Test Report_DSS 2


Test Report

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                                                                                              Report No.: TCT190819E003

6.10. Conducted Spurious Emission Measurement
 6.10.1.        Test Specification

 Test Requirement:                         FCC Part15 C Section 15.247 (d)
 Test Method:                              KDB 558074 D01 v05r02
                                           In any 100 kHz bandwidth outside the intentional
                                           radiation frequency band, the radio frequency power
                                           shall be at least 20 dB below the highest level of the
                                           radiated power. In addition, radiated emissions which fall
                                           in the restricted bands must also comply with the
                                           radiated emission limits.

 Test Setup:

 Test Mode:                                Transmitting mode with modulation
                                           1. The RF output of EUT was connected to the
                                              spectrum analyzer by RF cable and attenuator. The
                                              path loss was compensated to the results for each
                                           2. Set to the maximum power setting and enable the
                                              EUT transmit continuously.
                                           3. Set RBW = 100 kHz, VBW = 300kHz, scan up
 Test Procedure:
                                              through 10th harmonic. All harmonics / spurs must be
                                              at least 20 dB down from the highest emission level
                                              within the authorized band as measured with a 100
                                              kHz RBW.
                                           4. Measure and record the results in the test report.
                                           5. The RF fundamental frequency should be excluded
                                              against the limit line in the operating frequency band.
 Test Result:                              PASS

 6.10.2.        Test Instruments

       Equipment                Manufacturer            Model          Serial Number Calibration Due
  Spectrum Analyzer                  Agilent           N9020A           MY49100619              Sep. 20, 2019
       RF Cable
                                       TCT              RE-06                  N/A              Sep. 20, 2019
  Antenna Connector                    TCT             RFC-01                  N/A              Sep. 20, 2019
 Note: The calibration interval of the above test instruments is 12 months and the calibrations are traceable to
         international system unit (SI).

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                                                                           Report No.: TCT190819E003

6.10.3. Test Data

  GFSK mode                            Lowest Channel

                                       Middle Channel

                                       Highest Channel

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                                                                         Report No.: TCT190819E003

Pi/4DQPSK mode                       Lowest Channel

                                     Middle Channel

                                     Highest Channel

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                                                                         Report No.: TCT190819E003

8DPSK mode                           Lowest Channel

                                     Middle Channel

                                     Highest Channel

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                                                                                      Report No.: TCT190819E003

6.11. Radiated Spurious Emission Measurement
 6.11.1. Test Specification

 Test Requirement:                FCC Part15 C Section 15.209
 Test Method:                     ANSI C63.10:2013
 Frequency Range:                 9 kHz to 25 GHz
 Measurement Distance:            3m
 Antenna Polarization:            Horizontal & Vertical
                                    Frequency       Detector        RBW       VBW            Remark
                                   9kHz- 150kHz    Quasi-peak      200Hz      1kHz       Quasi-peak Value
                                     150kHz-       Quasi-peak       9kHz      30kHz      Quasi-peak Value
 Receiver Setup:                      30MHz
                                   30MHz-1GHz      Quasi-peak     120KHz     300KHz      Quasi-peak Value
                                                     Peak          1MHz       3MHz         Peak Value
                                    Above 1GHz
                                                     Peak          1MHz       10Hz        Average Value

                                                                   Field Strength          Measurement
                                                                 (microvolts/meter)      Distance (meters)
                                         0.009-0.490                2400/F(KHz)                 300
                                         0.490-1.705               24000/F(KHz)                  30
                                           1.705-30                      30                      30
                                             30-88                      100                       3
                                            88-216                      150                       3
 Limit:                                    216-960                      200                       3
                                          Above 960                     500                       3

                                                         Field Strength
                                       Frequency                               Distance         Detector
                                                                 500               3            Average
                                      Above 1GHz
                                                                5000               3             Peak

                                  For radiated emissions below 30MHz

 Test setup:

                                  30MHz to 1GHz

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                                                                         Report No.: TCT190819E003

                                Above 1GHz

Test Mode:                      Transmitting mode with modulation
                                1. The testing follows the guidelines in Spurious
                                    Radiated Emissions of ANSI C63.10:2013
                                    Measurement Guidelines.
                                2. For the radiated emission test below 1GHz:
                                   The EUT was placed on a turntable with 0.8 meter
                                   above ground. The EUT was set 3 meters from the
                                   interference receiving antenna, which was mounted
                                   on the top of a variable height antenna tower. The
                                   EUT was arranged to its worst case and then tune
                                   the antenna tower (from 1 m to 4 m) and turntable
                                   (from 0 degree to 360 degrees) to find the maximum
                                   reading. A pre-amp and a high PASS filter are used
Test Procedure:
                                   for the test in order to get better signal level.
                                   For the radiated emission test above 1GHz:
                                   Place the measurement antenna on a turntable with
                                   1.5 meter above ground, which is away from each
                                   area of the EUT determined to be a source of
                                   emissions at the specified measurement distance,
                                   while keeping the measurement antenna aimed at
                                   the source of emissions at each frequency of
                                   significant emissions, with polarization oriented for
                                   maximum response. The measurement antenna
                                   may have to be higher or lower than the EUT,
                                   depending on the radiation pattern of the emission

