Users manual and Operating Instructions


Users Manual

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               EXHIBIT     7 & 8                                                                  ACLAP6ZO1

Operating Instructions

Microwave Oven
Model           NN—P295SF

                       This marual contairs Safety Instrustions, Operating Instructions and Ma ntenance of the oven.
                                              Before operating tmis cven, please read these instructions completely.
                                                  Antes de operar este producto, iea este instructivo en su totalidad.
                                       5) manual de instwociones en estafiol puede ser encontraca en !a paginas 27—32
                                                         (Spanish Oserating Instructions car be found on pages 27—32)

For assistance, please call
or send e—mail to :consume

                      EXHIBIT?7 & 8

 Thank you for purchasing the Panasonic Microwave Oven.

i                        PRECAUTIONS TO AVOID
‘                       POSSIBLE EXPOSURE TO
                     EXCESSIVE MICROWAVE ENERGY                                                                                             |
       (a) Do not artemat to operate this oven with the door open since oper—door operation can result in harm{u!
(          exposure to microwave energy. It is important not to defeat or tamper with the safety interiocks, Under
           normal consitions oven will not operate with door open.

       {b) Do not place any opject between the oven front face and ine door or allowsoil or cleaner residle to
           accumulate on surfaces.
i      (s) Do not operate the oven it it is damaged. It is particular‘y important that the oven coor ciose property and
           that there is no Camage to the:
           {1) door (bent),
           (2) hinges and latches (broken oloosened),

                                                                                                                                  [ _2__l
1          (3) door seals and sealing surfaces
       {d) The oven should not be adjustec or repaired by anyane exsept properly quali‘ied service personnel,

[                                                Technical Specifications                                                               |
l                                                  —
                          2|                                                         NN—Pz95SF                                          ;
     Power Source:                                                            120 V, 60 Hz                                              I
     Power Consumption:             i                                      10.8 Amps, 1250 W
     Output:*                       |                                               1200 w                                              ]
     Outside Dimensions             I                                    16%" x 20 Va" x 15 "                                           |
     (H x W x D):                   |                                     (418 x T59 % 381 mm)                                          ‘
     Oven Cavity Dimensions         ’                                     19. x mb‘ x q 3s"                                             i
: (H x W x D):                                                            (241.5x 591 x 238 mm)                                         |
l Operating Frequency:              t                                           2,450 MHz
| Unerated Weight:                                                      Approx, 51 Ibs. (23.0kg)                                  _}
    "EC 60705 Test procedure            Specifications subfect to change without natice.

  The serial number of this product may be found                       Model No.
  on the front side of the oven cavity.                                             2222222222222 2
{ You should note the modal number and the serial                      Serial No.        |
i number of this oven in the spase provided and                                  2222cze d
| retain this book as a sermanent record of your                       Date of Purchase  ;
" purchase for future reference.                                                             e n

                                                                       © Copyrighted by Marsushita Electric incustriai Co.. Ltg, 200.

                          EXHIBIT 7 & 8

                        IMPORTANTSAF                                    v INSTRUCTIGNS
Your microwave ovenis a cooking device and you should use as much care as you use with a stove or any other cooking
device. When Lsing this electric appliance, basic safety precautions should be fellowed, including the following:

WARNING—To reduce the risk of bums, eleciric shock, fire,                   (¢} If materlals inside the oven should ignite, keep oven
injury to cersons, or expesure to exc      e microwave energy:                  door closed, turn oven off, and disconnect the power
 1. Read all instructions before using the appliance.                          cord, or shut off power at the fuse or clrcuit breaker
 2. Read and followths specific "PRECAUTIONS TO AVOID                           panel.
    POSSIBLE EXPOSURE TO EXCESSIVE MICROWAVE                                {d) Do not use the cavity ‘or starage purposes, Do not lsave
     ENEARGY," found on the inside front cover.                                 paper products, ccoking utensils, or food in the cavity when
     This appliance must be grounded. Connect only to property                 not in use.

