Test report_Radiated_Emissions_rev2.pdf

FCC ID: A94423376

Test Report

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                                                    DESIGN ASSURANCE ENGINEERING
                                                          Radiated Emissions Test Report
     Certificate # 1514.1                          FCC ID: A94423376 IC: 3232A-423376

                               Test Type: Emissions [X]                              Immunity []

                         Product Type: Wireless Headphones

       Product Name/Number: Model Number: 423376
                              FCC ID: A94423376
                              IC: 3232A-423376
                Prepared For: Design Assurance Engineering Department,
                              Bose Corporation

                          Test Results: Pass [X] Fail                                  []

          Applicable Standards: Unintentional Radiated Interference referenced in:
                                FCC CFR 47 Part 15 Subpart C
                                Industry Canada RSS-247 Issue 2
                                Industry Canada RSS-GEN Issue 4
                Report Number: EMC.423376.18.68.1

 General Comments/Special Test Conditions:
 This report relates only to the items tested. This report covers EMC marking requirements for
 Enter product and any special modifications or test conditions.

                                          Print Name                                Signature       Date
                      Prepared By:        Brent DeWitt                                              March 9, 2018

   Electrical Engineer Review*            Chad Bell                                                 March 29, 2018

* Since every test result is separately reviewed after its completion, the electrical engineer review indicated above represents a
higher level review to ensure this report lists and contains all applicable and appropriate requirements.

If the report carries the “accredited” logo, the reviewer must verify all the tests in this report are covered under the current
ISO17025 accreditation. The A2LA-accredited logo must be removed if any of the tests in the report are not performed under the
current scope of accreditation. It is the responsibility or the reviewer to ensure the A2LA advertising policy is followed.

 Bose Corporation, 1 New York Ave, Framingham, MA 01701, USA                                                 Form FL300959 Rev 04
 Tel: (508) 766-6000 Fax: (508) 766-1145                                                                       BOSE CONFIDENTIAL
 Without written permission of laboratory, this report shall not be reproduced except in full.
 Report Number: EMC.423376.18.70.1                                                                                      Page 1 of 29

                                                               DESIGN ASSURANCE ENGINEERING
                                                                       Radiated Emissions Test Report
          Certificate # 1514.1                                FCC ID: A94423376 IC: 3232A-423376

RF Radiated Emissions 30MHz -1GHz
Test Information................................................................................................................................................................................. 2
Objective/Summary/Conclusion ........................................................................................................................................................ 2
Test Checklist .................................................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Test Setup Details ............................................................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Data Collection .................................................................................................................................................................................. 3
Limits ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 5
Equipment Used ................................................................................................................................................................................ 6
Setup Photograph(s) ......................................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Uncertainty ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 7
Test Setup Verification Check(s) ....................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Change History .................................................................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

Test Information:
                                   Project code                                         Marketing                                                Model
                                         name:                                             name:                                               number:           423376

                          Build Phase:                       DP1
            Project number (Integrity):                      423376
                   EUT Serial number:                        0053AE
                    Software installed:                      0.1.0
                            Tested by:                       B. DeWitt
                                 Date:                       21 July
            Requirements Standard(s):                        FCC Part15B, CISPR32
              Referenced Standard(s):
                    EUT powered with:                        120 VAC and 230 VAC
                     Temp / Humidity:                        25C/43%
                   EUT Modifications:                        None
            Test equipment used TN’s:                        644
                         Test location:                      Maxwell House
                           Comments:                         USB wall charger Bose Model PSA05F-050QBT1 powering EUT

      -      No emissions less than 10dB below the limit were found between 30 MHz and 1 GHz.

 Bose Corporation, 1 New York Ave, Framingham, MA 01701, USA                                                                                                           Form FL300959 Rev 04
 Tel: (508) 766-6000 Fax: (508) 766-1145                                                                                                                                 BOSE CONFIDENTIAL
 Without written permission of laboratory, this report shall not be reproduced except in full.
 Report Number: EMC.423376.18.70.1                                                                                                                                                      Page 2 of 29

                                                    DESIGN ASSURANCE ENGINEERING
                                                          Radiated Emissions Test Report
     Certificate # 1514.1                          FCC ID: A94423376 IC: 3232A-423376

Data Collection:

M1 is an ambient narrow band signal. Green trace is ambient, Yellow trace is BB2 plus power supply charging. LED panel solid

 Bose Corporation, 1 New York Ave, Framingham, MA 01701, USA                                           Form FL300959 Rev 04
 Tel: (508) 766-6000 Fax: (508) 766-1145                                                                 BOSE CONFIDENTIAL
 Without written permission of laboratory, this report shall not be reproduced except in full.
 Report Number: EMC.423376.18.70.1                                                                               Page 3 of 29

                                                    DESIGN ASSURANCE ENGINEERING
                                                          Radiated Emissions Test Report
     Certificate # 1514.1                          FCC ID: A94423376 IC: 3232A-423376

Peak Hold scan with Bluetooth playing max volume and “rainbow” LED pattern.

