Users Manual


Users Manual

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Information and Troubleshooting Guide
        Home Monitoring Camera Indoor
                     HomeHawk FLOOR
        Model No.    KX-HNC850

  What's included                       Attach the poles to the
                                        camera base

                                        ① Pass the power cord through the holes
                                          in the camera base.
                                        ② Attach the poles to the camera base.
                                        ③ Wrap the power cord around the cord tie
                                          and then connect the power jack.
                                        ④ Attach the camera base cover to the
                                          camera base.

              microSD card
              KX-HN1053 only

Connect the camera unit and
Pass the power cord through the poles
and connect the camera unit and poles

 Prepare the camera                             Launch the HomeHawk app from your
                                                smartphone by tapping the
① Confi rm the camera is located within the     icon.
  range of your wireless router.                Follow on-screen instructions.
② Connect the AC adaptor from the camera
  to a wall outlet.
  • Wait about 1 minute until the camera’s
     LED indicator stops blinking alternately
     in yellow and green.                       Compatible device: iPhone®, iPad® (iOS 10.0
③ Insert a microSD card (not supplied) into     and later), AndroidTM 4.1 and later (As of
  the camera’s microSD card slot.

                                                Accessing the User's Guide
                                                The User’s Guide is a collection of online
                                                documentation that helps you get the most
                                                out of the [HomeHawk] app.
                                                1 Tap in the app’s home screen.
                                                2 Tap [Support].
                                                3 Tap [User’s Guide].

Getting the App                                 Note:
                                                • Android 4.1 or later versions are
Download the HomeHawk app for your              recommended.
smartphone by either:                           • You can also access the User’s Guide at the
- Scanning the QR code                          web page listed below.
- Searching for "Panasonic HomeHawk" in the
  app store                           
- Visiting                                      hawk/manual/

                                                • Microsoft® Windows® Internet Explorer® 8
                                                and earlier versions are not supported.

Part names and functions

 Battery installation (for power
 backup)                                            • The HomeHawk app notifies you when the
                                                      battery power is low or when the battery
 You can insert 8 AA (LR6) batteries (not
                                                      is out of power. In this case, remove and
 supplied) into the camera base to temporarily
                                                      replace all of the batteries with new ones.
 power the camera in the event of a power
 Please install the batteries before a power
 failure occurs.
• Use only alkaline batteries.
• Do NOT use manganese Ni-Cd, Ni-MH
   Lithium, or Lithium ion batteries
• Confirm correct polarities (+ , - ).
• Batteries are only intended for short-term use.
  Once the batteries are installed, the AC
  adaptor should be used as the power source
  for the camera.

1 Open the camera base cover.
2 Install the batteries in the battery holder.
3 Close the camera cover.

About this system                                 • If you enable the product’s auto login feature,
                                                    enable the screen lock or similar security
• Panasonic will not be held responsible in the     feature on your mobile device.
  event that property loss occurs while this      • Performing the reset will delete all information.
  system is in operation.                            To avoid losing your previous setting, we
• This product should not be used as substitute      recommend to write down the information.
  for a medical or caregiver’s supervision.       • To prevent disclosure of personal information,
  It is the caregiver’s responsibility to stay      enable the screen lock or similar security
  close enough to handle any eventuality.           feature on your mobile device.
• The system’s wireless features are subject to   • When submitting the product for repair, make
  interference, therefore functionality in all      a note of any important information stored in
  situations cannot be guaranteed.                  the product, as this information may be
                                                    erased or changed as part of the repair
Privacy and rights of portrait                    • Use only trusted repair services authorized by
Please take into consideration the rights of        Panasonic.
others' privacy. Generally said, “privacy”        • Before disposing of the product, perform a
means the ability of an individual or group to       factory data reset to erase any data stored
stop information about themselves from               in the product. Remove and erase the
becoming known to others. “Rights of                 microSD card.
portrait” means the right to be safe from         • If your mobile device will no longer be used
having your own image taken and used                 with the product, delete your mobile
                                                     device’s registration from the product and
                                                     delete the corresponding app from your
                                                     mobile device.
                                                  • This product may be used in ways that violate
Security cautions                                   the privacy or publicity rights of others. You
• Take appropriate measures to avoid the            are responsible for the ways in which this
  following security breaches when using this       product is used.
  – Leaks of private information
  – Unauthorized use of this product
  – Unauthorized interference or suspension
     of the use of this product                   For your safety
• Configure the wireless router that connects     To prevent severe injury and loss of
  your mobile device to this product to use       life/property, read this section carefully
  encryption for all wireless communication.      before using the product to ensure
• Do not use the default password
  Change it to your own setting and set new             WARNING
  one periodically. Do not use passwords that
  could be easily guessed by a third party.       Power connection
  If you keep a record of your passwords,
   protect that record.                           • Use only the power source marked on the
• If you lose your mobile device, change the        product.
  password used to access this product.