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                                                                         Report No.: TCT190819E003
                                   and staying aimed at the emission source for
                                   receiving the maximum signal. The final
                                   measurement antenna elevation shall be that which
                                   maximizes the emissions. The measurement
                                   antenna elevation for maximum emissions shall be
                                   restricted to a range of heights of from 1 m to 4 m
                                   above the ground or reference ground plane.
                                3. Set to the maximum power setting and enable the
                                    EUT transmit continuously.
                                4. Use the following spectrum analyzer settings:
                                    (1) Span shall wide enough to fully capture the
                                        emission being measured;
                                    (2) Set RBW=120 kHz for f < 1 GHz, RBW=1MHz
                                        for f>1GHz ; VBW≥RBW;
                                          Sweep = auto; Detector function = peak; Trace
                                          = max hold for peak
                                     (3) For average measurement: use duty cycle
                                         correction factor method per
                                        15.35(c). Duty cycle = On time/100 milliseconds
                                        On time =N1*L1+N2*L2+...+Nn-1*LNn-1+Nn*Ln
                                          Where N1 is number of type 1 pulses, L1 is
                                          length of type 1 pulses, etc.
                                          Average Emission Level = Peak Emission
                                          Level + 20*log(Duty cycle)
                                         Corrected Reading: Antenna Factor + Cable
                                         Loss + Read Level - Preamp Factor = Level
Test results:                   PASS

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                                                                                             Report No.: TCT190819E003

6.11.2.        Test Instruments

                                   Radiated Emission Test Site (966)
       Name of                                                                 Serial
                                Manufacturer               Model                              Calibration Due
      Equipment                                                               Number
     Test Receiver                                         ESIB7               100197           Sep. 17, 2019
 Spectrum Analyzer                                         FSQ40               200061           Sep. 20, 2019
                               EM Electronics
     Pre-amplifier              Corporation              EM30265             07032613           Sep. 16, 2019
     Pre-amplifier                        HP               8447D           2727A05017           Sep. 16, 2019

    Loop antenna                    ZHINAN              ZN30900A               12024            Oct. 20, 2019

Broadband Antenna               Schwarzbeck             VULB9163                 340            Sep. 02, 2019

    Horn Antenna                Schwarzbeck            BBHA 9120D                631            Oct. 20, 2019

    Horn Antenna                     A-INFO           LB-180400-KF J211020657                   Sep. 16, 2019
    Antenna Mast                     Keleto                RE-AM                 N/A                   N/A
      Coax cable
                                          TCT           RE-low-01                N/A            Sep. 16, 2019
      Coax cable
                                          TCT           RE-high-02               N/A            Sep. 16, 2019
      Coax cable
                                          TCT           RE-low-03                N/A            Sep. 16, 2019
      Coax cable
                                          TCT           RE-high-04               N/A            Sep. 16, 2019

  EMI Test Software                                       EZ-EMC                 N/A                   N/A

Note: The calibration interval of the above test instruments is 12 months and the calibrations are traceable to
        international system unit (SI).

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                                                                                              Report No.: TCT190819E003

  6.11.3.      Test Data

Duty cycle correction factor for average measurement

  3DH5 on time (One Pulse) Plot on Channel 00

  3DH5 on time (Count Pulses) Plot on Channel 00

    1. Worst case Duty cycle = on time/100 milliseconds = (2.988*26+2.300)/100=0.7999
    2. Worst case Duty cycle correction factor = 20*log (Duty cycle) = -1.94dB
    3. DH5 has the highest duty cycle worst case and is reported.
    4. The average levels were calculated from the peak level corrected with duty cycle correction factor (-1.94dB)
        derived from 20log (dwell time/100ms). This correction is only for signals that hop with the fundamental signal,
        such as band-edge and harmonic. Other spurious signals that are independent of the hopping signal would not
        use this correction.

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                                                                             Report No.: TCT190819E003

Please refer to following diagram for individual
                                              Below 1GHz

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                                                                                           Report No.: TCT190819E003


Note: 1.The low frequency, which started from 9KHz~30MHz, was pre-scanned and the result which was 20dB lower than
        the limit line per 15.31(o) was not reported

       2. Measurements were conducted in all three channels (high, middle, low) and three modulation (GFSK,
          Pi/4 DQPSK, 8DPSK) and the worst case Mode (highest channel and 8DPSK) was submitted only.