 Bose Corporation, 1 New York Ave, Framingham, MA 01701, USA                                     Form FL300959 Rev 04
 Tel: (508) 766-6000 Fax: (508) 766-1145                                                           BOSE CONFIDENTIAL
 Without written permission of laboratory, this report shall not be reproduced except in full.
 Report Number: EMC.423376.18.70.1                                                                         Page 4 of 29

                                                   DESIGN ASSURANCE ENGINEERING
                                                         Radiated Emissions Test Report
    Certificate # 1514.1                          FCC ID: A94423376 IC: 3232A-423376

                                 Freq Range                     Limits (dBuV QP1)                     Comments
        Standard                    (MHz)                      Class A            Class B             Measurements above 1 GHz are made using
                                                         10 m           3m2         3m                average and peak detectors.
                                    30-88                 39             49         40                Mains cables draped to floor, not bundled.
                                   88-216                43.5           53.5       43.5               *For measurements above 1 GHz, peak
        FCC 15B                                                                                       limits must also be met that are 20 dB
                                  216-960                46.5           56.5        46
                                    >960                 49.5*          59.5*       54*               higher than average limits.
                                Fundamental               N/A            N/A        60
 CISPR         FM Local                                   N/A               N/A                 52
   32          Oscillator
                                                          N/A               N/A                 56
                                                                         Class A          Class B     Mains cables bundled not draped to floor.
                                                                           3m               3m        *For measurements above 1 GHz, peak
                        30-230                                             50               40        limits must also be met that are 20 dB
                       230-1000                                            57               47        higher than average limits.
     CISPR 32
                      Freq Range
                           1-3                                              56*                 50*
                           3-6                                              60*                 54*
                   Bandwidth and Detector Settings:
 Freq. Range (MHz)    RBW (kHz)     VBW (kHz)                                  Detector
     30 – 1000            120          >300                                       QP
       > 1000            1000         >1000                                   Pk and AVG

Bose Corporation, 1 New York Ave, Framingham, MA 01701, USA                                                                   Form FL300959 Rev 04
Tel: (508) 766-6000 Fax: (508) 766-1145                                                                                         BOSE CONFIDENTIAL
Without written permission of laboratory, this report shall not be reproduced except in full.
Report Number: EMC.423376.18.70.1                                                                                                       Page 5 of 29


    =1~      a~         —         e

 TN          Description           Model       5/N          Manufacturer          Most Recent Calibration   Calibration Due Date   Most Recent Verification        cation Due Date
2319   EMI Test Receiver          ESR2S      101276       Rohde & Schwarz         06—Apr—2017               06—Apr—2018
1375   System Controller          scooy      050905—1     Sunol Sciences Corp
1541   Antenna 30MHz — 6GHz       186        A050807__|   Sunol Sciences Corp     23—Nov—2017               29—Nov—2018
2077   PreAmplifier               N/A        N/A          Bose Corporation                                                         28—Jul—2017                28—Jul—2018
1692   Flexible Microwave Cable   HFE1GOD    200001       Rohde & Schwarz                                                          28—Jul—2017                28—Jul—2018

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                                                   DESIGN ASSURANCE ENGINEERING
                                                         Radiated Emissions Test Report
    Certificate # 1514.1                          FCC ID: A94423376 IC: 3232A-423376


                                                                     Uncertainty Budget

                                                                Title:          Radiated RF Emissions (30MHz-1GHz)

                                  Source of Uncertainty                     Value          Distribution   Divisor   Uncertainty
                                                                          units:± dB                                  (± dB)
                          Receiver - absolute level                            0.3              Rect.      1.73        0.17
                          Receiver - frequency response                        0.8              Rect.      1.73        0.46
                          Receiver - attenuator switching                      0.2              Rect.      1.73        0.12
                          Receiver - bandwidth switching                       0.2               Rect.     1.73        0.12
                          Receiver - display                                   0.5               Rect.     1.73        0.29
                          Antenna factor                                       0.8              Norm.      2.00        0.38
                          Antenna directivity                                  1.0              Norm.      2.00        0.50
                          Preamp correction factor                             0.5              Norm.      2.00        0.25
                          Cable correction factor                              0.5              Norm.      2.00        0.25
                          Site imperfection - NSA                              4.0              Triang.    2.45        1.63
                          Test table impact                                    1.1               Rect.     1.73        0.64

                                                                            Combined uncertainty (RSS):                1.98
                                                                               Coverage factor (2 sigma):              2.00
                                                                   Extended uncertainty (95% confidence):              3.97

Bose Corporation, 1 New York Ave, Framingham, MA 01701, USA                                                                   Form FL300959 Rev 04
Tel: (508) 766-6000 Fax: (508) 766-1145                                                                                         BOSE CONFIDENTIAL
Without written permission of laboratory, this report shall not be reproduced except in full.
Report Number: EMC.423376.18.70.1                                                                                                       Page 7 of 29

                                                               DESIGN ASSURANCE ENGINEERING
                                                                      Radiated Emissions Test Report
          Certificate # 1514.1                                FCC ID: A94423376 IC: 3232A-423376