• Do not overload power outlets and                 Operating safeguards
  extension cords. This can result in the risk of
  fire or electric shock.                           • Do not look directly at the LED when it is lit.
• Completely insert the AC adaptor/power              Doing so may cause damage to eyes.
  plug into the power outlet. Failure to do so      • Consider the installation environment
  may cause electric shock and/or excessive           carefully when installing the product. Pay
  heat resulting in a fire.                           particular attention to infants, children, and
• Regularly remove any dust, etc. from the AC         the elderly, as they may be more sensitive to
  adaptor/power plug by pulling it from the           bright lights.
  power outlet, then wiping with a dry cloth.       • When you move the product, lift the
  Accumulated dust may cause an insulation            product holding the poles or the bottom of
  defect from moisture, etc. resulting in a fire.     the product base. There may be a risk of
• Unplug the product from power outlets if it         injuryor damage to your property if the
  emits smoke, an abnormal smell, or makes            product is dropped.
  an unusual noise. These conditions can            • Do not put flammable objects such as cloth
  cause fire or electric shock. Confirm that          or paper on the product.
  smoke has stopped emitting and contact
  us at
• Unplug from power outlets and never touch
  the inside of the product if its casing has
  been broken open. Danger of electric shock        Medical
  exists.                                           • Consult the manufacturer of any personal
• Never touch the plug with wet hands.              medical devices, such as pacemakers or
  Danger of electric shock exists.                  hearing aids, to determine if they are
• Do not connect non-specified devices.             adequately shielded from external RF (radio
                                                    frequency) energy. Wireless LAN features
                                                    operate between the frequencies listed
                                                    below, with a peak transmission power of
                                                    2.412 GHz – 2.462 GHz
Installation                                        5.180 GHz – 5.320 GHz
                                                    5.500 GHz – 5.700 GHz
• Do not allow the power cord to be                 5.745 GHz – 5.825 GHz
  excessively pulled, bent or placed under          • Do not use the product in Healthcare
  heavy objects.                                    facilities if any regulations posted in the area
• Do not place the product near wirelessly          instruct you not to do so. Hospitals or
  controlled devices such as automatic doors.       Healthcare facilities may be using equipment
• Do not place the product on soft, unstable        that could be sensitive to external RF energy.

                                                   • Do not dispose of batteries in a fire.
       CAUTION                                     • Remove all the batteries when replacing.
                                                   • Do not mix old, new or different types of
Installation and location                             batteries.
• Never install wiring during a lightning storm.   • Remove the batteries if they become
• The AC adaptor is used as the main                 unusable. There is a risk of leakage,
  disconnect device. Ensure that the AC outlet       overheating, and rupture. Do not attempt to
  is installed near the product and is easily        use a battery if it is leaking.
  accessible.                                      • The unit and its batteries may become very
• Place the product on the stable location           hot. Make sure the unit and batteries have
  where the camera base can be adequately            cooled before touching the unit, replacing
  supported when installing.                         the batteries, etc.
• Do not place the product on soft material.
  It may fall down, break or cause injury.         For best performance
• Do not place the product on the following
 materials: gypsum board, ALC (autoclaved          Product location/avoiding
 lightweight cellular concrete), concrete block,
 plywood less than 25 mm (1 inch) thick, etc
                                                   • This product uses radio waves to
                                                     communicate with a wireless router.
                                                   • For maximum coverage and noise-free
                                                     communications, place this product:
                                                     – at a convenient and central location with
                                                       no obstructions between this product and
Note when using alkaline                              the wireless router.
                                                    – away from electronic appliances such as
batteries (not supplied) for power                    TVs, radios, personal computers, wireless
backup                                                devices, or other phones.
• CAUTION: Risk of explosion if battery is          – facing away from radio frequency
  replaced by an incorrect type. Dispose of             transmitters, such as external antennas of
  used batteries according to the instructions.         mobile phone cell stations (Avoid putting
• Do not open or mutilate the batteries.               this product near a window.)
  Released electrolyte from batteries is           • Coverage and transmission quality depends
  corrosive and may cause burns or injury to         on the local environmental conditions.
  the eyes or skin. The electrolyte is toxic and   • If the transmission quality is not satisfactory,
  may be harmful if swallowed.                        move this product to another location.
• Exercise care when handling batteries. Do
  not allow conductive materials such as rings,
  bracelets, or keys to touch batteries,           Environment
  otherwise a short circuit may cause the          • Keep the product away from electrical
  batteries and/or the conductive material to        noise generating devices, such as fluorescent
  overheat and cause burns.                          lamps and motors.
• The batteries should be used correctly,          • The product should be kept free from
  otherwise the unit may be damaged due to           excessive smoke, dust, high temperature,
   battery leakage.                                  and vibration.
• Do not charge, short-circuit, disassemble, or    • Do not expose this product to direct sunlight
   heat the batteries.                               or other forms of powerful light such as
                                                     halogen lights for long periods of time.
                                                    (This may damage the image sensor.)
                                                   • Do not place heavy objects on top of the
                                                   • When you leave the product unused for a
                                                     long period of time, unplug the product from
                                                     the power outlet.

