Users Manual

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;444444444441                            1. Overviewof the Product_ C                         3. Atention _ _ =IA                                         5. PowerOnandPalring.
ILuy     @Bluctooth|                     I            tm                                  I   I           Sepsehosurments Ar                              ‘iteroperinga new paciage intay,folow thesesteps Sip
                                         I             suusio                   m0G       I   |           hoi Sroidmilte                 L.           d   e 1 ehen tre eatvicsar aken hothecharging case
‘fnlaBTAir                           I                                                                    actomaticalytumedonwhen         )                 e dehteatbutisosigned athe master eatvud bydofach
                                                       usn                       visteicn
                                                                                Bownt         |           removed rom thecharging case (,             |   andconnects tolef earbud lavearbud) astomatiall.
I                                    I   I                                                I
No Wire, True Wireless Stereo In—ear |                                                        (Whenthe eatbus are charged enouhfor                   <\   [Teturmorpress mulfunction buttonson BOTH earbudfor
                                         I      Cusbgareld              Batersmmstzo      I   your use insertinto yourearcarals and vaice                     aseconds
\Earbuds with Charging Case              I s                         00—3 I                   {avidancevileginin S secondsafer                        I   I
                                                                                               removed rom thecharging case                                                                                      I
          cevecormoreetion               I Y                                 L            I   |             1t esdTticon mt wateraplestand |              |                                                      I
          Fhowwerennermmon                                                                    |             sweat but mustnothe merged insde wateror |    |
                                         I                                                I                 lefton wetplace long tme.                                                                            I
                                         2. What‘Included                                 I                                                           I   I                                                      I
I                                        I                                                I   14. Wear Earbuds                                        I   I                                                      I
                                                                                          |   iB Airearbudsaredesigned with                 }fi‘ ‘7    |   \lTum on Bluetooth on your mable device                |
I                                        I
                                                                                          |   angled in ear ts foreach eftand nght           n*             a. Gotosetings              c Scanforand selet       |
                                             Eabudswthearfns             Gurggase
                                                                                              Fenfioproilesomribleand acate
                                                                                                  fi.Iserteach earoud Intoyouretand
                                                                                              Inabtearand stahtyrotat o itinyour BP\
                                                                                                  earcanal Ty each ofdiferent eatszes.


                                                                                                                                                                                        ——)                      I
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                                            cece     &f o;                     q          I   |                                                     I     |
                                                Sstescortpst                                                                                                                           d VoePrompt Pating I
I                                        I                                                1                                                           1                                Successtu® on ightearbud 1

Psel Manual                                                                  U|               ‘                                                           | i fumonBluetooth
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                                         a ~Avidumisennimirepmontniontnentis ... _2
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                          neerent                                                                                                                                                ie ce AAccous tm s e omm
6. MusicPlayback .                       8. Answer the Call = _ > _ "                             \@ Chagingh ae e e mt Ed                                       Rurbuds
I 1. Once pared open musicapponyour      1t Whenyourecaiveanincoming callcicka                                                                                   Huly charged earbus support youractve fesyle wih upto ]
mobledevice                              multfunction button on any earbud to answetecall         Charging Gase                                                  \hmvx playime.
2.Clicamubifinction button on ether                                                                   Fullycharged charging case can echarge the earbus up to5   (t Pattheeatbudsinthe charging case >
breabudstoplay                                                                                    ‘tmesand povide up to 30 hours playtime on the go ntoul
                                                                                                                                                                 and dose the Id.The earbus wltum              .
                                                                                                                                                                 bffautomaticaly andstartcharging The
 .Cica mutifunction buttonagainto                                                                                                                                      mustbe closed so thatthe
                                                                                                                                                                    rbuds are connected tocharging pins    I
                                                                                                  1 lnsertthe smallerend ofth ncluded 3 Mero USBchrging          securely
                                                                                                  jcilento Mero USBcharging porton theCharging Case                                                        I
                                                                                                  12 Insertthe otherend afthe Mro UsBchargingcable nto                                                     I
                                                                                                   USBwallchargerora USBportona computer                           Whilecharing theredLEDindletos       .« |
                                                                                                                                                                       the backideofchargingcase withe
                                                                                                                                                                 pn.                                                      I
                                         2.Cicka mubfinctionbutton againtohangup                                                                                 9. Whenflycharged LED wiltunot                           |
7. Voice Command                                                                                                                                                 |                                       woberan. lrotrkt |
1,Doubleclcka mubfinction buttonon       5 Hokt the mubifancton buttonfo1 second to dectne when        =                    3                       I                                                       caind eated
                                         youreceivean ncoring cat                                 t              —. @_:laft.:fiD
2.SttoniPhone orGoogleasistanton                                                                                                                                 M vinenyou taketheeatudsoutotthe
Androphonewilbectated                                                                                                                                             harging castheearbudsudl um on
                                                                                                         Batey satusLED for           Red LED: Charging
13 Ascquestion orcommand withyourvaice                                                                     Chorging case              LED off: Fullycharged       ctomatall
                                                                                                                                                                 ¥9o mt t