Radiated RF Emissions 1-40GHz
Test information ................................................................................................................................................................................. 8
Objective/Summary/Conclusion ........................................................................................................................................................ 8
Test setup details .............................................................................................................................................................................. 9
Data Collection ................................................................................................................................................................................ 10
Limits ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 23
Equipment Used .............................................................................................................................................................................. 24
Uncertainty ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 25
Test setup verification check(s) ....................................................................................................................................................... 26
Change History .................................................................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

Test information:
                                   Project code                                        Marketing                                                 Model
                                         name:                                            name:                                                number:           423376

                   EUT Serial number:                       0176AE
                    Software installed:                     0.2.1
                            Tested by:                      B. DeWitt
                                 Date:                      16 January 2018
            Requirements Standard(s):                       FCC Part 15B, CISPR32
              Referenced Standard(s):
                   EUT powered with:                        Battery
                     Temp / Humidity:                       22C/27%
                   EUT Modifications:                       None
            Test equipment used TN’s:                       2385
                         Test location:                     Marconi Manor

      -      Wireless Headset Model 423376 passes harmonic and spurious radiated emissions by 4.9 dB at 4804 MHz
      -      High Restricted Band-Edge passes in worst case Bluetooth DH5 mode by 4.9 dB at 2583.5 MHz.
      -      No non-harmonic spurious emissions were found.
      -      No emissions were found above 13 GHz.

 Bose Corporation, 1 New York Ave, Framingham, MA 01701, USA                                                                                                           Form FL300959 Rev 04
 Tel: (508) 766-6000 Fax: (508) 766-1145                                                                                                                                 BOSE CONFIDENTIAL
 Without written permission of laboratory, this report shall not be reproduced except in full.
 Report Number: EMC.423376.18.70.1                                                                                                                                                     Page 8 of 29

                                                    DESIGN ASSURANCE ENGINEERING
                                                          Radiated Emissions Test Report
     Certificate # 1514.1                          FCC ID: A94423376 IC: 3232A-423376

Test setup details:
The EUT was set into DFU mode using the Bose “PolyComm” utility then set to The previously determined worst-case mode of 8
dBm maximum power, DH5 modulation with a maximum payload/duty cycle of 339 packets.

The EUT was supported 1.5 meters above the chamber floor and positioned in each of three orthogonal orientations.

Measurements from 18 to 26 GHz were made at 1 meter distance, hand manipulated positioning.

Specific harmonic measurements were made at each of the low, mid and high frequencies (2402, 2441 and 2480 MHz) with
frequency hopping disabled.

 Bose Corporation, 1 New York Ave, Framingham, MA 01701, USA                                           Form FL300959 Rev 04
 Tel: (508) 766-6000 Fax: (508) 766-1145                                                                 BOSE CONFIDENTIAL
 Without written permission of laboratory, this report shall not be reproduced except in full.
 Report Number: EMC.423376.18.70.1                                                                                  Page 9 of 29

                                                   DESIGN ASSURANCE ENGINEERING
                                                         Radiated Emissions Test Report
    Certificate # 1514.1                          FCC ID: A94423376 IC: 3232A-423376

Data Collection: Harmonic and Spurious
                                                  FCC 15B Class B Product (Residential) @ 3 Meters
                                                            Bluetooth DH5 (worst case)
Emission        Measure        Measure                    FCC 15B                     Table       Receiving
Frequenc           d              d                                                  Azimut        Antenna
 y (MHz)        Amplitud       Amplitud        Limit     Limit    Margi    Margi      h (0°    Pol     Height
                   e              e          (dBµV/m (dBµV/m         n        n     closest   (H/V) (Meters)
               (dBµV/m)       (dBµV/m)        ) AVG     ) Peak     (dB)     (dB)     to ant)
                 AVG            Peak                               AVG      Peak

                                                                                                                       Notes / Mode
                                                                                                                Headset Vertical
  2402.00         39.3           46.1          54.0          74.0         14.7       27.9       240   V   1.5   Notch filtered
  4804.00        49.10          54.50          54.0          74.0          4.9       19.5       226   H   1.5
  7206.00        40.80          51.80          54.0          74.0         13.2       22.2       91    H   1.7
  9608.00        37.70          50.70          54.0          74.0         16.3       23.3       360   H         noise floor
 12010.00        39.50          52.90          54.0          74.0         14.5       21.1        0    H   1.5   noise floor

  2441.00        43.70          49.00          54.0          74.0         10.3       25.0        0    V   1.5   Notch filtered
  4882.00        48.20          54.30          54.0          74.0          5.8       19.7       233   H   1.5
  7323.00        39.80          51.10          54.0          74.0         14.2       22.9       92    H   1.8
  9764.00         0.00           0.00          54.0          74.0         54.0       74.0        0    V   1.5   noise floor
 12205.00         0.00           0.00          54.0          74.0         54.0       74.0        0    V   1.5   noise floor

