Test Report (SAR-A)

FCC ID: A4R-NX74751

RF Exposure Info

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FCC SAR Test Report

Appendix A. SAR Plots of System Verification

The plots for system verification with largest deviation for each SAR system combination are shown as follows.

Report Format Version 5.0.0                                                           Issued Date   : Aug. 27, 2014
Report No. : SA140620C11

Test Laboratory: Bureau Veritas ADT SAR/HAC Testing Lab            Date: 2014/07/23

System Check_%750_140723

DUT: Dipole 750 MHz; Type: D750V3; SN: 1013

Communication System: CW; Frequency: 750 MHz;Duty Cycle: 1:1
Medium: B07T08N2_0723 Medium parameters used: f = 750 MHz; σ = 0.966 S/m; εr = 55.257; ρ =
1000 kg/m3

DASY5 Configuration:
- Probe: EX3DV4 - SN3578; ConvF(8.59, 8.59, 8.59); Calibrated: 2014/06/24;
- Sensor-Surface: 2mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
- Electronics: DAE3 Sn579; Calibrated: 2014/04/23
- Phantom: ELI v5.0_Right; Type: QD OVA 002 AA; Serial: SN:1245
- Measurement SW: DASY52, Version 52.8 (8); SEMCAD X Version 14.6.10 (7331)

Pin=250mW/Area Scan (61x81x1): Interpolated grid: dx=1.500 mm, dy=1.500 mm
Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 2.88 W/kg

Pin=250mW/Zoom Scan (5x5x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=8mm, dy=8mm, dz=5mm
Reference Value = 55.57 V/m; Power Drift = -0.02 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 3.40 W/kg
SAR(1 g) = 2.27 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 1.51 W/kg
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 2.88 W/kg

Test Laboratory: Bureau Veritas ADT SAR/HAC Testing Lab            Date: 2014/07/19

System Check_B835_140719

DUT: Dipole 835 MHz; Type: D835V2; SN: 4d121

Communication System: CW; Frequency: 835 MHz;Duty Cycle: 1:1
Medium: B08T09N1_0719 Medium parameters used: f = 835 MHz; σ = 0.988 S/m; εr = 54.796; ρ =
1000 kg/m3
Ambient Temperature:22.6 ℃; Liquid Temperature:21.3 ℃

DASY5 Configuration:
- Probe: EX3DV4 - SN3650; ConvF(9.18, 9.18, 9.18); Calibrated: 2014/4/24;
- Sensor-Surface: 2mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
- Electronics: DAE3 Sn360; Calibrated: 2014/02/17
- Phantom: SAM Phantom_Back; Type: QD000P40CD; Serial: TP 1654
- Measurement SW: DASY52, Version 52.8 (8); SEMCAD X Version 14.6.10 (7331)

Pin=250mW/Area Scan (61x61x1): Interpolated grid: dx=1.500 mm, dy=1.500 mm
Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 2.93 W/kg

Pin=250mW/Zoom Scan (5x5x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=8mm, dy=8mm, dz=5mm
Reference Value = 51.99 V/m; Power Drift = 0.01 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 3.47 W/kg
SAR(1 g) = 2.3 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 1.5 W/kg
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 2.91 W/kg

Test Laboratory: Bureau Veritas ADT SAR/HAC Testing Lab            Date: 2014/07/23

System Check_B835_140723

DUT: Dipole 835 MHz; Type: D835V2; SN: 4d121

Communication System: CW; Frequency: 835 MHz;Duty Cycle: 1:1
Medium: B08T09N2_0723 Medium parameters used: f = 835 MHz; σ = 0.974 S/m; εr = 55.307; ρ =
1000 kg/m3

DASY5 Configuration:
- Probe: EX3DV4 - SN3578; ConvF(8.48, 8.48, 8.48); Calibrated: 2014/06/24;
- Sensor-Surface: 2mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
- Electronics: DAE3 Sn579; Calibrated: 2014/04/23
- Phantom: ELI v5.0_Right; Type: QD OVA 002 AA; Serial: SN:1245
- Measurement SW: DASY52, Version 52.8 (8); SEMCAD X Version 14.6.10 (7331)

Pin=250mW/Area Scan (61x81x1): Interpolated grid: dx=1.500 mm, dy=1.500 mm
Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 3.13 W/kg