• The product should be kept away from heat       Notice for product disposal,
  sources such as heaters, kitchen stoves, etc.
  It should not be placed in rooms where the      transfer, or return
  temperature is less than 0 °C (32 °F) or        • This product can store your
  greater than 40 °C (104 °F). Damp                 private/confidential information. To protect
  basements should also be avoided.                 your privacy/confidentiality, we
• Operating the product near electrical             recommend that you erase information
  appliances may cause interference. Move           from the memory before you dispose of,
  away from the electrical appliances.              transfer, or return the product.

Routine care
• Wipe the outer surface of the product with
  a soft moist cloth.
• Do not use benzine, thinner, or any abrasive

Camera image quality
• Camera image and its quality may be
  affected on the mobile device based on
  surroundings such as lighting, brightness of
  the room.

Protecting your recordings
• Do not remove the microSD card or
  disconnect the product’s AC adaptor
  while reading or writing data to the
  microSD card. Data on the card could
  become corrupted.
• If a microSD card malfunctions or is
  exposed to electromagnetic waves or static
  electricity, data on the card could become
  corrupted or erased. Therefore we
   recommend backing up important data to
  a computer or other device.

FCC and other information                          Some devices operate at frequencies that
                                                   may cause interference to nearby TVs and
FCC                                                VCRs. To minimize or prevent such
                                                   interference, this device should not be placed
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC       near or on top of a TV or VCR. If interference is
Rules. Operation is subject to the following       experienced, move this device further away
two conditions: (1) This device may not cause      from the TV or VCR. This will often reduce or
harmful interference, and (2) this device must     eliminate interference.
accept any interference received, including
interference that may cause undesired
operation. Privacy of communications may           FCC RF Exposure Warning:
not be ensured when using this device.             • This product complies with FCC radiation
                                                     exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled
CAUTION:                                             environment.
                                                   • To comply with FCC RF exposure
Any changes or modifications not expressly           requirements, the device must be installed
approved by the party responsible for                and operated 20 cm (8 inches) or more
compliance could void the user’s authority to        between the product and all person’s body.
operate this device.                               • This product may not be collocated or
                                                     operated in conjunction with any other
                                                     antenna or transmitter.

