Test Report


Test Report

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                                                                                                                 ONE WORLD           OUR APPROVAL

    Test report

     Date of issue: February 6, 2019

     Panasonic Corporation of North America
     Home Monitoring Camera Indoor
     KX-HNC850 / KX-HNC810
     FCC ID:                              ISED Registration Number:
     ACJ96NKX-HNC850                      216A-KXHNC855
     ACJ96NKX-HNC810                      216A-KXHNC815

      FCC 47 CFR Part 15 Subpart E, §15.407(h)
                Unlicensed National Information Infrastructure Devises
                (2) Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS)

      RSS-247 Issue 2, February 2017, Section 6.3
                Licence-Exempt Local Area Network (LE-LAN) Devices. Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS)
                for Devices Operating in the Bands 5250–5350 MHz, 5470–5600 MHz and 5650–5725 MHz

www.nemko.com                                                     Nemko Canada Inc., a testing laboratory, is       SCC Accredited
                                                                      accredited by the Standards Council of
                                                                 Canada. The tests included in this report are
                                                                       within the scope of this accreditation
                                                                                                                    Accrédité CCN
                                                               FCC 15.407 and RSS-247.docx; Date: June 2015                          TM

Test location

Company name               Nemko Canada Inc.
Address                    303 River Road
City                       Ottawa
Province                   Ontario
Postal code                K1V 1H2
Country                    Canada
Telephone                  +1 613 737 9680
Facsimile                  +1 613 737 9691
Toll free                  +1 800 563 6336
Website                    www.nemko.com
Site number                FCC: CA2040 (3 m semi anechoic chamber)

Tested by                  Kevin Rose, Wireless/EMC Specialist
Reviewed by                Andrey Adelberg, Senior Wireless/EMC Specialist
Date                       February 6, 2019
Signature of the

Limits of responsibility

Note that the results contained in this report relate only to the items tested and were obtained in the period between the date of initial receipt of samples
and the date of issue of the report.
This test report has been completed in accordance with the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025. All results contain in this report are within Nemko Canada’s
ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation.

Copyright notification

Nemko Canada Inc. authorizes the applicant to reproduce this report provided it is reproduced in its entirety and for use by the company’s employees only.
Any use which a third party makes of this report, or any reliance on or decisions to be made based on it, are the responsibility of such third parties.
Nemko Canada Inc. accepts no responsibility for damages, if any, suffered by any third party as a result of decisions made or actions based on this report.
© Nemko Canada Inc.

Report reference ID: 367960-1TRFWL                                                                                                       Page 2 of 21

Table of contents
Table of contents .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Section 1.        Report summary ................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
  1.1      Applicant and manufacturer ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 4
  1.2      Test specifications ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
  1.3      Test methods ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
  1.4      Statement of compliance ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
  1.5      Exclusions .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
  1.6      Test report revision history .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
Section 2.        Summary of test results ....................................................................................................................................................................... 5
  2.1      FCC §15.407(h)(2), test results ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 5
  2.2      RSS-247 Issue 2, test results ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 5
Section 3.        Equipment under test (EUT) details ..................................................................................................................................................... 6
  3.1      Sample information .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 6
  3.2      EUT information .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
  3.3      Technical information ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
  3.4      Product description and theory of operation ..................................................................................................................................................................... 6
  3.5      EUT exercise details .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 6
Section 4.        Engineering considerations .................................................................................................................................................................. 7
  4.1      Modifications incorporated in the EUT ............................................................................................................................................................................... 7
  4.2      Technical judgment ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
  4.3      Deviations from laboratory tests procedures ..................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Section 5.        Test conditions .................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
  5.1      Atmospheric conditions ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 8
  5.2      Power supply range .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 8
  5.3      Uncertainty of measurement ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Section 6.        Test equipment ................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
  6.1      Test equipment list ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Section 7.        Test rules and requirements .............................................................................................................................................................. 10
  7.1      FCC 15.407(h)(2) Radar Detection Function of Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS) .................................................................................................... 10
  7.2      RSS-247 6.3 Radar Detection Function of Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS) ............................................................................................................. 13
Section 8.        Testing data ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 14
  8.1      Channel closing transmission and move time .................................................................................................................................................................. 14
  8.2      Non-occupancy period........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 16
Section 9.        Block diagrams of test set-ups ........................................................................................................................................................... 20
  9.1      Test set-up diagram ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 20
Section 10.       Radar pulse details ............................................................................................................................................................................ 21

