Operators Manual Installation Instructions


Operational Description

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                                                                   Exhibit 748

~ Examine Your Oven                                                           Wiring Requirements
     Unpack oven, remove all packing material and examine the oven            1. The oven must be on a SEPARATE CIRCUIT. No other
     for any damage such as dents, broken doorlatches or cracks in               appliance should share the circuit with the microwaveoven.
     the door. Notify dealer immediately if oven is damaged.                      If it does, the branch circult fuse may blow, the circult breaker
     DO NOT instal if oven is damaged.                                            may trip, or the food may cook slower than the times
                                                                                  recommendedin this manual.
     Placement of Oven                                                        2. The VOLTAGE used must be the same as specified on this
      . Oven must be placed on a flat, stable surface. For proper                microwaveoven (120 V, 60 Hz). Using a higher voltage is
       operation, the oven must have sufficient air flow. Allow 3—inches        dangerous and may result in a fire or other incident causing
       (7.6 om) of space on both sides of the oven and 1—inch (2.5              oven damage. Using a lower voltagewill cause slow cooking.
       cm) of space on top of oven.                                             Panasonic is NOT responsible for damage resulting from the
       a. DO NOT block air vents. If they are blocked during operation,       " use of the oven with other than specified voltage.
          the oven may overheat If the oven overheats, a thermal              3. The oven must be plugged into at least a 20 AMF, 120 VOLT,
           safety device will turn the oven off. The oven will remain             60 Hz GROUNDED OUTLET. Where a standard two—prong
           inoperable until it has cooled.                                        outlet is encountered, it is the personal responsibilty and
        b. DO NOT place oven near a hot, damp surface such as a gas               obligation of the consumer to have it                         —
           or electric range.                                                     replaced with a properly grounded
       ©. DO NOT operate oven when room humidity is too high.                     three—prong outlet.                                           @
     2. This oven was manufactured for household use only.
                                                                              TV / Radio Interference
     Grounding Instructions                                                   1. Operation of the microwaveoven may cause interference to
                                                                                 your radio, TV or similar equipment.
     This appliance must be grounded. In the event of an electrical
     short cirouit, grounding reduces therisk of electric shock by            2. When there is interference, it may be reduced or eliminated by
     providing an escape wire for the electric current. This appliance is        taking the following measures:
     equipped with a cord having a grounding wire with a grounding               a. Clean door and sealing surfaces of the oven. (See Care
     plug. The plug must be plugged into an outlet that is property                 of Your Microwave Oven)
     installed and grounded.                                                      b. Place the radio, TV, etc. away from the microwaveoven as
     WARNING—Improper use of the grounding plug can result in                        far as possible.
     a risk of electric shock.                                                    c. Use a properly installed antenna to obtain stronger signal
     Consult a qualifed electrician or service person if the grounding
     instructions are not completely understood or if doubt exists as to
     whether the appliance is properly grounded. Ifit is necessary to         Glass Tray
     use an extension cord, use only a three wire extension cord that         1. DO NOT operate the oven without Roller Ring and Glass Tray
     has a three blade grounding plug, and a three slot receptacle that          in place.
     will accept the plug on the appliance. The marked rating of the          2. DO NOT operate the oven without the Glass Tray fully engaged
     extension cord should be equal to or greater than the electrical             on the drive hub. Improper cooking or damage to the oven
     rating of the appliance.                                                     could result. Verify that the Glass Tray is property engaged and
                                                                                  rotating by observing its rotation when you press Start
     Power Supply                                                             3. Only use Glass Tray specifically designed for this oven. Do not
     1. A short power—supply cord is provided to reduce the risks                 substitute any other glass tray.
       resulting from becoming entangled in or tripping over a longer         4. If Glass Tray is hot, allow to cool before cleaning or placing in
       cord.                                                                      water.
     2. Longer cord sets or extension cords are available and may be          5. DO NOT cook directly on Glass Tray. Always place food in a
        used if care is exercised in their use.                                  microwave—safe dish, or on a rack set in a microwave—safe dish.
     3. If a long cord or extension cord is used, (a) the marked              6. If food or utensil on Glass Tray touches oven walls, causing the
        electrical rating of the cord set or extension cord should be at          tray to stop moving, the tray will automatically rotate in opposite
       least as great as the electrical rating of the appliance, (b) the          direction. This is normal.
       extension cord must be a grounding—type 3—wire cord, and               7. Glass Tray can turn in either cirection.
       (c) the longer cord should be arranged so that it will not drape
       over the counter top or tabletop where it can be pulled on by          Roller Ring
       children or tripped over accidentally.
                                                                              1. Roller Ring and oven floor should be cleaned frequently to
                                                                                 prevent excessive noise.
                                                                              2. Roller Ring must always be used for cooking along with Glass
                                                                              3. Always replace Roller Ring and Glass Tray in their proper


Document Created: 1999-12-18 11:43:16
Document Modified: 1999-12-18 11:43:16

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