     grounded outiet. See "GROUNDING INSTRUCTIONS"®
                                                                        17) Liquids, such as water, coffee. or tea are able to be overheated
    found on page 6.
                                                                            beyond the boiling point without appearing to be bailing due to
 4. Irstall or locate this appliance only in accordance with the
                                                                              surface tension of the liquid. Visible bubbling or boiling when
    installation instructions found on page 5.                                the container is removed from the microwave oven is not
 5. Do not cover ar block any openings on this appiance.                      always present. THIS COULD RESULT IN VERY HOT LIQUIDS
 5. Do not store or use this appliance outdoors,                              SUDDENLY BOILING OVER WHEN A SPOON OR OTHER
    Do not use this product near water—for example, near a                     UTENSIL IS INSERTED INTO THE LIQUID
    kitchen sink, in a wet basernent, or near a swimming pool,                To reduce the risk of injury to persons:
     or similar focations
 7. Use this appliance only for its intended use as dascribed in this                 i) Do not overheat the liquid
     manual. DO NOT use coresive chemicals, vapars, or nor—food
     products in this appliance. This type of oven is specifically                    ii} Stir the liquid both before and halfway through heating it
     designed to heat or cook, Itis not designed for industrial or
    laboratory use. The use of comosive chamicals in heating or                       iii) Do not use straight—sided containers with narrow necks
    cleaning will damage the appliance and may result in radiation
                                                                                      iv) After heating, allow the container to stand in the microwave
                                                                                      oven for a short time before removing the container.
 8. When cleaning surfaces of door and oven that come
    together on closing the door, use only mild, nan—abrasive                         v) Use extreme care when inserting a spoon or other utensil
    soaps or detergents applied with a sponge or soft cloth.                             into the container
 9. Do not alowchildren to use this appliance, uniess closely
    supervised by an adult.
10. Da not operate this applianceif it has a damaged cord or            18. This appliance is suitable for use above both gas and electric
    plug, if it is not working properly, or If it has been damaged or       Cooking equipment
     dropped.                                                                  To reduce the risk of fire and electric shock install at least 14
11. Do not immersa cord or plug In water.                                       inches(35.5 em), measured to bottom of oven, above a cooktop
12. Keep cord away from heated surfaces.
13. Do not let cord hang over edge of a table or counter.               19. Clean Ventilating Hoods Frequently— Grease should not be
14. This appliance should be serviced only by qualfied service                 allowed to acoumulate on hood or filter
     personne!. Contact the nearest authorized servicenter for
                                                                        20. Use care when cleaning the Vent Hood filter. Corrasive cleaning
     examination, repair or adjustment.                                     Agents, such as lye—based oven cleaners. may damage the
   . Some products such as whols eggs, narrow neck bottles and

     sealed containers—for example, closed glass fars—are able to
     explade and should not be heated in this oven.                     2     When flaming foods under the hood, turn the fan on
13. To reduce the risk of fire in the oven cavity:                            For more information refer to page 6, under "The Hood".
  {e) Do not overcook food. Carefully attend appliance when paper
       plastic, or other combustible materials are pfaced inside the
       oven to faciitare cooking.
    (b) Remove wire twis:—ties from paper or plastic bags before
        placing bag in oven.

                             SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS
                         For proper use of your oven read remaining saiety cautions and operating instructions.

                          EXHIBIT?7 & 3

                         IMPORTANTSAEETY insTRUCTIONS

 Glass Tray
 1. DO NOT operate the oven without Rotaling Ring and Glass
      Tray in place.
 2. DO NOT operate the oven without the Glass Tray fully
       engaged on the drive nub. Improper cooking or damage to
      theoven couttrestit. Verlty thate Giass Tray‘s properly
       engaged and rotating by observing its rotation when you
       oress Start.
       Only use the Glass Tray specifically designed for this oven.

       Do not substitute any other glass tray.
     . If the Glass Tray is hot, allow to cool before cleaning or

       placing in water.
     . DO NOT caok diractiy on tha Glass Tray, Always place food

      in a microwave—safe dish, or on a rack set in a microwave—
      sa‘e dish.
      If feod or utensil on Glass Tray touches aven walls, causing

      the tray to stop moving, the tray will automatically rotate in
      the opposite direction. This is normal.
      Glass Tray can turn in either direction.