40.Power OfffOn                                                                                                   3    pomnmnan s — zns
                                                      putton                                                           \Fvequendy Asked Questions j
\When you use the charging Case                                                                                    I                                                              FCC statement
                                                       1,Press mubifunction button on                              I
                                                      hny earbufor3secondsto un                                        |1.Afterchargingearbuds fom thechargingcase should1.. | This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules.
1 Puttheearbudsinthechargingcaseand dose theld. The   pitbotheatbuds                                                    cannectthem tomyphone viaBletoothagain?
lerbuds wlltunofftomatial and surtchargng                                                                          I   No yonint nontinnmnymietrom onsarctmgny .1 Operation is subject to the following
                                                      I                                                            I   Jeas they atomatiall connect o your previousy connected| two conditions: (1) This device may not cause
                                                        : Press mutifunction buttons on BOTH earbuts for 2 seconds I
                                                          wmon the earbuds The earbuds wilcomnect t the                                                                          harmful interference, and (2) this device must
                                                      previusly pared phone actomatcal                             I   \Z.Shoaldlmmafl'pownbdomchammsandmonpowa | accept any interference received, including
                                                                                                                   I   latterchargig theearbus?                                | interference that may cause undesired operation.
                                                                                                                   I   |Na you dont Whenyou plae the eatbusinsdethe charging|    Changes or modifications not expressly approved by
                                                                                                                        caseand closethel, hey wilb tured ofastomatcally
Iwmer se cme mm onortemaracmie                                                                                     I   [Thens they l sartcharging.                            \  the party responsible for compliance could
Earhudswxlmm on and comnecttothe previouny pared                                                                        \When you takethem outofthecharging case theywilbe
 ho neastomatcaly                                     11. Reconnecting the Left &                         I            bntoonatialyturmed on                                  \  void the user‘s authority to operate the equipment.
                                 hrvrce                i mostcases you can reconnecttwo earbudsbyinsering I                                                                   \
                               ceim                        earpiece into thecase.
                               m                      i Injertthe earbuds ito thecaseand dose the d forabout as!       I                                                      I
                               Genetemanes               onds                                                          |a Whatismusicplaytime?                               |
                                                        Remove themfom the casesothey wilrecomnect                 I   When the earbuds aruly can play muscortak
                                                                                                                       lup to hourswhichvaresdepending on the musiccontent |
                                                                                                                       jandvolume Sandby time is up o 100hour.                |
                                                                                                                        Sincethechargingcasecancharge both earbuds 5 tmes you
                                                                                                                       |can ply musicupto 30 hours with 5 times ofcharge      |
MEA SAE n tos "uetiiies

Document Created: 2019-07-23 20:49:45
Document Modified: 2019-07-23 20:49:45

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