  2480.00        45.30          50.20          54.0          74.0          8.7       23.8        0    V   1.5   Notch filtered
  4960.00        33.40          46.60          54.0          74.0         20.6       27.4       226   H   1.5
  7440.00        40.80          52.10          54.0          74.0         13.2       21.9       89    H   1.7
  9920.00        41.10          54.50          54.0          74.0         12.9       19.5       25    H   1.7
 12400.00        39.80          53.60          54.0          74.0         14.2       20.4        0    V   1.7   noise floor

                                                                                                                Headset Flat
  2402.00        40.00          46.00          54.0          74.0         14.0       28.0       329   V   1.5   Notch filtered
  4804.00        45.60          52.60          54.0          74.0          8.4       21.4       298   V   1.5
  7206.00        40.00          51.50          54.0          74.0         14.0       22.5       94    V   1.2
  9608.00        37.70          50.80          54.0          74.0         16.3       23.2        0    H   1.5   noise floor
 12010.00        39.60          53.00          54.0          74.0         14.4       21.0       36    V   1.5   noise floor

  2441.00        42.30          47.80          54.0          74.0         11.7       26.2        4    V   1.5   Notch filtered
  4882.00        45.70          52.60          54.0          74.0          8.3       21.4       98    V   1.5
  7323.00        39.30          50.80          54.0          74.0         14.7       23.2       106   V   1.5
  9764.00        38.50          52.10          54.0          74.0         15.5       21.9       289   V   1.6
 12205.00        40.40          53.70          54.0          74.0         13.6       20.3       362   V   1.5   noise floor

  2480.00        42.00          47.70          54.0          74.0         12.0       26.3        0    V   1.7   Notch filtered
  4960.00        33.30          47.40          54.0          74.0         20.7       26.6       181   V   1.6
  7440.00        41.60          52.00          54.0          74.0         12.4       22.0       106   V   1.3
  9920.00        40.70          53.80          54.0          74.0         13.3       20.2       106   V   1.4
 12400.00         0.00           0.00          54.0          74.0         54.0       74.0        4    V   1.5   noise floor


Bose Corporation, 1 New York Ave, Framingham, MA 01701, USA                                                          Form FL300959 Rev 04
Tel: (508) 766-6000 Fax: (508) 766-1145                                                                                BOSE CONFIDENTIAL
Without written permission of laboratory, this report shall not be reproduced except in full.
Report Number: EMC.423376.18.70.1                                                                                                Page 10 of 29

                                                    DESIGN ASSURANCE ENGINEERING
                                                          Radiated Emissions Test Report
     Certificate # 1514.1                          FCC ID: A94423376 IC: 3232A-423376

   2402.00        38.50           45.3          54.0          74.0         15.5       28.7       360.0   H   1.5   Notch filtered
   4804.00        48.30          54.50          54.0          74.0          5.7       19.5        239    H   1.7
   7206.00        37.40          50.20          54.0          74.0         16.6       23.8        221    V   1.9   noise floor
   9608.00        37.70          51.40          54.0          74.0         16.3       22.6        360    V   1.5   noise floor
  12010.00        39.60          53.10          54.0          74.0         14.4       20.9        289    V   1.6   noise floor

   2441.00        44.30          49.20          54.0          74.0          9.7       24.8       289     H   1.6   Notch filtered
   4882.00        45.90          52.70          54.0          74.0          8.1       21.3       198     H   1.6
   7323.00        35.90          48.90          54.0          74.0         18.1       25.1       101     V   1.3
   9764.00        38.50          52.10          54.0          74.0         15.5       21.9        0      H   1.5   noise floor
  12205.00        40.30          53.90          54.0          74.0         13.7       20.1       360     V   1.5   noise floor

   2480.00        44.10          49.20          54.0          74.0          9.9       24.8       360     H   1.5   Notch filtered
   4960.00        33.50          46.90          54.0          74.0         20.5       27.1       60      H   1.6
   7440.00        37.00          49.80          54.0          74.0         17.0       24.2        0      H   1.5
   9920.00        39.10          52.10          54.0          74.0         14.9       21.9        0      V   1.5   noise floor
  12400.00        39.80          53.40          54.0          74.0         14.2       20.6       15      V   1.5   noise floor

                                                                                                                   Upper band edge
   2483.50        47.70         59.60           54.0          74.0          6.3        14.4      41      V   1.8   Headset Vertical
   2483.50        49.10         61.00           54.0          74.0          4.9        13.0      174     V   1.7   Headset Flat
   2483.50        48.60         60.30           54.0          74.0          5.4        13.7      195     H   1.5   Headset Edge
   2480.00        103.20        105.80          54.0          74.0         -49.2      -31.8      195     H   1.5   Headset Edge
   2480.00        100.90        103.50          54.0          74.0         -46.9      -29.5      174     V   1.7   Headset Flat
   2480.00        102.20        104.80          54.0          74.0         -48.2      -30.8      56      V   1.9   Headset Vertical
DH5 Radiated Band Edge Worst case

