Test report part 2


Test Report

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                                                  - Page 41 of 59 -                          Report No.: MTi180808E033

                                              π/4-DQPSK mode-CH78

                                                 8DPSK mode-CH00

Tel:(86-755)88850135         Fax: (86-755) 88850136                Web: http://www.mtitest.com         E-mail: mti@51mti.com
Address: No.102A & 302A, East Block, Hengfang Industrial Park, Xingye Road, Xixiang, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

                                                  - Page 42 of 59 -                          Report No.: MTi180808E033

                                                 8DPSK mode-CH39

                                                 8DPSK mode-CH78

Tel:(86-755)88850135         Fax: (86-755) 88850136                Web: http://www.mtitest.com         E-mail: mti@51mti.com
Address: No.102A & 302A, East Block, Hengfang Industrial Park, Xingye Road, Xixiang, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

                                                   - Page 43 of 59 -                          Report No.: MTi180808E033

          Mode                                 Quantity of Hopping                    Limit                   Results
    GFSK, π/4-DQPSK,8DPSK                                  79                          >15                     Pass

Test plots
                                                         GFSK mode

                                                     π/4-DQPSK mode

 Tel:(86-755)88850135         Fax: (86-755) 88850136                Web: http://www.mtitest.com         E-mail: mti@51mti.com
 Address: No.102A & 302A, East Block, Hengfang Industrial Park, Xingye Road, Xixiang, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

                                                  - Page 44 of 59 -                          Report No.: MTi180808E033

                                                       8DPSK mode

Tel:(86-755)88850135         Fax: (86-755) 88850136                Web: http://www.mtitest.com         E-mail: mti@51mti.com
Address: No.102A & 302A, East Block, Hengfang Industrial Park, Xingye Road, Xixiang, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

                                                   - Page 45 of 59 -                          Report No.: MTi180808E033

5.7 Dwell time
5.7.1 Limit

                                           FCC Part15 (15.247) , Subpart C
                                                                                            Frequency Range
         Section                Test Item                   Limit
      15.247(a)(a)              Dwell time                 0.4 sec                             2400-2483.5

5.7.2 Test setup


5.7.3 Test procedure
  (1) The EUT was directly connected to the spectrum analyzer and antenna output port as show in the
      block diagram above.
  (2) Spectrum Setting: RBW=1MHz, VBW=1MHz, Span=0Hz, Detector=Peak
  (3) Use video trigger with the trigger level set to enable triggering only on full pulses.
  (4) Sweep Time is more than once pulse time.
  (5) Set the center frequency on any frequency would be measure and set the frequency span to zero
  (6) Measure the maximum time duration of one single pulse.
  (7) Set the EUT for packet transmitting.
  (8) Measure the maximum time duration of one single pulse.
  (9) The EUT was set to the Hopping Mode for Dwell Time Test

5.7.4 Test results

 Tel:(86-755)88850135         Fax: (86-755) 88850136                 Web: http://www.mtitest.com        E-mail: mti@51mti.com
 Address: No.102A & 302A, East Block, Hengfang Industrial Park, Xingye Road, Xixiang, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

    onl Fen U                                     — Page 46 of 59 —                         Report No.: MTi180808E033
Test data

  EUT :                   [XOUNDBAR W                            Model Name        :      XAM3T
  Temperature :           (25 °C                                 Relative Humidity : (60%
  Pressure :              1012 hPa                               Test Voltage :           DC 3.7V
  Test Mode      :        GFSK, m/4—DOPSK,BDPSK/CH3O

                                     Frequency        |Pulse Duration| Dwell Time           ; .                    .
     Mode            |Data Packet      (MHz)                (ms)          (ms)             Limit(s)         Conclusion

                        DH1             2441                0.40             128.00           <0.4              Pass
     GFSK               DH3             2441                1.66            265.60            <0.4              Pass
               DHS                      2441                2.91            310.40            <0.4              Pass
              2DH1                      2441                0.41            131.20            <0.4              Pass
 im/ DQPSK|___2DH3                      2441                1.67            267.20            <0.4              Pass
              2DH5                      2441                2.92            311.47            <0.4              Pass
              3DH1                      2441                0.41            131.20            <0.4              Pass
   BDPSK      3DH3                      2441                1.67            267.20            <0.4              Pass
              3DH5                      2441                2.92            311.47            <0.4              Pass
 Notet: A period time = 0.4 (s) " 79 = 31.6(s)
        DH1 time sict = Pulse Duration " (1600/(278)) " A period time
        DH3 time sict = Pulse Duration " (1600/(479)) " A period time
        DHS time sict = Pulse Duration " (1600/(6"79)) " A period time
 [Note3: For GFSK, m/4—DGPSK and 8DPSK: The test poriod: T= 0.4 Second/Channel x 79 Channel = 31.6 s

