivity, antenna factor variation with height, antenna phase center variation, antenna factor frequency
interpolation, measurement distance variation, site imperfections, mismatch (average), and system

                       Item                                Measurement Uncertainty                 Ucispr

                               30MHz~1GHz                            6.11dB                       6.3 dB
  Radiated Emission             1GHz~6GHz                            4.45dB                       5.2 dB
                               6 GHz ~18 GHz                         5.23dB                       5.5 dB

EUT Setup
Below 1GHz:

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Above 1GHz:

The radiated emission tests were performed in the 3 meters chamber test site, using the setup accordance
with the FCC MP - 5. The specification used was the FCC part 18 limits.

The EUT is connected to 120 VAC/60 Hz power source.

EMI Test Receiver Setup
The system was investigated from 30 MHz to 18 GHz.

During the radiated emission test, the EMI test receiver was set with the following configurations:

      Frequency Range                  RBW             Video B/W             IF B/W            Detector
     30MHz – 1000 MHz                 120 kHz            300 kHz            120kHz                QP
                                       1MHz               3 MHz                 /                Peak
         Above 1 GHz
                                       1MHz                1 Hz                 /                 Av

Test Procedure
Maximizing procedure was performed on the highest emissions to ensure that the EUT complied with all
installation combinations.
All data was recorded in the Quasi-peak detector mode from 30 MHz to 1 GHz, Peak and average
detection mode above 1 GHz.

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Kunshan)                           Report No.: RSHA171012005-00AM1

Test Equipment List and Details

                                                                                     Calibration      Calibration
  Manufacturer             Description             Model          Serial Number
                                                                                        Date           Due Date
Sonoma Instrument           Amplifier               310N              171205         2017-08-14       2018-08-13
 Rohde & Schwarz        EMI Test Receiver           ESCI              100195         2016-11-25       2017-11-24
  Sunol Sciences        Broadband Antenna            JB3             A090314-2       2016-01-09       2019-01-08
    Champrotek              Chamber              Chamber A         T-KSEMC049              -                -
       R&S              Auto test Software         EMC32              100361               -                -
        ETS               Horn Antenna              3115                6229         2016-01-11       2019-01-10
 Rohde & Schwarz          EMI Receiver             ESU40              100207         2017-08-27       2018-08-26
       Narda              Pre-amplifier       AFS42-00101800          2001270        2016-12-12       2017-12-11
  MICRO-COAX               Coaxial Cable           Cable-8              001          2017-08-15       2018-08-14
  MICRO-COAX               Coaxial Cable           Cable-9              002          2017-08-15       2018-08-14
  MICRO-COAX               Coaxial Cable          Cable-10              003          2017-08-15       2018-08-14
  MICRO-COAX               Coaxial Cable           Cable-4              004          2016-12-12       2017-12-11
  MICRO-COAX               Coaxial Cable           Cable-5              005          2016-12-12       2017-12-11

* Statement of Traceability: Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Kunshan) attests that all calibrations have
been performed in accordance to requirements that traceable to National Primary Standards and International System
of Units (SI).

Corrected Amplitude & Margin Calculation
The Corrected Amplitude is calculated by adding the Antenna Factor and Cable Loss, and subtracting the
Amplifier Gain from the Meter Reading. The basic equation is as follows:
        Corrected Amplitude = Meter Reading + Antenna Factor + Cable Loss - Amplifier Gain
The “Margin” column of the following data tables indicates the degree of compliance with the applicable limit.
For example, a margin of 7 dB means the emission is 7 dB below the limit. The equation for margin calculation
is as follows:
        Margin = Limit – Corrected Amplitude

Test Results Summary
According to the data in the following table, the EUT complied with the FCC Part 18, the worst margin
reading as below:

                   34.63 dB at 30.326850 MHz in the Vertical polarization , 30 MHz – 1 GHz
                   15.40 dB at 7925.800000 MHz in the Vertical polarization , 1GHz – 18GHz

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Kunshan)                   Report No.: RSHA171012005-00AM1

Test Data
Environmental Conditions

 Temperature:                        20.2 ℃
 Relative Humidity:                   56 %
 ATM Pressure:                      101.0 kPa

The testing was performed by Phil Zhu on 2017-10-15.

Test Mode: Max output Power
1)30MHz ~ 1GHz

 Frequency         QuasiPeak            Limit          Margin   Height           Azimuth      Corr.
   (MHz)           (dBμV/m)           (dBμV/m)          (dB)     (cm)             (deg)      (dB/m)

 30.326850            37.10              71.73         34.63    100.0     V        72.0        -4.6
 56.421800            25.55              71.73         46.18    100.0     V       180.0       -18.2
 73.766300            25.97              71.73         45.76    100.0     V        87.0       -17.9
 79.789600            27.63              71.73         44.10    100.0     V       358.0       -18.2
 117.140550           32.90              71.73         38.83    100.0     V       211.0       -12.2
 137.087700           36.12              71.73         35.61    200.0     H       221.0       -12.3

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Above 1 GHz:

  Frequency       Max Peak       Average        Limit      Margin   Height         Azimuth     Corr.
    (MHz)        (dBμV/m)      (dBμV/m)       (dBμV/m)      (dB)     (cm)           (deg)     (dB/m)
2462.000000          ---          21.73            71.73   50.00    100.0    V      103.0       -4.8
4366.000000          ---          43.60            71.73   28.13    100.0    H       0.0        1.5
4916.800000          ---          32.38            71.73   39.35    100.0    V      311.0       2.7
6548.800000          ---          37.67            71.73   34.06    200.0    V      138.0       8.4
7392.000000          ---          35.46            71.73   36.27    100.0    H      314.0       10.1
7925.800000          ---          56.33            71.73   15.40    100.0    H      198.0       11.7
8133.200000          ---          49.70            71.73   22.03    100.0    H      314.0       12.2
11087.800000         ---          42.36            71.73   29.37    100.0    H      314.0       17.4
14787.000000         ---          40.94            71.73   30.79    100.0    H      314.0       15.8
17245.200000         ---          44.91            71.73   26.82    200.0    H      348.0       22.3

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Kunshan)    Report No.: RSHA171012005-00AM1


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Document Created: 2018-01-03 18:07:47
Document Modified: 2018-01-03 18:07:47

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