Report reference ID: 367960-1TRFWL                                                                                                                                                                                         Page 3 of 21

Section 1                  Report summary

Section 1.             Report summary

1.1       Applicant and manufacturer

Company name                                       Panasonic Corporation of North America
Address                                            2 Riverfront Plaza, 9th floor
City                                               Newark
Province/State                                     NJ
Postal/Zip code                                    07102-5490
Country                                            USA

1.2       Test specifications

FCC 47 CFR Part 15, Subpart E, Clause 15.407       Unlicensed National Information Infrastructure Devises
RSS-247 Issue 2, February 2017, Section 6.3        Licence-Exempt Local Area Network (LE-LAN) Devices

1.3       Test methods

789033 D02 General UNII Test Procedures New        Guidelines for Compliance Testing of Unlicensed National Information Infrastructure (U-NII) Devices Part
Rules v01                                          15, Subpart E
905462 D02 Client Without DFS New Rules            U-NII client devices without radar detection capability
905462 D02 UNII DFS Compliance Procedures          Compliance measurement procedures for unlicensed – national information infrastructure devices
New Rules v01r01                                   operating in the 5250–5350 MHz and 5470–5725 MHz bands incorporating dynamic frequency selection

1.4       Statement of compliance

In the configuration tested, the EUT was found compliant.

Testing was completed against all relevant requirements of the test standard. Results obtained indicate that the product under test complies in full with the
requirements tested. The test results relate only to the items tested.
See “Summary of test results” for full details.

1.5       Exclusions


1.6       Test report revision history

      Revision #       Details of changes made to test report
         TRF           Original report issued

Report reference ID: 367960-1TRFWL                                                                                                        Page 4 of 21

Section 2:               Summary of test results

Section 2.            Summary of test results

2.1     FCC §15.407(h)(2), test results

   KDB Section          Test description                      Verdict
       7.8.3            Channel move time                      Pass
       7.8.3            Channel closing transmission time      Pass
       7.8.3            Non-occupancy period                   Pass
Note: EUT is a Client device without radar detection.

2.2     RSS-247 Issue 2, test results

      Section           Test description                      Verdict
      6.3.2(c)          Channel move time                      Pass
      6.3.2(d)          Channel closing transmission time      Pass
      6.3.2(e)          Non-occupancy period                   Pass
Note: EUT is a Client device without radar detection.

Report reference ID: 367960-1TRFWL                          Page 5 of 21

Section 3:               Equipment under test (EUT) details

Section 3.            Equipment under test (EUT) details

3.1     Sample information

Receipt date                  January 1, 2019
Nemko sample ID number        1

3.2     EUT information

Product name                  Home Monitoring Camera Indoor
Model                         KX-HNC850 / KX-HNC810
Serial number                 0001

3.3     Technical information

Operating band                5250–5350 MHz and 5470–5725 MHz
Operating frequencies         5260–5320 MHz; 5500–5700 MHz
Modulation type               802.11n
Channel bandwidth             20–80 MHz
Power requirements            120 VAC 60 Hz
                              Mono-Pol Antenna
Antenna information
                              The EUT uses a unique antenna coupling/ non-detachable antenna to the intentional radiator.

3.4     Product description and theory of operation

Wireless Camera (AC Powered) with 2.4 GHz / 5 GHz communication.

3.5     EUT exercise details

EUT (Client Device without DFS detection) was tested in a setup with Certified Master CISCO Access Point FCC ID: LDK102091.

Report reference ID: 367960-1TRFWL                                                                                            Page 6 of 21

Section 4:               Engineering consideration

Section 4.           Engineering considerations

4.1     Modifications incorporated in the EUT

There were no modifications performed to the EUT during this assessment.

4.2     Technical judgment


4.3     Deviations from laboratory tests procedures

No deviations were made from laboratory procedures.

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Section 5:                Test conditions

Section 5.            Test conditions

5.1     Atmospheric conditions

Temperature               15–30 °C
Relative humidity         20–75 %
Air pressure              860–1060 mbar

When it is impracticable to carry out tests under these conditions, a note to this effect stating the ambient temperature and relative humidity during the
tests shall be recorded and stated.