 Roller Ring
1. Roller Ring and oven floor snould be claaned frequently to
   prevent excessive nolss.
2. Rolier Ring must always be used for cooking along with
Glass Tray.
3. Always replace Rolier Ring and Glass Tray in their proper

                          EXHIBIT?7 $ 3

General Use                                                        4. DO NOT use reeycled paper products uniess the paper product
1. DO NOT fampar with or maxe any                                     is labeled as safe for microwave oven use, Recycled paper
   adjustments or repairs to door,                                    products may contain impurities which may cause sparks. and
   Control Panel housing, safety                                      result in fires when used
   interock switches or any other part                             5. DO NOT hit or strike Controi Panel. Damage to contrels may
   of the oven. DO NOT remove outer                                   occur. Fire could result.
   panel from oven. Repairs           must
   only be done by a qualified service person.                     6, POT HOLDERS snoud akways be used when removing
                                                                      tems from the oven. Heat is transferred from the HOT food
2. DO NOT cperate the aven empty.                                     to the cooking container and from the cooking container to
   The microwave anergy wil reflect                                   the Glass Tray. The Glass Tray can be very HOT after
   continuously throughout the oven                                   removing the cooking containerfrom the oven.
   causing overheating, if faod or wator
   is not presant to absorb energy.                                7. DO NOT stora ‘lammable materials next to, on top of, or in ins
   This could damage the oven and                                     oven. These could be fire hazards.
   result in the risk of a fire.                                   8. When using BOTH the range and the microwave oven at the
 5. DO NOT dry clothes, nawspapers or other materials In oven,       same time, take cautlon not to burn yourself when leaning over
    or use newspapers or paper cags for cooking. Fire could          the rangeto reach into the microwave oven.

Examine Your Oven                                                  5. This oven was manufactured for housshold use only.
Unpack aven, remove all packing materia; and examine the
aven for any damage such as dents, broker doorlatches or
cracks in the door. Notify dealer immediately if oven is
demaged. DQ NOT install if oven is damnaged.

1. This unit is designed for installation over a range in a
   standard 30"(76 cm) opening.
2. Be sure to install this appiiance only in accordance with the
  installation instructions proviced
3. It is recommended that tne product ba mounted to a liush
  wall of 2" x 4" (§ x 10cm) stud and $/8"(fom) minimum
  thickness drywall or plaster/lath. For further information,
  please consult the insta/lation instructions
4. Make sure the bottom of the tap cabinet is 86"(1.67 m) or
  more from the floor and 307 (75 m) or more from the
  cooking surtacs.

                                         30° MINMUM

                                   se M!M\/JAJ

                           EXHIBIT?7 & 8

 Grounding Instructions                                                  TV / Radio Interference
 This appliance must be graunded. in the event of an                     1. Operation of the m crowave oven may cause interierence
 electrical short cireuit, grounding reduces the risk of electric           to your radio, TV or sirnilar equipment.
 shock by prov ding an escape wire for the electric current.             2. Wnen there is intertererce, it mayte reduced or elminated
 This aogl ance is equipped with a cord having a grounding                  by taking the following maasures:
 wire with a grouncing plug. The p ug must be plugged into an              a. Clean door and sealing sudaces of the oven. (See Care
 outfet that is properly .nstailed and groundso.                              of Your Microwave Oven)
 WARNING—Improper use of the grounding plug can                            5. Place tne radio, TV, etc. away from the misrowave oven
 result in a risk of electric shock.                                          as far as possibis
 Consult a qualified slectricien or se—vice person if the                  c. Use a properly instal ed antenna to obiain strongersignal
 grounding instructions are not completely undsrstood, or if                  reception.
 doubt exists as to whether tne appiiance is properlygrounded.
 If it is necessaryto use an extension cord, use only a three            The Hood
 wire extension cord that has a three biade grounding plug.              1. The blower tan in your oven will operate automatically
 and a three slot receptacle that witl accept the plug on the              under certain conditions. Cautionis required to prevent the
 appliance. The marked rating of the. extension
                                            ‘      cord should
                                                           ~    be         starting and spreading of accidental cooking fires while the
 equal to or greater than the slectrical rating of the appliance.          vent fan is in oneration
 Power Supply
 1. A short power—supply cord is provided to reduce the risks            2. Never leave surlace units unattendad at high heat setting.
      resulting from becoming entargled in or tripping over a              Beil over causes smoking and greasy spillovers that may
      longer cord.                .                                        Ignite and spreadif vent fan is operating. To minimize
 2. Longer card set}s or extensrqn corgs are available and may             automatic fan operation, use adequate sized utensils and
    be used if care is exercised in their use.                             use high heat settings only when necessary.
 3. f a long cord or extension cord is used, (1) the marked
      siectrical rating of the cord set or extension cord should be
      at least as great as the electrica‘ rating of the appliance, (2)   3. In the event of a grease fire, smother fleming pan on
      the extension cord must be a grounding—type 3—wire cord,              suriace unit by covering pan completely with well—fitting (id,
      ard (3) the longer cord should be arranged so that it will not        cookis sheet or flat tray.
      drape over the counter top or tabletop where it can be
      puled on by shildren or tripped over accidentally.

