MPE report_


RF Exposure Info

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1.1 Applicable Standard
KDB 447498 D01 General RF Exposure Guidance v05

1.2 Specification Limits
    Limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure
    Frequency       Electric Field Magnetic Field Power            Averaging Time
    Range           Strength (E)   Strength (H)     Density (S)    |E|2, |H|2 or S
                                                             2     (minutes)
    (MHz)           (V/m)          (A/m)            (mW/cm )
    0.3-1.34        614            1.63             (100)*         30
    1.34-30         824/f          2.19/f           (180/f2)*      30
    30-300          27.5           0.073            0.2            30
    300-1500        --             --               f/150          30
    1500-100,000 --                --               1.0            30
    f = frequency in MHz              *Plane-wave equivalent power density

    NOTE: General population/uncontrolled exposures apply in situations in which
    the general public may be exposed, or in which persons that are exposed as a
    consequence of their employment may not be fully aware of the potential for
    exposure or can not exercise control over their exposure.

    The limit value 1.0mW/cm2 is available for this EUT.

1.3 MPE Calculation Method

    S = PG/(4πR2)
    R = [PG/(4πS)]

    where: S = power density (in appropriate units, e.g. mW/ cm2)
           P = power input to the antenna (in appropriate units, e.g., mW)
           (the measured power value see Report: F12124 Section 6.6)
           G = power gain of the antenna in the direction of interest relative to an
           isotropic radiator
           R = distance to the center of radiation of the antenna (appropriate units,
           e.g., cm)

1.4 Calculated Result

      2.4.1 Radio Frequency Radiation Exposure Evaluation
                  Output Power                                 Power
     Frequency                     Antenna Gain                               Limit
                   to Antenna                                 Density
      (MHz)           (mW)       (dBi)      (Numeric)        (mW/cm2)       (mW/cm
       2402             1.33       2.54         1.79         0.000474         1
       2441             1.41       2.54         1.79         0.000502         1
       2480             1.40       2.54         1.79         0.000499         1
    Separation distance R= 20cm.
                  Output Power
     Frequency                        Antenna Gain             Limit       Distance
                   to Antenna
       (MHz)          (mW)           (dBi)     (Numeric)      (mW/cm2)        (cm
        2402               1.33       2.54        1.79            1.0           )
        2441               1.41       2.54        1.79            1.0         0.4483
        2480               1.40       2.54        1.79            1.0         0.4467
    The antenna used for this transmitter must be installed to provide a separation
    distance of at least 0.4354cm from all persons.

                  Output Power                                Power
     Frequency                     Antenna Gain                              Limit
                    to Antenna                               Density
      (MHz)            (mW)      (dBi)    (Numeric)         (mW/cm2)      (mW/cm2)
       2402              1.36     2.54       1.79           0.000485        1.
       2441              1.41     2.54       1.79           0.000502        1.
       2480              1.38     2.54       1.79           0.000492        1.
    Separation distance R= 20cm.
                  Output Power
     Frequency                        Antenna Gain             Limit       Distance
                   to Antenna
       (MHz)          (mW)           (dBi)     (Numeric)      (mW/cm2)        (cm
        2402               1.36       2.54        1.79            1.0           )
        2441               1.41       2.54        1.79            1.0         0.4483
        2480               1.38       2.54        1.79            1.0         0.4435
    The antenna used for this transmitter must be installed to provide a separation
    distance of at least 0.4402cm from all persons.

              Output Power                                Power
 Frequency                     Antenna Gain                              Limit
                to Antenna                               Density
  (MHz)            (mW)      (dBi)    (Numeric)         (mW/cm2)      (mW/cm2)
   2402              0.97     2.54       1.79           0.000345        1.
   2441              1.01     2.54       1.79           0.000360        1.
   2480              1.00     2.54       1.79           0.000356        1.
Separation distance R= 20cm.
              Output Power
 Frequency                        Antenna Gain             Limit       Distance
               to Antenna
   (MHz)          (mW)           (dBi)     (Numeric)      (mW/cm2)        (cm
    2402               0.97       2.54        1.79            1.0           )
    2441               1.01       2.54        1.79            1.0         0.3794
    2480               1.00       2.54        1.79            1.0         0.3775
The antenna used for this transmitter must be installed to provide a separation
distance of at least 0.3718cm from all persons.

              Output Power                                Power
 Frequency                     Antenna Gain                              Limit
                to Antenna                               Density
  (MHz)            (mW)      (dBi)    (Numeric)         (mW/cm2)      (mW/cm2)
   2402              0.97     2.54       1.79           0.000346        1.
   2441              1.02     2.54       1.79           0.000363        1.
   2480              1.01     2.54       1.79           0.000360        1.
Separation distance R= 20cm.
              Output Power
 Frequency                        Antenna Gain             Limit       Distance
               to Antenna
   (MHz)          (mW)           (dBi)     (Numeric)      (mW/cm2)        (cm
    2402               0.97       2.54        1.79            1.0           )
    2441               1.02       2.54        1.79            1.0         0.3813
    2480               1.01       2.54        1.79            1.0         0.3794
The antenna used for this transmitter must be installed to provide a separation
distance of at least 0.3718cm from all persons.

Document Created: 2014-07-21 16:02:28
Document Modified: 2014-07-21 16:02:28

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