5.2     Power supply range

The normal test voltage for equipment to be connected to the mains shall be the nominal mains voltage. For the purpose of the present document, the
nominal voltage shall be the declared voltage, or any of the declared voltages ±5 %, for which the equipment was designed.

5.3     Uncertainty of measurement

Nemko Canada Inc. has calculated measurement uncertainty and is documented in EMC/MUC/001 “Uncertainty in EMC measurements.” Measurement
uncertainty was calculated using the methods described in CISPR 16-4 Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods –
Part 4: Uncertainty in EMC measurements; as well as described in UKAS LAB34: The expression of Uncertainty in EMC Testing. Measurement uncertainty
calculations assume a coverage factor of K=2 with 95% certainty.

Report reference ID: 367960-1TRFWL                                                                                                        Page 8 of 21

Section 6:             Test equipment

Section 6.          Test equipment

6.1     Test equipment list

                                              Table 6.1-1: Equipment list

Equipment                                Manufacturer                 Model no.   Asset no.   Cal cycle       Next cal.
DFS test box                               Aeroflex                      PXI      FA002628        –            VOU
Spectrum analyzer                       Rohde & Schwarz                FSW43      FA002971     1 year        Mar. 16/19

Report reference ID: 367960-1TRFWL                                                                    Page 9 of 21

Section 7:                  Test rules and requirements

Section 7.              Test rules and requirements

7.1      FCC 15.407(h)(2) Radar Detection Function of Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS)

(2) Radar Detection Function of Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS). U-NII devices operating with any part of its 26 dB emission bandwidth in the 5.25–
5.35 GHz and 5.47–5.725 GHz bands shall employ a DFS radar detection mechanism to detect the presence of radar systems and to avoid co-channel
operation with radar systems. Operators shall only use equipment with a DFS mechanism that is turned on when operating in these bands. The device must
sense for radar signals at 100 percent of its emission bandwidth. The minimum DFS detection threshold for devices with a maximum e.i.r.p. of 200 mW to 1
W (23–30 dBm) is −64 dBm. For devices that operate with less than 200 mW (23 dBm) e.i.r.p. and a power spectral density of less than 10 dBm in a 1 MHz
band, the minimum detection threshold is −62 dBm. The detection threshold is the received power averaged over 1 microsecond referenced to a 0 dBi
antenna. For the initial channel setting, the manufacturers shall be permitted to provide for either random channel selection or manual channel selection.

(i) Operational Modes. The DFS requirement applies to the following operational modes:

(A) The requirement for channel availability check time applies in the master operational mode.

(B) The requirement for channel move time applies in both the master and slave operational modes.

(ii) Channel Availability Check Time. A U-NII device shall check if there is a radar system already operating on the channel before it ca n initiate a transmission
on a channel and when it has to move to a new channel. The U-NII device may start using the channel if no radar signal with a power level greater than the
interference threshold values listed in paragraph (h)(2) of this section, is detected within 60 seconds.

(iii) Channel Move Time. After a radar's presence is detected, all transmissions shall cease on the operating channel within 10 seconds. Transmissions during
this period shall consist of normal traffic for a maximum of 200 ms after detection of the radar signal. In addition, intermittent management and control
signals can be sent during the remaining time to facilitate vacating the operating channel.

(iv) Non-occupancy Period. A channel that has been flagged as containing a radar system, either by a channel availability check or in-service monitoring, is
subject to a non-occupancy period of at least 30 minutes. The non-occupancy period starts at the time when the radar system is detected.

                                                          Table 7.1-1: DFS Response Requirement Values

                                 Parameter                                                                                Value
                            Non-occupancy period                                                                  Minimum 30 minutes
                        Channel Availability Check Time                                                                60 seconds
                             Channel Move Time                                                                         10 seconds1
                                                                                       200 milliseconds + an aggregate of 60 milliseconds over remaining 10 second
                        Channel Closing Transmission Time
                                                                                                                       period1 and 2
                            U-NII Detection Bandwidth                                                 Minimum 100% of the 99% power bandwidth3
Notes:       1 The instant that the Channel Move Time and the Channel Closing Transmission Time begins is as follows:

             •     For the Short pulse radar Test Signals this instant is the end of the Burst.
             •     For the Frequency Hopping radar Test Signal, this instant is the end of the last radar Burst generated.
             •     For the Long Pulse radar Test Signal this instant is the end of the 12 second period defining the radar transmission.
             2 The Channel Closing Transmission Time is comprised of 200 milliseconds starting at the beginning of the Channel Move Time plus any additional

             intermittent control signals required to facilitate Channel changes (an aggregate of 60 milliseconds) during the remainder of the 10 second period.
             The aggregate duration of control signals will not count quiet periods in between transmissions.
             3 During the U-NII Detection Bandwidth detection test, radar type 0 is used and for each frequency step the minimum percentage of detection is

             90%. Measurements are performed with no data traffic.

Report reference ID: 367960-1TRFWL                                                                                                             Page 10 of 21

Section 7:                      Test rules and requirements

                                                                Table 7.1-2: Short Pulse Radar Test Waveforms

                                                                                                                         Minimum percentage of       Minimum number
Radar type        Pulse width, µs               Pulse Repetition Interval (PRI), µs            Number of pulses
                                                                                                                          successful detection           of trials
       0                    1                              1428                                       18                       See note                  See note
                                           Test A: 15 unique PRI values randomly              Roundup{(1 ÷ 360) ×
                                          selected from the list of 23 PRI values in           (19 × 106 ÷ PRIµs)}
                                                        table below
       1                    1                                                                                                    60%                          30
                                           Test B: 15 unique PRI values randomly
                                         selected within the range of 518–3066 μs,
                                             with a minimum increment of 1 μs,
                                           excluding PRI values selected in Test A
     2               1–5                                  150–230                       23–29                       60%                                       30
     3               6–10                                 200–500                       16–18                       60%                                       30
     4              11–20                                 200–500                       12–16                       60%                                       30
Aggregate (Radar types 1–4)                                                                                         80%                                      120
Note: Short Pulse Radar Type 0 should be used for the detection bandwidth test, channel move time, and channel closing time t ests.

                                                            Table 7.1-3: Pulse Repetition Intervals Values for Test A

           Pulse Repetition Frequency number                    Pulse Repetition Frequency, Pulses per second                 Pulse Repetition Interval (PRI), µs
                             1                                                      1930.5                                                   518
                             2                                                      1818.7                                                   538
                             3                                                      1792.1                                                   558
                             4                                                      1730.1                                                   578
                             5                                                      1672.2                                                   598
                             6                                                      1618.1                                                   618
                             7                                                      1567.4                                                   638
                             8                                                      1519.8                                                   658
                             9                                                      1474.9                                                   678
                            10                                                      1432.7                                                   698
                            11                                                      1392.8                                                   718
                            12                                                      1355.0                                                   738
                            13                                                      1319.3                                                   758
                            14                                                      1285.3                                                   778
                            15                                                      1253.1                                                   798
                            16                                                      1222.5                                                   818
                            17                                                      1193.3                                                   838
                            18                                                      1165.6                                                   858
                            19                                                      1139.0                                                   878
                            20                                                      1113.6                                                   898
                            21                                                      1089.3                                                   918
                            22                                                      1066.1                                                   938
                            23                                                      326.2                                                   3066

                                                                Table 7.1-4: Long Pulse Radar Test Waveforms

 Radar            Pulse          Chirp width,        Pulse Repetition       Number of pulses         Number of          Minimum percentage of        Minimum number
 type           width, µs            MHz             Interval (PRI), µs        per burst               bursts            successful detection            of trials
   5             50–100              5–20               1000–2000                1–3                    8–20                     80%                        30

                                                            Table 7.1-5: Frequency Hopping Radar Test Waveforms

 Radar           Pulse          Pulse Repetition                                                                        Minimum percentage of        Minimum number
                                                        Pulses per hop      Hopping rate, kHz         sequence
 type           width, µs       Interval (PRI), µs                                                                       successful detection            of trials
                                                                                                     length, ms
   6                1                  333                     9                      0.333              300                    70%                           30

Report reference ID: 367960-1TRFWL                                                                                                                  Page 11 of 21