 Wiring Requirements
 1. The over must be on a SEPARATE CIRCUIT, No other                     5. Keep hood and grease filters clean, accoraing to
      appliance should share the cireuit with the microwave oven.          instructions on page 23, to maintain adequate venting and
      If it does, the branch cireuit fuse may blow, the circuit            avoid greasefires.
      breaker may trip, or the food may cook slower than the
      times recommended in this manuai,
                                                                         6. To proiect the avtomatic fan ‘eature (see page 23) always
 2. The VOLTAQE used must be the same as specified on this
                                                                           keep the fiter clean. Should the fan require repair, do not
    microwave oven (120 V, 80 Kz). Using a higher voltage is
                                                                           operate microwave oven untl it nas beer repaired.
      dangerous and may result in a fire or other incident causing
      oven damage. Using a lower voltage will cause slow
      cooking. Panasonic is NOT responsible for damage                   7. Charcoal filter should be reniaced periodicaily. it may be
      resulting from the use of the oven with other than the               purchased from a iacal Panasonic dealer.
      specified voltage.
     — The oven must be plugged into at least a 20 AMP, 120

       VOLT, 60 Hz GROUNDED OUTLET. Where a standard
      two—prong out et is encountered, it is the personal
      responsibility and obligation of the
      corsumer to have it replaced with a         fl@
      properly grounded taree—prong outlet.