 Telse—rss)sssso3s            Fax: (8e—755) ssasor3e                Web hitp:ffwwwmtitest.com          E—mail: mti@5tmti.com
 Address: No.102A & 302A, East Block, Hengfang Industial Park, Xingye Road, Xixang, Bacan Distict, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

                                                   - Page 47 of 59 -                          Report No.: MTi180808E033

Test plots

                    Modulation mode                                                       GFSK mode




 Tel:(86-755)88850135         Fax: (86-755) 88850136                Web: http://www.mtitest.com         E-mail: mti@51mti.com
 Address: No.102A & 302A, East Block, Hengfang Industrial Park, Xingye Road, Xixiang, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

                                                  - Page 48 of 59 -                          Report No.: MTi180808E033

                   Modulation mode                                                   π/4-DQPSK mode




Tel:(86-755)88850135         Fax: (86-755) 88850136                Web: http://www.mtitest.com         E-mail: mti@51mti.com
Address: No.102A & 302A, East Block, Hengfang Industrial Park, Xingye Road, Xixiang, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

                                                  - Page 49 of 59 -                          Report No.: MTi180808E033

                   Modulation mode                                                      8DPSK mode




Tel:(86-755)88850135         Fax: (86-755) 88850136                Web: http://www.mtitest.com         E-mail: mti@51mti.com
Address: No.102A & 302A, East Block, Hengfang Industrial Park, Xingye Road, Xixiang, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

                                                   - Page 50 of 59 -                          Report No.: MTi180808E033

5.8 Conducted spurious emission and bandedge
5.8.1 Limit
In any 100 kHz bandwidth outside the frequency band in which the spread spectrum or digitally
modulated intentional radiator is operating, the radio frequency power that is produced by the
intentional radiator shall be at least 20 dB below that in the 100 kHz bandwidth within the band that
contains the highest level of the desired power, based on either an RF conducted or a radiated
measurement, provided the transmitter demonstrates compliance with the peak conducted power
limits. If the transmitter complies with the conducted power limits based on the use of RMS averaging
over a time interval, as permitted under paragraph (b)(3) of this section, the attenuation required under
this paragraph shall be 30 dB instead of 20 dB. Attenuation below the general limits specified in
§15.209(a) is not required. In addition, radiated emissions which fall in the restricted bands, as defined
in §15.205(a), must also comply with the radiated emission limits specified in §15.209(a) (see
5.8.2 Test setup


5.8.3 Test procedure

     a) Check the calibration of the measuring instrument using either an internal calibrator or a
          known signal from an external generator.
     b) Position the EUT without connection to measurement instrument. Turn on the EUT and
          connect its antenna terminal to measurement instrument via a low loss cable. Then set it to
          any one measured frequency within its operating range, and make sure the instrument is
          operated in its linear range.
     c) Set RBW to 100 kHz and VBW of spectrum analyzer to 300 kHz with a convenient frequency
          span including 100 kHz bandwidth from band edge.
     d) Measure the highest amplitude appearing on spectral display and set it as a reference level.
          Plot the graph with marking the highest point and edge frequency.
     e) Repeat above procedures until all measured frequencies were complete.

5.8.4 Test results

 Tel:(86-755)88850135         Fax: (86-755) 88850136                Web: http://www.mtitest.com         E-mail: mti@51mti.com
 Address: No.102A & 302A, East Block, Hengfang Industrial Park, Xingye Road, Xixiang, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

Microtest 4      x                                            —P         51     of 59 —                                    Report No.: MTi180808E033
       t¥onl t&in                                                  age 0
Test data
  EUT :                    XOUNDBAR W                                            Model Name                     :        XAM37
  Temperature :            [25 °C                                                Relative Humidity : |60%
  Pressure :               1012 hPa                                              Test Voltage               :            DC 3.7V
Test    plots
                                                       GFSK: Band Edge, Left Side
                                                                                                 o         s seatt muo r, 2ore    Frequency
                                                                                   Aug Type: Log—Pur         mace|o ons
                                                               Trig: Free Run                                 moe imwwms
                                                   IFGaindow * #Atten: 30 4B                                       Prorp
                                Ref Offset0.6 dB                                              Mkr2 2.401 838 GH                      AuteT
                     ogatdiy    Ref 1.31 dBm                                                               —3.692 dB

                     *                                                                                                             CenterFi


                                                                                                                                     Stop Fi

                          2.31000 GHz                                                                   Stop 240400
                          BW 100 kHz                     VBW 300 kHz                        Sweep 9.00 ms (1001 pts]                   CF step
                          No4    of           2.999 770 GHz      §7.57 dBm
                          No4    Of           2401 838 GHz        3.69 dBm