 Bose Corporation, 1 New York Ave, Framingham, MA 01701, USA                                                            Form FL300959 Rev 04
 Tel: (508) 766-6000 Fax: (508) 766-1145                                                                                  BOSE CONFIDENTIAL
 Without written permission of laboratory, this report shall not be reproduced except in full.
 Report Number: EMC.423376.18.70.1                                                                                                  Page 11 of 29

                                                   DESIGN ASSURANCE ENGINEERING
                                                         Radiated Emissions Test Report
    Certificate # 1514.1                          FCC ID: A94423376 IC: 3232A-423376

 Emission        Measured Measured               FCC 15B                                          Table      Receiving Antenna
 Frequency       Amplitude Amplitude Limit    Limit   Margin                          Margin     Azimuth       Pol      Height
   (MHz)         (dBµV/m) (dBµV/m) (dBµV/m) (dBµV/m)   (dB)                            (dB)         (0°       (H/V)    (Meters)
                   AVG       Peak    AVG      Peak     AVG                             Peak     closest to                            Notes / Mode
Channel 0 (2402MHz)
    4804.000    45.10            55.00          54.0         74.0          8.9          19.0       231         H         1.6
    7206.000    37.00            51.00          54.0         74.0          17.0         23.0        0          H         1.0      Noise Floor
    9608.000    39.00            53.00          54.0         74.0          15.0         21.0        0          H         1.0      Noise Floor
   12010.000    42.80            56.00          54.0         74.0          11.2         18.0        0          H         1.0      Noise Floor
   14412.000    43.60            56.60          54.0         74.0          10.4         17.4        0          H         1.0      Noise Floor
   16814.000    48.00            61.00          54.0         74.0          6.0          13.0        0          H         1.0      Noise Floor

Channel 20 (2442MHz)
    4884.000    46.10            55.70          54.0         74.0          7.9          18.3       233         H         1.0
    7326.000    37.30            51.90          54.0         74.0          16.7         22.1        0          H         1.0      Noise Floor
    9768.000    38.40            51.70          54.0         74.0          15.6         22.3        0          H         1.0      Noise Floor
   12210.000    43.40            56.40          54.0         74.0          10.6         17.6        0          H         1.0      Noise Floor
   14652.000    43.80            56.80          54.0         74.0          10.2         17.2        0          H         1.0      Noise Floor
   17094.000    47.20            61.30          54.0         74.0          6.8          12.7        0          H         1.0      Noise Floor

Channel 20 (2480MHz)
    4960.000    41.70            52.40          54.0         74.0          12.3         21.6       231         H         1.0
    7440.000    37.60            52.20          54.0         74.0          16.4         21.8       360         H         1.0      Noise Floor
    9920.000    38.40            52.20          54.0         74.0          15.6         21.8        0          H         1.0      Noise Floor
   12400.000    41.20            55.10          54.0         74.0          12.8         18.9        0          H         1.0      Noise Floor
   14880.000    44.10            57.60          54.0         74.0          9.9          16.4        0          H         1.0      Noise Floor
   17360.000    47.10            61.00          54.0         74.0          6.9          13.0        0          H         1.0      Noise Floor

Bose Corporation, 1 New York Ave, Framingham, MA 01701, USA                                                                       Form FL300959 Rev 04
Tel: (508) 766-6000 Fax: (508) 766-1145                                                                                             BOSE CONFIDENTIAL
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Report Number: EMC.423376.18.70.1                                                                                                          Page 12 of 29

                                                   DESIGN ASSURANCE ENGINEERING
                                                         Radiated Emissions Test Report
    Certificate # 1514.1                          FCC ID: A94423376 IC: 3232A-423376

                                                                            *RBW 1 MHz          Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                              VBW 10 MHz                36.21 dBµV/m
                     Ref   110 dBµV/m               *Att      10 dB           SWT 100 ms             1.000000000 GHz


            1 PK

            2 AV *
            MAXH                                                                                                       TDS
                     FCC PEAK

                     FCC AVG
                     50                                                                                                AC




                     Center 9.5 GHz                                  1.7 GHz/                           Span 17 GHz

           Max hold V/H 2402 MHz DH5
           Date: 18.JAN.2018          13:15:08

Bose Corporation, 1 New York Ave, Framingham, MA 01701, USA                                                                  Form FL300959 Rev 04
Tel: (508) 766-6000 Fax: (508) 766-1145                                                                                        BOSE CONFIDENTIAL
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Report Number: EMC.423376.18.70.1                                                                                                     Page 13 of 29

                                                   DESIGN ASSURANCE ENGINEERING
                                                         Radiated Emissions Test Report
    Certificate # 1514.1                          FCC ID: A94423376 IC: 3232A-423376

                                                                   Noise floor 18-26 GHz

                                                                             *RBW 1 MHz
                                                                             *VBW 10 MHz
                     Ref    90 dBµV/m                *Att     0 dB            SWT 50 ms

             1 PK



                      30                                                                                      AC




                     Start 18 GHz                                    800 MHz/                   Stop 26 GHz