Pin=250mW/Zoom Scan (5x5x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=8mm, dy=8mm, dz=5mm
Reference Value = 57.60 V/m; Power Drift = 0.07 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 3.65 W/kg
SAR(1 g) = 2.52 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 1.67 W/kg
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 3.16 W/kg

Test Laboratory: Bureau Veritas ADT SAR/HAC Testing Lab            Date: 2014/07/18

System Check_B1750_140718

DUT: Dipole 1750 MHz; Type: D1750V2; SN: 1055

Communication System: CW; Frequency: 1750 MHz;Duty Cycle: 1:1
Medium: B17T18N1_0718 Medium parameters used: f = 1750 MHz; σ = 1.471 S/m; εr = 53.784; ρ =
1000 kg/m3
Ambient Temperature:21.6 ℃; Liquid Temperature:21.4 ℃

DASY5 Configuration:
- Probe: EX3DV4 - SN3820; ConvF(7.48, 7.48, 7.48); Calibrated: 2014/05/15;
- Sensor-Surface: 2mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
- Electronics: DAE4 Sn1431; Calibrated: 2014/03/24
- Phantom: SAM Phantom_Left; Type: SAM V4.0; Serial: TP 1653
- Measurement SW: DASY52, Version 52.8 (8); SEMCAD X Version 14.6.10 (7331)

Pin=250mW/Area Scan (61x61x1): Interpolated grid: dx=1.500 mm, dy=1.500 mm
Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 12.1 W/kg

Pin=250mW/Zoom Scan (5x5x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=8mm, dy=8mm, dz=5mm
Reference Value = 92.91 V/m; Power Drift = -0.09 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 14.8 W/kg
SAR(1 g) = 8.64 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 4.68 W/kg
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 12.1 W/kg

Test Laboratory: Bureau Veritas ADT SAR/HAC Testing Lab            Date: 2014/08/05

System Check_B1750_140805

DUT: Dipole 1750 MHz; Type: D1750V2; SN: 1055

Communication System: CW; Frequency: 1750 MHz;Duty Cycle: 1:1
Medium: B17T18N1_0805 Medium parameters used: f = 1750 MHz; σ = 1.498 S/m; εr = 52.238; ρ
= 1000 kg/m3

DASY5 Configuration:
- Probe: EX3DV4 - SN3578; ConvF(7.32, 7.32, 7.32); Calibrated: 2014/06/24;
- Sensor-Surface: 2mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
- Electronics: DAE3 Sn579; Calibrated: 2014/04/23
- Phantom: SAM Phantom_Front; Type: SAM V4.0; Serial: TP 1202
- Measurement SW: DASY52, Version 52.8 (8); SEMCAD X Version 14.6.10 (7331)

Pin=250mW/Area Scan (61x61x1): Interpolated grid: dx=1.500 mm, dy=1.500 mm
Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 14.0 W/kg

Pin=250mW/Zoom Scan (5x5x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=8mm, dy=8mm, dz=5mm
Reference Value = 95.04 V/m; Power Drift = 0.11 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 16.5 W/kg
SAR(1 g) = 9.45 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 5.09 W/kg
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 13.0 W/kg

Test Laboratory: Bureau Veritas ADT SAR/HAC Testing Lab            Date: 2014/08/05

System Check_B1900_140805

DUT: Dipole 1900 MHz; Type: D1900V2; SN: 5d036

Communication System: CW; Frequency: 1900 MHz;Duty Cycle: 1:1
Medium: B18T19N1_0805 Medium parameters used: f = 1900 MHz; σ = 1.551 S/m; εr = 52.684; ρ
= 1000 kg/m3

DASY5 Configuration:
- Probe: EX3DV4 - SN3578; ConvF(6.86, 6.86, 6.86); Calibrated: 2014/06/24;
- Sensor-Surface: 2mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
- Electronics: DAE3 Sn579; Calibrated: 2014/04/23
- Phantom: SAM Phantom_Front; Type: SAM V4.0; Serial: TP 1202
- Measurement SW: DASY52, Version 52.8 (8); SEMCAD X Version 14.6.10 (7331)

Pin=250mW/Area Scan (61x61x1): Interpolated grid: dx=1.500 mm, dy=1.500 mm
Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 15.8 W/kg