                                                      GFSK: Band Edge, Right Side
                                                                                                 o         rcommpmment            Frequency
                                                                                   Aug Type: Log—Pur        mace|o ons
                                                               Trig: Free Run                                wvee
                                                   IFGaindow * #Atten: 30 4B                                      Prorp
                                                                                              Mkr2 2.483 588 GH                      AuteT
                     ogatdiy    Ref —1.19 dBm                                                             —61.426 dB

                     NB                                                                                                            CenterFi
                     41                                                                                                          2489000000


                                                                                                                                     Stop Fi

                          247800 GHz                                                              Stop 2.50000                        CF Step
                          BW 100 kHz                     #VBW 300 kHz                       Sweep 2.13 ms (1001 pts                sesbet
                          Nodoof              2479 826 GHz        £.19 dBm
                          No4 of              2483 508 GHz       46143 dBm

 Tel:(86—755)88850135                 Fax: (86—755) 88850136                       Web: http://www.mtitest.com                          E—mail: mti@51mti.com
 Address: No.102A & 302A, East Block, Hengfang Industrial Park, Xingye Road, Xixiang, Bac‘an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

                                                  - Page 52 of 59 -                          Report No.: MTi180808E033

                                         π/4-DQPSK: Band Edge, Left Side

                                        π/4-DQPSK: Band Edge, Right Side

Tel:(86-755)88850135         Fax: (86-755) 88850136                Web: http://www.mtitest.com         E-mail: mti@51mti.com
Address: No.102A & 302A, East Block, Hengfang Industrial Park, Xingye Road, Xixiang, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

                                                  - Page 53 of 59 -                          Report No.: MTi180808E033

                                            8DPSK: Band Edge, Left Side

                                           8DPSK: Band Edge, Right Side

Tel:(86-755)88850135         Fax: (86-755) 88850136                Web: http://www.mtitest.com         E-mail: mti@51mti.com
Address: No.102A & 302A, East Block, Hengfang Industrial Park, Xingye Road, Xixiang, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

                                                   - Page 54 of 59 -                          Report No.: MTi180808E033

Hopping Mode
Test plots
                                              GFSK: Band Edge, Left Side

                                             GFSK: Band Edge, Right Side

 Tel:(86-755)88850135         Fax: (86-755) 88850136                Web: http://www.mtitest.com         E-mail: mti@51mti.com
 Address: No.102A & 302A, East Block, Hengfang Industrial Park, Xingye Road, Xixiang, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

                                                  - Page 55 of 59 -                          Report No.: MTi180808E033

                                         π/4-DQPSK: Band Edge, Left Side

                                         π/4-DQPSK Band Edge, Right Side

Tel:(86-755)88850135         Fax: (86-755) 88850136                Web: http://www.mtitest.com         E-mail: mti@51mti.com
Address: No.102A & 302A, East Block, Hengfang Industrial Park, Xingye Road, Xixiang, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

                                                  - Page 56 of 59 -                          Report No.: MTi180808E033

                                            8DPSK: Band Edge, Left Side

                                            8DPSK Band Edge, Right Side

Tel:(86-755)88850135         Fax: (86-755) 88850136                Web: http://www.mtitest.com         E-mail: mti@51mti.com
Address: No.102A & 302A, East Block, Hengfang Industrial Park, Xingye Road, Xixiang, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

                                                   - Page 57 of 59 -                          Report No.: MTi180808E033

Photographs of the Test Setup
                                                     Radiated emission

 Tel:(86-755)88850135         Fax: (86-755) 88850136                Web: http://www.mtitest.com         E-mail: mti@51mti.com
 Address: No.102A & 302A, East Block, Hengfang Industrial Park, Xingye Road, Xixiang, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

                                                  - Page 58 of 59 -                          Report No.: MTi180808E033

                                                   Conducted emission

Tel:(86-755)88850135         Fax: (86-755) 88850136                Web: http://www.mtitest.com         E-mail: mti@51mti.com
Address: No.102A & 302A, East Block, Hengfang Industrial Park, Xingye Road, Xixiang, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

                                                   - Page 59 of 59 -                          Report No.: MTi180808E033

See the APPENDIX 1: EUT PHOTO in the report NO.: MTi180808E033-1

                                                 ----END OF REPORT----

 Tel:(86-755)88850135         Fax: (86-755) 88850136                Web: http://www.mtitest.com         E-mail: mti@51mti.com
 Address: No.102A & 302A, East Block, Hengfang Industrial Park, Xingye Road, Xixiang, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

Document Created: 2018-09-05 18:15:20
Document Modified: 2018-09-05 18:15:20

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