Bose Corporation, 1 New York Ave, Framingham, MA 01701, USA                                                         Form FL300959 Rev 04
Tel: (508) 766-6000 Fax: (508) 766-1145                                                                               BOSE CONFIDENTIAL
Without written permission of laboratory, this report shall not be reproduced except in full.
Report Number: EMC.423376.18.70.1                                                                                            Page 14 of 29

                                                    DESIGN ASSURANCE ENGINEERING
                                                          Radiated Emissions Test Report
     Certificate # 1514.1                          FCC ID: A94423376 IC: 3232A-423376

Data Collection: Restricted Band Edge

DH5, No Hop. 2310 MHz – 2390 MHz. Highest Average reading 34.07 dBµV/m

 Bose Corporation, 1 New York Ave, Framingham, MA 01701, USA                                     Form FL300959 Rev 04
 Tel: (508) 766-6000 Fax: (508) 766-1145                                                           BOSE CONFIDENTIAL
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 Report Number: EMC.423376.18.70.1                                                                        Page 15 of 29

                                                    DESIGN ASSURANCE ENGINEERING
                                                          Radiated Emissions Test Report
     Certificate # 1514.1                          FCC ID: A94423376 IC: 3232A-423376

DH5, Hopping. 2310 MHz – 2390 MHz. Highest Average reading in the restricted band: 35.14 dBµV/m

 Bose Corporation, 1 New York Ave, Framingham, MA 01701, USA                                      Form FL300959 Rev 04
 Tel: (508) 766-6000 Fax: (508) 766-1145                                                            BOSE CONFIDENTIAL
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 Report Number: EMC.423376.18.70.1                                                                         Page 16 of 29

                                                    DESIGN ASSURANCE ENGINEERING
                                                          Radiated Emissions Test Report
     Certificate # 1514.1                          FCC ID: A94423376 IC: 3232A-423376

3-DH5, Hopping. 2310 MHz – 2390 MHz. Highest Average reading in the restricted band: 34.77 dBµV/m

 Bose Corporation, 1 New York Ave, Framingham, MA 01701, USA                                        Form FL300959 Rev 04
 Tel: (508) 766-6000 Fax: (508) 766-1145                                                              BOSE CONFIDENTIAL
 Without written permission of laboratory, this report shall not be reproduced except in full.
 Report Number: EMC.423376.18.70.1                                                                           Page 17 of 29

                                                    DESIGN ASSURANCE ENGINEERING
                                                          Radiated Emissions Test Report
     Certificate # 1514.1                          FCC ID: A94423376 IC: 3232A-423376

3-DH5, No Hopping. 2310 MHz–2390 MHz. Highest Average reading in the restricted band: 34.35 dBµV/m

 Bose Corporation, 1 New York Ave, Framingham, MA 01701, USA                                     Form FL300959 Rev 04
 Tel: (508) 766-6000 Fax: (508) 766-1145                                                           BOSE CONFIDENTIAL
 Without written permission of laboratory, this report shall not be reproduced except in full.
 Report Number: EMC.423376.18.70.1                                                                        Page 18 of 29

                                                    DESIGN ASSURANCE ENGINEERING
                                                          Radiated Emissions Test Report
     Certificate # 1514.1                          FCC ID: A94423376 IC: 3232A-423376

DH5, No Hop. 2483.5 MHz – 2500 MHz. Highest Average reading in the restricted band: 48.74 dBµV/m

 Bose Corporation, 1 New York Ave, Framingham, MA 01701, USA                                       Form FL300959 Rev 04
 Tel: (508) 766-6000 Fax: (508) 766-1145                                                             BOSE CONFIDENTIAL
 Without written permission of laboratory, this report shall not be reproduced except in full.
 Report Number: EMC.423376.18.70.1                                                                          Page 19 of 29

                                                    DESIGN ASSURANCE ENGINEERING
                                                          Radiated Emissions Test Report
     Certificate # 1514.1                          FCC ID: A94423376 IC: 3232A-423376

DH5, Hopping. 2483.5 MHz – 2500 MHz. Highest Average reading in the restricted band: 48.53 dBµV/m

 Bose Corporation, 1 New York Ave, Framingham, MA 01701, USA                                        Form FL300959 Rev 04
 Tel: (508) 766-6000 Fax: (508) 766-1145                                                              BOSE CONFIDENTIAL
 Without written permission of laboratory, this report shall not be reproduced except in full.
 Report Number: EMC.423376.18.70.1                                                                           Page 20 of 29

                                                    DESIGN ASSURANCE ENGINEERING
                                                          Radiated Emissions Test Report
     Certificate # 1514.1                          FCC ID: A94423376 IC: 3232A-423376

3-DH5, No Hop. 2483.5 MHz – 2500 MHz. Highest Average reading in the restricted band: 45.87 dBµV/m