                      EXHIBIT 7 & 8

                                     sAFETY PRECAUTIONS
Follow These Safety Precautions When Cooking in Your Oven.
 MPORTANT                                                          Always make sure that liquids are stirred vigorously
Proper cooking depends upon the power, the time set and            belore healing to assure that the liqu d is mxed with a.r.
the quantity of food. If you use a smaller portion than            NEVER HEAT LIQUIDS FOR AN EXCESSIVE LENGTH OF
recommended and cook at the time for the recommended               TIME
portion, fire can result.                                        6) GLASS TRAY / COOKING UTENSILS / FOIL
 1) HOME CANNING / DRYING FOODS / SMALL                          * Cooking utensils get hot during microwavirg. Heat is
    QUANTITIES OF FoODS                                            transferred from the HOT food to the container and the Glass
*« DO NOT use your oven for home canzing, your oven cannot         Tray. Use potholders when rerroving uterss from the oven
 maintain the food at the proper canring temperature               or when removing ligs or plastic wrap covers from cooking
 Improperty canned food may spoil and be dangerous to              vtensils to avoid ourns.
  corsume                                                        * The Glass Tray will gat hot during cooking. It snould be
* DO NOT dry meats, herbs, fruits or vege‘ables in your aven.      allowed to cool sefore handling or befors saper products,
  Smail quantities of food or foods with low moisture content      such as paper plates or microwave poscorn bags, are placed
 can dry out, search or catch on fire if overneated.               in the oven for microwave cooking.
2) POPCORN                                                       * When using foil, skewers, warming rack or utensils made of
                                                                   metal in the oven, allow at ieast 1—inch (2.5 om) of space
; Popcom may be popped in a microwave oven corn popoer.            between metal material and interior oven walls. /f arcing
, Microwave poscom which popsin its own packageis also             occurs (sparking), remove metal material (skewers stc.)
  available. Follow popcormn manufacturers‘ directions ane uss    and/ortranster to a nen—metallic container.
 a brand sultable for the wattage of your microwave oven,        * Dishas with metaiiic nm should not be used, as arcing may
 1 CAUTION: When using pre—packaged microwave                     occur.
                                                                 * If an entres is heated in a foll tray, maintain at least 1—inch
 ! popcorn, follow recommended package Instructions,
                                                                   (2.5 om) spacing from the oven walls
 ; Check package weight before using the Popcorn pad
                                                                 7) PAPER TOWELS / CLOTHS
   {see Popcorn Pad section}. Set the oven for the weight of
                                                                 + DO NOT use paper towels or cloths which contain a
   the popeorn package.                                            synthetic fiber woven into trem. The syntnetic fiber may
   If these instructions are not followed, the popcorn may         cause the towel to ignite. Use paper toweling under
   not pop adequately or may ignite and cause a fire. Never        supervision.
: leave oven unattended when popping popcorn, Allow the |        8) BROWNING DISHES / OVEN COOKING BAGS
| popcorn bag to cool before opening, always open the            * Browning alshes or grills are designed for microwave cooking
kjag away from yourface and body to prevent steam                  only. Always foilowinstructions provided by the
 burmns.                                                          manutacturer. DO NOT preneat browning dish more than 6
3) DEEP FAT FRYING                                               * if an oven cooking bag is used for microwave cooking,
+ DO NOT attempt to deep fat fry in your microwave oven.          prepare according to package directions. DO NOT use a
  Cooking cils may burst into ‘lames and may cause damage          wire fwist—tie to close bag, instead use plastlc ties, cotton
 to tha oven and perhaps result in bumns. Microwave utenails       sting or a strip out from the open end of the bag
 may not be able to withstand the temperature of the hot oil,    9) THERMOMETEAS
 and could shatter or mt                                         + DO NOT use a conventional meat thermometer in your
4) FOODS WITH NONPOROUS SKINS                                     oven. Arting may occur. Microwave—safe thermometers are
» Potatoes, apples, whole eags, egy yolks, whole squash           aveilable for both meat and candy.
  and sausages are examples of foods with nonporous              18) BABY FORMULA/FOOD
 Skins. These types of foods must be pierced before              * DO NOT heat baby formula or foad in the microwave oven.
  m crowave cooking to prevent their bursting.                     The glass jar or suriace of the food may appear to be only
+ Uss fresh petatoes ‘or baking and cook until just done. UYse     warm while the nterior can be so hot as to bum the infant‘s
  recommended weights for programmed cooking.                      moutr and esochagus.
   vercanking causes gehyaration and may result in lire,          11) RENEATING PASTRY PRODUCTS
5) LiQuiDs                                                       * When rehaating pastry products, check :emperatures of any
» Liguids can become "superheated" in a microwave, aro             ‘illings before eating. Some ‘oogs navefillings wrich heat
  when the containgr is moved in any way, the superheated          faster and can be extremely not, while the surtace remains
  liquids tan "explode" out of the container. "Superheated"        warm to the touch (ex. Jeily Donuts)
 water is hotter than beiing water, EVEN THOUGH IT DOES           12) GENERAL OVEN USAGE QUIDELINES
 NOT APPEAq TO BUBBLE. To reduce the possibility o‘ this         * DO NOT use the oven for anyreason other than t%e
 occurrence                                                        pregaration of food
                                                                 * DO NOT leave oven unattended whi‘e in use