Pin=250mW/Zoom Scan (5x5x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=8mm, dy=8mm, dz=5mm
Reference Value = 100.4 V/m; Power Drift = 0.01 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 19.0 W/kg
SAR(1 g) = 10.5 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 5.49 W/kg
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 15.0 W/kg

Test Laboratory: Bureau Veritas ADT SAR/HAC Testing Lab            Date: 2014/07/26

System Check_B2450_140726

DUT: Dipole 2450 MHz; Type: D2450V2; SN: 737

Communication System: CW; Frequency: 2450 MHz;Duty Cycle: 1:1
Medium: B24T25N2_0726 Medium parameters used: f = 2450 MHz; σ = 1.993 S/m; εr = 51.223; ρ
= 1000 kg/m3

DASY5 Configuration:
- Probe: EX3DV4 - SN3578; ConvF(6.42, 6.42, 6.42); Calibrated: 2014/06/24;
- Sensor-Surface: 2mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
- Electronics: DAE3 Sn579; Calibrated: 2014/04/23
- Phantom: SAM Phantom_Front; Type: SAM V4.0; Serial: TP 1202
- Measurement SW: DASY52, Version 52.8 (8); SEMCAD X Version 14.6.10 (7331)

Pin=250mW/Area Scan (81x81x1): Interpolated grid: dx=1.200 mm, dy=1.200 mm
Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 19.2 W/kg

Pin=250mW/Zoom Scan (7x7x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=5mm, dy=5mm, dz=5mm
Reference Value = 97.68 V/m; Power Drift = 0.04 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 26.0 W/kg
SAR(1 g) = 12.4 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 5.76 W/kg
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 19.1 W/kg

Test Laboratory: Bureau Veritas ADT SAR/HAC Testing Lab            Date: 2014/08/05

System Check_B2600_140805

DUT: Dipole 2600 MHz; Type: D2600V2; SN: 1020

Communication System: CW; Frequency: 2600 MHz;Duty Cycle: 1:1
Medium: B25T26N1_0805 Medium parameters used: f = 2600 MHz; σ = 2.177 S/m; εr = 52.076; ρ
= 1000 kg/m3

DASY5 Configuration:
- Probe: EX3DV4 - SN3578; ConvF(6.22, 6.22, 6.22); Calibrated: 2014/06/24;
- Sensor-Surface: 2mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
- Electronics: DAE3 Sn579; Calibrated: 2014/04/23
- Phantom: SAM Phantom_Right; Type: SAM V5.0; Serial: TP 1822
- Measurement SW: DASY52, Version 52.8 (8); SEMCAD X Version 14.6.10 (7331)

Pin=250mW/Area Scan (81x81x1): Interpolated grid: dx=1.200 mm, dy=1.200 mm
Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 22.4 W/kg

Pin=250mW/Zoom Scan (7x7x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=5mm, dy=5mm, dz=5mm
Reference Value = 99.96 V/m; Power Drift = 0.02 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 30.5 W/kg
SAR(1 g) = 14 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 6.23 W/kg
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 21.9 W/kg

Test Laboratory: Bureau Veritas ADT SAR/HAC Testing Lab            Date: 2014/07/27

System Check_B5200_140727

DUT: Dipole 5 GHz; Type: D5GHzV2; SN: 1019

Communication System: CW; Frequency: 5200 MHz;Duty Cycle: 1:1
Medium: B50T60N2_0727 Medium parameters used: f = 5200 MHz; σ = 5.217 S/m; εr = 48.703; ρ
= 1000 kg/m3

DASY5 Configuration:
- Probe: EX3DV4 - SN3578; ConvF(3.95, 3.95, 3.95); Calibrated: 2014/06/24;
- Sensor-Surface: 2mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
- Electronics: DAE3 Sn579; Calibrated: 2014/04/23
- Phantom: SAM Phantom_Front; Type: SAM V4.0; Serial: TP 1202
- Measurement SW: DASY52, Version 52.8 (8); SEMCAD X Version 14.6.10 (7331)

Pin=100mW/Area Scan (91x91x1): Interpolated grid: dx=1.000 mm, dy=1.000 mm
Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 14.5 W/kg

Pin=100mW/Zoom Scan (7x7x12)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=4mm, dy=4mm, dz=2mm
Reference Value = 55.21 V/m; Power Drift = 0.07 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 27.8 W/kg
SAR(1 g) = 6.98 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 1.98 W/kg
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 14.5 W/kg