 Bose Corporation, 1 New York Ave, Framingham, MA 01701, USA                                         Form FL300959 Rev 04
 Tel: (508) 766-6000 Fax: (508) 766-1145                                                               BOSE CONFIDENTIAL
 Without written permission of laboratory, this report shall not be reproduced except in full.
 Report Number: EMC.423376.18.70.1                                                                            Page 21 of 29

                                                    DESIGN ASSURANCE ENGINEERING
                                                          Radiated Emissions Test Report
     Certificate # 1514.1                          FCC ID: A94423376 IC: 3232A-423376

3-DH5, Hopping. 2483.5 MHz – 2500 MHz. Highest Average reading in the restricted band: 46.17 dBµV/m

 Bose Corporation, 1 New York Ave, Framingham, MA 01701, USA                                          Form FL300959 Rev 04
 Tel: (508) 766-6000 Fax: (508) 766-1145                                                                BOSE CONFIDENTIAL
 Without written permission of laboratory, this report shall not be reproduced except in full.
 Report Number: EMC.423376.18.70.1                                                                             Page 22 of 29

                                                   DESIGN ASSURANCE ENGINEERING
                                                         Radiated Emissions Test Report
    Certificate # 1514.1                          FCC ID: A94423376 IC: 3232A-423376

                                 Freq Range                     Limits (dBuV QP1)                     Comments
        Standard                    (MHz)                      Class A            Class B             Measurements above 1 GHz are made using
                                                         10 m            3m         3m                average and peak detectors.
                                    30-88                 39             49         40                Mains cables draped to floor, not bundled.
                                   88-216                43.5           53.5       43.5               *For measurements above 1 GHz, peak
        FCC 15B
                                  216-960                46.5           56.5        46                limits must also be met that are 20 dB
                                    >960                 49.5*          59.5*       54*               higher than average limits.
                                Fundamental               N/A            N/A        60
 CISPR         FM Local                                   N/A               N/A                 52
   32          Oscillator
                                                          N/A               N/A                 56
                                                                         Class A          Class B     Mains cables bundled not draped to floor.
                                                                           3m               3m        *For measurements above 1 GHz, peak
                        30-230                                             50               40        limits must also be met that are 20 dB
                       230-1000                                            57               47        higher than average limits.
     CISPR 32
                      Freq Range
                           1-3                                              56*                 50*
                           3-6                                              60*                 54*
                   Bandwidth and Detector Settings:
 Freq. Range (MHz)    RBW (kHz)     VBW (kHz)                                  Detector
     30 – 1000            120          >300                                       QP
       > 1000            1000         >1000                                   Pk and AVG

Bose Corporation, 1 New York Ave, Framingham, MA 01701, USA                                                                   Form FL300959 Rev 04
Tel: (508) 766-6000 Fax: (508) 766-1145                                                                                         BOSE CONFIDENTIAL
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Report Number: EMC.423376.18.70.1                                                                                                      Page 23 of 29


      =1~    a~          _        e

 TN                      fos
                    Description                         Model            s/n        Manufacturer       Most Recent
                                                                                                       Calibration   Calibration
                                                                                                                           Date Due      Most Recent
                                                                                                                                         Verification   Verification
                                                                                                                                                              Date Due
1620 Comb Generator 1GHz — 10GHz               ceo—s100                281571     Com—Power
1663   EMI Test Receiver                       Esuso                   100098     Rohde & Schwarz   05—Apr—2017      05—Apr—2018
1757   18GHz—40GHz Preamp                      J54018004000—30—89—A1   1406279    Mitea                                               24Jan—2017        24—Jan—2018
2342   2.4GHz Bend Reject Filter               BRMSO702—07             oo1        Micro—Tronics     11—Aug—2014                       07—Mar—2018       07—Mar—2019
2357   RF Cable 30MHz—18GHz                    Tru—300                 1595793    TRU Corporation                                     26—Jan—2018       26—Jan—2019
2373   RF Cable 30MHz—18GHz — 25 feet "N°__|   TRU—300                 N/A        TRU Corporation                                     12—Nov—2014
2385   Marconi Manor                           3 Meter Semi Anechoic
                                               Chamber                 y/y        AP Americas                                         15—Feb—2017
2478   RF cable 30MHz—18GHz                    257—257—3052640         N/A        SRC Haverhill                                       26—Jan—2018
2349 [l)f‘l“;(';smge Waveguide Horn Antenna    3117                    00152406   ETS Lindgren      27—Dec—2017      27—Dec—2018
2602 Miteg pre—amp 1—18GHz 350B                £1942—01001800—28—40P— /y          Miteg                                               09—Feb—2018       09—Feb—2019
1307 Standard
     26.5GHz Gain Horn Antenna 18GHz~          515999                  00029792   Emco              29—Mar—2017      28—Mar—2020

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                                                   DESIGN ASSURANCE ENGINEERING
                                                         Radiated Emissions Test Report
    Certificate # 1514.1                          FCC ID: A94423376 IC: 3232A-423376