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                                                                                    Report No.: TCT190819E003

                           Test Result of Radiated Spurious at Band edges
Lowest channel 2402:


   Frequency    Ant.     Peak      Dutycycle      AV       Peak limit    AV limit      PK        AVG
   (MHz)        Pol.                 factor                                          Margin     Margin
                H/V    (dBµV/m)     (dB/m)     (dBµV/m)    (dBµV/m)     (dBµV/m)      (dB)       (dB)
     2400        H         50.80     -1.94         48.86      74           54        -23.20     -5.14
     2400        V         50.69     -1.94         48.75      74           54        -23.31     -5.25

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                                                                                       Report No.: TCT190819E003

Highest channel 2480:


   Frequency      Ant.      Peak      Dutycycle       AV         Peak       AV limit      PK        AVG
   (MHz)          Pol.                  factor                    limit                 Margin     Margin
                  H/V     (dBµV/m)     (dB/m)      (dBµV/m)    (dBµV/m)    (dBµV/m)      (dB)       (dB)
    2483.5         H      48.85         -1.94         46.91         74         54       -25.15     -7.09
    2483.5         V      47.19         -1.94         45.25         74         54       -26.81     -8.75
Note: Measurements were conducted in all three modulation (GFSK, Pi/4 DQPSK, 8DPSK), and the worst case Mode
       (8DPSK) was submitted only.

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                                                                                              Report No.: TCT190819E003

                                                    Above 1GHz
     Modulation Type: GFSK
     Low channel: 2402 MHz
     Frequency Ant. Pol. Peak            AV    Correction Emission Level Peak limit AV limit Margin
       (MHz)      H/V    reading       reading  Factor    Peak      AV
                         (dBµV)        (dBuV)   (dB/m) (dBµV/m) (dBµV/m) (dBµV/m) (dBµV/m)    (dB)
       4804         H        45.55       ---     0.66     46.21     ---     74        54     -7.79
       7206         H        36.90       ---      9.5      46.4     ---     74        54     -7.60
        ---         H         ---        ---       ---      ---      ---    ---       ---      ---

       4804         V        44.60        ---       0.66       45.26        ---        74         54         -8.74
       7206         V        37.51        ---       9.5        47.01        ---        74         54         -6.99
        ---         V         ---         ---        ---        ---         ---        ---        ---          ---

     Middle channel: 2441 MHz
     Frequency Ant. Pol. Peak            AV    Correction Emission Level Peak limit AV limit Margin
       (MHz)      H/V     reading      reading  Factor    Peak      AV
                          (dBµV)       (dBµV)   (dB/m) (dBµV/m) (dBµV/m) (dBµV/m) (dBµV/m)    (dB)
       4882         H        47.34       ---     0.99     48.33     ---     74        54     -5.67
       7323         H        38.47       ---     9.87     48.34     ---     74        54     -5.66
        ---         H         ---        ---       ---     ---       ---    ---       ---      ---

       4882         V        46.67        ---       0.99       47.66       ---         74         54         -6.34
       7323         V        38.20        ---       9.87       48.07       ---         74         54         -5.93
        ---         V         ---         ---        ---        ---        ----        ---        ---          ---

     High channel: 2480 MHz
     Frequency Ant. Pol. Peak            AV    Correction Emission Level Peak limit AV limit Margin
       (MHz)       H/V   reading       reading  Factor    Peak      AV
                         (dBµV)        (dBµV)   (dB/m) (dBµV/m) (dBµV/m) (dBµV/m) (dBµV/m)    (dB)
       4960         H        46.03       ---      1.33    47.36     ---     74        54     -6.64
       7440         H        36.12       ---     10.22    46.34     ---     74        54     -7.66
        ---         H         ---        ---       ---     ---       ---    ---       ---      ---

    4960            V        48.20        ---       1.33       49.53        ---        74         54         -4.47
    7440            V        36.17        ---      10.22       46.39        ---        74         54         -7.61
      ---           V         ---         ---        ---        ---         ---        ---        ---          ---
1.    Emission Level=Peak Reading + Correction Factor; Correction Factor= Antenna Factor + Cable loss – Pre-amplifier
2.    Margin (dB) = Emission Level (Peak) (dBµV/m)-Average limit (dBµV/m)
3.    The emission levels of other frequencies are very lower than the limit and not show in test report.
4.    Measurements were conducted from 1 GHz to the 10th harmonic of highest fundamental frequency.
5.    Data of measurement shown “---“in the above table mean that the reading of emissions is attenuated more than 20 dB
      below the limits or the field strength is too small to be measured.
6.    Measurements were conducted in all three modulation (GFSK, Pi/4 DQPSK, 8DPSK), and the worst case Mode
      (8DPSK) was submitted only.
7.    All the restriction bands are compliance with the limit of 15.209.

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                                                                         Report No.: TCT190819E003

                   Appendix A: Photographs of Test Setup
                               Product: Bluetooth Speaker
                                     Model: Ditoo
                                   Radiated Emission

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                                                                         Report No.: TCT190819E003

                                   Conducted Emission

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                                                                         Report No.: TCT190819E003

                        Appendix B: Photographs of EUT
                          Product: Bluetooth Speaker
                                 Model: Ditoo
                               External Photos

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                                                                         Report No.: TCT190819E003

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                                                                         Report No.: TCT190819E003

                           Product: Bluetooth Speaker
                                  Model: Ditoo
                                Internal Photos

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                                                                         Report No.: TCT190819E003

                             *****END OF REPORT*****

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Document Created: 2019-09-06 09:22:49
Document Modified: 2019-09-06 09:22:49

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