NOTE:                                              • FCC ID can be found on the bottom of the
This equipment has been tested and found to
comply with the limits for a Class B digital
device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
These limits are designed to provide
reasonable protection against harmful
interference in a residential installation. This   Important safety instructions
equipment generates, uses, and can radiate
                                                   When using your product, basic safety
radio frequency energy and, if not installed
                                                   precautions should always be followed to
and used in accordance with the instructions,
                                                   reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, and
may cause harmful interference to radio
                                                   injury to persons, including the following:
communications. However, there is no
                                                   1 Do not use this product near water for
guarantee that interference will not occur in a
                                                     example,    near your    recordings
                                                                       a bathtub,  washbowl, kitchen
particular installation. If this equipment does
                                                       Door  laundry
                                                           not remove  tub,
                                                                              a wet basement
                                                                                       card or or
cause harmful interference to radio or
                                                     near a swimming
                                                    disconnect            pool. AC adaptor while
                                                                   the product’s
television reception, which can be
                                                      Use onlyorthe  power
                                                                  writing    cord
                                                                          data  toindicated in this
                                                                                   the microSD  card.
determined by turning the equipment off and
                                                    Data   on the card could become corrupted.
on, the user is encouraged to try to correct
                                                    • If aTHESE
                                                                      card malfunctions or is exposed
the interference by one or more of the
                                                    to electromagnetic waves or static electricity,
following measures:– Reorient or relocate the
                                                    data on the card could become corrupted or
receiving antenna.– Increase the separation
                                                    erased. Therefore we recommend backing up
between the equipment
and receiver.– Connect the equipment into
an outlet on a
circuit different from that to which the
receiver is connected.– Consult the dealer or
an experienced radio/ TV technician for help.

 Graphical symbols for use on                    Software information
 equipment and their                             The End User License Agreement (EULA) for the
 descriptions                                    HomeHawk app is available at the following
                                                 web page:

                                                 • microSDHC, microSDXC Logos are
                                                    trademarks of SD-3C, LLC.
                                                 • iPhone and iPad are registered trademarks
                                                    of Apple Inc.
                                                 • Android and Google Play are registered
                                                    trademarks or trademarks of Google LLC.
                                                 • Microsoft, Windows, and Internet Explorer
                                                   are either registered trademarks or
                                                   trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the
                                                   United States and/or other countries.
                                                 • Wi-Fi®, WPA™, and WPA2™ are registered
                                                   trademarks or trademarks of Wi-Fi Alliance®.
                                                 • All other trademarks identified herein are
Open source software notice                        the property of their respective owners.
Parts of this product use open source software
supplied based on the relevant conditions of
the Free Software Foundation’s GPL and/or
LGPL and other conditions. Please read all
licence information and copyright notices
related to the open source software used by
this product. This information is available at
the following web page:
At least three (3) years from delivery of this
product, Panasonic Corporation will give to
any third party who contacts us at the
contact information provided below, for a
charge of no more than the cost of physically
distributing source code, a complete
machine-readable copy of the corresponding
source code and the copyright notices
covered under the GPL and the LGPL. Please
note that software licensed under the GPL
and the LGPL is not under warranty.

How does the camera detect changes?
The camera has 3 sensor features: a visual sensor used for motion detection, a
temperature sensor, and a sound sensor.
• The camera’s sensor features are not designed to be used in situations that require
 high reliability. We do not recommend use of the sensor features in these
• Panasonic takes no responsibility for any injury or damage caused by the use of
 the camera’s sensor features.

Using visible light to detect motion
The camera can detect motion by recognizing changes in the brightness of areas
that are visible to the camera.

• Movement may be incorrectly detected when the moving object and the
 background have similar colors.
• Movement may be incorrectly detected when there are sudden changes to the
 overall brightness level, such as when lights are turned on.
• Detection becomes difficult when the image is dark.
• You can adjust the sensitivity of the camera’s motion detection feature, and
 select which areas of the camera image are monitored for motion detection.

Temperature sensor
The sensor is triggered when the set temperature range is exceeded.
• The temperature sensor may not detect temperature accurately if the camera is
  exposed to warm or cool breezes from heating/cooling systems.
• You can adjust the temperature setting of the temperature sensor.

Sound sensor
The sensor is triggered when the set sound level is exceeded.
• The sound sensor may not function as desired when the camera is placed in noisy
• You can adjust the sound level setting of the sound sensor.

What is the detection range of the sensor?
Visual sensor can detect motion anywhere in the visible image.

• You can adjust the area detectable by the visual sensor.

Can I check sensor detection?
1 Start the [HomeHawk] app and then tap 三.
2 Tap [Settings].
3 Tap [Camera Settings] and select the camera to be tested.
4 Tap [Detection] → [Detection Test].
5 Move to an area within the camera’s viewable area.
6 While moving near the camera, use your mobile device
  to observe where you are in the viewable area when the camera’s motion
  detection features are triggered.
7 Note the areas of the viewable area where movement is detected, and make
 adjustments as necessary.

• You can adjust the area detectable by the visual sensor.


Document Created: 2018-11-16 13:47:57
Document Modified: 2018-11-16 13:47:57

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