                            EXHIBIT 7 & 5

|_______                                             Warranty & Service
                                                  MICROWAVE OVEN
                                                 LIMITED WARRANTY
                                          Panasonic Consumer                   The waranty does not sover damages which occer           : n5, o
Elsctiomes Comparyo Pam.sanc Sales C              eny (collectively            failures which are causeo by products not supplisc       warrantor,
                                                                               or failures which result from accident, misuse, an
                                                                               misaandling, misapplicetion, favity inatallation   roper ser—up
                                            “vmal perchase in the              acfustments, operstion and/or maintenance, of ex:::cn.
event of a ddf—:c( in mazmals or worksmensitp as follows (ell time             modification, powet line surge, improper voltage s#
perieds start from the date of orginal purchese}:                    ‘ or commercial use such as hotel, ofi'c> res
                                                                               business or rental use of the product. or service 5y an)o-‘c0
                                                                               PANASONIC SERVICES COMPANYauthcrized regair (acm!v or
   Parts — ons (1) year (except magnetron).                                    damage that is altibutable to acts of God.
   Magnetron Tube — five (5) years.
   Labor — one (1) yeat on all parts (including, without limitations,
magnetren tube). After the labor wasrenty bes expired, the purchaser           LIMITS AND EXCLUSIONS
                                                                               There are no express warranties except as listed above
pays for all labor charges for removel and installation of parcs
(iacluding, without limitation, magnetron tube}.
                                                                               THE WARRANTOR SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR
                                                                               INCIDENTAL OX CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES RESULTNG
In—bameservice in the USA can be obtained during the warranty
                                                                               FROM THE USE OF THIS PRODUCT, OR ARISING OUT OF
period by contecting a Panasome Services company (PASC) Pactory                ANY BREACH OF THIS WARRANTY. ALL EXPRESS AND
Servicenter listed in the Servicenter Directory. Or call, toll free,           IMPLIED WARRANTIES, NCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF
1—800—211—PANA(7262) to locate a PASC authonzed Servicenter                    MERCHANTABILITY, AND FTINESS FOR A PARTICULAR
                                                                               PURPOSE, ARE LIMITED TO THE APPLICABLE WARRANTY
The same warranty service in Puerto Rico can be optained during the            PERIOD SET FORTH AROVE,
warranty period by coptacting Panasonic Sales Company.
          Tel. (787)750—4300                                                   Some states do not allowthe exelusion or lizmtation of incidental or
          Fax. (787)768—2910                                                   consequeotial dameges, or imilations on howlong an imalise
                                                                               wanrantylasts, so the above exclusions or listitations may not apply
This warranty is extended only o the onginal purchaser. A purchase             to you.
receipt or other proofof date of originel porchase will be required            Tais warrenty gives you specific legal rights and you may also have
before wasranty service is rendered.                                           other rights which very from state to state

This wartanty only covers failures due to defects in materials or              If you have a problems with this product that is not handled to your
workmacship which occur during normal use and does not cover                   satisfection, then witte to the Consumer Affairs Department at the
glass, plestic:parts, temperature probes (if included), and the exterior       Company adcress indicated above.
end interior finish.
Factary Serviceriters Locations :\ *
     CALIFORNIA                           GEORGIA                               MINNESOTA                        |1     WASHINGTON
    §550 Katella Ave.                     8655 Roswall Road                     7850—12th Ave. South                    20425—84th Ave. So.
    Cypress, CA 90630                     Suite 100                             Airport Business Center         |       Kent, WA 98032
                                          Atlanta, GA 30350                     Rlcomington, MN 55425           I       HAwaAli
    $0¢ DubugueAve.
    S. San Francisco,                     ILLINOIS                              OHIO                                1   99—658 Iwalwa Street
    "A 94080                              8080 Galf Road                        2236 Waycross Road              !       Aiea, Hawail 56701
                                          Niles. IL 60714                       Civic Center Plaza              {       Phore (B08) 488—1996
    3878 Ruftin Rd., Suite A                                                    Forest Park, OH 45240                   Fax (808) 466— 46\30
    San Diago, CA $2123                   1703 N. Randall Road
                                          Elgin, IL §0123                       PENNSYLVANIA
    COLORADO                              (Pick up/Drop off only)               2221 Cabot Blyd. West
    1640 South Abliane St.                                                      Suite B
    Suite 0                               MARYLAND                              Langhoms, PA 19047
    Aurore, CO 80012
                                    |     82 Mountain Road
                                          Glen Burnig, MD 21061                 TEXAS
    3700 North 29th Ave
    Suite 102
                                    |     MASSACHUSETTS
                                          60 Glacier Orive, Suite G        1
                                                                                13615 Welch Road,
                                                                                Suite 101
                                                                                Farmers Brunch,
    Hollywood, FL 33020
                                    |     Westwood, MA 02090               (    TX 75244

  Puerto Rico:      Matsushila Electric of Pusrio Rics, Inc. Panasonic Sales Company / Factory Servicenter
                    Ave. 65 de Intanterla, Km. 9.5, San Gabrlel industriat Park, Carolina, Puerto Rice 00965
                    Phone (787) 750;4300 Fax (787) 768—2910

                                                                       — 26—

Document Created: 2005-03-03 14:18:21
Document Modified: 2005-03-03 14:18:21

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