Section 7:                Test rules and requirements

                                                        Table 7.1-6: Summary of the requirements

Description                                                Radar type            Requirement       Notes
5.2 DFS Detection Threshold                                  Type 0                −64 dBm         Any BW
7.8.1 U-NII Detection Bandwidth                          Type 0–4 (any)        100 % of 99 % BW    10 trials for each BW Initial Channel Availability Check (CAC) Time    Type 0–4 (any)              ≥60 s         Any BW Radar Burst at the Beginning of the CAC          Type 0–4 (any)             No Tx          Any BW Radar Burst at the End of the CAC                Type 0–4 (any)             No Tx          Any BW
7.8.3 Channel Move Time                                      Type 0                  ≤10 s         Widest BW
7.8.3 Channel Closing Transmission Time                      Type 0                ≤260 ms         Widest BW
7.8.3 Non-Occupancy Period                                   Type 0                >30 min
7.8.4 Statistical Performance Check:                      Type 1–6 (all)                           Each BW; Each 20 MHz channels + center Short Pulse Radar Test                     Type 1–4 (all)         60% detection     30 trials (for each type) Long Pulse Radar Test                         Type 5              80% detection     30 trials Frequency hopping Radar Test                  Type 6              70% detection     30 trials

Report reference ID: 367960-1TRFWL                                                                                             Page 12 of 21

Section 7:                  Test rules and requirements

7.2        RSS-247 6.3 Radar Detection Function of Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS)

Industry Canada requires the use of either the FCC KDB Procedure 905462 or the DFS test procedure in the ETSI EN 301 893 for demonstrating compliance
with the DFS radar detection requirements set out in this section.

If any part of an operating device’s emission bandwidth falls in the bands 5250–5350 MHz, 5470–5600 MHz or 5650–5725 MHz, the device shall comply with
the following:

1) DFS radar signal detection threshold

Devices shall employ a DFS radar detection mechanism to detect the presence of radar systems and to avoid co-channel operation with radar systems. The
device must detect radar signals within its entire emission bandwidth. The minimum DFS radar signal detection threshold is described below in Table below.

                                 Table 7.2-1: DFS Detection Threshold for Master Devices and Slave Devices with Radar Detection

Devices’ e.i.r.p. information                                                                                          DFS Threshold
Devices with an e.i.r.p. < 200 mW AND a Power Spectral Density < 10 dBm/MHz                                            −62 dBm
Devices with 200 mW ≤ e.i.r.p. ≤ 1 W                                                                                   −64 dBm
Note: The detection threshold power is the received power, averaged over a 1-microsecond reference to a 0 dBi antenna.

2) Operational requirements

The requirement for channel availability check time applies in the master operational mode. The requirement for channel move time applies in both the
master and slave operational modes. The requirement for in-service monitoring does not apply to slave devices without radar detection.

      i.     In-service monitoring: an LE-LAN device shall be able to monitor the operating channel to check that a co-channel radar has not moved or started
             operation within range of the LE-LAN device. During in-service monitoring, the LE-LAN radar detection function continuously searches for radar
             signals between normal LE-LAN transmissions.
   ii.       Channel availability check time: the device shall check whether there is a radar system already operating on the channel before it initiates a
             transmission on a channel and when it moves to a channel. The device may start using the channel if no radar signal with a power level greater
             than the interference threshold value specified in Section 6.3(1) above is detected within 60 seconds.
   iii.      Channel move time: after a radar signal is detected, the device shall cease all transmissions on the operating channel within 10 seconds.
   iv.       Channel closing transmission time: is comprised of 200 ms starting at the beginning of the channel move time plus any additional intermittent
             control signals required to facilitate a channel move (an aggregate of 60 ms) over the remaining 10-second period of the channel move time.
   v.        Non-occupancy period: a channel that has been flagged as containing a radar signal, either by a channel availability check or in-service monitoring,
             is subject to a 30-minute non-occupancy period where the channel cannot be used by the LE-LAN device. The non-occupancy period starts from
             the time that the radar signal is detected.

Report reference ID: 367960-1TRFWL                                                                                                          Page 13 of 21

Section 8                Testing data
Test name                Channel closing transmission and move time
Specification            KDB 905462 Section 7.8.3

Section 8.           Testing data

8.1      Channel closing transmission and move time

 8.1.1      Definitions and limits

Maximum channel closing transmission time is 200 milliseconds + an aggregate of 60 milliseconds over remaining 10 second peri od.
Maximum channel move time is 10 seconds.