                             Uncertainty Budget

                             Title:                                    Radiated Emissions

                             Source of Uncertainty                     Value            Distribution   Divisor   Uncertainty
                                                                       units:+/-                                 (± dB)
                             RF spec anal-level-Ref.                   0.6              Rect.          1.73      0.35
                             RF spec anal-level-Freq resp.             1.0              Rect.          1.73      0.58
                             RF spec anal-level-Display                0.3              Rect.          1.73      0.17
                             RF spec anal-level-QP det.                1.0              Rect.          1.73      0.58
                             Antenna factor                            0.9              Norm.          2.00      0.45
                             Preamp corr. Factor                       0.5              Rect.          1.73      0.29
                             Cable corr. Factor                        0.5              Rect.          1.73      0.29

                             Combined uncertainty (RSS):                                                         1.09
                             Coverage factor (2 sigma):                                                          2.00
                             Extended uncertainty (95% confidence):                                              2.18

Bose Corporation, 1 New York Ave, Framingham, MA 01701, USA                                                                    Form FL300959 Rev 04
Tel: (508) 766-6000 Fax: (508) 766-1145                                                                                          BOSE CONFIDENTIAL
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Report Number: EMC.423376.18.70.1                                                                                                       Page 25 of 29

                                                    DESIGN ASSURANCE ENGINEERING
                                                          Radiated Emissions Test Report
     Certificate # 1514.1                          FCC ID: A94423376 IC: 3232A-423376

Test setup verification check(s):
CISPR32 and FCC 1-6GHz Emissions Verification Check
Date: 11/14/2014
Marconi Manor: TN2385
Cables: TN2373, 2383, 2367 (3_Cables)
Pre-amp (MITEQ) TN1672
Horn antenna (3117) TN2348
Comb Generator TN1620

Receiving antenna vertical polarization, 1 meter height, 3Meter distance.
0 deg on comb gen. facing receiving antenna.
CISPR16 anechoic tiles and cones in place.

Analyzer settings
Transducer set > 1-6GHz
Set manually start/stop freq, RBW 1MHz, attention 0dB, Ref level 80dBuV/m, detectors
File recall 1-6GHz in ESU

 Bose Corporation, 1 New York Ave, Framingham, MA 01701, USA                                     Form FL300959 Rev 04
 Tel: (508) 766-6000 Fax: (508) 766-1145                                                           BOSE CONFIDENTIAL
 Without written permission of laboratory, this report shall not be reproduced except in full.
 Report Number: EMC.423376.18.70.1                                                                        Page 26 of 29

                                                   DESIGN ASSURANCE ENGINEERING
                                                         Radiated Emissions Test Report
    Certificate # 1514.1                          FCC ID: A94423376 IC: 3232A-423376

                                                                             *RBW 1 MHz             Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                             *VBW 10 MHz                    39.16 dBµV/m
                          Ref    90 dBµV/m             *Att     0 dB          SWT 30 ms                  1.600000000 GHz
                           90                                                                       Marker 2 [T1 ]
                                                                                                            46.95 dBµV/m
                           80                                                                            2.300000000 GHz A
                                                                                                    Marker 3 [T1 ]
                   1 PK                                                                                     53.68 dBµV/m
                   VIEW                                                                                  3.700000000 GHz
                                                                                                    Marker 4 [T1 ]
                                                                                                            54.73 dBµV/m TDS
                           60                                                                            4.500000000 GHz
                                                                               3                4
                           50                      2


                           30                                                                                              AC




                          Center 3.5 GHz                               500 MHz/                              Span 5 GHz

                  3DH3 Pulse Width
                  Date: 19.DEC.2014        14:49:53

Bose Corporation, 1 New York Ave, Framingham, MA 01701, USA                                                                      Form FL300959 Rev 04
Tel: (508) 766-6000 Fax: (508) 766-1145                                                                                            BOSE CONFIDENTIAL
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Report Number: EMC.423376.18.70.1                                                                                                         Page 27 of 29

                                                   DESIGN ASSURANCE ENGINEERING
                                                         Radiated Emissions Test Report
    Certificate # 1514.1                          FCC ID: A94423376 IC: 3232A-423376

                                                                   Absorber configuration.

                                                               Antenna and pre-amp setup.

Bose Corporation, 1 New York Ave, Framingham, MA 01701, USA                                     Form FL300959 Rev 04
Tel: (508) 766-6000 Fax: (508) 766-1145                                                           BOSE CONFIDENTIAL
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Report Number: EMC.423376.18.70.1                                                                        Page 28 of 29

                                                   DESIGN ASSURANCE ENGINEERING
                                                         Radiated Emissions Test Report
    Certificate # 1514.1                          FCC ID: A94423376 IC: 3232A-423376

                                                            Table and Site source placement.

                                                                   Site source placement.

Bose Corporation, 1 New York Ave, Framingham, MA 01701, USA                                     Form FL300959 Rev 04
Tel: (508) 766-6000 Fax: (508) 766-1145                                                           BOSE CONFIDENTIAL
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Report Number: EMC.423376.18.70.1                                                                        Page 29 of 29

Document Created: 2018-04-04 09:33:27
Document Modified: 2018-04-04 09:33:27

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