Test Laboratory: Bureau Veritas ADT SAR/HAC Testing Lab            Date: 2014/07/27

System Check_B5300_140727

DUT: Dipole 5 GHz; Type: D5GHzV2; SN: 1019

Communication System: CW; Frequency: 5300 MHz;Duty Cycle: 1:1
Medium: B50T60N2_0727 Medium parameters used: f = 5300 MHz; σ = 5.379 S/m; εr = 48.559; ρ
= 1000 kg/m3

DASY5 Configuration:
- Probe: EX3DV4 - SN3578; ConvF(3.63, 3.63, 3.63); Calibrated: 2014/06/24;
- Sensor-Surface: 2mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
- Electronics: DAE3 Sn579; Calibrated: 2014/04/23
- Phantom: SAM Phantom_Front; Type: SAM V4.0; Serial: TP 1202
- Measurement SW: DASY52, Version 52.8 (8); SEMCAD X Version 14.6.10 (7331)

Pin=100mW/Area Scan (91x91x1): Interpolated grid: dx=1.000 mm, dy=1.000 mm
Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 16.6 W/kg

Pin=100mW/Zoom Scan (7x7x12)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=4mm, dy=4mm, dz=2mm
Reference Value = 58.32 V/m; Power Drift = 0.09 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 29.4 W/kg
SAR(1 g) = 7.72 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 2.19 W/kg
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 15.6 W/kg

Test Laboratory: Bureau Veritas ADT SAR/HAC Testing Lab            Date: 2014/07/27

System Check_B5600_140727

DUT: Dipole 5 GHz; Type: D5GHzV2; SN: 1019

Communication System: CW; Frequency: 5600 MHz;Duty Cycle: 1:1
Medium: B50T60N2_0727 Medium parameters used: f = 5600 MHz; σ = 5.808 S/m; εr = 47.814; ρ
= 1000 kg/m3

DASY5 Configuration:
- Probe: EX3DV4 - SN3578; ConvF(3.2, 3.2, 3.2); Calibrated: 2014/06/24;
- Sensor-Surface: 2mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
- Electronics: DAE3 Sn579; Calibrated: 2014/04/23
- Phantom: SAM Phantom_Front; Type: SAM V4.0; Serial: TP 1202
- Measurement SW: DASY52, Version 52.8 (8); SEMCAD X Version 14.6.10 (7331)

Pin=100mW/Area Scan (91x91x1): Interpolated grid: dx=1.000 mm, dy=1.000 mm
Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 18.4 W/kg

Pin=100mW/Zoom Scan (7x7x12)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=4mm, dy=4mm, dz=2mm
Reference Value = 59.54 V/m; Power Drift = 0.10 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 32.9 W/kg
SAR(1 g) = 8.32 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 2.36 W/kg
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 17.4 W/kg

Test Laboratory: Bureau Veritas ADT SAR/HAC Testing Lab            Date: 2014/07/27

System Check_B5800_140727

DUT: Dipole 5 GHz; Type: D5GHzV2; SN: 1019

Communication System: CW; Frequency: 5800 MHz;Duty Cycle: 1:1
Medium: B50T60N2_0727 Medium parameters used: f = 5800 MHz; σ = 6.017 S/m; εr = 47.6; ρ =
1000 kg/m3

DASY5 Configuration:
- Probe: EX3DV4 - SN3578; ConvF(3.39, 3.39, 3.39); Calibrated: 2014/06/24;
- Sensor-Surface: 2mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
- Electronics: DAE3 Sn579; Calibrated: 2014/04/23
- Phantom: SAM Phantom_Front; Type: SAM V4.0; Serial: TP 1202
- Measurement SW: DASY52, Version 52.8 (8); SEMCAD X Version 14.6.10 (7331)

Pin=100mW/Area Scan (91x91x1): Interpolated grid: dx=1.000 mm, dy=1.000 mm
Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 17.6 W/kg

Pin=100mW/Zoom Scan (7x7x12)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=4mm, dy=4mm, dz=2mm
Reference Value = 57.14 V/m; Power Drift = 0.00 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 32.4 W/kg
SAR(1 g) = 7.79 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 2.22 W/kg
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 16.8 W/kg

Document Created: 2014-08-27 17:32:40
Document Modified: 2014-08-27 17:32:40

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