 8.1.2      Test summary

Test date               February 1, 2019

 8.1.3      Observations, settings and special notes

The test was performed with the use of Radar type 0.

 8.1.4      Test data

                                                   Table 8.1-1: Channel closing transmission time results

 Channel                Measured closing transmission time, ms                                  Limit, ms                           Margin, ms
    60                                  1.864                                                    260.00                              198.136
   100                                  1.636                                                    260.00                              198.364

                                                          Table 8.1-2: Channel move time results

 Channel                        Measured move time, s                                            Limit, s                           Margin, s
    60                                  0.00                                                      10.00                              10.00
   100                                  0.00                                                      10.00                              10.00

                                      Table 8.1-3: Channel closing transmission and move time measurement results

      Channel                    Region                    Start, s                    End, s               Measured, ms                   Limit, ms
        60                         0                          0                         0.2                    0.669                          200
        60                         1                         0.2                        10                     1.195                          60
        60                         2                         10                         12                       0                             0
        100                        0                          0                         0.2                    0.662                          200
        100                        1                         0.2                        10                     0.974                          60
        100                        2                         10                         12                       0                             0

Report reference ID: 367960-1TRFWL                                                                                                     Page 14 of 21

Section 8              Testing data
Test name              Channel closing transmission and move time
Specification          KDB 905462 Section 7.8.3

                                       Figure 8.1-1: Channel closing transmission and move time, channel 60

                                       Figure 8.1-2: Channel closing transmission and move time, channel 60

Report reference ID: 367960-1TRFWL                                                                            Page 15 of 21

Section 8                Testing data
Test name                Non-occupancy period
Specification            KDB 905462 Section 7.8.3

8.2      Non-occupancy period

 8.2.1      Definitions and limits

Non-occupancy period minimum is 30 minutes.

 8.2.2      Test summary

Test date               February 1, 2019

 8.2.3      Observations, settings and special notes

The EUT was monitored for more than 30 minutes following instant T 2 (the end of Radar pulses) to verify that the EUT does not resume any transmissions on
this Channel. This test was performed with the use of Radar type 0.

 8.2.4      Test data

                                                        Table 8.2-1: Non-occupancy period results

      Measured Non-occupancy period, min                           Minimum limit, min                                       Margin, min
                    >30                                                  30                                                     >0

                                               Figure 8.2-1: Non-occupancy period for 5.25–5.35 GHz band

Report reference ID: 367960-1TRFWL                                                                                                    Page 16 of 21

Section 8              Testing data
Test name              Non-occupancy period
Specification          KDB 905462 Section 7.8.3

                                 Figure 8.2-2: Screenshot showing the channel 60 is available prior to radar detection

                                 Figure 8.2-3: Screenshot showing the channel 60 is unavailable after radar detection

Report reference ID: 367960-1TRFWL                                                                                       Page 17 of 21

Section 8              Testing data
Test name              Non-occupancy period
Specification          KDB 905462 Section 7.8.3

                                            Figure 8.2-4: Non-occupancy period for 5.47–5.725 GHz band

                                Figure 8.2-5: Screenshot showing the channel 100 is available prior to radar detection

Report reference ID: 367960-1TRFWL                                                                                       Page 18 of 21

Section 8              Testing data
Test name              Non-occupancy period
Specification          KDB 905462 Section 7.8.3

                                Figure 8.2-6: Screenshot showing the channel 100 is unavailable after radar detection

Report reference ID: 367960-1TRFWL                                                                                      Page 19 of 21

Section 9:             Block diagrams of test set-ups

Section 9.          Block diagrams of test set-ups

9.1     Test set-up diagram

                                                        RF Combiner/     Attenuator   RF Combiner/
                                                           splitter                      splitter
                                     Support                                                         Client
                                     (Master)                                                        (EUT)


                                            DFS test box
                                               analyzer                Attenuator

Report reference ID: 367960-1TRFWL                                                                            Page 20 of 21

Section 10:            Radar pulse details

Section 10. Radar pulse details

                                             Figure 9.1-1: Example of radar pulses of Type 0 for testing

Report reference ID: 367960-1TRFWL                                                                         Page 21 of 21

Document Created: 2019-02-06 11:05:00
Document Modified: 2019-02-06 11:05:00

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